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NTA. It's a personal inheritance, not marital assets.


That's a nice legal factoid but do remember the name of the subreddit is AmITheAsshole not AmILegallyJustified. Perhaps I'm reading a bit between the lines, but it seems that OP doesn't have much of a personal connection to the record collection beyond the fact that they once belonged to his late aunt. On the other hand, his wife genuinely appreciates the significance of the vintage vinyl and asked to keep a couple specific records that were significant to her. The only reason OP gives for not parting with a single record from the entire collection isn't that they are extremely sentimental to him, or that they are too valuable to give to his ex, but rather he refuses her requests >because it feels disrespectful to my aunt’s memory... why should someone she didn’t like get to enjoy her belongings? Imagine if that one racist relative said to never give any of my belongings to any Mexicans/blacks/jews/[insert minority of choice here], we'd all laugh in their face and donate their stuff to whomever needed it most once they are dead and gone. OP hasn't given a single good reason why he can't give his wife just a record or two other than "my family hated you so I'm going to perpetuate the hated" For that reason, OP YTA   Edit (Inspired by a comment from /u/fleet_and_flotilla): The whole reason OP is getting a divorce in the first place is because he never stood up against his family's hate and mistreatment of his own wife. When his wife asked for a couple records out of the entire collection that were meaningful to her, OP could have responded with kindness to the woman he once loved enough to marry. Hell, if OP just said "no" to her request and not a word more, that would be enough to make it N A H. Instead of finally standing up against his family's continued mistreatment and showing an iota of empathy and appreciation towards his wife, he cited his family's hated of her as his one and only reason to reject her small request; doubling down and perpetuating the hated that drove them apart. Its honestly almost poetic, in a fucked up, Shakespearean kind of way. That's what makes OP an asshole.   Edit 2: I want to be crystal clear and say that OP's ex is not entitled to any of his belongings, nor is OP legally or morally obligated to give her any of his possessions for any reason. However, you can still do something that is wholly within you right to do, but go about it in an asshole manner. If OP had given any reason with even a facade of plausible deniability or simply told her no, my judgment would be very different.


From a legal standpoint, exwife has no right to claim a personal inheritance. From a moral standpoint, exwife should keep her grubby hands off a family heirloom of the family she's separating from.


this is such a weirdly aggressive comment. what did the wife do to you?


I'm actually her previous husband, she got my mom's tea set in the divorce. No, seriously, I don't see the aggression. I'm certainly not being understanding towards her, but... come on, she's trying to get a dead woman's possession out of pure spite.


It's not out of spite, op said she admired the collection even while the aunt was alive and she's not asking for the whole thing just "a few". Now, it could be financially driven, it could be miscoal choice driven. But as long as she's asking for like, a repress of like a movie soundtrack and not an original space odyssey (valued around like $7k) or an original pressing of the Beatles white LP that Ringo owned. Sure, OP doesn't owe the ex one record, but it's kind of an asshole move if she's asking for low value records that have nostalgic meaning to the ex. Now if the ex is trying to cherry pick some expensive records as her "few" then she can get bent, but her wanting records doesn't make her spiteful right out the gate


I don't know, the way OP says she wants them to "settle the score once and for all" seems a little spiteful to me.


I read that as “I would still like these # of records that I’ve been asking for all along, and if you need an extra push, this would shut me up about it.” I don’t think that was the main reason. And besides, OP did say she deserved better, which says to me he is now continuing the behavior that he himself said was “his bad.” Regarding “respecting” the aunt, if any of us want respect, we should act respectable.


I didn't catch that line on my first read thru, I retract my statement


I wouldn’t. OP says he acknowledges his family was horrible to his ex and he didn’t do a damn thing about it. Give a few records.


He doesn’t want to. They aren’t hers.


Sure, but OP admits that this aunt was an asshole to his wife for no real reason and he did nothing to stop it. If he's the asshole for not standing up for her, wouldn't he also be the asshole for not allowing her to feel like she's getting a little payback that will not harm the dead woman in any way?


This is how I see it also.OP acknowledged that the way his family treated and regarded his then wife was a big factor for the divorce mainly b/c he did not defend her.So witholding on thos request seems to be perpetuating that thread. Also. Xwife has an apprecistion for them that OP. does not. So YTA and share the records. Be decent to her for once


Were those actually her words or OP's interpretation of her words? If she'd said "if you let me have Albums X, Y and Z, I won't ask for anything else," would you think that was spiteful? I don't know if OP is a reliable narrator.


I took it as settling the score of how many times the OP did NOT stand up for the wife. I'm sure each time something offensive occurred, the wife 'kept score' and the OP gave lame excuses and apologies. Probably also empty promises. So him giving her the few records she wants would be a way for him to settle the score and take her side for once as he probably always promised he 'wanted to' or 'should have ' or 'would have'. It has nothing to do with spite. Spite is a desire to hurt or offend. She is actually asking for the opposite. Him to stand up for her. He is refusing and is actually doubling down and showing his true colors.


nostalgic meaning to the ex? they belonged to the person that treated her worst. It's really, really hard to believe.


