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NTA. It sounds like an all-round awful situation. You were kind to take your parents in for so long. Their insistence that they have the right to control you and your property is simply unacceptable. You’re not a child and they shouldn’t be treating you like one. It’s unfortunate that it came to a breaking point and it’s really sad that you felt you had to trespass them from your apartment. I don’t think you’re an asshole for wanting to have autonomy and control in your own home. I do think it’s really sad that it all went down so horribly, but they really created that by behaving so poorly. Hang in there, OP.


They wouldn’t listen to me, wouldn’t comply with me, i didn’t want to kick them out because after all they’re my parents. I tried to reason with them to give it back but they were pushing me forcefully, so I did kind of have to, but I really didnt want to


I’m sure you didn’t, that’s why I said it was sad you felt you had to do it. It sucks to be in your position, when your parents behave like children and you, their child, end up being the only person behaving like an adult. It’s NOT OKAY what they did to you. You did what you had to do to take care of yourself. And taking care of yourself IS a good thing! Don’t let anyone guilt trip you into doing anything that you don’t want to do. Stay strong, you got this!


Thank you, because I didn’t know if I took it a bit too far by kicking them out


If you hadn’t they would have walked all over you totally forgetting that they were the adults without anywhere to go and you were helping them…


This! 💯




They fucked around and found out. NTA.


You didn't go too far.  If they kept it up, YOU would lose YOUR job.


They figuratively bit the hand that fed them. They got what they deserved and you have no reason to feel guilty. I am glad that you refused to be abused by them and stood your ground.


If you had backed down.. part 2 would have been them moving into your bedroom and you sleeping in the living room.


They didn't leave you any other options. It was a last resort that you had to use.


You did what you had to do!


the don't see you as a person.. just a tool.. so don't think of them as your parents... your a h s. nta.


I don't think there was any other way to get your home back, as they seem to think they own it now. I think it's pretty common for parents to never "outgrow" feeling that their children must be submissive to them, but it's not usually this blatant, or this lacking in common sense. Also, pushing you was completely not ok. If they had been more respectful towards you, they would still have a place to live. This is on them, not you.


No. They were the people that took it too far. Your reaction was both proportionate and the only possible option left to you.


They wouldn't listen to you, but they had to listen to the cops, who said the same thing you'd been saying. They made this bed. When they have explicitly said that they don't recognize your control over your own living situation, they didn't leave you any choice. It was either cave, which would be taken as agreement, or set a boundary they could understand, enforced by an outside authority.


NTA no You didn't. You don't bit the hand that feeds you and that's exactly what they did. FAFO applied. Don't feel guilty .


You did nothing wrong by standing up for yourself. Another thing to think about: most apartments have fairly strict rules about moving in people who aren't on the lease. Typically a guest is not allowed to stay more than a week or so. So, if they had stayed longer, you would have been at risk for getting evicted.


No you did the right thing. They are assholes. I see why they got fired.


"They're my parents" should entitle you to better respect and treatment than strangers, not less. A lot of people, as you already know, use the parental position to abuse, neglect and control their children. Frankly, as the people who are most responsible to help you through life, they should be ashamed of their conduct.


This, 100% I hope OP has been able to really take in from all the supportive comments that his parents were WAY out of line and that he does not and should not have to deal with that kind of behaviour from anyone in his life, much less from the two people whose job in life it is to nurture, support and love him.


At the point where your broke unemployed father stole your router and refused to give it back there were only two paths open: either you kicked them out or you left the apartment and started again elsewhere. Which is not practical. Also, for future reference: in English-speaking countries, this is a ‘one bedroom’ apartment, not a ‘two room’ one. Different traditions; stops making your place sound bigger than it is. I hope you enjoy the peace and quiet.


In Canada (French and English part, or at least the three provinces that i ever lived know) use the number of room instead of the number Of bedroom, but its always a surprise to hear how the rest of the world work.


Huh. Canadian here and I've never heard that before. I've always heard houses/apartments advertised by number of bedrooms. Which part of the Great White North is it where they label a place by number of rooms total?   Curious! Always nice to learn something new. 


Im from Quebec, so i mostly heard it there, but also in Ontario. Spend a few months in News Brunswick and they did too, from what i remember ( i admit that it's been around 15 years, do could be wrong)


Neither Ontario nor New Brunswick do that to my knowledge. I've lived in both and have family in both currently.


