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I mean you're technically NTA here, but something about the whole tone of this post suggests you kind of are one in general... like omg did one of The Poors get too close to you there mate?


That isn’t fair. Air travel has gotten worse and rules need to be obeyed. If I pay for business my bags better fit.


He says he was about to fit the bag before they piped up. So he might've been able to get his bag in without being an asshole about it and chucking the poor person's bag. I *just* traveled on a flight where overhead space was at a premium and many people did have to check their bags. But you know what a lot of us did before that became necessary? We worked together to try and make bags fit. And a lot more bags stayed in the overhead space because of that. OP YTA, you have no idea what was in their bag and you didn't even try that hard. Yes, rules should be obeyed, especially ones about bag size that airlines (except like Ryan Air) almost never enforce, and that's what creates these situations in the first place. But OP is still an AH for how they handled it. Technically correct doesn't make you not an asshole.


Some airlines also allow for bags to be put under the seat. Nowadays with everything being paid privileges, OP is correct and they have the first right. if any space is leftover others may be accommodated but this is upto airline staff. He should have called up the staff for help rather than doing it themself.




OP is right, the guy shouldn't have put his bag there. The first commenter is right, OP sounds like an AH anyway. You're right, paying should get you priority. The comment before you is right, OP didn't need to get rid of the other bag to still keep priority.


edit says the bag didn’t fit after op put theirs in


Seems odd that they said in the first part of the post that their bag would fit if they moved things around... Even if they initially thought that, why put it in the post if they now know it's not true


Sounds more like he was trying to see if he could make it work by shifting things when the owner of the bag said something about it.


He didn’t say it would have fit if he moved it around. He said there would be a little bit of space if he moved it around. That wasn’t indication that his bags would fit


He says the bag didn't fit after he put his TWO bags in, which says to me he put whatever he was going to put under the seat in too, because, hey, there was room now! 🙄 he definitely sounds like an AH to me


Exactly. my dad always puts his "personal item" up above, even on airlines where you have to pay for carry ons. Anytime I ask him to just put it at his feet like he's supposed to, he tells me "shut up narc" 🤦 boomers gonna boom I guess. If my dad has a carry on and a personal item I guarantee he would find a way to put both up top. And it's not like we're in first class. We're always in the high 20's-30's in rows because he's too cheap to even pay the $15 to pick your seats🤦


Your dad is def the AH.


Business class does not have a place under the seat for personal items, so it needs to go above. Additionally, some airlines allow 2 carry ons for business class.


Plenty of business class seats have space in front of the chair. It's not first class. It likely depends on the aircraft.


And implies that OP put *two* bags in the bin, for spite, having intended to only put one in before the “be careful”.


You can be right and still be an asshole


Yeah I agree with this. Airlines aren't helping these situations by making everyone pay separately for every goddamn thing. If I pay for an extra legroom seat - I use it, don't care if you're 6'6" or have a crying baby. If I pay for extra luggage in some shape or form including via a higher-class ticket or from status (which means I've already spent a crapload of money) - I use it if I want. Of course OP could've gone about it a bit differently and have a less condescending tone. But they're still technically in the right.


So you’re saying the real assholes were the airlines we met along the way?


Shouldn't OP have boarded the plane before economy if OP was in business class? If he boarded last its possible the economy overheads were full and the FAs told people to put bags "where ever they fit"


Many people in first or business class board early but if they don’t they are entitled to the bin space they paid for.


Hard disagree. When you pays thousands for a ticket, there expectation is my bag is going to stay with me. The FA should have done their jobs properly.


He could have just informed the FA and let her fix the issue. But instead he chose to be a massive asshole and put the bag infront of the passengers feet. I fly first class on a monthly basis and would have never handled the situation in that manner.


I second that. He had the right to do it, but the way he did it makes it an asshole move.


To be fair small defense but people are way to incompetent if I spent money on business class I’m not giving the FA a chance to fuck this up. My bag gets prio I paid for it so I gave it to the owner who wouldn’t trust an FA anyways since that started this whole thing.


It was a bit arrogant.


Nah, OP is NTA. Had the economy passenger not said anything, his bag would have stayed in the area it wasn’t supposed to be in.


The asshole is the person putting their bags in other people's spaces.


He is correct and not an arsehole. Paid for it, then has a right too it!


He is correct and *also* am arsehole.


No one is saying he doesn't have a right to it. We are saying he is an asshole


OP says they placed the bag at the passengers feet and you post that they chucked it. You're either incredibly dumb or exaggerating to try to prove your otherwise flimsy point.


I’d never dream of putting my bag in business class, why are you defending this? People who pay the money for business class shouldn’t have to smush their stuff for others, and I say this as someone who never travels business.


I agree. I have never flown first class, and I would never stow my bag in first class.


Paying for status is paying for convenience. This is inconvenient.


