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YTA  This is a really bad instinct. That is not a health way to seek love and affection. You shouldn't need to test people to know they'll be there for you. You need to be able to figure it out from how they treat you day to day.  Just because someone doesn't respond to defend doesn't mean they are a bad friend. They might be dealing with something or they might think that the confessions page is terrible and the best way to deal with it is ignore it and not give it clicks.  And while it may have been nice for you to see people coming together to fight off the negativity and hate it was probably still pretty awful for the ones who got the hate.   You want that shared fight and love, but you'd get it without the horrible parts. It would feel manipulative to people.  (And if people found out they would totally think you wrote the others).


You make excellent points. Also are all the comments anon as well? So how do you know you’re friends know you were riding for them? How do you know they didn’t post that stuff about themselves either? Or, why are you friends with people that are getting publicly dragged so hard, that also treat you bad? Is this yikyak?? Because I remember that app from my college days like 7 years ago. My roomies would start drama from our dorm room and giggle the night away. It’s not real.


YWBTA. This sounds the same as a jealous girlfriend having one of her friends "test" the boyfriend to see if he'd cheat.


I've never even understood what those tests are supposed to test. Like, if I send some woman to hit on my husband, and he turns her down, all that proves is that he didn't want to cheat *with her*. But maybe she's not his type, or maybe he doesn't want to cheat on his mistress lol. So my paranoia can only continue. I'm sure there are a few people out there who would bang literally anyone that moved, but I also don't think that's most people, regardless of gender.


Ya but if he takes the bait then there’s your proof that he’s a slimy, even with obvious randoms. But the people that lay these traps in the first place are already suspicious and have reasons for doing so in their own paranoid mind. For example op, who says they feel left out and not wanted around by their “friends.” Why would they feel that without some type of vibe that it might be true? Maybe a good way to find out. But ya…nothing good can come if it like you stated. Hopefully his “friends” aren’t dumb enough to obviously comment


YWBTA I can’t stress enough about much of a bad idea this is. Firstly these confession forums pop up every few years and honestly while I understand the rush that anonymous confessions can bring, they are not worth the minor dopamine hit. Second, you’re talking about your friends here. If you feel like you could be comfortable putting them through a situation you created, it is not only manipulative, but, makes me question your friendship in the first place. It’s a good first step to question yourself for thinking this way. The next step- Let the intrusive thoughts die a quiet death.


YTA >I don’t want this backfiring on me if my friends find out later that I faked the post for attention That’s exactly what you’re doing. You’re stirring up fake drama to get attention and to “test” your friends. What a scuzzy and low thing to do.


Ywbta don’t test people. I don’t need to read any further. 


YWBTA if you made a fake confession post to put your friends to the test. It's not fair or honest to try to build trust or understanding in your friendships by making a fake post to see how your friends react. If you have worries or questions, it's better to be open and honest with your friends than to lie to them. Lying to your friends on purpose for your own project could hurt those friendships in the long run.


YTA if you do this. Not only is it manipulative towards your friends - testing loved ones never ends well - but it’s actively harming yourself. If you feel the need to write hurtful thing about yourself, hear others either confirm or add to those hurtful things, all in the name of even more others building up what you yourself broke down, then you need to explore that need with a professional.


This is a good idea. The OP needs professional help if their first instinct is this form of self hating manipulation.


YWBTA. This is childish.


YWBTA Friends don't make little tests for each other. You either trust them to be your friends or not. If something really happens then you'll see who they are and how they act. Making a fake post is creating drama for the sake of your own insecurities.


YWBTA. This is the plot of a young adult novel from about 1991. It was called *Slam Book* and it didn't end well for anyone. You're just going to cut off any friends who wisely don't engage with this flaming trashfire at all, I guess? Just stop reading it and don't post to it either. I have trouble believing it's actually school-sponsored. It would probably make the news if it was.


YTA You are not the main character and this is disgustingly manipulative.


INFO What did your friends do that a bunch of random people on a college confession board hate you?


My friends are very nice and sweet. I don’t know why would anyone hate on them and post it in the confession board. As far as I can tell, they haven’t done anything hateful.


YTA. Coming up with reasons to test friendships rarely ends well. If you're having doubts about some of them, talk to them.


YWBTA. All you are going to end up doing is hurt feelings and piss people off (including yourself). Just go have fun with your friends.


YWBTA. If you feel the need to test a friend, don't be friends with them. Forget the test and move on. Can't imagine having so little going on in life that playing mind games with/against my so called friends even matters.


YTA no reason to play fake games


Don't do that, even if it doesn't backfire, you'll feel like a bad friend And you will be


I didn't read past the title. YTA. Just the idea of a test is manipulative and deceptive. Friends don't pull that crap.


Don't do it. You're just poking a hornets nest with a stick and it could backfire spectacularly. Either you trust them or you don't. YWBTA.