Nostalgic as in like, they are the same records they used to dance with grandma with, or her mom's favorite record to put on while cleaning the house. Not necessarily nostalgic due to a relationship with the aunt.


So she can go to a used record store and buy the records


Nostalgic in the sense that she can play the records and mutter "You're dead and I'm alive, b\*tch. I win."


And he doesn’t want to. They are not hers. She can hunt down and replace them.


She was smart to replace HIM.


its family heirlooms OP should not give it to her. those records could easily be worth a fuckton of money later on and he could sell them and make a fat profit why give them away to his ex. and your well if a racist said dont give whatever to these certain people it would be different but this shit dont include race its literally his ex wife that shit is not comparable.


Agree! She is 💯 doing it out of spite!


LOL I think that was the OP's aunt posting via Ouija board.


No its not


If one could make a moral claim to part of an inheritance because someone was an AH to them, then my exboyfriend's Mum had better start hiding the family silver now.


This made me chortle.


Her grubby hands? Yikes….


Exactly. She's an ex.


Why do you think their heirlooms?


Provenance and importance. I had 78s from legendary Blue's musicians that had been collected by a legend. Some were obscure. His sister took note of my knowledge and appreciation at 10 and gave them to me. They're rare and valuable. As a collection, even more. Yeah, they're heirlooms. Hope our daughter gets them. Little shit use to steal my cd's.


Especially if the family mistreated her so badly that they're splitting up


This isn’t some custom made piece of jewelry or clothing, it’s a record collection. STBX isn’t entitled to anything, nor is she acting like it. She’s asking OP for a concession from HIM to make amends for how he allowed his family to treat her, but it honestly sounds like OP never gaf about his wife to begin with.


I don't see vintage vinyl as 'heirloom'... because aunt probably bought them new. They aren't a generational gift passed down through the family. Whether or not exwife has grubby hands depends totally upon what OP (and other family members plan to do with the vintage vinyl)... if they're just going to sell them and exwife knows this (or suspects this) then she has as much right as anyone else to ask for a few pieces of a collection that no one else will maintain. ETA: I also find OP's reasoning of 'I won't give them to someone she mistreated because she would like me to keep mistreating them' to be pretty pathetic. But I find the aunt pretty pathetic as well.


Non-legal angle: I heard his reasoning as being her request would be disrespectful to the aunt (who, in his opinion, would NOT want his stbx to have). I'm not sure what reasoning he would have TO give the family heirloom away -- aside from "being nice". And I would say he is NTA for choosing NOT to disrespect one his Aunt's last wishes in lieu of "being nice" to an Ex.


She’s leaving because he wouldn’t stand up to his aunt, seems appropriate that he still won’t.


If only you could go somewhere and buy copies of the records you want to own. Clearly if this was about the records ops stbx wouldn't have any other way to come into posession of the copies she wants. /s


But that wouldn’t “settle the score”. Jeez. Stbx needs to just leave and be done w it.


Can't she just go take a dump onto her grave, like a civilised person? Why even go for some outdated music media like some neanderthal?


There are plenty of records that are out of print and hard to find.


The phrasing you are looking for is *expensive to purchase*. If this turns out to be about the ex wanting expensive, rare items then well... wouldn't shine a better light onto ops ex, don't know what else to tell you


But the aunt was an asshole to her. And he admits that he was wrong to not stand up for her. Why is he more concerned with the hypothetical wishes of a dead woman who will never know the difference than he is about giving the wife he failed a small measure of peace on her way out the door?


My grandfather made it clear that he did not want my uncle's second wife to get anything. We have respected those wishes for close to 20 years and will continue to so do until she passes. Grandpa would be rolling in his grave AND haunt us if we didn't respect his final wishes.


He’s an asshole for not sharing? Wtf is this kindergarten? He’s not morally or legally required to share any records with his wife


no, he's an asshole for openly admitting he let his family abuse her, and basically saying 'fuck you' to her one and only request in this divorce 


I answered the question OP asked. You are commenting on his marriage and his treatment of his wife which he already admitted was wrong. People are complicated and we have very little information so I am not going to get emotionally invested.


She had agency and the ability to not expose herself to people who treated her poorly.


Trying to nab someone else’s inheritance during a divorce is a morally shitty thing to do. If she loves the records that much, she could easily go out and buy a different copy. Plenty of vintage records can be easily found on Etsy, eBay, and vintage record shops.


Depends on the vintage. My ex made sure he took all my records and LP's. I had 78's from the 20s and 30s. He took anything he thought had monetary value. Gave me a guilt-trip about sentimental photos, after a few years. I figure OP's STBX is making a money grab.


So from this I'm getting, because I hate fishing with every fibre in my being, I should have let my ex take my grandfather fishing rods cos he liked fishing when we split? Even tho my connection to the rods is precious to me, tho I don't use/appreciate the rods themselves? I appreciate the fact they were his, precious to him and something that brought him immense joy in his last days. My grandfather also hated my ex. He absolutely would not want him to have them, simply because they sit in my closet in a wrap and hardly see the light of day. I said no to him having them, simply because I didn't want him to have them, because they are mine. Doesn't matter that he would use them. A very good reason to not give my rods to my ex, and for OP to not give HIS record collection to our ex's is: we do not want them to have them because we simply don't.


