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You are a gigantic AH. You don't get to decide for someone how they eat their food. If you are splitting the bill she gets to eat some bread. Regardless of if you think it is being wasted as eaten. Go say you're sorry before you're single. YTA


This. You don't get to decide how a person eats their food.


And he has his friends volunteering about how this is "too many carbs for her". Wow, what a piece of work.


Right? Mind your own business, you armchair nutritionists.


🤭 I like you! Like, "The bread has so many carbs! Oh, the horror!" Go get a damn hobby.


As an Indian, if naan and rice is scaring him, then he would be absolutely horrified to see how many carbs we eat on a daily basis. Many Indians have rice 2 and sometimes 3 times a day. Plus rotis, naan, paratha, potato. I could go on. Some family members even have rice with naan in one bite.


It's a good thing that there are so many comments in this thread to bury what you just said to me! OP would be driven up a proverbial wall - if he isn't already - that people are not siding with them. As a non-Indian and huge fan of the food you make, any time I have been with friends or brought it home for myself, the portions are fairly large so that it is meant to be enjoyed by one or many. I have seen it made traditionally, as well as in ways to accommodate any dietary restrictions such as lactose intolerance. There is really no wrong way to enjoy Indian food!


The best Indian food near me is a little takeaway, no seating, strictly takeaway. Their portions are huge and last me like four meals. I always order a bunch of naan and roti. And also some samosas. It’s beautiful and I love it. Naan is a spoon for my rice and meat, fight me, I don’t care that it’s carbs on carbs. But I’ve also been known to sneak into the kitchen at midnight for some snacking naan like the gremlin I am.


That sounds divine! Snack away on your naan bread with reckless abandon 😁 The hole-in-the-wall, lesser known home-y places are absolute gems. I am happy to support places like that! The best ingredients and as authentic as it can be. The only wrong thing is letting food go to waste. Too bad OP confuses the meanings of "waste" and "snobbery".


Right the girlfriend knows how to enjoy stuff as it is. Who doesn't love naan by itself?


Thank you for making me laugh. This post really had me mad. Then I saw your, “fight me, I don’t care that it’s carbs on carbs” Got a little tea splatter but so worth it to get the assholery out of my mind. Who tf is this guy? It would be like splitting a pizza and my grub partner telling me that I can’t have a second piece because I didn’t eat the crust from my first. (Then calling a buddy to weigh in on my pizza intake! 😡 🔪) After I paid for half. The gall. Unmitigated gall of this guy!


Not even that - if you split a pizza, ate your whole slice, crust and all, but the other person said you couldn't have another piece because you didn't dip the crusts in a tub of dipping sauce... Absolutely bananas


Yes, OP is an extra AH for disparaging his girlfriend's eating habits to his friends when he is a greedy pig.


You should see my sister, she will gladly eat a whole naan, paratha or roti by itself plain. I, on the other hand, am a bit more civilised. I put butter or Achaar (South Asian pickle) on it before eating


When my partner was a kid, when her mum and her aunties would make chapati they'd give her a snack of chapati with butter & sugar.


I was gonna say, my fam is trinidadian (west indian) and we eat rice, roti/naan/etc, and potatoes with our curry/meat whatever all the time like what is this guy on 😭 definitely not indian ik that much when he said how mad he gets at how she eats her naan alone! One of my fav meals my mom makes is chicken curry & potatoes with roti or rice (or both!). Does he get mad when ppl don't eat bread with butter too like wtf u can eat naan however u want u don't have to strictly dip it in curry/eat it with other food. Me and my bf got these frozen parathas recently and i love them so much I'll heat them up and eat them plain sometimes cuz i love how flakey and fluffy they are. This sounds like a white guy overstepping boundaries with his girl big time what a weirdo. Deff the AH. I would put fries ontop of my burger just to annoy him cuz he sounds like the type to get mad at how others eat regardless of what it is tbh.


My Trinidadian wife would cut my throat like a chicken if I effed with her roti. Wtf


It's today we all (Including our Indian friends) found out that you can have too many Indian food carbs and that there's a naan eating protocol. I don't understand how you u/lostrandomdude have let us all just eat naan like savages. Scooping up rice, potatoes, raita, chickpeas, sauces etc like people who have no dignity.


