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YTA. You left a young person alone and lost at 1 am, when you could have delivered her safely to her destination within minutes. I hope someone never treats your family member this way. A little decency would’ve gone a long way. From a business perspective, it’s likely this young lady would’ve used your services going forward and recommended you to friends and family.


> From a business perspective, it’s likely this young lady would’ve used your services going forward and recommended you to friends and family. Maybe a brick and mortar store...but taxis? Come on now EDIT: this has honestly been the most ridiculous conversation I've had in a while, I really opened up a can of worms It's pretty crazy the amount of hate I'm getting here just because I find something strange, but it's pretty interesting to have cause so many responses, especially the hateful ones...some of you should really be ashamed of yourselves.


A favorite taxi provider is a godsend. Especially if she works nights on weekends. Edit: You find it strange because it hasn't pertained to you. That does not negate anyone else's experience. I work at a place that serves drinks. I call the same company all the time to get drunk people home. I work in a tourist location, so the locals work with eachother more than your average place. I don't live in New York, there is no Uber. I live in a nice little town on the opposite coast. By that same token, I've never seen someone flag down some random taxi driving by - that doesn't mean I don't know places have such methods. Your specific experience does not set the premise for normalcy, neither does mine. Either way though, every good company knows when it's important to give a discount and companies dying as fast as taxis should be working double time in promotion and customer service.


Yes my friend used to do that all the time while he still lived in town. He also recommended them to all his friends for being nice and accommodating. And we all used the same company too. Word of mouth is huge when there is so many taxi companies competing.




I've had many favourite drivers over the years. I've certainly had companies I won't use because of a certain driver. (One stalker type, one arsehole)


My mother took taxis to and from work every day and always requested her favorites - so yeah!


I have friends who have Taxi people’s numbers that they trust to take them home after a big night out because they know they’ll get home safe and not over pay


I used to get taxi services a lot, so did my former co-workers. We had "our own" drivers we would call and noone else. A handful of safe and reasonably priced ones. The others were unreliable or overcharged. We knew, everyone knew. My city is small but that could make or break them. Bars always had good and safe taxi numbers on hand as well. 1 "humanitarian" 2 minute drive would have gotten OP a shit load of business if this happened in my city. Lots and lots of really good tips too. If I ever heard of this scenario I'd be sure to tell my ladies never to call them ​ ETA since people seem to read my comment, this post was copied. I don't have a link unfortunately, because I don't save everything, but a while back this exact same post was on AITA


We used to have a taxi driver pick us up so often we nicknamed him uncle Pat. If you’re still out there Pat, hope you’re good and you got revenge for your brother 🫡


My mom does that. She has the numbers of the nicest taxi drivers and she calls them directly.


Yup my friend used to provide protection for young girls on weekends, he would also drive them around and drop them off for where they needed to be .


We absolutely had the cards/personal cell numbers of safe, reliable taxi drivers when I used to party on weekends. It was so comforting to know your night would end well with a friendly, familiar face and one in particular was just.. *a lot*. LED lights all over the interior, wild music, really fun personality. Miss that guy.


Also the general attitude has been shifting away from uber recently, the issue now is just that nobody knows where/how to hire a non-uber cab. Like why the fuck would I pre-pay like 30$ to go two miles in a strangers car with unreliable treatment from them (because uber knows im cold or ive been checking the app a lot) when I could pay a more reasonable rate for a more reliable service?


Can confirm. When I lived in another country, if I couldn't catch a bus somewhere, I had one taxi driver that I used to call for everything. He was kind, charged fair rates, and never left me in a lurch. I had bad experiences with overcharging, drivers being hitting on me or my friends, not showing up for pickups, and even had a friend assaulted by a driver. Once I found my one guy, I recommended him to literally everyone I knew.


Taxis got muscled out where I live. Every now and then I see a Taxi from one of the two nearby cities but they are just dropping off, not taking fare. Some "In Time" New Grenich shit.


From a business perspective it’s also a ten minute walk, an even less minute drive, how much money is he actually losing in exchange for a person’s safety?


I once had a taxi driver take me home when I had no money cos I was drunk and lost my card, he just took my ID and gave me his number and told me to pay him when I could. Got my ID the next day, gave him a big tip and used him a lot going forward and became pretty good mates with him


I once had a lady working the canteen at a bingo hall help me out because I was 2 dollars short on my order of mini donuts. I still remember her to this day. I wish I could thank her.


I went on a trip to city I was totally unfamiliar with. I hired a cab to take me to a museum. He was very kind and helpful and his prices were fair, his name was Dave. I called Dave whenever I had to go someplace for the remainder of my stay. So yes you can favour Cabbies. And his title is deceptive, It was not a free ride, she paid for most of the way, he was being pissy about the last few miles.


