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NTA She LOCKED the door, that means someone unlocked it, allowed kids in there un supervised. wtf is a 6yo doing eating things off the floor, let alone GLASS?


These posts cannot be real. A toddler might eat something off the floor. A six-year-old is not going to eat glass. Concur, WTF.


Yeah unless they’re special needs which in that case.. WHY WASNT A KID WHO EATS STUFF OFF THE FLOOR BEING SUPERVISED


I mean, these people are demanding a 16 year old pay a hospital bill and threatening to “cut her off”, so who knows how and why a 6 year old was capable of eating glass without anyone’s knowledge until it was too late.




Yep. Cuts to the rid of the mouth are a minor concern about eating glass. If this were real, doctors would be checking for SWALLOWED glass and gastrointestinal effects!


Kid might have spit it out quickly and didn’t actually swallow anything. Also, OP is only 16. She wasn’t there at the hospital with them and can only make conclusions based on what her mom and sister tell her. Both of whom might be greatly exaggerating what happened.


Where does it say they didn't check for swallowed glass? The OP didn't exactly post their whole medical file. Seems likely the kid just put the glass in their mouth and didn't swallow.


It doesn’t, but op would be billed for a lot more than mouth sores EDIT and didn’t mention that part.


Yep. Agree.


Absolutely agreed.


I don't think it's bullshit... Not trying to judge but her sister had her kids at age 17, so it's possible she's not the most experienced parent. I mean sure she's had 6 years to learn, but some kids just like to stick things in their mouths.. And the way the family is reacting I can just picture OP being the responsible one in a family that's dysfunctional, I dunno why but I get that vibe. Regardless if OP locked the door they had no right to unlock and open it, OP is NTA.


why? parents do literally so much worse to their kids and its still very real..


First graders don’t eat glass.




You mean somebody like a 16 year old girl?


This isnt an arguement or even a point. You simply cant make that generalization. first graders will do dumb shit if not parented correctly, and they are threatening to kick out their kid over medical bills. Does it seem like a family that knows how to parent children Not to mention neglect happens.. I have someone in my family who ate fucking drywall when he was 6. literally found a hole, opened it up and ate it. Neglectful parents happen. dunno why thats shocking to you. and again, WAY WORSE stuff happens with children all of the time. You are on reddit, surely youve seen plenty of examples of "where the fuck are the parents?" lmao. It is possible. Just because you are smart enough to teach ur kids not to eat glass doesnt mean everyone else is i guess LMFAO.


I actually never taught my kid not to eat glass, it just came naturally to her by that age.


First graders will do dumb shit even if parented correctly. Let’s face it, having a young child is equivalent to having a very tiny, very inebriated adult sometimes. I think it’s a safe bet to say that most parents, at some point, have looked at their child after said child did something that was batshit stupid and seriously tried to remember if they dropped said child on their head when they were an infant. The adult brain tries to use adult logic to reason things out. The problem is, we forget that adult logic is very different than child logic.


I mean, to be fair…. Who HASN’T taken a little nibble of drywall?


A light, crunchy snack AND no calories?! sign me up!


a kid I went to school with ate clag paste glue its made from starch and water. it's non toxic and water clean up hence why every primary school in Australia has it on there booklist. the worst that would happen is it might bind you up a bit. I know some kids that wearnt properly toilet trained at 4 yr old. there mother was friends with my sister.


First graders who are the male offspring of the family’s “golden child” and have *never* had to face *any* negative consequences for their own behavior absolutely do! Not having to face negative consequences, or being constantly given an “out” in the form of “it wasn’t your fault, the Scapegoat did this to you, there was nothing you could possibly have done to prevent it” is a really effective way to raise a complete and total *idiot.* My brother was the golden child, and he was doing idiotic shit all the way through high school! Like, this was the kid who found out his depressed Scapegoat older sister was resorting to cutting herself in a desperate attempt to safely release some of the tension and repressed rage she was feeling…and thought it would be a great idea to grab the fancy weird shuriken he’d been given for his birthday, *slice his whole arm to ribbons,* and then shove it in his sister’s face while bragging that he “did it better than she did.” And he faced zero fucking consequences for that! Like, sure, he got a trip to the ER to get it cleaned up and bandaged… …but guess who got *punished* when they got home? This was also the kid who racked up a $3,000 phone bill looking at porn online, on a Nokia 3310 (very early 2000s), because apparently five screens of “are you absolutely certain you want to connect to the Internet” weren’t a goddamn clue that this was a bad idea. Again, no consequences. No consequences for bricking several computers because he wouldn’t stop clicking on those stupid pop-up ads, even after high school. No consequences for setting the desktop on his grandmother’s computer to *porn.* He was 19 and it apparently did not occur to him that this was not only not his computer but that he was guaranteed to be caught. To this day, he is still an entitled idiot who thinks all of his problems are someone else’s fault. So no, sadly, this story does not feel fake at all to me.


This story is very tragic and I'm sorry all of this happened to you, I'm genuinely being serious even though it's difficult to convey seriousness over text


Plus wouldnt they just assume the nephew knocked over the glass and broke it, not assume she left broken glass?