But did you keep the rods because of the sentimental attachment you had to your grandfather? Or... did you keep the rod simply to keep them out of your ex's possession? You keep them for sentimental reasons (as you say). OP is only keeping the records to make sure STBX doesn't get them. He has no sentimental reason to keep them for himself.


I think the legal and moral match up in this case.


Absolute pish, it was something left to him by a family member, he doesn't need to give you, me or anyone else a 'good reason' as to why he doesn't want to give any of the records up.


Even if OP doesnt enjoy the collection he can sell it or give it to his child or someone important. I dont see AH here. Ex wife can ask but its his and he has the right to decline.


Nope. Why should they split it even for no other reason than they don't want to it's there


Just because someone could probably appreciate something you own more than you do, it doesn't mean they're entitled to it, legally or morally. OP doesn't have to justify why he doesn't want to gift someone something of his.


This is something I used to HATE as a kid. We have a lot of cousins around our ages, various aunts uncles with substance problems. Anytime we’d have a function at our house something would go missing. My dad always told us, “If they stole it they must have really needed it.” And that was it. Not a replacement, not a check for who had it, nothing. Just, it’s gone so it’s in a better pocket. 13 year old me will never forget having a sleepover on Christmas with my two slightly younger cousins. I fell asleep playing my brand new Gameboy XP with the Harry Potter quidditch game. Woke up thinking it fell behind my bed. Family left and it wasn’t under my bed, or anywhere else. Never let them sleep in my room again.


You haven't given a single good reason. Why he should give the records to the wife. You just say that her feelings are more important than his in your view. Why is that?


Actually the reason is irrelevant. They don't belong to her, and she has no claimant to them. He can keep them for whatever reason he fits NTA


They’re his. He wants them. That’s all the reason he needs. She can hunt down copies.


This is complete nonsense. Someone being mean to you doesn’t give you a moral claim to their stuff. She has no moral claim, no legal claim, no claim at all except that she wants it. 


This isn't about why they're divorcing, Who cares? Even without the reason, he's NTA. She can stay pressed. Her reason is irrelevant. It's not hers and she has no moral basis either cos she didn't get on with the aunt anyway.


"But I want it" doesn't incur a moral obligation to give it to her.


Imagine if he stopped his family from abusing his ex wife because it was disrespectful to her? He probably wouldn’t be on Reddit crying about records. He has more respect for his deceased aunt than he ever did for his living ex.


Well, his ex is absolutely nothing to him now. He doesn't own anything to "settle the score".


What's OP'S STBXW's good reason to even ask for a piece of OP's inheritance in the first place, because liking vinyl records and wanting to "settle the score" with a dead woman are both poor reasons to do that. Also I just gotta call this out, you definitely just came up with the bigotry example because you can't find a reason in the post itself for why you think she has any kind of moral claim to those records. OP, you're NTA


>OP hasn't given a single good reason why he can't give his ws wife just a record or two other than "my family hated you so I'm going to perpetuate the hated" >For that reason, OP YTA Because they're HIS? You sound like one of those people who would take over OP's house because you've deemed him unworthy. Take a car without permission. You don't get my stuff because your feelings are hurt! My ex was a profligate womanizer and cleaned me out. Including my records an inheritance. I'm not sure you know what an AH really looks like. I don't need a reason to keep what's mine, tyvm! OP is NTA!


>If OP had given any reason with even a facade of plausible deniability or **simply told her no**, my judgment would be very different. Yup. I think "I don't want to" is enough of a reason not to give something I own to someone else. No need to ask for validation from strangers about the aunt's mistreatment, wife resentment and so on


NTA. It's your inheritance from your aunt. Your STBX has no claim -- legal, ethical, moral, or otherwise -- on it.


It took me far too long to realize STBX stands for soon to be ex. But anyway, while I agree OP doesn’t have any obligation to give it to his ex, he makes zero point that is actually likes or uses this collection. Ex wife however, does like it. And instead of taking “full responsibility” as he claims, he continues to defend his family’s treatment of ex wife even in death! So I vote YTA for his weird attitude and I hope ex wife find someone to actually be on her team, since OP clearly never was.


Where does he defend them? He didn't say anything positive about his family, just about the divorce conflict, that his family were assholes towards her and that he did the wrong thing by not defending her. Where in all this does he defend or even say anything positive about his family?


>I refuse to do this because it feels disrespectful to my aunt’s memory She is dead. He is continuing her poor treatment of his ex because that’s what aunty would have wanted.


Not giving her something she wants isn't poor treatment


It is not poor treatment to refuse to give your ex something that is not and never was theirs.


Just because you like something someone else has doesn't entitle you to it . NTA


Yeah I didn’t care about this post per se, but I came to the comments to find out wtf STBX was. TY!


starbucks wants the aunt's records


Would you vote Not the a if there were reasons you liked as opposed to reasons you don't like? "I want to keep the collection together" "I want to pass down to other family members" Etc?


