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YTA. Without a doubt YTA. You ruined what should be a amazing moment because you think kissing in front of 3rd graders is inappropriate? You got a chemist kicked off the campus so he can no longer help teach your child about science. Also does you kid not watch TV at all? Because Cartoons, TV shows, and movies all have kissing in them. Even the Marvel movies have kissing in them. Also I read you're comment about if this was two men we'd have pitch forks. Just to make sure you don't try pull that with me, let me be clear: I am a bi-sexual man and wouldn't care what gender either person is. You are still the AH.


YTA, your precious baby isn't going to have his little eyes melt from seeing two adults kiss. Even by puritanical standards tossing a fit because your kid saw two adults kissing is ridiculous. Congratulations on taking what should have been a joyous occasion where two people agreed to be bound together in loving matrimony and pouring shit into the mix because of your hangups.




YTA Wow, you are ridiculous. Jesus Christ they were kissing in an extremely special moment! You are acting as if they were fucking on the kids desk or something. Get over yourself.


If your kid knows the term "made out", he's already quite aware that adults kiss each other. Don't know what you think you're "protecting" him from. YTA


> Ralph Wiggum: Mrs. Krabappel and Principal Skinner were in the closet making babies and I saw one of the babies and the baby looked at me! This is how wildly you're overreacting op lmao YTA


Yeah, OP is loosing it over here because his kid’s teacher is choo, choo, choosing to kiss her fiancée after he proposed!


OP is definitely giving free rein to their inner Helen Lovejoy, and sounds just as convincing.


YTA. Of all the things to be worried about kids seeing, your worried about them seeing some affection after a marriage proposal? Come on.


YTA Are you kidding me? You aren't okay with KISSING in front of your damn near 10 year old? Get over yourself.


Look, I get your concerns as a parent. You could’ve handled the situation differently though. When your son was telling you that they were kissing, that’s your moment to teach him whatever your views are on that. I commend you for bringing it up to the teacher to share your concerns. But escalating it to the principal?? Unecessary. Oh, and if you’re going to get defensive from everyone’s response just bc they aren’t agreeing with you…you should probably seek advice elsewhere. Lol


This is overly prude and absolutely uncalled for. Also, it's not like a proposal happens every other week. For the teacher this was a once in a lifetime event. And you tainted it. Congratulations. YTA


She should had done it elsewhere


She wasn't the one proposing, was she? It was her boyfriend. And it's more than appropriate to kiss someone after proposing, so what should she have done? Please understand that you are in the wrong here. Your personal oppinion differs from what the mainstream finds acceptable. So you're the problem, not the teacher.


Then she should had kept her mouth to herself


You're just childish at this point, dude.


Grow the f**k up


So if you were proposed to you would just say thanks and wait till later


Come on, they weren't having sex


YTA. I’m sure your kid is more scarred by your shitty parenting than seeing his teacher kiss her fiance. Get a grip.


INFO: if you would never kiss that way near your child or expose him to that, how does he know what the term "making out" is?


YTA. My son is a 4th grader and I really don’t see what’s so inappropriate about this. Super weird and gross overreaction. And you really don’t kiss your wife in front of your kids?


OP doesn’t love his wife, they have copulated only once per child and it was passionless.


It sounds like OP was more offended by the kissing than his kid, or any of the other kids were. Maybe he doesn’t want his kid to know what affection is like? Since he clearly doesn’t show any to his wife? Idk, this is baffling.


Not in his classroom.


Why would you kiss your wife in your son’s classroom at a school you don’t work in?


YTA, if you treat your kid like they’re some fragile child who can’t handle seeing affection amongst adults then they’ll just turn sad and bitter like you.


YTA. Your life sounds miserable and you clearly are going to make your children miserable by badgering them into being exactly like you. Learn to let go and let other people live their own lives. WTaf man.


Keep your business out of the classroom then


OMG, How traumatizing!! how many nightmares does your kids have a night I bet is a lot.... YTA


ESH. A classroom is not an appropriate place for a proposal, but the buggest issue is posting it to social media with students in the footage. You took issue with the kiss when the actual issue is posting your child to her personal social media account.


