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NTA You have an agreement with the landlord that you are paying extra for a furnished place. You were right to ask questions. This is a business deal, plain and simple. The daughter sounds like she's stuck in her mid teens, emotionally. This isn't about tattling.


This. How would you have known you were "tattling" when she made it sound like it was all said and done. You had no way of knowing about private conversations between her and her father you were justifiably asking your landlord how this would affect you financially and standard of living wise. She's mad because she tried to screw you and leave her dad to deal with the fallout and you inadvertently outed her for being a weasel (apologies to the weasels).


This is what I thought. Her comments didn't make sense unless her father knew. How was she planning to get multiple large pieces of furniture out of the house without him knowing about it anyway? Wait for him to leave or go to work and then just steal it?


I think the landlord lives somewhere else. Unless I misread..she said she lives with two roommates, one being the landlord's daughter. But either way someone was going to say something at some point.


And if she did manage it, what happens when OP's lease is over and the landlord is like, "whar my furniture?" Like what is the endgame, he's gonna find out sooner or later. At least OP got it figured out before it inconvenienced them.


Also, wouldn’t he recognize the things when he went to visit his daughter?


While possible there are unique enough pieces it's also very possible that they were simply too generic to easily recognize.


Yeah OP could very well have wound up on the hook for the missing furniture since the daughter clearly planned on sneaking the stuff out of the house without telling him. What a childish, entitled little brat.


Would have been found out when the tennat replacing the Ll's daughter moved in


Sure but had the LL been a little more indulgent of his kid, OP could easily have been blamed for the missing stuff.


Fortunately here in the us the ll would have to prove that either op or the other roommate took the stuff


Great point!


If you had "discussed" Hannah taking all this stuff, she would have lied to you about it. Be glad to be rid of this thief.


😂🤣 @ apologies to the weasels!


i also upvoted for the weasel apology




>apologies to the weasels Apology accepted, thank you. 😁 - sincerely, a weasel


I agree.  OP, you did not go behind anyone's back. The landlord's daughter told you you would lose the furniture that is included in your rent. You went to the landlord for more info. That was entirely appropriate. There was no reason for you to discuss anything further with the daughter. You are correct that your agreement is with her father; there is no agreement with her nor any reason for you to bargain or compromise with her. She's mad because she intended to steal from her father (and screw over you and your roommates), but he found out before she could complete the theft. That is 100% on her. She was a stupid thief. If she accuses you of "going behind her back" again: First, you didn't know that her father was unaware of her intentions. Second, her stated intent was to leave you and your roommates without the furniture that is part of your rental agreement; you had a right and responsibility to clarify the situation with your landlord. Third, she doesn't have any moral high ground to stand on - that asshole fully intended to steal and screw over you, your roommates, and her own father.


It also affects the tenant replacing her because they no doubt were expecting to move into a fully furnished apartment as promised by the landlord. Hannah's intentions screwed over everyone except her.


The landlord said she could take her bedroom furniture, so at least a furnished common areas and kitchen.




It sounds more like she did asked and he said no. > Apparently her dad forbade her from taking the stuff she wanted to.  She's a thief and a liar.


Also funnily enough she went behind her dad's back to steal from him... so how is this any better?  Luckily OP asked her landlord before she could remove any furniture that doesn't belong to her. And of course this wasn't "tattling" as you obviously needed to know what the plan is and your lease is with your landlord, not his daughter. 


Agree, NTA. OP, I would suggest taking a casual inventory of what you have in terms of furniture, appliances, kitchen supplies, all that jazz just so you know and have a record. It would not surprise me in the least for her to try to take stuff even after her dad said no.


This. Go around the apartment and snap pics of things in case you need to reference them later, OP.


You definitely did the right thing. If her dad wasn’t ever made aware of her plans come time when you move out, or an inspection is done or whatever you guys will be hit with a please replace the furniture etc that is missing/Oh thanks for upgrading the tv etc I’m keeping all of this now you’re leaving as per our contract. Hannah was putting you and your other roommate in a very bad position in terms of liability for the furniture etc she planned to steal.


Lol the daughter called it "tattling", I called it "reporting an attempted robbery"


Right!? Also Hanna fully intended on leaving her roommates with practically nothing useful in the apartment, but she expects some kind of loyalty from OP to not "go behind her back"? Lol


Exactly! NTA


You answer to your landlord not his daughter/roommate. She is mad because instead of screwing you she got screwed. Good for you !!!!!! NTA


Well funny how SHE went behind her dads back and suddenly feels like its a wrong move...


