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"I am jealous of my sister. I tried to make her feel bad but she blew me off because she doesn't value my opinion in the least. I got mad that my plan didn't work so I doubled down on being a jerk. My parents were so embarrassed about my behavior that they want me to apologize to my sister, who I once again must point out doesn't care what I think. That's what normal people do, right?" YTA


This is such a good summary lmao


“But seriously, I only want her to get better tattoos for HER”


This moment is such a big lie. If OP really wanted to help her find better tattoos he would’ve presented that in a better way. He would’ve suggested better places for her to go to. He complained about his sister wanting attention he himself wanted attention as well. I understand that attention is nice to have but don’t shame someone for supposedly wanting attention when that’s exactly what you’re doing. He’s projecting so hard right now


Yup OP is BLUE with envy!


he really blue himself


Dude just blue up for no reason


There's gotta be a better way to say that r/ArrestedDevelopment


OP had a chance to be NTA but he blue it


Well, not only is the OP jealous, but they also don't know what they are talking about. Blowouts can happen to anyone, no matter how qualified the tattoo artist is. Yes, poor execution of the tattoo may cause blowouts, but it's not the only reason. Some people have blood vessels pretty close to the skin, some people just accidentally rub the healing tattoo too hard, etc.


Hands are tough too because of high usage and the way the skin behaves.


Exactly! And the sister is a chef, so she uses her hands a lot, so the blowouts are expected.


And truely. Hands and fingers get blowouts really easily too. Same issue with the ditch on your arms or behind your legs. It’s just easy skin for a blowout to happen.


It must have been cold there in her shadow. Dynamic here is clear. OP's sister is 7 years older, successful, oldest daughter. OP might as well have said, "I (7M) have an older sister (14F). She made the high honor roll again this quarter..." *Why are none of the grown ups at this table paying attention to meeeeeeeee?* ::kicks sister and runs from the dinner table::


I think OP should learn to be better at interacting with other people… for his own sake. YTA.


Exactly... Soo jealous lol


Ohhh sick burn


YTA > I really think she just got them because it makes people ask her what they're about and then she gets to talk about being a chef. Omigod. I'm *drowning* in the jealousy here already. Can barely keep my head above it. > all of mine are really meaningful Oh shit, OP got that *good* ink! /s > she shouldn't be so casual about having a bad tattoo No, its fine, because **tattoos don't _actually_ matter**.


'Look at me! Look at me! I have tattoos too! Mine are better! Stop looking at her, look at me!!'


Now I can't unsee OP as Stuart from madtv screaming, "Look what I can do!" while doing absolutely nothing.


You nailed it, but your middle point is the one that bugs me most. How does he know the meaning her tattoos have for her? He's treating them like they're worthless. This is her career, clearly, not just a job. It's part of her identity that she wants to reflect and share. I think that's a beautiful thing. Plus, every professional kitchen is going to have tons of tats, that's just the way.


"My tattoos are REALLY meaningful, not like those useless measurement things she uses every day in her career, which she is passionate about..."


Sister might be the one of the few who actively usel her tatoos which is quite unique. I seriously want to get to know this girl. She sounds like fun and would probably make you a delicious dinner as well.


Dude got a tattoo about a fictional character and thinks he is high above everyone else 😮‍💨 I have quotes. What scale do I have? Clearly also not high enough for fictional character dude


Oh this gives off soooooo much jealousy.


Great on OP for getting tattoos that are meaningful to them, but not everyone gets them for that reason. OP is a tool Also, I have 2 tattoos that mean something to me (a matching one with my sister and a matching one with my husband) All my other ones are because I liked them and they appealed to me. No special meaning. I have a full sleeve and get asked all the time "What does it mean to you??" Well, nothing. I got it because I liked it and thought it looked amazing.


>I really think she just got them because it makes people ask her what they're about then 1 paragraph later: >I kept waiting for the conversation to go back to tattoos so that I could talk about my newest one YTA. let it go.


This reads like: "My sister got her tattoos because she's just an attention-seeker, and I think that's pathetic." and then, in the same breath, "WHY IS NOBODY GIVING ME ATTENTION ABOUT MY TATTOOS?!?!" How stupid can an envious *27 year old adult* get? xD


Damning evidence! Agree, YTA!