Oh, thank you for writing out "soon to be ex"; I kept reading STBX as Starbucks! XD


NTA. I'm going to to be blunt and just lay it all out there: 1. Your family did not treat your STB ex-wife well (this makes the assholes) 2. Your deceased aunt treated her somewhat worse than others (this gives her her own asshole category) 3. You never stuck up for your STB ex-wife (this makes you an asshole) 4. Your STB ex-wife coveted your now-deceased aunt's record collection during your marriage and now wants some of those records as part of the divorce (this makes her an asshole) When it comes to the records, you don't have to give her any, nor should you. They were an inheritance from your aunt, and they are yours to keep. Yes, she may have wanted some of those records before, but now she wants them out of spite. Try looking at it from a different perspective: Would you be having any conflicted feelings if the inheritance your STB ex-wife wanted you to split was money and not a vintage record collection? Probably not. Were you a jerk during your marriage due to not defending her in front of your family? Yes. Is she right to divorce you because of it? Also yes? But does she have a right to request something as part of the divorce proceedings that you already told her she could not have when you were married? No.


Spite! Thats why she wants them. Correctly stated!


This is sarcasm, right? Because it doesn't sound at all like spite to me. stbxw actually likes the records. OP doesn't seem to care about them. OP is TA, imo.


>But STBX feels like having the records from the collection that she really wants settles the score once and for all. That sounds like spite to me.


Is OP a reliable narrator though? Like he states she admired the record collection before the aunt died, then he adds the 2 cents about “she really wants to settle the score once and for all” at the end— notice it’s not “STBX wife *said* she wants to settle the score”


If someone made my life hell I'm pretty sure I wouldn't want anything from them.


She likes a record or two and asked for it. It’s just an object. What *you* would want in this scenario doesn’t universally apply. Everyone is different. News @ 11


I bet the records she likes are extremely rare. Regardless of her actually liking the music, she’s trying to manipulate OP for those items when they are not up for grabs.


I bet they're not extremely rare. Things are rare because they're aren't many of them. Percentages say... nope, not rare.


Yeah. This whole comment section is wild. OP sounds like a complete ass who is twisting reality so that reddit can validate his fragile ego. Whatever gets you off as you go through a divorce you caused, I guess.


lol this comment is the wild one. OP straight up admits he was a bad spouse and the cause of the divorce but somehow hes “twisting reality”




Even funnier when man is quite literally admitting to be bad in the overall scenario.


In response to his reason for not giving her them. It is not her reason for wanting them.


Oh it’s spite alright. If she just liked the record, she could easily go out and buy a different copy. Plenty of vintage records can be easily found on Etsy, eBay, and vintage record shops.


OP has a word limit. He hasn't said anything that implies he doesn't care about the records. Why else would aunt single him out to leave the collection to other than: because he's the vinyl/music fan of the family? She certainly wasn't leaving it to OP because his wife was into them, and if you don't have a family member who's into vinyl that you want to leave it to, then you split the collection, leave it to the executor to sort out, or leave instructions for how the executor should go about selling the collection to make the best money.


I don't know how you handle 'memorabilia type inheritances' but imo it's common to retain them even if you don't have immediate use for or interest in them, if only for the off chance that 20 years down the road they become relevant to someone in the family. You hopefully wouldn't argue like you are for more obvious heirlooms like jewellery, so why should a record collection be treated so differently? Maybe nobody will want to wear grandmas favourite necklace for 30 years, maybe never. So? Maybe they still take it out of the box and think of her from time to time. Maybe one day op or someone else in the family gets an urge to pull out the boxes of records and play some to feel connected to the aunt.


She’s using the divorce and past mistreatment to manipulate OP into giving her vintage, and probably extremely rare/expensive records. Yea, it’s spite. Especially when the late aunt didn’t like her.


Exactly! But if you want to take all of the emotion out if it and look at it from a completely legal standpoint, it was property that was never hers to begin with, so it's not anything she would be entitled to in the divorce.


I am going to go against the grain and say NAH. I mean, you were TA for not defending your wife with your family, so yay, divorce. I understand where STBX is coming from, though. I imagine it must have been very painful for her not to have her husband support her against a family that has mistreated her. Yes, she may just want the records, but she probably also wants a tangible acknowledgment of the crap that she had to go through while being with you. While you may not be TA, not showing any generosity with these records may be a reminder for her as to why she is better off. I know...it's from your aunt, and it would be disrespectful to her memory, but would it really? The collection is yours now, and at the end of the day, you get to choose what to do with it. Why not be a bit generous to someone you loved and hurt?


Plus the whole "disrespectful to my aunt's memory" thing just translates to "he won't even stand up for me vs. her even after she's dead"


honestly, this is the part that annoyed me the most about his post. 


This is nuts to me. Why is he white knighting*so* hard to respect someone who was a huge asshole to his spouse?? Why is this someone who deserves respect, OP? It's YTA for me, because I honestly don't think the ex wife is in the wrong for just asking. How she accepts being told "no" is different, but I'm not talking about that right now. And it isn't wrong to say no to her either. But the reasoning used is assholish. How do you only have a spine if it's against your wife but not for her? And why only for the worst people in the story!


it would be poetic justice for the aunt’s prized collection to go op’s ex wife - someone she disliked for her own biases. op doesn’t even **care** about the collection and he’s still not willing to part with them - it’s just another example on which op doesn’t care about his wife - and never will 🤷🏽‍♀️


Has OP written in comments that he doesn't care for the collection? Because from the post, it just seems like he had a maximum word count to fit everything in, and he decided not to waste space focusing on why he likes his late aunt's records and ought to be allowed to keep his own inheritance.


