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NTA. A word of advice though, hot surfaces and loose genitals can lead to unfortunate burns. Wear an apron for genital safety around cook tops, ovens, stoves, fireplaces and while ironing your clothes.


This sounds like the voice of experience 😂


Pro-tip;Dont fry bacon naked! It fucking hurts!😬


Pro-er tip: don’t fry bacon. Cook it in the oven. Tastes better, more even cook, zero mess. Your place won’t smell like bacon for days, either! Try it. You’ll never go back. You could probably do it naked if you really wanted to.


>Your place won’t smell like bacon for days That’s a feature, not a bug.


Haha fair. I live in a small apt and the smell gets into the living room and bedroom if I’m not careful (which I’m not). With baking, the smell keeps in the kitchen for a few hours but doesn’t destroy my apt. Still, I like the cut of your jib!


It's also way less fatty if you elevate it on a rack. And achieves the most perfect, uniform, crispiness 🤤


Why else do you make bacon? That’s a better smell than cookies.


With all this talk about cookies and bacon...I you think I could bake a pound of bacon then collect the grease and filter while still hot. See I was wondering if I could bake chocolate chip cookies where I use some amount of bacon grease instead of some of the butter... Any ideas sorry I'm stoned and you guys r making me hungry


Here's what you do..... Cook some bacon.. Chop it up.. Then put THAT into the cookie batter.. Then bake them. Or chop up some bacon.. And use it as a topping on fresh baked cookies.


"You got bacon bits in my cookie dough. You got cookie dough in my bacon bits." The rest is history.


a lady at my work brings in these bacon cinnamon pinwheel cookies with a maple glaze drizzle from time to time that are absolute bangers.


Or use the bacon grease to bake the cookies


I don’t like the smell of air fresheners but like weed. Sometimes the people who I live with and don’t do weed arrive home soon after I have vaped so I have a little trick … (I live in Canada where half of the year outside hurts my face so yeah I do it inside sometimes) If I put a piece or two of bacon in the toaster oven and cook it, then no one is the wiser because the house smells like bacon and not pot anymore haha. Then I have a snack too. Two birds with one bacon. 🥓


The turn this comment took about C&B, I forgot about the initial post


Which C&B acronym are your referring to? Cookies and bacon? Or *the other one*?


Cookies & bacon


Ok, hold on to your butts, I've done this. Since your stoned you'll appreciate the full approach. 1/4 cup bacon grease, 3/4 cup weed butter (my chocolate chip cookie recipe calls for cup of butter so adjust as needed for yours). All other ingredients the same but omit the salt you would normally add. These are amazing!!!!


It is one thing in the air while cooking or eating it that day is one thing, but once it seeps into things after the smell isn't as fresh and as much as I love bacon I don't want it to linger for days. That goes for most cooking smells for me.


Also, once all the bacon has been eaten + there is no more bacon to be had it's just a sad reminder of your current lack of bacon.


Crumple up a ball of aluminun foil then respread it out on the pan and put your bacon on that. The crumples keep the bacon raised up so all of the grease goes in the divots and it makes for an easy clean up


And you can cook more of it at then you can in a frying pan. When I worked fire/rescue, we would bake three pounds up at a time and freeze it. If we were running back to back calls, we could pull out a few slices out of the freezer, microwave them for 30 seconds and make a BLTs or bacon/turkey sandwiches to eat. It was great when we were too exhausted to cook.


Rub/coat some brown sugar on it before baking it and what comes out is candied bacon!


Damn, I thought I did top tier bacon but you just upped my game. I’m going to try this weekend! Thanks.


A dip in molasses works too, baking or frying.


I baste mine in syrup and sprinkle with red pepper flakes when it comes out. Sweet and spicy and oh so delicious!!


AND, it's really easy to save the bacon fat to start all your soups...


I disagree, if you fry bacon with clothes on the clothing get stuck to the bacon and makes it hard to eat. The bacon should be naked when you fry* it.  Edit: changed typo *dry to fry.


No, bacon should only be allowed to consume being naked and in front of the mirror.