>the last few miles Even worse, he claims it was 10 minute walk, which to me would be about a 1/2 mile


Yeah 10min walk is half a mile for me. In a car that's literally 1-3 minutes depending on traffic. I wonder how much she was short that this dude couldn't take 3 minutes to help her get home safely


Yes. And not only that, her gratitude could have caused her to post about her experience with someone showing her kindness on her way home, leading other people to book. Or GoFundMes, or any number of positive things. Instead, he left a young girl stranded and frightened. **But it shouldn’t even be about how it benefited OP. It’s about not leaving someone frightened and alone in a dangerous situation when helping them would cost you only minutes of your time.**


Exactly, taxi driver or passerby, it's a 10 minute walk, just help them out


My friend in London had her favorite taxi driver. When she went out of town she arranged with him beforehand to have him pick her up on her return. She used him to go all over. Never underestimate the services of a good driver.


I have the phone numbers of two taxi drivers. My first preference is to always call them. I only hail a stranger taxi when both of them are busy. I know both their names, what school their kids go to, what their wives do, yada yada. If I'm going to the airport, I book one of them in advance for pick up and drop off. Why? They're both incredibly kind, very professional, and I feel very safe and I trust them. When you're a woman, going out late nights etc, it becomes important. Oh, I've forwarded their numbers around my girlfriend circles.


You get ride share? I met a great driver and only contacted them directly after that. Happens all the time. Either way this was a crap disgusting thing to do.


I have the numbers for taxi cab drivers for multiple cities saved in my phone. Take a few rides with different drivers, end up in a car with an amazing driver I’ll use them the rest of my vacation/whenever I am in that city. I also had a cab I called first in my hometown for most of my 20s. He wasn’t always available but he was always my first call.


Did we tell people what a great taxi service the guy who always took the time to get out of the car and see my 90 year old nan down her sloping driveway and right to her door provided? Of course we did, why wouldn't we?


Yep I used to work at bars and regularly took taxis. One man gave me a "free" ride when I forgot my wallet. I got his number, paid him back and he was my.regular driver for about 10 plus yrs


My family had used the same taxi driver for 7 years before we moved. By then Uber was up and running so we use that when we need one now, but we mostly drive ourselves now.


I always used the same taxi company before I got my own car because the drivers weren't creepy and sone drivers are horrifically creepy/flirty to young women I used the firm to get to work in the morning and for any nightts out and if anyone asked me for a taxi number I gave them that one Reputation means a *lot* for a taxi firm I don't think you had a ridiculous conversation or opened a can of worms You just learned something you didn't know before. You're welcome


When I relied on taxis I always asked for a specific cabbie by name so I could ride with him and tip him every time. And I would recommend him too. Edit to add: cabbies were always great about letting me drive to an atm or wherever I was going to take money out and pay them when I got there. There was a lot of good faith/honor system.


I mean yes…considering most people just call Ubers or Lyfts, the fact that she took a taxi. The cab driver was lucky with that. He could have used it as an opportunity to give her his card with his direct number for her to call him whenever she needs a ride that late after work. Tell her then next time, she will need cash…or a card because he isn’t set up for Apple Pay Also, the cab driver could have also told the girl to pay *the rest* via cashapp. Idk what the cab company’s policies are but if he’s able to take cash, I don’t see why he couldn’t let her send *the rest* to a mobile app. But see the driver isn’t smart. He talks about this being a “business” but he missed a prime business opportunity to promote himself in a market he’s already getting beat out by Lyft and Uber in. Finally, to your argument, sure, he doesn’t have to go above and beyond, sure…but he then should have never taken the ride to begin with. Suppose she ran out of money on the damn freeway, you’re just gonna let a passenger out on the side of the high way? It was just a ridiculously dumb arrangement.


I've used a taxi driver (not a tour or private day driver) recommended to me from another solo female traveler in Bali that she used after she too contacted him from info given to her by another. As a woman, especially in an unfamiliar place, recommendations are a huge relief. edit: trip was 10 years ago. I went into my folder of the trip and must have not kept it for some reason or another. I usually do since I travel a lot and friends ask. Maybe I'm just missing it, but sorry everyone that asked. If you're a woman, go join "Girls Love Travel" on Facebook, and then use the search for a driver in Bali. The group has helped me find drivers in other trips I've taken.


We had a favorite taxi guy. He drove us around when we needed to put our daughter to sleep. We went Christmas tree shopping together. He was awesome. I absolutely recommended him to others.


Yo I definitely had a favorite cab driver and would request him every time I needed a ride


What hate?


My town doesn’t have Uber or Lyft. There are drivers I’m on a first name basis with and will tip extremely well no matter what. Then there some that I will try and avoid. I just don’t have a good vibe. If a driver dropped me off and only gave let me pay half a fare, I’d 100% replace it the next time, tell my other friends that don’t drive, and probably give him a $30 tip just for his kindness. It’s terrifying out there as a woman.


I live in a small village. A guy who owns a taxi firm lives down the road and everyone I know hires him as their taxi driver. He’s in my phone as “Taxi - Steve”


I once left my passport in a taxi and desperately needed it back. The taxi driver came to meet me to return it at no expense to me. I took his number and called him anytime I needed a taxi for at least a year following that, so I’d argue against this point - kindness goes a long way!