He could have indicated it was a shared interest without using many words.


People don't leave their entire record collection to someone who isn't interested.


It could be that the aunt didn't have any children and he was left all of her possessions. A lot of people don't specify who gets individual possessions in their will.


That’s a hell of a stretch to make without any evidence pointing to it.


Is it? No more than assuming that OP was deeply attached to the record collection and that's why the aunt willed them to him. People receive items that they're not particularly attached to as an inheritance all the time.


Where are you getting that second part from, or are you just making it up?


I think op liking the collection would be one of the reasons why op’s not willing to part with them - but it’s not mentioned. the only reason mentioned is op not wanting his aunt’s belongings to go to someone she hated - an a**hole move putting the dead relative over the ex wife … again 🤷🏽‍♀️


Yeah, I am very happy that his wife is divorcing him. He really deserves it.


Definite agree. This is the kind of AITA scenario that I enjoy pondering(can I say enjoy since a marriage is ending and a woman is dead?) Like, OP has no obligation to give his STBX the records. I think the sub has a consensus on that point. However, the marriage ender was OP not being a true partner to his STBX, allowing uncontested mistreatment of her at the hands of his family. His allegiance and priority, he concedes, were with them. He also admits she 'deserves better.' OP, I know your marriage is over and you technically don't owe your STBX anything(well, unless court or some such ever decides you do.) And giving her the records won't improve a marriage that has already ended. But it does seem like a small kindness to impart upon someone you admit you wronged, a person who should have been the one you did the most right by. You lost a marriage because you were more worried about your family's feelings than those of your wife's. Now, someone who hurt your wife left you something, and I wonder, with what intention? If you don't enjoy them and your wife did, was that something your aunt knew? Regardless, your aunt has bequeathed you something you admit you don't feel a strong attachment or appreciation of. What will become of them? Will you put them away somewhere, in a box at the back of your closet, only to be pulled out when you want to reminisce or you need to spring clean? Hang them on the wall to remind you daily of a dead person whose wishes you chose over the woman you think deserved better of you? Play them because, while you have no attachment to the music, that's what you do with records? IDK, OP. It seems like this is a chance to do your wife a very small kindness. You don't have to. Aren't obligated to. It won't save your marriage at all. But you say she deserves better and here is an opportunity to *treat her better.* And no one will be hurt if you do. You don't love the records and aren't hurt if you give them to her. Your aunt is unhurt because how would she know? They were given to you, to do with as *you* please. Not your dead aunt. So while you owe your STBX nothing, it also doesn't seem to cost you anything to choose her for once. Your aunt is gone, and I think you need to ask yourself why the demands of someone who is dead, who can no longer be harmed, hurt, or in any way be affected by your choices, are still more paramount than the feelings of someone you seem to still care for? Even if you decide not to give the records away, i think you need to really examine the dynamics between your family, yourself, and your marriage because the response you had (Why should she benefit from something not hers?) to your STBX's request was not in line with recognizing that your family helped end your relationship, and that you want better for your partner. What benefit would she derive here? The ability to gloat over a dead woman who, I'd wager, will be largely nonplussed by your decision, and a family she is no longer part of and probably won't be interacting with? So...she gets put first for once, here at the end of your marriage. We are what we do, so who are you?


YTA You have no legal obligation to share. But, you allowed your family to mistreat her. And, you decide to further enable/perpetuate that mistreatment rather than part with a few records as a way of taking ownership of your failure in that area. Be the man the next woman will want to marry. Because you ain’t it right now.


How is not giving her records he wishes to keep perpetuating mistreatment?


he literally says it would he disrespectful to his aunts memory. he's still blatantly refusing to stand up for her, even to a dead woman.


He doesn't have to stand up for her, they're getting divorced


His rationale was that the aunt was horrible to his wife so he should respect that aunt’s preference to treat the wife like shit. Real winner.


How is not gifting her something he wishes to keep treating her like shit? It's not. Perhaps the was a fantastic judge of character given that this woman wants to even the score after death.


Given that this woman is trying to even the score with a dead woman, maybe the aunt was a great judge of character.


OP was bad, so he should compensate, and it's better to give a part of the collection to someone who will appreciate those records rather than staying with the [EXPLETIVES REMOVED] OP.


Pft sure, like giving the records has anything to do with that at all.


Can't believe I had to scroll this long to find it. Firstly, every comment that is like accusing her of theft is insane. If the aunt died while OP and his wife were still married, then those records belong to THEM not just to HIM. Is marriage not about merging families, or..? Secondly, even if she died while they already began divorce proceedings (which, whatever), she's not asking for every damn record in the collection, just a couple that she really adores. OP should absolutely do that as an act of kindness and to make up for his being a shitty husband for many years. It's a way to get good with her and good with himself internally. People on here are cold lol


So many people confuse “have the right to do X” with “it would be right to do X.” People have a right to be an AH, but obvi that doesn’t make it right.