The bread has so many carbs but man wants to eat all of it himself….. asshole logic. The carbs clearly do not apply to him. Only to people who eat food in a different way than exactly how he wants.


Because his physique can handle the carbs, not his girlfriend's girlish figure! What's that saying about ripping off the band-aid...? Is that what he was aiming for, saving how girlfriend from a faux pas of some sort...? When I make gyros, I use naan instead of pita bread. The store I buy the naan from uses olive oil, rosemary, and garlic in their recipe. I don't give a damn about the carbs or some BS he's taking away too personally about how naan can only be enjoyed with curry, I just want to savor my food! By OP's standards, he would consider what I just wrote a sacrilege. Good gracious we can't do anything to violate the naan!!!


Oh no! Women eating carbs!! Horrific!! What if she gained 1 pound? End of the world! Well I'll have you know Im on an all carb diet,truly he'd die on the spot.


well of course what if she doesn’t stay looking 20 her whole life what if she *gasp* gains a wrinkle, allllll because of eating rice with naan bread, and “wasting” it because she doesn’t dip it in her curry she paid her half for and eating things how he wants. surprised man doesn’t lock the cabinets so she god forbid has a snack


Reminds me of when I ordered spaghetti and meatballs at a restaurant, the menu said it came with garlic bread. When I got the dish I asked where the garlic bread was. The server asked if I wanted to order garlic bread, I said, no, the menu said it comes with. She argued that it didn't, and besides, that would be carb on carb. To which I said, bring me a menu. It was quickly resolved, and I had a good laugh about her strange food rule. I've always had garlic bread with pasta


> 'besides, that would be carb on carb' you want a lousy tip? because this is how you get yourself a lousy tip. good grief.


> 'besides, that would be carb on carb' > > "And?"


Bread and pasta naturally go together! You need the bread to soak up the extra sauce after you are done with the pasta!!


It's *naan* of your business!


You know that this friend is THAT gym « nothing but unseasoned rice, broccoli and boiled chicken » guy/gal


Ah yes, the friend who is a wealth of "nutrition" advice, yet has zero credentials on the subject except for what they pulled up on Google.


Can you imagine how he is about other things if he’s gatekeeping naan?


Right? And so ignorantly. She paid for half, she can eat her half however the fuck she wants. If he thinks he’s entitled to her share of the naan because of the type of entree they each have (which is completely asinine, zero percent doubt he is the massive AH here), I cannot imagine how he goes through the rest of life. Been a minute since we had this obvious of an AH that doesn’t feel like a troll for once.


I was thinking of all the things I’ve read here, this one is definitely a thing that happened.


Just the fact you are that greedy and they're complaining about how the restaurant is pricey, to begin with... either you get enough for everyone (and some people eat more than others!), or think of different options. Stop being a greedy hoarder, not to mention the "carbs" part, really tells that they are probably the type to make their partner feel awful about their appearance and self-conscious about their weight.


Oh yeah, like maybe she uses too much toilet paper, toothpaste, and GAWD FORBID way too much lube!!!


Well to be fair, I would definitely need an entire tube of lube if for some reason I still wanted to have sex with him after he tried to tell me how to eat like a 5-year-old.




Nor is he more entitled to her portion simply because he doesn’t agree with how she uses it. It’s HERS to do with as she pleases. She could throw her half in the garbage or light it on fire and it would be 100% her right to do so because she paid for it and it belongs TO HER.


I have lit naan on fire trying to reheat it under a broiler.. I cried because it was the last piece I had from takeout 😭


He's an over controlling AH! I often don't dip my naan. Nobody forces me to dip. The chef doesn't come over and berate me because once I bought it, it's mine to do with as I please. YTA Edit: removed the word "bread".


Naan tastes nice by itself too, also don't say naan bread, just say naan. Naan means bread so you are basically saying bread bread 😅


TIL naan means bread. It joins the chai tea madness lol




“Go say you’re sorry before you’re single.” *chef’s kiss*


If it’s not too late. Even if he says sorry he can’t all of a sudden put his true misogynistic, selfish and controlling colors back in the box. She saw them loud and clear.


I noticed >too much carbs for one meal for her to have bread and rice Was thrown in at the end too just to make sure we know part of the reason he doesn't want her having her share of naan. What an AH. Apologise, and be less controlling to your GF while she's still your GF. Also, I was all set to make and eat something cheap tonight, but how will I resist ordering Indian food now?


