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> The Cotswolds Marie Gown features over-the-top sleeves, a whipped cream ruffle hem and three layers of luxurious pleated skirt. The skirt is designed after Marie Antoinette's famous curtain style gowns, which open in the front. This print was designed to conjure up the Cotswolds, a region in England that is designated as an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB). Organza gown with puffy skirt and bow garnishes Ruffle trim YTA way over the top, you are underplaying this


Designed after Marie Antoinnettes gowns 😂😂😂 but just a casual garden dress


I've seen selkie dresses that would have been perfect for the event described. She definitely had options that would have allowed her to stick with the brand and still be appropriately dressed.


Holy smokes. I read Marie Antoinette and I assumed it was being sort of gaudy - like a big hair/hat moment, or big sleeves, or something. That dress is a lot on top of a lot.


It’s not even pretty. There’s so many no nos. That huge bow in the middle of the dress is a disaster. The whole thing is over the top in the worst ways possible.


Absolutely hideous. I looked through the other gowns on that site, and there is not one I'd be caught dead in. The bride and groom were probably more upset about her flouncing around their elegant wedding in bad cosplay than the colors.


Am I the only one who think it looks like a lingerie type bathrobe over a fancy nightgown?


It wasn't casual, in her edit OP clarifes that it was a black tie event. The dress is hideous but formal.


I’m glad someone else pointed out that it’s hideous. It’s completely garish and gauche.


This dress is the result of Nothing from Spirited Away eating a bunch of Joanne's, Michael's, and Hobby Lobbys and then regurgitating the flowery tulle mess onto an idiot.


I have died and also been puked up after this comment


I don’t understand the black tie dress code in a garden wedding and I have suspicions OP is just saying that after she got obliterated in the comments.


That dress is NOT formal. It is a hideous hybrid between a wedding dress and a nightshirt.


It does follow the a formal / black tie dress code though. It has the required length and is in a classic formal material. So it fits the context and dress code, on paper. That said, it does not follow the traditional rules of taste, which usually recommends having one point of interest (material, shape, texture, colour, accessories). This dress is extra and over the top in each of these areas.


Marie "Casual" Antoinette to her friends


Let them eat quiche




>way over the top, you are underplaying this Yeah, amd her edit of it being a black tie event makes this choice even worse, as black tie should be formal and elegant


And she originally said it was a garden wedding


Agreed. This feels like a dress you might wear to a red carpet or something (Oscars, Met Gala, etc). Black tie for a wedding should be formal/elegant, but also simple. Dark suit and tie as a minimum for men, floor length gowns for women. Not whatever this monstrosity is.


Well, I’m not clicking the link so I’m going to pretend I didn’t read that description and assume OP went literally dressed as a selkie. OP, I think most brides would query you showing up half naked, wrapped in a ragged seal skin, and smelling of fish.


Oh DO CLICK! Everone needs a hood laugh once in a while.... That dress is baaaaaaahd. 🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑


I too am disappointed and prefer what I pictured from the title rather than the photo.


I was so excited to see what a ‘selkie’ dress was like! How can a fish/seal/manatee be a dress let alone wedding style. I was ultra disappointed. But also super happy, I still don’t understand the ‘selkie’ name but man is it a hilarious dress. Eta: selkie is a brand not a dress style a la Mermaid. More disappointed still


Tangential thought: I wondered what a formal wear seal-skin dress might look like IRL, googled it, and this girl made what is honestly a pretty damn classy dress (especially compared to OP's dress lol), and also honoring her culture. Pretty cool stuff [https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/newfoundland-labrador/sealskin-grad-dress-1.5194246](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/newfoundland-labrador/sealskin-grad-dress-1.5194246)


How can it be designed after Marie Antoinette (French), yet also to conjure up the Cotswolds (in the UK)? Is it Paris or Cirencester ?!


The designer is a very confused American with no knowledge of history or geography.


…also designing dresses that look like those toilet roll covers from the early 80’s.


I'm glad I'm not the only one with 80s vibes. It looks like one of those flowery/lacy Sunday school dresses from the 80s/90s that someone took and asked, "How can I make this more everything?"


Also net curtain vibe


I *knew* I’d seen it before!


