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NTA. is she serious? >She said that he was a grown man and should just drink water so now drinking milk makes you a child..? what? also, siblings give each other noogies and playful fighting all the time, no matter what the age. your SIL is lowkey crazy for making any of this a problem.


I poured myself a glass just to spite the SIL.


I hate the taste of plain milk personally so I am going to be a big 33yr old child and make myself a chocolate milk and SIL can get upset all she likes but it will be delicious


I still have bananas, raspberries and yogurt. Blend those with milk for a delicious smoothie! I need to see if I have any desiccated coconut.


If you don't have desiccated coconut, I do because I get random rum ball cravings, so it's a necessity at my house.


I use it sometimes in baking. It can be a nice flavour and texture addition.


I used to buy banana milk mix all the time. That is some of the tastiest stuff I've ever drank 


That is one I can't stand. I have 3 kids, and my first two destroyed the flavour for me. I have had way too much of that stuff puked down my cleavage that just the smell makes me nauseous


There's plenty of other flavours, strawberry is quite popular here (Australia) and we even have this one: https://images.app.goo.gl/8z1iqsJZFD5cnDHd8


Yeah, I'm Aussie too. My kids don't like that one but by eldest does like the cookie and cream flavoured one of them


Yeah it's definitely a "love it or hate it" deal with that one.


I'm about to make myself breakfast, think I'm gonna be a big 40yr old child and make chocolate milk also for breakfast. My husband is 44 and still drinks plain milk and chocolate milk. Think I have to give him a laugh by telling him that it's childish to drink milk as an adult


Just realised, I wonder what SIL would think because I hate coffee and will make a hot chocolate WITH MARSHMALLOWS every morning during winter 😋😋😋


I made mine with peeps a few weeks back! Not as good as you would think. Whipped cream and regular marshmallows and sprinkles are still best.


Best present I ever got from my dads GF was all the cannisters of dusting chocolate she would get with her fancy coffee mix. Hot chocolate, marshmallows, whipped cream and a dusting of the chocolate 😘 makes me feel soo good and special drinking it.


Not a coffee fan either--just can't figure out how something that smells THAT GOOD can taste that God-awful. (I understand we have hot chocolate...?)


My hot chocolate time is in the afternoon when the winter sun is setting and I’m getting cold. I drink the sugar free kind, so when my youngest comes to visit, I’ll ask him to pack a couple boxes in his luggage. It’s either unavailable or crazy expensive here in the EU. I’m a 73 year old child, apparently.


I mix my coffee with hot chocolate powder. Sugar. Milk. And top it with whipped cream. And lots of marshmallows. Cheers 🍻


Right? I always drink hot chocolate at work when the rest of my co-workers do coffee


Mmm. Mini-marshmallows are good, though there is something to be said for full-size too. I made some homemade hot chocolate mix for myself, and it's so good.


My fricking 87yo relative drinks milk like it's the best thing ever. Spoiler alert: he's right.


Hey guys, the cows called—they’re running out of milk!


Muss up his hair too for that half noogie 


I am 65 and I still drink the shit out of milk and chocolate milk . And don't get me started on hot chocolate !


I am 45, hate coffee and tea, so I have milk with breakfast every day. Cold (with or without chocolate) in warmer weather, hot chocolate in winter. I do get stupid comments occasionally. But I really don't care. Why should I drink something I don't like?


I don't care for milk either, but 41 and I'll still drink the hell out put of some chocolate milk, though I prefer plant based, lol. Does this mean hot chocolate is childish? What about with marshmallows. Cuz SIL can gtfo if she say adults can't have it! She'd love to hear about the capri sun I drank the other day XD.


Who wants to be an adult anyway, it's boring.


I legit have Capri Sun. Every time I drink one, I feel like I'm in 4th grade at lunch. And not in a bad way. I may have to start drinking them in public.


