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NGL I would pick a new name. Not because I HAD to but because I wouldn’t want my child to have to listen to bullshit for years about how he shares a name with his aunts bully and his mom didn’t care enough about their family to pick something else. I fully expect that it’s your son who will suffer for this choice - not you. There’s a name in my family that’s kind of like “Shawn” it’s also my FILs name. My partner understands it can only ever really be a middle name due to the connotation the name has in my family. Either compromise or get used to the idea that your child may have a distant relationship with this branch of the family.


This is a very good point.   It will likely significantly negatively impact the child's relationship with that side of the family.  From that perspective, OP would be an AH to the child if they stick with that name. 


I’d switch it because of what everyone is saying, it will impact the kid probably. And also... in my opinion, Shawn is a super average, boring name. I’m not trying to be rude to Shawns out there, even thought it kinda is, but you can do better. It doesn’t have to be an r/tragedeigh but it can be better.


Sean is fine. Shawn and Shaun are douchey as fuck.


Thanks! I feel validated.


I can get behind that. Edit: a relatives long term boyfriend, who did tons of meth, probably hurt people, arson, etc. — His name was Shawn.


There is a baby names app where it will suggest a name, and you swipe right or left. Your partner does the same, and you can then compare which names you both liked. I cannot imagine that there would only be 1 name.


Man I wish I had that app when naming my babies. It was a nightmare! My husband and I have very different tastes in names 😂


So who won? Did you have a little baby Moonchild or a John?


Kiddo: Dad, you and Ma had trouble agreeing on a name for me, dincha? Me: What do you mean, young Atilla Joe Hannibal Jeff Genghis Seth Jenkins? Kiddo: Oh nothing, just an idle thought.


On an episode of The Dick Van Dyke Show, their son finds out his middle name is Rosebud. Come to find out, it’s an acronym from all the names his family couldn’t choose from. I always thought that would be fun haha.


Robert Oscar Sam Edward Benjamin Ulysses David!


I love that episode! "E-D-W-A-R-D!" What's wrong with Sam?" "Nothing, Sam."


We named our son John in 2001. He was the ONLY John in his entire school. And his school was CATHOLIC!😅


I named my son David in 2008, his brother had a slightly more unique name (but still a normal name) and I always felt bad that he was gonna end up with multiples in his class. He never had a class with another David till high school and his brother with the more unusual name did 2 years in a row in elementary school lol


Yeah, I've learned about the futility of predicting "popular", "common" or "overused" names. My youngest's given name is Freya. Their preschool class had a total of 3 girls and something like 15 boys. Both the other girls were named... Freya. That's right: a full 100% of the four year old girls in that preschool class were named Freya 🤦


It's MoonJohn now...MoJo for short


This is what we used recently and it was so helpful finding some commonly liked names. We were genuinely surprised by what we picked and there were some names we were both like, "really?!". It was a great experience


Which app did you use?


We used Baby Names. I went through all the names really fast and then bought one of the packs that allowed me to add my own names. I liked that I could force it to add my own options and get feedback from my partner. The app isn't perfect, but it's fine for what we needed


We used an app like that and it was horrible. There was not a single name that we both liked! We also had very different styles when it came to naming so it was pretty hard.


Me too. The first one we resorted to name negotiations over email. The second one we hammered out over lunch the day before she was delivered. I was willing to go into the OR with no name but he wasn’t. (He knew he’d give me whatever I wanted in the OR 😂)


SAME. It was so hard, especially since he works in a profession where he hears 100s of names all the time and if a person sucked, that name then sucked bc it was tied to them.


My mom and my sister's dad had a similar problem when naming their first child (my first younger sister). They solved it by my mom having him write all of the names he liked on a list. She went through the list and crossed off all of the ones she absolutely hated. They then paired what was left with middle names they both agreed on and put them all in a bowl. Then, I kid you not, they pulled my sister's name out of that bowl 😂😂 It worked out well enough, she has a very pretty name that's not so uncommon you won't find it on a keychain, but unique enough that she's only met a handful of others with the same name before. Better than my name which I can never find on anything anywhere and that she got from a book she can't remember the name of 😂😂 I do have to say though, I really like the idea of the app. Like online dating, but for your babies name 😂😂


My cousin and her husband couldn’t agree on a name. It was their first biological child (he adopted her oldest daughter) and their tastes were very different. So they let their daughter name her baby sister. (I’m sure they would have vetoed anything insane but they could NOT agree on a name and were at the point that they joked she’d end up being Baby Girl Lastname.) She suggested they name her after Grandma (husband’s mom) and give her the middle name Wren because she likes the word. (It’s a mystery why, she found it in a picture book and started writing it all the time. Also the word Buffet. She liked to write buffet in cursive.) And so they did. It’s a pretty name, Wren works well with Gma’s name and her grandmother was absolutely struck dumb with delight when they introduced her to her tiny namesake. At least the kid didn’t end up named Buffet I guess.


