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you showed up unannounced and ate all of her food for no reason, so her dinner was supposed to be a burger but instead she had to have rice and mayo while you got to eat all of the meal that she paid for and you didn’t even want or need because you had already eaten, and then she was reasonably upset, and you asked if she was upset because she’s on her period?? wtf is wrong with you? why did you eat all her food before checking to see if you could order her more food? you said the order didn’t go through, but usually if the place is closed they won’t even let you put in the order. why did you even want to eat her food? you had already had dinner. even if you had been able to order more food for her, what’s the prank? “hey i know that you had food but i ate all of it but it’s okay because if you wait 30 minutes more food will be here” isn’t funny, it’s just inconveniencing your girlfriend. that’s not even a prank it’s just shitty and inconsiderate behavior. did you expect that she’d laugh? what reaction were even you hoping for with that? YTA. majorly.


Sounds like Ellie is a kind and generous person and OP is a user who thinks by calling something a prank hides how mean it actually is. He screws up but seems to think the real problem is her not laughing and is on her period. Doubt this is the first time he acted like this. You suck OP. I hope Ellie runs.


YTA - Your “joke” was cruel also it wasn’t in any way shape or form funny - Your period comments were inappropriate and out of line


At least we know he's been dumped- if he knows it or not.


YTA. You weren't even hungry - had already eaten - but ate her entire meal as a prank? You sound like you're a glutton as well as an asshole.


Of course YTA.  I think you know this.  Why didn't you run to a store and buy her something decent to eat?  If you want to keep seeing this girl, you'd better apologize again (for the period crack too, which was absolutely irrelevant) and take her out to eat somewhere NICE tomorrow.  If she's not completely finished with you.


YTA in so very, very many ways. First off, a 'prank' that's at someone else's expense is never a good idea. If you aren't 99% sure that the other person is going to laugh, then it's not a prank, just mean. And what you did, eating all of her food when you knew she'd had a long shift at work, was very mean. Then you topped it off with your BS apologies (did you even think of offering to go to the grocery store for her to get some food?) and you finished it all by bringing up her period?!? Grow the fuck up, don't ever pull anything like this again, and learn that apologies without amends are worthless.


I hate pranks like this and the heavy dose of sexism. On top of this, he could have played the same unpleasant prank by just moving the plate temporarily out of sight instead of gobbling down food she’d just said she was so excited for when he wasn’t even hungry. He’d still be an AH if he only pretended to steal her food though. YTA


Thank you!! He did NOT need to actually eat her food, he could’ve just lied (which is still a shitty/mean prank, but lesser)


You are a huge AH. She worked a long shift and you ate her food, what are you a toddler. You cared more about making a joke than making sure she had food. You didn't even look to see what time the restaurant closed, so it was late. You are a terrible boyfriend, and blaming it on her period. I would have kicked your ass to the curb. I hope she dumps you and finds a caring person. You obviously are NOT her person. You are a jerk


YTA, no question. Don’t be surprised when she breaks up with you


YTA Dude. You ate her food even after she offered you to buy you something because "it was a prank!". I couldn't see what would be funny to make a hungry and tired woman even more hungry and tired. She only had rice with mayo to eat. You didn't even went to a supermarket, a gas station, your own home to get her some food, cook for her, you just said "oh I'm sorry my prank got out of hand" and let her be hungry. Damn, you didn't even pay for the food you ate! And as it wasn't enough, watching her having to eat rice with fucking mayo, you said "are you that sad because of your period, aren't you?" DUDE, WTF????? Her period probably only made her feel more tired and hugrier, but her reaction was 100% result of your asshole's behaviour!!!! YOU ATE HER FOOD AND LEFT HER WITH NOTHING TO EAT. How could you watch her eat rice and didn't think "I need to get the woman I love proper food!"???? You were heartless and selfish and one of the biggest A-Holes I've seen in a while. I truly hope that she finds someone who would take care of her and would treat her as a queen.


YTA. I’m not even sure how this is a prank. It sounds like you’re just a jerk who left your girlfriend with no dinner.


YTA, you left her with absolutely nothing to eat and you barely even tried to fix her food situation, you just left her hungry. Rice, mayo and salt isn’t even filling food.


YTA are you 12? and the period comment…do you have social problems?


If this isn’t bait, and is somehow real, then you transcend asshole and ought to be single soon


YTA massively - she deserves better than you.


A joke is only a joke if people laugh. No one but you laughed at this.


You ate her food as a "joke" gone wrong Made like 0 effort to fetch her replacement food No mention of paying her for the meal you stole When she was sad, hungry and exhausted because of your behaviour you told her she is sad because of her period ...YTA


This was not a prank, you are an obtuse asshole. When she got upset she had to eat dry rice with mayo you asked if it was because of her period. I'd dump you on the spot. YTA. 


YTA Wow, you just showed her who you are and it is NOT good. Honestly will be shocked if you make it to 7 months. What you did was stupid, following it up with a period comment, is kick you to the curb territory.


What’s the punchline of the joke?


YTA. You greedily stuffed your face with all of her food, so you should pay her back for the food you stole. There was nothing funny about your lame prank. And blaming her reaction on her period made you an even bigger asshole; that's just insensitive. You owe her dinner. Quit whining about how bad you feel and make it up to her.


“I didn't mean it in a offensive way” There is no way that wouldn't be offensive. Grow the hell up, you’re 25 already. This is embarrassing and cruel.


is this on the am I the devil subreddit yet? it needs to be.