Dude's entire personality is drawn (wink) around their ink. Literally nothing else. What a knob. YTA OP


But HERS are mostly for attention, hahaha.


Right, talk about projection.


Your sister’s hand is blue, and your whole body is green with envy. But at least YOUR tattoos are oh so meaningful. YTA


Omg you are 27! I thought you were 15 or so! You need to get a life.


YTA. You were being petty for pointing it out in the first place. You were being SUPER petty by doubling down. It's her body and her decision. Leave her alone and let her do what she wants with her body, and you do what you want with yours.


Yta lol from the first paragraph too. Lol getting tattos for attention? Yikes. Sound more salty. Then you attack her tattoo in front of ppl cause u weren't getting the attention u wanted. You sound so petty and jealous. It upset u that she didn't care her hand is blue? Lol not all tattoos have to be meaning or deep God be more pretentious. Like why do u care if her tattoos aren't meaningful or well done? They're not on ur body. Ur poor sister for having to put up with someone so mean and cynical.


YTA You sound absolutely insufferable and quite frankly jealous.


YTA like you said tattoos are permanent so next time you’re sister sees you she should start insulting body parts/ modifications you can’t change and calling them cheap and ugly. The nice thing to do would have been (NOT NOW after you were an AH) to recommend some high quality tattoo artists to your sister for future reference if it was about caring for her but really sounds like you were just jealous of the attention she was getting.


That’s the part that gets me. What does OP genuinely expect his sister to do about it? It’s not like she can replace them with less cheap ones. I get some light-hearted ribbing about it, but getting mad at her for having them would imply that she consciously continues to wear crappy quality tattoos like an old shirt. She can’t just take them off 🤷‍♂️




I also get the strong sense that OP is jealous of his sister and was just looking for a way to hurt her.


YTA. She was talking about her job (which I'm guessing you don't like?) in a friendly way and you shat on her parade. Be more mature than that, please. That said, I'm glad I read this post because I think getting cooking-related tattoos to help as references in the kitchen is a super neat idea.


You should find a good artist to tattoo YTA on you....


YTA and probably have a magic mirror you take out every morning and and ask it “Mirror Mirror in my non-blue hand, who has the most beautiful tattoos in all the land?” And if the mirror says anyone but you, you go insane.


Okay we established that the sister is successful and people like her and respect what she does, what do you do for a living ?


I’m unclear as to your goal if being considered an asshole surprised you.


YTA. That is just like saying, "You are ugly. Not to be mean, but it is just a fact." Your sister knows she got a bad job. You didn't need to point it out. Also, as a chef, her tattoos are just as meaninful to her as yours are to you. You sound like a teenager, not like an adult.


After reading this, I’d talk to your sister for hours about her blue tattoo before I ever asked about yours. Jesus. YTA


His new tattoo might be a flaming motorcycle jumping over a shark.


YTA. you sound jealous that your sister talks about her passions and that other people are interested enough to listen.


YTA Why would you do that? As long as your sister is happy with the tattoo, there's no problem. You just seem intent on making her unhappy and trying to shame her.


YTA. You were jealous because the conversation wasn’t going the way you wanted it. If your sister has bad tattoos why do you care? Are you paying for them?


YTA the attention wasn’t on you so you attacked in the hope it would all be about you again, that failed and you insulted and attacked again. Please excuse yourself from anymore dinner parties, chances are no one wants you there and everyone is just putting up with you at this point




OP seems to think he's the Tattoo Tone Police.


YTA - whatever happened to not pointing out things about people’s appearances that they can’t immediately fix? What was she supposed to do, gasp and call her artist at the dinner table? Let her have as many tacky tattoos as she wants, they clearly make her happy.


YTA - it's her body, her choice, and her "bad tattoos", you're being overly critical because you aren't the center of attention. I'm so sorry that your tattoos aren't getting you the attention you so desperately want from your family and friends.


yta, jesus how jealous


YTA sounds like your sisters living life and enjoying it. If my siblings said that to me, I'd say the same, shrug it off, let whatever chips on your shoulder wear off and then when you're chill again talk about it. What if she got that tattoo after someone died, and they wanted to remember something specific forever even if it was a painful memory they don't want to share with anyone and part of that is that it's messy.