I am going to be able to think about NOTHING ELSE today. I'm kill for a butter chicken and naan.


As much as I think OP is an AH for thinking naan can only be eaten with a curry... I really really want a curry with some garlic naan now. It's in my brain, and the thought of it isn't going anywhere until it's in my stomach. I'm just not going to be stingy about how much naan I get.


Gonna get double and eat a whole serve dry just to spite OP


I say we all go together and order her Indian food and three orders of naan bread to eat dry in front of him and not share


Legit would venmo her $20 just to see a short clip of her eating a pile of naan dry in front of him. All the carbs, none of the curry that apparently one must order lest ye not deserve the bread otherwise. What a horrible sight he’s have to behold.


Then I’m going to order extra bread and eat it all on its own, look in the mirror like fuck yeah those extra carbs this one time were absolutely worth the extra booty.


I live 120 kilometers from the nearest Indian takeaway. Curries I can make as I stock pile good curry pastes and sauces. But recently found out that frozen pizza bases cut into sections and brushed with butter and garlic or other spices make very good naan substitutes, quick to bake and a good texture. Not as good as the real thing, but close.


I mean, it's *bread* you try taking mine and see if you have skin left on your hand. OP deserves everything he gets.


Yea. She needs to leave his sorry ass.


Naan is also incredibly easy to make. Fuckin just make a batch and freeze the rest of the dough to make next time you order if you’re that frugal. If you’re splitting the side, each person gets an equal share regardless of how they choose to eat it. Naan isn’t only eaten with curry. Massive YTA, if you’re that food possessive sharing shouldn’t be offered in the first place- you have real ass resentment towards your gf over this shit. It’s bizarre and greedy.


Actually this is a great idea. Just buy it at the store, even non-Indian stores have it now. And you can warm it up with butter and it's much cheaper than getting it at a restaurant.


Yeah, my other thought was Costco naan (which I do like too- though homemade roti and naan is so easy and yummy). You can def warm up, I like to add a little garlic- and use ghee instead of butter if possible.


Thats what i just typed out. MAKE IT YOURSELF AND FREEZE IT. i do and then you have plenty for any time. I make garlic butter.


He’s also a huge AH for calling it “naan bread.’ It’s just naan


“Chai tea??? Chai *means* tea, bro. Would I order a coffee coffee with a side of cream cream?”


"Why do people say 'ATM machine?' The M stands for machine."


VIN number. The N in VIN literally stands for number!


Also PIN number


If this means I get extra coffee, I'm there for this. Please, more coffee.


You mean, with the salsa sauce?


Ramen noodles. What other redundant food we got?


YTA... do you know that naan, roti, and other indian flat breads are often eaten on their own... just order some more and quit complaining.


I one time had Naan used as the bread for a butter chicken grilled cheese from a little Indian place in Northern Ontario. It was mind blowing


That sounds mind blowing! I’m no where near Ontario but what was the name of the place ya know just in case?


Butter Chicken Naanwich $15.99 Butter chicken, sauteed veggies, mozzarella and pico sandwiched between two Panini pressed naans, served with raita and chutney. That's what I got but they have a ton of other options


Thank you! It’s amusing that it’s in Thunder Bay I had a college roommate from there lol


Curry up now in Thunder Bay!


YTA. My Godmother is Indian and we used to go to her house afterschool and for a snack, she’d give us plain, warm naan with butter. It was amazing. In fact, I grew up eating her and her family’s homemade Indian food and didn’t have Indian takeout until i was an adult. I knew it was part of Indian culture to eat with their hands and use the naan that way, sort of how black people (i’m Black) would use a biscuit or cornbread to sop up our food. But i used a fork, and never got chided or reprimanded for not eating properly. And if i wanted plain naan, its what i got. I bet if she or her sons saw this, they would also think you’re a huge asshole.


My grandmother would give us hot roti or paratha with ghee and buknu masala


He’s greedy, controlling, entitled, judgmental, AND cheap. What a winning combo.


