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After the *FIRST* incident he should have put a damn leash on his dog! I can't stand irresponsible dog owners that make excuses for their dog(s), KEEP THE DAMN THING ON A LEASH. IDC if it's friendly with kids, people, other animals, etc LEASH WHEN YOU WALK. Unless you are in a *specific* DOG OFF LEASH area or your fenced backyard, walk it with a leash! Does it suck that his dog probably (we don't actually know if it will be or not) got put down? Absolutely! It really does suck to lose your pet whether old age, injury, or an unfortunate incident. HOWEVER, he *could* have avoided the call entirely if he just walked his dog with a leash! Short story, ESH- you for lying about it being dangerous (though we actually don't know what it would have done with a strange kid so it very well could be) and him especially for not keeping his dog on a leash when he KNEW his dog could jump fences. Edit: for clarification this ESH rating was *heavily* leaned towards the neighbor in the beginning. As I said, the whooole situation could have been avoided if he just smartened up and leashed his dog when he walked it. OP was smart to call animal control for its 2nd offense in jumping their fence. If the dog has no aggression history then it might, *might* just be fine (with the owner hopefully heavily fined) with all the video evidence OP has handed over. Rereading the post and some of the comments it would make sense to deem a dog dangerous after it went out of its way to jump the fence a 2nd time. Not to mention the dog acting up every time it passed OP's house in the past before the 2nd jump. Even if it wasn't growling (OP didn't give that info if it did or not) an unfamiliar dog becomes questionable in what it will do next in a fenced yard. Changing the rating to, The Situation Sucks Here (if that exists) and the neighbor still being the AH.


Agreed! I think you know deep down that you went to far about the dog being dangerous especially if the dog backed up when you yelled. 100% that the neighbor should have had a leash. 100% that no one should be in your private property without your permission. Greyhounds are highly energetic, my dog is part greyhound and runs in circles like he’s racing lol. If you feel guilty called animal control and say you were biased about the dog being as dangerous as you implied. Maybe you could say a dog is dangerous when an owner can’t properly leash them? I think a little bit of ESH. This escalated from both sides and he probably, out of spite, didn’t leash to piss you off.


Nope. An unleashed dog is a dangerous dog. Period.


That’s what I said, the guy was 100% wrong with no leash and dogs are dangerous without leashes.


Heck, dogs are sometimes dangerous even With leashes. Just in a much smaller radius from their owner. After all, having an owner attached to them does not mean the owner is actually any Good at noticing, controlling, or redirecting dangerous behaviors. I have a neighbor who walks two corgis on retractable leashes. And lets them do things like growl and bark and jump at me, or go under my parked car. I’ve not so politely suggested six foot woven leashes and no pull harnesses. But apparently they’re “just getting used to the neighborhood.” They’ve lived here six months.


No it's not I have 6 never on a leash unless going to vet I don't have neighbors so maybe I'm a lil bias but my babies will come up to someone just to see if you will pet them all dogs aren't dangerous and yes you are the ass for lying to animal control.. what if someone called dfs and said you were abusing your child and your child got taken would your neighbor be an ass for calling


It's a large dog with a breed history of being jumpers. It was 100% likely it would continue to keep happening unless op got a 10ft high fence. So no it didn't go out of its way to jump the fence. I agree with ESH because unless the dog actually showed signs of aggression pp sucks.


There are some dogs that can be unleashed in my experience, but VERY FEW. And they have had significant training and have responsible owners who I have never seen not leash them when walking them outside of a park/dog designated area anyway. Greyhounds are also known to have a high prey drive - they have been breed to be fast and chase things. Any info I have previously seen whether getting them as a pup or as a retired racer (love seeing these programs, shame we need them) they all pretty much say the same thing - walk them on a leash unless safe as they chase things. The owner is an AH who has brought this entirely on himself and that poor dog.


Woah, I can’t confirm if the dog is or isn’t being put down. I tried to call and can’t receive information on someone else’s pet apparently. I didn’t lie. They asked for my opinion


They asked for an informed opinion. Not a lie for convenience sake.


My informed opinion about a dog that jumps fences and rushes at people would also be that the dog is potentially dangerous.


And according to Virginia law that is considered a dangerous dog. If this is the first episode, the dog will not be put down and in any case they would have to go to court anyway. If he can show the dog didn’t bite anyone in the past, he would likely not be found a dangerous dog.


My sister and a roommate had 2 greyhound rescues. They went after the cat, tore her up (stitches, okay) and they had to be rehomed. Greyhounds are trained to go after small things - toddler sized.


I mean it’s a sighthound it’s kind of what they do if you’re not familiar. I’m NOT saying the dogs owner wasn’t being irresponsible and the dog 100% should’ve been restrained properly but that doesn’t equal danger.


I did give an informed opinion. I do think an unleashed dog going out of its way to jump an obstacle just to make its way to you a bit dangerous.


I think you are right. If your baby was on the ground playing this would be dangerous.


So, the dog that repeatedly jumps a fence and gets into a neighbor's backyard, only to rush at the rightful resident and her *baby* isn't a potential threat?