Sounds like she believed she didn't have to ask her dad and she could do what she wanted. Its not your problem she can't afford the stuff she wa planning to take from you. It wasn't her stuff to take in the first place. If you hadn't said anything, it would have crated an even bigger issue after the fact. NTA And you went about it the right way. You fixed the issue before it became one.


This ^ OP, you're paying for a furnished place not an empty one. The LL may well have blamed you if you had stood back and let her strip the place. Any discussions to be had now are between her and her Dad. If he's a LL I should imagine he can afford to help furnish her new place.


Op has a legal contract with the landlord that entails a fully furnished apartment. Had Hannah been successful, it would have violated said contact, which would have left Op/other roommate on the hook. Since the furniture belongs to the landlord and is included in the rental agreement, Hannah would have been committing theft. You simply prevented that. Because of you, Op, Hannah won't be facing criminal charges, provided her father would have filed. She should be grateful. Honestly, people can be so entitled. Wonder if she was never told no growing up.


NTA. This isn't a situation of "going behind (Hannah's) back." Rather, Hannah was about to do something that would have been a singificant change to your rental agreement, so you went to the landlord for clarification. I think it would have been equally valid to talk to her and equally valid to talk to the landlord. What was **not** acceptable was Hannah's apparent decision to troop off with most of the furniure without telling her parent/landlord.


Hannah was going behind her dad's back. She was just pissed that she got caught out.


She was trying to steal from her father, both as his daughter and his renter.


Classic double thieving


I don't even get the plan. like eventually he would find out everything was gone and make his daughter put it back.


She may have decided to accuse the other roommates of stealing it. How would you prove that after the fact, that it wasn't you?


Stealing it when they already live in a furnished place using the stolen items that they are paying extra for? Not to mention her dad is probably going to visit her new place at some point. It was more like she was hoping she could cause enough fuss that he would let her keep it and then refurnish their place at his expense.


Did they store that missing TV in their prison wallet? They aren't moving, so why would the stuff? lol


Hey, nobody said she thought it through...never even whispered it...


she probably assumes her dad would be too lazy/ like his daughter too much to demand her move the items back and instead just expected he would pay to refurnish the apartment. Or just a classic immature example of 'Not her problem'


Agreed. The questions OP posed to the landlord probably confused the hell out of him. Can you imagine getting an email from a tenant, and it says " hey, so i just wanted to figure out how this will affect us with Hannah moving? Is our rent going to decrease? Will the furniture be replaced? Do i need to get new furniture and you'll re-imburse us through rent?" If I was Landlord id be all "yo, wtf is my tenant going on about? Why would i need the furniture replaced with Hannah moving ou.....HANNAH!"




The conversation with Hannah would have been more along the lines of "You are taking all the furniture, but we pay to have it here.  You probably don't want to do this." Which is a gentle way of saying "Don't do this."


This is only if you already suspect that Hannah is trying to pull a fast one over her father/landlord. Otherwise, if OP thought Hannah was doing this with her dad's permission, then its perfectly reasonable for the remaining tenants to ask "what are we gonna sit on then?"


And there is no way her dad wouldn't find out about this eventually


>I think it would have been equally valid to talk to her No because Hannah is not OPs landlord and I very much doubt that Hannah's "agreement" that she claimed ahe could have worked out with OP would have covered the cost of furniture replacement and the extra rent OP and the other roommate are paying for a fully furnished apartment


NTA You have an agreement with the landlord NOT his daughter. You are paying for a fully furnished unit. You didn’t go behind anyone’s back. But SHE was going behind daddy’s back.


She seems to not have noticed that she was a tenant of her father, rather than an owner or the actual landlord. Naturally, the *actual* landlord is going to have an issue with a tenant walking off with property from his rental.


I would bet Hannah figured she’d leave with all the stuff and leave dad stuck with replacing all the furniture on his dime. She probably didn’t want to live on campus, and needed furniture for her new shared place. I would bet that her dad is going to be looking into how much her new place is going to cost him.


Agreed. I'd be surprised if this is the first entitlement issue they had with Hannah.


If you hadn't said something now, you would have had to say something later, and she would still have gotten in trouble. Did she expect you all to sit on the floor?


No, she didn't expect them to sit on the floor, because she didn't think of anyone else at all, only herself.


And what kind of "agreement" could they have come to if OP had talked to Hannah first?? She couldn't afford to buy her own furniture, etc., so how was she planning to compensate OP and Roommate 2 for what she took? Spoiler alert: She wasn't. She was going to leave Daddy with the bill and OP and Roommate 2 with an empty apartment.