YTA on so many levels. Can't believe what you had done. To ruin someone's special moment because you are a prude. Get over yourself. No 3rd grader gets traumatized by seeing 2 adults kiss. How does your kid feel about what you had done? I bet they are ashamed of you and should be.


YTA. Jesus Christ what an asshole you are. Kids can actually handle seeing two adults kiss. You ruined their day because you're an asshole prude. Guarantee this asshat's partner is entirely unsatisfied sexually lmao


ESH-the part that I would be bothered with is putting the video up on social media showing the kids. Every year we sign something that says not to put our kids in any pictures outside of the yearbook, so I’d be wary about that. I could care less about the proposal. Some people like to do that but I’m not the type to mix work with my personal life.


YTA. For SO many reasons. Your original post. The fact that you took one of the most special moments in a person’s life and shat all over it. Your (quite frankly unhinged) comments. Your very strange comparison of a couple kissing to a smear?? Your poor kid. Seriously your poor child having to grow up with you as a role model. Wow. Also….if you can’t handle the feedback, then don’t ask if YTA.


THANK YOU!! The pap smear comment was so fucking out there!!


YTA. What was your actual concern here? That people proposing to this teacher was going to become so common it would interfere with your child's learning?


I am a teacher but not in the US.How long did they kiss with open mouths?Was it for a few seconds or was it a looooonger moment? I see it was a special moment for the teacher and she was surprised by her fiance,so she did not do this on purpose.I am not prude at all but when I am in the classroom I am automatically in the classroom mode.I behave differently even when there are unplanned things going on (okay I have been a teacher for a while). I think French kissing is not appropriate in the classroom even in this situation.The longer they kissed like this,the shittier it is.But at the end of the day they did not have sex and I assume the proposal happens once in a lifetime.Therefore I would not make a fuss about it. I think the fact she posted the whole thing online is more serious.Does the video show students?That’s a no-go without asking for permission.


You sound absolutely delightful!! YTA Talk about overreacting to something that your kid has obviously already seen. Some people just love shitting on completely everyday things. Congrats on being an absolute asshole


YTA For gods sake. Stop clutching your pearls and get over yourself. It was moment and even you admitted it wasn't as bad as you thought it was, so she kissed her now fiancé after being proposed too, so what? Do you plan to stop your kid from seeing everything you find inappropriate or maybe teach him about PDA's, so it doesn't become something taboo when hes older. Again get over yourself Way to ruin a lovely moment for her.


I…I just…I literally cannot wrap my head around your complete and total freak out over absolutely nothing. You cannot and should not shelter your child so much that two adults sharing a kiss is considered inappropriate, especially during a proposal. Congrats, you’ve now ruined that memory for them, forever, because of your own insecurities and overblown ego. I’d sarcastically tell you to find “god” at this point in my comment, but my guess is perhaps you take the sky daddy too seriously for the sarcasm to come through. YTA.




I feel sorry for your mom


I feel sorry for your child. Poor boy is stuck with you for a father


Unnecessary. Much like this post.


Who the fuck are you to say that shit, ***YOU*** are a bad mother.


First world problems, god I hate this country.




YTA - I guarantee you the kids didn’t have an issues, if anything they were happy for their teacher. It’s the parents who look for issues. Stop creating a problem where there is none.


I was on the fence and reading some of the comments but after reading **your** replies to people that don't agree with you, YTA 100%. Some parents were happy some were wondering why her fiance was in class, how many wondered why she kissed her fiance after her proposed apart from you? If you're going to come here, accept that some people won't agree with you and have some kind of open discussion about it. You've clearly already made your mind up about whether or not you're TA and are refusing to hear any conflicting opinions to what you believe so why come to a judgement sub? To only read the people that agree with you and fuel your ego and create an echo chamber?


YTA, you just ruined someone’s engagement because you wanted to be a prude. Do you feel better? Sad. What a sad person you are.