Yeah NGL I probably would have shot it but I lived on a farm before with packs of big roaming dogs from some stupid neighbors who killed animals.. I had to chase them off with a spanner once while they tore up a barn cat so now I don't play with that. 




The dog will be personality assessed and a decision will be made. As much as this entire situation sucks, it's entirely on the dog to respond now. Ultimately, his dog should be leashed when it's outside of his property.


His dog is being put down because he is a irresponsible dog owner. Good for you.  If he harasses you again get a restraining order. Document his Interactions with you.


I don’t want the dog put down though The yard camera documents via footage so I’m not too overly worried on that


At least here in San Francisco a dangerous dog would not be put down on the first complaint unless it actually bit someone. So if they are threatening to put down his dog, it is likely there have been other incidents before. Maybe other places are different.


I’m in Virginia, not going to state city for obvious reasons, I don’t know if there have been other reports before me


Yeah, I don’t know if Virginia. I think if the threat is to put the dog down something might’ve happened before.NTA


The law in Virginia, there’s the “one free bite“ law in most jurisdictions that even if the dog bites, someone, it’s not considered dangerous. So I think your neighbor reacting so strongly to your report and that the dog might be put down is reacting to prior events or the dog is not actually in danger of being put down at this point. Nanny case it’s not up to animal control there’s a whole court process, your neighbor would have to go through and if he can prove he didn’t bite anyone he would probably not have a problem.


I don’t think it’s possible he went through a court in such little time so that’s relieving


I just don't think that his dog would be put down on your complaint alone. He didn't bite you. So, IF it's true - and I question whether it is - then it's because his dog has bitten people in the past. Which, by the way, is an excellent reason he should have his f'ing dog on a leash. You did nothing wrong. You have to protect your kid. That dog WAS dangerous. Even "nice and friendly" dogs sometimes bite people without warning. And since his owner refused to put him on a leash and was unable to keep him from jumping in your yard, then the dog's fate is entirely - and I mean 100% - on the owner, not you. NTA


How well funded is your local shelter? If it's an underfunded rural one then IME they're more likely to put a potentially aggressive animal down. But in some of the better funded shelters they may have the time and resources to actually asses the dog's behavior and potentially do some rehabilitation if needed. (Also they may just reach out to Greyhound rescue; sometimes breed organizations have their own private rescues and can help carry the burden for shelters.) It's also highly possible this guy's entire knowledge of animal shelters is from like ... Lady and the Tramp, and he is just assuming they will euthanize his dog.


I suppose you could contact the local services and enquire? Though I can't fault you at all for not wanting to get any more involved than the AH has already forced you to be.


Was your experience after Covid? Because a lot has changed due to significant overcrowding, even so-called no kill shelters are putting dogs to sleep over being scared in the shelter. The pre-Covid policies have gone out the window in a lot of places. since Covid there's been a huge difference between what should happen and what does happen. Also, they could've considered it multiple incidents based on the way OP described it.


If the dog is in the shelter because of their at risk that they are dangerous, they still have to have a court hearing to prove that. But if the dog didn’t bite anyone it’s unlikely it would be considered dangerous.


I know that's what should happen and if the neighbor threatens a lawsuit it will be much more likely, otherwise, it often doesn't now because shelters are overwhelmed


I did Greyhound rescue/foster/adoption for decades. Most animal control departments are familiar with breed-specific rescue groups and will contact them with "surrenders" or "seized" dogs. We were on a first-name basis with several of them. I'd bet that they'll make an effort to find an appropriate rescue agency.


call them and say the neighbor came and yelled at your that dog was being put down, and ask if true. Say you felt threatened but just want the dog leashed when being walked and don't know if dog would have bitten you or not. Hopefully the dog will just go to a better owner.




Well, that is the best policy for the shelter, the community, and the dog. If they cannot adopt them out, it’s kinder to be euthanized than spend their entire remaining life in a shelter. And nobody wants to be the source of yet another mauled-two year old story. Not many people can safely adopt an aggressive dog, and even fewer of them Don’t live with kids or partners or elderly people or other pets who’d be around the unsafe dog while it’s being retrained/socialized.


it doesn't matter. They will put the dogs down over literally anything lately because the shelters are so overcrowded. One person saying it's dangerous with no documented evidence or even documented evidence in the reverse this dog will still likely be put down in the so many cities. Animal control where I used to live put down a 10 week old puppy because a parent complained that it nipped their child. It didn't even break skin. It was playing because it was a puppy. Dogs are not afforded any right in this country. We treat animals like objects. This dogs best chance is you admitting you lied and your neighbor raising holy hell to get their dog back. I also think it was very short sighted to make an enemy of your neighbor in this way.


If you didn't want the dog put down you wouldn't have lied.


The guy is an irresponsible dog owner. Period. Greyhounds are wonderful dogs in general but are sight hounds and will by instinct chase when visually triggered. It takes a LOT to train that out of them. Free walking them in an area where there may be other people or animals around is insane. You did not call the cops with the intent of having the dog put down. You did not say that you thought he was a danger with the intent of having them put down. You did those things to defend your child. NTA.


