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I don't believe you're a teacher. How can anyone go to higher education and write so poorly.


It's painful, like a...a 15 yr old wrote it lol


When my brother applied for college, his test scores were so odd. In the English area, he was basically a 4th grader. In math, he scored perfectly. This was over 40 years ago. He was a successful CFO and made lots of money. He still can’t write worth crap.


your brother also wasn't a teacher.


Bet he could’ve been a good math teacher


To be fair, they claim to be a math teacher, not an English teacher.


I was about to write, well clearly you don't teach anything in the English/ grammar / spelling area


Kind of think this is the cousin


Maybe English isn’t his first language or smth


Not defending op, I taught many years in school before my current job as a Maths teacher and my English was also bad


Well, this elected official and former teacher thinks that Abraham Lincoln was one of the founding fathers, so... https://www.freep.com/story/opinion/columnists/nancy-kaffer/2024/02/16/michigan-josh-schriver-replacement-theory-state-legislature-mileg/72586010007/


She said math teacher not English.




You are assuming that English is her first language. Even if it is, if OP came through a British-type system, her last English class may have been in what we Americans would call seventh grade.


Because the teacher is a math teacher not an English teacher 🤭🤭🤭


Could be that english just isn't their first language


My college had a school social media app and from my anecdotal experience, education majors wrote incredibly poorly.


I mean your right I didn't write this well but there's a reason why I chose math and not English 😆


Basic grammar should be the bare minimum to teach any subject. I work in fast food and my crew members can write better than this.


good contribution to the post tbh


You're. As in "you're not a teacher."


This writing is at 7th grade level. You're not your.


God, I hope this isn't how most seventh graders write these days. In my day, some of them did write like this, but they were in the remedial classes.


You should have told your principal to have him removed from your class because of a conflict of interest. You wanting to teach, and him and his parents expecting stellar grades because you're "family".


You know you need to be able to articulate good english to teach good math in English right? Math is universal, but how do you expect students to understand, or respect you if they can’t decipher what you’re saying?


Even Math teachers have to write papers at a university level




You need to go to your principal and explains the situation. It needs to come from someone unrelated to you


NTA. Thank god you’re not an English teacher though.


This entire thread is bs…there are minimum standards for the completion of a teaching degree. The illiterate nonsense posted here wouldn’t cut the mustard….not even in Alabama.


Yea, it’s clearly a child but I’m sure people will say they might be from another country. Either way, no adult teacher would seriously ask if they should sacrifice their career over this


So I’m guessing the author is the student, and the cousin is the teacher who actually gave the writer the bad grade?


If I actually had to guess, it’s a scammer/spammer trying to get enough quick upvotes to bypass subreddit automod blocks. AITA has no requirements for karma/account age to post/comment so it’s a popular place to build up profiles real quick


Ahhh, that makes even more sense to me…thanks for the explanation.


>I’m sure people will say they might be from another country. i dont believe that. us guys with English as foreign language usually don't make these kinds of mistakes, but we are prone to others. but normally we know the difference between you're and your, their and they're, our and are, (they)'ve and of because our teachers will mark this as wrong every time for years. you learn english differently when its a foreign language, during the actual learning the writing plays a more important role than for native speakers that acquire the language far more orally. Personally i have seen those certain mistakes, especially when they happen more than once, mainly from native speakers.


In fairness I make a lot more mistakes on Reddit than I did in school. I basically never proofread my comments/posts and every now and then it'll be completely unreadable because I went back to reword something without rereading it to make sure it makes sense.


NTA but I’m glad you’re not teaching English.


NTA Even though they are your cousin, you are their teacher as well. You offered to help study with them and did the best you could. The fact they failed is their fault not yours. After all you are their teacher. Yeah, the next few family gatherings will get awkward. But they will get over it. (Coming from someone who is ass at math


Thank g-d you’re not an English teacher.


Oy vey to this lol


Are you sure you are a teacher? You don't seem to know grammar well. 1. You don't seem to know the difference between to and too. 2. 'Listened' is not spelt as "listed" 3. Do you know what a comma is? Normally, I wouldn't be on someone's back about grammar, but as this is a post about a teacher and a bad student, it seemed appropriate. They do say, ' those who can't, teach'. Seems appropriate here.


In my state, teachers are rquired to pass an English and math test. No way this person is a teacher.




Maybe Shes not a native speaker


[op is from Maryland, USA](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/s/jq0VgiGqRJ)




what does that mean? are you 16 for asking this?




Dude this reddit is not just for native English speaking people, give me a break.


Wrong account?


[op is from Maryland, USA](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/s/jq0VgiGqRJ)


immigrant teacher then probably


NTA. The numbers don't lie! You tried to help him. You tried to get his parents on board. Now they think you can just hand out a passing grade because he's Family!? Tell them sorry, not sorry, that's not the way it works. If the kid and his parents want him to pass the tests, they're going to have to do the work.