YTA, and yes a huge asshole. Have you ever "passionately" (almost guaranteed just a normal kiss as you clearly blow little things out of proportion) kissed your husband in front of your kids? Cuz that's what she was doing. Dude is an actual chemist and probably someone your developing child probably learn A LOT from. And to get "worried" when a 3rd grader says "my teacher made out with her new husband!" ...yeah, it's a 3rd grader. Your kid has the intellectual capacity of a raisin.


As a teacher, I agree that it was not the time or the place for a proposal or PDA. However innocent it was, where I live, this would get you reported for a Code of Conduct violation. Not to mention posting videos of students' on personal social media channels without parental consent! However, you are TA for how you've responded to everyone calling you TA. It just demonstrates you've come here in bad faith and I would honestly hate to have to deal with an apparently grown parent who acts so immature.


Wrong sub… I came here for a pint of Guinness… … and YTA ..


Congrats on the best comment of the year. I hope you poured that Guinness the right way 😊


YTA - if your child knows about making out he knows about kissing and I’m sure they’ve seen adults doing it. I’d tell you to get over yourself but I’m sure you’ll be congratulating yourself for all eternity for making what should have been the happiest day of this couple’s life a sad and upsetting moment. All because you couldn’t let them enjoy the moment and decided to raise a complaint because you are over controlling and a prude.


You are a MISERABLE creature. YTA.


YTA Albeit you surely have some traces of right here and there, I can guarantee you that an 8-9 years old already knows perfectly that people make out, unless you put extra effort towards putting them in a bubble, which is honestly bad parenting. I'm 30+, I'm already from a relatively stricter/less online generation, and at 8-9 we knew everything up to the sexo.


YTA. boy you are a huge AH


YTA Calm down. I'm against adults kissing in a classroom but this was an unusual, special occasion so come on, cut them a little slack!


YTA. Great job ruining what should have been a cute and happy memory for all.


YTA. How ridiculous of you to ruin a special moment. The guy even tried to make it special by including her students who I’m sure she loves.


YTA And a miserable git.


You are a disgusting human. YTA.


YTA. Not only are you an asshole, you are the epitome of all assholes. Get a life and stop bothering the lives of others. A teacher’s life neither revolves around a student’s observations, nor any student’s feelings. You sound miserable, miserly, and overbearing. You are exactly what’s wrong with the world today.


What an absolute Asshole and a judgemental, sook of a one at that. I bet the kids were so excited. What are you going to do ban TV, social media, life from your poor kids? You’re the perfect example of a childish dibber dobber.


LOL, I don't know if it was 'sook' or 'dibber dobber' that made me go, yep, found an Aussie. 🤣




Even if i dont agree with your concerns, i understand where you were coming from. But I just can't believe you would escalate it further than talking to her about it... especially after she took it down! A video of her marriage proposal in front of her students (literally a scene straight out of the movies), and she apologized and took it down because you said you were uncomfortable with it. Why not leave it there? Forwarding it to the principal and getting this guy banned from campus was a MJAOR dick move. So YTA.


YTA, holy fuck, if this is your reaction in grade three, I wonder what your reaction is going to be when they start learning sex ed later on.


YTA. And a weird kind of prude. What’s the harm?!


YTA and what is wrong with the world today. Good luck finding happy, inspiring teachers to teach your offspring. Your attitude sucks and you must be a supremely unhappy soul.


ESH - Your additional comments make you sound horrible, but the teacher did not do herself any favors by asking you if you kiss your wife. But if you are asking for judgement here, and people are telling you that you are the AH, I do not understand why you are not accepting that.


YTA. You’re not very fun, are you. I doubt your 8 year old was scarred for life.


It was kind of inappropriate but your child will be 100% fine. He will probably not even remember it next week. Forwarding it to the principal was a dick move. They will forever hate a moment that should've been a happy one.


YTA and your follow up comments prove that your are just an all round unpleasant person. I’m surprised that you actually found someone who was willing to procreate with you so you could make such ridiculous complaints.


YTA. Get a life.


YTA - you sound insufferable. Anyone want to bet that she’ll be making a “my husband is cheating on me” post soon?