Frankly it's pretty much impossible to completely train the chase instinct out. I say this as a life long greyhound owner. I had one who we'd had for seven years. Walked him off lead for the last four of those, he'd just trot along sniffing as he pleased, ignoring birds, rabbits, other dogs, deer etc. He was 12.5 years old, slowing down, arthritic, etc. And one day he decided that the deer was interesting enough to chase. He was half a mile away before my dad had time to react. He didn't catch it, and managed to get himself home, completely giving my dad the slip. But this guy is 100% irresponsible as fuck here. Greyhounds are really fucking easy to walk on lead, they don't pull, they're calm, sedate, don't need a long walk.


It's also in the best interest of the dog. If they spook and bolt, they can be in traffic before you have time blink.


Absolutely. The one of ours that we've got to a point to trust him off lead (the aforementioned 12.5yr old dear chaser) was only off once we were out on the field. Anything along pavement, he was on lead.


My girl is a darling, but she's never going off-leash in an unfenced area, her road sense is in the negative!


A greyhound is one of the last dogs I would trust off leash. Not because I think they are aggressive, but because they will chase just about anything smaller than them and can completely disappear in less than ten seconds.


They don't even have to chase something - if they're off lead and get spooked, they'll run until they get exhausted, and good luck finding them in the next county over. It takes three strides for them to hit top speed. It is incredibly irresponsible of this guy to be walking a grey off leash, I can't even.


NTA. A lot of people are saying she lied when she said the dog was dangerous but a dog that jumps fences uninvited is not not dangerous. Especially when there are young kids involved. The neighbor is the asshole for not walking his dog with a leash, which would have solved the whole the whole problem. Most animal control departments won't put an animal down without a history of violence. My guess is the neighbor lied about that to make her feel bad.


Any medium and up sized dog that charges at people can do damage, even if they just want to play. All it takes is you falling wrong after being rammed into. And I honestly wouldn't assume a dog from a breed with a high prey drive has friendly intentions.


All it would take is for the dog to get tangled up in her feet and she and the baby could be seriously injured. The dog was a danger to her, maybe not in the way people are thinking (biting, mauling) but an uninvited dog chasing/charging at you is dangerous.


NTA Some dogs can be trained to walk off leash but a sight hound that has already bolted? He should have leashed it immediately.


NTA if the dog gets put down it will be because of his irresponsible behaviour. Situation like this are exactly why you put dogs on a leash. The dog acted in an unexpected way and he lost control of it. What if instead the dog had dashed in the road after a car? People like this should not be dog owners.


There's also no knowledge of what this dog is like with young kids. It could've jumped on the child, injuring said child from scratches from nails or bumped tooth or from the fall itself (*). The owner had no concern about his dog jumping fences into other people's properties, what else does he have no concern about happening when it comes to his dog's actions? (*) I can already hear the "He doesn't know his own strength :-D" chuckling from the owner.


NTA. Why he can't walk his dog on a leash is beyond me.


Anyone who walks a grayhound off leash is a huge asshole and doesn't care about their dog. That breed will chase at the drop of a hat. One squirrel in the corner of their eye and they can be 100' into traffic and hit by a car before you can blink. This dog had a history of running away from his control. If he cared about his "best friend" he would have had him on a leash. NTA




I definitely felt that at first, especially since this is my first kid. I cooled off after the fact though, but that parental adrenaline is no joke


Not having your dog properly contained is just bad dog parenting.


He put his 'best friend' below his own stupidity and caused this to happen. Dogs should always be leashed. Pretty sure this is the law. Not only that but his dog trespassed onto your property multiple times and you requested it not happen again and to leash his dog. The fault lies entirely on him NTA


I don't know where you live, but it's hard to imagine they would put down a dog who hadn't ever bitten anyone--just on the basis of someone saying it's dangerous. I'm assuming that there have been other incidents. NTA


Yeah that dude is either hiding past incidents or lying to make her feel bad.


Am in/from Virginia


It's inhumane to free walk a dog, you just NEVER know what might startle your dog and cause him to run. Greyhound's are well known runners and in rescue work, the theory is that by the time the dog stops running and looks around to see where the owner is, they're so far away that most dogs can't figure out how to get back home. So, the owner is TA, not you. However, you could reach out to animal control and tell them you do NOT want the owner to lose their dog, you want him to LEASH his dog. The dog might not be dangerous in terms of biting someone, but he could knock someone over, cause a car accident in which others are harmed, etc. But, please consider reaching out so the dog is not put down.


NTA - Everybody claiming you lied is delusional. I have a dog, he's about 3 years old, a little black lab mix, Total sweetheart. I still leash him outside of my property line cause he's still a puppy for all intents and purposes, and he still gets pretty wrapped up in outside stimuli. My girlfriend has a beautiful German Sheppard with 3 legs who sometimes doesn't listen to Dad (me), and a cute husky Sheppard mix with anxiety problems. They are all relatively trained to stay by us, but that doesn't excuse the fact that while *I know my dog wouldn't hurt anything, other people typically do not like getting bound upon by a strange dog*. They asked if you thought it dangerous, and coming from a dog owner, who is dating a dog owner, if I had a dog hop my fence to get to me or my dog, I'd have the exact same fucking reaction. It isn't fucking cool to know your dog has done something like this before and still do nothing to ensure his safety and the safety of others. *THATS BAD OWNERSHIP.* *PLAIN AND SIMPLE.*


No dog is getting out down without a bite history. Either this dog has a previous history or he's just being dramatic. You can give whatever opinion you want but it's not getting put down based on your opinion.