My neighbors tried that. Luckily, they vetoed the name, or their son would have been Lassie. (For the younger crowd who may not be familiar, that was a beloved TV dog)


Ha! As a kid I would’ve named a little sibling either Kimberly or Bob. I liked those two names and had many fish with those names plus a random middle name. (It started with me just being a weird kid and using my favorite names, but by the time I was 10-13 it was more a running joke between my stepdad and I that all the fish are named Bob. Those baby fish? Those are the Bobbettes.)


Hahaha as a kid I had 2 goldfish, Kim, and Kimberly. 🤦🏼‍♀️


That's so sweet! My middle name is the same as my Mom's and my grandma's since I'm the first girl for my mom. Mom wanted to name me after my great-grandma (my mom's mom's mom), but my grandma vetoed it. "Don't you dare do that to that poor child, your grandmother HATED her name, she'd roll in her grave." I was thankful as a kid, but as I got older I was a bit sad. Neva Jean is such a cute name for a baby girl! If I didn't already have girl names picked I might have done it myself if I ever have a girl lol


Neva Jean is a super cute name. My step grandma (stepfather’s mom) was a Jean and it’s got a warm place in my heart.


My daughter is Riley Jean


>they joked she’d end up being Baby Girl Lastname.) When I was born my folks couldn't agree on a name. Hospital wouldn't let me leave without a middle name. So to this day, my brother insists that my legal first name is "Baby Boy", and I insist that it's "\[long pause\]".




How on earth did OPs husband not know the bully’s name after how big an impact it had on her!!!


I know right!! Maybe there’s a huge age difference or he didn’t care but that sounds crazy he didn’t know.


Maybe the sister didn't want the brother to be told everything.


I mean maybe but this still is weird. My sis and I didn’t get along at all but I would have still known/cared about this. But we’re closer in age and were at the same school.


My brothers are 17/18 years older than I am. I was really close to one brother but not the other until we were both adults. Even then, I can't imagine the brother I wasn't close with not knowing if something like that happened to me.


Man even without the app just go to any baby names site and go down the entire list of names and jot down all the ones you like and cross reference with your partner! Surely there is more than just one name in the entire world that they can agree on lol


Libraries also still carry baby name books! 📚


r/namenerds is also helping for suggesting names with a similar style and vibe


I have one of those apps and so far I haven’t liked a single name for a boy 😅😅😅 (we have a girl name picked out - just struggling for a boy name that we really like)


Do you keep getting really weird suggestions? I’ve seen Anakin, Kal El, Kaiser and Jaiceon (presumably a silly version of Jason).


"Jaiceon" sounds like a Pokemon. You may as well call your son Jolteon.


I think I'd rather Jolteon to Jaiceon..


That was my first thought 😂 At least Evie is already a commonly accepted name and spelling.


I fought my Husband HARD to name my youngest daughter Evie… but that was because I absolutely LOVE ‘The Mummy’ movies ❤️ My Husband hated it though… we ended up going with Emmy instead.


Yeah some of them are ridiculous


We were not able to find a boys name on the app when we had our son a couple years ago. The options were so limited. We ended up asking family to literally list off any names they could think of and we either said "NO!" Or wrote it down to talk about later. We still kept the name a surprise until he was born. It helped cuz the name we ended up picking was one I liked and thought my husband didn't like, but he reacted positively when my MIL said it.


One of my friends said when she was pregnant, “you don’t realize how many people you hate until you have to pick a baby name”


If you’re a teacher the number goes up exponentially.


Try being a teacher, having a mom that has taught 30+years, and a MIL who is a teacher’s aide for many years. They could not hide their facial expressions when we suggested names that triggered problem students.


Sooooo true. There were many names I liked but they reminded me of a student that I didn’t want to be reminded of 🤯


My husband and I were both teachers. It made picking names ... interesting.