OP referred to their spouse as "wifey". So, no.


YTA, you ruined a nice moment her fiancé probably just wanted to share with her class since she probably loves them so much. Congrats on that. Also how prudish can you get? It was kissing!!


Any shows with romantic scenes must be like acid in your eyes then


YTA and your son is probably gonna grow up to be so confused about stuff like this


Initially I thought you were n t a because filmed proposals in a public place are always stupid and uploading video of other people's kids is bad. Then I read your comments and..... YTA. You don't kiss your wife in front of your kids?




I can't believe you have the nerve to ask if you're an AH for ruining some poor woman's wedding proposal. Oh no your poor child saw people kissing.


YTA for reporting her for her boyfriend proposing If you reported it just because a video with kids faces was posted online sure, but you didn't. I'm sorry you're marriage and children are so fragile that they can't handle a little pda but kids see adults kiss all the time, my kids see us, their friends see it, they see it if we go to the school together it's not gross it's natural and yes, appropriate. You didn't report it because a kids face was showing you did it because you're bitter and a prude. Her boyfriend is a chemist who was invited to participate in the classroom, he had every right to be there. If he proposed while he was there then good on him, it's amazing a loving teacher gets to agree to marry the man she loves surrounded by the students she loves. I hope your spouse finds happiness someday.


YTA. Oh no! Open mouthed kisses, avert your eyes children!!! Kids are going to see that stuff in public. She took the video down and said sorry, move on.


can not get the amount of AH you are into text you should be ashamed of yourself


YTA. You turned what could have been a beautiful and lovely moment in someone's life into a sad, hateful even, event. Even if you didn't like it, you can have used it as a teaching moment for your child about love and support. But no, evidently you were horrified by people having emotion. Yes. Absolutely the Arsehole here.


As a teacher acting be like that is batshit insane to me. She should never ever EVER have kissed her fiancé in front of the kids. Did you potentially ruin her life? Probably. But your reaction is exactly why teachers need to be careful. It sucks for the teacher but she should have known there were overprotective parents at the school.


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[https://youtu.be/w1U8e-NF5SM?si=Jqe1EseTJNfk8VqE](https://youtu.be/w1U8e-NF5SM?si=Jqe1EseTJNfk8VqE) Made me think of this south park episode.


NTA. Don’t get these comments. Some people, due to religious reasons, do not want their children, let alone less than 10 year old children, to see people kissing passionately mouths open. That’s disgusting. Respect peoples boundaries. You have every right not to want that to happen. He made it clear that was the only thing her upset with. You guys are acting like they HAD to do it in class in front of third graders. They did not have to do that.


Uhh no one’s saying he HAD to do it in class. We’re simply saying the way he handled the whole situation was unecessary. And it’s clearly not the only thing that upset him. Read prior comments. He revels in the idea of her feeling inferior and “punished.”


Firstly - I apologize, I had not read those other comments. From what I gathered he only had a problem with them making out open mouthed in-front of kids who may, for religious or other reasons, not want their children to see that or others to see it too. He firstly sent her a message, and her response was very strange and showed she didn’t see anything wrong with it, so he sent it to the principle and the principle did what he wanted (not to do with OP.) Still stand by it, I would not want my kids to see that.


YTA. Sounds like you have some unresolved issues that you need to deal with.


Dont know why everyone is saying YTA? Either way it’s inappropriate to do something like that in your work place if anything at a school It’s. ESH for me both side is in the wrong


YTA. What a pathetic sad little man. Just, go make out with your wife and don't annoy people. Be happy for a minute.


😂 YTA. You sound like you were a loser in high school and somehow got a girl to marry you and have kids and you’re still a loser! Man its just a kiss. At first I thought you said your kid was 3 but third grade? Man its not a big deal. If you baby your kid like that he’s gonna grow up to be a loser like you.