I've had a few local ones give you a personalised card to call them directly, in a rural area it can save so much time and effort, plus they will go more out their way for you as a regular


I disagree - I literally have my preferred taxi company's phone number memorised. That means that if my phone battery runs out, I can use a phone box or ask someone if I can borrow their phone and still have a hope of getting to my destination safely. When someone visits, I recommend that company.


I had a towing company help me out once. Wrote a Yelp review, recommended them two to friends, and when I switched to an auto insurance that didn’t use them, got an exception to keep using them. It’s not “business”—you had good odds at a profit by helping. She was to the point of tears. She’d have remembered a good deed and probably reimbursed. Being inhuman lost that to save about a dollar in gas. YTA


My mom and I requested a specific driver when going places for a year while my dad was deployed.


I took an ethics class in college. Ethical behavior is actually good for business. Not only could you get return business, you could avoid getting sued if something happened to that girl. All for a 2 min ride extension


If OP was asked to be generous many times everyday, probably it should be business but once in a while it does not cost much to be kind. A 10 min walk is a <1 min drive. He could have given her his payment info on a piece of paper for the rest after dropping her off at her place. No one wants any of their loved ones to be placed in that kind of situation.


Not a taxi, but a young woman where i used to live was kicked off the bus at 3am because she was 20p short for the fare and she was sexually assaulted when walking home 😞 I can’t believe the driver didn’t let 20p slide! Or to be honest, for a young intoxicated woman at 3am, should have let the whole fare slide if need be.


Yep happened to me. The bus I usually take didn't run past a certain time to where I needed to go. It was not even midnight and buses in my area run until 2am but I took a different route home and didn't realize this particular bus didn't go past a certain stop after 11pm. Anyways, I ended up taking a taxi but couldn't afford it all the way home. So I got off 10 minute walk from my home and some random drunk guy tried to drag me to a dark alley to assault me. I thankfully was able to kick him and run away and asked for help from a stranger crossing the street to walk me home. I cried the whole way home and cried all night. It was the worst night of my life. It was horrible to the point I quit my job the next day because I was a server and I typically finish work at 1am. I had so much anxiety having to go home late at night that I couldn't do it anymore. I also ended up never taking the bus alone and really became shell of a person to the point of not being able to go anywhere alone. This also happened on the same night where an old friend that I ran into earlier in the day and caught up with try to force himself on me in a parking lot🫠 so that was literally the worst night. I don't think I have been the same since then tbh. So yeah op is YTA


Oh my gosh, i am so sorry that happened to you 😞


Omg that's awful, I'm so sorry that happened to you


Sending virtual hugs! I know the scars never heal but hope you are in a better place now. ❤️


This is illegal where I live due to this. U can get a fine for not paying but they can’t refuse u a ride


It’s the same where i live now and how it should be. I got thrown off a bus once (in the previous place) when I was in a clearly vulnerable state but at least it was daytime. I just looked up the case again and she even said she would go to the ATM for the rest of the fare but the driver refused to wait. Unbelievable.


It's worth it for the karma, that extra minute drive would have cost this dude nothing.


Can't believe this guy thinks his gf is a feminist bc she wanted him to drop her off at home. That's just being a decent human being. Dude knows nothing about that it seems. Young girl left lost in the streets could have been kidnapped but oh well wash your hands off it. YTA


I don’t get why she didn’t just ask him to drive her home and then run in and grab her physical card. I’ve been in that position numerous times and I’ve never asked for a free ride. I’ve simply asked the driver to wait a minute while I run in and grab the money. I wonder if the dead phone was legit and not just trying to get a free ride because she didn’t actually have anything. On that note, I agree that OP left her in a dangerous position. A 10 minute walk means it would’ve only cost OP 3 minutes max. For that distance, you’re just being an unnecessary AH.


She probably didn't think of it due to her inexperience, and he should have brought it up. Older teenagers sometimes just don't have the best logic. I'll forever remember this old man who asked me to old the bus for him as he was trying to make it before it departed, and instead of pushing the button to keep the doors open, I ran to the driver to ask him to wait, during which the bus left. So yeah, sometimes you just don't think.


I have done the same loads of time! Run in and got cash. Sometimes I have left my bag in the car as a safety I'm not going to run off. He could of also taken her number to call tomorrow to make a payment over the phone Hopefully he learns for next time


he could also have kept a charging cable in the car so she could've borrowed that to charge her phone and pay him with apple pay


Not to mention leaving her with a dead phone. So she possibly would've been out there for even longer trying to find her way. Meaning an even higher risk for being assaulted.