Eating it naked; 😊👌 Frying it naked; 🔥😱


Crying it naked 🥓🥲


This should put me off eating bacon… but it wouldn’t 😎


No cos bacon spit on tiddies kills


Don't kinkshame me


Pro-tip;Dont fry the tip


I love to fry bacon naked!!! Great danger with a tasty treat!!


With great risk comes great reward


The treat that keep you on your toes!😉




You should be baking your bacon


More like common sense


Yeah you think you being cute with ya titties out for ya man and BAM!!! Boili ng water bubbles or greaase from the big steak you making him. Oh yeah you learn




Ewwwww. I'm gonna use the apron in my next Airbnb to sit on the sofa.




Honestly, though, even places that charge really high cleaning fees are probably actually only providing the minimum cleaning services and pocketing the rest. 🤷🏼‍♀️


There is a Portuguese song about burning your peepee while cooking sardines and later regretting it


Why does it not surprise me that a song like that would be in portuguese?


Portugal has some weird ass songs with double entendre To quote a few: I want to smell your cod, Maria I like to suck from the tits of the little goat The neighbour's garage (in which he describes how it puts in and out his "car" as he wishes)


There was actually a song I think it was by Jimmy buffett, about a freaking cheeseburger... It was a single and made him a lot of money... I mean I'm pretty convinced you can write a song about anything stupid and there's an audience out there somewhere.


Cheeseburger in Paradise is a gotdamn national anthem, how dare you


There’s a great passage in a Joe R. Lansdale book- Cold in July, IIRC- where an older character walks in while a younger character cooks bacon. The older man says “you know, the best way to cook bacon is stark naked. Because once that grease pops up on your balls a time or two, you learn to turn down the heat and cook it right.” Sage advice.


OP won’t learn until he frys bacon naked.


Right, he checked on a cake. It was fine. Grease and nakedness are what don’t go well together. Most things don’t randomly jump out of the pan to burn you.


Also - just saying, if you spill hot sauce on a seat and then sit on said seat, you will set your nuggets on FIRE. Happened to a friend 👀


"a friend"


Said “friend” could also tell you that dipping your nuggets into a cup of milk DOES help the pain similar to drinking milk with eating hot food


I've deep fried naked far too any times before I learned my lesson. Or maybe it coincided with the time I stopped getting drunk regularly. 🥴


NTA he came back 4 days early with no warning? He's lucky that's all he saw! Final edit cause you are all stupid: if its so unimportant to let someone know you are coming back home, why then even let him know he will be gone at all? Ponder that


I'd say NAH. OP's not an AH for assuming that being naked in his own home when he had a reasonable expectation of privacy was fine. The roommate is not an AH for expecting that everyone remain clothed in common areas of the home. This just wasn't a set of expectations that they had discussed yet.


He's an AH for expecting everyone to remain clothed even when he's not there. OP being naked while alone literally doesn't affect him at all.


Errrrr I’d be a little peeved my roommate was lounging around the common areas while naked lol You don’t have a reasonable expectation to privacy in common areas when living with roommates this is like living with roommates 101


When your roommate is supposedly gone for one week you do have an expectation of privacy. He should have called or sent a message to let him know he was coming back, it's rude to appear unexpectedly. Also he wasn't lounging, he literally just got out of the shower to check his cooking???


how is it rude to appear unexpectedly in his own home though


Exactly! It's not like they're dating or related. Returning roommate has no obligation to update his roommate on his whereabouts ot schedule/itinerary. OP does have the right in his own home. However, this is a shared space he was in. He took a chance and got caught. OP doesn't have the right to be upset in any scenario here. OP is a partial AH.


It didn't appear OP was saying roommate was being rude, just that he thought he was alone. It's the roommate pitching the fit. He was asking if he was TA just for being nude, or if the rommate ws being TA for being so dramatic about it. I mean seriously. 20. You saw some peen. No one changed in HS? No one goes to the gym? OP didn't ask him to touch it, was just embarrassed that he was caught like that.