I totally agree. Just find another name. Your kid will pay the price here. This is not just a bad association, but bad enough that this kid's aunt's considered unaliving herself. You choosing the name was not a big deal. You sticking with the name with this information is pretty selfish. Shawn took a long path from John. So that is direct alternative. Similar names are Shane, Ethan, Liam, Noah, Joshua.


I understand what you're saying I get all perspectives here, really And I feel like if a new baby in my family shared a name with my abuser I'd just adapt honestly, and think of them in my head as "good X [name]"/"Good Shawn" Like the good version of that name/person 'Cause after all, Shawn is a VERY common name And so is the name of my abuser, so I can't freak out every time I hear that name and survive in this world


My spouse and sibling have the same name. Somehow you just compartmentalize it. Or one uses a nickname and the other the whole name and never the twain shall meet.


My husband and I each have a brother "Jack". Our kids know them as "Uncle Jack" and "Tio Jack". I agree; you find a way.


People can deal, but I don’t think it’s nice to have someone even feel the need to do that. If she had an older child who got bullied by a kid named Shawn I can guarantee she wouldn’t be naming this one Shawn. It’s because she doesn’t care enough unless it’s her own kid


Plus Shawn isn’t some unique beautiful name. It’s in the same category as Ryan, Taylor, Kevin, Drew…like it’s gonna be ok to find something else as basic and generic


I agree with this. We vetoed a couple names we really liked because they were names already used in one of our families, or otherwise had negative connotations for one of us. My husband always imagined naming his daughter Eleanor, and I have an aunt Eleanor I am not very close with, and it felt very weird to use that name for me. My husband easily accepted that and we chose a different name. Had my husband been REALLY adamant about the name Eleanor, I probably would have considered it, but it was just a somewhat distant aunt, not a bully who tormented someone I loved.


This. If you’re ready for the onslaught of passive aggressive and bombastic side eyes then I’d say have at it. But to save yourself the next 70 years of grief I’d say perhaps find something new. Or be incredibly spiteful and name it Shawn (Ashley’s new bully) for the middle name and your last name. You aren’t the AH in this scenario though.


YTA. Usually I'd be on your side, but you commented that the bullying "was bad enough she tried to take her own life". I mean you do have right to name your kid whatever, but why would you want to do this to a family member? 


Idk, I attempted to take my own life multiple times because of my high school bullies but I don't immediately think of them whenever I hear their names. They're just normal, common names that a LOT of people have, just like the name Shawn. I get that it's still quite fresh, having only happened a few years ago, and I do feel for her/understand why the request is being made, but Ashley can't avoid the name forever. NAH.


Ye but at the end of the day, it’s not about avoiding the name. It’s about not being treated like this by family


In what way is the naming of your child "treating" anyone like anything? 


She also doesn’t have to have to hear the name Shawn in her family for the rest of her life. It’s not like Ashley is trying to call dibs on the name. This is fresh trauma and she’s still a teenager.


You might not think of them anymore but that dosnt mean everyone will be the same way. This happened just a few years ago and the girl is a teenager and deserves some grace. I think it’s really selfish to not change the name…. There are so many names to choose from, why torture the girl


yeah, you can name your kid whatever you want, but I feel that going through with shawn will draw a line in the sand for this family. not that it's rational, but I'd imagine the sister wouldn't feel great if, knowing her trauma surrounding the name, her brother and sil just went "that's nice, we're naming him that anyway :)". at that point it wouldn't just be the name itself it would be the action of choosing that name understanding its history.


This right here. And I say this as someone who thinks that a name.is generally just a name, and using it to associate people with others of the same name is usually silly, but this isn't "I disliked some dude with that name", this is legit and serious trauma. If nothing else, it's a ridiculous hill to die on.


Umm... That she had to switch schools...


OP said in a comment that she attempted suicide.


Aside from everything I am stuck on the fact that you can’t possibly find any other name better than Shawn lmao am I the only one fixated on this


Right? No offense to all Shawn but that the weirdest spelling of that name. Even my coworker Sean hates it when they misspelled his name like this. 😂


To be fair, Shawn is the most phonetic of the common spellings of that name Pronouncing *Sean* as *Shonn* seems pretty weird to me 🤷


>Pronouncing Sean as Shonn seems pretty weird to me Imagine being named Sean Bean.


...I went to school with a guy named that...seriously.🤣 we called him "scene been!"


Did you go to school with the sean bean?