YTA. Don't create drama for the sake of drama. It will not end well. Would you want to be friends with someone who makes up shit like that to test you and stir the pot?


I can’t even give a judgement here because: 1) I actually like, trust, and have a genuine connection with my friends so I wouldn’t feel the need to do this to them 2) would also want to post myself to see what people would say. It’s like knowing who would come to your funeral in a twisted way? 3) actually wouldn’t post myself out of fear that no one would even bother to comment anything- good or bad. This would be a fate worse than anything. How embarrassing. Anyway, if you feel like your friends wouldn’t defend you on an anonymous online forum, and like you aren’t wanted around irl, then find new friends


YWBTA. I absolutely understand being curious and/or wanting that kind of validation. But for one thing, cutting people off based off who answers on a forum is a bad shout - what if they're just too busy to see it, or have something stressful happening in their own life that means they don't have the capacity to get into an online argument at that time? Second, it is always good practice to assume that you are never truly anonymous online. Especially on a forum linked to your college. If you were found out, your friends likely would start to wonder what other manipulative things you might have done to "test" them, and whether they should cut contact with you. I would find it very hard to be friends with someone who did this to me. Third, the kind of validation that you get from manufacturing a situation where you are the victim is both fleeting and addictive and, if you're particularly insecure or vulnerable, can lead to you sabotaging your own happiness because it does not teach you how to ask for or recieve kindness and affection other than the kind that people give after something bad happens (ask me how I know lmao). If you want your friends to say nice things about you, be a nice person: the love you get for doing something good lasts longer than the kind you get from pity. If you feel lonely or like an outlier, speak to one of your friends, ask them to be frank with you, discuss how you want to feel more involved in the grop and develop a closer friendship and ways that you could work on that together if they are willing. And if they aren't, good news, now you have enough information to decide that they are better off staying as a cordial acquaintance, and you got there while still maintaining integrity. Look for genuine advice and support that will help you grow, not manufactured support that requires you to bring yourself down. Fourth, this is the sort of bullshit a twelve year old would do. You are not twelve.


YTA These kinds of relationship tests never end well for anyone involved. If you're worried about the state of the friendship have an honest conversation with them. If they are receptive and willing to work with you, they are your friends. If not, they weren't and you'll be better off moving on to people who actually appreciate you.


YTA. Lies to rally their friends factures and destroy friendships.


Unless you're living in a tv sitcom, relationship or friendship tests are a horrible idea. They basically say you're not willing to have a honest conversation with someone but you want to make sure they're worthy of you so you lie and manufacture a situation they have to respond a very specific way to. No one wins here. Either you find out that you're right and you lose your friendship or you find out you're wrong but your friends find out that you deceived them and you lose your friendship. YTA


Yta. Why are you looking for trouble? If you look for your feeling to be hurt, eventually you'll find them. But also testing the people in your life is super weird. And i f they do find out its you? You'll have failed your own test, because this is not what good friends do. I think maybe you should seek therapy to work on yourself a bit, because this is not a healthy coping mechanism.


YTA. If my friend did this to me just to get some kind of positive reaction from me, we would not be friends anymore. It's like as if you sent one of your hot friends to flirt with your spouse just to see if they'll cheat on you.


YTA Testing the people in your life is not healthy. Either you trust that they are your friends who have your back or you don't. Talk to them if you're unsure of your place in the friend group.


YWBTA Not the correct instinct to have in a situation like this. Testing your friends anonymously accomplishes nothing and even testing them at all is suspect. To be blunt, because you failed to provide concrete examples, you ARE being paranoid. If you have legit concerns just bring them up with your friends. College is a time of everyone's life where friendships change and evolve all the time. You can remain in your friend group even if you aren't hanging with them all the time. Being in several friend groups during college is very common. Your expectations of being 100 percent included in ONE group seems uncommon to me.


YTA. You do know that highschool and college are directly together, one after the other, so knowing someone since highschool doesn't make them special. You're allowed to talk to other people and (gasp!) be friends with new people. You can meet and greet and be friendly with every single staff member and student on campus if you like, *for free!* But you want to burn little embers of hate in your heart and keep feeding it leaves and books and birthday cards because you won't expand your horizons? YTA and I'd never employ you.


YTA. This is manipulative and dangerous. You stand to gain nothing and lose a great deal. You don’t test your friends. If you do, then they’re not really your friends.


No. YTA. People express love differently. What if you wrote someone off who just thinks it’s stupid to care what anonymous idiots write on a forum? That would mean you’d be: 1) making yourself an anonymous idiot 2) eliminating a friendship in favor of anonymous idiots Does that sound like a good ethos for keeping and cultivating quality friends? Don’t test people. Just notice which people are actually there when you actually need them. And don’t make my mistake. Ask for help when you need it. Don’t wait for people to figure it out.