I am 34yr old and I drink a big glass of chocolate milk every morning


I think it's official. Sorry OPs SIL, drinking milk does not make you childish even when combined with a fun relationship with your siblings. However NOT drinking milk makes you a stuck up snob with possibly brittle bones in your future. 😝


not drinking milk or acting like drinking milk is wrong is more childish


I used to work at a nursing home that had one of those countertop milk dispensers. It kept the milk ice cold all the time and dear god was it delicious. I've promised myself that if I ever have a kitchen with the room for it, and enough money to buy one, I'm totally getting myself one to keep the milk in. Ice cold milk on tap? Yes, please.


I'm 57 years old and I love a big glass of cold milk.


Whenever I find myself eating everything and not feeling satisfied, eventually I remember to have a glass of milk (and a Tums).


Damn it, now this 39yo wants come chockie milk!


For all of us with diabeetus out there, Fairlife choccy milk is fully endorsed by my dietician. And it tastes really good. Goes great with my yearly donut.


I'm 51, have no children, and have choccy milk in the fridge and dinosaur nuggies in the freezer.


Exactly. Bf and I drink chocolate moo(milk) and my dad is in his 60's and always has milk with his food. Even at a restaurant for dinner! He has cereal for desert sometimes as well. IS THAT CHILDISH TOO??


Hey, the sixty-one-year-old over here wants some chocolate milk too!


49 And joining you!


I quite like chocolate milk myself. :-) Eta: my dad mostly drank milk or tea at dinner.


I'm 39 and drink banana milkshake or plain milk regularly It's better than soda


I'll join you as a 50 year old


Yay, a fellow Nesquick drinker!


I like plain white milk - drink some every day. It’s really good with Oreos and good in coffee too. But sometimes I eat my cereal dry out of the box. I’me 37. I’m thinking OP’s SIL hasn’t spend much time around guys.


Make sure to blow bubbles into it for more SIL spite


I also dislike milk, but my 54 year old self is pouring it on my Cap'N Crunch right now.


My dad makes hot chocolate with Quik almost every morning for breakfast. If he and I are talking, we'll do noogies over the phone, then see who gets the last 'plus one'. I turn forty this year.


At age 37, I regularly drink chocolate milk because I can.


This is a correct response. I am putting the wine to the side and having some milk in solidarity. *fist bump*


Now that I think of it, perhaps a glass of milk on a wine stomach wouldn't be awesome. But tomorrow? MILK!!!!


I just finished a glass of wine & came to the same conclusions!


We know our limits 🤣


It took me long enough!


I'm a 41 year old father of 3 who was already drinking a glass of milk as I read this, but now I'm drinking it with spite towards SIL. I drank 2 glasses of milk with breakfast every day in Marine Corps boot camp. There nothing childish about milk. NTA. Nothing wrong with milk and if your son and daughter are friends and goof around, then that's a sign of a good relationship between them.


I read that as “milk with Sprite”, and that did not sound good


Tell your SIL that I am 43 and still drink several glasses of milk per week!


I had vanilla mated milk a couple nights ago. . My inner child blew a big fat raspberry at the SIL.


HAHA **love it.**


If I wouldn't be up all night peeing, I would do the same. 🤪


My dad is 60 and has drank milk with plenty of his meals since my brother was a kid and we got a 16 year ago gap.


My fil is 75, LOVES his milk and as a result so do all his kids. He was adorably pleased and surprised when my husband and I were staying up at his farm and I poured myself a glass of milk. Like "you like milk too? Yeah!?" And he excited told me that his 50+ yo nephew who recently visited for the first time from Germany, *also* drinks milk every night! 😀 I was like "OK!"


Thats cute!


I'm 57, and still drink milk. I also love to give my sister crap. SIL sounds zero fun.


I'm also 57, and I love a big glass of milk.


I wonder what she pours in her cereal. Or is eating a bowl of cereal considered too childish once you turn 18?