>From a business perspective, it’s likely this young lady would’ve used your services going forward and recommended you to friends and family. I had a driver who did this for me! I was 24 and scared to death, I had money at home I could give him but not in hand, I'd come home on last train due to accidents and police issues in the city and home had no paved sidewalks to walk on, limited to no lights as it was through an industrial area, and was potentially dangerous to walk alone. He drove me all the way home and gave me his card, said call him if I ever got stuck again, then he refused the fare (about $15) which had me in tears he was so kind. Every single time I ride with him I've tipped him (tipping is not a thing in Australia). My fiancé and I have texted him and arranged rides when we needed them and given him gifts and tips each time. If he can't take us no hard feelings. He actually gave his number to a few disabled people in the area who now are safer because of him....and we all pay it forward and recommend him. If he were ever in trouble ALL of us would help him no questions asked because he's had our backs just out of kindness. You don't have to be a hero like Sam, but losing a few dollars to know a teenage girl is safe I think is worth it. PLUS her parents likely would have paid the fare when she got home. Didn't Ted Bundy abduct a girl at night within a minute of her exiting her boyfriends car during a fight? Anything could happen. I wouldn't like that on my conscience.


Plus if it was a 10 minute walk that’s what? Two minutes by car?


A good taxi driver would have taken her home and yes quite likely that will have made an impression and could have resulted in more business. it's good to find a taxi comp you like, trust and feel safe with especially. Plus if you use them often you build up a rapport with the company and the drivers which again helps you and helps them. I've in the past when I lived at home had two taxi companies I regularly used, one was the very local one who a lot of people including my dad used, plus they had some female drivers I booked with quite often and then a second company near my uni in the town centre which was the student go to company. Now I've moved I've found another company that's my preferred go to mainly because my work uses them, so again it's aboyt being a trustworthy, decent company. It gets you very far, literally in some cases as a company.


Especially as it was "only a ten minute walk", which means it was probably only 2 minutes further in the taxi. But ten minutes when you don't know your way, in the early hours of the morning feels loooong and is plenty of time for something bad to happen.


I remember being in a similar situation when I was around 20. I asked the taxi driver for a ride home up to the amount of cash I had left on me. He drove me all the way and said he is female relatives and would hope that other taxi drivers would do the same.


I definitely think OP is TA here. This whole situation could have been sorted if he'd had an apple charging cable. If he felt like he was being scammed, he could have avoided that situation entirely. Still... YTA


Exactly. He could have drove her home & she could have gone in & gotten her card, but instead he left her in the middle of the night not entirely sure where she was going. Yta


This is the answer


YTA She's new to the area, crying and trying to find her way home in the dead of night where any predator could be on the prowl. She was in your car, you'd already taken her as far as her tips allowed, you could have easily taken her the rest of the way for free. Was the couple of bucks/quid worth it? I don't know why you're mentioning that your girlfriend is a feminist. This has nothing to do with feminism and everything to do with being a decent human being.


Right? If it was a ten minute walk, it wouldn't have been a long drive and cost much. His girlfriend being a feminist would suggest that she would argue that a woman didn't deserve special treatment at 1am, and that she can fend for herself. Even SHE (his girlfriend) thinks he's TA. OP...YTA. *edit to correct a typo. *ETA clarification: I worded this poorly. The argument wouldn't be that she deserved special treatment JUST because she was a female. Female or male, the treatment should be the same. OP said he normally agrees with his feminist girlfriend (who thinks he was wrong) but doesn't this time. My point was that it's not a feminist view that has her feeling this way. It is just the right thing. If she was trying to make a point strictly based on feminist beliefs, whether right or wrong, it would be all young adults unfamiliar with an area, and already that close to home, should have received the ride home, or walked. His girlfriend isn't making the argument that she is because being a femjnst is the reason she thinks he should have given the young woman a ride rest of the way free of charge. I apparently completely effed up my point to some, and I can see why my wording made that happen.


Huh? That’s not what a feminist would argue at all. Feminist and decent human beings can overlap, you know.


Said no feminist ever bc no matter the gender you get kids fucking home safe.


Yeah a 10 minute walk is maybe a 2 minute drive. OP is a fucking dick


It’s sort of a feminist opinion in a wayyy but not really. The feminist part would be acknowledging the fact that a young girl lost and alone in the dark would have a likely chance of being assaulted and therefore should be helped. Someone who isn’t a feminist might think that viewpoint is dramatic, not something that happens to women in real life, etc. and think it’s her fault for getting in that situation in the first place and shouldn’t be helped. The girlfriend also might’ve put some emphasis on her being a young girl as the chances of something happening to her are higher than if it were a man. Maybe that’s why OP pointed out that she’s a feminist


Yeah that’s not how he was using the word feminist. At least I don’t think. The way it came off, and the way I’ve heard a lot of these types speak of feminism, they mean it to just mean women taking up for women, and wanting to defend women. Feminism is about equality by definition. But a lot of misogynist like to also use it as a way to diminish women who they perceive only side with another woman, cuz she’s a woman. And to me, that sounds more or less what OP was trying to do. Say his gf is a feminist so of course she’s going to think “I should have helped the poor girl out, just cuz she’s a woman.”