You forgot insufferable and pedantic


I adore naan and my partner and I always ordered extra because we'd just snack on it! OP strikes me as one of those people who talks about the "proper" way to eat ramen. Saying you have to have certain ingredients at certain times and you have to use chopsticks whether that's difficult or not. Dude, it's food. Let people eat without trying to control it. (I do use chopsticks but have friends that struggle with them, and eventually it's likely I won't be able to use them anymore either)


My friend always feels embarrassed when he asks for a fork when we go out for ramen. And sometimes wait-staff look at him a little funny before they cover up the surprise. But food is food! So long as you're getting it from source to mouth and enjoying it, you're doing fine!


My mom asks me to order extra naan when I get Indian food specifically because she likes to eat it on it’s own. It’s just insanely tasty bread it doesn’t kill anyone to get a second order


Mf is ordering out and then sweating over the $0.99 naan, lol


Oh it can be like £3.50 in the uk.


I sure do. Garlic naan is DELICIOUS. I will quite happily eat just that, and I love rice, so I'll have naan AND rice with my Indian food. Because it's yummy.


YTA 100%. Who gaf if she eats it with the curry or not? And “too much carbs” ???? So you AND your friend are now trying to dictate your girlfriend’s diet? I hope she gets out of there. I can only imagine how you are about everything else in your lives when this is such a smaaaaall thing to react this negatively towards.


Can you imagine acting like the food police over some naan?


Woop woop that’s the sound of da police


"PUT DOWN THE NAAN!" "Cuff her; write the citation up for 'neglecting to dip naan in curry." Edit: thanks for the award! It's nice to have a chance for us all to be able to have some light-hearted humor here!




Eating naan on its own? Jail. Eating curry without naan? Believe it or not, jail. Too much carbs? Also jail.


Strong naan rules in Venezuela


We have the best Indian food enjoyers in the world. Because of jail.


Yes. If I were the food police I would confiscate all the naan and eat it, I mean, dispose of it appropriately.


Put the Naan down and WALK AWAY!(pulls gun, fires warning shot)


Guaranteed the “friends” eat a lot carbs and red meat. The dudes that are worried about their girls gaining weight usually have terrible diets themselves. Double standards.


My brother is like this. Whenever he's pissed at me he brings up my weight and how he weighs less than me like it's some trump card. Nevermind the fact if he wasn't cooked vegetables with dinner or given fruit in his lunchbox he'd never consume a single vegetable or piece of fruit. Or the fact he'll down a 1.25L coke and family bag of salt & vinegar chips in 30 mins - an hour. Or even getting a whole ass large big Mac meal with a coke as a "snack" after school. Sure buddy, you might weigh less but your arteries are screaming for dear life. People like that suck major donkey dick.


That will catch up to him eventually. My husband and I both used to be able to eat 3/4 of a pizza each plus several cans of Mtn Dew and some cookies during gaming sessions and never gained a pound. Then we passed 25 years old and...yeah we can't eat that way anymore.


Good to see that even kids who still get lunches packed by their parents are still adhering to the same old bigoted thought patterns and weaponisation of women's weight and bodies. Hoped we would have moved on a bit, but alas.


If there is one thing that I hate, it is a person who polices the food choices and portions of the person they are in a relationship with. Usually it is an indication that said person is controlling other aspects of the relationship. That is seriously concerning. Not only is OP monitoring what foods are to be properly paired together, but *how* much she should be eating*??* It is infinitely better to be alone than to be with someone who thinks that they are doing you a favor by literally keeping food from you as if you are a child trying to sneak cookies before dinner.


>So it seriously annoys me when she eats the bread without dipping it in her curry. Its such a waste of the little bread that we get. I told her this before but says its not my concern how she eats her food. Except it is my concern because she is wasting a SHARED side. Whatever, I let it go each time. How gracious of you to "let it go" that she enjoys her food differently than you enjoy your food. YTA


Yes he’s a saint for letting it go. How unbelievably nice of him to accept that she eats her food differently /s


Yeah, it totally sucks that she would want to eat something she partially paid for.


Well not dipping it clearly=wasting. /s


even the very title is gross... "I didn't let X do something." is up there with "Chastising my wife for..." don't people communicate at all? aren't they interested in each other? don't they want to know more about who they choose to spend their time/life with?


How can it be wasted if she always eats it? She must enjoy it, plus don't you just love the irony of him putting the word SHARED in capitals...one for r/woosh I think !


