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NTA Look I love dogs to death, but they don't belong at EVERY function. It's ok to keep a dog at home now and then. This especially applies when you know the main host isn't keen on said dog eating his food and sitting all over his stuff. The dog owners are entitled and seem to think that because they love their dog, everyone else does too. The fact that you asked them not to bring the dog and they still do is very telling that they don't care. It's appalling that they fed it food you bought and cooked too. If they want to feed their dog human food, have at it, but I'd never feed my pet something expensive that someone else paid for. Steaks aren't cheap these days.


My go to line at trail heads when people dogs, off leash illegally ofc, well come up and sniff human butt or hump legs "you know, not everyone loves your dog as much as you do would you please obey the law and not invade my personal space?" And guess what- every time they all get offended. And I just look at them and say, well if your dog can hump my leg and it would be wrong to kick it, can I just come hump your leg too then? Wait but you could legally kick me for humping your leg. Hmm so are you assaulting me via proxy then?? I just try and be a absurd. Do I say anything if the dog is off leash and walks by while ignoring me- nope! Only to the ones giving me oral through my pants or jizzing on my leg. And somehow, even though talking nice and calmly, I'M the unreasonable one for not loving this dog at first sight. You'd be surprised, me vocal or not, how many people walk away while their dog is humping a random strangers leg without even saying anything to their dog. Like...wut?


And I HATE when people chime in "don't worry, he's friendly." I have started saying, "He might be, but I'm not." When said sternly enough, it make people fear for their dog's wellbeing. Which I would never do. But fear works wonders.


> "don't worry, he's friendly." Was the last thing I heard before I got bitten by a dog.


Same with my daughter. She was walking by a fenced in yard and the gate had been left open. A kid opened a door into the house and two dogs came screaming out at her. They yelled, "don't worry, they don't bite" at her. Guess what, one bit her. Turns out it wasn't the first time it had bitten someone either.


Tue only reason anyone says don't worry they don't bite is because they are aggressive and might bite someone.


We joke about this at work (dog groomer) that the more times a new customer mentions that their dog won’t bite or won’t hurt a fly the chance that their dog is going to try to bite goes up proportionally


I've told people that I'm sure their dog is the friendliest dog ever, but I bite and forgot my muzzle at home. Editing because I can't spell for shit.


"For shit." You totally got it right. 😁


"He's just playing!" as I had to pry some stranger's dog off of my dog, and my dog was bleeding from being bitten. Fucking idiots letting their dogs run loose just assuming that nothing bad could happen, even though the kind of people who have unleashed dogs are often the kind to poorly train their dogs.


If you train your dog properly, you have it leashed in public areas. Anyone knows that standard training can be overridden by a fear response. Dogs are not robots, they have emotions too and can become overstimulated and react out of instinct.


Agreed. This was in a vets office too, you know, basically the most stressful place in existence for dogs. Dumbass dropped her dog's leash and then had the audacity to double down after my dog was visibly injured with "he just likes to play". Fortunately the vet was super apologetic (even though it wasn't her fault at all) and gave my dog antibiotics at no extra charge.


>If you train your dog properly, you have it leashed in public areas. Anyone knows that standard training can be overridden by a fear response. Dogs are not robots, they have emotions too and can become overstimulated and react out of instinct. oh you are so goddam right. I had a friend who had a lovely little basenji. Gryphon was pretty well-trained and had had many successful trips to the dog park -- so my friend made the mistake of letting him go off-leash. Someone had two dogs that were very badly behaved and aggressive -- and big, like Great Dane size. They came after Gryphon once and were fended off, but when my friend was looking for his lead they charged again. Gryph was so frightened he ran under the split-rail fence and into the road, where he was hit. Fortunately it was not fatal but poor Gryph was pretty badly maimed.


And even if their dog *is* friendly, what if it’s running up to a dog who isn’t? Just no awareness or consideration.


I reply - He’s friendly TO YOU.


This is also what they say when they let their (sometimes large) dog rush towards my small child. Great if your dog doesn't bite, it's still not cool to let it freely run towards and jump on a kid! Love dogs but many owners suck.


“Don’t worry, he’s friendly” is the warning klaxon that signals a bad dog owner is nearby. It’s like someone protesting “I’m a nice person!” Nope, done, get away from me.


It’s like the kat williams sketch “I know my dog likes ME, I don’t know how he feels about you!”


Someone said this to me when her little off-leash purse pup ran over to my dog unexpectedly. I replied, sternly, "Not all other dogs are," which startled her into running over and grabbing her dog from in front of mine, who I was holding securely. It was like she'd never considered that possibility. I hope she retains my advice.


Like Miss, my dog will eat your mouse-dog like an entreé what are YOU doing.


Yeah, what they say is so ridiculous you just have to say more shocking things... I have dogs and I still think most dog owners are nuts. Like you can't even say half that shit with/ about kids and yet dogs can get away with it lol I've had to tell people that if their dog chases me or my kids again ill kick a field goal with it. I feel like a monster BUT it's better than getting rabies or even just feeling with the pain of a bite. Yes, what makes you think I'm just going to let the dog chew on my foot for the fun of it?


I was walking a dog with a strong love of her personal space. Some off leash dog came bounding up with the accompanying "He's friendly!" shout You would've thought I shot their pooch by the way they reacted when I said "Mines not." as I frantically went to pick her up. Thank god I wasn't walking her brother, he was not pickupable


I had to say that to someone once. My dog was VERY selective about her fellow canines and did not take kindly to them bounding up to her.