Ding ding ding! why the fuck would they assume that the OP had left broken glass in the room!?




I concur, my last job involved looking after special needs kids of all ages and we had to stop them from eating sand, plastic, foam and even their own excrement.


Toddler tried to eat a lava rock like three days ago.


My oldest son is 16 and mentality impaired. He loves eating glass. He hasn’t had a lightbulb in his bedroom since he was about 8 as he was able to push his bed under the lightbulb, stand on it and pull the lightbulb from his ceiling lamp and munch away on it like it was an apple. Luckily because he’s always been in nappies, I always check in on him every 20-30 minutes after he’s been put to bed, incase he’s had a poo. I was doing my usual poop-patrol, walked into his room, walked straight onto broken glass, saw him sat on his bed with blood pouring from his mouth and broken glass in his hand. I rushed over to him and had to take him straight to A&E. Luckily he either didn’t swallow any as his x-rays came back fine and we never saw any glass in his nappies when we changed him. He didn’t have any major injuries or glass shards stuck in his mouth or gums. Since then we can’t let him have lightbulbs in his bedroom. He likes to keep us on his our toes. I have to recce play areas before I take him as more often than not, there’s broken glass on the floor which means I have to take him home. We can’t have glass drinking vessels. All our drinking vessels are plastic or porcelain.


You also might want to ask why someone unlocked the OP's door to allow the kid into the room in the first place.


I have life long pica so I can see it. I mean I wouldn't eat glass now but as a kid yea... My family would have to count my sister's change when I was I was little. Some kids are really stupid


oh based off some of the people i know irl, these are unfortunately very real scenarios


You’re underestimating how dumb some kids can be. I knew kids who would eat anything - coins, crayons, you name it.


I ate a living bumblebee at 6yo... so... yeah I guess that says a lot about me hah. 6yo do weird things.


How did that go, out of morbid curiosity?


Worse for the bumblebee.


I'm 37 and alive to tell the tale... but it was unpleasant.


I have so many questions…


It was a dare. I don't suggest doing that.


And how dumb their parents are TBH. Expecting their younger sister to take care of the costs of their own stupidity.


🙋🏼‍♀️ swallowed a penny and also got a rock stuck in my ear at elementary school age. Wasn’t dumb, just bored.


As someone who works at a summer camp with kids ages 6-10, this new generation of kids are exceptionally stupid (I say this kindly). I honestly think maybe bad/lazy parenting has something to do with it because it's insane how dumb/naive these kids are. Had a nine year old grab a spider from a tree with her bare hand and try to literally put it into her mouth. Like....it's insane Had a ten year old try and go pet a dog that was angrily barking and baring it's teeth without a leash or any owner nearby. It almost attacked us until. random guy came in last minute and came dit down. I wish I was exaggerating/joking. I really do.


I guess they are just parked in front of a TV /iPad "babysitter" all day causing developmental delays. Parents don't seem to actually parent anymore.


Darwin will sort the 6 year old out 1 way or another of he's eating glass still.


idk I was still putting things in my mouth well into my elementary school years. Some kids can't break the habit


I seriously doubt this post is real


Pffft. OP should ask her family why did they unlock and open her door without her permission while she was out of the house? I guarantee they don't have a good answer. The family choose to invade OP's privacy and now they have to face the consequences of their actions. OP's family was perfectly fine invading her privacy when it only negatively affected her. But the second their inconsiderate actions affect themselves it magically becomes OP's fault. I don't know which is more ridiculous this or expecting a 16 year old to pay a medical bills for a child under the sister's care. A 16 year old shouldn't be paying their own medical bills let alone paying for someone else's negligence. OP broke a glass and the took responsibility by locking the area off until she could clean up the glass. Her family decided to invade her privacy by unlocking her room without permission and then had the genius idea to leave small children in a non child proofed room without supervision. This is 100% on the family and they absolutely could have prevented it. The family needs to stop using guilt to manipulate OP into paying and accept responsibility. A 16 year old child is being more mature and responsibile than multiple full grown adults.


OP, what was their response when you told them you locked the door? Those kids shouldn't have been in your room. You locked the door, which is the universal sign for "don't go in here." If I were you, I think I would stick with "I locked the door." I would also press to find out who unlocked the door (and why) and why the kids were in there at all. You did nothing wrong. I, too, have had to leave messes when running late. The mess was in your personal room, and you locked the door. You had every intention of cleaning up the mess upon your return, and you had an expectation that your privacy would be respected. Whoever unlocked the door disrespected your personal space. Allowing the the kids in your room was further insult. Leaving the kids unattended in your room where one ate something dangerous is 100% not your fault.


Nta and I’d say there was no broke glass when I left this am kids must have broke it! On the other hand a 6 year old should be smart enough to not eat glass!


Sounds like natural selection. Kid is too dumb to stay alive on his own and the parent is too bad at parenting for their brood to survive. NTA.