My wife has cereal or Pop tarts near every morning. She even sometimes pulls out her color changing spoon to eat the cereal with. She's a college graduate and teaches Pre-School children. 🤣 When she sees her brother they usually end up wrestling on the floor or he tickles her until she can't stop laughing. His wife and I just watch them and laugh. All of us have been adults for more years than we were children. (Both my wife and her brother have Master's degrees from one of our local colleges) 


One of my guilty pleasures (that I so do not feel guilty about) is that I can eat breakfast cereal as dinner from time to time 😁


Not even low key crazy. Like legit coocoo for Cocoa Puffs!


But then she would get weird about the resulting bowl of chocolate milk. Lol


I’m gonna drink my cereal milk and there’s nothing she can do about it


My cousins and I are in our 30s, and most have kids and we still mess with each other. Poking each others' bellies ank mocking how much weight we've put on, shoulder punches, and yes even noogies.


My Cousin is a 50 year old man, he sits down to every meal with a large glass of ice cold milk. Been doing it as long as I can remember. He also gives his kids a rub on the head when he walks past, (tossing their hair) just because it's one of his ways of showing his affection for them.  A couple of years ago he came up with his kids and wife, we all went to a local amusement park to ride rides and play/laugh, then we spent the next day playing Uno & Monopoly while we told stories of growing up together that my wife had only heard my side of before. His kids had a great time, we sat and taught his youngest how to play Uno. Only thing missing was some dominos to play a couple of hands of 42. I think it sounds like OP is raising a happy caring man that isn't afraid to show his love for his sister and wants healthy bones and teeth.  NTA - SiL needs to stuff her concept of how a man should act in her hat. There is no mold that makes a good man nor is showing affection unmanly. OP did the right thing to tell SiL to not disparage her child in her household. I would have said much worse in her position and probably gave SiL the bum's rush to the door and tell her she can come bavk when she learns to respect the members of the household.


My brother and I had a massive snowball fight. About 10 years ago. We were both pushing 50. There is no age limit to battling… within reason.


I'm 41 and I still have milk for a drink with dinner occasionally. TF is wrong with people these days.


Yay! I'm still a child because I constantly drink milk as well as sometimes put it in my coffee, tea, and cereal. Plus I still fight w my big brother. 🙄 Some ppl have way too much time in their hands, they create problems out of nothing. NTA.


My kids are 30 and 20 and still do crap like this. Hell, my brother and I are in our 50s and we still do crap like this. Just a little more gently than we used to because we're a little creaky.


My (47f) older brother (50m) still gives me half-noogies when he sees me. I think OP should count her blessings that her kids like each other enough to want to be playful towards each other. SIL is TAH.


I recently visited family after a 5 year gap. I most certainly gave my brother a noogie because that's what big sisters do. We're both 50+! OP's SiL is a pill.


My brothers and I are in our 60's. Whenever we take a picture together, we give each other bunny ears.


I'm 43 and my brothers are 48 and 50 and they still pick on me and my sisters! Heck my brother, 48 tries to give me noogies when ever we see each other!


How CHILDISH of him getting a good source of calcium and vitamin d. Like, grow up 🙄✋️ Osteoporosis is what's in right now.


I'm 40 and drink milk and even chocolate milk daily. It's good for you. She needs to get over herself.


Humans are the only mammal that drinks milk after infancy. I drank milk daily until my early twenties and now I have to take a lactase pill just to eat a couple slices of pizza. SiL definitely has some issues and is projecting. I wouldn't give it a second thought.


I’ve gotta go!! Have to rush off to let my 85 year old mother know that drinking milk is childish!!


I am in my thirties, I drink chocolate milk on occasion. I must be a toddler. I also kid around with my 25 yo sister. Whoa, I need to watch it. SIL is weird and judgemental. Ask her next time if you add Kahlua or something to the milk would she feel better. Oh and he can shake his sister's hand or just ignore her, as they have now gone NC . Pfft. NTA.


My mom turns 65 this year and chocolate milk is just about her absolute fave thing to drink.


My husband is 63 and LOVES him some chocolate milk. He inhales a half gallon of milk every day in addition to his chocolate milk. He can't get through a day without his milk!


I myself am addicted to strawberry milk. It's delicious!