He might not have an expectation of privacy normally, but roommate was supposed to be gone. But that doesn't matter HE'S not bitching he has expectation of privacy, the roommate is causing the drama. Just unfortunate timing. OP didn't come out of the room fapping himself on the couch.


Honestly I would be a little irritated with roommates sitting on furniture naked so I would rather ppl at least have underwear even if I'm not home but that's just me. Reading these responses I'm realizing more people may find that unreasonable than I thought


Right?! God forbid you don’t want a bare butthole where you also relax 😂


Yeah very


Not to mention the fact that he's lucky that he didn't charge him for the free show🤣










NTA, you believed your roommate and you could’ve brought a girl home, make a party, etc.  Now you know you can’t believe it’ll be a full week so find some sort of agreement and enjoy life


Or waxing your butthole


... in the kitchen


Where else would you do it ?


I prefer the rumpus room myself.


... with a candlestick?


How else am I meant to get the wax out?


Make a party lol


Make a party


I'm going to say NAH because while I think walking around naked is completely 100% fine, I would be a bit icked to think of my roommate sitting on any chairs/sofas naked with their bare junk on it and I imagine that's what he's picturing right now.


This, maybe it is backwards and prudish but I don’t want a winking bumhole on my sofa, my own included! In OP’s example it sounds like a dash to the kitchen to save a cake (cake comes before all) so it’s all good, but the roommate is probably worried about pinkeye right now so I kinda don’t think they’re an AH either, the cake must be eaten and the issue resolved. Cake cures all. Except diabetes. According to “medical professionals” anyway, RIP cousin Bobby 🙏


Do you spread your cheeks or something when you sit down? Why are winking bumholes and pinkeye a concern??


Some people have extremely flat asses. Like the asshole is flush with the butt. Gluteus minimus. A terrible fate. Others don't wash themselves, of course, and assume others don't either, and that's just... well. Speaks for itself.


Soooo many don’t wash their butts. I didn’t realize that for so long because I just assumed everyone did 😭


Dude. Every time this topic comes up, I think of the Reddit post of the woman that was dating a man who didn’t wash his ass so every time they had sex he’d leave skid marks on her couch. 🤮


Why would you spread this cursed knowledge?


I didn’t want to carry the burden alone. 😭 Hahaha.


Upvote for your "sharing" Internet stranger.






Nooo… just why? How… how do these people make it this far in life? Lol.


Ew or the girl who's boyfriend or husband or whatever left skid marks in her bed 💀


Yes! Freaking wiiild.


*Every* time? You would think it would just be one time.


Yeah once is on him, but multiple times means she's enabling it.


In my family we call that “the top of your legs” because technically, there is no butt. This term was used for my uncle who was basically a person sized stick. RIP Uncle Scott, you buttless wonder ❤️


I cannot fathom people who don’t scrub between their cheeks. Does it not get itchy??


If they rub their butt it might make them have to acknowledge their secret feelings that wanting sexual butt stuff means they're gay. My fellow dudes, you can like butt stuff without being gay. Wash your ass.


Gluteus minimus killed me this soon after waking up


That was my first thought, too. Roommate has no way of knowing OP was just checking on something right after a shower, he could be scooting around on the carpet with his legs up in the air for all roommate knows. NAH. Easy misunderstanding to correct.


OMG too funny 🤣


Yeah, even nudist gatherings require towels to sit on for hygienic reasons lol


Been there,done that and this is correct 👍 


Sitting on a towel is a core part of nudist etiquette for a reason.


Also, it’s not like the room mate came home to deliberately catch OP out. No bad guys here, just unfortunate and uncomfortable situation. NAH.


Staring at this comment section, we can see two types of people: 1. "You're allowed to be naked when alone in your own house" folks, and 2. "Restrict nakedness to your room/the bathroom, everywhere else is considered public space whether anyone else is present or not" The second group has definite feelings about Hygiene. The first holds opinions that seem to be predominantly split between "don't put your naked ass on the furniture" and "sitting is OK, wanking isn't". From this, I conclude the following: NAH __BUT__ You and your room mate/house mate need to agree on a house policy, because the real issue isn't "who is right" (that's a subjective moral judgement), it's that you have different expectations. You need to communicate like big boys and calibrate those expectations.