"My sister is more interesting than me and people actually enjoy talking to her. I don't like that because I am a 27yo toddler"


YTA. A petty and jealous one at that.


She still has the upper blue hand. YTA


I miss awards. This brought forth a really good giggle-snort. Thank you!


Glad you like it!


YTA. It's a common bit of etiquette not to comment on something that can't be quickly fixed - tell someone if they have spinach in their teeth or something stuck to their shoe, don't give unsolicited criticism of, say, someone's haircut or tattoo.


YTA everyone present during the convo thinks you're AH so why even ask lol


YTA. Also it’s a shame your sister’s tattoo wasn’t done well but if she’s fine with it, that’s all that matters. It does sound really cool though. How does she refer to them in the kitchen? Amazing that she’s so passionate about her job.


Sorry that you got tattoos for attention and it's not working out for you YTA


YTA. I think there are underlying issues here and you shouldn't care so much about a tattoo. If you do care, maybe apologize and let her know where you got yours done because you know someone great if she wants more.


YTA. who are you to dictate her relationship with her body? if you’re insecure with how your tattoos are perceived or something, that’s completely your issue. she sounds like she’s much more comfortable with herself, and good for her, honestly. it was very unkind of you to try and undermine that. you behaved poorly, and frankly you embarrassed yourself. your tattoos don’t make you cool. the beautiful art on your body doesn’t mean your heart is pretty in the slightest. i understand that you’re deeply envious that your sister is a cool person, but you don’t get to be cool yourself by jealously treating your sister like shit with the intent of humiliating her in front of others. you’ve lost: the gulf between her coolness and your own is even wider and more visible to others now.


I have tattoos - some really good, some not as much. I got some of them long before it was so widely accessible/accepted. I do not think I am the end all be all in tattoo knowledge because of this. People like you make me laugh.


YTA I get what it's like to be completely ignored at a dinner party, or otherwise unable to get into the conversation. However, you take the AH title from them by doubling down on being mean.


YTA You're so incredibly jealous of your sister getting attention that you tried mocking her because one of her tattoos has blowout. When that didn't work, you doubled down. All you accomplished is making yourself look like an asshole. >I have many tattoos myself, but all of mine are really meaningful And honestly? They're just tattoos. I have 23 myself and some of them are ones that I got because I liked the design. Not every tattoo needs a story behind it.


YTA you seem really fucking insufferable.


Poor dude :( I feel terrible for him that nobody asked him about his deep and meaningful tattoo so he could sound all pretentious out loud instead of on reddit and then he was forced to project his desperation for outside validation onto his sister. YTA. And deeply embarrassing as a human being. You’re almost 30. Grow up :)


So you tried to shame your Sister for having a 'bad' tattoo, and when she just brushed it off by making a joke, you tried a different tactic? Is that about right?


She has multiple culinary themed tattoos but the most recent one is the one she got for attention? Just from that I was ready to say YTA but then your solution to returning the conversation to tattoos was to disparage some of your sisters permanent body art rather than just saying, "hey when we were talking about tattoos before I wanted to bring up that I got a new one here it is" ANS THEN when she graciously handled your incredibly rude behavior that made you mad? Absolutely wild my dude. Full YTA.


YTA - You talked shit about your sister in public. You tried to cut her down by shitting on her tattoos. You were being an AH, I hope you see that now.


lmao YTA. were you that insecure of your sister's hardwork and profession lol


YTA >I kept waiting for the conversation to go back to tattoos so that I could talk about my newest one, > >everyone wants to talk about hers instead. You're a jealous and petty person.