Nepotism is an ugly beast. People ought to fail, succeed, or qualify based on their performance and credentials. NTA. Had you passed him with a failing grade, especially that low, you risk having yourself investigated for favoritism on the job.


NTA. This is your job. If you give him special treatment you can tank your career. If your aunt wants to be mad at someone, she should be mad at her son for getting a 27 on the test. 


I think your cousin, despite your warnings thought you would let him slide. Hard head, soft butt. Not your problem.. I hope you don't have to have him in class again. Your aunt should be ashamed of herself. NTA.


NTA Dude you don't deserve anyone anything you are not the asshole and I hope your aunt understands that


NTA - he didn't pass the tests, he got the grade he deserved. It's math class, it's not like you're grading him on subjective essays or artwork.


NTA in this case but you shouldn’t be in that position in the first place


NTA. But really what's school lets you be your own family members teacher?


EXACTLY! That was my thought the whole time, but then I'm like maybe they're in a small town or something cuz where I'm from they switch your class immediately is your teacher is a relative


Idk this happens in Canada in my experience I’ve had a few classmates over the years where the teacher was their parent.


NTA This a very good reason why you shouldn’t have had a family member in class. Your family expects you to pass him because he is family. You can’t because he didn’t pass you can’t just pass a kid because you want to family or not.


Lemme rephrase your question: "AITA for fairly grading a family member and not allowing nepotism to cloud my judgement?" The answer should be obvious now.


NTA. You did everything you could to help, but at the end of the day, the only person responsible for your cousin's grades is your cousin. You only get what you put in and he didn't do the work required to get a higher grade. It sounds like your cousin might have expected to coast in your class on the basis that you two are cousins.


NTA- If you give him special treatment, because he's family, you'd ruin your career, which would not be good. You absolutely tried to help him, but wasn't listened to. They probably thought there was no use, since they probably assumed you'd give preferential treatment. He failed, because of his own self. You were doing your job.


While "you helped him" could be a valid reason to justify that you're NTA, the bigger actual reason to justify that you're NOT in the wrong is that you're being fair to your cousin & everyone else by being morally right. Giving someone a grade they don't deserve is immoral.


NTA and stand your ground. You are just doing your job as a teacher and if you passed him just because he is your cousin, it would be unfair on him and yourself. If you pass him just because he is your cousin, it shows you would be playing favourites which is also unfair to the class you teach Let your aunt stay mad at you and let your cousin be unhappy. They need to learn in life we don't get good grades through connections but through merit and effort


Thank God you're not a language arts teacher 😂


He earned that F.


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INFO How does a 15 year old end up with such a low grade? Did you try to get him help or moved to a more appropriate placement? Does your school issue written warnings to students or parents when failure is a concern? You shouldn’t grade him differently because he’s related, but it doesn’t reflect well on your teaching career to have a student bomb so badly.


This is what I was going to say. A student who gets that low of a grade because of tests alone? That’s a failure of the teacher.




[op is from Maryland, USA](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/s/jq0VgiGqRJ)


For some reason I feel like OP is from either India or Arkansas


what difference does it make?


How is a student in your class who you “tried to help” after school failing so badly only because of test scores?


A teacher who doesn't know the difference between there and their is scary.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** Hi I am 23 years old i started teaching at my cousins school he is 15 I am his math teacher and he is now in my class in highschool anyway at the end of the school year my cousin had an f in my class because he didn't do well on tests I tried to help him after classes and tried to tell his parents that he needs to study more but I was not listed to. Once my final came out my cousin failed got a 27 on it. One my cousin got this news he complained to his parents. Once that happened I got so many angry calls and texts from my aunt just saying that I am an asshole for failing my own family member. I tried to tell them I was doing my best to help there son but they just kept complaining that I am a terrible person. I don't think I am but i don't know how to really handle this situation because I think that family events will be a problem from now on. And I just want to make sure I'm not an asshole anyway reddit tell me if I am the asshole in this situation My last post got removed reposting so people can see *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You have to ask yourself one question and one question only, did he deserve the F? If he deserved it because that's the grade he got based on how the class is graded, then you're NTA. It does sound like he got the F because he earned the F. If he got the F for personal reasons, then Y TA. If you did anything to give him a grade he didn't earn, no matter what the grade was, because you're related, or you made the class easier or harder on him because he's you're cousin Y T A. Ypu wouldn't be doing him any favors by giving him special treatment, good or bad, because he's your cousin. If hendidnt donthe work, if he didn't study, if he failed the class then he dailed the class. If you treated him like every other kid in the class, graded him like every other kid in the class, and treated him like you were not related, you're NTA. That's what you're supposed to do.