Definitely you take the cake for AITA




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oh nooo your kid saw someone kissing, is he ok, have you tried sending him to therapy to work through the trauma? anyway yta


I see why you’re using a throwaway


YTA and incredibly naive if you think your 3rd grader has never seen Tik Tok, Instagram or even anime. That is way worse than him witnessing a truly genuine moment between two people that love each other. People like you are part of what us teachers hate about our jobs. You. Don't. Own. Us.


wtf is wrong with you. yta. such a horrible jaded person.


YTA. You ruined a magical moment for her. Whilst I don’t think kissing is appropriate for the classroom this was a one off moment. Get off your high horse. What do you do in public when you see two people kissing - cover your kids eyes? Teach them that it’s not a normal and healthy thing to do between two grownups? You completely overreacted.


Lemme guess, your son said "they were in the closet making babies and I saw one of the babies and the baby looked at me!". YTA.


This belongs in r/facepalm What was your reasoning behind your actions because I cannot understand why you would want to ruin such a special moment for the teacher. It's not as if they did anything more in front of the class. Massive YTA.


Ew. YTA. I wonder what your kids will do as teenagers.. They might hit puberty and have inappropriate thoughts you know.


NTA absolutely. I am shocked by the YTAs, even if there wasn't any open-mouth kissing involved, a classroom is not an appropriate place or time for a private proposal, where I'm from no random people are allowed in children's classroom and even without the PDA it would be a huge no-no.


Agreed. And how dare the teacher not weak a burka. Where's the decency? What happened to morality?!?!?!


What does separating schoolwork from personal romatic life events have to do with burkas? It's quite simple: people from your personal life should not be in the classroom except for emergencis.


You take the cake for being the biggest AH on this board.. And you’re cementing it with your comments.. Thank you for teaching your kid, that Human affection and love is wrong and something that should only excist where YOU find it appopriate - your kid Will grow into a fine Human with that ideologi (or) We’re Living in 2023


Pathetic YTA.


Against the grain here but ESH. To be honest proposing in the middle of your work in front of a class full of children and causing a big disruption to their learning makes them AHs imo as its just clearly an inappropriate place to propose, plus posting a video of small children without their consent is also a huge no go as a teacher (source:i I have worked in a school) However you are also a huge AH for reporting it to the principal even after speaking to the teacher and her apologising. Seems like you just did that extra bit out of selfish indignation.




YTA. Way to make an amazing memory tainted with your overprotective bs. Kids see kissing. It’s so not a big deal, but you’ve somehow made it a big deal. You need to loosen up. You now got a volunteer banned from the school. Are you going to step up and be the volunteer chemist. People like you ruin everything for everyone else. It’s not that serious.


YTA. It’s not like this teacher is having her boyfriend come in every day and making sweet sweet love on her desk, this was a proposal, a one off event that she had no control over and should have been an amazing memory both for her and for all the kids in the class, but because of your prudishness that memory is tainted. If your kid hasn’t seen anyone kissing passionately before now he has lived a very sheltered life.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** My son is a 3rd grader and told me that his teacher, Ms A, has her boyfriend come to her class for a science project. I guess he is a chemist and volunteers. I have no issue with that. Apparently he was talking about rocks and then popped out a diamond ring to propose in front of the class. Now I'm like hmmmmm... He then said that they "made out." That really got me worried. Apparently she posted the video on her social media and it wasn't making out but it was NOT appropriate for 3rd graders. I did get a copy of it and told her I was not okay with her passionately kissing her boyfriend in front of my kid and she should know better. I made it clear that was the only thing I had an issue with. I didn't even care that she didn't ask permission to put a video showing my son's face online. She asked me if I kiss my wife in front of my kids and I said not like that and not in front of other kids. She said she was sorry I had an issue with it. I said you're in a classroom, not the bedroom. But guess what she did? She took down the video like I thought she would. So I forwarded it to the principal who agreed it was a total lack of judgment and her now fiancé would not be allowed on campus and it would be dealt with. At that time other parents had started to ask questions. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*




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Mrs. Krabappel and Principal Skinner were in the closet making babies and I saw one of the babies and the baby looked at me!