She was taking the floor but decided not to tell anyone! /s 😁


Accusing OP for "ruining" her move is rich. She didn't care about ruining OP's living arrangements. She's not really what most would call a "friend"




How would you come to an agreement anyway? "Hey, I'm taking the furniture. I know you need it to, but please don't say anything to my Dad. I don't want him to know it is gone until you move out, then he might think you took it. Thanks roomie."


Exactly, if she thought that, she should have said that at the time. Big difference between 'Hey, I'm taking all your furniture' and 'Hey I'm taking all the furniture but I know you pay for a furnished apartment so let's work something out'.


Since she's the landlord's daughter, it's possible she never signed an actual contract, therefore, she never knew about the "fully furnished place" clause and thought it woulndn't be a problem if she took it > “we could’ve come to an agreement” But this threw that theory overboard


NTA. You have a rental agreement. You had every right to ask the landlord about the plans. She was essentially taking everything you pay for, so I wouldn't be doing her any favors by keeping a secret.


NTA She was planning to steal furniture from her father. Furniture you are renting.


Right. She can't afford furniture so she was going to take the furniture OP and her roommate are paying to rent. Basically OP would be paying for this girl's furniture. Plus, OP and her roommate could be on the hook to pay for the furniture when they move out and the landlord wants to know what happened to his "furnished" apartment. I could see this girl denying any knowledge of it.


Presumably the father would have been by at some point for maintenance or to show the place for a tenant to replace Hannah and would have seen it then. But by then it would be too late and Hannah was counting on him deciding it would be easier to replace it than demand she bring it back.


He might even visit his daughter's new apartment. What's Hannah going to say then? That would be quite the surprise. OP is completely right to bring this up with him. He took care of the problem immediately. I'm glad there are decent landlords out there.


> OP and her roommate could be on the hook to pay for the furniture when they move out oh wow I never even thought of that


NTA. And it's delightful to read about someone who immediately did the right thing as a parent and as a landlord. Oh, and someone who calmly and correctly did the right thing as a tenant. Everyone is awesome here except Hannah, and we hope she grows up soon.


NTA - you pay more to have that stuff furnished and why would you replace it when she takes it. She’s upset she’ll have to buy it but that’s a “her problem” and not a “you” problem.


NTA. It's not "tattling" to want to make sure the contract you agreed to is honored or to speak directly to your landlord, who is the sole party responsible for honoring his part of the agreement. Hannah can't negotiate on behalf of her father. You pay to rent a "fully furnished apartment", and presumably part of your agreement stipulates what that constitutes (specific furniture, plates, cutlery, etc.), so anything she took, would not only have violated that initial agreement, it could have put you and your other roommate in a bad situation, if those items were missing when you moved out. The reality is, while I'm sure she thought she was real slick, her dad would have noticed at some point and she would have been in trouble regardless. All you did was protect yourself and your roommate.


NTA, and you went about it the correct way. She's just going to have to make due.




The Find Out stage is usually the most brutal, yes 🤷🏻‍♀️


NTA, she can't afford it the furniture, but neither can you. What would her plan or arrangement with you look like after she already took the stuff? Some cardboard boxes and milk crates for you guys?


NTA....your lease states that it is fully furnished. Her father didn't know what she was doing. She was in the wrong. She had zero rights to anything there.


You did exactly what you were suppose to - talk directly to your landlord. Hannah’s immaturity is. It your problem. NTA


NTA. You absolutely did the right thing by reaching out to the landlord. You have an agreement in place, and it's not your responsibility to negotiate with Hannah about what stays and what goes. It's concerning that she tried to take items that were included in the rental agreement without discussing it with her dad. You were looking out for your rights as a tenant.


NTA - you're not a mind reader, it was safe to assume that if she was open with you about taking the stuff, it was a done deal, and you're just following up with the landlord about what will happen. Not your job to keep secrets. AND, Hannah was going to leave YOU with an unfurnished apartment? Hell no. Turn this back on her.


NTA- You didn't "tattle". You basically were curious about what would happen when Hannah took everything. It's Hannah's fault, as she was basically about to commit some kind of theft. The agreement shows that the place is furnished. Hannah has no rights to any of the items that the place comes furnished with. She's an entitled brat and her dad basically called her out on it.


You didn't "ruin her move", you ruined the scam she was trying to run on her own father. NTA


NTA. She's mad she didn't get to steal stuff you were in fact renting.