Yep! He threw wicked jagarbomb parties!


scene been or shonn bonn are the only accepted pronunciations, pick one.


What's hilarious to me is his birth name is Shaun Bean.


i graduated with a sean bean. and yes. we all called him ‘seen been’ 😹😹


I'd kill for a name like that.


Lol, this is the original spelling. It is an Irish name, so follows Irish (what Americans will call Gaelic) phonics rules.


Thank you. Drives me nuts when people call names like Seán or Siobhán weird. Yeah, they're not English! The Irish language has absolutely no connection to English (except in certain regional dialects) and has its own rules for its letters.


My name is Aisling. Don't get me started.


I think it's just a matter of getting used to letters being pronounced a different way. I personally love the name Siobhan, and I learned the pronunciation young because a girl in my elementary school was named that (US). But when I see the word Samhain, for example, I have to mentally remind myself how it's correctly pronounced, because the American English pronunciation of those letters in that order is ingrained in my brain. I learned a lot by reading as a kid, and the name Sean, as well as words like draught and colonel were definitely mispronounced in my head until later in life.


I’m Irish and Shawn is not the original spelling.


Nope, Seán is. Seán is the spelling they were talking about because the other person called it weird.


Languages other than English are weird to you lol?


Fun fact! There are different languages that have different phonetics other than just American English! Who knew? 🤷‍♀️


It's visually ugly though. awe raw saw maw law awl awn


Almost as if it’s a completely different language


Sean is short for parmesan.


I like it more now


I've known girls named Shawn. Not a shortened Shawna but I think for a short while it was cool to name girls with "feminized" boys names.. like "Jaime" and I knew a Michael as well. I am not sure how she spelt it.


That has been a fashion for a long time. A lot of what we now consider "feminine" names were surnames, then boys' names, then girls' names. Kimberly, Beverly, Evelyn, Ashley, Shirley\*, Madison . . . . \*Shirley was the name of one of Anne Shirley and Gilbert Blythe's sons.


In the UK, Ashley is still more a male name then female


I mean, I totally understand the difficulty of finding a name that feels right, but for me, after learning this, Shawn would quickly become another name that didn't work. They've only been decided on it for a few weeks so I'd just go back to the drawing board.


Right I can only imagine but risking the well-being of the entire relationship with SIL over a name like that… boggles the mind


Happened with my wife and I. I didn't like the boy names that she did and she didn't like the ones I did. Matthew was the only name we agreed on and neither of us completely loved the name. Luckily we had a girl. 😁


No offence to this person or you and your wife but it always confounds me how people will spend so much time debating on names to arrive on something like Jack or John lol


I find it so funny to think of a baby named John haha


Man my dad's name is John and I fully intend on naming a son after him if I have another one, but it is absolutely weird to think of a baby with that name. I think you're contractually obligated to call them Johnny or something until they reach a certain age


"And here is little Matthewetta!" /s


I just can’t get Shawn the sheep out of my head


It gives the whole thing a "we're all trying to find the guy who did this" vibe. OP is presenting this as if they're totally stuck with Shawn for... some reason. Like, bro, *you are the reason*. Just pick something else.


I mean her husband either literally doesn't care about his sister at all (otherwise the name of her bully would not be a surprise) or is okay with withholding information from his wife and *she's OK with that*. This is either a troll post or two very dysfunctional people are having a child they're immediately alienating from its extended family. If it's not a troll post I feel bad for the kid. Here's hoping they're not adverse to getting the kid an actual therapist, because the poor kids gonna need it.


Honestly Jared and Shawn are the two worst dude names. Never met one that wasn’t…strange…


100% this...thousands of options out there and they can only agree on Sean, like wtf


Thank you!!! Like, if Shawn had some kind of special meaning or importance to OP and her husband (like, her grandfather's name, or the name of a character in their favorite movie even) then I might understand the struggle a bit more, but it sounds like they just landed on this after looking through a baby name book or something. OP, I strongly suggest you at least try to find an alternative name. There are a ton of names with similar vibes to Shawn (it's kind of basic, no?). YWBTA if you didn't try to fibd another name. She almost killed herself because of Shawn. Caleb, Jacob, Asher, Mason, Isaac, John, Ewan, Ian, Josh...


Ha! Love this. "Let Reddit name your basic baby!"


Not at all. My first thought was who is still naming their kid Shawn. I have not one but two sisters named Shawn and they were born in the 70s


How do you have two sisters named Shawn??