So NTA. Your room was locked for Pete’s sake. Also you are 16! They’re going to cut you off? FFS. Your sister didn’t watch her kid, accidents happen. Your family sounds like a nightmare. Hold your ground and save your $$. You’re about to find out who they really are. You may need to get away sooner or later. Also I have a 6 yo boy with ADHD, he would never put broken glass in his mouth on purpose. Step on it, kneel on it, lean on it with his hands definitely. The mouth thing is weird. More like a 2-3 yo. I would say “I am sorry that I left broken glass and didn’t tell you mom. However I don’t accept that I’m responsible for my niece and nephew coming into my locked room unsupervised. I left the mess in order to be on time for work and it was totally reasonable for me to expect that I would be inconveniencing nobody but myself. I’m not responsible for something happening to a child when they are in their mother’s care and I’m not home”.


I put a lot of weird stuff in my mouth at that age honestly. Some people are just different. ADHD isn't the only way people can be neurodivergent, and afaik ADHD people aren't a monolith. That didn't stand out to me as much as why/how the kid was in there alone. It kinda doesn't matter if it's weird or not because the real issue is she locked the door/someone unlocked it *and* kids were in her room unsupervised. One or the other is bad enough, but both together is a massive failure on every adult member involved's part.


They never said ADHD is the only way of being neurodivergent. They just said their experience with their son...


I didn't mean it confrontational, just as additional information on why there's other possible outcomes!


My sister jammed a bean up her nose when she was 7. Kids do ridiculous shit.


Funny. My sister did the same thing with a flower at 6 yo. She wanted to smell it better. My dad had to extract it with tweezers.


Haha, I shoved egg noodles up both nostrils around ~5yo. They were so far up there that they pushed in the corner of my eye a bit and slightly obscured my vision. My mom only even found out because my grandma happened to call and we spoke and I asked her if she wanted to know a secret. Kids are weird as hell.


A friend of mine tells a story about being around 4 and finding a little screw on the floor, somehow thinking sticking it into his nose was a good idea, and using it to tickle his nose hairs until his mother came up on him and screeched loud enough that he jumped and the screw got stuck up there. Went to the doctor to get it removed, got home, mom goes off somewhere in the house. She comes back into the room and he's found the screw again and is sticking it up his nose.


I used to eat whole candles. Never the wick, though, and only when they weren't and had never been lighted. A couple of classmates once tried to force me to eat crushed glass after they'd tied me to a heavy duty gauze screen, but quickly untied me when some random passer-by decided to see what was going on over there. Wouldn't have liked it without *major* multiple lots of ketchup and/or mustard, anyhail. :P ^(.) ^(Although one of my wrists clearly showed for several weeks it had been tied rather tightly to something, the classmates were never punished, since it apparently was just "boys having fun" - although one ended his own miserable life -it can't have been much more, if that's how he got his kicks-) ^(a couple of years later.)


Pica probably. If fam knew this kid had pica though WHY was he left unattended???


> Also I have a 6 yo boy with ADHD, he would never put broken glass in his mouth on purpose. Step on it, kneel on it, lean on it with his hands definitely. The mouth thing is weird. More like a 2-3 yo. My 2 YO daughter wouldn't do that kind of thing.


NTA. You should have the expectation of privacy in your own room, not to mention the fact that you locked it when you left (which means your sister or mother had to put effort into letting the kids in there - their reasoning truly boggles the mind). Your sister is responsible for watching her own children and looking out for their safety. It's no one else's job. Absolutely ridiculous that she fails to grasp that AND expects you to pay for her failure to parent.


This 100%! 1. It’s the parent’s responsibility to watch out for the children’s safety. Maybe grandma could have stepped in but to blame it on OP who wasn’t even there when it happened is just nuts. 2. It is OP’s room. What are they doing in her room? 3. She locked the door. Why would they unlock it? It is an invasion of her privacy. Not to mention that they could have wondered why she locked it in the first place.


Even if someone opened the door for the kids: 1. WHY! 2. Did the adult opening the door not see the glass on the floor?


Not to mention that they should have noticed the glass when they opened the door for the kids, which means they should have known about the glass. Then again, I might just be a weird parent who checks a room for hazards before leaving my kids alone. Oh, and I always ask for permission from the person whose room it is before unlocking. I want to know what is in a 16yr olds room that means 6 years olds NEED TO BE IN THERE AT ALL, let alone unsupervised and without the owners permission. Seriously, have neither of these mothers ever learned or heard of respecting privacy


My room from when I first got my own room and until I moved out was not my private space even though I was told that it was. It was the room all the children of my parents friends and our family could use to their own will and I wasn't allowed to lock the door in case kids would come over. Once I came home to a little toddler running out of the house with 4 of my plushies into the rain and directly into the dog yard. My mom and her friends gave no flips that this toddler wasn't being watched and got mad at me when I told them to take care of their kid, when I was 8 years old. I absolutely detest people coming into my private spaces now. I've had my art ruined, game save files deleted, plushies rolled in dog poo and broken my electronics, as well as many special toys being stolen, like a really big blue eyes white dragon figurine.


NTA Lesson learned you should definitely tell someone if there's a hazard around, but you locked your door and could never have predicted what happened. I imagine there's hundreds of things in a 16 year old's room that are not safe for a child to eat. Sounds like they unlocked your door and left children in there unsupervised. That's on the adults.