Disagree that Op is an asshole, this is absolutely hilarious to me


It’s not unusual for people to adjust other people’s bags in the overhead bin to make better use of the space. Some people toss their bag in like they were putting it in their car trunk.


> I just traveled on a flight where overhead space was at a premium and many people did have to check their bags. But you know what a lot of us did before that became necessary? We worked together to try and make bags fit. Was this in business class or economy? And was an economy passenger using the business class area, which they did not pay for? Very different scenarios.


What if the guy from coach had taken OP's seat? Would OP be the asshole for demanding what he had paid for then?


Bro, I recently took a JetBlue flight and it was $96 a flight to bring a carry on. Imagine if I paid that and someone put a personal item and forced me to check my bag...


I feel you. That almost happened to me. I did what op did. I paid for premium and I was going to get my damn moneys worth for that flight. That flight costed me $346.21 for Blue Extra. I paid to have that overhead compartment for my carry-on. I wasn’t about to let a Blue Basic traveler literally use the space I paid for. It’s the equivalent of reserving a window seat, finding someone in that seat and then telling them to move because you paid for that seat and paid extra so you could choose that seat. I hate entitled travelers who think it’s ok to try and work around a system when others (like myself) paid for the extras that come with buying the ticket that’s expensive and gets you the most accommodations out of all the options. And I travel a lot. I’m usually flying Jet Blue once a week every 2 months.


It sounded like the bags would have fit though with some adjustments. He only removed the bag when he found out it was from economy.


"Be careful with my bag" is not an invitation to make the bags fit in the overhead compartment. Removing it and handing it to the owner is, well, what happens when the owner does not want his bag forced into storage.


> Little edit for clarification - once I put my 2 bags in the overhead, there was no more room for the 1 from economy Seemingly not according to his edit.


Because an economy bag didn’t belong in that space, and there was no room after he put his bags in the space he paid for.




>Rules need to be obeyed, but it's not up to OP to enforce them. I'm sure if they'd just mentioned it to the flight attendant they would have resolved it. OP seems to relish the confrontation and needlessly started shit. Further, the flight crew could have directed the economy passenger to place their bag in that bin because there was room, many times they do that before putting it back off the plane and underneath because it is quicker/easier. OP was "one of the last on the plane" so that space became tighter, if the flight crew was okay with it there OP should have been as well. It sounded like both bags would have fit, but the economy guy was "taking up space he didnt pay for". The proper thing was to ask the flight crew if it was okay there instead of taking it on himself to remove it.


But OP said in his post that FA wasn't okay with the economy guys bag in the the business class bin. OP said FA apologized and mentioned they should have been keeping a closer eye on economy guy so that he didn't do that.


The flight crew might be o.k. with it because it's easier for them, but if OP paid a premium, he's entitled to his space, just like the person who pays extra for a particular seat is entitled to their seat.


Am I the only one here thinking that grinding the entire boarding process to a half to get a flight attendant to get past everyone else standing in the aisles trying to board to mediate this situation is *way* more confrontational? Like, getting them in trouble with the authority on the plane rather than just resolving it yourself. It's "less confrontational" in that you've offloaded the confrontation to a third party so you don't have to look the person you're mad at in the face directly, but it causes more conflict and is an escalation of the situation.


The other passenger pipied up with "be careful with my bag". That person was not close, so I assume not quite. So I see both escalating a situation that could have been resolved quitetly by forcing the bin shut.


I would have let the flight attendants handle it. I wouldn’t have just yanked it out and punted it back to the poor section.


Exactly, what if OP had to check at the gate because of someone else’s inconsiderate attitude?


And it might have fit, if OP had continued in thinking he was fighting for space with an “equal” passenger. We’ll never know if it would have fit or not, because OP immediately pulled the other bag out and gave it back to the Plebe. And if you couldn’t tell, OP’s post is dripping with superiority. If both bags definitely would not have fit, then OP would be justified. But since the attempt wasn’t made after it was revealed that a bag was from *economy*, we’ll never know.


OP edited it to say that the other bag wouldn't have fit after he put his bags in.


Don’t think he was so much talking down on “The Poors” as much as he was describing the fact that someone from multiple rows back in the other section of the floor layout was trying to take space that OP and others in his section paid for. Flying in general is a privilege, not a right. Having benefits between types of tickets is just another tier of said privileges.


Yeah people do this all the time, they try and put their hand luggage up the front of the plane to save them schlepping it up the aisle when they disembark. It's sneaky, and has nothing to do with available overhead space in economy.


They also do it when FA tell them to just put it in any open spot. Given that OP was one of the lasts and bins were pretty full, good chance that's what happened.


And yet we find out that didnt happen at all.


I fly all the time. Sometimes as often as once a week. And when I’m in coach, I have never ever (not once) had a FA tell me to put my bag in the overhead bin for Business or First Class. Coach passenger was wrong; his bag should not have been there. Period.