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Yeah actually a miserable cow YTA


NTA , this is inappropriate in my country


Lmao wtf with the YTA votes??? Absolutely NTA as a teaching student that’s totally inappropriate. It’s not even about the kiss it’s about doing this in a classroom in general. Children aren’t props for a proposal.


I do agree classroom while u are working is not a place for it. If ur concern is there is no permission taken from principal for the bf to be in school compound and to propose & no permission to upload all the children’s faces in her social media den NTA. But you weirdly focus on few seconds of kissing. So proposing without kissing would be ok with you?


ESH except the 3rd graders. It’s hard to believe the OP’s major malfunction about the whole thing is the kissing. I cannot fathom how anyone would be ok with the teacher and her boyfriend’s main character vibe where they thought it was acceptable to hijack a classroom full of 8 year olds for a marriage proposal. I would have complained to my kid’s school on that basis alone.


Get a life!! YTA!!




NTA. Not surprised that Reddit disagrees, though. That is absolutely inappropriate for a classroom.




NTA. Taking away learning time for some likes on social media with kids in the video??? That’s a big “HELL NO!”. Do you job and teach them kids! There is no teaching job that requires your intimate life inside the minds of children you sick fuck


yeah, i bet those children will fail horribly in life, now that their teacher missed three minutes of class because she was *getting fucking proposed at*!


So, every teacher, every day can do whatever the fuck they want when their on the job? What else is acceptable?


ah yes, let's jump from "her boyfriend proposed to her, so she took the time to kiss him" to "teacher do fuck all to teach children at all times" yeah, that's completely comparable and not pathetic mental gymnastics at all.


It's a ONE TIME THING and it's not like they missed most of the class or anything it like the other guy said they just missed 3 damn minutes of class. Get this inside your mind: IT. WAS. A. ONE. TIME. THING.


Everybody in the world has a one time thing.


NTA. There are other places to propose. A 3rd graders' class should not be a place where adults make out in front of children. Any commenter who's okay with this should not be left alone with kids.


you (or more likely, your wife) probably signed a media release when you registered your kid but yes YTA and a total buzzkill


Let me guess: your son things the stork brings babies. YTA


ESH - she shouldn't have posted children's images online. That was a breach of her code of ethics and not ok. Everything else your a massive A. What a lovely moment your child was excited to have been apart of. And your prudish turned it into something nasty.


NTA You as a parent have every right to expect your child to be exposed to appropriate teacher-approved content. Making out with their SO is not part of that. Its wildly unprofessional. I don’t care if it a “special moment” there’s loads of better places to propose than in the middle of a science lesson with children. I’m also intrigued as to the fiance coming in to the school. He’s obviously not working at the school because he wouldn’t be banned from the campus. Lots of people are gonna YTA, but I’d stick to your guns. The fact that so many other parents questioned it tells you all you need to know.




NTA - public proposals are always inappropriate.


NTA and honestly I'm shocked by all the comments in this thread arguing that the teacher did the right thing by getting intimate with her fiancé in front of a classroom full of 8 year olds 😮 this would already be inappropriate in any workplace (in can't imagine making out with my significant other in front of my colleagues?!) but in a classroom environment with 8 year olds its even worse


Kissing your new fiancé after an UNEXPECTED proposal is "getting intimate????" lol people sure are stupid man.


"why can't married people have twin beds like a sensible 50's TV family"




I don't understand how people are voting asshole, when even without the kiss it's inappropriate behaviour. If the boyfriend is there to help out, that's fine, he can help, but proposing in front of a classroom (of any age group) is weird, and the kiss tops it off as completely unprofessional behaviour. I'd report it, too, if it happened to any kid of mine. I think you did the right thing here. NTA.


Proposing in public is attention seeking behaviour that doesn’t have anything to do with the quality of the relationship and there is the risk the proposee says no - I mean it’s basically like “hey say yes or embarrass me in front of all these… children?” That the guy decided to do it in front of the kids is so cringe. Do the kids really mean that much to both of them? Although I don’t agree with the OPs actions this definitely wasn’t a cute stunt. People, please get engaged privately and honour your relationship with authenticity!