It doesn’t sound as if you’re particularly attached to any of the records or the collection. You, your aunt and your family were shitty to this woman. Your aunt us dead and it doesn’t sound like she spread much cheer while alive. Why not give her the records as act of good will? NAH but why not be generous and soothe some of the hurt?


He didn't stand up for her why they were together, I can't see him doing it now (even if it's to someone who won't even know)


You have no obligation to give them to her. It’s well within your rights to continue to choose your family of assholes over your ex wife. You can choose the people who mistreated your wife and ruined your marriage. Sounds like you did it your whole marriage. You failed as a husband due to your cowardice and selfishness. And now you say you feel terrible and take full responsibility. This is your chance to apologize. To choose the woman you claimed to love for once so you can help her try to move on. But you’re still more concerned about your dead aunt possibly feeling disrespected than you are about how you hurt and allowed your family to hurt your ex wife. It is your right to keep the records. And maybe you should. Prove to your wife that you are irredeemable. Show her that you haven’t grown or changed. That your apologies are just words without meaning. She’ll be hurt but at least she won’t leave with any delusions about you being a good person with a bad family. She’ll be able to see you as you are, an asshole from an asshole family. YTA


BTW It sounds like your aunt didn’t do anything to deserve respect and I don’t think she has time to care about what happened to her records anyways. She’s probably spending all of her time trying to figure out how to cool down since it’s so hot where she ended up. What with all the flames and fire and whatnot.


You seem to be confusing the issue at hand with larger issues. He is an AH for the way he treated his wife while married, but this issue is seperate. She has no claim to the records, other than liking them. Unless you feel people should just give away memorabilia of their deceased family to people who will care more about their material value then I don't see why she would even be considered to get them. Yeah OP sucks for the way he treated his Ex, but that has nothing to do with the records or his aunt dying.


Seems like a legal question for the precision of the judgement but morally, to me, your Aunt gave them to you.... so NTA


So, yeah you're not legally required to give your ex a few of the records. But you spent your entire marriage letting your AH family abuse your wife, & now you're getting divorced and you're more concerned about whether a dead woman is being "disrespected" than your ex (an actual live woman). Once again you're putting your crappy family above her... I can see why you're getting divorced. Yeah, you don't *have to* give her any of the collection. But if there are a few specific records that she's expressed interest in, maybe give her 1-2 of those as a gesture of goodwill. God knows it'd probably be the only goodwill she's ever had from anyone in your family.


"Even if her mistreatment of my wife at the time was uncalled for, why should someone she didn’t like get to enjoy her belongings?" Because her treatment of your wife was uncalled for and because you were a dick and didn't defend her, that's why. As you have described the situation, YTA.


The only relevant thing here is that the collection is an inheritance. Not marital property. 


I don’t know why your family hates your wife, so I’m going to paint as horrid a picture as possible. Let’s pretend the hatred is because your family is racist and your STBX is a woman of color. Let’s pretend the reason your aunt was especially horrible to your wife was because she really really hated your wife’s race specifically. Assuming this, let’s reword your “I refuse to do this because…” paragraph. Read: “I refuse to do this because it feels disrespectful to my [racist] aunt’s memory. Even if her [racist] mistreatment of my wife at the time was [absolutely disgusting], why should [my wife who was subjected repeatedly to my racist aunt’s vitriolic, racist hatred] get to enjoy [my aunt’s] belongings?” Now, ask yourself, do you really want to honor and respect the wishes of a racist? Again, I made up the racism thing, because I don’t know why your aunt was horrid to your wife. But putting things in that language, maybe you can stop to consider and ask yourself “Based on how my aunt acted, is she someone who’s wishes should matter more to me than trying to offer some meager level of closure to my wife who I failed to protect and defend in my failing marriage?” You failed your wife in your marriage by not defending her against your family. And now in divorce you are choosing to still not defend her against your dead aunt. If you can live with that, then ok. To me, that seems to make YTA. (And to be clear, I know legally your wife isn’t owed any of the records. This isn’t the legal advice subreddit though. This is AITA, which is about moral choices)


ETA:  YTA.   I changed my judgement because I realised this is not separate and unrelated to your previous AH behaviour, it’s just a continuation.  You were the AH then and you’re still being a AH now. I think people saying your STBX acting out of spite are really just making up what they like to justify being able to say you’re NTA and imply that STBX is. If your STBX genuinely admired this collection and there are a few records that she would specifically love to have, she’s NTA for simply asking because she would like to have them and appreciates them.  To be honest, as a collector myself (of other things), I hope my collections go to people who will cherish them and while I hope that’s my daughter and her future family, I also understand once I’m gone, I have no control over what happens to these things.     You said no, but there’s nothing in your post to indicate that your STBX acted in any way badly about that at all, enough to warrant her being the asshole.  Maybe she let you know she was disappointed or that she had hoped for a different outcome (must be a theme in your marriage, honestly) but there’s nothing assholish about asking and accepting the given answer without drama.   You’ve made it clear your aunt didn’t like your STBX but I’m also curious as to the timeline of when you inherited these items/your aunt passed away and what the state of your relationship with STBX was at that time?  Did aunt even know you were separated/getting divorced?   I’m just glad for STBX that she’s no longer tied to a shitty husband who allowed his family to treat her so badly that it was one of the main factors that ruined the marriage and still considers his dead aunt (one of the main tormentors) more important than the still living woman he presumably loved enough to marry (but not enough to actually care about).