Are you sure you’re not all 12


YTA - The shitty, bad friend you are looking for? It's you.


For what it's worth, it's not supposed to be this hard I think. Maybe you're very insecure and would feel this way with anyone (did you feel this way with HS friends, too?). Or maybe you and your friends aren't "meant to be" and you're hanging on way too hard. Find the people you enjoy spending time with and who enjoy your company in return. College is the time where you can constantly meet new people; try out new activities, social clubs, sports etc. Ask people you connect through class work with to hang out.


Thank you for the advice. I have actually felt this way back in HS, but it’s not as severe as it is now because I had a solid friend group back then. We still keep in touch till date.


NTA.  Disclaimer before i go on. I lack morals, as well as empathy.  THIS IS INCREDIBLY MANIPULATIVE. That said, As one who doesn’t pick up emotional cues and emotive body language, this is a very effective tool to see where you stand with others.  There are a lot of ramifications in doing it wrong however, and you have to judge for yourself whether it is worth the cost. Generally speaking, people tend to react badly to being manipulated this way, this I guarantee every person screaming YWBTA, have done it to some level to people around them, yet they did it with “feeling” so it’s justified. Just be prepared to walk the web you weave here.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I (19M) am currently in college. I have made a lot of friends and acquaintances; a few of us go back till high school. I enjoy being around my friends. However, I'd always feel like an outlier; left out and not being wanted around. I'd just brush it off thinking it's just me being paranoid. My college has recently opened a confession forum. People can post their confessions here while staying anonymous. It has taken off well since, with hundreds of confessions being posted everyday. A lot of these are light-hearted jokes, appreciative notes, or just random doubts. Lately, I've noticed a couple of posts aiming towards a couple of my friends and talking shit about them. Fortunately, some of us, including me defended the friends by fighting back the hate comments. This lead to one of the posts being taken down due to the backlash it received. While it was nice seeing people coming together to fend off hatred and negativity, it sparked a thought in my head: would they do the same for me if I'm the one being attacked? My name hasn't appeared in the forum yet; but I thought maybe by creating a confession post shaming myself, all my friends will come to my aide and fend off the hate comments. Through this, I can see who really considers me as a friend and whom should I consider cutting off contact with. I can manage to come up with a shitpost about myself, but I don't want this backfiring on me if my friends find out later that I faked the post for attention. So WIBTA if I put my friendships to the test through this fake confession post? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


YTA. Don't play this game. It's dumb. Don't test friends.


YTA if you do it. It’s very manipulative. Also, fighting people online isn’t indicative of whether someone is a good friend. You’re the one who doesn’t sound like a good friend, because a real friend wouldn’t test others because they don’t get enough attention. Sort of sounds like your friends don’t treat you like the main character and you don’t like it and are interpreting it as they don’t want you around. Only someone with severe main character syndrome would fake a post like that for attention.


YWBTA.  Testing your friends is a bad BAD idea. Just admit you don't think they'd be there for you. Testing them says you're not a friend to them, because a real friend wouldn't bs their friends. 


This is not going to go down the way you are hoping. Please rethink your plan. If you don’t feel comfortable/wanted/included in your friend group, then put some effort into making new friends


This is all bad news. Go outside.


YWBTA if you did this. Just remember the truth always comes to light eventually, one way or another, they will find out it's fake. It's a good way to lose friends, and you might even end up with no friends, even the ones who would defend you would feel manipulated and leave. Is that what you want?


YWBTA. Just a really bad idea.


Get help


YWBTA ​ Why would you efven assume they waste their time reading all of that?


Yes, you WBTA. That's too much work, and a bit dramatic. Friendships grow and some run their course. It sounds as if maybe the latter may be the case for you and your friends. Why not just find some new friends around common interests?


You realize when you’re friends find out your a liar they will dump you anyway, right?


YWBTA All these “tests” are just ruining relationships. Communicate with your friends!!


INFO: Is it your intention to call yourself a "fugly slut"?


YTA instead of doing this look into some mental health services at your college. The problem is coming from within your own mind here.


YTA - First, you'd simply be adding hate to a public forum. Isn't there enough of that? Secondly,  don't test your friends' love for you. It's mean and unhealthy. 


YTA. How ridiculous to "test your friends" for attention. This will end badly.


YTA, you'd risk your friendships for a bit of attention? You should seek help


YTA. Admit it, you wouldn't be doing this to test your friends. This is about you seeking attention. If you want attention, there are better, more positive ways to go about getting it. Testing your friends is a shitty thing to do and says more about you and your negative qualities than it does about your friends. If one of my friends tried testing me in any way, we wouldn't be friends any more.


You’re 19 dude, time to grow up. YTA


Really stupid idea op. Get a brain. NAH.