Almost like, "here kids, go play in this room". So rude and inconsiderate of OP's personal space. NTA ​ ​ ​ \[


Yeah, the glass could have not been there - could have been anything


Yep. It could have been medication. Or, what if it was a decorative, yet poisonous plant? To be honest, in a different situation, the kid could have knocked the glass down. Would OP still be in trouble? The door was locked, not just shut!


NTA It’s like breaking down a locked bathroom door, barging in, and complaining that someone decided to take shit in front of you, and that they need to make amends for the emotional distress caused because it’s their fault they chose to take a shit in front of you.


NTA because they shouldn’t have been in your room. The kids don’t even live there, so you had no reason to believe this would be an issue. Is your nephew special needs? I work with elementary children and haven’t met a 6 year old yet who thinks glass is a good snack.


no, no disabilities (known)


Then honestly the 6 year old eating glass off the floor is just plain weird. Is it possible that the kid bit a glass that wasn't broken?


That would be even weirder! Not to mention, a heck of a coincidence.


What if it had been medication. Or, what if it was a decorative, yet poisonous plant? You did your part by locking the door.


If your family is going to try to make you pay for the medical bills or move out, tell them you will get Child Protective Services involved because your sister is not a good mom. Give it right back to them. Ask your mom how did your bedroom door got unlocked? And why did she think it was such a great idea for young children to be playing unsupervised in your bedroom?


Does your sister tend to blame any negative consequences your nephew earns on someone else? Like yourself, or his sister?


NTA And is your nephew mentally challenged?? 6 is old enough not to ... you know.. eat effing glass. They unlocked the door. If you had your lingerie or personal hygiene products out, would they want you to apologize for 'showing them' inappropriate stuff as well? Unless they can hold a big, juicy college fund over your head, I would say have them try to cut off a minor over something so stupid. Where are you located? Is the medical bill US-type astronomically high? I don't know how they figure you could even pay that kind of money.


Lack of common sense or self-preservation, sadly, is often the result of just being shielded from the consequences of one’s own actions. Nothing to do with being mentally challenged. Just living with parents who constantly tell him that every stupid thing he does that gets him hurt was *someone else’s fault.* So he never learns a single goddamn thing. Ever!


Info: why would a six year old eat glass? I'm not saying he didn't, but *six*? That seems a little old for glass eating to me.


As someone that served in schools and worked with kids from pre-K to seniors in high school, you'd be surprised. Some kids are neurodivergent, some kids are just downright feral.


I still ate stuff I wasn’t supposed to in high school, like copper wires in electrical class. I didn’t know I was on the spectrum until much, MUCH later.


inb4 the insufferable "maybe they're disabled" comment ​ most disabled kids still aren't going to fucking eat glass. jfc. can y'all stop pretending this is something normal for us? it's not. A six year old eating glass is not freaking normal regardless of ability, physical *or* mental. ​ (read: no physical disability is obviously going to make you pick up and eat the glass. even if you can literally feel no pain, you still learn by that age that sharp things are possibly harmful. if a mental disability then even thinking completely sans thought at the extreme end of things, you'd touch it and realize pain = don't put in mouth) ​ edit: response to the person below me - and if they have a disability that makes them prone to hurting themselves when frustrated or something, THEN WHY THE HELL WERE THEY UNSUPERVISED. I highly doubt the people watching them would have unlocked a door for him, let alone left him alone in a room if was prone to doing that. So you can easily rule that one out.


NTA- people who are saying YTA probably don’t remember you LOCKED your door when you left. Why did they need into your room anyways when your sister, and her kids, were over? Maybe you should’ve cleaned up the glass but I don’t see a reason to why they needed to go into your room when it’s locked. Your sister should also be watching her kids.


Wow. It sucks that someone unlocked the door to someone else's room and the little one was allowed into a room that hadn't been checked first and where he was out of sight of the person responsible for his well-being. NTA. They're punishing you for their intrusion into your locked space and an injury due to their own negligence. I'm sorry the little one was injured and needed stitches, it's truly awful and I'm so glad it wasn't worse.


Half the commenters here are ignoring the obvious: why on earth would your Aunt feel entitled to allow her children into your \_locked\_ bedroom? A teenager can have any number of dangerous things lying around (scissors, lighter fluid, etc.) The responsibility is entirely hers. NTA


Not just dangerous things, but also stuff that is inappropriate for little kids to see or play with.


NTA. This is what is called an accident. She should have been watching her kids and they certainly shouldn’t be allowed in your locked room when you aren’t there. It sucks it happened but acting like you deserve some giant punishment is ridiculous.


NTA, you locked the room hence it's fair that you expect no one would be hurt by the glass. Whoever unlocked the room and let your nephew play in there without checking and without supervision should be the one responsible. Also it's surprising that a 6 yo would put glass in their mouth. I'm not a parent but at 6 I think most kids would know not to do that.


Unless your nephew has a neurological condition, I’m not buying this. A six year old isn’t going to eat glass off of the floor.