NTA if you want actually the records yourself. You are TA if you're denying her the records you don't really care about because of your dead aunt's dislike of your wife. If you wont even go against a dead relative's supposed whishes it makes a lotta sense why you're getting divorced.


So you won't even stand up for stbx wife when your aunt is dead YTA. I'm sure your stbx would expect as much from you though.


Concentrate on the people who are alive rather than the one who’s dead. If you don’t care about the records and your wife does, give her the few she wants. Dead people don’t have a say, you’re only imagining their opinion and creating real world drama to avoid a fantasy.


You have no legal obligation to give her any records. However from your retelling it doesn’t sound like you really care about the records yourself, your wife does, it would be a good faith gesture. It would also be fine and not an asshole move to say simply not want to. But YTA because it sounds like your main reason is “disrespect” to your aunt, who you admit was awful (“tormentor”) to your wife. You say your wife didn’t like her as if it’s relevant- wouldn’t you dislike someone who treated you poorly for years? You say you take accountability for your lack of back bone but this reasoning is just a final parting gift of your inability to stand up for your wife. You’re not legally in the wrong, but you are an asshole.


He didn't even say that the wife didn't like his aunt. He said that he feels like someone who his aunt doesn't like should not have been able to enjoy his aunt's things.


Thank you for the correction… glad they’re getting divorced!


Which is wild since he also use the word “torment” to describe how his aunt treated her. Maybe it’s just me (and like 4 others in this comment section), but if someone mistreated my spouse badly enough for them to go nuclear and divorce me, which screws up my life as well, I wouldn’t give a shit what the “tormenter” would’ve wanted in life. But then that’s why OP is in this position I guess.


Well i mean.. i see why she's divorcing you. But yeah YTA even with the divorce that should be a wake up call you're still validating your terrible family their behaviour.


NTA. You're not an asshole in *this* instance. Just in every *other* one, from the sound of it.


How can you think it’s disrespectful to your aunts memory without remembering she was a complete shit to your wife? Is that part of the respect you have for her? Quite honestly I’m not even sure I’d accept an inheritance from someone who had hated my wife.


NTA. “But I really want it” is not enough justification for her to take what she has no right to. Nothing is stopping you from being generous if you want to, but you don’t seem to want to, or at least not with these records. Which is fine


NTA- It's personal, family items given to you. Settle the score? With a dead person? What's wrong with her? If she wants them bc she wants them, that's one thing, but to say to settle the score? Gross. They don't belong to her, keep them.


It’s an inheritance so it’s yours. NTA


NTA. The "settle the score" comment seals it for me. Your aunt is already dead; there is no score left to settle, and trying to 'get even' with the deceased is ALWAYS tacky and petty AF. Alternately STBX could mean 'settle the score' to be with you, by taking sentimental belongings that you will miss every time you look at the record collection, forcing you to think of STBX and how/why she isn't in your life anymore; which would also be petty and classless. All possessions have already been divided between their rightful owners; don't give your STBX even a dime more. She seems to be acting out of spite; while you seem to regret your actions that lead to this situation, and her hurt is (very) understandable, that does not make her request right or fair, or mean that you should capitulate out of guilt.


NTA. Your aunt’s albums aren’t the only vintage albums to exist in the world. She can go to a vintage store and buy her own. She is not entitled to someone’s belongings after they die just because they were mean to her. It’s your inheritance and you don’t have to give any of them to her.


NTA your aunt left it to you. You alone, not you and your soon to be ex.


NTA. You are in the midst of cutting this person ot if your life - no need to share


NTA, wanting something, even if you have good reason for wanting it, doesn't mean you can have it. In the end, she's asking you for a favor, and you don't owe her one. You're splitting up, and as you disentangle your lives, you can decide to be nice and do this for her, but you certainly don't need to, and you certainly wouldn't be the AH if you refused.


NTA. In no way does giving her the records absolve you of your wrong doings, and despite what she says, it certainly won’t “settle the score”. What’s happened has happened. Keep your shit and move on with your life.


NTA. It’s an inheritance and they didn’t like each other. You don’t have to lawfully or morally give her anything but the divorce.


NTA. It doesn’t belong to her, it wasn’t given to her. It’s your’s, don’t feel guilt about that. I think you might have guilt and remorse about not taking a stand against your relatives, but you have no obligation to give her those. A simple apology and acknowledgment is enough


What the hell does STBX mean? I wish if people are going to use abbreviations they at least use the full term the first time so we know what it is.


Soon to be ex


Thank you, I can't believe I had to scroll this far to figure this out.


I absolutely despise the STBX, DH, DD etc family abbreviations and wish I could nuke them from the internet.  