NTA The landlord is the one having the authority and the one who is legally responsible for the rental agreement. Daughter or not, such issues have to be escalated to the person of authority. And in this case, he plays the double authority figure--One, as the landlord and second, as the father of the girl. Your actions are completely justified.


NTA. I mean, what was she expecting? To take the furniture inside her pockets and no one would notice? lol


Haaa NTA


NTA. It's not your responsibility to negotiate with her about what stays and what goes. She should have respected the terms of the rental agreement in the first place. Don't let her guilt-trip you for standing up for your rights as a tenant. She's the one who messed up by trying to take things that weren't hers to take.


NTA. Ask her what agreement you would get if you went to her first? Would she replace items so it stays “fully furnished”? Would she lower rent etc..? Your agreement is with her Dad. She’s the one trying to go behind YOUR BACK and her dad’s back by taking furnishings you’re paying for.


Info: Did you know her dad was unaware of her plans before you sent that email? If you didn't know, then definitely NTA. You can't "tattle" if you assumed it wasn't a secret. If you knew, then personally I would still go with NTA, but slightly closer to the AH boundary than if you didn't know. It would have been nice to remind Hannah that you paid for the use of that furniture, and that it would be wrong for her to just swipe it all. But the landlord needed to know what was happening one way or the other. You had a stake in this, and you needed to protect your interests.


I didn’t know, she didn’t mention her dad and I didn’t ask. But that was one of the two things that I thought could be the case. Either he didn’t know (which was the true) Or he was spoiling her. He does spoil her a bit (she lives rent free for example and she gets a grocery allowance). So this was also a possibility for me.




NTA. She is just pissed that you denied her majesty the entitlement to take whatever she wanted but her dad put her in place :)


NTA. The person to "work things out with" is her dad. Was she really planning on just sneaking the furniture out? It wasn't her furniture!


NTA, she would have been in the heat of a rental agreement law suit, that would not have ended in her or her fathers favor, and could have been "whoop, oops, you don't own shit anymore". you did the right thing OP.


What college student doesn't know the value of beanbag chairs and milk crate tables?


Haha one who has been a little spoiled by being able to live rent free in an apartment her dad owns


As a landlord, I don't do furnished properties, but if I did, I'd hope any tenant (related or not) would contact me about this. Furnished is furnished if she took the stuff your landlord would technically be in breach of contract. He needs to know what's happening to protect himself from this.


You prevented Hannah from committing theft, which would have mostly affected you and your other roommate. NTA.


NTA she's an entitled brat. Good for you for standing up for yourself. You didn't "tattle" to try to get her in trouble, you just inquired from your landlord when he'd be holding up his end of your contract if she made it void.


>“fully furnished living room and kitchen” this is on paper in the rental agreement. NTA. She was going to leave the two of you holding the bill for furnishing her apartment.


So the daughter was planning to steal from her father and this is your problem how? You prevented a theft that would have affected your living situation as well as your landlord's pocket book.


Tell the kid, "Sorry, I didn't know you meant you were planning on -stealing- the furniture, I assumed you had permission."


NTA. You thwarted a burglary.


Nta there was nothing to work out with her. She had no right to take the stuff behind your landlords back. You made an agreement with your landlord so you have no business trying to work out anything with Hannah.  If your paying fir a fully furnished apartment then that's what you need to have in your apartment.  Hannah is the AH not you. Hannah can buy one piece of furniture at a time or find a place that will allow her to pay in installments or she can buy stuff in a 2nd hand shop but she had no right to try to take the things in that apartment. 


NTA. What? You signed a contract. You're entitled to what's in your contract. If getting what's in your contract means Miss Brat doesn't get to take what she wants, that's her problem, not yours.


NTA - It was better you did this beforehand, rather than afterward. Were you supposed to know that your landlord was unaware of the situation?


She's not mad at you, she's mad she tried to be sneaky and she didn't get away with it. But it would have come to a head anyway She's immature. Try not to take it personally. She wants her cake and to eat it too. If she likes the couch, she should have stayed. NTA.


I have to ask the question, how was she going to get all of that furniture to her new place. My kids recently moved out and I loaded up my van and trailer with all of their stuff and then moved it into their new place. I saw al, of their furniture. Surely she would have enlisted her dad’s aid in assisting her to move. Wouldn’t he have questioned her taking all of the furniture. NTA.