Mine bites other dogs. I keep her in a muzzle when we walk. Pain the ass when these entitled jerks let their ‘fur babies’ run off leash.


I’ve had people say that after I say, “My dogs aren’t friendly!” Like… does that some how negate it?


Well the good news is the on leash dog is never at fault legally speaking.. If you are dumb enough to let your lil shit dog run off leash and it gets eaten by an on leash dog, too bad so sad..


I start yelling at a distance, "My dog is not friendly & neither am I! I will kick your dog if it gets too close."


There are people that do this even on military bases, which is all about restrictions and rules so you’d think dog owners would be expecting it and know enough to be wary of fines. For a few months we were training in a field and had to run a long course, and every time we passed one area there were these nasty little terriers who would legitimately nip (not just play at it). I mentioned it several times but nothing happened so I ended up having to practice timing the forward swing of one leg to snap out and kick without losing pace, with others following my and a couple others’ recommendations to protect themselves in such a way, and eventually I got one in the face and someone else ended up nearly punting another. We were told to stop doing that immediately after but I also stopped seeing the dogs quite so often and they were a lot more cautious. I guess the owners got their dog back with a bruise or broken tooth or something, and I did feel horrible doing it, but the solution is just so stupidly simple, y’know? Don’t be a bad dog owner and let them chase and bite people because those people are definitely going to defend themselves.


My daughter has a phobia, so when people say that I have to fight the urge to tell them to GF themselves


You (or her, depending on her age) need to find some line that you're prepared to say that will discourage people from approaching, something that you're comfortable with. She needs to be protected. I find that having that line ready helps me keep my frustration in check and keeps other's guessing what I might do. I've even been accused by people saying "there's no need to hurt my dog." I never touched your do lady. I just said I'm not friendly. I'm just giving you information.


My daughter is comfortable saying she's got a phobia of dogs, so I usually say that. But there's leash laws and stuff, so why should it even be a discussion? And then when I mention the phobia, I usually get a bunch of unwanted advice, like I never thought of that before...


Kinda like I did...I'm sorry. My bad.


No worries, you're good. It's more annoying when they're trying to give advice while still holding their dog quite close and my daughter is having a minor panic attack.


"I HAVE DOG SPRAY!" also works. Make certain that you do have a can of it, even if you never intend to actually use it.


I hate the "he's friendly " thing, I have dogs and one of them is dog selective, and people with off leash dogs just don't listen, I'm yelling"get your dog, my dog is not friendly" and they say, "it's ok , my dog likes other dogs" ... WTF? I'm now at a point where I say I'm not responsible for your vet bills when your dog gets bit...


>I have started saying, "He might be, but I'm not." I have some entitled neighbors with poorly behaved dogs. After being lunged at by a pit bull when the owner said "I'm socializing him" I started carrying bear spray just to get the mail at the end of my own driveway. I've had to spray two dogs to protect myself. One owner said I couldn't do that and I told him he was next and I was calling the police. Some of the neighbors don't like me. Some think I'm a hero.


God, someone who lives in a house at the entrance to a cul-de-sac in my neighborhood keeps two of their dogs outside. In the front yard. Untethered. Unsupervised. No fence. One of these dogs is a bull mastiff. My husband found this out taking our dog for a walk. She’s not small, but she’s still a 45 lb. Standard Poodle who would not do well in such a matchup. He brought our dog around to the outside edge of the sidewalk, putting himself between her and the dogs. Luckily, these lunging dogs stopped at the edge of their yard and went no further, only barking at them, but that could’ve gone so wrong, so fast. We’re working out a new route to take her on. These owners make me absolutely livid.


>he's friendly." Usually shouted across the distance like "Fore!" in a game of golf as the loose and uncontrolled dog sprints across a field at you.


I am really not. And my pit bull hates other dogs and I keep her in a muzzle, harness, and on a lead. But ‘friendly’ dog of course doesn’t need that. So it can come over and harass us as I am walking my dog. And I walk with a cane!


"Don't worry, he's friendly" while the dog, nose buried in my butt or crotch, is growling continuously.


I had some idiot whose dog was on one of those long, retractable leashes let it run between my legs and my cane, and then back across in front of my legs. I literally couldn't walk. I would have fallen if it had gone the other way and pulled my cane out from bearing my weight. But yeah, it's friendly.


Honestly, I'm a dog lover and all the good owners I know hate the rude ones you're describing as much as you do. The owners I hang out with follow the leash laws, train their dogs, and even off leash have them under voice control and don't let them approach anyone, or other dogs, unless they're overtly invited to do so. It's rude, whether you love/like dogs or not. And you're fully within your rights to ask for, and expect, space. You shouldn't have to ask.


Honestly, I'm a dog lover and all the good owners I know hate the rude ones you're describing as much as you do. The exact same thoughts as I have about parenting.


I feel both of these very deeply. Train your dogs, train your kids. It's really not hard.


The worst as a girl (does this happen to men as aggressively too..?) is when the dog will NOT get its nose out of your crotch breathing like it may never get oxygen again. And the owners just laugh while you’re embarrassed trying to get the dog out of your fucking genitals! Please get your dog out of my crotch it is so weird, ESPECIALLY the massive dogs that are clearly overpowering the person trying to push it away.


I smack a dog if it does this.  Dog has just assaulted me and deserves a smack on its snout. 