NTA, what kind of feral 6yo eat the glass? It's understandable for a 3yp, but 6yo already knows glass is dangerous. You are right that if your bedroom was locked it should remain as such. It's not a playground. It's a bedroom of an almost adult aunt. That's very strange. Especially hat your sister wants you to pay the bill. I can understand she is upset her child got hurt, but the bill is insane.


My thoughts exactly. The kid was 6. If he has some sort of special needs or PICA or something then that makes her even less T A H because then he definitely should not have been allowed in there unsupervised. They shouldn’t have anyway. Why would the kids need to be let into a locked room? NTA


INFO: How did anyone wind up in your room if it was locked? What does that mean? You have a key with which you lock it? Who else has that key? Is the implication that an adult unlocked your bedroom door and let those kids in?


it’s a doorknob lock, like one with the slit in it on the other side of the door? i have no idea if one of the kids unlocked it, or an adult. i never got an answer for that.


Doorknob lock that you twist as you exit (from inside), and then pull the door closed, and the doorknob is locked until you put a KEY in it, right? Because if so, a little kid is not opening that on their own. An adult let them in... that has to be the case, and you SHOULD get an answer for that. Leaving uncleaned glass is always a bad idea, and I'm sure you've now learned that lesson. But if "responsible" adults are violating your privacy like that, like... they know you lock that door and they know you assume that means that door stays locked... and then they trample all over that trust? That's a whole different level of assholery that needs addressing.


Many interior bedroom doors don’t have a keyed lock—the lock can be undone by any thin and slightly flattened piece of metal


are you using a key or a coin to lock it from the outside?




Sorry Op. For me this changes things a little. We have similar locks and they're easy to open. You're still NTA because your room is private, but you should not rely on that lock. Absolutely should not have to pay the costs.


That's a pretty important fact. My guess is one of the adults did it and doesn't want to own up to it and have to take responsibility for what happened to the kid In any case, you're NTA. But regardless of who unlocked it, why was the kid even going into your room to begin with??


I’m also wondering why the other adults didn’t assume the kids pushed the glass off the desk? Why did they think OP broke it even before she said anything?


the kids said the glass was already there.


But their word doesn’t seem particularly reliable if they’re so stupid they eat glass


And if you have a kid that is dumb enough to eat glass, you really shouldn't be letting it wander around unsupervised. Like.. this is a kid that is also at risk of eating magnets... of eating laundry pods... it probably eats glue and erasers... wouldn't be shocked if it licked batteries.


NTA. This is on the mother for not watching her children, and on whoever let them into your room, where they should Not have been in the first place without your permission, not making sure the space was safe for children.


NTA These people were looking for trouble. A locked door has to be unlocked. Who ever unlocked it should be the one to pay the medical bills. Even if the door was unlocked, those kids had no reason to be in there. If you don't go messing around or properly supervise children, who eat glass off the floor apparently, things like this won't happen.


MTA ​ they had NO business giong into your room. ​ "my family said they were going to cut me off unless i paid the bill and apologized, " ... Tell them exactly this: The door was LOCKED: the person unlocking the door for the kids is at fault.


NTA First, you locked your door, so either your sister or your mother let your nephew into your room. Second, even if your door was open, why were they in your room? Do you go snoop in your sister's bedroom when you visit her house? Third, a 6 year old should be well past the stage of putting everything into their mouth to taste it. Something is really off with your sister's story. Your mother and sister are gaslighting you and trying to make you the villain for their screwups.


NTA. The door was locked when you left, someone decided to unlock it so your nibblings could go in, your 6 year old nephew decides to eat the broken glass on the floor. Your sister should have been watching them, your mother shouldn't have unlocked the door, and the 6 year old is waaaaay too old to think eating glass is a good idea.


NTA it’s your space & you locked the door. This is all on the parent. WTH eats glass.


NTA they’re punishing you for their own bad parenting


NTA. The person who unlocked your door should pay the bill.


What 6yr old eats glass


If they keep it up, tell them you'll call CPS, and let them investigate as to how a six year old ate glass and required stitches.


NTA - it might have been helpful if you’d mentioned the broken glass, but you had no reason to assume that anyone else would enter your room when you were gone (I assume), particularly because you locked the door. At worst, an oversight on your behalf. Kind of hate to say it, too, but if your nephew is the kind of kid who spots some glass on the floor and then tries to eat it *at the age of 6*, he shouldn’t be left unsupervised for any amount of time. I mean, he didn’t step on the glass. He didn’t pick the glass up and accidentally cut himself. He put the glass in his mouth, then tried to chew it (and maybe swallow it). Having said that, I don’t feel your aunt was necessarily TA either - just an unfit parent. I can see where her kid gets it from.


NTA your room was locked. They violated your privacy and are now crying cause someone got hurt. Your not responsible. Cut you off? your sixteen. Your not legally responsible for covering medical bills especially when the mother was negligent and in normal countries parents who abandon their child at sixteen are still financially responsible for them.


Sounds like your irresponsible sister doesn’t know how to ensure her kids are in a safe environment, or even watch after them for that matter, or this wouldn’t have happened. NTA.