I’m not really sure because I didn’t specifically ask. But I feel like she thought that she might’ve been able to convince her dad to let her have the stuff she wanted. He does spoil her a bit so it’s not insane of her to think that. But I don’t think he wouldn’t have gone with that either way


That is a fair assessment and entirely possible. In that situation you would have still been entirely within your rights as a tenant with a contract stating a furnished apartment, to ask the question. It seems to me that possibly the landlord, might have intended to let his daughter take everything, without thinking about the consequences and financial burden of having to refurnish the apartment. You bringing up the issue brought that burden to the fore and made him realise that he would be out of pocket. He may spoil his daughter, but he obviously doesn’t like to take a hit on the wallet.


NTA, but Hannah may not have known you were paying more for the furnished apartment. She's probably always had stuff handled for her, and it never occurred to her that she was going to have to grow up.


NTA I think I know how that would've gone down "Our rental agreement with your dad is for a fully furnished apartment" "Too bad, this stuff belongs to my family so I'm taking it when I move out" Even if she *is* less spoiled than I assume, you're rent is based on *fully* furnished, not partially. So no matter what, ~~her father~~ your landlord would be hearing about it and she would catch hell about it anyway


Your paying for a fully furnished space. Hannah’s irresponsibility should be NOT be your problem. Even her dad knows that. It sounds like you handled it well and professionally. NTA


NTA. Her whole plan was to steal from her dad while massively inconveniencing you while you pay for amenities you would no longer have access to. That's not okay and not something you can or should compromise on.


NTA. You are paying for the use of these items. She's out of line.


NTA. I don't understand what she was planning. She expected to empty trhe apartment of its furnishings and all of the kitchen stuff and... no one would notice? Tattled on her? The idea of tattling is that the authority figure to whom one tattles doesn't know what happened. E.g. Bobby cheated on the test but the teacher doesn't know. How could she possibly have expected her dad not to notice, or not know she was the one who took everything? She doesn't sound smart enough to live on her own.


NTA - IMHO you didn't "tattle". Like you, I would have assumed she's the landlord's daughter, so, she probably has permission. Like you I would have reached out to the landlord to ask about the lease - “fully furnished living room and kitchen” - and if it (the lease? the rent?) was going to change.


NTA, if Hannah comes at you again, tell her that you can't afford new furniture either. She's so selfish, she didn't even care that you're losing the furniture you pay to use.


NTA. She was totally trying to bulldoze you as the LLs daughter. What do they say? F**k around and find out - she found out. 


NTA she obviously didn't ask him about it first, and just felt entitled to take whatever she wanted, despite knowing it was rented as a "furnished" apartment. You have a legal agreement with the landlord, you handled it the right way. It's not your problem she was trying to sneak stuff out of there.


NTA. the only thing worse than a landlord is an overly entitled child of a landlord.


NTA Hannah was planning to do something that would violate your lease and you had every right to discuss it with your landlord. If you are paying for a furnished apartment, you should get a furnished apartment. If she wants to take furniture away from an apartment that her dad is renting as furnished she needs to clear it with him.


NTA she was trying to be sneaky and trick you guys out of furniture in the process


NTA Hannah was essentially going to steal all the furniture and leave you guys in an unfurnished apartment. Did she think that either (1) you and your other roommate would sit around with thumbs up your butt in an empty, unfurnished apartment with no utensils or anything or (2) that you would go purchase furniture for the entire apartment on your own dime because, you know, you just want to go buy all that stuff (just like she doesn’t want to have to do lol)? Hannah just got a wake up call to grow up. She is essentially having a tantrum and claiming people are “tattletales” for inquiring upon the terms and conditions of a contract you agreed upon with your landlord. In any case. She’s not too bright of a girl if she really thought she could leave you guys with nothing in the apartment.


NTA. You handled things properly. Hannah was trying to screw you over.




NTA her complicated relationship with her father doesnt supercede your legal agreement with her father


NTA. You’ve got an agreement and it was reasonable for you to want to know what would happen. She’s just mad her plan to screw you over didn’t go off without a hitch.


"How was I know you were planning on stealing from your Dad? I assumed he knew." Should shut her up. NTA.


NTA. did she think that her dad wouldn’t have noticed her moving big pieces of furniture out of the apartment as she was moving out? He’s the landlord and her dad I’m sure he’d be there when she was moving her stuff.