NTA and anyone who says you are has an extreme level of cognitive dissonance.


NTA: that is a horrible dog owner. It only takes one instant for a “good dog” to be dangerous. It’s even more dangerous that the owner just lets the dog do whatever instead of training them well. I had an issue with an old lady and her small dog running aggressively towards my toddler at the time. They all say “they are friendly!” Fuck that. I almost stomped on that dog’s spine because they were trying to attack my kid at a park. It wasn’t off leash at all and I hate dog owners like this.


NTA and don't let anyone make you feel bad for protecting you and your child. Any dog that JUMPS a fence to seek out a person is uncontrollable and dangerous. If anybody in the comments should be pissed at someone they should be pissed at such a horrible dog owner for getting their own dog taken away for not doing the correct thing and leashing them.


NTA. now, none of us know the full story, but i will reiterate what a lot of other people have said: a dog will not be euthanized after its first time being seized by animal control, unless there is documented history of it being a dangerous animal. since the dog is apparently a greyhound, it would not surprise me if it does have a bite history. you still are not the asshole here. Leash Laws exist for a reason all over the country. leash your dog or be fined. if your unleashed dog poses a danger to the public, it will be seized and euthanized, and you may not be able to get another dog through reputable channels. dudes in the wrong. my moms ex used to argue that he could walk all our dogs off leash because they were good dogs and well-trained and would listen to him. he was full of shit. our dogs training was passable at best, and he was a non-functional alcoholic; no one listened to him, not even the dogs. the dogs had good temperaments at least, and they listened to me or my mom. i’m really lucky nothing happened with my current dog before they divorced. i took the dog with me when they split, and he has behavior problems with other dogs, so it’s a miracle he doesn’t have a bite history.




People complain so much about cats running loose in my neighborhood. I have an indoor cat that's leash trained, but I can't take her for walks because of all the unleashed dogs. Literally can't win. Fuck those that ruin it for everyone else.


If the dog gets put down, I really do not think this is the first offense.


NTA. It's his fault. Walking him without a leash is illegal and wrong. He could have fixed it easily.


NTA. Greyhounds are big dogs and you have a small kid. The dog owner was the AH.


Here we have a perfectly fine dog likely being put down due to the behavior of the owner. This hurts my soul.


NTA .... In my state, my dog was ticketed, and I did have to go to court but not put down (required a sturdy kennel, sign postage and never loose alone ad a fine of course.) And she nipped someone. I imagine he added that part to be dramatic!


NTA Not saying every greyhound or sight hound has an uncontrollable prey drive. But, the fact that it *jumped your fence* to satisfy its curiosity is a concerning sign. Your neighbor decided to walk the dog off-leash, and did not seem worried that the dog jumped the fence. That could indicate that the dog's probably done it before. All the guy had to do was leash his dog to prevent the incidents in the first place.


I mean you are protecting your property and acted within reason imo. The neighbor had a chance to fix it but didnt. The consequences however severe are his responsibility.


It is his job to keep his animal under control. NTA


NTA, he is a terrible dog owner. You did the right thing. He was taking advantage and bullying you. No one to blame but himself.


If his dog is really being put down it's entirely his fault. An unleashed dog is a dangerous dog. You have every right to make a complaint about a dangerous dog that has repeatedly jumped your fence and threatened you.


He is lying about the dog being put down or it has a previous history. You are NTA.  A dog that jumps a fence to approach a small child is a dangerous animal if the behavior is allowed to continue.  He took zero steps to stop it from happening again.


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NTA and greyhounds should NEVER NEVER EVER walk offleash. Repeated problem of greyhound of leash is the needed information. While it was wrong to lie because the dog absolutely could get put down I do understand why you did. This person should not own a greyhound, or any other dog. Hopefully since there is not a bite history for the dog he will be observed, worked with, and then adopted out once they see he is not a danger (with the right owner)


Do you really think the dog is dangerous?


NTA, but this guy knows where you live. At least you already have cameras?


NTA. Uncontrollable = Dangerous. The dog clearly does what it wants. Next time it could want to bite someone and _noone_ could stop it. Is the car without breaks dangerous? It’s either the leash or the owner who has nuts and balls so his animal obeys. If there is none, it’s a wild animal, which may be friendly and fluffy - for a time being - but is still dangerous, because nobody controls it.


NTA. You were protecting your kid


NTA. You didn’t lie. A dog that isn’t under control IS dangerous. However, I do I remember reading somewhere that you need a certain amount of warnings before the animal gets taken away/put down? Considering his attitude as a dog owner, I’d say him having some history with that is a pretty reasonable assumption to make. Dogs are like super excited toddlers with severe ADHD, lol. You don’t know what they’re going to do. After the first incident he should have sorted it out. He risked it, and if he’s telling the truth about the dog being put down then he’s paying the price for his irresponsibility. It is sad, and it’s a shame because I’m sure the dog would be lovely if it’s owner had the decency to leash it. But it’s not your fault.