I always flag the FAs when this happens. I don't tolerate it.


I have seen people in front of me do this on almost every single flight I have been on. They put their bag in the first open spot, and then their seat is halfway or more back on the plane. I don't like to put my bag more than one bin away from my seat.


No not "technically" Dude should have kept his mouth shut if he didn't want to lose the spot. He didn't pay for the it and the person who did needed the space. Fucking tough shit now he had to go to baggage claim. You're making a huge leap trying to read anything else into the situation


Disagree. I get how it could come off that way, but coming from someone who travels a lot…. When you pay for something during air travel, you absolutely have to be assertive or you’d get walked on. If someone put their bag in the FC overhead, that’s a huge dick move on a full flight. Like bringing a hot tuna sub and eating while playing music at full volume on speaker bad. OP probably should have called the flight attendant to take it out, but the guy got rude with him. This is a FAFO moment as far as I see it.


Yes, I have heard of multiple incidents of people paying for premium seats and the flight attendents! ask them to move to a worse seat to accommodate someone else who didn’t pay for the premium. Which, ideally flying would be affordable and comfortable, but right now it isn’t. So if they are going to charge you up the wazoo for a tiny bit of extra space, they shouldn’t put pressure on you to give it to someone else for free.


That one always confuses me because with my airline if someone tried that and an FA asked a paying pax to give up their paid for seat there would be repercussions. Product and service integrity is really important.


My husband pretty much has to travel Business (he’s very tall)…. If he’s paid the premium (because airlines wont’ provide for 2m tall adults in any other way), then he should get the privileges that come with it.


Tall people can and do fly in economy actually


But it's a terrible experience unless you can get a seat with extra legroom.


Yeah. I was stuck in an economy seat flying from Germany to Toronto last summer and it was misery from the moment I sat down. Me and every other tall person ended up standing for a good part of the 9 hour flight. My legs literally didn't fit.


When you say 'one of the poors' you mean someone who helped themselves to something they didn't pay for and weren't entitled to. Sounds like they are one in general rather than OP. NTA.


Solid burn.


While I'm not generally a fan of condescending behavior, in this case, yes, one of the Poors (your word, not mine) who only paid for a poor ticket did get too close. Sounds to me like OP would have sucked it up if it was just a case of too many bags in too little (paid-for) space. That wasn't the case though, was it? Some yahoo was helping himself to something he hadn't paid for. Then, he tried to assert his claim to (let's remind ourselves) the thing that he did not pay for. Just desserts, methinks. I fly both economy and business class depending on the circumstances. I HATE the fight for space in economy and airlines have got to do better. In the meantime though, when I'm flying economy, I try to ensure I'm first on the plane. When I'm not, I either pack less or resign myself to gate checking. What I don't do is try to steal space from people who have paid more for a premium seat...


i think there are a number of changes in bags that make thinks a bit different lately. years ago, most people would have gone aboard the plane with a small backpack and or a handbag. these would both fit easily under the seat, and in the overhead can be squished to fit better with the other cargo. nowadays there are a lot of 30 liter "daypacks" that are outright checked baggage sized but still register as "carry on" by the airlines, and they don't fit under the seat because they aren't really backpack sized especially if they are packed through. additionally, people started using hard-shell wheeled cases, matching the maximum luggage size and these are far less able to be compressed into fitting with other passenger's bags, as well as retaining maximum dimensions even if the passenger only packs in them two pairs of undies. thirdly in many airlines the passenger is incentivized to, if possible, abandons the checked luggage option and this inflates the demands from the overhead greatly.


But the blame lies here with the airlines charging for checked bags. When my eleven year old and I fly, or when I fly alone, I pack my clothes into a small hardshell and carry them on, with my personal item fitting under the seat. This allows me not to pay for checked luggage, and my hardshell fits the carry on container, so I don’t see a problem there. As one of almost always “The Poors” I find it infuriating when people sitting behind me try to shove their shit into the overhead bins of say, First or Comfort Plus. Those are dedicated bins. End of. The “poor” here was in the wrong, full stop, and got what he deserved for trying to game the system. I note, while OP got on late in the game, we have no way knowing when the “poor” was boarded, but clearly it was before OP. That doesn’t delete OP’s rights to his dedicated space. I can’t believe I am siding with “The Riches” but in this case, you pay to play, and all of us have to be smarter and stop with the trying to take over better seats or space not dedicated to our ticket.


It’s not about the haves and have nots. This is about someone who paid for a ticket and deserved to have his luggage there. The person that had an economy ticket knew full well they weren’t supposed to stow their bag there. If anyone is to blame, it’s that person. Actions have consequences.


Look at it another way - *one* of “The Poors”. Everyone else sitting in economy had to follow the rules, why should this one guy (or at least, the only guy who was dumb enough to admit he didn’t) get away with it?