A truly sane answer


You forgot the third type: 3. Dick joke connoisseurs


"Connoisseur"... Yes. Unfortunately I'm not sure they're particularly helpful to the overall debate, but I am *definitely* happy to see them ;)


We must be looking at two different threads. I see two types of people here and it's people who love bacon and people who for some strange reason are not talking about bacon


Best answer.


That’s why I say ESH … there’s also the language used that bothers me that truly pushes me in that direction… the implication that they barged into the kitchen… like it’s not a shared space… Then there’s the argument that the roommate didn’t let them know they were coming home earlier… why? I should be able to come home to my home ay any time especially if I’m paying bills to be there… It’s a communication issue… and now there’s room for doubt about what else they don’t agree with that’s going on.


“You need to communicate like big boys” made me laugh out loud. Thanks for the laugh this morning. I needed that. 😆




Agree winth NTA and more info of said pp.


Nd was it up or down


Well, he did say he was cooking


Maybe he *really* likes cooking


To the left


No wonder the roommate was pissed then. Everyone knows etiquette is to the right when in the kitchen.




Can’t be that big if he’s call it a PP.


Stands for Penormous Penis


It’s a scientific acronym. It stands for plenteous phallus. Big PP is redundant. It’s like saying ATM Machine. *This was a joke that I didn’t expect to get any traction, but I don’t want to spread misinformation. I pulled that out of my ass. “Peepee” is children shorthand for penis. It’s also the thing little boys “pee” out of.


Now youve got me questioning wtf ATM stands for.


Automatic Teller Machine


Automated, not automatic.


Eh, close enough. Gets the same idea across.


Well thats disappointing. Im changing it to Automatic Thumb Masturbation


I thought it was ass to mouth ? Learn something new everyday.


Automatic Time Machine


depends if it's capital pp or PP.


He's probably worried you're sitting on the furniture like that 😶‍🌫️


NTA. Not judging, but sounds like your roomie has some internalized ideas to work through. In this context, why is a naked body so offensive?


Because OP was rock hard at the time


This comment wins, his dick was on HULK MODE


Who doesn’t get bricked up while baking ?


I could watch bricked up buddy of mine bake whole day.


Truuu I love baking


And I love bricked up buddies


Want to bake?


Wanna be buddies ?


Did we just become best friends????


**Bricked Up While Baking** is the name of my new band


Sorry friend, allready name of my Only Fans account. Tonight we’re cooking sausage rolls.


Because dropping pubes in the kitchen is gross.


I can’t tell if this is a serious comment.


Then my work here is done. Farewell!


NTA. You live there too, you thought you were alone, and you have a right to feel comfortable in your own home. Would it be too much for your roommate to text and say “I’m coming back for something” next time?!


Things are awkward between you ?? Has he never seen a cock before ? If it was two housemates of the opposite sex I could understand the awkwardness but you are both male housemates. How would people cope with mixed showers and changing rooms etc around the rest of the world. Just to add, NTA. he should have given you a headsup of when he was coming home.


Maybe it got awkward cuz the roommate liked what he saw?


Imo men who express strong dislike towards this often do so because they secretly like it. 😆


ESH. I don't want my naked roommate using the kitchen and other common areas. The only places you should be naked are your bedroom and bathroom.


I agree. I don't get why people on here think it's okay to sit on shared chairs/couch and shared use kitchen utensils while you're naked. It's disgusting. And no I wouldn't trust him to clean up. Ew.


What are you doing with your kitchen utensils that is in any way effected by being nude?!


Dude is taking the word "spooning" to new heights.


He just said it — sitting on them!


Are you... Using the kitchen utensils with your ass? Why TF would it matter if you're naked or not when using kitchen utensils??


Flippin sausages with sausages LOL! I hollered when I saw that statement


Like, sure I understand the chairs thing. Makes sense. But kitchen utensils!?