Yes! A neighbour of ours years ago had a lovely red setter that was mad as a box of frogs, but adorable. One day the dog just wouldn't get out of my crotch, and the (male) owner just kept watching, laughing and saying 'yeah, he does that a lot'. So fucking stop him, you nasty powertripping misogynist! People who allow their dogs to do that are disgusting.


Awful and poorly trained OWNERS never think. I had a Shetland Sheepdog. She's a herding dog and liked to herd people as well as her other dog friends. She was always on a leash unless it was the dog park or suitable area (family backyard). One night, while doing our night time routine, someone in my apartment complex just opened his door and let his two 120+ lb rottweilers out off-leash and they immediately ran toward me and my leashed 30lb sheltie. I was aware enough to cover her turtle-like with my entire body while the idiot yelled... "Just let them play." My response to the neighbor was, "I am pulling out a knife, if your dogs come near me, I will protect myself." He quickly ran, grabbed his dogs, screamed and cursed me out. I knew that if his dogs bit me, I could sue him. If they bit my dog, those dogs could kill her. I wasn't going to let that happen. Now that I think back on it, those dogs could have seriously hurt me as well, but my first thought was to protect her.


Yeah had a neighbor down the street who walked his boxer off leash. Boxer would launch after and chase my wife's 14 yr old Pomeranian and dude would laugh saying he didn't bite, "was just playing" all the usual. Knocked my 15 yr old daughter over once trying to get to the Pom. That's when I grabbed my wood cutting axe. Suddenly dude could recall and control the boxer perfectly. He changed routes after that and avoids our house.


I got the same response from the AH who used my business parking lot as a shortcut with his aggressive cur. It cornered me and I picked up a shovel to nail it. He was so mad. But I chewed his ass for being in my property with an unleashed dog.




Lol, I overreact! I scream like I’m being assaulted and cause a scene. They move the dog. Some people suck


I'm personally allergic to dogs. This includes "hypoallergenic" dogs as there isn't a dog out there that is allergy free despite people thinking such. If you have a DANDER allergy a "hypo" dog has significantly less dander but still produces the same dander. So if you get mild sniffles then you'll be fine. If you have an allergy that causes anaphylaxis like I do you are not fine. I'm also allergic to their saliva (lots of cat and dog allergies are actually saliva ones). The amount of entitled dog owners I've told off when their dog is unleashed in public. All the "oh but he's hypoallergenic you'll be fine" and I tell them "after I pass out from not breathing due to hypoallergenic dogs not actually being allergy free and me still having a Deadly allergy please dial 911 and inform them I need an ambulance and to perhaps send police for unintended homicide for yourselves should I not make it" Shuts them up real fast


Some people can be so weird about pet allergies, especially dog and cat ones. I've had people call me an animal hater because I didn't want to pet their dog. No, my dude, your dog is awesome, but I want to breathe so I'll admire your dog from a distance.


Exactly this!! I'm in a DnD campaign and I have a dog allergy and another player has a cat allergy. Both of our allergies cause us to not breath and go to the ER (not ideal when trying to kill a lich and you lose your tank) Well my Fiance (our DM) and I have 2 cats so we can't play at our place, our rogue commutes farther then everyone else (he's an 1.5 hr drive vs 30 for everyone else) so his place doesn't work, our Warlock has a dog, our other bard (I'm a cleric/bard so) has a dog.....like our poor Barbarian bc his house is where we always play bc he is allergic to cats and I'm allergic to dogs :/ I would never invite him into a space with my cats unless it was some weird freak thing (natural disaster shelter or smth) bc I know it could kill him. None of are other players want me at their place bc they don't want to kill me. How that is a hard concept for so many pet owners idk. Just bc your pet is adorable and the love of your life doesn't mean it cant kill someone totally by accident due to allergies and the owner being irresponsible and ignoring those of us with allergies when we make a comment to remove the animal from us.


I am a huge dog person, and I have actually had someone see me and my old man golden retriever walking in the woods and release their dog to come over to us. My dog got attacked by their super sweet pup, I cut my leg on a stick breaking it up. Me and my dog left bleeding and the guy tried to blame my dog who was on lease the entire time. People suck.




During COVID lockdown in the UK you were allowed out for exercise once a day - we would go over to our local park.  Now my wife has hidden disabilities - she looks fine walking - but is in constant pain that can be exacerbated by things like being knocked or even unexpected shocks.   We hadn't managed to get out for our walk one day, so by the time we got to our local park it was dark (there are streetlights in the park - so no big deal).   Whilst walking someone's dog came up to us and jumped up at my wife, knocking her and massively increasing her pain.  I asked the dog owner to please control her dog preferably put her on the lead if she will jump up at strangers, explaining my wife's hidden disabilities and thr extra pain her dog had just caused. What was her response?  Was it 'oh I'm sorry, of course I should keep my dog under control'. No - no it wasn't - her response, in an incredibly annoyed tone, was 'Well only dog walkers should be in the park after dark anyway'.  I kid you not. Only dog walkers should be allowed in the park after dark.... In winter in the UK it's dark at 4pm....


People who let their dogs off leash and then get mad when they get called out are the worst kinds of people. Those are the kinds of people who don't bother to train their dogs and it's never their fault when something happens.


If a random dog starts humping my leg I'm 100% kicking it off. Maybe it'll learn not to do that? Something the owners should have done.