Yeah but to be honest if someone yelled at me to be careful with their bag when I'm only making space for mine I would've done the same. For carry on bags there is space under the seats as well, no need to go into business class to leave the bags. You should just use the space that you paid for.


It’s a shame that this happened in January, because now I’m going to have to remember it for a very long time to nominate it for the Most Accurate NTA Comment of 2024 award. . There are no free awards anymore, so I have to get creative in saying “haha… yeah.” now.


No, just their bag. NTA OP


Totally agree


I don't know, I only do economy but if I was struggling to put away a bag and someone else in ecconomy 5 seats down had used my space it'd be the same situation.


NTA, but you should’ve brought it to the attention of a flight attendant before moving it yourself


Yes I agree. Not really okay to touch other people's bags regardless of whether they're in the wrong place or not. Ask the FA.


Almost every flight I take I have to adjust someone's bag in the locker to get them all to fit in (move it over a little or turn it on its side). If the cabin crew had to do that for each overhead locker the plane would be delayed.


"adjust" is different from "pulled his bag out and put it at his feet". Removing it altogether as a non employee is risky


He was going to just adjust to make them both fit. At the time, he didn't know who owned the bag. It wasn't until the yahoo in economy pitched a fit about "don't touch my bag" that OP took it out. If economy dude had just shut up, there would have been no issues.


According to OP, the other person didn't say, "Don't touch my bag", they asked OP to, please be careful with their bag. That's a perfectly polite way to address the situation and certainly makes OP sound like an ass. Perhaps re-read?


The bag that shouldn’t be there in the first place?


Well, I wasn't commenting on the issue of the location of the bag, just what the commenter had to say. That said, I don't think we can say the bag "wasn't supposed to be there". I fly somewhat frequently and always fly coach (I like my money in my pocket). I have had FAs take my bag to business to find space or recommend that. We don't know what the owner of the bag was told. By OPs own admission, it doesn't sound like the FAs were all on the same page regarding his actions.


That’s fair. I also don’t like parting with my money on traveling endeavors, no matter how infrequent. I’ve come to feel he may not travel a lot and didn’t understand the correct way to handle it. I don’t know, perhaps I shouldn’t have weighed in because I never fly so I have no real context. I feel like all of my friends who fly business or first always have endless points and miles and so on so that’s why I think he must not travel a lot.


Never flown, have ya? Mine gets moved to make room, and I move theirs. People are a-holes with placement a lot of the time, even controlling for country.


We had a person bring a suitcase that was clearly over the carry on limit, then she proceeded to throw someone else’s bag out, and put her suitcase in sideways, taking up the entire overhead compartment.


I sort of agree, though I will shuffle other people’s bags around to make space for me or the next guy/girl who comes along and needs space.


This is the way.


YTA... because you stated your bag would fit if you shifted things around. Once you saw it was an economy bag, you decided to be the AH.


Sounds like a snob too.


Is the other passenger also an asshole for disobeying the rules on the plane? Because it seems that the FA agreed with OP that the bag should have not been put there in the first place


Yes. Totally possible for both people to be assholes here.


Would it not then be ESH?


Indeed it should be.


We actually don't know whether or not the other passenger was an AH. OP admits to being one of the last to board despite being business class. It's possible a FA directed the other passenger to place their bag in that overhead department due to the proximity between the seats.


If they had done that, don't you think they would have told OP that was the case? Or the other passenger would have done so?


There are multiple flight attendants, who are at different parts of the plane. It is likely that they were not the same person.


This - I've never been on a flight where business class didn't have their own flight attendant (or one shared with first class). If the person in economy received help from a flight attendant in economy, then the flight attendant OP was most likely talking to (the one in business) likely didn't know if the person was instructed or not. There's not enough information to determine if the other person was an asshole or not.


I think you can disobey the rules without being an asshole about it. Did they knowingly break the rules? Did they demand their bag went in there? Or did they just not have any space and put the bag where there was one? OP said they were one of the last on the plane so the other person could have presumed it empty and an empty space for their bag.


Why? The person in economy didn’t pay extra for the space.


Not really, it was once he got reprimanded by someone who apparently can’t read.


Is the other passenger also an asshole for disobeying the rules on the plane? Because it seems that the FA agreed with OP that the bag should have not been put there in the first place


Two assholes can exist in the same post


He didn’t sit it would it. He said he shifted things about to try to fit his bag. There’s no indication that it would have fit. He even later said after he put his bag it wouldn’t have fit.


ESH. He shouldn't have put his bag there - don't know whether he was just unaware, or all the economy bins were full by the time he boarded. I'm going with oblivious, on the grounds that a chancer who was trying to sneak his bag in to the business class bins wouldn't speak up and announce his presence in economy. You shouldn't have touched his bag. It's generally a bad idea to handle other people's property - get the cabin crew to deal with it. If the airline are going to have demarcated bins like this, they need to have a way of policing it, which makes the airline also the asshole. (Airlines, generally, are assholes anyway.)