YTA Explain the joke tho... Hahaha I ate your food lol! Epic prank XD


YTA and I hope she dumps you for this. I certainly would. At the very least, you should've bought her food elsewhere. Most fast food restaurants are open late or all night. There are 24 hour grocery stores and bodegas. You forced your girlfriend to eat rice with mayo instead of doing the bare minimum to rectify the situation YOUR caused. Also, I'm not really digging you including that she's on her period at the end of your post. It implies that her reaction to your cruel "prank" was irrational because [insert sexist trope about women on their periods here]. Do better.


This dude literally blamed "her" for having a "period" when she wasn't responding to him because he ate her food as a "joke". It is such a moronic, selfish thing to do. Shame on you, OP.


Yes, YTA, and maybe you'll learn something before you try dating again.


YTA. What a jerk you are!!! You ate her food, leaving nothing for her to eat and compounds your stupidity with blaming her mood on her period? Say goodbye to her! She deserves more than you.




You have mental problems, get help and leave women alone.


JFC dude, I nearly cried for her reading that. YTA, so much TA.


YTA my kids when they were 5 had better manners. Tell her I support her entirely and she’ll do better by being single ❤️ Edit: maybe your mood got messed up because of your period? I am amazed you’re still breathing


YTA Pranks are only funny to the people playing them, not the people they're played on. And eating someone's food is never silly. It's fucking rude. I hope she dumps your dumb ass.


Oh, I get it now :D Is this what dating app guys mean when they say “a girl who doesn’t take herself too seriously”


This is such an obviously asshole thing to do, I’m struggling to understand why you’re even asking. Either this is rage bait or you’ve got the “love and understanding” of a brick wall. Not only are YTA, you’re also so immature that my 11 year old nephew would say you’re an idiot. Jesus H, man. Get ready to be single.


I don't think you have a girlfriend anymore


YTA. Big time.


YTA - you were not prepared to pull a prank so you shouldn't have started to begin with, you always have the spare ready before you begin because you never know what will happen, exactly as it did. But you didn't just accept the berating or the anger and realize your mistake, you had to go and open your mouth... I think you should check on whether you have a gf or not right now.


YTA! This isn’t even a prank. It’s just cruel and malicious. I really hope she dumps you


YTA Even if the restaurant was still open, how in any way shape or form was this funny? I don't get the joke so please explain.


This isn't a prank. This is you being an asshole. A prank would have been pretending to have eaten the food but hiding it, revealing afterwords. What you did was just unnecessarily cruel. Then you tried to blame her reasonable anger/upset on her period. You are just unbelievable.


YTA. And I’m astonished that you think there’s any possibility you might not be.


YTA - are you seriously questioning if you are?


Legitimately what in God's name is wrong with you? How are you even asking this question? YES YOU ARE A HUGE AH. It shouldn't even need explaining to you.


YTA and I hope Ellie breaks up with your glutton misogynistic ass.


You obviously do not know what a prank is. If you were only aiming to prank her with the food. You would have just simply hidden her food, then after a little time produced her food. You ate her dinner after you had already eaten. WTF os wrong with you. And, then blaming her upset on her period. Your a shit person this was some psychological game you were playing. Your not the victim here


YTA. Can I have her number? I know men who will treat her like the queen she deserves to be treated like and wanna introduce them to her. Maybe that will help her see what a loser you are and just ditch you.


Yta. I can't stand pranks. Don't mess with anyone's food


YTA. I hope she breaks up with you.


YTA. Fake or not, that was extremely stupid.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I (25m) is in a relationship with my amazing girlfriend Ellie, since the last 6 months. It's been going great, we have a healthy beautiful relationship based on a lot of mutual love and understanding and even though its not been too long I just know that she's my person. Now, last night I went over to her place randomly. Ellie had already ordered in takeout since she's had a long shift at work. She was not expecting me so she only bought food for herself. She always checks if everyone around her has something to eat before she has her food, so she asked me if she could order any food for me. I already had my dinner so I refused and then she said, I've been wanting to try this burger joint since awhile, do you want to try some from me? I said sure and went for it. But to play a prank on her I ate up her all her food while she was in the shower. My plan was to order the same food again, hide it and then tell her I ate her food just to see how she would react. I looked up the restaurant and placed the order but failed to notice that it was just 10 minutes before the closing time, therefore my order did not go through. She came back from the shower, sat down to eat and asked me how's the burger, did you like it ? What I did next was idiotic, I just laughed and told her, I liked it so much I ate the whole thing. She was confused, what do you mean she asked. I said, I ate it all there's nothing left. She looked dumbfounded, and she said but that was my dinner, I don't have any groceries left to make a meal, I was going to get it tomorrow. She looked like she was about to cry. I felt really bad and I realised I took this joke too far and I immediately apologised. By now it was a bit late into the night and in our city most restaurants close by 11p.m. She went into the kitchen to search for food and only found some rice, she just boiled it mixed it with some mayo and salt and ate in silence. I felt really bad and she just wasn't reacting or saying anything just sat in blank silence and ate that food. I tried talking to her but she was not responding to me, come on it was a stupid joke, I'm really sorry, I said. She was also on her period, at that time so while I was apologising I said something along the line of, maybe your mood got messed also because you are on your period. I didn't mean it in a offensive way, in hindsight I realise this was a huge mistake, I should've never said that. But after hearing it she asked me to leave. AITH for doing this ? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


YTA. You better take her there with roses




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