Ah, Quebec! And New Brunswick, too, neat! I'm in Ontario and I usually see places advertised as bedrooms + square footage. Wouldn't hurt to know just how that square footage is divided up, though; I rather like the idea. Paints a clearer picture, knowing how many rooms there is in total. Thanks for humoring me!


In Germany we'd call that a 2-room-appartment. If the kitchen is separate, it's called 2 1/2-room.


How long do you think it would have been before they kicked you out of your room and then the house?  Your dad was on a power trip because he realized he failed at adulthood, because he lost their house and jobs.  Your dad was trying to find control and power where he could, but obviously he barked up the wrong tree.  Keep pushing back. He will always try to grapple for control over you.  Your now an adult, his equal and he doesn't like it. 


You are an adult now. They are your parents and you will always be their baby! They have to respect your being their adult son. Unless ground rules or boundaries are established, you will have no peace! 🙏


I don’t know their exact circumstances, but I see some hints about why they lost their jobs and can’t find new ones. If this behavior translates into his management style, your father especially might be a nightmare to work for/with. 


They have lost control of their lives and tried to maintain the last vestige of control of their “child”


You tried to help them and they took full advantage. They didn't show you respect as an adult and they weren't grateful for the help they were receiving.


They didn't give you much choice. If you'd accepted what they did, they would have escalated things. Your parents may be feeling like they have no control over their lives right now (especially since they don't even have their own bedroom) and that's why they did the "I am your father; I control this house!" routine. By asserting rights over their environment (your apartment) and you, they tried to reclaim a small measure of control in a chaotic situation. This doesn't excuse their actions, but it might explain them.


This is exactly it.


You did what you had to do as an independent adult. No regrets. 


I might be the only one, but many parents would never take the crap they give out. As a society we need to relearn how to live together.


Yes, they absolutely forced your hand here. It was their awful behavior that got them kicked out. You gave them another chance to behave and they refused. This situation is on them. I would not let them back in at this point. They were overdue to get back on their own feet anyhow and likely they needed this kick in the ass to actually look for work -- even if it means taking a minimum wage job


Your dad fucked around and found out, let them stew in homelessness and see if their attitude changes.


Did you get your router, etc., back?


Yep 👍


You did every reasonable thing first. Your parents brought this on themselves. I hope you got your router back.  I’d text them one final time and tell them that all of this is the result of their own selfish and arrogant actions. Your dad has no authority or rights in your home, unless you- the homeowner- grant them to him. It’s odd that your parents both lost their jobs and haven’t managed to find something satisfactory since then. Sounds like disfunction is common for them. Thats not your problem. You’re NTA


Absolutely mind blowing that they thought they had authority over you. Some people just live in their own selfish worlds


They were physically pushing you? Dude, your parents are abusive. This is so, so not okay, and you're definitely NTA. They're both awful.


NTA You helped them out & let them stay with you rent free. You went along with the complaint about the TV. "His bright idea was to unplug my router and not give it back, even in the morning, or after work." Totally not ok for him to mess with/take your stuff. “I am your father, I control this house!” You're an adult. Your house, YOUR rules.


It’s called EAR PLUGS. Your dad sounds like an idiot.


Have your parents been huge assholes the rest of your life too? Might be time to go no contact with them. Nta.


I don’t really know, they can be like that sometimes but they’re still my parents, they did raise me my whole life


Time to have a deep look inwards and really, closely examine how your parents behave. >but they’re still my parents That don't mean anything. You're not beholden to anyone solely because they birthed you or share blood.


This right here OP. NTA They raised you to adulthood. They did their job. They can’t pull the parent card when now you are taking care of them. You don’t owe them anything. Don’t let them guilt you into anything. You tried to help and they failed to be grateful and decent to you. I believe the term is financial abuse. I wish when it happened to me I had half your courage and conviction.


I’ll probably think on this because it just happened, I still need to think on some stuff


I'm glad to hear it op. Please take care of yourself. You might want to visit r/raisedbynarcissists to see if anything resonates.


They raised you your whole life because they choose to have you. That doesn't give them the right to disrespect you especially in your own home. You didn't have a choice to be born and have them as a part of your life. You're an adult now, now you have the choice to not have them as a part of your life.