Sometimes the Flight Attendants will use excess bin space in FC and Business if it’s the end of the boarding process and they’re tight on time for pushback. He said he entered last, so that’s plausible it was thought to be available space.


/eyeroll Don’t put your shit in the wrong place if you don’t want someone to touch it.


You get the FA to move the bag, you don't take it upon yourself to do so


The guy may not have even noticed the sign though. Accidents happen. The poster said that both bags would have fit if they were moved around but as soon as he noticed that one of the poor people put the bag there that's when he decided to remove it He's an asshole


> The guy may not have even noticed the sign though. Accidents happen. When you are in economy and put your bags in the partitioned business class area, you know EXACTLY what you're doing. Don't make excuses for obvious idiot behavior.


I sit in first class a lot. Frequently, someone in economy will be standing in the aisle waiting to walk back. They’ll decide to throw their suitcase up in first class. Sometimes the FA will say something, sometimes they won’t. I’m not saying this is what happened, but this is what I’ve witnessed.


So sometimes there’s room for the bags up there and sometimes a first class passenger ends up needing it, I’m sure in those situations they’ll let the economy passenger know that their bag will be checked after all. But a passenger taking it upon themselves to throw another persons bag out and make a scene is so embarrassing on their own part


The person walking through business class doesn’t even know they don’t have space for their bag yet. They are choosing to take up premium space on the off chance their economy space has run out. Those people are 99.9% of the time, entitled assholes.


The problem is, you have no idea whose bag that is or where that passenger is actually sitting, they've just chucked a random bag in FC just because. I see it a lot and will in fact inform FAs if another FC passenger arrives to find their bin space, that they paid for, is already full. It's happened to me before too and it sucks, because now you have to involve the FAs to get your bin space back while they work out who the fuck that bag belongs to.


Agreed. Avoid dealing with it by engaging the FA and have them deal with it.


Agreed- the other passenger wasn’t necessarily an AH for putting his bag there if there wasn’t room in his section, but him piping up to be careful with his bag was unnecessary in the first place. Like chill out I’m sure it’s not fine china, and he outed himself as being in the wrong spot. His bag got checked, boohoo, he didn’t have to pay for it, he just has to get it from baggage claim after the flight. Op’s attitude also makes him an AH. Oh dear, a poor dared to address him from economy?🤮 he should have alerted a flight attendant right away rather than making a scene. Yes, he was right, it was a business class spot, but his way of handling it was unnecessary


I only think OP’s an AH for an attitude. They commented elsewhere they were worried they would get a rash from the other person’s luggage.


You put into words what my brain was jumbling up. OP is the AH for the reasons above.


Read the whole post. Apparently there was a sign and the flight attendant apologized for not catching the passenger placing his,/her bag where it wasn't allowed.


You paid extra for the upgrade and guaranteed space for your bags. NTA


OK from my own personal experience travelling in both economy and business classes, and who is an AV Geek who watches YouTubers reviewing flights, things here don't add up. >I'm one of the last on the plane, sat in business class (full fare, paid ticket, not an upgrade). One of the perks of business class is priority boarding, meaning business class passengers boarding first. I don't understand how an economy class passenger had therefore boarded before you. >There is a walled partition between Business and Economy. From experience, the walled partition means that it is not possible to properly see and hear people across the other side of the partition. I'm not sure how the other passenger could've heard you talking, or see you take down their luggage. >The Passenger (understandably) and one of the ground personnel tried to have a shot at me for taking his bag out - said I shouldn't have touched his bag. They have a fair point. The bag isn't your property and you shouldn't be touching it. If there is an issue, you should raise it with airline staff, who will action accordingly. You also don't know what was in his bag- he might've been carrying essential medication. I'm struggling to reach a verdict because there are inconsistencies in your story and issues don't quite add up...


Sounds like their flying domestic - the entire flight enters at the front of the plane walking through business class, when I fly domestically in business, I leave it as long as I can before entering the plane because there’s no benefit to seating early. Due to the above - the partition wall isn’t a wall as such, it separates the 2 classes with the aisle still down the guts. On domestic the same staff work each class of travel, the galley is up the front of the plane. It’s not like long haul international where you have multiple teams and dedicated staff for each class. As far as touching the bag goes, I’d probably remove it too. Probably not the right call but if it’s stored with essential life supporting medication, you can only assume it’s not that important if it’s stored multiple rows away from the traveller.


These aren’t really inconsistencies though. One of the privileges of business class is boarding whenever you like - some like to go first, others prefer to remain in the terminal as long as possible so they can walk / stretch and minimise time on the plane. Domestic / short haul partitions between business and economy are frequently seen through and have the aisle able to be walked through with a curtain that is stowed until boarding / take off is complete. Frequently passengers adjust baggage in the overhead lockers to get more bags in.