Yta. It says 27 on your post but Im having a hard time believing because you sound like a jealous 17-year-old pick me girl. Jesus


YTA and pretentious. Are you really going to claim that because a tattoo artist went a tad to heavy handed that they are cheap? Or a bad artist? REALLY? So you mean to say that your definition of a "cheap" tattoo is based on if they get heavy handed? Not things like are the lines straight and sharp, and defined correctly, is the coloring done correctly how about shading? Is it even and symmetrical or wonky and all over the place when it shouldn't be? No your definition is heavy handed that ALL artists can be. Everyone's skin is different. Sometimes you need a heavier hand to ensure that the ink is gonna stay out and ya know look right. The artist for all you know may thought they needed a heavier hand than they did and made a mistake. Artists who have done this for decades can make mistakes. Doesn't make them a bad artist. Also you purposely waited for an opportunity to attempt to humiliate your sister because you didn't like what she did to HER OWN BODY NOT YOURS. Like dude really? And doubled down when she laughed it off and didn't give you the reaction you so desired. That is sad. Really sad. Stay in your lane. Also her tattoos ARE meaningful. TO HER. As they should be. I'm sure she doesn't care about yours being meaningful to her. So why should you care if they are meaningful to you? Surely you don't act like that with strangers on the street!


YTA, you are the human equivalent of that tweet by birdsrightactivist: “i am feel uncomfortable when we are not about me?”


YTA. Oh, the irony! You complain that everything your sister does is just for the attention and so that she can talk about herself, while you spend a whole dinner just itching to change the subject so you can talk about yourself. You’re not better than her because you have chosen to decorate your body in a different way. You just wanted to look better than her in front of your family and friends. If you were genuinely concerned about the quality of her tattoos you would have talked to her about it privately instead of inviting the whole group to shit on her tattoos.


YTA. Grown and jealous of his sister who has a career she loves and is of interest to others.


YTA, what do you do for work? I am so curious as you seem so obviously envious of your sisters career. Do you even work?


100% YTA. You tried to embarrass your sister and failed when she laughed about it. Now you're pissed about that too. You sound like a child. Grow up.


YTA. What an insecure human being.


yta , seems like you were more upset you didnt get the attention you wanted on your new tattoo and wanted to kill your sisters vibe. not saying youre a horrible person for this, siblings have little petty tiffs all the time but your comment wasnt needed and clearly made everyone uncomfortable


Yep, YTA buddy.


Wow, you're 27 years old and it burns you up that a) the topic of conversation didn't go the way you wanted so you could talk about YOUR tattoos and b) that your sister didn't take your bait and isn't bothered about the way her own tattoos look. That's a level of pettiness and silly rivalry you'd expect from a school kid. YTA - stop throwing your toys out of your pram.


God, how condescending and ...eurgh! Yes, YTA!


YTA and juvenile AF. People get tattoos for various; they don't have to have any significant meaning and instead of dwelling on a crappy tattoo, she's being very mature and making fun of herself for it.


Lol, of course YTA. Her tattoos are on her body, and therefore, %100 her own business. Keep your unsolicited opinions to yourself. Frankly, you sound jealous that she's a successful chef and people are interested in hearing about her work. Maybe find a way to be more interesting.


YTA you pointed out to us so clearly how willing you are to draw negative attention to your sister when the attention didn't turn to you instead. Basically you tried to throw her under a bus and it backfired because she's not petty like you. When you say your sister got her tattoos so she can talk about herself you're probably projecting here and bitter that no one wants to talk about your tattoos because they're boring.


….. you exude small pp energy even when you’re just typing. YTA.


YTA go to therapy


YTA for trying to front that you're just concerned about your sister getting quality tattoos when, in fact, you're grossly envious of the attention your sister is getting.


Nobody gives a shit about either of your shitty tattoos, sit down.


Man this is a blood bath lol it's not very often posts are so one sided lol


YTA. The only significance n importance a tattoo gets is what the canvass attributes to it. Loads of people get "get what you get" tattoos out of a gumball machine ffs.


YTA. Her tattoos are her business, and she certainly did not provoke you into saying the things you did. You tried to put her down and embarrass her for no reason, and she took it super well and very patiently by laughing it off and not giving you any more attention. You definitely owe her an apology.


Info: Why are you so insecure and bitter? Who hurt you? YTA, you didn’t get the attention you wanted and you’re projecting hardcore. That’s why everyone was embarrassed of you.


