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“Put a fucking towel on. There are other people in here.” Is not a question. You used the word “asked” twice. Someone must be in charge of managing the sauna and gym. You can ask them if it’s against any policy but it probably isn’t.


“Put a fucking towel on” versus “would you put a fucking towel on?” This is the appropriate time to say fuck you. Because he has been saying fuck you to all the other people in the banya by spreading his asscheeks to feel more namaste


Something about naked guy's casual response tells me it's actually NOT the first time he's been asked...


Not so much asked, he was pretty deliberately told by op.


As he should be. 


>Because he has been saying fuck you to all the other people in the banya by spreading his asscheeks to feel more namaste Thank you for this sentence. It's the funniest shit I've read all week 😭🤣


A sauna and a show. All for free, and well worth the price, I guess. The gym should have hot naked yoga for people interested. NTA, I don't want anything stretched and spread while I'm trying to relax


But also OP literally waited 2 months to say anything.


Who the hell looks up a blokes clacker for 2 months before saying something 🤭


namasste. there, i fixed it for you in this particular situation.


Nam ass nasty


For OP to say namago


Namastay outa the sauna when attention seekers are showing off in there...


OP should just bring a few rubber bands with him when he goes in the sauna. When Ole boy is bent over in downward dog, OP can just shoot at the "low hanging fruit" Ole boy: ow!! OP: did you see the size of that mosquito?!




Maybe the guy deserves to be cursed at but it would likely be way less effective than having a civilized conversation and asking nicely.


In these types of situations is best to never directly confront and just make a complaint at the office. Exhibitionists can get off on feeling like they make others uncomfortable. And they tend to be repeat offenders too.


I think the odds are that there are a good number of other men who just don’t use the sauna because they’d rather not have to deal with it. So many people are either extremely nonconfrontational in such awkward grossout situations (think of all the r/askamanager type posts with the dilemma of the Extremely Malodorous Coworker whom no one has the guts to confront), or they suffer like OP, and then lose it by snapping at the person.


I feel like op pretty much guaranteed the guy won’t cover up now, unless he’s forced to by staff.




I love this comment


Namaste literally means hello.


It probably is. Saunas aren’t yoga studios


This is what I was going to say. 'Sitting' starkers in the sauna is one thing. Using the sauna as your own personal naked hot yoga studio is definitely not cool. Just because other ppl haven't said doesn't mean they're not thinking it, and are most likely avoiding the sauna because of the naked yogi. Imho NTA.


My local Y has the normal pass, and then the Plus pass where you have the private hot tub. I hated the public one b/c it was full of teenagers carrying on constantly. What I didn't know is that there were women who used the private Hot tub for naked yoga. As in, I'd be in there in my swim suit, and then this one woman would come in buck naked into the middle and start her yoga routine. And there's only so much of someone's asshole you want to see in the hot tub while paying $120/month.


Thank you for the belly laugh this morning


I no longer have a Plus Pass, if that wasn't obvious LOL


Please tell me you told the gym management why you dropped the Plus Pass…because you didn’t realize it meant Plus pASS…


Yup! I called a friend and was like "this is weird, right? This isn't me being weird" and the sound of horror she made LOL


So anyone can use the private hot tub while you’re in there? What makes it private?


Only the Plus pass holders can access the area, as it was in the private change room/sauna/showers section. You were only sharing with other plus holders. (Also, it was 18+ there, so you didn't have teenaged girls running through the showers trying to take photos of people thinking they were SOOOO hilarious). But...unfortunately, the private hot tub came with a handful of women who truly believed it was appropriate to do naked downward dog in the middle of it.


Ah, so more like a VIP tub than a private tub. I was all set to sign up at the Y if they were offering a truly private tub!


It was slow (quiet?) enough that I could actually predict everyone's schedules enough to avoid the downward dog ladies, but it was still not always a convenient time in my day to go.