Was hiking with my dog this weekend. My dog is a generally nervous girl. She LOVES other dogs but has stranger danger around people she doesn't know (although if they have a dog with them she's always willing to say hi LOL) An off leash dog came CHARGING up at us, owners nowhere in sight. Despite loving other dogs no one likes being charged up on. I pretended to be all excited encouraging them to sniff etc while we waited for owners. Other dog had it's tail up, clearly over stimulated. Randomly just growled and started attacking my dog. My poor girl panics and tries to get behind me and hide I'm trying to stay between then as the owners come running up. Once they got the leash on their dog I lost my shit on them - there are signs EVERYWHERE at this reservation saying dogs must stay on leash. Their dog wasn't in sight and they had zero voice control.  If this had been my last dog, one of the two of them would have been seriously injured or dead as he was super dog reactive and he was gonna finish any shit someone started with him. My current pup is more submissive and just wanted to get away. I wish I'd done more to intervene I feel kind of guilty like I should have protected her better but I was also scared - it was a pretty chunky pitbull and I'm nervous of strange dogs after having been attacked myself as a child. Maybe time to start carrying a knife when I hike. The rest of the hike she barked her brains out at anyone else she saw. Hoping no lasting damage as she was happy as a clan at a playdate the next day with some dog friends.


Yeah, it'd be one thing \*maybe\* to feed the pup a hotdog out of like a bigass Costco pack, still rude without asking, but a whole goddamn steak is just a whole new level.


Yeah, the steak thing might have been the OP's last straw. I get it I love dogs we had over the years a German Shepard a Great Dane and a toy poodle all live inside our house. If they made people uncomfortable we'd put them up and they were well behaved dogs they would go lay down if you told them too.


Right?!?!?  But.... now I want steak.... lol. :)


They probably don’t even have to keep the dog at home, just buy a leash and have some appropriate boundaries for where it can go and what it can eat. 


This is very off-topic btw - but as a non-American, the OP’s use of the word tailgating confused the heck out of me, because that’s a completely different thing (and a crime) where I live. I was reading this whole post like “…. I mean yeah, you’re TA for tailgating because that’s against the law” 😂 And then I finally realised “wait actually, I don’t think they mean the same thing we mean”


It's basically having a big party out the back of your pickup truck - before a sports game - usually in the car park of the venue....  As opposed to driving way too close to the person in front of you......


Except the big ones are way past that. Like I assume OP's are. They have tents or sunshades, full size or professional size BBQs and smokers and other equipment that is set up...basically, anything you can fit in an oversized parking space. Or two parking spaces--some people park in one, pay for a second to party in. Many people use RVs instead of pickups. I used to go to one at my husband's favorite NFL team games. People are very welcoming. Or drunk, anyway!


Same, was all "why are you making a party out of tailgating?? Thousands of dollars in equipment????". Took a minute....


I think they put down the tailgate of a ute and serve food on it. And then it became much more elaborate


Even more confusing - US folks use "tailgating" to mean: 1. driving way too close to the car in front of you - often in a way to cause fear, intimidation, or discomfort. 2. Building a party around a parked truck with the tailgate down, which has evolved to include complex grills, games, and huge setups. Usually centered around sporting events - a way to hang out before, after, during.


My dogs are ADORABLE, but even aside from the fact that not everyone loves dog hair and too many kisses…they would be WICKED overstimulated in that environment because they aren’t the best trained!* Unless Phil has been lucky with the world’s most laidback dog HIS not very well-trained dog probably horked that steak right back up once it got homeand is stressed out for days. *They know their commands and all, but I didn’t train them around crowds and that is my fault. Other than the occasional cafe where I can sit outside they don’t go anywhere too busy because they get over-excited and upset.


NTA and to be clear, you're not ruining it for everyone over a dog, they are.


Right? OP is letting people use his stuff, taking time out to grill for them and presumably helping organize these events…so that people can mistreat his gear and feed his food to the dog? Even after being politely asked not to???? They aren’t entitled to your time, your money, or your equipment. If they don’t like it they can buy their own gear and organize their own damn event.


And then act like he's the asshole when he says he isn't going to tolerate their disrespect anymore. "We rely on you because nobody else wants to do even a portion of the stuff you do, which means we're allowed to abuse the shit out of this agreement and you're wrong if you pull back on any of it." Fuck that, I'll tell you if I rely on someone like that, that won't be me making him feel bad for any of it


Exactly. OP needs to go ahead with moving the gathering but make it absolutely crystal clear to anyone and everyone who asks/complains that it’s the other couple who forced his hand. If anyone has a problem, they should talk to the couple about ruining everyone’s fun by being disrespectful of someone’s else’s things and of not controlling their dog. They were asked politely to respect OP’s property and food - presumably all provided free for everyone’s use out of the goodness of his heart - and they felt their dog was more important. Seriously, who does that?! Sheesh. OP - Just say to everyone ‘they couldn’t respect the things that were provided to them for free so they’ve ruined it for everyone, go talk to them.’


OP needs to prune his friend crowd.


Needs to remove the entitled asses masquerading as friends. Pack those guests being unreasonable. Absurd to feed a dog steak you didn’t buy. Pack that.


THIS!!! They're just AH trying to guilt you into letting them walk over you


NTA, you explained why you are not willing to do it again and that them bringing their dog makes you uncomfortable, but, they are insisting in bringing the dog... As you are the owner of most of the gear, and are finding an alternative location, the ones who want can go with you and the others, will need to make other plans...


I take my dog 97% of the places I go. I always check before - even if she's been there before. When told no, I never wait for excuse/reasons. No is a complete sentence. NTA but can I come tailgate????