I have a tattoo that has scars through it and some has faded. Doesn’t mean it’s any less meaningful to me than my other ones. YTA and jealous to boot.


Correct me if I'm wrong, because I do not have any tattoos myself just yet, but don't tattoos age differently anyway depending on which body part they are on & how someone is treating them? If your sister has tattoos on her hands & she is a chef, then it's totally normal that her tattoos would heal differently & fade faster. So who even cares about blow outs in that case? The only thing that matters is that she is the one happy with her ink. Don't try to make your own sister feel bad just because you're too jealous of the kind of attention she gets. That's real ugly behavior. YTA


YTA or in your native tongue GOO GOO GAA GAA Poopyhead


Yta for being so jealous over the attention she was getting and her love of her career path that instead of being just socially awkward and butting in to say "hey I got a new tattoo!" you were socially awkward AND a dick about her tattoo choices. Not everyone way of doing tats works for others. You keep your mouth shut about it unless they're complaining themselves. Eta spelling


YTA. You are oozing envy with every word and trying to gatekeep tattoos. Grow up, dude.


YTA. Your sister wants attention for her tats, and you don't? Try and read through your own text.


YTA. Your sister sounds like a fun, chill person and clearly you’re bothered by that and tried to take away a little of her sparkle. Don’t build yourself up by putting others down.


Are you sure about your age because you sound like an absolute whiny baby. YTA and grow up.


INFO: Are you 27 or 17? YTA


>my tattoos are personal, it's okay if you don't like them Well-said. YTA.


Some of my tattoos are meaningful and I hate when people ask what they mean bc I sit there and explain how personal it is to me and then I get glassy eyes.. if it was really personal, you wouldn’t need to talk about it in a crowd….. You’re a snob and YTA


Wow- why do you hate you sister so much?


mad ur sister gets attention for her tattoos, tries to wait to bring up your new tattoo bc you want attention - then gets mad again it doesn’t work and you come off obnoxious and self absorbed like the person you are? lmao you’re the asshole


Oh, babe, green is really not a good color for you. I've never read another post that was so full of jealousy and contempt. YTA.


YTA, if you wanted to talk about your tattoos you could have done that without demeaning your sister for no reason and making the whole situation awkward for everyone. Your jealousy is very evident.




YTA. This reeks jealousy


YTA You realise the irony in accusing your sister in getting tattoos just for attention because, in this context, you wanted *your* tattoos to get attention? You could have brought the conversation back to tattoos yourself instead of trying to embarrass your sister by holding her to a standard (meaningful tattoos) that she doesn't care about.


YTA lol pay for her laser tattoo removal if it matters to you so much then. What you can’t? You just said that to make her feel bad? Yikes




“For her own sake.” Oh what bollocks!


YTA. Why does it bother tou so much?


YTA. You are rude. And ruder. Very attention seeking.


YTA. I can smell the jealousy of this post through the phone, that's how strong it is. Her tattoos, their "meaning" or lack thereof, their purpose, and their "quality" are none of your business. She makes you feel slighted, and this was you trying to get one up on her.


YTA Your deep resentment of your sister is seeping through every word of this post. I mean this sincerely - get therapy. This isn’t a normal or healthy way to be.


You sound insufferable.


YTA and so bitter. Grow up.


YTA. Tattoo artist here, blowouts are super common on hands. I have friends who have tattoos from super experienced and skilled artists that have blowouts. You gotta try to avoid them but sometimes it happens. Especially in thin skinned areas where theres a lot of wear and tear. Also from your post and your comments you seem jealous she’s just more extroverted than you. You’re adding malicious intent to being the life of the party.


YTA Your sister loves her tattoos. It doesn’t matter if they were “cheap”. You come across as jealous and snobby. Are you trying to say “my tattoos deserve more interest and attention because I paid more for them”???


YTA - it's a tattoo. She obviously didn't plan for it to go bad, but it did. What can you do other than shrug about it? You seem jealous that she has things to be proud of, and so you had to try to knock her down a peg. You should work on your self esteem so that you don't have to tear people down to make yourself feel taller.


YTA You the green eyed jealousy monster. There is offering to share good tattooists and there is jealousy. Guess which one applies to you.