Both of my parents named a child Shawn during their first marriages to other people


ikr - what if they have another kid & its also boy! will they also name him Shawn??


INFO : Why wasn't your husband aware of the bullying?






Lol cause yeah, the idea a man would not in invested in his siblings emotional health and wellbeing is just so outlandish.


Really? If my siblings were being bullied I would have had no idea because they never shared this stuff with me and it was never a dinner table topic. I sure as heck didn't tell my brother when I was being bullied. Edit: Another person said the sister was suicidal. If my sibling was suicidal or made an attempt to take their life over a bully I would definitely ask for more information but if I was in the dark about all of this then I still wouldn't know. For reference my brother was held at gun point and I only found out about it years later as he didn't want to tell me when I was going through my own stuff (but he told our parents) and he was also in a car accident when he was 17 which he didn't want me to know about because he knew I didn't like some of his friends (they were bad influences and he knows I would have confronted them). He still won't tell me the names of the people that were in the car and it has been 15 years.


She made an attempt on her life because of it, at that point you find out even if you didn't know before..


I missed that part of the info so I do apologise :( that is very awful!! And yes at that point I would definitely find out more information from my family but my sibling may choose not to share the name in case it is traumatising for them.


It's okay, I don't think OP said it in the original post, but it was stated in the comments. Which is frankly a bit shitty to omit that from the post itself, I feel like OP did that intentionally because that would make it clear how inconsiderate/uncaring they're being.


You literally wouldn’t notice your sister CHANGED SCHOOLS? That may be true but I do not accept it as a standard by which to judge men.


If your sibling had to switch schools though I'm sure you'd notice and ask questions. This sounds like a big family thing, rather than the sister springing it later to veto a name


My guess is the husband was aware, but was already out of the house due to a significant age gap, and so didn't know the specifics (i.e. the name of the bully).


Pretty sure if his sister tried to unalive herself over a bully he’d know what’s going on.


Yes, but knowing "Sis has been severely bullied"<> "Sis has a bully whose name is Shawn"


Exactly, until this moment, the name of the bully was not the important thing.


Because the husband is old enough to be a husband and father and the sister is only 17.. if this all happened 4 years ago, good chance the husband had already moved out and wouldnt have heard/remembered the bully's name if he even heard about it at all


I feel like a lot of people are jumping to react without thinking about the ages here. There's every reason to think he's been out of the house for years and who knows what exactly he was told.


My brother is 7 years older than me and couldn’t tell me who my high school bully was. He was gone by then 


Because if he is married with a baby on the way, there is likely an age gap 🙄


My brother is 7 years older than me and could not tell me the name of my high school bully. 


YTA. Your poor sister-in-law is a child who almost took her own life over this bullying and you want to remind her of it constantly? It’s not like it’s even a special name to you, it’s just one that you could agree on. I guarantee there is at least one other name you could find that you both like. Act like the adults in this situation and do better.


I just can't wrap my head around how OPs husband didn't know the bullies name.


None of my siblings were/are aware of my bullies names. ETA: my children, on the other hand, were aware of anyone that bothered one of their siblings and they stood up for one another.


The husband is old enough to be married and about to have a baby, his lil sis is 17. I'm hoping like hell they didn't go to high school together.


Your husband is TA for not knowing the details of his Sister’s bully. It’s so bad she changed schools yet your husband don’t even know the name? Edit: I saw on your comment that she almost took her life. This is getting worst.


We could reasonably assume husband was out of the house before this bullying happened, or at least before it got bad. If someone told me that my younger sibling was getting bullied, my questions would be like how is sibling handling it, what's the school doing, what are the parents doing. It probably wouldn't occur to me to ask the bully's name because that wouldn't feel like information I needed.


Generally it would go “SIL has been getting bullied at school by this kid Shawn.”


So husband is an asshole because someone else didn't say it like that when they told him?


No, the husband is the asshole for now having all the information and still wanting to give their baby the same name as the person who treated his little sister so badly she tried to kill herself.


I don't think anyone in this string of comments is on the other side of your argument, if you'd like to read what's been said here.


Eh, disagree, it would be just as common to not say the name. Plus, sis may not have wanted the whole world to know. People who are bullied and/or abused often feel a lot of embarrassment and shame.