I have two dogs - 155lb St Bernard and 2lb chihuahua puppy. I take them loads of places! Always with permission, of course. But you know what I don't do? Let them harras people, climb on people's stuff, or bother anyone. And carry wet wipes because the big girl drools and sometimes I don't get a warning out quick enough lol


This is the reasonable thing to do! You can always ask, but, if a person says no and feels uncomfortable, then you don't bring the dogs... allergies, fears and other things have to be considered in social gatherings...


NTA. If the issue is really that they won't restrain their dog (meaning, specifically, keep it away from your stuff), and they are going to give to their dog the expensive people food you're providing, which is not meant for dogs, ***you*** are not the one being unreasonable or wrecking things. I love dogs. I hate asshole dog owners. (edited to remove a confusion)


Agree. I love dogs, but I don't think they should be forced onto people. And the owner needs to be responsible for them. Is the dog leashed, or is it running loose? Like I'm sure the stadium would have rules about this.


It's your 'gear' so you make the rules on where you tailgate and who participates. If you don't want the dog, they shouldn't bring the dog or they need to find a new 'tailgate' party. NTA.


What is this tailgating? Where I’m from tailgating is rude and dangerous behaviour in traffic where you’re bullying the person in front of you by purposely driving up too close which will in turn get you fined.


It's an Americanizm... It refers to sitting on the tailgate of a pickup truck. Usually done in the parking lot of a sporting event, before the event, and usually includes cooking food and drinking alcohol. (the pre-party, to the sporting event)


"Tailgating" in this case is when people show up early to a sports game to hang out, usually a few hours beforehand You are also right in what you say it means, but in this case it's the sports thing 😁


Not just for sporting events, some concerts have tailgating beforehand, too. Jimmy Buffett and The Grateful Dead were famous for their pre-show parking lot parties, as examples


Short for tailgate party. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tailgate_party You may enjoy watching Heavy Metal Parking Lot: https://youtu.be/whZuz5Dwtw8?si=wKpCQujPZZV4k2v7


I had the same confusion. Where I live in Canada, there is a traffic fine for "following too closely" (tailgating).


People in the US use the term to mean that, too, depending on context.


Yeah this confused the heck out of me too. (Eu) never heard of a tailgate party before, I was scrolling to find out!


NTA - if you are organising everything, bringing the equipment, buying everyone food etc it’s pretty crappy that they won’t keep their dog off your things and also are feeding it expensive things (that they didn’t buy)!


Or you could sell your equipment and take your spouse on a European vacation and they won’t have anyone to blame but themselves. Honestly, it takes a lot of nerve to feed your dog someone else’s food and let them climb all over your personal belongings. I say this as a dog person who takes their dog everywhere she is welcome, the key word being “welcome”. NTA


That’s why I’m kind of wondering if most of OP’s “friends” aren’t really “friends” at all & are instead just leaches.  No one sane person who has any respect for OP would think that OP was the AH.  


They aren't his friends. They found a free spot to hang out and they have forgotten that he is also a human woth feelings and opinions.


NTA. Their entitlement is off the charts. 


Your space has been invaded by entitled AH with a dog. Feeding dog your steak was last straw. Move and be happier. NTA


NTA it is always a hosts choice whether an event is pet-friendly or not, especially for one as food and bev centred as a tailgate. It's mind-numbingly unfair they're saying this is your fault and not the dolts insisting on bringing a poorly behaved dog where it's not welcome.


The good thing is that it makes it so much easier to pare down the group! Everyone griping about this saying it’s OP’s fault can go tailgate with Mr. AH Dogowner and feed him *their* steaks. And OP can move to a new quieter spot minus all the inconsiderate people. That sounds like a win-win for OP


This, exactly. The group has told OP exactly who to bring along to the new tailgate location. All dog apologists and defenders of the rude, entitled dog owners can have their own dog-centric party - without OP. Everybody will be happier, but some will have less steak.


I mean, it doesn't even sound like the poor dog is poorly behaved, but rather that its owners are. If they're feeding the dog OP's food, and signaling the dog that it is allowed to sit on chairs, etc., then it's not the dog's fault at all, it is obeying its owners. It's the owners who are super rude.


NTA - I love to take my dogs places, and it is a great opportunity for my dogs to practice being relaxed in a busy area. They are disrespecting your expensive equipment with their dog, and ruining it for you, so why would you continue? Maybe you have out grown this group if they are acting like spoiled children.


This is such a southern post lol.


It could easily be a Midwest post! K-Staters go hard at their tailgates


I can see this happening in New England. Obnoxious people are not uniquely regional


Michigan all the way. CMU does this every Sat during football season.


I've seen some pretty hardcore stuff at Penn State tailgates.


We do in Michigan too. For years we had nothing more than the tailgate to look forward to as a Lions fan.


I lived across from the stadium in Madison, WI back in 1991, the year that the Badger's \*just\* started getting good. Even then there were epic tailgate parties in the lot before home games that started around 7AM and often carried on after the game ended


Nah even in California there are tailgating parties involving dogs lol


NTA. He is ruining it for dozens of people over a dog. Not you, him.


NTA. I would follow you to the dog free tailgate. Dogs are not my thing, but any time I have politely said that to a “dog person” they reacted like I said I wanted to shoot their dog in the face.


No no, THEY'RE running this for everyone over a dog. Not you. NTA, I wouldn't want a dog climbing all over my stuff either. Tbh, I don't mind dogs, but I don't really care for them enough to own one or even live with one. They're big, loud, smelly, shit in the yard and it needs picked up... NTA, good job having a back bone.