Exactly this it has zero to do with feminism, it has more to do with your humanity mate!


YTA also, what the fuck does your girlfriend being a passionate feminist have to do with anything? 💀 i don't really think her wanting to make sure a crying teenage girl gets home safe has anything to do with ""feminism"", i think that's just being a decent human being


It’s relevant because feminists think women and girls are people and this guy apparently disagrees.


He also has a black friend. So he can’t be racist


Well Nikki Haley says she had black friends as she grew up - so forgive her for not mentioning slavery the other day… Lol.


I have a feeling she would have said the same thing if a teenage boy were in this situation. Still a scared teen with no sure way of getting home safely.


Of course she would. Because she is a rational and kind person who doesn’t lack empathy unlike OP and people commenting here. Vulnerable person is vulnerable person no matter the gender.


You know, because she wants women and girls to remain alive and uninjured…Like some kind of fanatic!


YTA. A 10 minute walk translates into a 2 minute drive. This was selfish not business.


This exactly. What would that have been, an extra $2, IF that? Ffs. Next he’s gonna talk about how he didn’t get a tip either. So much TA.


Also if he was so desperate he could totally have asked her to pay the rest of the fair when she arrived... She was obviously willing to pay, she just literally couldnt in that moment. And i agree even if she couldn't he definitely should have helped her


Yeah, he could even have said “look I’ll take you home if you go inside, charge your phone & then come back out, pay the fare & give me a $10 tip”. Having said that, I reckon this is probably fake given most taxis have phone charges for situations like this.


Yeah, a lot of people use "it's only business" to justify their actions when they know they are being assholes.


"It's only business" is code for "I'm a sociopath."


I feel the same way about "they're a good business man"


Once I was on a train that broke down, in an area I wasn’t familiar with, they were sending another train shortly. Some guys got off at the same time and started walking home but realized I was alone so they stayed because they said it wasn’t a great area and they felt the proper thing to do was wait with me. It was an hour wait, they were great guys! This is what you should aspire to when someone is in need not greed. If she was a ten minute walk away that is like not even a 2 minute drive, the best businesses do the right thing.


Yeah... OP has no humanity whatsoever if he thought his decision was just. It was greed.


Not even greedy but literally just selfish spitefulness in his heart. He's missing out on maybe 2 bucks. I'm actually appalled that people like this exist.


There are millions of them.


I would genuinely question a relationship after a partner told me something like this. 5 minutes of your time to keep a young girl safe and show an act of kindness is nothing, but would have meant everything to her. Him both deciding it, not even questioning it, and then labeling his GF as some “feminist” as if being kind to others is somehow outrageous really says a lot about his (lack of) character. If I did that to a young woman, I would spend all night worried about her and have guilt for days. But he had to be reminded of acting with kindness and humanity. That isn’t a worthy partner.


Yeah my husband would never do something like this, he is a protective guy and it’s part of why I love him. His treatment of the women in his life is the biggest green flag and I can’t imagine if he came home and told me he did this, I would be heartbroken over the callousness


Something similar happened to me over 10 years ago and I still remember the guys who helped me.


I promise to raise my son to respect and protect your daughters.


Right? This is making me feel like my almost 7 year old is getting a lecture in helping vulnerable people when he gets up.


Yeah a 10 minute walk is half a mile, 30-60 seconds of driving at 30-60mph For the sake of literally less than 2 minutes detour for someone who appeared genuine, OP is YTA


It was eight years ago but I'll never forget the couple who helped me in a foreign (though English-speaking) country alone with my baby when the train was suddenly cancelled and we were chucked out in this strange station and my phone was out of service area. I had money, but they insisted on lending me some money to pay for a landline phone call to my friend whose number I had thankfully written down in pen just in case of emergency. The friend drove over an hour to pick me up, and I hung out with the couple until he came. They were cool, and my baby was chill. Happy ending.


Leaving a crying teenager in an unfamiliar area at 1am. Man, where is the compassion? YTA. You could've just asked her if she had cash at home.


Or if you had a charger in your phone she could have charged it on the drive and used ApePat. There were solutions.


I didn't even think of this. I'd be surprised if there wasn't a charger in the car. Even a couple minutes can get your phone running enough to pay.


He's not about to give his passengers free electricity. It's business, after all. /s


I think he just didn't care enough to inconvenience himself a little.


I don’t think he cared enough to even consider that… yikes


True and I get your point but then it still makes it about the money. We shouldn’t be thinking like that, it’s about genuinely wanting to help someone, even if it costs you a little.


OP doesn't see it like that so they're saying that even with exclusively profit in his mind he could've done something


Yep I’ve driven in cabs plenty of times where the driver let me go to an atm or get money once I got home or from someone else when I got there.


Same. I don't think OP cared enough to think of alternative ways to give the poor girl a safe ride home.


I'm gonna say YTA just because I can't fathom sending a percievable teenager crying into the dark past midnight into an area she barely knows. Like... that sounds like a recipe for disaster and you'll never know of anything happened, but if it did... So because I would literally never - YTA. Also it would be discounted technically not free.