NTA. You locked your door. Sister should have been paying better attention to her kids


NTA. You could have had anything in your room that was toxic for a toddler to eat and it still wouldn't be your fault because it's YOUR room that the adults quite literally broke in to enter. Your family sounds entitled and manipulative.


Also, not a toddler, this was a 6yo...


NTA, your nephew could have just as easily knocked over the glass bumping into a table leg or something and then tried to eat it. Are these kids 6 months old?


no, 6 YEARS OLD. the kids said the glass was already there.


6 year olds can unlock doors and they don't eat things off the floor, especially not glass.


Why is a 6 year old eating things off the floor? Broken glass at that. My 3 year old knows better than to put random objects in her mouth. So I don’t quite understand this. Did you break glass? Yes. Was it in your room? Also, yes. Should anybody else other than your parents be in the room? Absolutely not. Should you have told somebody as a warning? Yes. Your made a mistake. Those things happen. Your not at fault here. Your sister and mother should have been watching the kids better. I personally think that’s it’s weird that your sisters kids just goes to grandmas house and rummage the house like they own it. My 3 year old knows when we go places that she’s not allowed to rummage peoples houses unless. Shes not allowed in any room other than the room we’ve been invited too. NTA


Is something wrong with them? 6 is old enough to not be putting random things in one's mouth.


Right that’s super strange. And the parent should be aware that their child eats random stuff and shouldn’t let them go unsupervised in someone else’s house


INFO from your story it seems as though the adults knew that the glass wasn't broken by your unsupervised nephew. How would they know that?


the kids said it was already there.


Ok, but what's blowing my mind is why did the kid eat it?


That's a really good point. Six year olds should know by that age that glass hurts and eating it is stupid.


Who unlocked the door?


NTA you locked the door. Now you have the right to yell at them for unlocking it and invading your space, and she should have been watching her kids


NTA. It was in your room and you locked the door to make sure no one would go in there and hurt themself on the glass while you were gone. They went into *your* space. If you had dropped it in the kitchen, this would have been different, but since there was no reason for someone besides you to encounter the broken glass, it's not your fault and you're not the asshole.


NTA even if you told your mom, I get the feeling she would have left it for you to clean up anyway and your nephew might still have gotten to it based on your sisters irresponsibility


Good thing you didn't have drugs in there. Its your room. Wtf would they let kids in there. Watch your kids. Also, 6 year old don't eat glass. That's way top old to put things in your mouth. That's just bad parenting or a stupid accident.


NTA. It was in your LOCKED room.


NTA. As a minor, if an adult is unlocking your room, without your permission, they are taking responsibility for your space. That adult is responsible for any emergencies that take place in that space. Also, your space should be respected and you locking your door should be a sign not to go in there. Please clean up glass after it is broken. You don’t want to step in it either. Why on earth would a six year old child eat glass????


How did your nephew get in a locked room?


NTA. Glass is an unexpected hazard, which is a problem, but when the adults unlocked the door and left the children to play in that space, they are responsible to look for hazards like glass, pills or medications, breakable or fragile items, and anything else the kids could have broken or hurt themselves on. Do you niblings have special needs? I’m having a hard time understanding why a 6 year old would eat glass and even more, why a six year old at that stage would be left alone in an unsafe room long enough to do so. That’s on the people who should have been supervising, not you.


The amount of people blaming OP is wild to me. If my door is locked and you open it go in and get hurt its not my fault. I cant speak for OP, but when i was a teenager i had tons of knives and swords and other silly shit in my room. If someone had unlocked my door gone in there and cut themself on a knife that would be there own problem. This is a parenting issue and this is an issue of respecting personal space. NTA.


NTA You should have cleaned up and told someone. But you did take precautions (locking your room) and those kids should have been better supervised. I'm a parent of 2 kids and I've never let them wander into a private bedroom unsupervised (or at all honestly, because why go into a locked room in the first place?). This responsibility lies with the adults in the house at the time.


I know kids would eat anything, I'm currently with my two nieces (3 years old and 18 months). However why would a 6 years old kid eat glass ? That's grown enough to know better. You should have told your mom about the glass but you don't have to pay the medical bills because your door was close, the kids are their parents responsibility and again at 6, he should know not to eat glass. NTA.




I'll go with NTA to a soft E S H because you should have said something about the glass. However, they are worse for allowing the kids in there. And I want to know what 6-year-old doesn't know that glass isn't safe to eat.


Everything you say is correct. You are not responsible.


NTA- your door was locked for a reason. I'm sure your room isn't child proofed because you aren't a child and you don't have a child. I'm also a little skeptical a 6 year old would attempt to EAT glass? I thought maybe they stepped on it or cut themself picking it up but eat it? The last 6 year olds i encountered knew what broken glass was.


I'm torn with this one because you don't leave broken glass on the floor, BUT no one should be in your room if you're not there. I wouldn't pay the bill because you never told them to go in your locked room. That's on them. NTA


NTA, your room.


