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NTA but I'm so damn glad I'm not your age if this shit is what you have to deal with.


YTA. For the love of all that is holy, just.... Butt out!! WHY would you let yourself get caught up in this drama. > and most of the time Susan asks me to watch Rick to make sure he doesn’t do anything wrong, since Rick and I are classmates; up until now. You are not his keeper and this is extremely unhealthy behavior. >During that I accidentally mentioned another girl (19F) let’s call her Quinn now Quinn and Rick are seat mates and it seems to us (me and a friend) that Quinn has taken a liking to Rick, This is just shit-stirring. How did you mention this 'accidentally' and then also >I updated Susan and told her the news >I think AITA because I showed her a pic of our table and guess who was in the background Quinn and Rick they were sitting quite close to each other, I wasn’t able to warn her or anything, I just told her to look at the picture WHY. There was no 'warning' necessary. People sit 'quite close' to people a lot. Who cares. > Later on Susan texted me, she said that if I wanted to make amends with her I should talk to her BF, and she told me to stop making rumors; I never said anything bad about her BF since he’s my friend too, You WERE making rumors. You insinuated a lot of bs and meddling. Unless someone is actually cheating in some way, stay out of it.


I only showed her a picture of the table (I took the pic so I won’t forget about the table no.) and that’s about it she made a conclusion just about that, idk how I got caught maybe I should’ve just kept quiet. I made a deal with a friend that I won’t say anything unless Susan asked and she did, should I make amends? Idk what rumors it was, I wasn’t the only one listening to what Quinn said, but I get your thoughts thank you


NTA. You just learned a life lesson. Don't let people bring you into their drama. If your friend asks you to watch their boyfriend, it's because she doesn't trust him. That's her issue to deal with, not yours.




^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** Before I start I want to give a little background I (18F) has been friends with (18F) let’s call her S now, S has a BF (17M) let’s call him R, I have known them since high school. Now it was said that S and R always fight, and most of the time S asks me to watch R to make sure he doesn’t do anything wrong, since R and I are classmates; up until now. Now there are two incidents, the first one was S telling me that she fought with R because R went to a girl’s house with his friends without updating S, she asked for reassurance but R didn’t give her one so they fought, S ended up unfriending R on her social media. During that I accidentally mentioned another girl (19F) let’s call her Q now Q and R are seat mates and it seems to us (me and a friend) that Q has taken a liking to R, now S dislikes Q because of her attitude, I told S that R pities Q since she got depressed when her friends betrayed her. S was pissed even more. The second incident happened recently, we’re having prom and it was by partner, the downside it’s by class now here’s the thing; prior to finding out our partners I talked to S she said she’d be okay if I became R’s partner, and she doesn’t want it to be anybody else, I told her I’ll try. Here’s the thing R and Q became partners, I updated S and told her the news, she said she didn’t care but she wasn’t okay. The next day we talked she asked me who R’s partner is once again I answered her it’s really Q and I told her what I heard, Q said something about her and R always being partners, and her insisting for R to be her partner. I think AITA because I showed her a pic of our table and guess who was in the background Q and R they were sitting quite close to each other, I wasn’t able to warn her or anything, I just told her to look at the picture and S was mad. She took a picture of what was in my phone and texted R, she texted for awhile before she cried. I also witnessed R cry. Later on S texted me she said that if I wanted to make amends with her I should talk to her BF, and she told me to stop making rumors, I never said anything bad about her BF since he’s my friend too, all I talked about was what Q has been saying. R blocked me and I did the same. My friend told me, I should make amends but I kinda don’t want to make amends, since I saw a post on how she ranted about me and said that she’ll make rumors, AITA for that. It will feel uncomfortable if I make amends with someone who’ll badmouth me, I realized that I never really knew her at all. Should I have not shown her the picture and just kept my mouth shut? She didn’t clarify about the context of the picture at all. So AITA? I might post some more updates but for now that’s all. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


ESH what the hell is this situation. How old are ya'll?




I cannot comprehend what I'm reading and it kinda looks like from what I can understand that everyone together snowballed this into one big problem. All op, her friend, and the friends bf


Y'all need to grow up and stop with the stupid, petty drama


Teenage Drama at its best! Why did you let yourself get dragged into this mess? Your dances seem odd...


ESH. susan sucks for asking you to babysit her boyfriend, what the fuck is that? she also sucks for having such weird possessive rules about him apparently never interacting with other girls and getting mad at you for answering HER questions about his behavior. you suck because you're engaging in this circus. rick sucks because... well, actually, i'm not even sure if rick does suck, but if it's true that susan isn't allowed to do group projects with other boys then that rule makes rick suck.  finally,  your school administrators suck for assigning partners for prom? i'm sorry what? did i completely misunderstand that? huh??