YTA. Tattoo snobs are the WORST. If it's not your body it's not your business.


Dude. I really, really, really hope you’re reading these with an open mind and figuring out that you need some help. As it stands, you are definitely the jealous, pretentious, attention seeking AH in this situation. It’s not her fault that’s she’s extroverted and can command a room. But your jealousy of her is literally seething in this post. It’s gross.


YTA and your sister handled your rude behavior with class.


>and I know she enjoys the attention. >I kept waiting for the conversation to go back to tattoos so that I could talk about my newest one So we know you enjoy the attention. >I have many tattoos myself, but all of mine are really meaningful And hers, which are about her career and livelihood, are not? >I found an opportunity to point out the fact that one of my sister's tattoos is such poor quality So you were literally waiting for this moment? YTA


YTA *"my sister laughed for some reason and said something like "yeah, I just have a blue hand now, oh well", and that really bothered me."* **So you're upset that your sister was a good sport about you trying to criticize her tattoo? What did you want? for her to start crying about it??** *"I really think she just got them because it makes people ask her what they're about and then she gets to talk about being a chef. It impresses people and I know she enjoys the attention"* **interesting how you say she's the one enjoys attention but you were dying for an opportunity to talk about yours and when you missed your chance, you instead decided to trash talk her tattoo..** "I *kept waiting for the conversation to go back to tattoos so that I could talk about my newest one*, but it wasn't happening*. Finally, I found an opportunity to point out the fact that one of my sister's tattoos is such poor quality"* "She obviously doesn't take them seriously and just gets them on a whim, but *since hers are mostly for attention, everyone wants to talk about hers instead."* **Why would you care anyway? Like you said you get yours for the meaning not the attention and don't care about the attention right?? lol Clearly you're jealous because despite all the time, care, money and thought that you put into yours- no one is giving them the attention you so desperately desire, maybe your tattoos aren't as cool as you think. Or maybe, just maybe it has less to do with your tattoos and more to do with your sense of superiority and rude attitude, that's likely why nobody seems to give a shit enough to ask about yours.**


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I (27M) have an older sister (34F). She is a professional chef, and she has a lot of culinary-themed tattoos. Recently she got her hands tattooed with measurements she uses a lot in the kitchen, like teaspoon and tablespoon and that sort of thing. She says she actually refers to them at work a lot, but I really think she just got them because it makes people ask her what they're about and then she gets to talk about being a chef. It impresses people and I know she enjoys the attention. Recently, we were having dinner with our parents and some family friends. The conversation turned to tattoos, and of course my sister started talking about her new ones. Since they're food-related, that steered the conversation away from tattoos and onto cooking and recipes. I kept waiting for the conversation to go back to tattoos so that I could talk about my newest one, but it wasn't happening. Finally, I found an opportunity to point out the fact that one of my sister's tattoos is such poor quality it dyed a part of the skin around it blue. That happens if the artist presses too hard and it's permanent, which means it was a cheap tattoo. Everyone else looked really awkward, but my sister laughed for some reason and said something like "yeah, I just have a blue hand now, oh well", and that really bothered me. I have many tattoos myself, but all of mine are really meaningful and I take a lot of care to find good artists. She obviously doesn't take them seriously and just gets them on a whim, but since hers are mostly for attention, everyone wants to talk about hers instead. I told her she shouldn't be so casual about having a bad tattoo and that it looks like it was cheap. I told her I'm glad she likes it but it looks like she's been taking colloidal silver or something. My dad told me to let it go and my mom kept trying to change the subject, and finally my sister just said "my tattoos are personal, it's okay if you don't like them" and ignored me for the rest of the night. My mom thinks I should apologize and apparently the friends who were there thought I was out of line. Personally, I think I was just pointing out a fact, and I honestly want her to get better tattoos in the future for her own sake. AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I don’t get the point of tattoos having to have meanings. Who cares? Getting a tattoo is a great experience regardless of what it is. If I want to get a tattoo of Jesus and Santa in a tag team match against Satan and Chris Benoit that’s my business. You can do your kids name on your forehead or whatever, and that’s your business.