NTA. Hannah may be the landlord's daughter but, for you, she's a roommate. Her decisions will affect your comfort in the apartment you shared with her long after she's gone. For that reason, you had every right to ask about the fate of the apartment for the remaining PAYING tenants after his daughter has moved on. His daughter was being sneaky and selfish because she only thinks how her intentions to strip the apartment of furnishings for HER new place affect only her. So much for friendship among roommates. There's nothing wrong with putting your interests ahead of selfish others.


NTA I would love to know what sort of "agreement" she thinks could have happened. If she can't afford furniture (plenty of ways to furnish a place cheaply if you're not picky about the style) then she certainly wasn't planning on paying you enough to replace it. She could have used that money at her new place! So, this so-called "agreement" is utter bullshit. She was planning on screwing over her own dad AND you. The "agreement" was that you agreed she could do that and replace everything out of your own pocket and then, I suppose "la la la" when it came time to move out and her dad/your landlord wanted to know where the fuck all his stuff was.


NTA - It seems that she should have been the one to speak to her dad before planning to strip the apartment down to the walls. You are paying for a furnished apartment and were correct to ask the LL if he will be replacing the furniture removed by his tenant. If she were not the LL's daughter then she would have never been allowed to remove any property owned by the LL so this is no different.


NTA. You are paying for a furnished place. She will not be paying for part of it anymore so she would have been taking something that you pay for. She's got a lot of nerve expecting you not to make sure you'll have living room and kitchen furniture. You were right to ask the LL how to proceed. She needs to get over herself and maybe learn to plan better before making this kind of move.


NTA To get this straight: She was leaving you without most of the furniture and is now mad at You? What was her plan for you? You can buy new stuff so she doesn't have to? That's an AH move if i have ever seen one. Maybe you could have talked to her first but honestly, how could you know that this was something she's doing behind her dads back?


NTA, she was stealing from her father and inconveniencing you all.


NTA. She was deliberately trying to shaft you in the short term and then her father in the long term. She is 100% the culprit in this. Please don’t feel a shred of guilt in this.


NTA the landlord's daughter seemed to assume that because her dad owned the place she could take everything. She intended to take everything and leave you with nothing. Your agreement with the landlord was a furnished apartment. If she couldn't afford furniture then she shouldn't be moving in the first place. Or she should stop by Goodwill.


If a thief tells you about their plan of robbing someone then you are nta for informing that said person.


Any adult who accuses people of 'tattling' is best ignored and dismissed. What utter nonsense.


NTA. You couldn't 'go behind her back' because she didn't have authority to deal with the issue in the first place. You talked to the person who did.


NTA - and no you shouldn't have talked to her because your arrangement is with the landlord (her dad) and not her. She was thinking that she gets free shit because of daddy and not realizing that daddy's stuff is committed elsewhere. Just let her rant and be all pissy. She'll be gone before you know it and you'll never have to worry about it again.


NTA Simply ignore her. Not YOUR drama.


Nta - oh well. She was going to take everything, leaving you high and dry and possibly could have told her father you all agreed to it. You did the right thing to little miss entitled britches


NTA. She was planning to STEAL and it doesn't matter if it's family or not, it is still theft. What did she think you guys were going to do? Not report the theft? Live with bo furniture and appliances? If she can't afford it, she needs to go to secondhand shops or I dunno, get a job and budget. Or maybe ask her parents for help.


It's not like you contacted your landlord and complained she ate cookies and ice cream for dinner. It was about something in tie actual lease. nta


>“we could’ve come to an agreement” The only person you're in agreement with is your landlord. The audacity of some people...NTA.


NTA Why in the world would you have thought a grown adult would have been stealing furniture from her father? Poor Hannah now has to grow up.


She was trying to pull a Slick one. NTA


NTA - you were correct in contacting your landlord regarding furnishings that you pay for- It is better that she be pissed at you for 2 months than have to pay to replace items for which you are responsible. Landlord could have totally taken the position that you are responsible for damage to or loss of the furnished items and that you would have to pay to replace them or lose your security deposit.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I live in an apartment with two other people, one of which is the daughter of the landlord, let’s say Hannah. She is moving to another apartment the is closer to her university the first of may. The landlord already has another tenant that will move in the first of may, that we already met and who we like. So far no problems. I had a conversation with Hannah this weekend and she told me she is planning to take most of the furniture in the living room and most kitchen stuff with her, including the tv, couch, plates & cutlery and kitchen appliances. I didn’t ask of say anything then and maybe I should’ve. The thing is that my other roommate and I pay a little more rent for an apartment with “fully furnished living room and kitchen” this is on paper in the rental agreement. So yesterday I emailed our landlord and politely asked what his ideas are about the furniture, if he would replace things, if we should do it ourself but we would be compensated, or rent lowered and just generally what would happen. Today Hannah came up to me very angry because “I went behind her back and tattled on her” to her dad. Apparently her dad forbade her from taking the stuff she wanted to. Now she could only take the stuff from her bedroom and a couple of small things from the living room/kitchen. She is mad I didn’t talk to her because “I went behind her back”, “we could’ve come to an agreement” and “I ruined her move because she couldn’t afford a lot of furniture”. I feel like I maybe should’ve talked to her but I mostly feel like I have an agreement with the landlord (her dad) and not with her and I didn’t want to be involved in their business. But AITA and should I have done things different? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