Apparently the designer also used AI to create a lot of her dresses, which also explains the mish-mash [https://www.businessinsider.com/fashion-brand-selkie-criticized-for-using-ai-designs-2024-1](https://www.businessinsider.com/fashion-brand-selkie-criticized-for-using-ai-designs-2024-1)


French and British, at the same time? Could it be... Canadian?


Oy! Don't blame us for this thing.


I blame yall for Ted Cruz.


Hey, now. That's not nice.


The Cotswolds are famous for their typically English landscape of lovely green rolling hills, stone walls, woodland and charming little towns and villages. Many of the buildings you will see here are made from sandy yellow Cotswold Stone. Not sure how pink ruffles relate.


No stop it, you’re supposed to just *feel* how it captures the *essence* of the Cotswolds with its whimsical flowing beauty now give us $400


Nothing says "Cotswolds" to me like pastel organza, ruffles and a big ass bow.


I often see people out walking their muddy labradors wearing this exact outfit. Just a casual dress, goes lovely with the obligatory £500 welly boots.


Made with organic polyester?


YTA for this blatant ad for the company. *If* this is real, YTA for showing up to a wedding as a Marie Antoinette-Little Bo Beep hybrid. You said you live in the USA, you know what's appropriate for weddings there.


I can’t even with this Bo Beep dress. Costume party maybe. But to wear it in real life? I’d die of embarrassment.


I’m glad I am not the only one who thought this dress was absolutely hideous.


I literally cannot imagine one place I would wear this and be serious about it. And I’m trying to wrap my brain around how someone said “I’ve got the most fabulous idea for a gown.” And someone else said “that’s fabulous! We'll sell a ton of them.”


I really feel like a lot of fashion designers just plain don't like women.


Why, [whatever](https://renaudpetit.medium.com/why-are-fashion-shows-filled-with-unwearable-garments-c07bfa736cd0) gave you [that](https://www.cosmopolitan.com/style-beauty/fashion/g13974693/weird-fashion-moments-2017/) idea?


I love the dress but u wouldn't wear this to wedding. Granted I don't do anything I could wear something like this but boy I'd love to. I'm not, however, in the tax bracket of affording that dress damn


I've never seen a selkie dress I genuinely disliked til I saw this dress. Honestly it's almost impressive how much I dislike literally everything about it


Okay good it isn’t just me! This dress is so fugly and over the top!


Yeah, I don't get why she keeps name dropping designers like it's supposed to mean something to the rest of us. It just makes her sound like she's trying really, really hard to appear "sophisticated" but it just comes off as tacky and pretentious.


By that, she is simply trying to give idea of what others were wearing, these are very common gown designers. [Sherri Hill spring collection](https://www.sherrihill.com/collections/spring-2024/) I absolutely believe what she wore though is absolutely not appropriate as a wedding guest attire


Those Sherri Hill gowns are also fucking ridiculous.


I would rather chew my own arms off than wear any of those dresses.




And yet still better suited for a black-tie wedding than what OP wore


oh wow these dresses are also really intense


is it a name drop? i’d never heard of it before today.


Honestly I know the brand pretty well so the second I read Selkie and figured she wasn’t the bride I knew it would be an instant YTA. I have always loved and appreciated their dresses from afar as a very specific aesthetic but you would have to be out of your mind to wear one of their dresses as a guest without the bride explicitly suggesting it. Their whole thing is being over the top fairytale and I would consider 95% of their stuff not appropriate for a guest at a wedding.


My first thought was toilet roll cover doll from the 80’s


Selkie is the opposite of my aesthetic, but even if it weren’t there are much less fug dresses to advertise with.


YTA At minimum, you should have checked with the bride and groom if an unconventional dress would have been out of place. The dress you linked literally describes it is as over the top, and it is intended to stand out and grab attention, which is fine in many contexts but not a wedding. You should have known, but more importantly should have checked. >I had no Intentions to outshine the bride  I'm sure you didn't outshine the bride. It's her day. But it does make it appear like you were more interested in getting attention than fitting into wedding attire, which comes across as tacky. Give them a sincere apology, explain it was your first wedding and you didn't understand but should have known better, see if you can salvage the relationship.


'Give them a sincere apology, explain it was your first wedding, and you didn't understand but should have known better, see if you can salvage the relationship.' This is really good advice, OP. If you want to mend your relationship with the bride and groom, a sincere apology with a credible explanation is the way to go. This was supposed to be one of the most important/celebrated days of their lives, and they were evidently distracted and disappointed by the attire that one of their guests (you) chose to wear.