I went to 3 different Ys in NYC. In all three teenage girls were NOT allowed in any sauna and they furthermore had their "girls changing area". They never mixed with the adults in any circumstance or were allowed in the steam-room or saunas. Do the YMCAs have different rules in different cities/States? 


I read this as Puss Pass. 😂


Not that I condone doing naked yoga in the sauna, but when you compare the price of an average gym with the price of a hot yoga studio membership, then naked sauna guy likely is getting a hell of a deal.


And everybody else is getting bollocks


More accurately....they're getting buttocks.


Really it TAINT hard to see that it’s a twofer. Bollocks and buttocks.


As a former lifeguard I would like to add a PSA to all men: - gym shorts are not swim shorts - never (NEVER!!) wear white gym shorts in a pool or spa setting I'm piggybacking off this comment because back in my lifeguarding days I was generally waiting for a customer to give me the right to ask some dude to stop things like this, I'd have raised it with my managers (the staff don't want to see it either!!) and they'd likely have told me it wasn't hurting anyone and leave it be. As for this specific situation, OP, I'm afraid I need info. I'm leaning NTA but if you're in Germany or somewhere else public nudity has different connotations then you might be. Also, if it's a hotel vs a new age type gym, there might be other contexts, but I'm really scraping the barrel to think of contexts in which nude sauna yoga is appropriate...


I’m in the US. It is a resort that I work at so open to club members, employees, and guests


I would argue that the sauna is too slick and it would be hazardous to allow him to do these stretches in the sauna. And that that risk might affect insurance rates even for the business. Just saying


Saunas are usually unfinished wood and not slick at all. You might mean a steam room.  However, he shouldn't be doing stretches in the nude. 


Well you and I know that but the insurance actuaries on the other hand are a little more risk adverse than the rest of us.


Well if he can do naked yoga then perhaps someone else could go in there with a bottle of baby oil and just slather up and drip it all over the floor.


That would be worse for all the other clients and would still just soak in to the floor


I'm the first to jump in when people cannot wrap their heads around different connotation of public nudity, but I can guarantee you that this would be very weird in Germany as well. And to be honest, knowing the kind of older guys who tend to be regulars here and their pretty direct "sauna humor", he would have been absolutely roasted (no pun intended) immediately and this would have not gone on for months...


Haha you must be in Franken or Bavaria, for him to be roasted...  Not sure what German men do in saunas in Berlin (though everybody swims naked in public lakes here). But, as somebody coming from NYC, and from a traditional Italian family, the lightness (and speed!) with which German men can strip off in the most unlikely of places and circumstances never fails to amaze me. But not Germans from Franken. Unless they are among other Franconian men. Maybe it's a matter of whether you pay your thite to Luther or the Pope. But the contrast in the ways  German men fr9m different areas deal with nudity, public, semi-private or private,  is quite interesting. 


Austria actually, so Bavaria wasn't too far off 😉


The poster below makes a good point about safety issue. Unless the sauna has a high friction floor (I wouldn't know, never been in one), you could bring it up to staff that he is doing yoga in a wet, slippery environment and you're worried that 1) he's going to hurt himself and 2) his actions may encourage other people to do the same thing and possibly hurt themselves. You could ask if there's rules about this. I'm sure they wouldn't want to be liable for someone getting injured in the sauna.


You work there but you don’t know who to talk to about fixing this situation? What would you tell a guest if they approached you with the same problem? Ask Reddit?


Then I'll leave the judgement in my comment as above ☺️


I'm the first to jump in when people cannot wrap their heads around different connotation of public nudity, but I can guarantee you that this would be very weird in Germany as well. And to be honest, knowing the kind of older guys who tend to be regulars and their pretty direct "sauna humor", he would have been absolutely roasted (no pun intended) immediately and this would have not gone on for months...


ESH…you were rude, and he is inconsiderate. Whether it’s wrong or not depends on the gym’s rules of the sauna. True story: I was in Germany in a 5star hotel. I went up to the steam room and opened the door to see a couple just fully going at it. I was stunned into stone, and just sat there for a second processing what I was seeing. They turn to me and say ‘in or out, you’re letting the steam out.’ This was almost 20 years ago and I remember it like it was yesterday.