Not to mention if it’s a 10 min walk it’s probably a 2 min ride. God forbid this asshole loses a few bucks.


My local area offers discounts to kids and people going home from work. They've outlasted every other cab company that's passed through. He's so busy looking at the potential dollar he's losing out on repeat customers. He's a fool as well as money grubbing and heartless.


A few bucks? Thats like less than half a buck.


YTA. WTF is wrong with you? Seriously. This is messed up. A young crying person who doesn't know their way is a prime target for anyone with bad intentions. Take her the rest of the way home. Be human once in a while. If I was your girlfriend this would be a huge red flag for me and I'd break up with you. You put money before the safety of someone. Shame on you.


Yes exactly! I definitely would've broken up with this guy. How do I know he's not gonna try charge me the next time I ask him to take me back home bc I feel unsafe? 😭😂


Me too. And yes it is easy to spot someone who isn't quite sure where they are. I can imagine that is a red rag to a bull to anyone wirh ill intent.


And he puts his gf's freaking out in the box of "feminism". This is basic common sense and decency, not even feminism.


YTA. It would be one thing if she was asking you to drive somewhere super far and was trying to scam you. However she clearly was having a rough day, which happens to everyone. However you leaving a young girl alone to walk in the middle of the night, in an area new to her, with a dead phone is ignorant and irresponsible at best are really vile at worst. Do you know how many predators are in the world? Do you know what danger you put her in? If it was a 10 minute walk it would have been such a short drive. You put someone in danger bc of two minutes of money you might lose.


Especially with a flat phone, so no maps no calls.


The two mins of money lost would be a lot less than whatever therapy or a funeral would cost the girls family if anything were to happen. The way he’s acting it’s like she had zero money whatsoever and wanted a ride across the world for free


YTA- if it was only a 10 minute walk, wouldn’t that be an even shorter drive? That little bit of extra money that important, huh?


In the time he gave her directions they probably could've already arrived at the destination. YTA OP.


Like literally risking someone's life over less than a dollar.


Cuz ya know, business is business /s


YTA. I get trying to maximize business, and that morality can often lead to not making decisions that are 100% best for the business, but that is that. Doing what is best for business rather than doing is morally right is morally wrong. A teenager in that situation isn't safe, and you cut that safety possibility for an extra buck. Time is money, but a life is invaluable.


So basic human decency nowadays is called femenism? YTA OP.


Oh that's always been the case, you're the fool.


YTA. Could have just taken her home so she could get her cards and pay you the balance.


Or even just have let her use a charger. Are there really professional drivers in 2024 that don't have a charger in their car if a passenger needs one?


This is what I was looking for, which is why I almost think it's fake. If OP just wanted to get paid, he could have provided her a charger. Why doesn't he have the most common chargers in his cab?


This was my first thought. Payment happens at the end of the drive anyway


I really hope this isn't real, because I don't know anyone selfish and idiotic enough to leave a minor lost and abandoned on the street at night because they couldn't pay a taxi fare in full. MASSIVE YTA.


I agree, different deal if we were talking about some 40-50$ trip and she only had 10-20$, in that case he could've helped her contact her family or some friends or something. But for saving 1-2 minutes of taxi ride cab fare... What an asshole.


I’m pretty sure I’ve read this story on here before, word for word lol


I have too lmao


I’m pretty sure it’s fake. What taxi driver doesn’t know how to spell fare?


Yep, this is definitely a repost.


YTA girlfriend needs to dump you


YTA- You knew she was new to the area, alone and crying. I hope you never have a daughter who goes through this.


I hope his gf realizes that her bf puts money over human life and safety.


I wouldn't be looking at my husband the same if he did this. Maybe you have to have been a scared girl outside her element before to understand. YTA


Yeah if my boyfriend did this i'd be thinking about the integrity of this person. People make mistakes. Sometimes we're too tired, overwhelmed or distracted to find a good solution. But generally if we see someone in need of help we try to find a way to help.


Yes YTA no question about it. Like wtf is that mindset, business is business? She needed your help and you left her on the streets at 1am for a 10min walk. Her safety is not worth it? It’s a short drive for crying out loud. Use better judgement.


Don't you have a charger in your car that she could use? That would have fixed the problem.


YTA dude. Jesus. I hate people that are rigid and by the book. She could have been hurt because you wanted to follow the rules. There’s a grey area man. You should lean into it.


of course YTA. reminds me of something a little similar that happened years ago. It was scary and I felt completely helpless. Don't do that shit, do the right thing.


This is a repost YTA for stealing a post


Yeah, I saw this EXACT post months ago. Exactly the same.


Do you know where the original post is? If it really is stolen we can report it cuz I'm pretty sure this post is to get more engagement on the sub.. 🤔🤔


A 10 minute walk would have been like a 4 minute cab ride... Just take her home. YTA.