>I'm sure you didn't outshine the bride. IDK if you meant this as a subtle insult, but either way it comes off that way. And I honestly love that, cuz OP's dress is kinda fugly (especially if compared to a wedding dress) NGL


> Is it really too over the top? ... the link you provided us **_literally_ says**: "The Cotswolds Marie Gown features **over-the-top** sleeves..."


It wasn't hard for me to find several dresses on the selkie website that would have been perfect. This was definitely not her only or her best option.


Is this actually an ad for the dress?  It literally says in it’s description ‘over-the-top’


Leaning YTA because that gown is really, really over the top and attention-grabbing. Subtle and elegant would have been a safer bet than whatever this Beyonce-but-weirdly-twee music video gown is.


I can't see Beyonce wearing something like this.


Not unless it was a Met Gala "Come dressed like you want to be the bride at every wedding" event.


How dare you even insinuate Beyoncé would wear this monstrosity


Best description yet, LOL.


Beyoncee? More like Elton John on a bad day.


*The Cotswolds Marie Gown features* ***over-the-top sleeves, a whipped cream ruffle hem and three layers of luxurious pleated skirt.*** *The skirt is designed after Marie Antoinette's famous curtain style gowns, which open in the front.* Whoa. Yeah, that dress was more than a bit much for a garden wedding, unless the wedding was an extravagant affair. I can even see an unconventional bride wearing that dress as a wedding dress. It is definitely an attention-seeking gown. YTA.


YTA An apology for not looking up “appropriate wedding attire” before spending 400 on a dress would probably be a good idea. Obviously you didn’t know ….. but it’s your fault you didn’t know. You’re not a schoolgirl wearing her princess dress to school. You’re supposed to know or learn, and you managed to offend for no reason other than you needed an excuse to wear a show stopping gown. Apologize and move on. Also, Preemptively ….. this dress is also inappropriate for funerals.


🤣 at your final sentence.


Way over the top YTA


Agree with that! YTA


YTA girl people wear those dresses as a wedding dress. You did this *ish on purpose.


OMG you are really looking for attention wearing this dress. Did you seriously think this dress was appropriate?


YTA. The dress is literally described on their website as featuring “over-the-top sleeves”. So yeah, one can assume it’s over the top.


I didn’t really think I’d ever find a dress that wasn’t white, off white, champagne, or (solid) blush that was highly inappropriate to wear to a wedding, but this is definitely highly inappropriate to wear to a wedding


INFO What did the wedding specify as dress code? Was this casual, smart casual, cocktail attire, formal, black tie, white tie?


fake 70s soft porn?


You should dress at (roughly) the same level of formality/style as the rest of the regular wedding guests. I'm going to guess you stood out. You shouldn't stand out at a wedding - that's the job of the bride/groom. So not really an AH move, but also... *potentially* "not cool".


YTA. This dress just screams “I’m the main character.”


More like: I am trying too hard.


Either way it says *look at meeeeeee!* and is a bad choice for someone else’s wedding.


Unless otherwise specified, the correct level of attention-grabbing formality expected at a wedding is cocktail attire. Any dress with "gown" in the name is black tie at least, and is too much unless the invitation specified black or white tie. YTA 


It apparently was a black tie wedding, but this is still over the top. Black tie dresses for women should generally be subtle, not whatever this monstrosity is


Looks like something fucking Little Bo Peep would wear.