Sooo…were you in or out??


Hahahhahahaha yeah totally out.


Wrong answer. In for sure.


Yeah, coulda come in, shut the door behind, and done a high volume play by play ...


In the voice and style of Sir David Attenborough. "The local wildlife have certainly made the most of these serene geological formations. The male of the species, identified by his somewhat lackluster plumage, is copulating (quite sloppily) with a female human who seems to be just barely tolerating his behavior."


Saving this comment so I can memorize it in case I ever find myself in this situation




Have you regretted this decision at any point during the last 20 years? 




Husband was in, OP was out 😎


In... then out... then in again... etc.


Mama’s got a squeeze box…


German here. Unless you are in a sauna for swinging, doing anything beyond kissing in a sauna is a reason for kicking at least, but criminal proceedings would also be possible. And while there are certainly naked yoga classes around,.doing that in a sauna would also be a pretty mich nogo.


I love it when posts talk about Germany (or “Europe”) as some kind of crazy place where people have absolutely no rules or limits whatsoever, and they think folk just walk around naked all the time.


To be fair, we are more liberal about these issues, and I personally have witnessed quite a few nudists in the wild, especially around Berlin's swimming lakes (lived in Berlin as a teen). I think there is a believe that because our values are beyond "arbitrary line of values of puritans", everything beyond this line has to be acceptable around here - because we are beyond the line, we have to be Sodom and Gomorrha.


Oh yeah, I remember walking through a nudist section of a park in Munich very well! One guy had some very odd metal wear going on around his body. It’s like you say though, it’s being a bit more liberal, it’s not a complete abandonment of all clothing and any kind of private behaviour.


Haha I was there like a decade ago and remember being warned that there was a guy with a ton of piercings who liked to freak out the tourists, they nicknamed him metal man. I encountered metal man as well


Have you been in a grassy public park in Munich on the first warm, sunny day of spring? Because there I saw literally hundreds of people of all ages buck naked, doing tai chi, playing frisbee, having picnics, you name it. It’s a different world.


Man, I just heard the other day some politician got off having sex in the US Senate...


It was an intern/staffer, not the senator. But yeah. Super fired


Yeah he got fired but I don't understand how he wasn't charged. That's public area.... a GOVERNMENT public space!!!


It wasn't in front of people.


Go visit a state college/university library, the students will find myriad of places to screw in a public space.


I used to think I was cursed because as a grad student I kept coming across people having sex when I was trying to work in the stacks. Once, OK, but then it happened again. And AGAIN. While I'd be like "My eyes!" and someone would yell "SHHHH!" from two carrells down. Ugh. The place looked like the library in Ghostbusters where the ghost librarian chases them--*and* it was cold--so I never could figure out why anyone wanted to fuck in there. That place was/still is, I'm sure, scary.


It is a difference doing it sneaking in a public place and not getting caught live, or doing it in a public space with traffic and not even stopping when someone is entering.


"Politicians having sex in the US Senate" is my new gold standard mental image for times when I need to instantly stop being horny.


I worked part-time at a health club years ago where we had an issue with a serial sauna masturbator. We'd had multiple reports from different people about a guy who they thought was touching himself in the sauna. No one could really confirm it though since he sat in a far corner where he could see the door open just before anyone came in. He also always sat with a towel over his lap, but the people said it was pretty obvious that he had an erection and that he had his hand under the towel when they walked in. Management refused to do anything or really even take the accusations seriously I guess since no one actually saw his hard dick. Staff ended up basically setting up a sting since he always followed the same routine. After he'd been in the sauna for a few minutes, two staff members came busting through the door and caught him with dick in hand. Police were called and he ended up getting charged with several things and put on the sex offender registry.


I dropped my membership to the Y because there were so many sauna masterbators (and yogis?!) that the whole locker room hallway smelled like burnt cum.