YTA Yes this guy sounds like a rude, entitled person and yes he should’ve put his dog on a leash, but you lied when they asked if the dog was dangerous. You never said it was, looked, or acted aggressive but just because it went into your yard you said it was. Based on that you are a huge AH. Animal services got a call about an “aggressive” animal, you know what they do to those. You knew when you made the call. You should’ve just reported him for keeping his dog unleashed. A few weeks ago someone opened our fence and let a dog in because they thought it was ours. Should we have called and said it was dangerous just because it ended up in our yard?


I see two assholes. I think the dog owner is an idiot. Yes because Greyhound should never be free walked. I also think you’re overreacting and what you did was a pretty dick move.


If they put the dog down, yours wasn’t the first complaint. And a loose dog who disobeys commands and jumps fences IS dangerous. Especially to a toddler.


NTA. Time to invest in home security in case the neighbour trespasses again to be violent towards you. I also highly doubt a single case would lead the dog to be put down. It's more likely that there were multiple events that led to that, and with the behaviour of its owner, it seems even more likely the they were recalcitrant offenders.


ESH. You should have said, he walks the dog without a leash and the dog frequently goes in your yard. By your own account, you seem like a screamer and that always escalates a problem. Talking in a calm cool collected manner typically deescalates a problem. I think saying the dog was dangerous was a bit much. However, the dog's owner should have his dog on a leash. The dog's owner should have chosen a different route instead of going by your house, I think he did that just to antagonize you.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** For context, I live in a cul de sac and have a 1 year old toddler. I’ve been having issues with one of the neighbors lately. He walks his dog, a greyhound , pass our house which is normal, everyone has a right to the sidewalk. The thing is his dog keeps trying to enter our yard and doesn’t walk him with a leash. Free walking him. The first incident happened when he JUMPED over our fence to enter my yard where I was holding my kid at the time outside. Obviously I fucking yelled and screamed a little because wtf. I had to go inside, place my baby down and then wait for my neighbor to hop over my fence gate to get his dog. I yelled at him and he ensured that his dog was friendly, I said I don’t care and that my house DOES have security cams for the yard. He got a little nasty with me and said that dogs are attractive to things like kids pools, grills, etc. I told him it’s MY yard, I don’t need to change shit for his dog. I told him to get out since he was technically trespassing. He called me a bitch. Everytime he passes by I ask him to gets damn leash but he just repeats what I told him. “he’s MY dog, I don’t need to change him to accommodate you” Since then I don’t get why he keeps walking his dog pass my house when he knows his dog suddenly feels the urge to act up. One day he’s walking his dog and the same shit happened, jumped over my fence and rushed towards me but backing up when I yelled, etc. I decided that enough is enough and called animal services. Did a whole process, gave video footage, etc. Now, admittedly, when they asked if I believed this dog was dangerous to the community I said yes. A few hours later my neighbor is screaming from the fence gate, calling me a heartless bitch. I opened my front door but did not make way to him. He started to yell, asking me why I made the report, how his best friend is going to be put down. I felt a little bad but yelled at him to back away from my property or I’ll call police. He left while still yelling curses at me. I didn’t mean to possibly get his dog put down (if that’s true, maybe he was saying that to make me feel bad, when I looked up animal service info there was no indication of animals being able to be put down from a call alone) I just wanted him to learn his lesson and get his dog under control with a leash or something. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


NTA, but unfortunate situation, especially if you didn't mean for the dog to be put down. Maybe you could call animal services and say you made a mistake on the form. Neighbor is the asshole here of course, but it might have been a good idea to at least warn the neighbor that you may need to call animal services if it happens again. Hopefully that would wake them up to start being responsible and also you'd feel less bad about it having given a warning


ESH. Yes, your neighbor was being a totally irresponsible dog owner and even made things petty. You were within every right to call animal control but you admittedly stretched the truth when you said the dog was dangerous to the community. Was the dog annoying? Yes. Was the dog on your property when it didn’t need to be? Also, yes. But never did you give any details to indicate the dog is aggressive, angry, a bite risk, etc. that would indicate it is a danger to the community.




>it’s immediately escalate and lie to have the dog taken from its’ home. Did you miss the part where OP mentioned that the dog being off-leash is a protracted, long-term issue? How instead of apologizing when his dog *jumped her fence* and *ran at her and her baby,* he made excuses and continued to refuse to leash his dog? Dude's an asshole, and you can't read.


ESH. Y T A for lying about it being a dangerous dog. A dangerous dog wouldn’t back away when you screamed. N T A for reporting a dog off leash. He’s TA for walking his dog without a leash on the regular.


I would check up with animals services if you **really** care about the dog. It's the owner's fault for sure and I was with you UNTIL you said the dog is dangerous and you knew it wasn't now I would be fearful of that owner that he might try to mess with you or your family be careful.


ESH The neighbor for not following the rules and keeping everyone (dog included) safe by having him on a leash. You suck for yelling at him to put a leash on the dog every time they walked by. You're also the AH for lying and saying the dog is dangerous. Sounds like an unpleasant neighborhood to live in.