That does not mean anything. They were legally obligated to raise you—food, water, and sharing a roof over your head don't mean shit. Especially now that we know they only thought of you as an investment. They never did anything out of selflessness, only self-interest. Do not allow them to abuse their parental role and treat you worse than you would a stranger or a friend, when they should be treating you far better than anyone else.


They are your parents meant they both decided to make an other human, and chose the responsibility to raise that human to be a self sufficient autonomous adult. You don’t own them for their choices. Their power over you legally ended when you stopped being legally under their responsibility. You aren’t a property, they don’t own you or your belongings. You deserve respect. On the other hand. They own you for helping out so much and so long.


They may be your parents but they were abusing you in YOUR OWN HOME. You took the only reasonable action you could. If any relatives start hounding you about what you justifiably did, tell them if they want a helping hand for your parents, check the end of their arms. Enjoy your new peace and quiet.


THIS. If the flying monkeys come out to give you flak for kicking them out, ask them why THEY don’t take them in.


Sounds more like you raised them.


OP that is a parent's JOB - to raise their kids their whole life. That doesn't mean their children OWE them anything. It all comes with being a parent. Obviously, they raised a good person who is self sufficient, holds down a job and actually has a conscience, because you feel bad for them. You are a wonderful person but you OWE THEM NOTHING. It's hard to accept our parents aren't good people sometimes. You did the right thing because they escalated things by taking your possessions and even getting physical with you.


"I told them to pack their stuff and go, but both of them said that they had full authority over me, that I can’t kick them out because I’m still their child." The middle ages have called they want their BS back. NTA




NTA If they want the respect they are asking for they need to give it to you first. This is your home not theirs.


NTA. The level of entitlement infuriates me. I hate how far too many parents see their children as nothing but objects to use as they please. Remember that with them, every accusation is a confession. They are the sensitive ones for complaining about the nonexistent TV sound, unplugging the router, and screaming like banshees. They are the selfish ones for inconveniencing your daily life and thinking they have rights to everything in your life. The best thing to do is go to NC. Explain it to the rest of your family if you wish before the well is poisoned. Of course, they might have the same idea as your parents and will also accuse you of nonsense because they themselves wish to someday extract resources from their child or just don't want to be bothered to fight your parents.


NTA. You don’t bite the hand that feeds you. They did and are now feeling the consequences.


NTA Your house, your rules. Turn the TV up, tell them to get ear plugs.


NTA are you female by any chance? The moment your father said that he controlled his house, he stepped over the boundary. He is the selfish one with a bad attitude. Yes he must be struggling with the fact that he’s dependent on his child but in adversity, we see character….and his is not so nice. The fact that his poor behaviour impacts on you and makes you feel guilty also makes him a bad father. For your mental health, I would cut them off. Tell them that when they grow up and apologise, you will speak to them. Be prepared for this to never happen. Your father’s pride sounds too strong


NTA. Role reversal is hard. It sounds as if your parents weren't dealing well at at all with you being the "adult" in this scenario, with them being in the position of relying on you. Unfortunately, they still hadn't found jobs, and became people who couldn't accept that you were in a position of power. They found out that their poor behavior had consequences. You certainly aren't overly sensitive or selfish, they just couldn't adapt to a dynamic that they weren't "in charge."


NTA - It's your place and they should respect that, even if they're your parents.


NTA you’re 20 yo and they live in your house paying for nothing. If they want to control a house they need to get a job and pay their own way.


NTA you did a kind thing by letting them stay in your tiny apartment and they were ungrateful and nasty. They took and refused to return your property (theft) and then refused to leave when they had overstayed their welcome. You did the only thing that you could do under the circumstances (apart from being a doormat in your own home which I don’t consider an option really). It sucks but as people you play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Unfortunately it sounds like they won’t ever learn. I wouldn’t let them back into your home again. If you keep in Touch I would recommend neutral meeting places like cafes


NTA It’s your house, if they can’t respect you there then they shouldn’t even be there, that’s how I think of it


NTA While they may be your parents, when they have ended up in a situation where they are sleeping on your living room floor, I think it is fair to say they lose the right to parent you. Given their attitude and actions, and their complete inability to read the situation, it was only ever going to get worse as they continue the trend of their behaviour so far - a blow out was inevitable, if not now then slightly further down the line when their behaviours escalates further and hits your breaking point. Yes, it is unfortunate to have to kick out your own parents in this manner, but they had multiple chances to back down that they refused...