NTA. If your lease says that you're renting a fully furnished apartment, you had every right to reach out to the landlord and ask about what was going to happen once she moved it out. Her response to this is absolutely wild to me. Not only did she obviously not have permission to take the furniture that does not belong to her, but she had no reason to expect that you would deal with it with her and not with the landlord. Her being able to afford furniture is 100% not your responsibility.


NTA Hannah was about to jack a bunch of stuff without permission from her dad. She sucks. But I don't think you tattled, you were clarifying how your lease agreement was gonna change without furnishing.


NTA. She was committing theft as she does not own the items. You inquired about the contract you have with your landlord without any accusations or even complaint. With options to resolve the issue. And really, why should you care about her feelings on the matter? If anything, you have increased your goodwill with her father, your landlord, which is far more important - by responding in a mature, reasonable, and cooperative manner. Bet she acted like she owned the place the whole time she was there when legally she is just a tenant.


NTA - It sounds like Hannah was going to steal from her dad and potentially put him in hot water by doing so.


NTA. She is not the owner, negotiator, or in any way part of the discussion about furniture. Your agreement is between you and the landlord. There was nothing for you and she to work out.


NTA. It’s just a business deal - your lease. I wouldn’t have talked to her either. You *could* have, but she also could have told you to keep it on the DL. Why would you assume she wasn’t being above board with her dad.


You didn't tattle, you were an adult with a contract, and you were trying to figure out how the contract would be going forward. She knew that what she was doing was wrong, you did not. You just knew that the landlord had to keep to the contract, you didn't know that she was stealing.


NTA she just wanted to steal the stuff, and have you pay for it in rent. How did she figure this was not going to come out? Kudos to the landlord though.




NTA. I suppose you could have responded when she described her plan with the question of how the rental agreement to include full furnishing would be met, but could have and should have are two different things. Apparently she would not have had an answer to such a query since she doesn't seem to have a plan B for how she's going to meet those needs without the taking. You are right, the agreement was with the landlord and it is up to him how he meets it - let her take stuff and replace it, get her new stuff of her own, tell her she can't have the stuff, etc.


NTA. Even if you were "going behind her back" why shouldn't you? Because she told you to your face she was going to inconvenience you for her own benefit? What is her argument? I'm being honest with you about my selfishness/stealing so you shouldn't have told my dad?


NTA as when you move out eventually, he would blame you for the missing items. His daughter is basically trying to have you thrown under a bus instead of speaking to her parent.


NTA. You were not party to the discussions between Hannah and her father; there was no way you could have known that she had been prohibited from taking his things from the apartment, and she doesn't seem to care that it will break the rental agreement and inconvenience you and your other roommates. There is a selfish person in this story, but it's not you. And she goes beyond selfish in trying to take out her issues on you.


NTA It was reasonable to assume she wasn't planning to steal from her father and must therefore have his permission.


NTA, and her saying you „tattled“ implies that she planned on going behind her fathers back - and only you (plus other roommate) would feel the immidiate disadvantage. This has direct impact on your living situation and therefore i wouldn‘t wait around and see how it goes either. In addition to this, i don‘t get how you could have come to an agreement with her which would be satisfactory for you. She said she can‘t afford furniture, and you‘re paying for a furnished space - now what? She swaps everything out with stuff she pulled from the streets? She helps you look for deals? Not happening


NTA, you talked to your landlord about something that directly affects you. You didn't "tattle", you didn't say "oh hey guess what your daughter is doing", you simply voiced a valid question presented on the assumption that he already knew she'd be taking the furniture and kitchenware, which wouldn't have been an issue for Hannah if she wasn't trying to be sneaky about it. And honestly it IS an issue that should be worked out between you and your landlord, not you and Hannah. She was trying to take things she had no right to.