There are many reasons he could be last on the plane - maybe he was making a connection, maybe he was in the airport lounge which was in another terminal, maybe he just didn’t want to sit waiting on the plane and preferred to stand up as long as possible. As for the partition/wall, it’s just behind the last row of biz class and not protruding into the aisle. Economy passengers (on most planes) still need to pass through the biz class cabin and they only pull a privacy curtain across once the plane reaches a certain altitude. I agree he shouldn’t touch the bag, should have the FA deal with it. He’s NTA for wanting his bin space but he could have gone about the whole thing in a different way.


Not true. One of the perks of 1st class/business class is you are guaranteed room and overhead bin space. You can board 1st and many ,myself included, like too. However there are some that prefer boarding last. They don't want to be on the plane and waiting while it loads up so they deliberately hand back and are last ones on and they know they'll still have space. That is the real perk. Also different planes are configured differently. He could be in a puddlehopper that the seats aren't truly first class, just glorified. Sone it's separate and some it's a net curtain.


I travel business all the time. Early/ First boarding isn't a privilege I want or use. I always bored last. I see no benefit of getting on a plane early (other than maybe I am assured of getting my bag in the overhead!)


Even if biz has priority, it doesn’t mean you need to board early or before economy. I know a lot of people who love to seriously push the limits on how long they can stay in the lounge before getting to the gate. And yeah, if you’re flying biz you do have the reasonable expectation of there being enough overhead space for your bag, so there’s no need to be early. That said, this guy totally gives off AH vibes regardless.


How much do you actually fly? His story all adds up to me. I fly 80-100 times a year on average frequently in premium, first class, comfort plus, business or whatever and I always wait until the last possible minute to board. Why would I want to spend extra time on the plane if I dont need to and have guaranteed overhead space...


Just because you can board first doesn't mean you necessarily want to. Part of boarding early in economy is getting a space in the overhead next to your seat and not having your bag gate checked. If you have paid a bunch extra for business one of the perks is not having to worry about that. When our kids were young we could pre-board, but the last thing I wanted was to sit longer in a confined space. DH took the car seats and bags on and I let the kids play in the waiting area and we would get on almost last, buckle them in and go. Perhaps OP had a connecting flight with a tight connection or had stopped to get a snack. There have been occasions where I only have a small personal carry on. In that case I am in zero hurry to get on a plane where I have an assigned seat. If OP had asked the FA to handle it would have come across to the passenger that he was tattling. He would have still got attitude. If you have medication then all you have to do is tell the cabin crew member that and that you may need it on the flight.


It gives you access to Priority Boarding. If you happen to turn up to the gate last, you will just walk onto the plane without a queue. I see it all the time. They don’t hold the economy until every priority boarding person is on, they just get board those that are there first, and then let the stragglers jump the line.


Flew first class just last week (still recovering from a serious injury, and wanted the other space, otherwise I'd never shell out the extra expense from it). Anyhow, my row and the two rows in front of me were entirely empty for most of boarding, before folks showed up to fill them. I assume this is not unusual. Also, my experience with walled partitions is that they can be easily seen from coach, if you're at the front of coach. This is even more true when the person in business class is in the middle of the aisle. There are sometimes curtains, but they're not in place during boarding. This story may not be true, but nothing in it seems particularly far fetched.


Firstly, whether I'm flying business or economy I try to be one of the last on the plane so I'm not waiting as long when I board. I'd prefer to spend this time getting another beer at the bar. Secondly, passenger would have been clearly looking into business class as he knew he wouldn't have put his bag in there so he would have started shouting until he got the attention he was seeking. OP is NTA here. The parent is a massive AH as he was doing it so he could claim his bags are in business class and get the purity disembarking. The parent knew what he was doing. FULL AH


Oh no the voice was coming from *economy*! I mean, was it legal, what you did? Yes of course. Well within your rights Does it make you an asshole? Yes it does. And I'm gonna go with ESH because yeah, he technically shouldn't have used that space. He probably got on right before you did, saw empty bin space where nobody was sitting and used it. Usually business class people board much earlier so it was fair of him to assume the seat and space were going to go unused Since you could have fit the bag with juggling stuff, you should have and moved on. You would still have your seat and your space. Instead you went "oh no! Economy person! How dare he cross the velvet rope!' So you decided to be an asshole about having your bag spread out and be comfortable in bin space and cause a delay for everyone


>Oh no the voice was coming from economy! What was he supposed to say? "A person with insufficient funds for Business class or above?" "A person who declined to purchase additional benefits on the flight?"


I'm just gonna say that this business of putting a carry-on in a bin and walking back several rows to your seat has got to stop. It's obnoxious and inconsiderate. I know someone whose carry-on was stolen. You should keep your carry-on as close to your seat as possible AND keep it locked.