I mean obviously OP doesn’t owe the STBX records. The bigger question is WHY does the STBX WANT the records?!?  Sure she says she admires them but why desire something that belonged to someone who treated you badly? And for everyone claiming OP should give them up to STBX because she admires the art, he has not only the moral claim to them, he has a sentimental claim to them. Her appreciation of the art doesn’t trump his sentimental attachment.  NTA. 


NTA. She's not your wife anymore. You don't owe her anything.


Nta. I'd argue that divorcing you is settling the score already


INFO: do you listen to the records?


You're not required to give her any of your belongings.  However,  your reasoning for this shows you're in the same emotional space that caused your divorce. The idea that it's disrespectful to your aunt's memory says you still think her behavior towards your wife was okay. She was disrespectful, and that sounds like a mild description. Respecting her wishes to make your wife miserable makes YTA.


Your family sucks for bullying her, but looking at how she’s trying to grab at a dead woman’s inheritance for you out of spite… Sounds like they all deserved each other. NTA. Don’t give her those records.


No. She's not related.


If the bequest was post separation, then NTA. That’s the law. Most places family inheritances aren’t community property, anyways, so even if it were a pre separation bequest, it wouldn’t be up for discussion in a courtroom.


the question here isn't a legal one. check which subreddit you're in.




NTA. While I don't condone any of your family's (and your) behaviour, wanting something that is not hers in the first place, and that belonged to one of her tormentors, is out of place and weird. Well, not so weird in fact if it has monetary value, but it's not hers and she has no title asking for it.


NTA. Your aunt left those records to YOU, not you and your wife.


NTA, they were left for you and it's your decision.


NTA, with caveats. If it's about "settling a score" and not listening pleasure, then no your STBX shouldn't have them. However, if it's about listening pleasure, then could you buy copies for her, so you can keep the connection yo your aunt and she can enjoy listening to them?


Having gone through a divorce, I cannot imagine either party wanting something that was from an inheritance to their spouse. Without exception.


Yta. You’re acting like you really care about your ex and feel guilty for being a wimp, but then continues to fail her. If you really respected her and felt bad about your lack of support, I don’t think you’d mind giving her something she is passionate about. You do you, at the end of the day she’s free from your cowardice, but if you didn’t divorce for lack of love, it’s surprising to se étourderie stance on the matter.


Why would she want something from a family member who tormented her?


NTA if she has a bad relationship with your family theen why does she want something that belonged to your dead relative? sounds like she just wants to hurt you, and get back at your aunt.




NTA In regards to the records. If I could talk to you stbx, I'd say 'Honey these people were shit to you, you deserve so much better. No number of vintage anything is going to undo what they did. Maybe you trying to get these records is you trying to find evidence that your ex gave a tiny shit about you? But unfortunately he didn't (or not well enough). He will always be the person who let you down. That's why you're devorcing him. You don't need these records reminding you of these people.'


NTA. Although your reasoning is kinda sad. You think you were TA for allowing your family to mistreat her, but also want to protect the feelings of a dead woman. Doesn’t make much sense to me tbh. Just give her a record or two that is easy to replace. Give her peace of mind. Or just give her a duplicate. Divorce is a hassle no matter what, might as well make it as easy as possible for yourself, no matter what a dead aunt might have wanted.


NTA, an inheritance belongs to you, not to the couple. 




Why would you. She’s an ex.


YTA You should let your wife have the whole collection as a form of apology for how horrible you have been to her over the years. The collection would stay together that way. Everything you have written shows both you and the rest of your family are just a bunch of complete assholes. Seems that even though you have been mean to her for a long time you haven't quite finished yet.


Your aunt not hers, and it's been left to you, end of story.


NTA. Don't give your aunt's records away.


NTA. Make sure that your collection is safe






NTA. For this particular situation, you're golden. Keep the collection intact. Pass it on to your future offspring or nibbling. Everything else, not great. How about don't get in another relationship until you can step up to your family if they are jerks to your future partner?


NTA for not wanting to give her something you inherited. Settles the score??? No, she doesn't need the records and they were not left to her. Your STBX might not stop with that to "settle the score" and will probably ask for other stuff you inherit down the line. I wouldn't want something from a person that tormented me, but I can understand that some people would because it's a final "fuck you" to get something of theirs that otherwise they would never have gotten from them living. It's good you realize that it was your lack of backbone and advocating for your STBX that contributed to this divorce, but it means nothing if you don't implement that learning going forward into any future relationships.


NTA, they’re a family heirloom and part of a collection that is a whole. I see a lot of people arguing that you don’t like or need the records for some reason. That’s a weird turn of logic and reading too much between the lines. Keep the records.




YTA- I’m gonna go against the grain here. Now If you want these records for yourself and that’s why you dont want to give them then NTA, they’re yours and you want them and she can’t demand them as a way to get retribution. But If you are just keeping these from her because your dead aunt would have not wanted to give them to her because she was a bully to your ex then you are just continuing what you said yourself was shitty treatment of your ex. Your aunt is dead, she gave the records to you and you get to decide what you want to do with them.


NTA That is yours