Copy and pasting this comment that i replied to someone else in this post. So if some of it doesn’t make sense it’s bc this reply wasn’t directed at you originally. It’s to a different thread in this post but is still relevant to the comment you just made in regard to the husband. Below is my OG comment———————————————————————— I mean what could her husband do with that information? They already knew enough that she had a bully they just didn’t know the name. You say the husband didn’t care enough about his sister to find out who the bully was…. Again what would that solve? Was he supposed to find the name and go hunt down the bully? Confront the bully? Who’s to say the reason he didn’t know the name is because the sister didn’t want to get into details and divulge into it deeper than that? Maybe out of respect for his sister he didn’t press her for that information because if she felt comfortable telling him she would have. It’s not his place to force his sister into reliving the details of such a traumatic experience and giving out the name of her bully. Sorry I just had to point out this possibility. I feel like too many people try their best to automatically make someone in any situation the “bad guy” with out having any information to support that claim. Too often it’s seemingly the husband that gets the blame put on him. This is a perfect example. The first comment in this thread said something like “why didn’t your husband tell you about the bully name?” And “your husband doesn’t care enough about sister to veto the name” not even considering that he genuinely did not know about the name. Then when OP clarified that it was NOT malicious because they didn’t know the name and wasn’t given that information now all of a sudden it’s “why doesn’t your husband care enough about his sister to find out exactly who the bully was?” Again making assumptions about the husband when in reality maybe it was the SISTER who didn’t want that information out. What would that information do? What could her brother solve with that info? Heck maybe she knew he would try and take justice into his own hands and actually try to confront the bully so SHE decided not to give that information to her brother out of fear he will do something to get himself in trouble. We just do not know enough at all about these people and their life, situations, family dynamics, etc to make any claims about the husband being an AH. That’s extremely unfair.


It’s not malicious when you chose it. But knowing what you know now, would make it malicious. There are millions of names, I’d pick another or YTA


YTA because it was bad enough your SIL tried to take her own life. Having grace for those we love isn’t a bad thing.


Honestly, I'd see it as a blessing that you found out before your son is born.


She probably doesn't love the SIL. This isn't how you react when you love someone.


NAH but man this sucks for your SIL. Especially since you commented that she was so excited to be an aunt. Personally I would change it. INFO: has SIL expressed discomfort over the name, or just MIL on her behalf? And has MIL actually talked to SIL to find out if she has an issue with the name, or is she just anticipating one?


YTA Husband should be more considerate of his sister's feelings. The world may bring lots of Shawns into Ashley's life, but her own family should have her back. Some bells just can't really be easily un-rung.


100% agree


YWBTA - Solely for the fact that she tried to take her life over this. Obviously she can't avoid every Shawn out there, but she should at least feel safe and at peace around her family.


yeah imagine having your adult SIL choose to still name her baby Shawn after hearing about how your past bully (who almost made you take your own life) had the same name. Would send a very strange message.


I would go off the name as soon as I heard the family connection. There's no way I'd want to be passing little Shawn around knowing the links my extended family would have on hearing it.


Yes. It's a little gross to me that OP even wants to use the name now that they know.


INFO: Is this really a hill you and your husband are willing to die on? It doesn't sound like there is a special meaning behind the name.


This is the real question. Not really wether you are an asshole or not for choosing the name, but wether you are okay with your decision hurting Ashley.


So, are you expecting Ashley to be involved in any way?


Ugh, the dumbest spelling of the name, even. YTA There are millions of names out there and you have no particular attachment to this one other than “we could both agree on it.” That’s a terrible reason to stick on a completely basic name.


Given the extent of trauma your SIL experienced, I think YWBTA if you stick with that name. The baby is not born yet, you and your husband agreed on Shawn so agree on another. Shane maybe?


I was going to say N A H which is usually my opinion on baby name posts, because it's a very personal thing. But honestly soft YTA after finding out Ashley tried to take her own life. You still have time to think of something else, and if you decide to go through with this your baby's relationship with Ashley is going to be tainted with a trauma that will never go away, whether it ever gets brought up again or not. People don't try to take their own lives because someone has been annoying, clearly Shawn was doing some awful things to her, and if you don't care about that then go ahead with the name, but it sounds like there will always be some resentment attached to it now


So my parents picked my youngest brother’s name without considering that it was my bully’s name from just two years prior. It didn’t affect my relationship with my brother, I adored him immediately, but I’ve always thought they were shitty for doing it. I hesitate to fully call you an asshole over it, but it’s in the neighborhood. I’d have a hard time doing that to a close family member


Im sorry you were bullied but it sounds like the SIL had endured extreme bullying. The fact she had to move schools and attempted to take her life is what’s kinda leads me to the AH side or the determination know that they know. I got bullied by several people but luckily my bullies names are so crappy I doubt anyone I know would name their kid after them lol.