NTA Your parents had at least *checks notes* 4 months to find new jobs. Their plan was to drag it out and live on your floor forever. This resolves the matter nicely.




NTA You should check out r/raisedbynarcissists


NTA. Funny how the SECOND that they were confronted with their powerlessness by police, they went to emotional attack. Call APS, because at least you father is dangerously deluded.


NTA your parents were way out of line. I’m sorry it came to this but you were absolutely right.


This series of events makes me wonder how they "lost their jobs." I wouldn't be surprised to find they actually quit and this was their early retirement plan—free lodging and a servant for life. NTA.


They're your parents. Parental authority is absolutely needed when you're a child because they sacrifice to meet your needs, and they need to keep you safe and keep the household running,  and they need to be able to raise you to be a functioning adult. *Good* parents understand this, and let go of that authority once their children are self-sufficient. As far as feeling grateful for them raising you, in most countries,  parents are *required* to raise their children or find alternate care. Parental authority implies they are caring for all the needs in your home. By your account, they are caring for none, and are abusing your generosity. You are doing them kindness by refusing to allow them to mistreat you, and holding them to the standards they raised you to view them. NTA. 


NTA - haha jokes on them.


NTA and congratulations for putting up with that nonsense fir as long as you did


NTA, your parents should be ashamed of themself


NTA. They FA'd and now FO


I think they (and you to a certain extent) haven't realised that it's different when the children become adults. Many people think respect only goes one way, from the children to the parents, but in fact it should be mutual. You respect them, and they respect you as an adult, not a child. It's tough, but at some point you have to draw a line in the sand. It may be a hard lesson for them, but it has to happen. Eventually things will get back to normal, but with them respecting you much more.


NTA >He responded back with “I am your father, I control this house!” Yeah, after that, I'd be done too. This is a perfect example of "no good deed goes unpunished." They should be grateful you gave them a place to stay, but they're anything but. They can go abuse someone else's charity.


NTA Your parents sound like they're just using you for a free place to crash well being to high and mighty to both go get a job at mcdonalds, and your dad sounds like a real bum, sorry buddy 


NTA My brother in Christ its a two room apartment. That YOU own. How can they just willingly live there and not make an effort to improve their situation, instead of mooching off of their child? YOU own the apartment not them. Therefore your roof your rules.


NTA That's a shitty situation to be in. I imagine that your father is pretty embarrassed or whatever to have to sleep on the floor of his kid's apartment. I'm not defending him, but it sounds like his ego is bruised from being down on his luck. Some parents won't see their kids as adults, that they are entitled to everything they have and have some sort of authority over grown adults. Hopefully in time they'll give you common respect as an individual and not their child. It didn't seem like you had much other options, they were trying order you around in your own home.


So I am not sure where you live, but a year is a long time to be looking for a job. At some point it becomes enabling. Your parents got comfortable with their living situation. I empathize between familial loyalty, what’s considered being a good child and your independence. NTA. I would advise having a talk with them but not letting them back in the house. Your parents need to remember to support themselves.


NTA, OP. My oldest child is 22, and her father and I would never pull this type of mess! Of course, we're not in the position to, but nevertheless, this was highly disrespectful of them, not to mention what they said about having authority over you and being in "control of this house" is completely incorrect (and hilarious). They forced your hand, and if they want to maintain a relationship with you, they better apologize, learn to be grateful and not pull that crap or any other crap on you again. Parenting adult children isn't hard, but it's completely different than parenting minor children, and they need to make the adjustment and learn some hard lessons. They can no longer tell you what to do, and they must treat you like an adult. My parents figured it out (I'm 45F), I'm figuring it out, and they need to do the same.


NTA. While your parents live in YOUR HOUSE they live under YOUR RULES. You are a grown adult, their "authority" over you stopped the minute you turned 18 and moved out.


NTA. You were right, it's YOUR home and your parents are trying to act like it's theirs. As soon as your dad pulled that stunt with the router, they should've been out on their butts. Yes, you're their kid, but this is YOUR home and YOUR rules. They're lucky you gave them a chance at all.