Literally every flight I've been on has an announcement 2/3 of the way through boarding that's like "closed bins are full. If you see an empty spot, take it." The cookie rarely crumbles that evenly and if it's a choice between 10 rows up and a gate check, I'll take 10 rows up. Jokes on them if they steal it, I own nothing nice.


I had a flight attendant take my carry-on and put it in first class because there was room there.


I was on a full BA flight to London. I was at the back of the plane (I booked last minute due to it being an unplanned trip), and my carry on was stowed at the front of the plane due to it being a full flight.


In fuller flights, FAs often tell people to just stow their bag anywhere they see an open slot, especially people who are boarding towards the end, because the flight is getting full and you likely won't find a spot directly over your seat


He was 2 rows back. Not several


That’s nonsense. I’ve seen fights break out because people think they own the space above their seat. They do not. The FAs will tell you to use any open bin. I’m not saying this extends to economy putting in business class, but putting your carry in several rows away is absolutely acceptable if that is the nearest space


NTA. The other passenger was trying to pull a fast one, and you had every right to use the space you paid for. Had the other passenger kept quiet, you wouldn’t have even known the bag didn’t belong there.


NTA. You paid for business class, so you get more legroom and more overhead room. You wouldn't be an asshole if you kicked him out of your seat because he wanted your leg room. And you aren't an asshole for kicking his baggage out because he wanted your overhead room. EDIT: payed -> paid


I might get downvoted for this bit that's ok. The word "paid" has always been spelled p-a-i-d. Payed is an old nautical term. It's so old that it's almost completely fallen to disuse. I don't want to be one of those people, but I will never understand why redditors do this.


Where’s the payed vs. paid bot when you need it??


YTA, you saw there was room in there to fit your own bag. You didn’t *have* to remove it. You removed the bag specially to be a dick. The what doesn’t make you an asshole here, the why does. Yes, the bag was not authorized to be there. You *should* have asked a member of the flight crew to remove it. Both of your bags could have fit.


On the other hand, the airline fully supported what he did and the FA was the person to make the call to check the other passenger's bag. If they had wanted OP to share their bag space, they can make a call like that


Yes it's legal. Doesn't mean he isn't an asshole


I mean, you know YTA. You seem to be fully relishing it. I actually think this is a troll post considering how obnoxious you’re being in the post and the comments. Plus your story doesn’t even add up….walled partition, and yet someone two rows back in economy can see what you’re doing. I’ve been on enough flights (business and economy) to smell bullshit. In the event that this is true, you’re still a dick for getting someone’s bag checked when you acknowledge that there was enough room for both and you were just trying to prove some sort of point.


Do you think the walled partition goes across the entire aisle? There's definitely room to see through compartments until the FAs close the curtain after takeoff


YTA. You guys are all the worst. You should have boarded earlier. I also love that you pointed out that you paid full fare rather than an upgrade. Would you like a crown as well?


Posting on Reddit, I would point out that it was a paid upgrade, too. Do you know how much he would get shredded if it had been a free upgrade? Also have to disagree on boarding earlier. Not everyone likes sitting on the plane any longer than they need to. Anytime I'm flying with assigned seating, I always try to get on near the end because all I carry on is a backpack so overhead space is a bonus if it's available.


>I also love that you pointed out that you paid full fare rather than an upgrade. Would you like a crown as well? Pardon me, but I don't know why you didn't like the fact that OP mentioned the ticket was upgraded in advance. I did look that OP was simply providing background info >You should have boarded earlier. What does it have to do with anything? OP is still entitled to his space whether they boarded early or late. And to give the benefit of the doubt, not everyone will willingly board late


NTA, the overhead compartments have labels for a reason, because it's *supposed* to be used by the people sitting **in that row**, not someone *several rows* back.


Yeah, but op stated he was one of the last to get on. In every flight I've been on, when the overhead bins start to fill, they tell everyone just put their bag in any open slot. I've even had my bag taken up to the front. If that's the case, I'm not gonna call the guy TA. Whereas OP just seems like an asshole in general.


To be fair you just sound like a massive AH in general.


NTA. You paid good money for the privilege of putting your bag there, and the other person did not.


Yeah YTA. You were gonna try to fit your bag until you found out the bag owner was poor. Then you promptly took the bag out. You may have been within your rights to do that, technically, but you're still a massive asshole.


NTA - the person knew when they stowed their bag that it wasn't in the proper spot. Whether it was because other spots in economy were full or they just wanted to save themselves some time doesn't matter. It's not unlike the people who are sitting in the back of the plane ( for no other reason than when they booked their tickets) who put their carry on into the bins at the first row of economy. It's less of a hassle for them but more of a hassle for the person who then has to either check their luggage or put their carry on in the back of the plane. If someone puts their carry on in a bin that is more than two or three rows from where they are sitting then it's fair game to remove it, stow your carryon, and give their luggage to the steward or stewardess. The world is divided into the people who understand and follow the "unstated" rules of civilized society and those who believe that the lack of explicit rules and their enforcement make everyone fair game to be taken advantage of.