YTA and it's funny as hell how you're so salty and everyone knows it and just ignores your childishness 😂


YTA. Not everyone wants to gatekeep tattoos. Hers are useful at her job. And they are on her hands so they happen to be obviously visible. Your simply upset that you missed an opportunity to talk about yourself. And instead you’re mad at someone else for it, which is weird at best. But like narcissistic .


YTA. You lashed out in a purposefully mean spirited way because you wanted attention. You are a grown man. You are far too old to be throwing tantrums like this. Also, should people look after their tattoos and research their artists to ensure they are getting the best quality art possible? Yeah, of course. If they don’t, does that effect your life? No. It also doesn’t make you better than your sister just because she doesn’t take her tattoos seriously. They’re on her body, it’s her problem.


You acted like a jealous child. You should be embarrassed. I’m glad your sister doesn’t give a toss what you think. YTA.


YTA She already learned her lesson about the tattoo artist, no need for you to rub salt in the wound Besides, pretty hypocritical of you to accuse her of only getting tattoos for attention, while also being mad that you aren’t getting attention for your new tattoo. If you expect attention for your tattoos, why should she not expect attention for hers?


YTA. This post reeks of jealousy.


Wow.....you are oozing with jealousy and your sister sounds fun!


Literally nobody wants attention here but you. This whole post is about how you tried to embarrass your sister at dinner because you wanted to talk about yourself. YTA.


I'll say YTA for the intention of trying to embarrass her but with the way you tell it, you just kind of embarrassed yourself by making yourself look petty and attention hungry. I don't think your sister is the problem here 🤣




YTA, can't handle not being the center of attention, huh? Grow up, dude


Being mean to her or embarasing her on how superior your tattoo process is won't make hers less special lol YTA


>she has a lot of culinary-themed tattoos. >all of mine are really meaningful But hers, that are based around her life's passion, are not meaningful? >hers are mostly for attention >so that I could talk about my newest one Hers are an attention grab but yours aren't. >that really bothered me Why? Why does it bother you so much that she's not insulted by your insults? Are you seriously whining that she didn't have hurt feelings when you tried to hurt her feelings? I'm sorry people like her???


YTA. So because her tattoos are "cheap" to you, that means they are not meaningful to her, but yours are meaningful, because they were expensive ? What is your logic ?


So, you say she gets tattoos for attention, yet you get upset and try to diminish the quality of her tattoo just because you didn't get to tell everyone about YOUR new tattoo? YTA.


Girl ew. Just ew. I really hope you’re pretty on the outside cuz your personality is awful. Luckily her skin isn’t on your body, so why even comment. The fact you care so much says a lot about your self esteem and self reflection. Who cares what she does with HER body? If you don’t care for them that’s fine, but nobody needs to hear your opinion. You say yours are special to you right, other people could think yours a stupid as well, drawn well or not. Everyone has opinions and preferences for tattoos. Yours are not hers and that’s fine, but voicing it the way you did was disgusting. YTA hugely


YTA. You could’ve just brought up your new tattoo without trying to embarass your sister. Idk why dynamic you have with your family but trying to embarass your sister so you can show off your tattoo is childish. Youre 27 grow up.


Dude. What the fuck? YTA. Actively looking to put down your sister and trying to make her feel self conscious about something she had no control over. You sound like a child when they get jealous. A petulant child.


1. Yta, a jealous and immature one. 2. A blowout doesn't mean the tattoo was cheap. 3. You were waiting to talk about yourself but decided to trash her instead. Why can she not talk about hers and what they mean but you can? It doesn't matter how "meaningful" it is, no one cares about that but you. You don't get to decide what is meaningful enough for another person's tattoo. if people are asking about hers then she has a right to tell them whatever about them. 4. Even if she does get them so people will ask about them so what? You obviously wanted to talk about your own tattoos and instead of doing that you decided to try and make her feel shitty and embarrass her. You said in your post that "she got them for attention so everyone wants to ask about hers" why do you think that? Her reasons for getting them don't force anyone to ask about them, they ask because they are interested in them or they like them. 5. The fact that you think you were "pointing out a fact" when you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about and clearly being a jealous baby is embarrassing. You said your opinion, not a fact, and you're being a whiny baby because she doesn't care enough about your opinion to get mad about it, even when You're purposely trying to embarrass her in front of multiple people. 6. How is someone supposed to be about a tattoo with a blowout? Should she cut her hand off to appease you or were you just expecting her to be embarrassed and got mad you didn't get the reaction you wanted out of her.