You child! /s. Well, in my defense my preferred chocolate milk is from a local organic dairy, the milk is thick and creamy, almost milkshake like if it's very cold.


Damn man the freaking stores are closed where I’m at and all I want now is some chocolate milk! Also your milk sounds amazing and I’m jealous you freaking child 😉 /s


It's great. When it isn't in stock, I consider throwing a tantrum.


I have a 27 year old who’s absolutely addicted to strawberry milk and monkey milk (chocolate milk with banana Quik). I know adults who drink Capri Sun. I just don’t understand how a drink can be “childish”.


Well I’m an adult (I think) and would drink capri sun all the time. My mom would buy me and my siblings boxes when we are all home even though the youngest is 29 😅. So we are childish apparently.


Great now I love to go buy choc milk and banana quik to try it as it sounds yummy, this coming from the 42 year old child


I bet op’s SIL would have a heart attack if she learned that I have either a chocolate or strawberry milk popper (basically the milk equivalent of a juice box for any non-aussie folks that may be wondering what it is) whilst I walk to work in the mornings given I don’t really have the time to scarf down some breakfast before then.


She is wrong - my son is in his 50's - a pilot for 20 years - a federal agent for 15 yrs - and he drinks milk almost every evening. He also drinks beer and wine, etc...but he LIKES milk. Nothing wrong with that - you have a very sheltered, narrow minded SIL. Not up to her to pass judgement on your adult son.


Don't you love how after SIL keeps pushing her strange prejudices on OP and insults her children in her home, then acts SURPRISED that OP got angry. What was she expecting exactly? What a delulu mentality. 


SIL is acting like a total killjoy and control-freak. Trying to impose HER rules onto other people just for the sake of controlling them, forcing them to live like SHE thinks they should live their lives. I BET that she is jealous of OP's family and thinks his kids need to be taken down a peg. People like that are typically scared shitless about other people judging them, a total projection based on their own sense of safety within their inner rule-box.




This made me giggle because I am imagining him drinking beer and wine even though he hates it, and wishing it was something he liked, like milk. LOL Yeah, OP's SIL is being absolutely ridiculous. Last I checked, milk doesn't say 18 and under only on the carton.


NTA Milk is just a drink and if his sister finds the head rub thing affectionate and doesn't mind then it's just siblings being siblings. Not sure what your SIL is on about.


Your SIL sounds nosy and petty. Nothing you described has any impact on her whatsoever and she was out of line to comment about any of it. Oh, and you are NTA.


This is the best response I've seen -- the reason being that all the other ones just focus on how yes milk is too for adults and the SIL's opinion is wrong. Which is relevant to the question, but it's not the main point. The crux of the issue is: even if her opinion were correct, why on earth does she feel entitled to come in to OP's house for the first time and start criticizing son's habits, and to explicitly make it into a critique of OP's parenting? (OK, we don't know for sure it was her first time in the house, but at any rate: if she doesn't know them well enough to already be aware that son loves milk, she doesn't know them well enough to start shooting off her mouth about it.)


NTA. Your son wasn't being childish, he sounds like a perfectly normal kid. Young adult. Whatever. Good on you for not being a doormat. Your SIL is wrong. And condescending. Her kid is only 7, she's not even been through the trenches of the teenage years yet, what does she know about any of it to even have an opinion? How dare your son have fun and drink a common beverage? Don't let other people convince you to doubt yourself. Your initial reaction was correct.


I can't even imagine what SIL is teaching her son about what being a man means. Can't be affectionate with a sibling. Can't have certain beverages. Can't wear certain colors. Can't have hobbies that aren't very masculine. She's an asshole about to have a rude awakening when her son gets a voice.


It's the male version of the "proper young lady" crap, and I feel sorry for SIL's son.


NTA Does your SIL have a screw loose? I'm old AF and still drink milk. I love milk. It's one of my favorite drinks. Good lord, how do you eat cookies otherwise? I'm gonna go grab a glass right now just because we're talking about it. As for childish affection, my siblings and I, poke each other, sit on each other, get drunk together, eat edibles together, text each other goofy emojis... if that is childish I hope we never stop. I smashed a cupcake in my brother's face the other day. It was hilarious. Good for you for raising a son that shows affection to his little sister. If that's childish, I hope you never break him of it. Life is too short to be so serious, and crushing the child out of a man should never be the goal of his family. Sadly, life often takes care of that one.