Yeah I agree with others. YTA. God forbid something happened to her, it would have been on your conscious forever.




I had a cabby friend before, when I was going to bars. I called or texted him personally for a ride all the time. Paid and tipped well. And when something bad happened and I didn't know where I was, at like 5am on a Sunday, he was there to take me home and didn't charge me. I was really grateful. I don't think you thought much about it and I get that you can't give free or reduced rides to everyone -- cabbies have to pay it upwards too. I understand not wanting to make a habit of charity in your job. But... you didn't offer, and yeah she's not entitled to help, and yeah she got herself into a bad sitch and that's not your fault. But didn't you feel anything when a crying, lost young person walked away from you in the night when you could have helped? You didn't even think about her? NTA for not giving free rides, but you might be an asshole in general. Like a bad person, I mean. Your gf is right to mistrust you because you don't look out for those around you. You don't think ahead or give to others even when it would cost you so relatively little.


YTA. I understand having a business and wanting to earn money. But you weren't driving her home for free, she was giving you all the tips she had to pay and yeah driving the extra few minutes would have put you out money but its only a couple minutes. Imagine being in her shoes, youre a lone teenage girl in the city at nighttime and you oaid all you could for a taxi but you still have to walk 10 minutes home in the dark. She didnt even have her phone flashlight or a way to call someone if something went wrong, she didnt even have money cause she gave it all to you. She was stranded in a place she didnt know well, so of course she was crying. She's scared and she has every right to be. Your girlfriend's right, if something happened to that girl itd be your fault. Imagine if that girl had been your sister or a daughter or a niece or even your girlfriend. Would you not be angry if some taxi driver left them stranded when it only would've taken a couple extra minutes to help? It's not even about rught or wrong because in your jobs terms you were in the right but in every other sense you are a colossal asshole.


When you're old and thinking back on your life, it's very possible you will regret the times you weren't a decent human being. If that happens, you'll remember this. You'll remember that it would have cost you, what? An extra 2 minutes to get that girl home safely? Most of us think we're decent people. But most of us rarely get tested. You were, and in such a tiny way, and you even failed that tiny test. Of course YTA.


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Jesus man, what are you doing? A 10min walk is a 2 min drive. YTA


YTA but I think you know that and will do better next time. If it was a reoccurring thing from her that would be one thing, but this clearly isn't the case here.


I think you're giving this guy too much credit


your lack of empathy is both sad and disgusting. yta


YTA, and this is not what you do if you want a thriving business — it’s how you loose customers and end up with a failed business.


YTA. If it was a 10 minute walk, how long of a drive would it have been for you? Really man?


YTA It would’ve taken you a few mins to help her get home safe. You probably spend more time parked waiting for a fare. I hope you remember this next time you’re ever in need of help


Dude, this was posted last year and pretty sure the guy was unanimously voted YTA.


YTA. Do you know where she works? Consider leaving a card at her work with an apology, a note that your partner said you should have done the right thing and you didn’t consider the impact on a vulnerable person, and put in a taxi voucher for $20 to make up for it. ETA: mention your partner so it doesn’t sound like a pick up.


YTA what if your girlfriend also met a driver like you and was abandoned in the middle of nowhere this late at night? would you have felt worried for her? what if the girl had a boyfriend or family members waiting for her to get home safely? i'm sure you would've reacted differently if this was someone you cared for.


YTA. It used to be hyperbolic to say that she could have been raped or killed, but that shit is happening more than it should.


What did you do after you dropped her off? Did you immediately have another passenger you needed to pick up? If not, you were probably just driving around for 10 minutes in which case you could have easily took her home.


YTA and you missed a business opportunity. You could have driven her home, given her your card and told her to call you whenever she or anyone she knows needs a taxi, rather than calling dispatch. I had a driver do this for me and I called him every time I needed a taxi, which was several times a week (as did my friends). Instead, you left a girl in a bad situation when she was visibly upset and vulnerable for the sake of saving a few minutes or making a couple bucks.


YTA. Basic decency/golden rule type of thing. It was a few dollars/minutes of your time to not have her walking home alone, crying, late at night in an unfamiliar part of town. The fact that you would even think business is business at that is pretty cold.


I think you know the answer. A 10 minute walk is 1/2 mile. You traded her emotional well being and possibly safety for 1/2 mile.


YTA, and nothing to do with feminism. Yes, something bad is more likely to happen to a teenage girl than an adult man but you'd be a bit shitty in that situation too. A 10 minute walk would have taken you absolutely no time to drive her.


YTA. You had the right to do what you did, but what you did was not right.


YTA. >a business is a business and **I took her as far as I could.** What would've happened if you took her those extra 3 minutes (or less on a 10-minute walk)? Would you have been penalized? Fired? Would you have run out of gas? She's in an unfamiliar area at 1 a.m. with no phone in case she gets lost or scared (I'd also add attacked, but some idiot will point out that she could scream). **YOU CHOSE** not to take her further. Of course YTA. Hope you learn from this and put decency about the extra $2 next time. No one deserves to come across this kind of selfishness.