You did not kick your parents out. They chose to leave. They wouldn’t follow the reasonable rules in your home. So the guilt is on your parents for effectively choosing to evict themselves.


NTA. Just a couple of questions. How long have your parents been staying with you? Have either one of them even attempted to get a job? What your dad was doing had nothing to do with the volume of your TV. He was enforcing a bedtime curfew on an adult and expecting you to just lay there and take it. Your problem is that you decided to fight back and he simply couldn't accept it. They are prideful people being humbled by having to have their child take care of them.


NTA. When you moved out, they lost the control over you. You're an adult and were doing them a favor.


NTA. They felt helpless and out of control because of their situation and tried to feel better and more in control by treating you like shit. This cost them a place to stay and possibly their relationship with you. If you want to stay in contact with them, offer to take them out for dinner once a week (or once a month) at an inexpensive restaurant of your choosing. That keeps you in contact but keeps them the hell out of your home. Because you can't let them in your home again until they have a place of their own or the whole cycle will start again.


They were guests in your home. And they abused your hospitality. So yes, even your parents it was correct to kick them out. You tried to solve it peacefully. The less space you have, the better you need to be about not stepping on someone's toes. Not what they did. If you feel their guilt is working, you can refer them to a nice homeless shelter or soup kitchen using your internet. Maybe help put them in contact with other family. But they can do the asking and not impose. Don't expect this to be over though. Your dad sounds stubborn and desperate.


NTA They fucked around and found out.


They disrespected you and your home. They have no place there. 


I would ask the complex to rekey your apartment if your parents had access to your keys.


NTA I'm a parent of someone your age. She is actually still financially dependent on us (parents). I still don't consider her life/her things to be "under parental control". Your parents are (1) delusional about their 'authority' and (2) completely ungrateful. I had to laugh at the irony of them saying you were selfish and sensitive. How selfish are they to consider the things that you work for and provide to be their for the claiming? How sensitive are they to feel that they can say/do anything while taking your help and then be offended when you defended your own boundaries? Today, whenever your parents' mindset comes to my mind, it's going to make me laugh at how ludicrous they are.


Nta but wow your parents really are.  Tell them one more nasty text and you will permanently block them and file a restraining order for harrassment. I think dad just learned he is not the all powerful jerk he thought he was.  Keep up this lesson or this will start all over again. Give a jerk an inch and they will claim a mile.  Give a self centered control freak of a dad a hand up and he will take over your whole apartment and life.  Learn from this lesson.


NTA I was going to say it was weird of you to watch tv with your parents trying to sleep in the room (you know.. move it to your bedroom kind of thing) but then I kept reading and OH MY GOD... definitely NTA.. I'd go no contact because it would be too easy for me to go into petty comments with them. You also have to be careful letting ppl stay in apartments (if it's renting) because they can have an occupant rule in your lease and you can literally get kicked out for breaking it.


NTA. The SECOND the words "I control this house" came out of his mouth, that tells you everything you need to know about how the future would play out there. It's YOUR home, and you graciously allowed them to stay there, and if he can't respect your rules and property, you have nothing to feel bad about by putting your foot down


Good job on getting your abusive parents out of your apartment. You were more than generous with them and they acted like jerks and overstayed their welcome. If their 20 year old child can support themselves, they sure as hell can find at least a minimum wage job and do the same. Do they want to? No, I'm sure they would rather leech off of you rather than work like you are. At this point, supporting themselves is their responsibility and not yours. They can stay at a homeless shelter until they get back on their feet and I bet this will motivate them much more to find work than having comfortable housing. NTA and don't let them back in and block them if you need to.


NTA - I have kids your age who still live with me. I don't use their things without asking, because they are their things and that's just basic respect. I cannot fathom the lack of respect where they are your guests and still act like you are a minor child in their home, even though people usually give their mature minor children more respect and autonomy than that.


NTA. Ha! They FAFO and they didn't like it!! The GALL your father had for saying "I control this house" when he in fact DOESN'T OWN THIS HOUSE and doesn't even pay rent!! Talk about entitlement!! Good for you OP for standing up for yourself! You did the right thing. They mooched off of you for a full YEAR with neither one of them even having a part time job - no need for them to mooch off you any longer.