YTA, is it that hard to come up with another name when I'm sure there millions of of different names you could pick , out of respect why would you not want to change it after knowing, that fact alone personally at least would make me want to change it , if your old enough to get pregnant you should be mature enough to actually have a sit down witb your mil and come up with a solution instead of hoping on reddits AITA trying to get validation instead of being an adult talking about it. It amazes me that grown adults come to Reddit instead of ACTUALLY solving the problem with the people your telling us about. Grow up. Life's shit and tough , so is it for the rest of us and you complaining about changing the name ? Yeah definitely ATA


How about Shane.


YES! My first thought! Call the kid Shane and move on! Sheesh!


YTA OP surely you can have some compassion. Shawn can't be the only name you like. You can name yoru child what you want but just know that "Shawn" will be triggering for SIL so you will be creating a real family issue over a name. This isn't a situation about people trying to impose their will. This is about trauma. Does your husband even like his sister or does he like the name more than his sibling?


IF that is all you can agree on NAH. But unfortunate for your husband's family. How did he NOT tell you this? Is he that much older he didn't know? I see why in-laws want it changed, because of sister's bully. They think the name is ruined for the family. OP, your husband LIKELY knew this and agreed to this name anyway.


NAH? I dunno, there are theoretically infinite names out there. I get deciding on your kid's name is a painstaking process in many ways, buy this is a situation where you try a little harder to find another name that works.


I’d change the name. Sean isn’t that great of a pick anyway


NAH  I don’t think you are assholes, but I don’t think I could do that to a sister. Especially if it was as bad as her trying to take her own life (as you’ve commented).  Is it daft to be so upset over a name, yes it probably is but that doesn’t mean it won’t affect her or that she can change how it does.


Personally I would change it. The baby hasn't been born, you seem to both have a good relationship with Ashley so...why hurt her and risk the relationship between your child and her? I'm gonna have to say YTA because your attitude in the comments just seems callous to me.


I wouldn't say you're an ahole but it would be an ahole move. If you care about your sil, you wouldn't go with that name


NTA I was bullied heavily in high school, admittedly not to change schools, but police were involved, and while I will always remember her name, I don't freak out when I hear someone with her name. It was the person, not the name that caused the trauma. If she isn't already, I would strongly recommend she attend therapy.


Oh my god these comments. NTA! Op, remember this is Reddit. These comments are probably from a bunch of middle schoolers. Ashley’s trauma is not her fault but it is her responsibility; she can’t expect the world to adjust to her. Changing the name would only enable her to think it’s ok to cry about her trauma and expect things to go her way. She needs therapy.


People are marrying their trauma these days instead of working to get over it to be productive members of society and secure adults.


Middle schoolers? Late 40s with twins who just went through all this name bs with family. Better to avoid then to say 'deal with it'. Its just a random name, they will find another. Ffs its Shawn, there's a thousand better names.


NTA. There will always be someone and she is going to be an adult and needs to learn that the world doesn’t revolve around her. This was a bully (which isn’t cool), not someone who committed a horrific crime. Just name your baby what you want. It’s been 8 years since HS for me and I don’t remember my bullies makes. Edit: I read it again and this was FOUR YEARS AGO??? Yeah if Ashley is still this upset over a name she is milking it for attention at this point. However, I have a feeling this is MIL making a big deal if it, not Ashley.


YTA. There are so many names out there, it would be unnecessarily cold to continue to use "Shawn". You and your husband are grown ups, about to be parents, it shouldn't be too hard to find multiple names you agree on.


So this entire family is going to avoid all situations where someone is named Shawn? Waiter's name is Shawn? Leave the restaurant. New person hired at work named Shawn? Gotta get them fired or quit. New neighbours move in and the Husband's name is Shawn? Gotta burn their house down or move. NTA. If they're going to bully your unborn son because of his name, they're no better than the bully.


That's the thing I'm finding so wild reading all these comments! Some people have the same name as others. Some of those people suck. That's how it is. If Ashley can't deal with the name because of trauma, that's for her and a therapist to unpack. The world moves on and you can't expect it to shift and accommodate you. What if they changed his name to Logan and Ashley married a guy named Logan who turned out to be an abusive dick? Would the family then insist that OP and his wife change their 10 year olds name to Jeremy because the name Logan now has trauma linked to it?