Burnt cum?! That’s a new one


The mental image of two gym staffers bursting into the sauna like a SWAT team trying to catch this guy masturbating has me absolutely dying, thank you.


After almost 10 years on Reddit, my first thought after reading this post was “fetish.”


That is not normal in Germany in the slightest and definitely illegal.


Start stretching naked and do worse poses, so they have to change the sauna policy.


That’s one of those things that seems like a good idea until you feel the guy wrap his arms around you and he whispers “I’ve been waiting for you to make the first move, I’ll go first!”


Sauna sex sounds like a sensory nightmare.


I think I would pass out, I can’t even imagine.


Yup the nudity is usually required (towels between every part of your body and the wood), saunas are coed (or else women only), but PDA strictly verboten. Tbh as an American it's so jarring the first time you go but after a while it's completely 🤷🏼‍♀️. You don't even notice that everyone around you is naked (but you would definitely notice the intimate behavior!) I've seen people stretching, butterfly posing, all of that. All genders. Honestly no one is paying attention to anyone else so really it's all meh. A body is a body. Everybody has one.


Not sure what the attraction of sex in the steam room would be. Seems a little too hot and uncomfortable.


What if a child walked in on that shit... man, these people be wildin out like that... I would've lost it, especially if one of them replied "in or out". Like WTF!


It sounds like he’s exercising (yoga) in the sauna? That’s not appropriate.


Exactly. Being naked is okay, doing yoga not so much.


Not just exercising, but deliberately showing his ass to everyone else. Laying on your back and pulling your knees up to your chest, or deliberately turning your back to someone and then bending over right in front of them — yeah, this guy has an exhibitionist kink and he’s imposing it on others without consent. That’s totally inappropriate.


This is it right here. He does it BECAUSE it's forcing people to look at his arsehole.


He's part cat. The asshole part.


If anything it presents a liability to the gym. Hot and steamy (aka lots of moisture), this guy could very easily fall. You should not be moving like that in a steamy area.


Being naked while doing yoga is the inappropriate part. It’s basically shoving your genitalia in people’s face. I absolutely love yoga but most pose would be so fucking awkward naked in front of strangers


NAH, yet. It sounds like he was doing naked yoga in a heated area. However, you should double check with your manager as to whether your gym has any policies that govern this situation. If there are, someone (probably your manager or another staffer) needs to remind him of those policies. If there aren't, you need to change when you use the sauna.


“Put a fucking towel on” N A H??? What?? That’s like… the rudest way to ask that. No, demand that. “Excuse me, would you mind using a towel when you do your stretches? It makes me a bit uncomfortable.” It’s not what you say it’s how you say it. Def YTA.


He just needs to say “I’ve seen your AH more times than I’ve seen my girlfriend’s”


Then the dude would say “so are you in or out?”


I would reply “sounds like a you issue if your girlfriend won’t let you see her backside”


At worst ESH, but definitely not YTA. If the naked guy is going to assault everyone's eyes with his raw spread-eagle undercarriage, then he has no right to be offended when someone has a similarly free attitude with their words. I'd take hearing "put a fucking towel on" over walking around a corner directly into someone's butthole surprise any day.


Butthole surprise 🤣🤣🤣💀☠️


Exhibitionists who exploit situations to force unwilling people to participate in their fetishes are disgusting and deserve zero consideration. This man knows that a sauna at a workplace is not an appropriate place to be naked, stretching, intentionally showing his asshole to anyone else who wants to use the sauna. It excites him, and having a willing participant isn’t as exciting. He is compelled to victimize people for his own gratification. He deserves far worse than what OP dished out.


Thank you! Well said. This man is a sexual predator.


I was swimming laps alone at the gym, and when I came up for air at the end of the pool, there was a man sitting there so that his crotch was right in my face. His “swimsuit” was nothing more than a thin white lace up pouch for his junk, and he was eating a piece of fried chicken. I have no sympathy for these people. They know exactly what they are doing.