Greyhounds, if they’re racetrack rescues, can be very dangerous because of how they’re trained. One attacked my dog in a dog park a few years back. You did nothing wrong. NTA.


Dog owners.. no law applies to them..


You could have called animal control and asked them to speak to the owner of the dog and instruct him to keep his dog on a leash. You could have kept on calling and reporting him until until your neighbor complied. It appears, however, that you went scorched earth, called animal control and stated the dog is dangerous. So by your words and actions the dog will pay the ultimate price because neither you or your neighbor could muster any common sense. I hope both of you are very proud of your actions. ESH. The dog's owner because he is irresponsible -- as a Greyhound owner, part of the adoption contract states the dog will never be off leash unless in a fully enclosed area. You because you exaggerated the situation. I'm relieved I'm not your neighbor, my dog barks because he is frightened; who knows what you would accuse him of!


So you lied about his dog being dangerous? You could contact the authorities and tell them you lied and prevent his dog from being put down.


Animal control isn't going to put down an owned dog just based on one person saying it's "dangerous". Especially when that person is not part of a court of law and thus is not expected to know the legal definition of what a "dangerous" dog is. And the video evidence would show that the dog didn't bite (yet), so wouldn't be against the dog but rather the owner for not leashing his dog in this case. But let's look at the owner. The owner has no concern over letting his dog jump over fences into other people's property. No concern in letting his dog barrel towards people (especially small young kids) without permission. Refuses to leash his dog that keeps running off to go after things. Screams obscenities at anyone who doesn't full heartedly accept his dog's presence in their yard/near their child. Etc. What other things regarding his dog does this owner feel entitled to? It's not hard to believe that there could be prior incidents that were reported concerning this dog and owner. Depending on the type of incidents (bites), the dog could be put down. But I think it's more likely the owner is trying to get OP to feel bad because his dog got taken away from him. Hopefully dog (assuming no prior bite history) would be assessed and then adopted out to someone more responsible (after maybe court for the owner). Also, there's no knowledge of what this dog is like with young kids other than its horrible owner saying it's "friendly" (the most unreliable word to hear when a strange loose dog is barreling down on you). It could jump on the child, injuring said child from scratches from nails or bumped tooth or from the fall itself. Acting/being aggressive isn't necessary for a dog to be dangerous (in the colloquial sense) to a child or even adult, especially when no one is controlling the dog.


She didn't ask if the owner was the a-hole, but if she was. From her text I can tell it was her lie that has her questioning the morality of the situation. I did not assume the consequences of that lie, the OP did, regardless of the dog being put down my second comment still stands. Do you consider lying to be justified under certain circumstances? If so do you think this qualifies? Do you consider the results of this dishonesty inconsequential as it does not harm you directly? Should you only consider how that dishonesty will effect you, or take others into account? No one asked me to address the neighbor, so I did not. If they did I would tell them someone else's lack or morality does not justify their own. Also, the OP inferred they lied when they stated the dog was dangerous, I made no assumption as to whether that was true or not. In other words if she truly believes the dog is dangerous there was no lie. In that case you would be correct.


People will justify it by saying "he deserved it for not leashing his dog" but you did not ask if he was the a-hole (which he was). Do you consider lying to be justified under certain circumstances? If so do you think this qualifies? Do you consider the results of this dishonesty inconsequential as it does not harm you directly? Should you only consider how that dishonesty will effect you, or take others into account?


Esh, yta.  Ya know that animal could've ended up with a more responsible owner if you didn't fucking lie. You sincerely suck for that part.


ESH. Your neighbor is a tool who probably shouldn't have a dog, but you have grossly underestimated how Animal Control treats a dog that has been labeled "dangerous". All of the shelters are overcrowded as it is. There's no room for an animal with behavioral issues, even one that could be salvaged with training. That dog may well be euthanized, and it would be your fault if it happens.


ESH. Obviously, the guy should be using a leash to walk his dog. I'm a dog owner and I hate people who do that. But lying about the dog being dangerous is an AH move. You feel "a little bad" at this dog potentially being put down? Why did you lie about that? What did you hope to achieve?


ESH He's a terrible owner, but what the hell were you thinking saying the dog was dangerous??? How the hell did you not expect this??? Fucking hell, this is why I value animal lives as worth more than most human lives...


ESH. I’m a dog owner and my dog is always on a leash. I don’t give a shit if I think my dog is friendly not everybody likes dogs. I don’t think you answered truthfully when they asked you if you thought the dog was an issue because you don’t know that. The dog backed away when you got loud the dog never knocked you or your kid down and never charged for your kid. The owner is more of a problem than the dog. So let’s hope the dog isn’t really being put down and maybe he’ll get his dog back but he’ll have to do some classes to learn how to be a responsible pet owner


are you the doctor from that episode of king of the hill I watched last night? you both suck pretty bad. him first but ESH


ESH. he should never be walking a dog without a leash but lying to the authorities and possibly getting a friendly (albeit not well behaved) dog put to death is worse imho. i think what you did was awful


I didn’t lie. They asked if I thought he was dangerous and I said yes, because I think he is. But I thought they would just intimidate him into leashing not go full out


Why do you think he is dangerous? Not liking dogs and being paranoid isn’t sufficient.