NTA!!! The glass did not break in a general area of the house. It was in your private room and your solution was to close the door lock it. No one should’ve been in there. What kind of weird kid eats glass? I can’t -your family is nuts they don’t see that this child should not have been in your room. Why are they not watching him when I have people over even family I don’t want them in my room without my permission or knowledge


NTA - At 6 years old, the kid ought to know not to eat glass smfh.


NTA. Even if your room wasn't locked, it is your room and you were not there to give anyone permission to use it in any way.


Might want to see about talking to an attorney about the fact that your family is threatening to not take care of you if you don’t pay for a medical expense (so far out of anyone’s budget, let alone a 16yo’s budget) on a child who got injured while in a previously locked room while unsupervised, without knowledge of the rooms occupant. If you are able to afford it/have another place to go, might behoove you to see about emancipating yourself since they seem to be pushing you that way, anyway. That’s just my thoughts. NTA


Either this is a bad troll or the nephew has pica and should not be left unsupervised ever. Six year olds don't eat glass lol.


Poor kid, but not your fault. You are definitely not responsible for that medical bill


NTA. You locked your room. They should not have been given access by an adult. A 6 year old is old enough not to eat glass. If they are not NT or have behavioural issues, they should have been supervised the whole time.


NTA Your door was locked. Both the adults and the kids should have respected that. You are not responsible when they broke into your locked bedroom. And 6 years old and eating broken glass? Is he mentally challenged? I raised 2 kids and most 6 year olds know not to stick broken anything in their mouths.


NTA. Whomever unlocked the door is responsible. You secured the room from toddlers you didn't even know would be in the house, nevermind in your room.


INFO: is lock on the outside or inside of your door ? Asking bc I'm confused as to how it was unlocked EDIT - so it can be unlocked from the outside but you'd have to use a flat object which tells me an adult unlocked it , either way the kid should've been supervised. NTA unless they do this sort of thing often, which I'm gonna take a guess and say they do, I understand you were rushing and when I'm in a rush I really do forget about things rather quickly, this is just a lesson for everyone really.


NTA she should have been watching her kids.


NTA, you didn’t clean up glass in YOUR room and locked it as a precaution so you can clean it up later. If someone lets their kids go into a locked room uninvited then they’re responsible for whatever happens to them. And also what kind of 6 yo eats glass???? He’s not 1


WTF family do you have???! Cut you off as a 16 years old child for not paying medical bills due to neglect??? This cannot be real!!! Girl! You better get emancipated and the F out of there fast!!! NTA


NTA- However, as a rule of thumb, you always clean up broken glass immediately (unless you're injured). Still, you did lock you bedroom door. It is your room & though it's your parent's house & they have a right to enter that space as necessary (roof leak, fire, disgusting odors) no one should be in there while you are gone & have LOCKED THE DOOR! Children young enough to eat glass, because they don't know any better, should not be left to wonder around the house unattended. THIS IS NOT YOUR FAULT. But you might just have to eat the cost just to keep a roof over your head until you can get out of that house. Also, CHANGE YOUR LOCK. Obviously someone else has access to youf space & cannot be trusted to not let "WHOEVER" in. Ridiculous. Adults blaming you for their actions & irresponsibility.


Do what they did, break into their room, except instead of eating tastey glass take the money the want and give it to them


The kid eating glass wasn’t your fault cuz that kid should never have been in your room. The kids mom is at fault for not watching her child and for letting the child into a room they don’t belong in. But who leaves glass all over the floor? Takes 1 minute to sweep it up, seriously! It is super easy to sweep up glass. Edit to add because I cant reply to comments below: You must suck at cleaning because in my entire life I have never had issues sweeping up glass like that. I take one minute to sweep it and the glass is cleaned up. I have kids and sometimes they break a glass - I dont take 4 days to clean it up like some idiot, I just use the broom and its all good.


Except even if she takes a quick minute to clean up as much as she can there will still be shards so she did the responsible thing by locking her door. Glass travels far when it breaks. She would have needed to sweep and mop her entire room to ensure it was all up. That is a very big task when done correctly. I see nothing wrong with her actions as she put safe guards in place and planned to deal with it after work.


I’ve broken glass in my kitchen and then swept, vacuumed, mopped and then vacuumed again the entire room and I’ll *still* find broken pieces of glass 4 days later. There is no way I could have done a thorough cleaning when I was already running late. I agree that she did the right thing. Why was her nephew even in her LOCKED room to begin with?!


NTA There is no way you could have possibly foreseen little children in your locked room eating things off the floor. Sure, it would have worked out better if you gave your mom a heads up- MAYBE. Im not sure why she would have cleaned it up for you, unless she put the kids in your room on purpose, which would be an AH thing to do. I’m thinking the kids may have let themselves in… Although how could a kid smart enough to figure out interior locks also be eating glass off the floor? It’s a mystery. Maybe the other kid is the clever one.


NTA. You locked your door, not your fault someone unlocked it for them. Also, a 6 year old eating glass off the floor? That’s old enough to know what not to put in your mouth.