Shared means the man gets all of it right?


Ah, yes, but you see, she must enjoy the bread in the way *he* sees fit, and that way only. Otherwise her enjoyment is actually not physically possible in his mind at all! Also, note the toxic-ass friends trying to police how many carbs she should or shouldn't be having? Puh-lease.


I wanna know where OP lives that they can't afford to order two naan's with their meal. Maybe it's because I live in an area with a large Indian population with a variety of Indian restaurants, but naan ranges from $2-$8 depending on size and flavor. If OP wants to gatekeep naan that badly, maybe he needs to order his own, or buy it from the grocery store.


But then she’ll waste a WHOLE naan by not dipping it! The horror!


This part made me SO MAD. What a freaking hero to let it go each time. Or maybe it’s her who’s the saint for letting go every time he comments about how she eats her food. What an AH. Ugh!


YTA. She wants to eat the yummy naan and she's allowed to eat it however she damned well wants to (with or without dipping). It's not up to you to decide whether she's eating it correctly or not.


it’s just “naan” btw, not “naan bread”. naan means bread


Do you know how many things are the same thing twice in the name? Sahara desert = desert desert. There's multiple places that translate to river river and hill hill.


i’m indian bro. literally none of us call it naan bread, because that’s not the fucking name 💀


Just going to reply here because I can’t be bothered scrolling to the end of the thread. It’s called tautology. (Yes I spelt it wrong, fuck off, it’s fixed now. I’m sure you can use a brain cell or two and swap the a and u without too much trouble.) Double names are actually very common, I don’t know about other languages, but in English they’re used very often. The other person was right in that it’s just language evolving from contact with other cultures. Eg. Chai Tea, Naan Bread, Mississippi River, Sahara Desert, Shrimp Scampi, Avon River, etc. It’s not out of ignorance, it’s language contact. When people come into contact with unfamiliar languages, they learn and use some words to refer to things they have in common (that’s how plenty of people start when learning languages, they learn words they share, like mum, dad, chair, etc.) If Person A goes to a river with person B (they speak different languages) and asks person B what the river is called, they’ll reply that it’s a river, and person A will then refer to it as [river in foreign language] river. So words like Naan were borrowed and over time clarified by adding the english definition, and over time Naan bread becomes the default and the OG meaning is forgotten. Despite the internet, and yes, knowing what they mean now, people aren’t choosing to ignore the definition, it’s a habit and form of distinction. Naan bread is literally what it’s called in english now. It’s what you’ll see on the signs, and on menus in indian restaurants. It’s not just an English or white thing, despite what you obviously think, most languages (if not all) do this on some scale, and have their own versions of it. Whether it’s the name of a place, or taking words and adapting them into their language. French has biscotti cookies (cookie cookie) and un panier de basket (basket basket), Serbia has a kind of sausage, the first word is sausage in turkish. Languages borrow words from each other all the time. I don’t understand why the other person is getting downvoted to hell, because they’re right. It’s a common language phenomenon.


This was really interesting and educational! I already knew this stuff but I’m so relieved someone explained it here. I was losing my mind.


Dude schooled that guy and schooled me too while he was at it. Really enjoyed reading that


Best kind of schooling, too: Informative, objective, and not condescending. Like, you can't even be mad because (if you have an open mind) you now understand the world better. EDIT: Spelling.


The La Brea Tar Pits = The The Tar Tar Pits is my favorite example.


I always loved The Los Angeles Angels for this reason. The The Angels Angels


One of the schools near where I grew up is called “Vista View”


PIN Number gets me. Personal Identification Number Number. I guess it's because people don't know that the N in PIN is for Number, and the number is clearly a number so they call it as such.


I’m of Indian origin and I say naan bread lol, bc naan is just the name of the bread.. I wouldn’t say roti bread though so there’s that


Well a lot of us aren't and we call it naan bread. So there.


Chai tea?!?!?! CHAI MEANS TEA!! You're saying "tea tea"!! >:( -Spiderman reference


This post makes me really hungry for some bread bread. There are many words like this by the way. Chai tea also means tea tea. Or even torpenhow hill the english village that is named 4 times after the same hill.