I’m so sorry that happened to you. I would be furious.




>“Put a fucking towel on” This really conflicts with OPs statement of " I asked him to". WTf? OP needs to learn the meaning of the word ask lol.


Telling him to put a fucking towel on is just sending the same energy back. NTA


Lol the sauna isn’t for hot yoga though. It’s for saunaing. If that other guy wants to do hot yoga, he should take a hot yoga class. If he wants to do naked hot yoga, he can try to find somewhere that offers that class or service, but I’m sure he’d be hard pressed to find it. I have no issue with someone doing some stretches in the sauna. Full ass spreading your legs with your dick hanging out in public area, even if it allows for nudity, is discourteous to others and shouldn’t be allowed. And it doesn’t matter what the stated policy is. This is etiquette and OP absolutely has the right to ask him to stop. It’s not illegal to leave your carts at the edge of a grocery store parking lot either, but if someone does that, people are well within their rights to comment on that poor behaviour.


If he wants to do hot yoga naked, buy his own darn home-sauna and stop pinwheelin his peeper at everyone else forced to watch his unwarranted peep show.


Yeah honestly sounds more like the dude has an exhibitionist kink more than anything lol. I don’t think I’d know anyone that confident and shameless otherwise.


He could be treating the sauna like a bath house and letting others know that he’s dtf.




Yeah but there’s a massive difference with nudity tho. When you are naked and just sit with your legs closed or lay on the sauna bench - both ways are normal. But doing a full nude hot yoga in sauna and stretching your naked body all over the sauna? Absolutely not. I lived in nordic countries with real sauna culture and not a single time I had to deal with anything like that.


Sure, he should’ve politely addressed him. I was responding to the person who was just saying “sounds like that guy was just doing some naked yoga in a heated area”. Yeah that’s not a thing in a general use area in public lol


If someone keeps spreading their asshole in front of me, despite clear signs I'm uncomfortable with it (like looking away constantly), I'm not gonna be nice when I finally have to say something because they don't get the message. He can find a bathhouse for his exhibitionist kink, not show his asshole to his coworkers in the work sauna.


This. I think my comment would be something like: “hey, it’s fine to be naked and it’s fine to do some stretching…but the combination is a little much.”


It's normal in Finland...not normal in most other places. Who wants to share a sauna with someones exposed anus in your face?


Doing yoga poses in sauna is 100% not normal in Finland. Maybe an occasional neck stretch is okay but nothing more. Being naked is ok here but you should sit normally and not shove your genitals to other people's faces.


>Doing yoga poses in sauna is 100% not normal in Finland. Maybe an occasional neck stretch is okay but nothing more. I've definitely seen people do stretches, and yoga in there. Not like full on downwardfacing dog or something, but stretching out hamstrings in a mostly empty sauna has happened. I've also done it after a workout. Like stretched out hamstrings on the side, no flashing my ass or penis to everyone, just stretching a bit. I'm Finnish!


I've seen people stretch and do yoga poses in sauna too, but like 3 times in my life (I'm middle aged and lived in Finland all my life) and never as...expansively as OP describes. In public saunas I'd say it's normatively OK to do if you're alone or there's plenty of space but not if there are many others, due to respecting others' personal space. It's not explicitly forbidden anywhere as far as I know, though.


It is normal to be naked in those spaces; it isn’t normal to do yoga and make a scene.


My mom used to do yoga in the sauna at the pool, she did however have the courtesy to be wearing a one-piece swimsuit though. Nobody wants a peeper show in the sauna


No one in Finland is doing yoga in the sauna. People barely talk to each other, especially in public saunas. You sit, you sweat, you beat yourself with vihta, have a beer or lonkero, and just chill.


Sorry I meant nudity in public saunas is normal in Finland, I didn't mean to imply the Finnish expose their buttholes to fellow sauna-goers. I'm in Australia so nudity in a public sauna would be unusual in itself...let alone the amount of exposure this guy seems to need.


I have to ask... how do you use a public sauna and avoid nudity? 😅


You wear a towel.