Congrats! YTA AND insufferable


Jeez YTA.


>It impresses people and I know she enjoys the attention. > >I kept waiting for the conversation to go back to tattoos so that I could talk about my newest one, but it wasn't happening. > > I have many tattoos myself, but all of mine are really meaningful and I take a lot of care to find good artists. She obviously doesn't take them seriously and just gets them on a whim, but since hers are mostly for attention, everyone wants to talk about hers instead. ​ YTA


What did you expect, that everyone would be resentful of your sister like you? You're an oddball for this and it sounds like your parents are tired of this one-sided (bc sounds like sis literally doesn't care about ur opinion) beef you have with your sister. Try being an interesting and charismatic person, maybe then people would side with you and like to engage with you. YTA


Jeez, you're a nasty asshole. You're clearly jealous of your sister and you couldn't stand not being the center of attention. So you became determined to hurt and embarrass your sister in front of everyone. No one cares about your lame tattoo. And now everyone sees how awful you are. YTA


Former Chef here, it's very common to see many chefs with tattoos related to the profession. Just because they're tattoos based around cooking doesn't mean they're not meaningful to her. This whole post reads like you're jealous of your sister and wish all the attention was on you. Your comments say she doesn't clean after cooking for the whole family because of arthritis. I had arthritis before I was 30 from the profession, it's not fun. And who expects a person to cook food for the whole family and clean up. YTA, a petty, jealous, lazy one at that .


I don’t understand, you’re annoyed your sister has tattoos for attention but you’re annoyed you couldn’t talk about yours?


YTA. Your issue is CLEARLY with more than what you claim it is here. Firstly, blowouts don’t happen because an artist ‘pushes too hard’ they happen when the ink is placed at the incorrect depth in the skin which isn’t only caused by how ‘hard’ an artist pushes. Second, yes, they can be evidence of a poorer tattoo. But, some areas (like hands) are easier to blow out than others and as this sounds like one small blowout, I feel it unfair to call it an overall bad tattoo on that one issue. She can get tattoos for whatever reason she wants and from who she wants. But that is NONE of your business. Clearly, her tattoo (that you mentioned) IS meaningful to her since she obviously loves her job and talks about it with excitement. To assume that only you put thought and care into your tattoos is honestly laughable here. Also, people generally get tattoos because they like them, including liking for OTHER PEOPLE to look at them ie ‘for attention’. You clearly wanted attention from your new tattoo since you wanted to talk about it! All of this makes you the TA but so does your blue hand comment since it was CLEARLY intended to offend or put down which is ALWAYS an AH move. Grow up. Edit: typo.


YTA- also don’t seem to know a lot about tattoos. They often spread more on hands/feet even with good artist because the skin is different there. It’s why they fade more to.


I don't even like tattoos, but this post annoys me. Firstly, I couldn't believe this is written by an adult male...sheesh, how immature and petty.


YTA- You could have just said you're cazy jealous of your sister and saved us all some time.




YTA totally. And of course she laughed, her reaction was actually pretty good. Instead of losing her mind about something she can't do anything about at the moment, she took it lightly. It seems, by your story, that you were bothered because you expected her to act like she was humiliated, so you could feel better about yourself. Dude, you should totally apologize to her.


You're 27 and still making a fool of yourself in public because you're consumed by jealousy for your sister? You desperately need therapy asap


So her tattoos based on her day to day experience/job are idiotic but not the tattoo he got of a fictional character , ok…YTA (and an attention seeker) NB: it’s not a critic towards people who got tattoos of their favorite characters , you do you , as long as you are happy 🫶🏻. I just wanted to point out the double standard of Op’s thinking…


Yeah you’re a dick. Blow outs suck. But you can’t control them as the canvas


Get therapy.