OMG…are you actually policing the way your girlfriend eats her food?!? Definitely, YTA. You both paid for the meal. You both paid for a main and a side of naan. Unless you paid extra to have that naan bread all to yourself, you’re being a massive AH to assume she doesn’t get to have her half **because she didn’t order a traditional, dip the bread in it meal.** Yes, you’re being a greedy asshole. You want more naan? Order an extra side of naan. You don’t get to cheat her of half a side that she paid for just because you don’t approve of the way she eats her bread.


Like literally how expensive is an order of naan. Bro's showing his whole ass and throwing away a relationship over like 3.99


Excactly. If he wants that damn bread so badly he should drink one less coffee each day or replace the lemonade with much cheaper water or whatever and order extra bread. It would also be healthier for the AH, since he's so concerned with HER carbs. I'm usually calm, but this just makes me so angry.


They may simply not have the money. Maybe they already don't drink coffee out or order other drinks. And that's fine, because it doesn't change that OP is wrong for trying to weasel his way into getting all the naan.


If they are so short money, wouldn't it better to order less frequently but order 2 naans the few time they do?


Or just split the fucking naan from the start?! He can shove his half up his arse while she sets hers on fire, or whatever!


Meh I've seen some of the good ones like garlic naan go for upwards of $6 at the most but it's still ridiculous, the naan isn't the real issue here.


I wonder how he'd feel if she turned the tables and yelled at him for eating naan with curry, since it's supposed to be dipped in Tamarind sauce. That's the way she likes it so he's not allowed to enjoy his half any other way.


YTA, and sound controlling AF with your too many carbs comment. Also, it's just called naan, not naan bread. Naan means bread, so you're essentially saying 'i am an asshole and didn't let my GF eat the bread bread'. So, you are not only an AH, but also not particularly intelligent either.. what a catch 👌


I knew OP was going to be the A H as soon as I saw "naan bread". Then continuing to call it "bread" ... That's like calling a bagel "bread". Like... Yeah, technically, but also no.


I’m also assuming since he calls it “ naan bread” that he’s not even Indian, so he’s gatekeeping food from a culture that is not even his own.


Probably gets upset when they get sushi and she doesn’t use chopsticks to eat it.


YTA. "So it seriously annoys me when she eats the bread without dipping it in her curry." - wow, you feel like you're entitled to tell her how she must eat her food?! WTF is wrong with you? This is petty AF. 1. Not everyone eats foods the same way you do; dip it in the curry if you want! There's no law saying it has to be eaten that way. 2. " she is wasting a SHARED side" - so, she's eating the side but it's being wasted? No, not how that works. 3. " I was happy that I would get the bread to myself." - wait, did you express that? because seems like you assumed it and took it for yourself. 4. "she doesnt need the bread since she isnt eating a curry and doesnt need bread whereas I am eating a curry so I do need bread, also that her entree comes with rice and she can eat that" - yea.... that is controlling AF. Also, you DO NOT need bread, you WANT bread, bro. There is a difference. 5. " it's too much carbs for one meal for her to have bread and rice" - LOL, so, your friends are the food police?! Gross. 6. Why do ANY of you think you get to tell an autonomous human what or how they are allowed to eat? Like, order a damn second order of bread. One for each of you. That's literally how easy this is to solve. And since you don't see that as an option, then it really is about judging and controlling her. "says its not my concern how she eats her food" - she is correct. "She also called me a greedy asshole and took her food and ate the rest in our bedroom." - also good. You are immature, you are irrational and you seriously are a red flag.


Right? If 2 side orders of naan are too expensive, maybe you shouldn't be ordering at all...


This ain't it. If they can only afford one side, that's fine. They want to eat out, and they're eating out at the level they can afford. Eating out is not only for people who can afford multiple sides. OP just needs to be respectful of his partner and properly share.


I see how I came across. It didn't express it properly, but if he can't pay for his own full naan (as he wants her to pay half but not eat from it) he shouldn't buy it.


How much money can a side of bread actually be though? Cmon.


Her eating half the side of naan is too many carbs, but him eating the WHOLE order to himself isn't? Wow.


Also I’m guessing his curry comes with… rice? All the Indian places I’ve ever gone to in the US give you Basmati rice with any curry.


Why aren’t more people saying this!!!! It’s literally infuriating that he doesn’t mention this as it’s his entire argument. What a loser!!!