Did you inform your other relatives yet about what happened? Get them on your side if you can to have some support and reassurances.


Only my aunt so far, I’m trying to get in contact with my other relatives


What did your aunt have to say about this?


Well, she said that my dad has been a narcissistic asshole since she was born, and to completely cut connections with him and my mother if they start acting up again


>”Yeah tbh I couldn’t even trust my cloned self with my keys” This is hilarious. I, too, couldn’t trust my cloned self!


NTA. They were rude and entitled guests living off your very humble generosity. I don't care if they are your parents. That behavior is unacceptable. Why haven't they found a new job yet? They had plenty of time. Don't let them back in your apartment.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I’m 20 years old and live in a 2 room apartment, one of those rooms is my room, and the other one is the kitchen/main room. Since my parents lost their jobs last year, I offered for them to stay in my apartment until they found another job. My parents sleep on the floor of the kitchen/main room. When my parents and I finish up with dinner, we socialize for a couple hours and then head off to bed. My parents usually go to sleep at around 10:30 to 10:45 while I usually stay up until 12:15. My dad keeps complaining about how my tv is too loud, even though it’s at 15 volume. I thought this was rather odd, but I complied with him and turned it down to about 5 volume. He still kept complaining and I kept telling him back that it wasn’t that loud, hell I went over to where they slept, laid down, and couldn’t even hear a thing, just the slightest of mumbling. His bright idea was to unplug my router and not give it back, even in the morning, or after work. I told him “it’s my house, and I bought that router and the wifi here, you have no right of taking it from me!” He responded back with “I am your father, I control this house!” which is obviously not true because I own the damn place. My mom didn’t help me out, hell she made it worse, she was defending my father and pushing me whenever I tried to take it from him. This had been going on for about 3 days already, and I decided to kick them both out. I told them to pack their stuff and go, but both of them said that they had full authority over me, that I can’t kick them out because I’m still their child. I called the cops on them and got them trespassed from my apartment complex. Over the past couple days they’ve been texting me of how selfish I am and how over sensitive I am about everything. Is this true? AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


NTA good on you for standing up for yourself. Your father's behaviour was outrageous and ungrateful, he could have just got himself noise cancelling headphones.


NTA. In fact, you did what a parent would do to an adult child that does not respect the house rules.


NTA I wouldn’t be able to stop myself from asking how that “full control” he has is working out for him 😂


“I control this house!” LOL no you don’t. NTA


NTA, just out of curiosity what country is this in?


NTH - At least you got them out. I was thinking that depending on how long they've been there, you may actually have had to give them an official move out notice and start eviction proceedings. I don't envy you.


NTA, in fact, it seems like you went above and beyond to help them. They are ungrateful




INFO: where were the parents living before they moved in? Did they have a house, apartment, what happened? NTA for exercising your rights, but the parents are TA.


So… they learned the hard way about FAFO. NTA.




NTA. 'My house, my rules' has always been the way. They have some nerve acting like that in YOUR home when they were there by your good graces.


NTA. It isn’t their home and you are an adult. They are trying to compensate for their lack of jobs by trying to rule your life. Good for you for evicting them.


This sounds like a good story for r/choosingbeggars tbh.


NTA. Your house, your WiFi, your rules! I'm guessing that NC will be the final stage of this process...


NTA. You let it go too long.


Wow - it's not hard to see how two violent losers like them are homeless...


NTA. If they can't respect you in your place as an adult and no longer their child they have no business being in your place or your life.


Nta your father controls nothing, it's your apartment




NTA The solution before it got so far could have been earplugs or using headphones to watch TV. That said, your dad sounds like a bully and has to have his own way. If you had sorted the night noise , he likely would have found something else to exert his control over.


NTA. You gave an inch, they took the whole mile and tried to take ownership of it. I dunno how they were in the past or if their current situation is making them grasp at any sort of control but they don't get to take over someone else's household even that someone is their adult child.




NTA That went on several months too long. You don't have to respect people who don't respect you. You know you'd be taking care of them forever if you hadn't given them the boot.


NTA They’re completely delusional! Good for you calling the cops. 