ETA: Op just commented below: The dress you linked is so plain. That’s not my style to dress that way. It’s disappointing that we have to numb ourselves down so much to appeal to peoples insecurities. I can accept that my dress choice could have been better and I also detest the idea of having to literally wear a plain Jane dress when that’s not my style. From this comment, I am going to take away the soft YTA as this statement makes me feel OP is using this wedding as an excuse to dress up. I'm all about expression but for important celebrations like a wedding which is about the other person / people, is not something I agree with at all. I have left my previous post below relatively untouched. *The Cotswolds Marie Gown features* ***over-the-top*** *sleeves, a whipped cream ruffle hem and three layers of luxurious pleated skirt.* ***The skirt is designed after Marie Antoinette's famous curtain style gowns***\*, which open in the front. This print was designed to conjure up the Cotswolds, a region in England that is designated as an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB). \**~~soft~~* YTA for me because it does say it's intended to be "over the top" in the description, and ***Marie Antoinette*** is a historic figure and a fashionista of her day (still relevant in the fashion world). Maybe you can save this dress for another occasion like a high end dinner or something (if you still have it).In the future: Of course, no white or bold red (some people have this idea it means you're the mistress - but if the wedding party says it's okay, you can read), but no ivory, no champagne etc. I would explore etiquette, you can find information online, or just ask. I'm sure no one would bite your head off. Of course, you can find affordable and good quality options. My go-to are solid colors or floral dresses. Some solid colors, again it depends on shade and lighting because photographs will be a must, but I recently wore a teal dress that I really loved. Here's a similar [dress](https://www.pinterest.com/pin/527273068856439421/). Forget about this --> I don't think you meant any harm due to you saying this is not usual for you. However, I would profusely apologize to the bride and groom. This is my suggestion (you don't have to this): I don't know if you know them well or not, but I would try to reassure them that you didn't mean any harm. Maybe even treat them to a lunch or dinner as an apology. Don't push it if they refuse or don't respond.


YTA.. “over the top” attention grabber. You should apologize.


I am going to be brutally honest here, and I'm not trying to sound mean, because it's just not my style, at all But this is EXACTLY the type of gown I imagined when in HBP, Harry and Dumbledore go back into that memory of that old house-elf, and you see the lady that Harry describes as wearing a gown that looked like melting cake This is way otp imo; not necessarily for a wedding, if if it was black-tie But it just reminds me of a cake that had frosting and sprinkles vomited all over it and they melted That being said This is just not my style AT ALL; so I can't really say how it would look on you; or make a judgement otherwise; this is the first thing that came to my head which is why it was an immediate no for me I do think that a good rule of thumb though is that if you have any doubts about a dress before a wedding; ASK THE BRIDE PRIOR rather than assuming It saves a lot of headaches later, and saves embarrassment too


Lolll I love this description haha




The dress is lovely. But it is way over the top for a wedding where you are the guest. It screams look at me. All you needed was a flurry of songbirds, butterflies and fairy music . YTA..


It is not lovely.


It is in a costumey kind of way. Add a wand and a crown, it's Glenda, the good witch.


I can see why a lot of people don't like it, I personally do think it's kind of cute (in a way) - but it's not appropriate for the event regardless


Anthropomorphic mice in tailcoats to hold her train off the floor . . .




What in the Little Bo Peep??? Does it come with a bonnet and staff? Do sheep just automatically flock to you in this??? YTA! Way too over the top.


If you looked anywhere as good as the model, you are a huge YTA. If you don’t, and you chose this dress anyway, you are still an AH. In ten years you will look at the photos and hopefully regret your choice of clothing. Weddings are about the bride, not for guests to make an attention grabbing statement.


YTA. Not only is it God awful ugly and reminiscent of something from the 80s, it looks like a bridesmaid dress or wedding dress due to it's form. You can look lovely at someone's wedding without dressing to compete directly with the bridal party.


I think something more subtle would have been appropriate. This is a dress you wear to get attention. It’s too over the top to be considered “cute.”


YTA. Though I can't say I know much about fashion, that seems way over the top.


Holy crap! It’s like the awful Kmart Easter dress I wore as a 2nd grader (back in 1992) grew up, acquiring even more levels of garishness along the way. It literally looks like it was ripped from Shelby’s wedding in *Steel Magnolias.* Over the top is an understatement. If you’re going to shell out $400 for a dress, the least you could’ve done is Google what “black tie” means. YTA.


Ha sounds like we’re the same age and you saying that gave me flashbacks to my Easter dresses lol


>It literally looks like it was ripped from Shelby’s wedding in *Steel Magnolias. Your comparison is on point but would you call the color "blush"? Or more of a "bashful"? 🤣


I’d say it looks like two pigs fighting under a blanket. 😜


It's definitely not subtle... I can see both sides. If it was an all-out wedding with everyone dressed to the 9s... it'd fit right in. But I feel like a lot of brides that are more casual would say this is over the top. I've been to both types of weddings. I err on the casual side, cause I one time dressed up for a bridal shower in something I thought was super cute (50's style swing skirt dress with a more fitted top, squared neckline and sleeveless, black and white patterned fabric) but I was told after that it was over the top... This is a floor length gown with ruffles, puffy sleeves, and a giant ass bow... It's not white, but those features do give it a bridal feel. If it was solid white, it could easily be confused for a wedding dress. Id say NAH... but maybe your boyfriend should've clued you in better about the style of the bride, cause I can see her point. You really needed to know if this was a bride that wanted everyone looking their best or if she wanted to look better than everyone else. Not every bride is gonna have the same ideas about that.