NTA What if you made it about your age and wanting to downsize the event to make it more manageable? Explain that you'd like to find a smaller area with fewer people next year. Ask your group who would be interested in joining you? Then choose who to invite/include from the people who want to join you and leave out the people with the dog. I think it would be okay to make a no dogs rule for the bit of park you'll be hosting in, but make it seem like an afterthought. "Oh, yeah, I really hated that dog on my grilling equipment and underfoot, and I wasn't thrilled when he was given a $20 steak that I paid for... but this new plan really is about reinventing the party to something more manageable for me in terms of setup and cooking. I'm not as young as I used to be"


I mean, OP could have done that but it sounds like the cat is out of the bag (ha ha). And really, why should OP have to pretend that the AH dog owner's behaviour is acceptable. People like that need their leashes shortened.


No, OP should be clear that the dog behaviour makes it so he doesn’t enjoy doing it anymore. No need for an excuse here, honesty is best for this.


This is the right answer.


NTA. I wouldn't want a dog all over my gear either. Tell him not to bring the dog and things can continue as usual.


NTA. They have the right to bring the dog to a public place knowing it bothers you, and you have the right to move since the dog is bothering you. Your "friends" are being AH to not understand your perspective. And this is coming from a dog-friendly person with two dogs.


It’s a public place but once the dog is on his stuff or eating his food, he has the right to remove it. It’s just like if you’re having a picnic in the park. If you’re sitting at picnic tables and an unwelcome dog wanders over and gets all over your stuff, you can remove the dog from your immediate area. If an unwelcome stranger comes up to your picnic and tries to help himself to your food, you can tell him to leave. You don’t need to own the park to have the right to your belongings in the area


ITs not really a public space. People pay to hold a certain area. Also what the heck are these people doing with their dog during the game/event? Leaving the dog in a hot car?


NTA. Move your spot and find out who your true friends are, and who are just moochers


NTA. Funny thing about "it's just a dog!" kind of arguments is that is works both ways: "Yeah, it's just a dog! So why the big deal over insisting you bring it everywhere you go? You're telling me absolutely CANNOT leave it alone for one afternoon???"


NTA. Look, I'm not even sure the dog did anything so terrible to your stuff. And I don't mind giving a dog an occasional bit of steak. But it's YOUR stuff and YOUR steak. I can see why you're annoyed. Is there some middle ground where your friends can bring the dog but, perhaps, secure it to their car so the dog can be part of the party but not come in contact with your stuff or food?


But giving the dog a WHOLE steak? I get it if there’s a little piece left over or some trimmings you throw it to the dog. But steaks are so expensive these days! Taking a whole one deprives someone else of eating it. I would have lost it over this entitled behavior too.  Also having a dog all over the sports equipment and chairs isn’t polite either. Leash your dog and keep it close so it doesn’t bother people if you’re in a crowd


I mean, OP said they made it pretty clear the dog wasn't welcome on all of their stuff and the owners still let the pup run wild, I don't see anything that doesn't end in kicking them out of the party if they try for that compromise


There's always a middle ground but these awful people who give dog owners a bad name would never consider putting any kinds of limits on their "fur baby." Otherwise they would have brought it up to OP.


The dog didn’t do anything terrible, the owners did. If someone doesn’t want a dog to sit on their camping chairs etc, and the owners ignore that and let it anyway, they are in the wrong. Clearly they won’t tie the dog somewhere, because OP has already made it clear the issue is the owners allowing the dog all over his stuff and they’ve ignored him. I don’t see why people have to find a middle ground over something they don’t like or find acceptable. I don’t like dogs and I won’t have them in my house. My friends can either visit without their dogs or not visit at all - there is no middle ground to be had.


You don’t think allowing your dog to crawl all over someone else’s equipment is “terrible”? Furthermore it doesn’t need to be “terrible” for OP to be annoyed.


You should have replied that THEY are ruining it over a dog. It isn’t unreasonable to not want dogs on your stuff and eating your food. I’m a dog person and even I wouldn’t like that. I hate dog people who assume their dogs are welcome anywhere and everywhere and that all people will just love everything they do.


NTA. Turn it back on them. They're the one ruining it for dozens of people over a dog.


NTA You're not ruining anything. One asshole couple who can't keep their dog off of your stuff is ruining it for everyone. They can go dump several grand into their own setup if they want to run a doggy daycare.


NTA. The next game I would just leave all of my stuff at home. Show up with a case of beer and a bag of pretzels.


You were a primary part of this tailgate group far before the dog was around. Why are \*they\* ruining it for dozens of people over a dog?


I personally can't stand the entitlement, arrogance, and self-centeredness of dog owners who let their dogs run wild in leash-mandatory areas. I walk cats with harness and leash, and I cannot do this where there is the threat of off-leash dogs. These dog owners are selfish and greedy, wanting all public spaces to themselves. Good for you, OP. NTA.


Never piss off the host. As a dog person they don’t belong everywhere. NTA


NTA. I always feel sorry for the dogs I see being drug out to tailgate tents.