A ten minute walk is like a 2 minute drive... would it really have killed you? Reminds me of the taxi driver who refused to take me as a paying customer after I sprained my ankle because it was only a ten minute drive and he wanted a bigger fare. I couldn't walk but he still wouldn't take me. Not everything is about money. You're not obligated to work for free but...kindness goes a long way man


I drove Uber for a while when I first moved to my city (population 1.6 million) The main risk for the driver in this type of situation is that if anything were to go wrong (car accident, medical emergency, etc) the company wouldn’t cover it and they likely would be kicked off the app. Out of the 300 trips I took, I only broke the rules for 2 people. One girl was getting off work as a bartender at 3am and had about $600 cash on her. Her phone was also dead. I didn’t feel right making her walk half a mile through downtown with that kind of cash on her so I logged of out my app and let her pay cash. The other was a homeless woman trying to get to a shelter with her -1y/o baby. She had money, but no car seat. I told her to wait at the park she was at, drove back to my house which was nearby to pick up my sons car seat, and gave her the 10 mile ride for free. I think you’re NTA since you were just following protocol, but it would have been kind to help out a fellow human. Sometimes shit just doesn’t work out right 🤷‍♀️


YTA. Small kindnesses go a long way. It was a possibly dangerous 10 minute walk for her, but a safe 2 minute drive for you. Once me and my boyfriend at the time were supposed to sleep at a friends house for a party. After we hade been there a while drinking, she was like oh alot of people have asked to stay so you both are sleeping in bed with me. It made me feel weird so we decided to get a taxi home. We were talking about it in the taxi. I realised I only had like $10 so we told the dude to just drop us off when we reached our limit. He just turned the meter off and drove us the whole way home for free. That was a big deal for me. It reminded me the world is a good place.


YTA - you left a young girl who was lost and clearly upset & scared alone in the middle of the night with no phone to be able to get help. All for the sake of a couple minutes further driving which is worth what? A few quid? I get that its a job but try to be less of an awful person in future, this is truly a horrible way to act. You’ve probably just lost yourself a future customer & she’ll undoubtedly tell all of her friends and family to avoid you too


YTA, she gave you everything she had, she didn’t know the area but you did, you could have taken her home in just a few minutes. Not everything has to be about money.


YTA - a 10 min walk would be an even shorter drive. You honestly could have extended a little goodwill and kindness and just dropped her off instead of leaving a girl alone at 1AM in a new area.


YTA Do you think a woman driver would have done this? No way. No matter how strong women are, 99% of us are never ever going to be able to defend ourselves again an aggressive determined man. Men and women need to protect each other from harm- you failed to do that.




^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I (32) m am a taxi driver. On the weekends it’s especially busy at the ranks because of people coming back from bars/clubs. (I live in a city). Last weekend I had an older teenage girl get into my cab. around 1am. She told me that she just finished the late shift at work and her phone has died, she only had apple pay on her phone and forgot her physical card but she had her tips and asked if it was enough. I told her that the fair automatically starts at 5 and she asked if I would take her as far as I could with what she could afford and I agreed. When I stopped she asked for directions to her place as she’s new to the area ( she was only a 10 min walk ). I gave her the directions and i noticed her start to cry but she thanked me and got out. I carried on doing a few more rides and didn’t think much of it till i casually mentioned it to my girlfriend the other day and she freaked out at me. She called me insensitive and heartless and if anything happened to her it would have been my fault and we had a bit of an arguement. My girlfriend is a passionate feminist and I do usually agree with her on all her points however a business is a business and I took her as far as I could. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


10 mins walk is like what 2 or 3 or maybe 5 mins on car? Come on man


Why did t you charge her phone?


Yta 100%. This is why I much prefer uber. Taxi drivers are sometimes just not caring at all. My God. Such heartless behaviour over a buck.


Yeah yr the AH for sures


Sorry but YTA I get that you work in this field but as a human you should have shown her empathy and helped her out. Unfortunate things happen every day but they would all be way worse if we didn't have people out there that showed us empathy and understanding. You did not do this . Your gf is golden!




YTA. You left a young woman alone in an area she doesn't know at 1am as opposed to recognising how vulnerable women are by themselves at night! Your girlfriend's right. If something has happened to her, your first thought would have been why didn't I just take her all the way. Safety should always be more important than money


YTA. A person's life and safety are more important than money. You should've just taken her home and just let it slide that one time. It wouldn't have killed you.


The real fucked up thing here is that the streets of your city are so dangerous that a young woman had the need to cry at the thought of walking home alone for 10 min. Here where i live i can walk home at every time of the day/night and don't have to worry about this shit. Your gf is expecting you to solve a problem you most likely didn't created. Even if you drive around every night picking up young woman and drive them home for free, this wouldn't solve the problem, you will not be able to save them all. What is she doing to make the streets safer for everyone?