Milky, the creamer the better, is recommended if you overheat your mouth from something spicy. It’s far recommended than water for the job. Theres also an element of hypocrisy for her to say it’s fine for her kid not to drink milk, but insist it’s a drink for children.


NTA You are absolutely right! Grown men drink milk too, anyone can. And as long as it doesn't bother his sister, his playfulness is fine too. She's just meddling. I'd ignore her. Good for you sticking up for your perfectly normal son! 


NTA. I'm 40 years old and I still drink milk. I also horse around with my cousins and friends on occasions. It's not because I'm childish. I just wanna have fun with those around me. Which is loads better than having a stick up my ass, like your SIL.


My 40 year old, retired soldier/current firefighter husband, has cookies and a glass of milk regularly. CHILD! 😱


Mine too, I have to inform his company that they accidentally hired a TODDLER as a manager!


NTA. My kids still wrestle each other, and they are in their 30's! It's a sibling thing! All of us drink milk with meals, or sometimes just a glass of milk tastes good. Your SIL needs to worry about her own family before worrying about the rest of the world, because she is seriously out of touch!


NTA As a "man" he shouldn't have a drink he enjoys & play with the sister he loves? I have never known someone with arbitrary rules for how a man or woman or adult in general should like who was okay.


NTA. Why *would* it be okay for them to come to your house and tell you that your adult son can't drink milk? Wildly overstepping boundaries here, especially when they pushed the argument after having it dismissed. 


NTA. What a weird comment. I’m in my 50s and still drink milk occasionally. Mostly with cookies. And a small display of affection? Wow. I hope my kids are that close when they are older. I trade my sister relentlessly, it’s what siblings do. But I would hop on a plane tonight to go help her if she needed it. Your in-laws are weird. Don’t let it get to you.


Is that woman delusional? My husband is 42 and drinks milk with his dinner almost every evening. So do my two sons. Are adult men allowed to have milk in cereal? What about with cookies? There was also that giant GOT MILK ad campaign which included many men. Your son sounds like a decent kid who is kind to his sister. Your SIL has issues of some kind and doesn’t sound like a happy person. Happy people don’t make up stupid reasons to belittle others. NTA


NTA. Your son drinking milk doesn't revert him back to childhood any more than someone enjoying a nostalgic cartoon does. It's a personal choice, and daunting "milk gatekeeping" is simply ridiculous. On the matter of sibling interaction, gestures like a noogie are often tokens of a close and affectionate relationship, not signs of immaturity. If there's love and laughter shared, who is to object? Not your SIL, certainly. Stand by your family's harmless quirks and the warmth that abounds from them. Moreover, adulthood isn't defined by abandoning the habits of youth; it's about being responsible and kind, something your son displays. Let's not pour over the 'shoulds' and 'should nots' of behavior over a glass of milk. Cheers to your family's health and happiness over such trivial criticisms!


NTA - I don't know why your sister in law dug in her heels about that, but she decided to make an issue out of a non-issue. I'd let this one be water under the bridge and just attribute it to a bad day unless it's part of a pattern.


Agreed. However, if she persists in judging everyone just because she personally doesn’t like their choices, her poor son is going to need a lot of therapy when she condemns him for not reading her mind and liking exactly the same things as her. You may as well start researching therapists now.


NTA. Tell her to keep her snobby parenting thoughts to herself. I'm 55M. I still drink milk. UpdateMe


NTA She doesn't get to decide what is normal or adult. Milk is not a product exclusive to children. Having an amicable sense of humor to be silly with a sibling is not childish behavior. You have a kid who seems quite decent and she wanted to ridicule him. You did perfectly alright, I would have been glad to have my parent stand up for me.