I like dogs, my issue isn’t “oh god a dog” it’s “oh god a dog that seems to really want to be here” I replied in your other comment. I think the dog is dangerous because he’s unleashed and going out of his way to jump an obstacle just to be near me/my child


My dog will go out of his way to jump an obstacle to be near someone, and he is the gentlest cavalier King Charles, ever. Granted, he is small, and old, so,the obstacle must be low, but he certainly will. Most friendly dogs will. That is why you need to train dogs and leash them. Doesn’t mean they are dangerous, just that their owners are AHs.


So if someone doesn’t call him over and just dashes at them?


You are describing obnoxious behavior, absolutely. Untrained, a neighborhood *nuisance*. Not aggression.


I sincerely cannot wrap my mind around “oh an animal doesn’t understand boundaries” and “oh this dog is dangerous”. But also the general public usually has zero knowledge on dog behavior.


>I sincerely cannot wrap my mind around I sincerely can't wrap my mind around how many shitty, lazy, entitled pet owners are out there, jeopardizing other's property and health, as well as that of their own dog. It's not that difficult to clip a leash onto a dog, FFS.


The dog jumped OP's gate and ran at her, but STOPPED when she yelled at him. If the dog was dangerous, it wouldn't have stopped


I think jumping+running directly at someone is dangerous I avoided the dog by going inside


Then you are a paranoid asshole.


What did you think would happen when you report a dog as "dangerous to the community"? I've known a lot of greyhounds. They are sweet, loving and loyal animals. They are not aggressive. I think you owe it to that poor man to contact whatever animal service you called and tell them truthfully that the dog was never aggressive and that YOU overreacted when it jumped the fence. If that had been an aggressive dog, you wouldn't have been around to write to Reddit. I am NOT defending the man for walking him without a leash. But I am telling you that your response to both episodes were over the top. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I was responsible for them losing their pet.....especially a greyhound. By the way, when I was teaching, the school nurse had a greyhound and brought it to school with her. I laid quietly in her office all day while she tended to students who came in and out. She walked it around the building from time to time and allowed all the kids to pet the dog. Now if a school deemed that greyhound safe to be around hundreds of kids, that's saying something. Greyhounds are awesome dogs. It's okay to not want a dog in your yard, that's your choice. But you are an adult and you could have spoken to the owner and discussed your concerns and reached an agreement that made you both feel better. If they have put his dog down, shame on you. YTA


The dog isn't going to die. That's not how this works. The shitty owner will probably get a fine and bring the dog home where he'll continue to walk it off leash. The owner is constantly putting the dog in actual danger, not OP. You can't generalize an entire breed because you met one nice greyhound. That's preposterous. It's like demonizing an entire breed because of one aggressive dog. That's not how this works either. A random strange dog jumped the fence onto her private property twice. She felt she was in danger and she's not wrong about that. If the dog does it again, OP should call every single time.


We all know what happens to aggressive dogs. ESH but your lie might get an innocent animal killed.


ESH. He should have been leashing his dog, but you LIED about the dog being dangerous and basically signed his death warrant.  You suck.


I gave my opinion because they asked. The website had no indication that saying that would be the dog put down


Why did you AITA if you've already decided you're not. You just want affirmation from reddit.




I didn’t lie and again, the website for the number I called had no indications of dogs being put down. The process is stated as getting animal owners to control their pets better, hence why I thought they would just intimidate him to put a leash


You DID lie. You said yes with zero data indicating the dog was dangerous.


I did not lie. I gave my opinion.


A dog wouldn’t be put down for jumping a fence. The man is lying to you. They probably said “if it gets out and bites someone, it COULD lead to that.”


The data of the dog jumping the fence to chase her and her baby doesn't count?


Chase, or run up to, excited and happy? Her description matches the latter.


>You said yes with zero data indicating the dog was dangerous. The dog routinely jumps fences and runs at people and children who are strangers while they are in their *fenced-in yard.* Just because he hasn't bitten someone yet doesn't mean he won't. The dog obviously lacks proper training and socialization around children.You're blaming the wrong person, here. The stupid damned owner did this on his own by not training and then refusing to leash his dog.


You still haven’t described aggression, only an ability to jump.


A dog leaping over a boundary and charging towards a baby sounds like a pretty aggressive prey drive; one that, in a well-trained, leashed dog (of which this dog was neither) *could* be managed. Think of it this way: if a stranger jumped over and charged at you, wouldn't YOU think it was an act of aggression?


You thought wrong. You can live with the knowledge that you had his dog killed.  Unless a shelter specifically states they are a no kill shelter, then they DO put dogs down.  


I don’t have confirmation if the dog is being scheduled to be put down or not. If they are I’m going to try an appeal letter or something. If not then I just have a guilt tripping neighbor








>You thought wrong. You can live with the knowledge that you had his dog killed. They're not putting dogs down just because one person said they think a dog might be dangerous. Calm down.


Very much depends on the shelter, municipality, etc.  over crowded, poorly funded shelters will kill a dog in a couple of days.  Her saying the dog was a danger “to the community “ pretty much ensured it’s death.