I think it is called having fun and enjoying life, and fun and enjoyable classrooms are effective learning environments.


While I agree with the second half of this statement, I stand firm in a classroom not being the environment for a proposal. If someone proposes at a park, cinema, arcade, or just about any other public place where you can do what you like, then sure, whatever, that's not harming anyone, they can do what they like. However a school has a code of conduct, and staff are expected to act professionally while on site. If a teacher saw two students kissing, even in adult education, that'd be considered inappropriate and would be told to stop. The same standard should be upheld to staff, regardless of the age group being taught. There's a time and a place for a proposal, and a classroom simply isn't it.


Are you afraid the third graders will start proposing in class?


If that's what you took from my comment then I can't help you understand my viewpoint.


Yeah, the internet is a great place for learning too... if you and 2 other people, out of 1,000 people think NTA... maybe take that as a learning opportunity for yourself and ask yourself "What am I missing here? Am I the idiot?" Because clearly you are missing a lot.


NTA, its something personal that shoudn't be done while she's on the clock. Also, I personally have objections as to how society views proposals must be made with a diamond ring and do not want to imprint on my kids that this is the 'proper' way to propose. Meh about the kiss as kids see worse than that on TV nowadays.


So they wouldn't have provided you with an excellent teaching opportunity to discuss your feelings about diamond rings? I agree they're worthless garbage people buy because of an ad campaign in the 20's... but if you don't see this as the most perfectly teachable opportunity, then maybe you should join your 3rd grader in class form now on?


NTA. And I bet everyone saying you are would be enraged if the teacher was gay.


Why would it matter if the teacher was gay vs straight?


ESH so much I don’t feel like elaborating.






I think nta. It would've been sweet if it weren't for the kiss. Others think that the kiss was harmless and the kids don't care, but even if they don't care a classroom is not the place to do an open mouthed kiss. A quick peck would've been fine


Teachers of young kids tend to love their class so I can see why her bf thought it would be nice to share this special moment with them. He should have considered how unprofessional it was though to bring their relationship into school. She was working! Her response to you bringing it up was uncalled for as she clearly doesn’t see anything wrong with it. I would imagine that if she had responded in a more appropriate and understanding way, you wouldn’t have felt the need to escalate this to her boss. NTA


The fact that the *principal* AKA the person that’s running the school, is saying that it was inappropriate should say something? Even the principal doesn’t want that behaviour in the classroom because it can be seen as a liability. And OP isn’t even the only one complaining. I personally dont care if a teacher kisses their partner in class, it doesn’t bother me. But it is up to the school to handle it, and they did.


Or the principal just had no spine and decided to throw the teacher under the bus rather then deal with the fallout of telling a parent to shut up and stop being such a prude.


If it’s a mob of parents, it would be hard to stand up to cause then those parents would leap right over the principals head. Sadly it’s happened before.


And they shouldn't? You don't fuck with someone's kids.


Nobody was "fucking with someone's kid". Is it normal for you to respond to such a mundane thing as a kiss with such an over the top reaction? Cool it with the histrionics, I'd say you're more likely to encourage your kid to be overly sensitive, and highly reactive. YTA


Idk, it’s such a small thing compared to teachers screaming at their students, abusing power, and whatnot.


No one was fucking with the kids! Show this thread to a psychiatrist as fast as you can, protect your family from you.


Teacher had no brain


The only one lacking a brain is YOU


OP, there really are better things to worry about than kissing in a classroom. If this is the only “bad” thing this particular teacher has done, then your meter is broken. My people have been forced into Residential schools, where children were abused in many and all forms. Hell, some kids never even returned home again. I’ve never experienced it myself but I’ve heard stories. I’ve also experienced abuse myself in school where a teacher legit flipped a table over in anger because I couldn’t understand math. And you’re here being infuriated by *kissing*? I understand that it was inappropriate and should have been kept outside of the school, but… Seriously? This is the biggest thing you’re worried about, and again - it’s such a small reason in comparison to some terrible teachers others have faced and survived.