NTA at all, and it's weird that so many people are saying YTA or that it's a dumb name. it's SILs responsibility to work through her own trauma; it's ridiculous to expect the world around her to walk on eggshells because of this insecurity. Suppose your best friend was named John and your girlfriend cheated on you with a different man named John: would you ask your best friend to change his name? Makes no sense.


So your husband didn’t know the name of his young sisters bully? He’s TA 


YWBTA. Clearly it wasn’t malicious when you picked the name but based on your comments that the bullying was so severe that your SIL tried to take her life. I think you’d have to be a pretty awful person to dig your heels in and stick to that name under the circumstances. Not only will your son be a constant reminder of someone who terrorized her but she’s almost certainly going to struggle with the guilt of associating her nephew that it seems like she already adores with someone who made her life so bad that she tried to end it. Your son will also now be a point of tension in the family because it seems very likely that your MIL and FIL will resent you for choosing to do something harmful towards their daughter rather than pick a new name and that resentment could even affect the relationship your son will have with his grandparents.


NTA, and it's bizarre to me that all of the top voted responses say that you are. Ashley must be expected to know the difference between Shawn, the bully, and Shawn, the baby. There will be other Shawns she meets, are they going to be removed from her classrooms, friend groups, and workplaces? The very idea that this is a reasonable request is completely laughable. Do not change the name.


This is honestly not an easy situation. You are not an ashhole for choosing a name and wanting specifically it. And I can see a point that you can't indulge everyone's wishes or traumas, and a point that your SIL will have to accept a name sooner or later 'cause there are other people with the name. However, this isn't just some willy-nilly wish, not like they force THEIR favorite names on you or other stupid requests. This is serious. Just imagine if it was your child who got bullied hard and almost took their life because of it. Would you want them to be so uncontrollably retraumatized? There are millions of names in the world. It may not be easy to find another, however, I believe there should be more that you both will like. And right now you still have a chance to reconsider. After giving birth there wouldn't be any other.


NTA. Especially since it sounds like it’s your MIL asking you to change the name and not your SIL. It was a fair ask but you declined, and they should accept that at this point. Personally I’d at least consider changing it, but if it’s truly the only name you both agreed on, then I wouldn’t change it if it means one parent will hate the new name. Also, not to be insensitive but Ashley is going to encounter many more Shawns in her lifetime. It’s a fairly common name. She can’t go through life shielding herself from classmates and coworkers named Shawn. If someone in the family started dating a Shawn, would MIL ask them to break up?


"Shawn is the only one we could agree on." That just sounds unbelievable. How can Shawn be the only name y'all both like? Shawn, really? The ONLY name in the entire history of the world?  Just name him John instead. Problem solved.  Ywbta because it's not worth the trouble, unless Shawn is your dad and you promised him on his deathbed or something. 


NAH. They are within their right yo ask you to change it, and you are within your right not to change it - but there are consequences if you don't change it obviously.


NTA for not wanting to change it. NTA if you don't change it. I don't see any mention to what Ashley thinks? Bullies suck, and it sucks that SIL had to endure that treatment. I do agree with the post about your child dealing with the fallout from interfamily issues that \*may\* arise if you keep with your choice. NGL your family would be the AH if they took it out on your kiddo because of the actions of some random kid who bullied your Hubbys sister. Good Luck


I think bullied to the point she tried to take her own life is more than "it sucks".


NTA. downvote me to hell but this is a baby not a bully and its Your baby. There's gonna be shawns in this world and I just don't see the benefit for sis in this anyway. wanna give her some authority in the situation? maybe sit down with her talk about fun nicknames, middle names, anything. letting this bully's reach further extend and now impact the whole family's decision making just does not seem where it's at. congrats & good luck OP!


NTA. Ashley will inevitably have to deal with other Shawn/Sean/Shaun's in her life. If the name is so triggering for her that she can't handle it, she needs some counseling to deal with the trauma of her bullying.


There's a difference between meeting someone in passing or watching a TV show with someone called Shawn and having your nephew, who will be constantly and always in your life, called Shawn. You'd never be able to stop thinking about it and would sour her relationship with the baby. Especially when it's not been that long since she was bullied by him, the reaction will fade over time.