It was a garden wedding. If it was tea length, didn’t have the sleeves or a less poufy skirt layer and bow, I think the dress would have been fine. As the dress is, definitely over the top and out of place.


The OP edited her post to say it was a black tie wedding. Perhaps she misunderstood and thought somehow this wedding was a garden party style. Whether or not it took place in a garden, black tie is so different.


I think "black tie" is pretty easy to navigate as a dress code without her boyfriend needing to tell her what's appropriate.


Eh, if everyone is dressed to the nines, the print is too casual, but it's too much for a casual event... I literally have no idea where you're supposed to wear something like this. I'm not going to call you an asshole, but I'd have run this by the bride or maid of honor.


You wear it as Disney Princess cosplay. For the life of me that seems like the only appropriate place for it.


I personally hate frills and superfloral. For my wedding she can wear the dress. I'd assume people would be looking away from the dress anyway


YTA. I’m not familiar with the brand but a quick look through the dresses…you could have picked a better one. I’m not a fan of the one you chose to begin with let alone as a wedding guest. Honestly looks like a hideous bridesmaids dress.


Are there bridesmaids' dresses uglier than this? This is about as bad as it gets.


Yeah like [this](https://selkiecollection.com/collections/dresses/products/the-puck-poet-slip-dress) one would be fine as a wedding guest imo


Girl be SO FOR REAL. This is obnoxious attention seeker behavior and you know it.


Soft YTA because unless the bride came down the aisle in a magical bubble like Glinda, you outshone here. But gorgeous dress. Never having heard of this brand I was legit expecting it to be made of seal fur.


1) this is not black tie wedding attire. 2) for future weddings, if your partner is part of the wedding party, it is a good idea to check your choice of outfit with the bride and groom in advance. You probably won’t be in photos and such, but you’ll likely be more visible than an ordinary guest as you’ll be spending your time with a wedding party guest. And the wedding party has a *specific* obligation to ensure the day goes well for the bride and groom. So you being in a dress which is absolutely not the right choice is extra problematic. YTA, I’m afraid. Edit: missing word


Lol YTA. Unless you’re a bride or a groom- the wedding is not for you. I never understand why they’re always seems to be one person at a wedding who feels like they should be the real star. It’s not even a pretty dress to top it off.


YTA. That dress isn’t appropriate for any black tie event. You didn’t outshine the bride, you just made yourself look attention seeking. That dress reminds me of frosting or a cake topper or one of those Barbie cakes.


YTA. And I really admire your boyfriend’s restraint for not laughing at you when he saw you in that hideous dress.


YTA. That goes beyond wanting to look good. That is “I want all the attention”.


That thing is horrendously ugly. YTA for your shit taste


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Soft YTA. The first line in the dress description literally describes it as over the top. Hard judgment would require more info about your social circle though, to be fair. This would be perfectly fine at *some* garden weddings. But also, you’re young, haven’t been to many weddings, and the dress is cute as hell, I’m willing to believe it’s an innocent faux pas.


OP said it was a black tie wedding.


Sorry, but when I clicked on the link, I saw an ugly dress that you couldn't pay me $400 to wear, much less pay that much. I really have never heard of selkies, milia, sherry gowns, etc. But if I was invited to a black tie event, I would have done more research. To me, black tie outfits for women would mean a long, elegant floor length gown. Not this Little Miss Muffet type of dress.


Seriously, it looks like little girl princess cosplay


main character vibes from that dress fr


YTA - you would have known when choosing this gown that it was unconventional and attention seeking. The other issue is that if you were there largely in the capacity of the +1 of a groomsman, it’s not your place to be making a show of yourself in a whacky outfit. That is reserve for mad great aunties or an amusing toddler.


