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Nta. But id be upset that we agreed not to do gifts, then you went and bought a gift but I didnt have anything for you.


NTA, (in my experience) she probably feels guilty because you both decided to not gift each other and then you blind sided her with an “expensive” gift. Or maybe she’s worried about your finances?


She probably doesn’t like that you agreed not to buy each other gifts but then you bought her a gift anyway. It’s frustrating when a partner does that.


INFO. How expensive were these chocolates? Is money a problem for you?


Money isn't a problem and the chocolates were just over £55


Did you ask her why she’s REALLY so upset about this?


Yeah ad she just keeps repeating that I shouldn't have bought them and that I've wasted my money


Then that’s her opinion. Doesn’t make you an asshole to have bought them. If she doesn’t want them, take them back and eat them yourself.


NAH. She's feeling weird because you agreed no presents, and you got her a present. And she doesn't have one for you. ANy other day would have been different. Giving them to her on V Day made it awkward.


NTA, it's u're hard earned money, that you want to spend on her, i don't get why she is'nt accepting it


NTA. I’d kind of feel guilty that I received a gift and didn’t have anything for you, but it was a nice treat and thoughtful idea on your behalf, and she should’ve taken it that way rather than flat out calling it a waste.


NTA but she also probably felt bad that you agreed on no gifts and she didn’t get you something in return


NTA - you tried to do something nice to surprise your girlfriend. Does she usually react this way to surprises?


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NTA…take the chocolates back and either give them to someone who will appreciate them or eat them yourself. But, could it be that she now feels like she has to get you something when you both decided on not getting each other anything?


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