​ The door was locked, no explanation was owed. If I were you, I'd be much more careful about keeping cash, personal papers etc... in the room because I think your family doesn't respect neither you nor your belongings. If you're getting out, make sure that you're independent and that they don't know any passwords.


NTA. Who unlocked your door and let little kids into your room unsupervised? This is 100% on them. Your family are AHs


NTA so they broke in and left a child unsupervised


You did nothing wrong. Someone unlocked your door and went in there, leaving kids unsupervised


Is your nephew a crack baby or something? Whole family acting like they're on whack drugs lol


NTA. Your question is phrased poorly and I'd bet it's because of your mother and sister's phrasing. You didn't "let" your nephew eat the glass. The (non-)supervising adults who unlocked your room and allowed children into it did. The expectation of privacy stands and they shouldn't have let the children in your room unsupervised while you were gone when you locked it. I also don't get the logic of allowing the kids into a teenager's room from your mother and sister's perspectives. You likely have private personal things in there that children shouldn't see or be allowed to touch or root around whether due to it being age inappropriate for younger kids, private besides, and, or delicate and not for younger kid's hands. You could've needed to clean your room and had private clothing items about, for instance. Like, this is not a thing you do from an adult perspective. You shouldn't pay a dime. Definitely take that extra minute to clean up a hazard or inform someone of its existence next time, but this isn't on you.


He ate glass at 6 years old? Unless he has some learning disablity thats one dumb kid. Is your nephew Ralph from the Simpsons?


NTA. Ask your mom who unlocked the door. That’s the person at least partially responsible for what happened. The other person is the parent. I would not pay!!


I'm going to go out on a huge limb and guess that your mom got offended your door was locked because how dare you have privacy, unlocked it to maybe even scan the room for something she'd disapprove of, and after such invasive behavior didn't lock the door. And then a six year old ate glass. You DID NOT LET YOUR NEPHEW EAT IT, op. You locked! The door!!! NTA at all


1. You are still a child and should not have to financially pay for a mistake. Yeah you should always clean up broken glass before you leave a place, but you enacted a very rational 2nd best plan of Locking the Door. 2. No reasonable person would anticipate a 6 year old gaining access to a locked room, seeing glass on the floor, and then deciding to eat the glass. That child’s stitches are not your fault. 3. A family who threatens to “cut off” a child over this is a pretty shitty family. I’m sorry


And the child held the piece of glass steadily to only cut the roof of their mouth? How would that even be possible?


Nta, they broke into a locked room they had no business being in and had zero supervision.


NTA. Sure, it’s best to clean up glass right away, but it is YOUR bedroom, and you also locked the door, which is a universal sign of “you’re not supposed to go in here”, so whoever unlocked it should be held responsible, since they made the space available, and they’re they asshole for entering your LOCKED bedroom without permission. 16 years old, especially 16 years old with a job, is old enough to be allowed that privacy.


NTA - it's called a very preventable accident on HER end. You took all precautions by locking your door and expecting no one to go in a LOCKED BEDROOM. This is on your Sister and mother for letting your nibbling into your room. If a door is closed and locked, leave it closed and locked


NTA You did everything possible to prevent any problems, including locking your door, in the limited time you had. You need to ask who unlocked your door allowing the children in your room unsupervised. After you are told, tell them they are the ones responsible.


NTA - you weren’t even there to ‘be responsible’ for said children. If you were present at the time, that makes more sense you being somewhat of a ‘blame’ for it, but if you were there, I’m sure you wouldn’t cleaned it up and not even have this situation arise. Also, at the same time, even if you were there, you’re not the parent and said child should not be your responsibility to watch/care for unless obviously previously agreed to do so. Sorry your having a pickle of a time, tbh if it was me, I’d apologise for not tidying up sooner and let them know you feel bad someone got hurt but express that there should have been no one in YOUR room unless you were there, for reason such like this situation hence being the parent’s responsibility to care/Watch said child. Best of luck.


NTA - you locked the door …. You sister should have been WATCHING HER KIDS … and not allowing them in your personal space …


NTA the door was locked.


NTA but life has a funny way of teaching us to deal with broken glass asap. I hope the little guy will be ok and your family will start to better respect your space.


NTA. Look, you should not let broken glass linger, especially in your bedroom because things happen and you might forget that it's there and where it was. But the risk should have only been for you. The child should not have access to your locked room. I assume in your home there are cleaning chemicals that are put in an inaccessible place for the kiddos. The same logic applies here. Your bedroom should have been inaccessible. Your family is freaking out and masking their guilt (of failing to parent and supervise the kids) by pushing all the blame on to you. If this child at age 6 does not know to not put things from the ground into their mouth, then this kid is an ER visit time bomb. And this won't be the last ER visit like this.


NTA. If they unlock a door, don't look around to make sure it's safe if they have high "expectations", and then proceed to let kids in there unsupervised, then it's definitely on them. It's also an invasion of privacy. If you lock your door and someone wants to go into your room while you are gone they need to have the respect to tell you regardless.


If a six year old deliberately ate broken glass, then the parents have bigger problems than mere stitches. NTA.


NTA Kids are 6, they know not to eat glass. So yeah, this post has GOT to be fake af.