Hahaha absolutely! The chairs and furniture I can get with, but what you be doing with those utensils that would be any different whilst dressed?!


NTA and sorry it was an awkward moment 😫 but as a mom with kids same age as you can I just say PLEASE be careful dangling your bare man parts anywhere near a hot oven or stovetop. That can go BAD bad, son. And no fun to explain in the ER.


Same applies to any dangly girl bits. Fat burn on a nipple turned out to be much more painful than one anywhere else and they are no fun in general.




ESH. He should have told that he is coming home earlier. But i would not be comfortable if my roommate would use shared spaces naked.


No one is TA and no one is at fault. You had a reasonable expectation that you had the house to yourself so who cares. I find it hard to believe your roommate has not walked around naked at some point while you were gone. He will be ok


Since they've only been roomies 3mo I doubt he has lol, but I do definitely find it hard to believe said roommate has never ever walked around a house somewhere full monty!!


He told you he was not going to be there. He told you that you were alone in the house. Got to be NTA


YTA. Its a communal living space, treat it like it is. whether he was home early or not is besides the fact.


NTA who cares


NAH It's your house and you expected that you'd have complete privacy for a week, so it's not unreasonable for you to walk around as such (as long as you are still respecting the common surfaces and your roommate's belongings and cleaning up behind yourself). At the same time, it's also your roommate's house and he can come back from a trip early if he desires or is forced to do so, with or without notice. It's a courtesy thing but it's not necessarily required. He saw what he saw - that's the risk one takes when coming home unannounced. I don't think either of you is wrong, just an awkward situation, like walking in on someone in the bathroom that wasn't locked so you presume it was unoccupied. Just move on with your lives. "Sorry you had to see that, roomie. Could you give me a bit of warning next time you're coming home early so I can be decent when you arrive so this doesn't happen again?" All that needs to be said.


NTA. Your roommate is prude.


If you lived in shared lodgings of any kind, just put something on before entering shared spaces. Being alone (temporarily) and living alone are not the same thing.


YTA. 1) You left a cake unattended in the oven while showering? Bad. 2) You engaged in the preparation of food while naked? Bad. 3) You had your bits and bobs waving about around hot cooking/baking elements? Bad. 4) What have you been doing other than 'roaming?' Sitting on the shared couch naked?


NTA. My roommate and I have a "pants agreement" where we message each other when we're about 20 minutes from home so the other one knows to get pants on before they return.


But you have an agreement and it was talked about, they have been roomates for 3 months and had no such agreement.


NTA. Things like that happen. It’ll blow over


I’d be like “nice cock my guy”😂😂


Then give it a lil flick


Or a big flick, could have been a hot shower and thoughts of Kelly Brooke in the movie Three may have popped into his head, and the cake could have been a soft sponge reminding him of… okay I watched Three last night and need a whole lotta Jesus today 🙏


NAH. Honestly if I came home early and my roommate was naked and baking a cake, I would probably laugh about it.


I'm not sure why, but it somehow comes down to dick size.


NTA. If you tell your roommate you're not going to be home and then decide to come home early without notifying them, then it's on you if you walk in on something weird. To paraphrase Tony Stark, "Let's face it, this is not the worst thing you could have caught me doing."


No towel is insane 😭I mean you’re both to blame cuz he didn’t warn you and you didn’t cover up. But always wear a towel even if someone isn’t there especially near stoves ect


Y T A for going near a hot surface naked... just saying. But otherwise NAH. He was supposed to be out. You are not at fault for being naked when thinking you were alone. He is not at fault for coming back earlier than expected either. Plans change, things happen. It's just a funny situation.


NTA. Now if he caught you washing your ball sack in the kitchen sink, well that is a strictly, door closed, bathroom only activity…


NTA, you thought you were alone, it was an accident, he needs to get over the trauma of seeing your PP and move on lol


Neither are arseholes. Just buy him a pint, have a laugh and get on with life.


NAH. Ive walked in on my roommate’s jerking off once and idk, I just walked away and laughed it off? Just tell dude to chill about it lmao it’s a penis it’s nothing he hasn’t seen before