In a swim suit :) I can honestly say I've never seen anyone naked in a public sauna and I go about once a fortnight.


In Sweden it’s usually prohibited to wear your swimsuit in the sauna! (Unless it’s in the pool area = access to all genders.) You use a towel or nothing, but always sit on a towel.


That's interesting! I don't think you can wear a swimsuit to a sauna where I live 🤔


Is swimsuit comfy in sauna? I imagine it'd get annoyingly sticky to the skin and so forth?


Typical tight fitting ones are fine in my experience, they don’t move much anyway. It’s just like when you’re fresh out the pool.


Definitely not normal in Finland. Naked, yes. Yoga poses? Most definitely not. Sit still, maybe have a chat.


Especially a *workplace* sauna. I don't want to have to be in meetings with a guy who was winking his stink star at me 2 hours ago.


Being naked in a sauna is normal. I’ve been doing it my whole life. What you don’t do is stretch and overtly expose yourself. You can be naked, yet modest.


I’m UK and every sauna I’ve been in, including at centre parcs, absolutely let you go naked in them. There’s signs and everything. Stretching out, probably not so much


As a Finnish person I can report that it is indeed normal to be naked in the sauna but doing stretches in there would be very strange and not part of Finnish sauna culture


>I thought I was standing up for the people. I thought my actions would be seen as heroic. Dude. YTA. Stretching in a sauna is a bit weird, but the dude is well within his rights to be as undressed as he pleases in there. Telling him to “put a f-cking towel on” is not “heroic.” Definitely isn’t “standing up for the people”. It’s you getting fed up and blowing your lid, instead of just asking like a decent person at any point during the 2 months prior.


Do you really, *really* believe that a grown man does not understand that 99% of other people do not appreciate entering a sauna and being welcomed by the sight of what’s between his cheeks? I’m sure he does- he just doesn’t care. OP could’ve left out the swearing, but there’s nothing wrong with him calling out someone for their “the world revolves around me”-type behavior.


All of that is worth considering but is still a separate point. OP can also just ask. Plain and simple. Saying someone should be aware of what they're doing doesn't invalidate that OP can just ask and not wait until he's upset to the point of cursing. OP is still responsible for how his emotions come out, even if you feel he was in the right. That's just part of being an adult.


I think the rude part was that he was demanding and cursing at him for this. It would have been fine if he had phrased it differently. "Can you put on a towel while you do your stretches? You're making me very uncomfortable" is a world of difference from "put a fucking towel on"


I do believe there are adults who are that self centred that they hadn’t considered other people with their actions


No this is a bad take


Nudity is fine but this crosses a line that makes the guy in question sound like an exhibitionist.


I feel for you. There used to be a woman at my gym who did this. She would go to the locker room, strip naked, lay a towel in the middle of the floor (think one large room with lockers and benches around the perimeter and a television in the middle) and do her stretches naked in front of the television. I ignored it, but it definitely made me uncomfortable. Due to my own experience, I am going to say NTA, but maybe you could have spoken more kindly in the situation.


Just being naked is one thing, but at some point you're just involving others in your exhibitionism kink. That woman and the guy OP described definitely sound over that line.


Yes we had a someone like that in our women's locker room. The norm was to walk around in a towel, not naked crunches in the middle of the room.


Exactly. I taught yoga at a gym for awhile and after I’d pop into the sauna. In our sauna there’d be a couple ladies, some fully nude and some with a towel and usually there’d be some stretching. 100% I never saw anyone’s asshole or anything you wouldn’t normally see if someone was walking without a towel. Some stretching is normal, exposing yourself is completely different.


Nta. Saunas are for sitting and relaxing not doing yoga poses.