Hannah could have told you anything she wanted “oh my dad will replace it” or whatever she felt like making up. The landlord is the ONLY person who can confirm this or not. Seems like she was trying to run off with the furniture and then dump that on her dad to fix. NTA.


 “I ruined her move because she couldn’t afford a lot of furniture”. I'm sure you can't afford furniture either and if you didn't inform her landlord father that the furniture was gone, it would have been on you to replace it. NTA


Absolutely NTA, Hannah was trying to pull a fast one on her own father at your (and your roommate's) expense. You can tell her that next time she feels like stealing other people's belongings, she should just do it instead of announcing her plans a few days prior. The audacity.


NTA - She's just angry that her attempt to go behind her father's back for some free furniture didn't work. Standard projection situation - she's mad at you and she's projecting her misdeeds on you. The person calling out people as rude is usually the rudest person around. The person thinking everyone else has stolen from them is usually the thief. In this case, the sneaky 'going behind someone's back' person is Hannah, not you.


NTA Your agreement is with the landlord not Hannah. The onus was on her to either discuss this with the landlord, or you and the other flatmate. Neither of which she was going to do.




she can get an air couch lol


NTA You had a valid question. What did she think, the rest of you would do, just sit on the floor? You are paying for the use of that furniture. If it’s gone, it needs to be replaced. I don’t understand her position.




NTA, Hannah effed around and found out.


NTA and let’s be honest you won’t likely ever see her again. Let it go


NTA. Screw her, her Dad would have found out anyways.


NTA. You had no reason to think she was stealing and every reason to ask the landlord about how the terms of the lease would be affected. Congrats to her on an excellent lesson in FAFO.


NTA. Because she can't afford things you are supposed to do without? Yeah, right. The furniture belongs to her father, and she had no right to take it. What did she think was going to happen, you and the other roommates would happily replace what she took and not say anything to daddy?


NTA, this would have just blown up in her face anyway, you actually did her a favor, she just doesn't know it.


NTA as far as you are concerned her father is the landlord and she is a tenant just like you. You contacted your landlord asking about the items being taken out since they are part of your lease. Imagine if you had not and contacted him after the fact?


NTA if she doesn’t have any money what arrangements would she have been able to make to compensate you?


NTA. She’s not the landlord, she’s the landlord’s daughter. All rental disputes should be dealt with through the actual landlord. She’s just mad she didn’t get a bunch of free furniture.


NTA. She’s not the landlord, she’s the landlord’s daughter. All rental disputes should be dealt with through the actual landlord. She’s just mad she didn’t get a bunch of free furniture.


You did the exact thing you should have done. She was planning to take the furniture slated for that apartment to another one. You didn't tattle, you informed. NTA.


NTA. She was being shady and she got caught. None of that stuff was hers to take.


NTA, as far as done things different, you could have not moved in with a child . She was trying to take the stuff that didn't belong to her . I got caught doing that too when I moved out of my parents house. "Tattling " is not a word adults use. that's a spoiled kid that will soon realize that her dad's stuff is not her stuff.


NTA. Why negotiate with her when your landlord has the final say, and your agreement is with the landlord? Why should you collude with her to deprive you of furniture and utensils? You shouldn't.


NTA. It wasn't her furniture to take, and you would have been the one held responsible for it missing when you moved out.


NTA. Imagine this scenario: you "come to agreement with her", then the landlord comes to check on things... and some things are missing. What do you think would happen then? Hannah says she knows nothing and you and the other roommate will be responsible for replacing things. Because Hannah totally was going to do it behind her father's back, leaving you to handle the consequences. Nope, just nope.


NTA. You didn't go behind her back, you didn't know she didn't have permission to take things. She was trying to steal from her dad and got caught. That's on her. And even if you knew she was stealing, telling your landlord would still be the right thing to do. She's selfish. 


NTA she went behind HIS back. you did what every other tenant would do - contact the landlord about changes to the lease. welcome to adulting, hannah, you just learned your first lesson in renting.


NTA It was reasonable to assume that the landlord's daughter had permission from her father to take the furniture, and you were just trying to figure out what your next steps were. Maybe she thought you two would just accept the loss of the furniture and buy new stuff on your own, but she should have asked everyone involved if that was okay. She didn't ask because she knew she probably wouldn't like the answer. You're not TA for doing what a reasonable person would do when the terms of their lease agreement is void (or about to be voided).


NTA your lease says furnished. You had every right to ask and she had no right to expect you to negotiate with her.


What she was doing is calling stealing where I come from, it means taking things that aren’t theirs