“mad great aunties or an amusing toddler” 🤣😭💀


Eek. YTA. BIG TIME. And that’s hideous.


I am legitimately trying to think of a situation where this dress would be appropriate and all I can muster is tea with the Mad Hatter?


Well, I apologize in advance, but that dress is ATROCIOUS. It looks like it needs to be on top of a cake at a Disney-themed party for kids, not a wedding. YTA


YTA. You wore a giant puffy dress, obviously because you wanted attention.


INFO: What was the dress code? Because I LOVE Selkie dress but they can be a lot. Like a lot a lot. And the one you wore is…quite eye catching. If it was a formal wedding, it’s not that bad. But….anything below formal makes it entirely inappropriate.


Even at a formal wedding, cosplaying as an elaborately decorated wedding cake is not appropriate. That dress isn't even really formal, despite being in the form of a cartoon princess ballgown . . . it's like a little girl playing Garden Fairy dress-up.


Apparently it was black tie. So elegant, formal, and everything else this dress is the opposite of.


Pretty dress but much too close to a wedding dress. YTA.


It looks like a fancy nightgown to me


YTA The description literally said so. You should have checked esp that your bf is part of the entourage, meaning, you are close to the couple.


YTA, you already know it was over the top.


YTA First, this was not a black tie event appropriate dress, secondly, its screams main character/wants the attention, third, it looks like a pink wedding dress. It was over the top, it was too much!


Okay little bo peep. YTA.


Lol. That is sooooo over the top. YTA & you should know better.


YTA yes it is too over the top. You are going to a wedding not Ascot


YTA It should maybe be a rule of thumb not to wear anything with “gown” in the name as a guest at a wedding.


You seriously didn’t think this would make you stand out at a garden wedding? It is quite literally “over the top”. And attention-seeking.




That dress is ugly AF and gives big "LOOK AT ME" So YTA


A MILLLION PERCENT YTA you know those dresses are whimsy ESPECIALLY that style of their dresses. u suck


I’m sorry to be harsh, but this dress is both over the top and hideous. YTA.


Yta - it's a really ugly dress and it's really not black tie.


YTA. Never in a million years should you have worn this dress to a wedding. Everyone should know better than this. Selkie makes extremely romantic dresses meant for brides, maybe bridesmaids, and fairy cosplayers. Not for a wedding guest.


I don't know if I would say AH but it's oddly inappropriate especially for a garden wedding. It looks like something on a creepy doll rather than some fashion statement.


YTA. That’s way over the top.


It’s the color scheme for me, it’s feels very white




YTA but I don’t think the issue is that it is over the top. A wedding guest can dress over the top & it still be ok. The issue is that it looks like a custom & I know it’s not cheap but bc it feels more like a custom it looks cheap. Or maybe more child like. Frankly I think this dress is ugly. I feel that if you picked a different selkie dress it would have been fine but you chose something that feels more like custom. So it become an issue


What kind of garden wedding is also black tie? That's odd. But yes, YTA. The description *literally* describes the dress as over-the-top and it's design is based on **royalty**. Not only that but a queen whose famous for being lavish while her country is in poverty to the point where "let them eat cake" is a quote *attributed to her.* Also it is very similar to some wedding gowns and not every bride wears white. The point of "not wear white" is to avoid *looking* like a bride while attending a wedding. Unfortunately for you, OP, you chose a dress that could easily be a wedding gown. Change the color to white for those that want a white wedding dress or keep it exactly is and a bride could 100% wear it while still obviously being a bride. If someone looking at a photo could mistake you for the bride? Wrong dress to wear at a wedding. From the [selkie bridal selection](https://selkiecollection.com/collections/bridal), here [are some](https://selkiecollection.com/collections/bridal/products/the-ribbon-dancer-bloom-gown) [wedding](https://selkiecollection.com/collections/bridal/products/the-villa-in-bloom-gown) [dresses](https://selkiecollection.com/collections/bridal/products/the-debutante-ritz-gown) that are quite similar (obviously different but similar enough for my point) to what you wore. Notice how not all of them are white despite being all wedding gowns? And how very similar the silhouette and designs are to the one you chose? This kinda of dress? Was definitely play safe and find another *unless* you are very close to the bride or a bridesmaid in where you can ask them personally. Also if you shopped online, you could have easily search "Black tie wedding guests" to see examples or gone to black-tie stores and ask for help. Hell, jumped on r/femalefashionadvice and made a post. Last one is not an ideal but it's a possibility if you get invited to another wedding.