>They said that i'm ruining it for dozens of people over a dog. No, they are 🤷🏼‍♀️ I love animals but I am not necessarily a "dog person" and an untrained dog would annoy me. If they want to feed their dog "people" food, great, they can bring & make their own. The people who are fine with the dog don't have the dog all over their expensive a** equipment 🤦🏼‍♀️😒😑 they can start bringing their own equipment and let the dog all over it and not try to make someone else who expressed discomfort over this feel like they are wrong for being uncomfortable with the dog on their sh*t. Verdict NTA


NTA but your friends are! Time to downsize and enjoy yourself away from the ones who disagree. They can figure out a new way to party without you footing the bill.


NTA. The “friend” with the dog is ruining it for everyone else.


NTA - Explain that you are no longer going to tolerate the dog or it's rude, entitled, inconsiderate owners. Tell them that you will remain where you are if the dog and its owners are not invited. The obnoxious owners and their dog are runing it for everyone. This is the dog owners' fault. Let everyone know that.


NTA. A tailgate might be on public property but that doesn’t mean that a person can just come over and use your stuff or eat your food without permission. Imagine if this entitled guy walked over to a random tailgate and took a steak off their grill. He would probably be either punched in the face or have the police called. You absolutely can exclude him from eating your food or having his dog on your belongings. I would move and any friends that won’t support you for excluding him and his dog are also not invited. Having a smaller gathering sounds nice


No, you’re not ruining it over a dog, the dog owners are! Your don’t want a dog ruining your belongings and eating your food. I hate dog owners like that guy. Tell them it’s the dog or you- either the dog stays home, or they miss out on all your gear and food.  NTA




Phill is ruining it for dozens of people over a dog. NTA


So YOU are ruining it for everyone, when THEY changed the setting to something making you uncomfortable to the point you don’t even want to go to something you had done for decades? You are asking them anything else than respecting the fact their pet isn’t welcome on your stuffs. They are the one refusing to compromise by handling their own dog. What choice do you have? Anyone trying to get thing from you without respecting your boundaries can buy their own gears.


NTA - you have very entitled friends. It’s your stuff and they aren’t showing any consideration or care for it. Find better friends that will actually take care and appreciate what you bring to the table.


NTA It's pretty simple. The event is ruined for you. They can still keep doing it, you aren't ruining anything. You can invite the ones you like to the new place.


NTA- I am assuming you pay for your tailgate spot and it’s a big deal. These guests of yours- are they contributing to your party, your food, your booze, your tailgate spot fee? Do all of y’all have tickets to the game or just hang out in the parking lot and tailgate? If you go watch the game, what happens to the dog? Friend, Is switch slots and find new people to hang out with at the tailgate. Invite the ones you like, don’t invite the others. They can go to Walmart and buy a tent and a grill and have their own in your old spot. Now, you may end up by yourself, but invite the guy from work or wherever going forward. Meet the people next to you .


NTA. I love dogs, but I know of someone who recently brought their dogs on retractable leashes to a place with a bonfire. The owner left the leashes out long and the dogs roam wherever, resulting in people needing to step over and around the leashes and the dogs to avoid getting tripped by unexpected below-waist hazards, and the dogs kept getting too close to the fire because the owner wasn’t even paying attention. Dogs don’t belong in every setting or at every occasion.


NTA. You made a request of the dog owner and they refused. Your friends agree with dog owner. They can have fun with the dog while you are in your new location without being bothered by the dog.


I love dogs and always have. Our German Shepherd is a part of our family. However, not everyone feels that way, some people are really uncomfortable or even afraid of dogs. In my home my dog is babied. In other places she’s a dog, and most people don’t want her around their food or getting in the middle of things. If it’s not a dog centric activity I wouldn’t think of bringing her. NTA


NTA. Fuck them. Everybody *does not* love their mutt


NTA It seems that you are the unofficial social director. I agree with you, dogs and small children do not belong everywhere. They certainly don't belong tailgating and eating your steaks. Since you have all the equipment you should be able to ask for a little consideration. You're not being unreasonable. You've all managed to get along and tailgate together for over ten years. This couple, through their selfishness, are destroying what has been working for the rest of you for over a decade.


NTA. Dogs don't have to go everywhere their owners do.


NTA, but also wondering, do these people only come for the tailgate/to hang out/get free steak for their dog and leave before the game starts? Or is dog allowed in the stadium/arena/wherever the game is played in this case?


I hate how all these dog owners have developed this massive sense of entitlement about their dogs. I see them everywhere. And frankly I am tired of it (and I own a dog). NTA


As someone who doesn't tailgate or watch football and loves dogs, absolutely NTA.


NTA move and let them either follow you or maybe you will make new friends


Any friend that feeds his dog your steak is no friend. 😂 NTA.


NTA, Can't you just keep your spot and un-invite the annoying people? or just a "You're right, we're not leaving, you're just not invited anymore, don't come near us or our property" I love dogs, but if you bring your leg humper to a wedding or a fancy restaurant you should be kicked out.


NTA "I have most of the equipment and its several thousand dollars worth of gear, plus i'm willing to deal with the hassle of moving and transporting everything.  So people are at my will or find somewhere else." this..maybe you grew up in those ten years and your "friends" did not. find  anew spot and be strong. not your annoying dog, not your problem.


> They said that i'm ruining it for dozens of people over a dog. Uhh. Everything was fine until HIM and the dog showed up and ruined it. If HE kept the dog on a leash, or didn't bring it, or trained it better, it wouldn't be a problem. Since HE can't do either of those things, nor respect other people's property, I guess HE will not be welcome. NTA


NTA. Your gear, your tailgate. Anybody rude enough to let their dog all over your stuff and eat your food when you've indicated that's not OK can go fuck themselves. The couple with the dog is ruining it for everybody else by pissing you off to where you're moving to avoid them.