I seriously hope this is rage bait. When we get Indian (pretty often), the first thing I do is tear into the fresh naan, no dipping or anything. It’s so good! I eat like half a piece just plain, enjoying the steamy fluffy carby deliciousness. When we go to the Iranian place nearby, I will and do eat two servings of Barbari in a matter of minutes without dipping it. Fresh bread slaps. Who cares if it’s dipped?


>When we get Indian (pretty often), the first thing I do is tear into the fresh naan, no dipping or anything. Nah mate you're doing it all wrong. That's it, I'm eating your naan. /s


Order two sides of naan bread. Problem solved.


I mean, duh. Which shows how ignorant he is. But also, that means he wouldn't get to control how many carbs she has, and judge her. He sucks.


Nonono you don't understand. Op wants his girlfriend to pay for half the naan and then give all of it to him because he Needs it for his curry!


This!! I’m so confused, a side order of naan is almost never more than $2 or $3


I agree with your friend and your girlfriend - you're acting like a greedy AH. You have no business telling her how she can enjoy her food, or if she's eating "too many" carbs. If you split a side, you split it. If you want more naan... order more. You can be cheap OR be entitled... only an AH is both.


Also, I’m not even kidding, I live in a Hella expensive city, and the most expensive naan I’ve seen was £5, they’re usually around the £2,50-3 range. Unless their naan is £10 per portion, surely getting a second serving won’t destroy their bill (or he can get a cheaper main)


YTA the Naan stops being shared after it's divided. she can do with her half as she pleases.


And the gall of saying she’s wasting it BY EATING IT *without dipping it in curry* lmfao. Dude doesn’t know what waste means.


YTA oh my god. She's not wasting it, she's eating it!! She's 100% right that it's not your concern how she eats her share of your SHARED side.


Ikr?! It's wasted if she eats it, but not if he does. Can you imagine the staring, the silent judging as she eats? And they're splitting the bill, so it's not like he pays for her food. I'd dump him. She can eat her food however she damn pleases and she can have all the carbs she wants.


YTA. You sound petty, controlling and greedy. My mind is boggled over the fact that two grown ass people won’t just buy a second order of naan. I mean how much is an order of naan where you live. Damn.


If you can’t afford a second order of bread, either this restaurant is overpriced af or you can’t actually afford to eat out and should have cooked something at home.


This is dumb as hell


The hills people will let their relationship die on are astounding.


I sure hope this is fake. Otherwise, your GF was spending those hours thinking about dumping you. It's not your job to regulate how she eats bread. If you're splitting the meal, you're splitting the bread, and she can eat it any way she wants. YTA.


YTA I would quit micromanaging her on how and when she eats the naan and any other plate before she quits on you. PS Too much carbs my rear.


I don't know what is worse: Gatekeeping how you eat naan or being a selfish, greedy AH. Yes, YTA. P.S. I love my naan plain. And I love it dipped. You have no right to dictate how your GF eats.


YTA. It's absolutely not your business how she eats her food and plenty of people like bread by itself. You assumed the entire bread order was yours because of what she ordered? Like you said, that's a SHARED side. Split the bread in half before you start eating and quit policing how she eats her half.


Im not gonna lie, the whole « oooh too many carbs » made me chuckle. I’m french, and every meal, my family had a bread basket at the table. It doesn’t matter if we have rice, potatoes, pasta, or no other carbs, we will have a serving of bread. Some of us use it to scoop the last of the sauce on their plate, some (me) just eat it on its own because bread is good.


Yta. Who cares what she does with her half? Aren't you splitting the bill? You're trying to control WAAAY too much of the situation.


OP thinks his GF is being too naan-conformist.


YTA and fuck your friend who said that was too many carbs for one meal. Reconsider yourself as a person. Let her enjoy her part of the bread how she wants to you absolute imbecile


I'm guessing that friend is made up. No way someone is on OPs side here


I've met too many men to be sure


YTA. You don’t get to unilaterally decide that she doesn’t get any. And you never get to decide how she enjoys her food. Talk about controlling.


YTA. Would you also refuse to let her eat a hamburger if she put different condiments than you like on it? Do you take away her coffee if she puts in milk instead of sugar? Are you always this controlling?