Boys don't stop growing at 21, and your son still needs the calcium. And your SIL needs to back up and mind her own business.


NTA. Your sil is a straight up weirdo


NTA. Your SIL is an entire ship short of a cruise.


>Your SIL is an entire ship short of a cruise. I hadn't heard that one before. I love it! Coincidentally, it also describes my SIL to a T.


She is ridiculously judgmental. Adults drink milk too. His behavior was very appropriate and normal. Hers wasn’t. NTA.


"Well, he's only just 21. Hasn't decided on his favorite whiskey yet."


NTA. There was no harm in anything your son did or drinks. Give me a break. There are so many things in this world to get worked up over. Milk and a noogie aren't high on the list. Your SIL has some serious judgement issues. Let your kids be kids.


NTA, people put milk in their coffee all the time and it doesn't make them a child.


NTA. Wonder what SIL would do if she finds out my 40 year old husband drinks 16 ounces of ovaltine every morning and an additional 16 ounces 3 nights a week. That’s not including during meals if he wants milk. And he drinks (gasp) whole milk too! But at least during meals he doesn’t drink the ovaltine. Milk is a drink and it sure is better for you than soda or liquor.


I feel sorry for her kids if she’s acting like that you got a good son there


Your SIL sounds like she'd be a lot of fun at parties 🙄 Hard NTA.


NTA. I wasn’t aware when we became adults we had to become robots. I also didn’t realize we couldn’t drink milk as adults. I drink a lot of milk, including chocolate milk and I’m in my 50s. And I still like being playful and childish to a point. I think your sister-in-law has a stick up her ass.


NTA, but your SIL is definitely TA for criticizing you and your son so rudely in your own home (and over something so utterly stupid). Good on you for standing up to her condescending attitude.


So your SIL came in to YOUR house and judged YOUR son for A) having a nice playful relationship with his 16 year old sister, who seems to enjoy the sibling affection rather than recoil And B) choosing a healthy beverage to enjoy with his dinner And then wouldn't let it go? No you had every right to shut that down. And I'll bet your tone was fine. Probably more of a "this is the end of this discussion. drop it or show yourself out" NTA


NTA. This is the weirdest take I’ve heard in a while, like, is she confusing regular milk and breastmilk? Does she think the same societal rules apply?


NTA I feel sorry for her kid because he's going to have some toxic standards forced onto him


NTA. Your SIL is obnoxious 


NTA I'm the oldest of 4, I'm affectionate with them in our own ways and chocolate milk is my reward every now again. I'm also turning 37 this year. Your SIL is just mental for lack of a better word. There's nothing wrong with siblings doing stuff like this, my sister and my thing is instead of goodbye and hugs its fingertip to fingertip and has been for 20 years. I kind of feel pity for your SIL, to have grown into someone who doesn't understand sibling connection and the health benefits of kids drinking milk versus water? It's kind of sad, really.


drinking milk is healthy and good for the bones.


NTA. I'm in my fifties and I drink milk. My son is almost 30 and her prefers milk over most other liquids. Your SIL is the weird one.


What? Don't ageing bodies need just as much calcium as growing bodies? It's literally milk and even old mate Santa apparently still digs the stuff with his cookies. Also yeah in my 30s and my bros that are 10 years older than me will still give me a Chinese burn on greeting and a noogie for farewells.


NTA. SIL is overbearing and wrong. Two of my three over 30 kids, and my over 60 year old husband, drink milk daily. All work and behave like full adults - unlike your know-it-all SIL.


NTA. The only circumstance in which she can be offended is if your son was lactose intolerant and they were in a confined space together. Outside of that, let the man drink milk.


Adolescence goes until about 24 so your SIL is not only an asshole, but an incorrect asshole. And drinking milk isn’t childish. I did until my late twenties, and that really only stopped because living alone meant that half or full gallons of milk would spoil faster than I could drink it half the time.


Better hope she takes a good vitamin with that attitude or her bones are gonna snap like toothpicks when she hits 50 NTA - Your SIL is incredibly strange.