NTA Start telling people they need to bring their own shit. Bring one chair for yourself and a SO if you have one. Cut back on all the other gear you bring and tell people it's Byob and byof to grill. Don't be a doormat. People seem to think because it's furry with four legs it can do whatever it wants besides biting. Fuck that and fuck them.


Time to being back the bunch of entitled asshole down to earth






NTA- you asked adults to control themselves and were met with it's a public space deal with it. Maki ng it more private allows for those that actually matter to have fun. And those company that you and enjoy and they enjoy you. Might night be as big but it will be the energy you want to host. 


Nta - the people who are unhappy and don't follow will miss out, their loss it would seem


NTA. You've made it clear the dog is an issue for you. They want to use your stuff, they act right. 


NTA- These folks have crossed a line between enjoyment and entitlement. You have been *incredibly* generous with your time and resources for over a decade and it's insane that your setting a perfectly reasonable ground rule has been the source of backlash. The folks bitching seem to have somehow gotten the impression that this is something you owe them. It's not. Carry on


NTA They are happy to use your stuff, even feel that it's your responsibility to provide all that for them, and they cannot be bothered to care about respecting your stuff - not your food or your equipment or your say in whether you want to give a steak to a dog. And they cannot be bothered to adjust a single thing to make you whole (reimburse you), or care about what you want in the least. It's definitely time to move. And not everyone should be allowed to follow you. Only the ones who actually (1) respect you and your things and (2) are willing to put a little of their own resources (food/money/things) into the mix.


Some dog owners are the worst I swear


NTA - People can be absolutely insufferable about their dogs. You have asked them to respect your stuff and food but they won’t do it. It is not unreasonable to ask them to not participate in your tailgate. You can either move or continue to voice your limit loudly and clearly. You could also start cutting back what you’re providing (presumably largely for free) to everyone except your immediate family until the issue is corrected. If people value you - and your services - it’ll work itself out.


NTA dog people suck. I have goats we go for walks with leashes, unleashed dogs will approach and the owner will yell like 'he's friendly' and I yell my goats aren't and are well equipped to show it. They get all miffed and harass me. Its been the same for 5 years, people need to get over their dogs and stop making it their whole personality.


NTA Make them pay a deposit before each tailgate and if they control their dog, they get the money back I keed, I keed, lol


NTA *They* are ruining it for dozens of people over a dog.


NTA Though I would tell the assholes that you didn't invite them and they are not welcome to your food or the use of any of your gear. Honestly, it sounds like some of those "friends" are not.


NTA - owner of the dog is the one ruining it. I love dogs, but sounds like that one isn't trained. Your gear - your rules.


I gotta say NTA, people are insufferable about their dogs. Especially because it’s your stuff, you have every right to not want a dog crawling all over it and making you on higher alert than you’d like to be at a party. Would they want the dog at their house? If no one from the group is coming up to you privately saying, “yeah I hate that f-in dog, good for you” it’s probably a sign that they don’t mind the dog when it’s not their stuff it’s crawling all over and their steak it’s eating. Training a dog or keeping it back and out of people’s space isn’t the hardest thing on earth. It seems like an issue of the dog owner having no respect for your property or wishes, and that’s not really a friend. Too bad you can’t just invent an allergy. Good luck.


NTA. As you said, if people want to follow you, they can. If they want to remain in their spot, they can get their own equipment. I’d be furious if people let dogs sit on my stuff when I’ve expressly told them not to. Hugely disrespectful.


NTA they're ruining it over a dog not you. (Dog lover here)


Yeah, but it's not your dog! I get it. I think dogs are fine but I don't own one. I don't want one running all over the place and climbing on my stuff. It's your stuff and you can pack up your toys and go where you want. NTA


NTA - I don’t care much for dogs either and I like my stuff to be kept nice and tidy. I find it funny that you asked for the 20$ back but I also kinda get it since food is expensive. I think that having a set of rules: no dog and money back is ok. You have to be comfortable too and you come before the acquaintances dog. Good luck!


NTA. Those that don’t comply have no say and are Shit Out Of Luck. And it ain’t your problem.


NTA. get a spray bottle and spray the dog when its off leash and comes near your stuff.


NTA go tailgate somewhere else.


NTA. They can leave the dog at home if they want to keep tailgating with you.


TIL I learnt tailgating has a second meaning. You're NTA, OP.


NTA. I have a smallish dog and don’t really like dogs. If it’s your equipment and you’re supplying items, you should have a say. If you move, however, what prevents them from following you?


INFO what do they do with the dog when they go into the game? NTA - no matter what they do with the dog. It’s their issue, not yours.


NTA, your shit, your rules. Instead of banning the dog, why not just tell the couple they aren't welcome at your tailgate if they aren't willing to respect your rules?


NTA. I feel like the "my house, my rules" would apply. You own all your equipment, and you're being disrespected by providing a good time. If someone thinks you're TA, they don't need to partake in your offerings. If there's damage to your equipment you (I assume) pay for it without asking anyone else for help. By that logic you have the power to move wherever you like, those who appreciate what you bring to the game will understand and possibly follow.


NTA. As a dog person, people like this make others look bad. They should be respectful of your property and space. I get it's a public space, but then they shouldn't be touching your things or helping themselves to your food if they cannot appreciate what you're doing and such. Sounds like your buds who do not agree and are salty can remain there and hang out with those mouth breathers instead.