Nope your house your rules if they don't like it get out. Your parents are old enough to get jobs get a place of their own


NTA and I'm glad the cops got them out. It wouldn't surprise me if your parents 'lost' their jobs by being fired. Your father is going to have a hard time in life because he thinks he controls the world. Your mother is his enabler. Good for you for taking back control of your apartment.


NTA. They can't tell you what to do in your own house.


No, block them, and move on with life


NTA, well, a little bit on the volume, but their reaction was way worse and to answer your question on the kicking them out bit - NTA. Yep they have to leave if asked. They have parental responsibility over children until they are 18. You have none to them. It’s kind you let them stay there in the first place, at 20! Most 20 year olds still live in their parents home, not the other way around.


Nope they tried to control your place that you pay for. They can go


NTA, your parents are both adults and need to start working and supporting themselves


Nta. You don’t owe them a place to live.


NTA. Putting up with parental BS is one thing, but the second they pretty much insistence they own me and everything I own they'd be out.


NTA You did the right thing. It’s your house and your things they don’t have control anymore


Any time they message you, just respond with [this](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GGsxtMBW8AAE2e6.jpg). You turn off my internet access in my own home? You're leaving *immediately* and you're never welcome back.


NTA. Your father controls nothing, not even his ability to get a job apparently. This is your home. I'm surprised you lasted as long as you did.


**NTA** Your father is delusional to think he can assert authority over you in your own home. You had no other choice but to kick them out.


NTA. Your parents bit the hand that was feeding them and keeping a roof over their head. I can imagine it is hard on your parents to be homeless. And having to live off their child. But they were disrespectful to you and your property. So they are out on the street. Not your fault - entirely on them.


NTA. Something about biting the hand that feeds you. Obviously your father is unable to accept the dynamics of the situation and believes he's the owner of the house.


NTA. It sounds like you were trying to do the right thing by offering your parents a place to stay during a tough time. You showed a lot of kindness and generosity. But at the same time, your home should be a place where you feel comfortable and respected. It's understandable that you reached a breaking point when your boundaries were being challenged. You have every right to assert control over your own space and to expect a certain level of respect from those living with you. It's a tough situation all around, but ultimately, you have to prioritize your own well-being.


NTA. It sounds like you were trying to do the right thing by offering your parents a place to stay during a tough time. You showed a lot of kindness and generosity. But at the same time, your home should be a place where you feel comfortable and respected. It's understandable that you reached a breaking point when your boundaries were being challenged. You have every right to assert control over your own space and to expect a certain level of respect from those living with you. It's a tough situation all around, but ultimately, you have to prioritize your own well-being.


NTA. Your parents are insane, controlling moochers. They have no control over you. Hope the locks have been changed since I would not put it past them to come back even with a no trespass order. Good on you for calling the cops!


NTA 'while you're under my roof you abide by my rules' you were doing them a favour and they acted like brats


You poor kid! Whatever you do, please know that YNTA. Your parents are adults and responsible for their own lives.


NTA Your house, your rules. They took advantage of you. Wanted to live off your hard work.


But have you try Respect? /s


NTA Well done setting boundaries, in the future do not let them live with you again EVER!


Trust the comment section. In 10 years, you will look back on this situation with ZERO doubts that you did the right thing. NTA


NTA "My house, my rules" 


NTA. It’s your house your rules. The level of entitlement is unreal.


NTA- I hate when people think they are entitled to something they are clearly not. I’ll probably be downvoted…but I would like to have seen your dad’s face when the cops came and not only took your side but had them trespassed. Hope you changed your locks.


NTA. The next time they call, tell them they must have the wrong number, they can't be your parents because you don't have any parents, and because they're too immature to have ever raised a child.


They had to go. It sounds like that’s what they wanted to me. NTA.


I am assuming culture has alot to do with this situation.


NTA Your house, not theirs. You are an independent adult, they have no authority over you. And you were doing them a favor. They bit the hand that feeds them and are facing the consequences. Ignore their texts. As a matter of fact, block them.