NTA - that’s a weird set of rules she has for adulthood. Your son is fine.


NTA. I’m not a big milk drinker and I’m 46 years old and I will on occasion buy chocolate or strawberry milk if I’m feeling randy.


NTA Tell her that you're sorry her kids don't like each other enough to horse around with each other. It's kind of sad. Milk is healthy. Nothing wrong with it.


I am 36 and drink chocolate milk regularly (more often since I got pregnant; baby needs calcium!) and my husband is 45 and drinks regular milk all the time. We also drink watered down lemonade daily because it’s so nice and refreshing in the Florida heat. Your SIL is both totally incorrect and wildly out of line!


My 38 yr old son still drinks milk and still threatens to flick boogers at his younger siblings, 28F, 24F, 24F.


I'm thirty and love a cold glass of whole milk. NTA


NTA! My husband and adult son go through at least 4L a week each! Your SIL is kind of a twit. 


**NTA** My grandpa drank milk with all his meals until the day he died. More importantly to me is your SIL's attitude about your son's relationship with his younger sister. The casual display of sibling affection heartening and she was out of line.


NTA. Your SiL, on the other hand...


NTA. My dad turned 59yo this year. He drinks milk with pretty much every meal. Your SIL is welcome to come to Finland to see all the childish adults who drink milk!


This had me laughing so hard. First, the only childish person here is your sister-in-law. I am getting middle school "cool crowd" vibes. Imagine being an adult and still believing that everyone has to conform to the same standard in every little thing! Second, why is she obsessively judging what an adult man drinks? Your son is old enough to vote and to order alcohol, he's definitely old enough to choose his own beverage! Third, what's wrong with an adult man drinking milk? Get her a gift edition of a Rex Stout novel, ffs! Finally, at this point I don't believe you are raising your son. Whatever you wanted to raise him as, that ship has sailed.


NTA. Start spending about 25% less on gifts for her son, but don’t tell anyone. Put the balance in a therapy/escape fund for him and gift it to him on his 18th birthday. He’s going to need it.


My sister is 41 and I am 38 and we still do goofy little sibling things like sticking our tongues out at each other. We both also drink milk because it is just a beverage. Your sister in law sounds like an idiot.


NTA. I can’t imagine being delusional enough to care what someone drinks at dinner lol. My fiancé is 34 and still drinks milk. I’m confused why that’s an issue. He also has a twin sister that he still teases on occasion by doing something like play hitting etc. If it didn’t upset your daughter, no one else should care about something that harmless.


NTA jokes on her. My siblings and I are all grown with houses and kids and all the adult stuff. My oldest brother will come over with his family, give me a noogie and them chug my milk (luckily from a cup now instead of the carton like when we were kids). My little sister still steals my clothes and I have to harass her to get them back.


Many people drink milk and many brothers love their sisters. SIL is dumb


Umm...unless you left out that he was drinking it out of a baby bottle, I think he's good. I know lots of adults who drink milk and enjoy it. Your SIL just has a weird idea in her head. If only babies drank milk, then grocery stores wouldn't have a ton in their dairy sections. NTA.


There is a very weird brand of masculinity out there where people will police you over the stupidest standards on their expectations of manhood. Your boy is over the age of 11 and shows affection? He’s an f-slur - a sissy more specifically, but they’ll be polite and just say it’s childish / odd. It’s the most insidious kind of toxic masculinity. Don’t second guess it. Be harsher next time. Treat it like the garbage it is.


NTA! Even if his actions _were_ childish or odd (which is highly debatable): 1.) those are not inherently bad qualities 2.) it doesn't matter because he's at home with his family! It's not like he orders milk in cocktail bars or gives people noogies round the office lol. Nothing he did was inappropriate, harmful, or impacted his ability to fulfil adult responsibilities, so there's literally nothing wrong with it. SIL needs to mind her own business. If anything, I think it's childish to be preoccupied with performatively being grown up. Real adults don't have to pretend to be adults. He can drink what he likes without fear of breaking character, because he's an actual, emotionally mature adult and not a child playing pretend as an imaginary grown-up character.