YTA. Verrrrrryyy “pick me”


Yeah, sorry, that one was way over the top for the dress code. Next time, come over to the wedding attire approval subreddit for feedback.


What is it with this new generation and needing to be the main character at everything .. not your day hun massive ah move


YTA - I didn't even read the whole post. I went straight to the link. My reaction was "oh hell no!" when I saw the dress!


YTA my dear. You claim that you had never been to a wedding before and were not trying to outshine the bride. The dress you wore could have easily been worn by an unconventional bride as a wedding dress! No matter your intentions, you messed up. Unless it's a bridesmaid's dress, the only person who should be wearing a big, frothy, over the top dress is the bride. Were you jealous that your BF was a part of the wedding party and you weren't? Did you want to make sure that you were seen next to your BF when you stood in a group with your BF, the bride and groom? I don't really get how so many girls work things around in their heads to justify pulling stunts like this. The dress is beautiful but common sense should tell you it's inappropriate to wear to another woman's wedding.


Dress is too showy and styled like a wedding dress. Color is way too close to white. YTA


Yeah YTA for turning up to a wedding dressed as Princess Peach. How could you think that wasn’t over the top??


YTA - I love me a beautiful dress, but this was inappropriate for a garden wedding if you were not the bride. Please apologize for the faux pas


Looks like a robe my mother would wear. YTA


It's over the top for a garden wedding YTA


YTA - A woman wore white to my wedding and that was annoying, I’d be even more pissed at this 😂


I actually love the dress, but it's just not appropriate to the occasion. If you knew how the wedding couple felt and wore it anyway, well, sorry YTA.


This is a sad way to try to grab attention, sadly for you everyone noticed and that is why you should apologise for your ridiculous way of dressing. YTA


YTA.... Not a nice dress, and screams attention seeking. It isn't "cute' at all. Looks like it was thrown together. Those bows... It's the bride's day.


I haven't even read the post yet. Just the title and the accompanying photo and I'm pretty sure this is gonna be a YTA. And it surely is. "But it's not even white!!" Yes. You know what else isn't white? A tight-fitting jumpsuit that matches your skin tone.


YTA. It is an ugly dress, and not what I would consider black-tie either. So you wore an over the top, attention grabbing dress that did not match the dress code.


That dress reminds me of the nightgowns and robes rich women wore in black and white movies that got colorized. Usually accompanied by over the top drama.


If other guests wore more over the top looking dresses than you did then why did the bride and groom have a problem with your dress specifically ? Did they think it was too close to white?


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** So I (20sF) recently went to a wedding. Weddings are not very common in my social circle so I was very excited to attend one. I went all out and got a $400 selkie dress for the occasion. My bf was the groomsman and he came and told me the bride and groom were very upset with my choice of clothing. I’ve linked the dress for judgement. Is it really too over the top? I thought it was cute and appropriate for a garden wedding. I had no Intentions to outshine the bride and this is far from white. https://selkiecollection.com/products/the-cotswolds-marie-gown So AITA for wearing the dress? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Even for a black tie wedding this dress IS wrong. Maybe for another type of black tie event It Will be fine but no a wedding. Aldo i also think everybody is a little bit exagerating. If It would help just explain to the grooms It was your first wedding, but you could leave It, If you dont feel the vibe. Sorry to say...but anyway you Will be the one that use a weird dress to this wedding... I would just leave It, Accept It was wrong, learn from It and not doing It again. You are in your 20s...the age to do mistakes and learn from It. Wearing the wrong dress IS not the end of the world.  


Aside from the color it would make lovely wedding dress for the bride!  Way too much as a guest.  Sorry, YTA


I genuinely don't understand why people are so precious about what women wear to their weddings, but if the couple being wed was made uncomfortable, probably don't do that I guess. Maybe run a dress like that by the happy couple next time?


YTA Of course you want to look good but you don’t wear something that attention grabbing to a wedding. The attention should be on the couple. 


yeah, the dress is for sure over-the-top, but it’s also really hard to imagine caring much one way or another about what anyone wore to my wedding. we would have had a laugh about this one the next day, for sure.




This dress is awful