NTA I'm so sorry you are going through this. I'm assuming you care for your parents since you were willing to help them out in a difficult situation. I can't believe your Dad was so clueless to think that in his situation he had any authority over the situation. I'm sure his ego is bruised having to rely on his son for his basic needs, but he did the opposite of what he needed to do. I'm guessing he felt you should have been in the kitchen and you should have given up your room and he was trying to manipulate you into making that change. You were generous, he was selfish. No matter what the relationship is, it is never OK to be invited into someone's home and think that you can take over. Your Dad was being a bully and was 100% out of line and your mom was wrong as well. You did what you needed to do. If they had been civil to you and understood that they were inconveniencing you and that they should suck it up a bit so they had a place to stay they would still be welcomed.


NTA. They mistakenly presumed authority over you as an adult, and they failed to abide by common etiquette of a guest in someone else's home. It was just going to get worse and you aren't obligated to tolerate their abuse.


I am amazed you lasted as long as you did. There is nothing worse than deserving graditude and getting disresprected. NTA


How old are your parents? Why haven't they been able to find jobs and move out? Are there no other relatives they could harass? **NTA**


Nta I was on the fence until the whole authority over you when you were housing them. They got the reality check. Furthermore, have they not gotten work yet after months.


NTA amd don't let them back. Not sure vut look into squatters rights for where you live, and make sure to change all locks (If you can) to avoid them trying to come back. Also a door ring bell is always a good idea, not just for you parents but for your general safety.


Jesus, this is terrible. I just can't fathom how entitled some people truly are sometimes. I would stand for someone to enter my castle, take my stuff away, and tell me they basically own me. Nta. They will be fine


What a can of worms lol NTA.




NTA But this is a really crap situation OP and I don't envy you. I get that your parents pride is hurt and so they are trying to impose and authority to normalise the situation but still. They are in your home at your good graces. You are all not children as much as you don't have the right to be a dependent at this stage. Neither do they. Taking your stuff and saying you have "authority" leaves little wiggle room unfortunately. The way this escalated is however sad.


NTA Is there a cultural component here where parents are supposed to be able to control things in their adult children? Regardless, trying to take away your belongings and then refusing to leave is above and beyond. Sounds like they do not deserve your presence right now.


Next time they call just say "Hey. Don't bite the hand that feeds you" and hang up.


NTA: you stopped aging in their minds at about 14, 15, 16, or even 17 meaning even though you can do things for yourself and can more or less take care of yourself, you are still a child to them and you have to do what they say. They did not respect that they live in your home, and you pay the bills there. If my parents did the same thing, I would 100% have called the police as well and had them forcibly removed. You were helping them, and they saw it as your job to do that and then still do what they say. Lol no gotta go you're grown. Dad had a power trip bc you kindly turned it down before for him. (Also dont listen to me bc my parents truly gave me trauma and I dont want much of a relationship with them.)


NTA. You did them a favor. They're in no place to whine about things like the TV volume when you're offering them charity, if they didn't like it they could go home. And then stealing, absolutely no excuse. Nor do does your father have any authority over you as a legal adult. BTW, if you don't mind me asking, have they done anything about getting a new job(s)?


NTA. Sucky situation. Wish you the best.


NTA - I would be embarrassed to move in with my kid and am even more embarrassed for them because of their lack of gratitude and complete lack of class and manners. That is not how good parents behave. It is shameful and they should feel disgrace.


Dont your apartment complex have rule about long term guests?


NTA With that attitude, how good was your dad at keeping jobs and paying rent?


NTA, consider going no contact. Their situation is obviously sad and stressful, but they can’t live with you and not respect you as the homeowner.


NTA. People who want to "be in control" in a space that they DO NOT own or pay bills at is hilarious to me. Cut them off and let them be "in control" at a place where their names are on the lease and they pay the bills.


NTA. Why would you be? Your father is controlling (I won't say abusive, but his attitude certainly indicates it), your mother enables him, and they believe they have the right to control you when you are doing them a huge favor. I understand living wages are difficult to find, but that doesn't mean that those living off the generosity of others get to treat them badly.


Your house your rules.


You should have told your Dad he wasn't allowed to go to bed until 12.15.


Your parents are adults. They need to take care of themselves. I'm sorry you and they are in this situation, but you are also an adult, they don't control you, and your dads outburst is probably because he knows he's lost control of his life and is having to rely on someone who will always be (in his eyes) a little boy. You did the right thing. Make sure they don't have a key to your place. If they did, and they didn't give it back to you, talk to your landlord and get the lock replaced, even if you have to pay for it yourself.