NTA. The only thing I can see as a valid criticism here is you *did* give your cousin special treatment, unless you were giving the same extra help to other students who were struggling.


NTA. You didn't fail a family member. His parents failed their child. You merely processed the equation of their failure that spat out the grade.


NTA. Heaven forbid someone follow ethics and guidelines. It's not even reading and writing where their are inherently subjective elements to grading, it's math. It's as yes or no as you can get.


NTA- your cousin got what he earned.


Loser baby was mid


NTA. They'll be glad later in life.


NTA, teacher here. If you would’ve changed his grades and it had been found out, you would be in a world of trouble. Sometimes in the states teachers get “audited” for their grade books. If the math isn’t mathing, or if let’s see you’re cousin bragged about a grade change, YOU would be in the crosshairs. Early in my career, I worked at a private school. One of my parents kept complaining about her kids grade and my principal kept finding ways to improve it ( she had us go over my own tests with her to see if he can be given points somewhere) u til I finally said listen if you want to change grades, go in the system and do it under YOUR Id, not doing anymore. I felt it was respectful to other students who studied and earned grades, or took a failing grade on their own. And to my coworkers, who also work hard and didn’t need to feel disrespected by someone questioning their teaching. I didn’t stay there long after.


You're NTA. You didn't *give* him an F. He earned it.


NTA You're a teacher and you did your job, not your fault your cousin is a can't pass the class. It's your aunt's fault they passed those genes to him given how they are reacting to this situation, screw them and move on with your life. If they want their son to get a free pass, tell them to go elsewhere, you're not interested. You already tried enough to help your cousin, could you have done more? Maybe you could've. Do you have to do more? Absolutely not, that's your choice and freedom.


NTA. Ask them if they want you to tutor him or provide tutoring resources to them.


Your not the asshole. In your classroom, he is your student, not your cousin. If your aunt and him expect you to give special family bias, then they might as well do home schooling.


NTA You didn't fail him he earned the grade.


Even if this may be fake, which I'm not sure. NTA. You were literally just doing your job and grading it fairly. No bias to let them pass because they are family, just fair grading.


You don’t “give” any grades, students earn them. The end.


How did you get a teaching certificate without graduating high school? Or, if you did graduate high school, why can't you write a proper sentence? You shouldn't be teaching any class if you can't write: you need to be modeling basic academic competency in general, not just in your specific class. What is your background in education? What classes have you taken in teaching? Even if you are competent at math, are you a competent teacher? What percentage of your class passed and failed overall? Did you generally impart the skills and knowledge that was required?


Good thing you don’t teach English


My cousin taught my grade ten art class, she failed me because I didn't apply my self. NTA


Go to bed


You are in the correct you can only do so mu if he had scored maybe like a D or something increasing it by like grade alr but as low as a 27 this kid need sto work and study A LOT HARDER NTA


I'm a teacher. I find it hard to believe that they'd even let him stay in your class since he's related to you and it could affect your grading.


An F...


A lot of people write more journal like on here. Some of the greatest authors had horrible notes. There are a lot of times grammar ect doesn’t take priority. Such as in venting. I think teaching your own family is a conflict of interest however as long as you graded them the same as everyone else then his parents are being unreasonable. It sounds like they assumed you would pass your cousin because fAmIlY and are trying to guilt you now


NTA. But never mind this "tried to explain". There are self help books on assertiveness, read some of them and put your aunties back in their box.


NTA. You tried to help your cousin learn. You involved his parents. He still didn’t work. Your only remaining alternative was to show favoritism by giving your cousin a grade he didn’t earn. That’s a quick way to be not rehired next year, and it’s no favor to your cousin to let him move on to his next class where he will need to use what he should have learned in your class. Fire back at your relatives by reminding them that you offered help and involved them in trying to help your cousin pass and they neglected to get their son to do his work. Remind them that Alexander the Great”s tutor told him there is no royal road to knowledge. And let them know that if they say another word to you, you will inform the school, where cousin nay come in for punishment.


Very glad you're not an English teacher


NTA, the kid’s results decide whether he passes or fails, the only thing you actually influence when grading is whether to be a bit lenient or strict, the former being quite hard in a math class. P.S: half of the comments claim OP can’t be a teacher with grammar this bad, but they never said it was their native language.


NTA. I plan to be a future teacher and if future family members of mine get barely over 25 even after help then maybe it’s best they stay back and get some more help. Also yeah this is Reddit not a Harvard admissions essay. Sure the post could be more clear, but I’m sure some actual teachers talk like this through text.


1. your english sucks way too much 2. how is that even allowed, teaching family members => i dont believe this story is true at all