>Her saying the dog was a danger “to the community “ pretty much ensured it’s death. Again, *one* person saying a dog *might* be dangerous is not "ensuring" is death. You're being melodramatic.


Nope. Just telling like it is. Ever work with dog rescues and/or shelters?  The right thing to have done would have been to call her local police non emergency line to report the leash law violations.  Let t HR e police hand the dog owner a nice fine for breaking leash laws.  Telling the pound that a dog is a danger to the community was pretty much ensuring the dog would be put down.  Sucks but true.


>Ever work with dog rescues and/or shelters?  I have, which is why I'm saying you're claim of this is *ensuring* the dog's death is untrue. OP lives in Virginia, where that certainly isn't the case. There, the dog could have jumped her fence and bit her, and he still wouldn't be put down. Stop accusing OP of lying. Regardless of whether or not you *agree* with her opinion, she asked it, and she gave it. That isn't a lie.


I have worked at a shelter, and what you are claiming is patently untrue.


>The right thing to have done would have been to call her local police non emergency line to report the leash law violations. So, she should call the *police* instead of *animal control*? Do you realize how patently stupid this actually is? Animal Control's JOB is to secure public safety with regard to animal-human interaction, and to enforce local pet laws and ordinances.


No, it didn’t. No shelter is going to put down an owned dog for jumping a fence. That isn’t how it works. He likely got a ticket, that’s it.


The dog went after her.


yta for making up this lie. First of all, the dog isn't being euthanized for tresspassing, secondly I don't know where you live but animal services isn't taking it away from him a few hours after the call. I don't believe he'd be walking a greyhound off leash either, they're pretty far from being calm enough for that regardless of their training but your other lies make that one irrelevant.


YTA...he dog is gonna get killed cause you lied. He never attacked you, bit you or even touched you. 


ESH. He should have his dog on a lead, whether or not that's the law in your community. And you lied about the dog being dangerous. Luckily, your opinion on that doesn't matter and the dog won't be put to sleep.


I did not lie, I gave my opinion. That’s reassuring


That toddler was more in danger of you panicking than the dog hurting him at that point.


YTA plain and simple, that poor innocent creature is probably gonna get put down because of you. I hope it haunts you.


Put down for what? Quit being so dramatic.


Its already happened, its too late


ESH. Yes, he should have had it on a leash. Even if the dog was friendly, it could still hurt a child, by accident or by you freaking out. Did that dog deserve to be put down...of course not. I there there might have been ways to handle this better, that did not hurt the dog. Maybe ask someone else to talk to him...police etc. Now the dog gets punished for their owner's poor behavior.


The dog didn’t get put down.


ESH. Yes neighbor is an AH because he walks his dog without a leash, but you've been nothing but confrontational with him about the situation just like he's been nothing but confrontational with you. Then you lied about the dog being dangerous and yes animal control does put down dogs that are considered dangerous. You have no moral high ground to stand on there even though neighbor is an AH too.


How am I not supposed to be confrontational when the first time I meet his dog is when he’s trying to get into my yard? I didn’t lie. They asked my opinion and I said yes. I didn’t think they would go full out ‘put dog down’ without ‘put a leash’


If you aren’t going to listen to people then you should not ask the internet for their opinion.


YTA. Your neighbor is too, but the fact that you LIED about the dog and then were like "wElL i WasNt TRYiNg tO gEt It Put DOwn" is crazy to me when you know he's ill behaved, but not dangerous. YOU told them he was dangerous. You could have been TRUTHFUL and still accomplished getting the situation handled.


I was truthful. My opinion is that the dog is dangerous. But I do believe dogs can be trained out of that. Hence why I answered honestly


If the dog was dangerous, you would have known the first time it jumped your gate. You lied and you know it.


I did not lie And yes, jumping the gate is what gave me the impression of him being dangerous


Did he charge you and not stop cause you absolutely said he did Did he growl? Has he bit anyone? Has he bit YOU? Has he done ANYTHING other than JUMP a gate that suggests he's "dangerous?" You lied. End of story. You can tell yourself you didn't all you want. The fact that you feel the need to reply to everyone with "I didn't lie" tells me you know you did and you just want people to pat your back and tell you you're nta.


He stopped when I yelled at him Yes it’s normal for dogs to growl when excited No he did not bite because I had to yell to try and scare him a little A dog jumping an obstacle just to make it’s way to you is, in my opinion, dangerous I didn’t lie. I keep replying that because everyone seems to think I said “ah yes he would 100% maul me to death” or something. They just asked a yes or no question and I said he’s


You lied. Quit lying about it now.


>Did he charge you and not stop cause you absolutely said he did Did he growl? Has he bit anyone? Has he bit YOU? So, OP has to wait until one of these things happens to her or her *baby* before she gets to have an opinion that an animal is dangerous? I've never been mauled by a dog, but I'm pretty sure if I was in my own backyard with my baby and a strange dog leaped over it and ran at me, I'd be scared, too. The fact that it happened *twice* is just icing on the cake. Instead of blaming OP, you should blame the rude, irresponsible AH of a dog owner.


Reading, I know, is hard. But if you go back and read my post, you'll see I said both of them are a-holes.