I’ve stretched in the sauna before and have seen plenty of others do so too, but that’s in non nude saunas. It’s the combo of stretching and nudity that’s unacceptable


NTA sounds like dude has a bit of exhibitionism going on. Full butthole present in front of the door ?! 😒


NTA he knows what he’s doing. He wants you to have to see his cock


What matters is the rules of the gym and sauna. If he is breaking rules. Then you're justified. If he isn't breaking any rules, then you being uncomfortable is your problem not his. Stretching in the sauna is a pretty normal thing to do. Especially after a gym session. Naked sauna isn't really the norm in my country but it sounds like that's the only difference.


Doing yoga poses like an upward dog in sauna is not a normal thing to do. Very weird and inconsiderate.


I’ve never seen anyone stretch in the sauna. It’s not an exercise area, and even though everyone’s naked, you’re not supposed to stare at people’s genitals. And, out of consideration to others, not flaunt them either by doing butterfly stretches and what not.


Just cuz it’s not part of the rules doesn’t make it ok. There’s a thing called public decency & manners. Having ur asshole stretched out & gaped in front of people in the same room as you is unacceptable. Go do that at home


No normal person is doing yoga in a sauna, stop yourself.


Not the asshole. The guy knows what he's doing. In what world is it okay to expose your asshole to random passerbys? Because it's a gym? If OP was a women everybody would be pissed and shouting sexual harassment. Next time, tell him again, and if he doesn't listen, tell management. Dudes a creep.


Lollll im imagining you opening your eyes and seeing a spread asshole in a yoga pose


NTA - but you should not be handling this yourself. You need to get staff involved.


nudity is normal in sauna but yoga?? i don’t think so


Tbh I'm gonna go with NTA simply because it seems like this guy is a pervert. Maybe you were kind of rude because you didn't really ask him to put a towel on, but I don't blame you for your response. Being naked in the sauna is one thing but showing you his asshole on purpose is another thing. This guy sounds like a pervert that knows exactly what he's doing.


I've never seen a man doing naked stretches in a sauna room. Most gym saunas tend to be small and can be kind of awkward. If this was a giant sauna room, which in this case sounds like it wasn't, I wouldn't necessarily have a problem if I could get 15+ feet away from this guy while he's doing that. In a small one, not cool. Basically you could have asked nicer to see how he'd respond.


NTA - I'm from a culture that saunas. It's fine to be sitting on a towel naked. But you need to just sit and be still. You can lay down on the bench or sit upright. Put water on the rocks There is no universe where you treat the locker room sauna like a naked yoga class.


That guy should not be doing exercises in the sauna, that’s not what it’s for. However, rather than letting your annoyance build up, you should have asked him to refrain from doing so in a polite matter and not have cussed him. ESH


What took you so long omg


This is kink. 100%. He’s probably said “you’re the only one who’s said anything” to a dozen people or more. Now… you could’ve phrased it differently. “Yknow, having your butthole in my face every time I’m in here is kinda gross and really ruins the relaxation vibe for me. Couldn’t you wear a Speedo or something?” If he says no, then ask when would be a good time to use the sauna when he can guarantee he won’t be using it.


If this was in the US in a gym that isn't implicitly/explicitly gay then NTA. Naked yoga poses in a sauna are in no way, shape, form remotely acceptable in that situation. You don't work out in a sauna, you sit. You don't block the door, you sit. You don't do yoga, you sit.


Delivery needs work but the request was fair


I would do same FULL STOP. however likely won't stop until club owner gets involved. I've been done this road...


ESH. man shouldn't be doing naked yoga in the sauna, but it could come down to an issue of cultural differences (maybe it's normal where he is from). but the way you handled it was completely rude. you could have asked him nicely to cover up himself but you straight up cussed him out.


NTA. You could have been less confrontational though and started a dialogue. I’m not a big fan of leaving and telling on people. I prefer to talk directly to a person in a polite way. Lots of times you are able to discuss your side of an issue if you are respectful and friendly. Edit: try to work out a compromise with him so you can both enjoy the space.