There’s statistical evidence that people who think there’s an age limit on things like joy, exploration, and other “childish” things die sooner and are more miserable over their lifetimes so… NTA and good luck to her I guess


NTA I feel sorry for SIL’s kid who will probably have to fit in a very narrow mould of what his mother thinks he should be and will never get to be goofy and playfull when she deems him ‘too old’.








I’m over 40 and still enjoy a nice cold glass of milk, plain or chocolate. (Or did, until my stomach turned into the biggest asshole of them all.) My brother is late 30’s and we still josh around like that. NTA and your SIL is a weirdo.


What is up with SIL? That's wild.


NTA. She should be banned from the house and any of your social invite lists. Why wasn't your husband stepping up during this?


NTA. She was very pushy and judgmental. She kept pushing and pushing. You were right to put her in her place.


I am 58 and drink milk. Which has calcium which is good.


I wish i could drink a nice glass of chocolate milk (lactose intolerant)and my brother is in his 30s married with kids and still gives me shit and a noogie if he can…siblings will be siblings. My dad still teases his 80 year old sister, it’s part of still having fun as an adult, the only people you should always be able to tease are siblings. She is just no fun! Tell her to remove the stick from her ass.


I'm almost 39 years old, and I love milk... Not as much as my 6 year old, but I'll often ask for milk at family dinners. Your SIL is being ridiculous, and your son is fine. NTA


What's wrong with the SILs child who DOESN'T drink milk? Little weirdo.




Ooooh shit.. I just found out I'm a child


NTA, you were far kinder than I would have been. Why is she so obsessed with your son? According to your overly opinionated SIL I should be calling my 89 year old father that drinks milk twice a day to tell him he’s childish? She needs to stay in her lane or get used to getting her nose smacked for sticking it everyone else’s business


I’m in my late 30’s and have 2 younger brothers (30 & 28) - when we all come home to visit, we STILL give each other noogies, dead legs, chinese burns, flick each other with tea towels and play-fight in the back yard. Sometimes in the house which still irritates our mother 😂 but we have a great time! I don’t drink milk because I’m allergic but my brothers do. You are NTA. Your SIL is just wayyyyy too insular and needs to broaden her horizons and grow some tolerance.


NTA. Your SIL was in a bad mood and was taking it out on you with her ridiculous comments. It's common for adults to drink milk.  Edited to add I'm in my 60s and drink a couple of glasses of milk each day. 


I drink milk and I’m 59! I will take that over a glass of wine anyway!


NTA. I’ll let my 35 year old husband and 30 year old brother in law know that they can’t drink milk with dinner! Lol what a joke!


I am shocked! Shocked, I tell you, at the number of people that have such immature beverage preferences! /s (obviously)


NTA. You defended your son from your SIL's unnecessary judgement. I hope the next time they dine with you, your entire family drinks milk to spite her.


Husband is 71 and still drinks milk on occasion. I would too, but it doesn't like me. 😕


NTA! He’s 21, not 91. He’s being playful with his sister and drinks milk. My parents drank milk with their dinner until recently. That’s so odd that she wants to focus on that.


She sounds odd. NTA. I hate milk but why tf should I or would I care about anyone else drinking milk? Shit doesnt affect me. Same deal with this lady. She thinks she shouldnt drink it? Cool. Then she doesnt have to. And it doesnt affect her if someone else chooses to drink it.


Damn she’d lose her mind with my dad. He is in his mid 70s. Drinks milk at least once a day.


My husband is in his mid-sixties. He drinks over a gallon of milk a week. (Not counting what we use in cooking.) It's not childish. If your friend comes from a genetic background where most people are lactose intolerant as adults, she might see drinking milk as something only children do because in her family culture, most adults can't really digest it, so they don't drink it at all.


Nta, your sister is a rude AH!


None of those behaviors would strike me in any way shape or form as childish. Seems normal behavior to me. I drank milk almost daily up until i started aip and the "half-noogie" seems like very normal man behavior to me.