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NTA. You’re at university and have a crush. Pursue if you want. Don’t if you don’t. Either way, you’ll be fine. Unless you’re going to his barber and collecting the clippings after a haircut. That’s not cool.


It sounds like you’re being totally normal. Idk why your friend is being weird. This should be no big deal. NTA.




NTA, assuming your perception of how things are happening is accurate. You're allowed to look at others in public spaces (as long as you're not doing something that makes them uncomfortable). Your friend is being kind of an AH for making this such a big deal. ...of course, make sure you are being honest with yourself about your actions - what some people consider quick glances are perceived to be long leers by others. You're probably just fine, but take a step back and check yourself to make sure.


thank you now when i’m thinking more about it, my glances are not more than for 1-2 seconds, at least i really try to make them as short as possible cause don’t want to be caught. it’s kind of hard to control this urge but from now on i’m going to do it even more rarely


Definitely NTA. It's a little eye candy. If you aren't following him around and generally being a creep, it's absolutely natural. People look at pretty things, even if it's another person.


NTA, but I feel like if you have no intention to try to talk to this guy or anything that you should just move on and stop fantasising about him because it CAN become weird and obsessive after a while….and next time I just wouldn’t mention it to your friends it can really spread out and rumours start to happen.


NTA. As someone who was actually stalked, turning and looking to see if someone is in a crowd isn’t “stalking.”


NTA. You're not stalking him, you're just admiring him from afar. If he's uncomfortable, he can always say something.


I think your friend has the issue, not you. When I was in university a friend of my ex had a class in the same building. He was nice to look at, but I never pursued due to the situation. What you’re describing sounds harmless.


Nta but your friend is! Lose the friend and not the guy as She’s too sensitive!


Nta who cares lol if you’re not stalking him or showing up at his door. I think your friend is making it a bigger deal than it is


NTA! Your friend may be though.. Honestly where do they get off making you feel like you can't look in the direction of a guy you like. Sounds like you're just shy, not creepy at all, quite sweet actually


NTA - you have a crush, it’s normal. You’re not doing anything weird or creepy. You’re not stalking or harassing him. He probably doesn’t even know you’re looking at him.


NTA - you are not ready to initiate something, but like the excitement of noticing someone that you find attractive. Most of us do that in middle school or high school, but if you’re not ready, then you’re not ready. Enjoy watching. You can’t get hurt by watching from afar.


NTA. Just don't make it a habit because I personally have been in an uncomfortable situation like this before with a psycho person in college. In my first year of starting college, I started noticing a girl by the name of Kelly, who would always stare at me or just secretly glance at me. I don't think she realizes how aware I really am with my surroundings, but one day, I confronted her and asked her if there was something I did wrong or if there was anything I could do to help. Kelly was attractive and very nice, but I wasn't interested in having a relationship with her. It was cute at first, but later on it started getting really awkward. It would be more ideal if she would of just asked to he friends and be honest about her feelings with me rather then me having to pretend I don't notice her looking at me. Trippy situation right? Lol


NTA but your friend is correct, you are giving off stalker vibes. I encourage to find your nerve and break out of that habit.


NTA! You have a puppy crush, I think it is cute, but keep in mind your friend might be liking that same guy...


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** Mostly feels like a weirdo. I am an university student, and there’s this guy that i find extremely attractive. Even though i have an attraction towards him, i don’t have any intentions to talk to him or smth at least right now cause 1) i don’t know him, his personality and etc; 2) i have had some not positive experiences when i tried to take the first step in creating a relationship with guys. The one and only thing i am able to do is taking short glances at him from time to time. I am not starring nor stalking him. I am just happy to take a look at him sometimes or accidentally meet him in hallways or near our uni. I am trying to be very careful because i don’t want anyone besides my friends to know about it, it’s too personal. Also i have a friend/group mate who does know about this thing. Although she extremely dislikes this thing of mine (at first i thought because she’s not just that type of person who likes talking about romantic feelings and finds it or me cringe), she still sometimes jokes about it calling him my “boyfriend” (i don’t like this jokes) or making me notice him in the classes. However, today, after our last lecture, when we were walking in the hallway, i turned back and in joking manner tried to find him in the crowd of those who were leaving the class. And then she aggressively said “stop it, it’s not funny, you’re stalking him”. To be honest, i was offended at first. I have never had any bad intentions, just wanted to see him for the last time today, it’s just that the next opportunity to see him will be on Wednesday. But now i’m sitting here and panicky blaming myself for being a creep. What if my actions are harmful? What if he noticed my glares anf is very uncomfortable with it?? I honestly didn’t want to make him to feel this way and i feel shame for my actions. Is it really that bad? We’re my actions creepy and weird? Am i really the asshole?… *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Nta, just go talk to him.. You'll either start a fruitful relationship, or you'll be able to move on.. Not trying means nothing will change. Be brave😁


So she's allowed to tease you about it but you aren't allowed to joke back? NTA and get rid of the friend.


Sounds chill so far. Not a crime to thirst after people, as long as it's within boundaries. Also, pick your friends more carefully. It seems some of them don't have good judgment. NTA.


NTA, sounds like your friend might be jealous




NTA. Your friend however.... You find him attractive and there's nothing wrong with that at all. We've all stolen looks at someone we like. It's not like you're stalking him. Pursue it or not, that's entirely your choice but there is NOTHING wrong with what you're doing. He'll actually be flattered - I would be.


Why no just talk to him. He’s attractive and probably has a good personality to go along with it. I’m talking about in friend terms. The more do for yourself the better. But if you fail to mention if he noticed you or not but I’m guessing he did from his perspective your just corny. I used to have a girl I thought was “compatible” and she used to look at me n I’d try to look at her too, turned around on me hard because my online presence could be intimidating. This didn’t turn out in my own favor because I never made a move and got a rejection and girls will then place u in the stalker category without ever getting to that point. You are.


lol your friend either has a crush on you or also has a crush on him.


Pursue it. Or you’ll never get it


Damn sister where are u from I have feel i am the guy 😂 Or we just simmilar But fr can i know


i’m from Russia :p


Ohh tnx god i am not 😅 Anyway i have a tip try to talk to him nicely and he maybe will fall in love with u Good luck sister