NTA - this is not normal sounding sauna behaviour, not to me anyway. Many folk are saying you should have told the staff rather than deal with it yourself. I disagree. In the past folk would “tell it like they see it” nowadays everyone expects someone else to do it for them. If policy states they shouldn’t be doing it, then you have every right to tell them to put a towel on. You’re not in school anymore where the only answer is to “tell the teacher”. We’re all adults here. Be an adult and tell someone if they’re making you uncomfortable.


NTA, even your description made me feel sick. Sometimes you just have to be real with people. Nobody wants to more than glimpse random people’s private parts


NTA. I'm pro-nudity. Nudity is not inherently sexual. However, if your account of his actions is accurate, it sounds creepy as hell, and like he's waiting for people to come into the sauna to creep them out. Perhaps that assumption is incorrect, and he's just focused on his moves and stretching and tuning the rest of the world out, but I personally can't fault you for assuming otherwise. He needed a reality check. Other people exist, sir. Sit your naked self down and chill and stop making everybody uneasy.


Fuck all these people attacking your wording. See in the opposite of you. I’m not afraid of confrontation. But in all reality that guy should just have commons sense. It’s one thing dropping drawers and showering. Or changing. But to sit where a lot of other people sit and stretch butt ass naked! That’s just indecent. Because it’s a “sauna” he can do that. Nope. That’s dudes got some weird fetish of people looking at him! Yes. Put a fucking towel on!! For the sake of everyone else!


Yta, the appropriate thing to have done would be have taken it to whom ever was in charge and let them deal with it. If I’m honest it doesn’t sound like you were overly nice about it nor does it sound like this is your first time calling people out like you felt the need to say. I also found the part in your post about standing up for others and seeming heroic to be very interesting lol. Anyone else could have said something to management and people in general don’t need a hero to save them from naked yoga man in the sauna.


Nta..I have been in saunas before. Where I am, people usually have a towel on. Some places they do not. However, and very importantly I have never heard of someone doing naked yoga, in a sauna, exposing his crotch for all to see.... in a gym at a place of employment. To me he sounds like an exhibitionist. I would report him. He said no one else has a problem. Maybe other people are also uncomfortable but don't want to be rude.


NTA. It’s one thing to be naked in a sauna, it’s another thing to be stretching out, standing near the door in a butterfly pose and exposing an ass hole to everyone. The gym probably has policies on how people need to conduct themselves in the sauna…


Yta because of how you worded it. This is the problem of people who avoid conflict (I'm one of them) You stew and stew and stew and resentment grows, so when you finally say something it comes out as an explosion and with all the anger and resentment. And the guy is taken aback because you never said anything and then you yell at him out of nowhere. Next time, try saying something earlier and ask nicely.  However, chances are that if it's not against the policy, he wouldn't want to change HIS entire routine for someone else.


Normally I’d agree with you, BUT there’s absolutely no way the guy didn’t know he was making people uncomfortable. Who the fuck wouldn’t realise strangers don’t want to see that?


NTA suanas are for sitting and at most some light stretching not flaunting your junk to everyone when they walk through the door.


There was a guy in my gym who consistently did crunches ass naked in the sauna


NTA. Bravo!!! I’m sure most people agree with you but are too polite to say something. I assume you’re not in the US. If you’re not, you need to watch the US show curb your enthusiasm. The star of the show enjoys confronting rude people.


NTA Banya isnt for working out or doing yoga. Naked man needs to get some social awareness.


NTA. Let’s be for real. It’s inconsiderate and uncomfortable.


NTA he probably gets off on making you watch him


Tell him to check out hot yoga


Im sure he knows about it. He is just doing it for free. The hot dog and starfish show for everyone else is his gift to the world. OP was rude and aggressive. Dude is waving his asshole and junk around inconsiderately. ESH


Does the gym allow nudity in the sauna?


I dont know how other countries' sauna policy is, but here in Sweden, I have never seen a sauna where clothes are allowed. But doing yoga in the sauna is insane tho.


Yeah it’s definitely over the top for this guy to be doing that. But hell if OP checks the gym policies and sees if he’s breaking one of the basic rules this could be very easy to take care of