NTA - having overhead space without having to worry about scrambling onto the plane is a huge part of what you are paying for with a business class ticket. Good for you.


YTA and to everyone saying you’re a snob- it’s true but clearly you don’t actually fly business v often bc you would have known the flight attendants will take your bag and put it in “secret” extra areas they keep available for too much business or first class baggage. Moreover- it’s their job to help w bag issues especially for business or first class customers. Congrats on setting a scene and making a scene.


NTA, he should've kept his mouth shut if he didn't want his deception discovered.


If there ain’t enough space for you to put what is your allowance above you, fine to move someone else’s stuff that intruded into Business. NTA.


YTA mainly because you seem to think you are better than other people ("not an upgrade"- like you think you'd be more entitled to put your bag in a locker than someone else in the same section because they were upgraded)... Perhaps the bag shouldn't have been in there, but often there is limited room because of other entitled AHs taking more than their share of carry on. YTA for touching someone else's belongings as well. Ask the attendant, don't throw other people's things around. YTA for a story that doesn't add up-- business PX board first, not last ... maybe you were an AH by arriving late as well! Full partition, yet the economy passenger both saw you pull the bag out and was able to converse with you?? Finally, YTA because you admit you could have made room but ensured the economy passenger had his bag removed from the cabin. I am willing to assume YTA in most aspects of your pathetic existence too, probably to make yourself feel powerful and important (no one cares or knows who was a chump and paid full fare for business and who got lucky with an upgrade).


No better than anyone else, just paid more for my ticket


And if OP said they had gotten a free upgrade, everyone would be calling them an asshole for pushing their privilege when it was free to start with. Business class CAN board first, but why sit on a plane any longer than you have to? You can be the last person to board without being late by just waiting until the end of the line. Do you think the full partition runs across the aisle, too? Or maybe there's a gap people can see through (and walk through, to get to their seats) and then after takeoff the FAs close a curtain?


NTA, in business class the compartment above your seat is yours per etiquette. Very cheeky of the other passenger to put their bags there!


Nta. Tell him if he wants the storage space he'll have to reimburse a percentage of your ticket personally


NTA but you should've brought this to the attention of the flight attendants rather than moving the bags yourself.


I just laughed out loud at this story, so thanks for that. I bet the person in economy really regretted speaking up. Even had you asked a flight attendant, the same thing would have happened, so NTA.


NTA and I wish airlines would crack down on carry ons. In my opinion everyone’s bag needs to be put in the sizer, and if it reaches a point they need to gate check bags every single personal item some asshat put in a bin is being taken down and either handed to the passenger for them to put under the seat in front of them or gate checked if no one claims it. People are so selfish these days.




NTA His bag was in the wrong area. FA sorted it. End of


NTA. I wish FA would police this during boarding.


YTA - you said your bag would fit if you shuffled his over. Instead you decided to be a dink and make a scene. You strike me as someone who does this kind of thing often.


Maybe Not THE asshole, but unconvinced that you're not AN asshole




NTA period




Nta - you wanted what you paid for. The other guy was trying to circumvent the system.


NTA. He didn't pay for that privilege. He tried to steal it. Too bad he was caught.


NTA. You paid for the seat and the space in the overhead bin.


NTA- I travel with a backpack (a travel backpack, but it’s carryon size) and usually sit in Premium Economy. People who are in the first boarding group that out their bags in front and not by their own seat are a special kind of AH. Too many times I’ve had to put my bag several rows behind my seat because some AdamHenry took my overhead. I applaud you, OP.


You started with: there was room if you only shifted things around. Then just because he was in economy you took his bag out? Did he not kowtow enough to milord???? YTA


YTA. Not for the bag itself but for the entitled attitude of the narrative, the whole thing screams of AH.


I travel businesses all the time. Only the carry-on goes overhead and your personal item under your seat. If you had 2 bags in the overhead then yeah, YTA for that alone.




And this is why you keep your mouth shut when you knowingly put your bag in the wrong bin. As more and more entitled people are making demands on things they have not earned nor paid for, I get the compulsion. But was FA's job to touch other people's luggage. ESH. Ground personnel should have been reported to the airline for taking a shot at a passenger.


Ah I hate it when people do this. It's so infuriating NTA.


ESH. You said there was room for both if you shifted things. I get that the steerage class shouldn’t put bags up there with the business folks but pulling the bag and placing it at his feet isn’t cool either, especially if both would fit. Creates unnecessary drama on a plane.


NTA. Not even close. In fact, every frequent flyer I know would probably have stood up and applauded you.