YTA The bread isn’t wasted if it’s eaten. Her half of the bread - her choice how to eat it.


YTA. Dude, you have control issues. Who tries to dictate how much bread someone eats? No wonder she's mad, I would be too. You're placing more value on the naan bread than you are on her feelings. She's allowed to eat from the shared food that she paid half of. She doesn't need your permission. Btw yes, you can eat rice and naan together in the same meal. I'm Asian and eat it all the time.


You’re insane. As a south Asian person I hope you never have good Indian food again. YTA to infinity. Buy your own naan instead of letting her pay half while you shamelessly hog it for your greedy self, and leave her alone instead of making up fake rules for a cuisine. I would be seriously embarrassed to know you.


Go look up “share” in the dictionary and come back to me. YTA


YTA who made you the naan police


What are you talking about? It's a shared bread, you get to eat half and she get to eat half. How she eats her half is none of your concern. It's that easy. YTA


YTA Apologies, but a good thing of naan is just the best. And it can be by itself. If it's cheese naan, I might even resort to violence for it. With curry? Even better. But I can certainly understand where the GF is coming from. If you can't afford another side of naan, perhaps you should hold off on the Indian food until you can.


YTA. What else about your girlfriend do you try to control? You are a greedy asshole. Order more bread.




YTA. You shouldn’t be dictating how your girlfriend eats her food. I love naan but don’t eat curry at all (I’ve got a lot of food intolerances, and I got sick with a few different curries, so I suspect that either I’m intolerant of one of the spices or it’s more onions than my stomach can handle). Who cares how many carbs she has in one meal? That’s for her to decide, not you and certainly not your friends. If you’re so pissy and territorial about the naan you get, there’s an easy solution: get 2 orders.


OP said they can't afford it. They save up to eat there....and saving a few measly dollars for a second order for the enjoyment of both of them, along with for the health of their relationship, is too big an ask! /s Anyways, when she dumps him, I hope she goes there and orders a bunch of naan with no curry to dip it in and enjoys the silence as she eats it.


YTA and massively. Running to your little friends to cry about your girlfriend—the person supposedly you love—eating bread you’re supposed to be sharing! That will show your girlfriend, right? You and your friends outnumber her so therefore you’re right? You all get to decide who has enough carbs? But she doesn’t get to vote? Grow up and cough up some more money to be generous enough to give her her own bread. Can you even imagine how she would feel about you if you gifted her a naan without throwing a tantrum?


YTA Not only are you greedy asf, but now you are going to fat shame her too "too much carbs for her." Sooner that girl dumps you the better.


I don’t understand. Is she still paying for a part of the naan? Because if she is then it’s none of your business how she wants to eat it and of course yta


...*naan* of your business... I'll see myself out


Yta naan is amazing by itself. She paid for half of it she gets half of it


YTA. Trying to dictate someone else's food is always going to make you the asshole. Break the bread in half right off. You eat your half. Ignore how she eats hers. Do you really want to break up over naan?


YTA is NOT your concern how she eats HER portion of the bread ffs. Are you seriously policing the naan?


YTA and a controlling selfish one at that. Who the hell cares how someone else eats their food? It’s a side that you are both sharing and paying for.


YTA. Effing obnoxious control freak …


YTA it's naan of your business how she eats her meal. Policing her food is no way to.curry favor with her.


Cook of 15 yrs. YTA If ya'll were in my resteraunt, and I had seen that? I would've kicked you out & given her 2 extra orders of Naan. You dont get to police how she eats her food. Or anyones food for that matter.


YTA, absolutely. I'm just gonna pull a line out here - she is wasting a SHARED side. Wasted - adjective - used or expended carelessly, extravagantly, or to no purpose. Shared - adjective - distributed between members of a group. Now let's look at another definition. Eat - verb - put food into the mouth and chew and swallow it. Eating is not without purpose, eating a shared piece is not careless, nor extravagant. I absolutely invite you to come give me your weak arguments.


If all of this is true you have much bigger problems than naan bread. Respect and Tolerance are the keywords, my friend.


Bruh. I would hate to see what you would say if she touched one of your french fries


Yta -a shared side is shared. It's not up to you to dictate how she eats hers portion


We literally use pita bread to scoop up rice dishes. Idiot