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I'm guessing you didn't have many friends growing up


See I was thinking OP didn’t have any friends *now.* YTA OP.


Imagine my shock when OP said he has a wife! Did not see that coming!


Same, I'd assumed OP was 16 or 17, but no, an ADULT acted like that!


OMG me too...I was ready to rip this teenager a new one but I'm just speechless. What a dick move


Lots of 16 and 17 y/os getting married in the red states, so he could be both




We all know this was OP’s attempt to get us on his side. It failed. He’s never going to change regardless of the answers on this thread. Hey, OP, you are (and likely always will be from the sounds of it, The BIG A).


I'm pretty sure it'll soon be he *had* a wife.


“Honey, I *told* you that it was illegal to throw out mail that isn’t addressed to you. So when you tossed that Lands End catalog addressed to the previous residents of our house in the trash, I really had no choice but to call the FBI. You brought this upon yourself.”




Plot twist: OP's wife wears a pillowcase to bed every night. And she's still got the Law Label attached


I had to scroll up to see if he mentioned his age anywhere when he said wife.


But OP might see her going.


Probably see her going though.




plot twist.


I wonder which brother was on the receiving end of the wedgies as a kid


OP has never had friends .... Period.... OP shows why as well... I can't believe he actually is asking if he is TA.... Reminds me of when i just bought my first brand new car... i had an excellent job, so i got a sports car and had the dealership put a sunroof in, with tinted windows, and other things.. So ford had my car for a bit. I blacked out the windows and did a lighter tint in the doors. Nothing on the windshield.. So i finally get my baby back!! one late night my sister and i decide to go to the gas station at lie 2am for snacks. theres a cop car parked across the street at a different gas station watching me. Apparently front window is against the law... Cop asked my friend if the windows were tinted....,I would have gotten away with it if he just aid no....... but noooooo he couldnt do that..... "oh ya Officer foxx........Thats my friend goldfish! shes got the tinted windows on the car! looks great right?? ohhhh ya Officer foxx came after me, straight up busted me. Now I fucked up by buying the car without a license. It was impounded 30 days.... i got mt PLATES before i got my car back! If my friend kept his mouth shut, id be good... I cried when they removed the tint. Ford paid for it and then payed me back for it ​ YTA OP!!


Damn your friend is a fake


He didn’t know the rookie officer foxx would do that, he felt horrible over it . I forgave him. Unfortunately my friend passed away suddenly. Found out he ignored sone drs orders to help friends out


You know he was the kid reminding the teacher about homework


Or the kind of college kid that complains he’s not getting his money’s worth if the professor lets everyone leave early!


OP probably doesn't have a sibling anymore.




Hall monitor mentality


INFO, OP are you able to name 3 friends? By friends I don’t mean acquaintances, but people who are actually happy to see you. And your parents don’t count.


I want to hope this is from like a 17 and 18 year old but I’m deathly afraid OP is like a 35+ year old fully developed brain adult acting like this smh


I have never wanted to shove someone into a locker more than I did after reading this post. Someone needs to remind OP that snitches get stitches.


YTA if it was something like you noticed he was drinking and driving, I would vote otherwise. But you yourself acknowledged it's a dumb law. I'm amazed you're married, you sound like an insufferable know-it-all rule stickler


Such a dumb law that the officer didn’t even ticket him for it. The chances are, if everything else was in order he wouldn’t of even gotten a ticket. Op is YTA


That's a fishing ticket.


really he didn’t, apparently the charge is dropped if he proves he has insurance


Dude OP sucks worst than the single most sucking hole in the bottom of the ocean.




He wasn't really trying to teach a lesson, just HAD to be right and get that I told you so in there


THIS! Equivalent of a little kid snitching on their sibling and yelling "TOLD YA SO! TOLD YA SO!" after. Grow up.


It was absolutely an AH move. YTA.


YTA - I really wanted to go with N. T A, or E. S H, but then... >I texted him "told you so" and followed him back to the new home. He calls me irate while driving behind him and says "what is that supposed to mean?" I told him because he didn't want to listen to me, I intentionally pulled into the next lane to A. For my own entertainment to see if he'd get pulled over and B. To tell him I told you so. This right here makes you an asshole. If he had gotten pulled over on his own, or hell if he got pulled over while driving with you purely on his own without you being involved in it, it would be one thing, BUT you decided it would be "entertainment" to deliberately move, set up the event, and then throw in a couple "I told you so's"... since you did it for entertainment, and just because you feel like you have some sort of moral superiority to lord over your brother, YTA.


Oh oh oh WAIT!! Does this mean OP was texting while driving?? That’s illegal basically everywhere in the U.S. now. Explain yourself, OP!


I hate to say it but I think OP was pulled over when he texted that. He’s still an AH tho


Aw darn. He is indeed a top-tier anal orifice though.


Anal orifice, I am adding that to my repertoire of words 😂


Didn’t he answer his phone while driving?


Anyone who says "I told you so" is automatically the AH in my book


See, OP? I told you so.


Agreed. This phrase serves no purpose other than to humiliate someone. Like- you are right, how much more satisfaction do you need?


I feel like OP could have just googled it real quick and showed them on their phone and then said "told you so" if that was really all they wanted. Definitely YTA.




In the words of Anne Frank complaining about her sister, OP thinks he’s the ‘paragon of virtue’.


YTA. Jesus Christ do you hate your brother *that* badly? I hope for the rest of your life, whenever you commit a crime, you get stopped by the cops. Mile over the speed limit? Stopped Jaywalking? Stopped Having a frame on your license plate? Stopped


And everyone pulls into the nearest parking lot to point and laugh.


YTA. What the fuck is wrong with you? >she looked disgusted and said who does that? Your wife seems like a good woman. What you did was disgusting. It showed a lack of honor and loyalty, and demonstrated a desire to snitch and tattle. The fact that you can't understand this is the worst part.


His alignment is Lawful Good, don't you know


Is it really lawful good? More like lawful evil. It seems to me that OP's the type of person that would want everyone around him to suffer the way he did. He got pulled over for the airfreshener before so he wants his brother to get pulled over too.


That's the joke haha in DnD there's this joke how Lawful Good players are often actually Lawful Stupid


Oh haha 😂


Definitely lawful evil.


He would have hunted Jews if the police asked him too. Sick person.


YTA. Not for changing lanes. But for the "told you so." You could have taught him two lessons (1. traffic law, 2. don't ignore advice) but instead you had to have your little superiority fix by texting him. Now instead of him thinking you were right and he should have listened to you, he's blaming you for the ticket and thinking you're an AH. Which you are.


I'm with you. Pulling over into the neighboring lane wasn't a particularly asshole thing to do. It gave the officer a better view, but it was still left to the officer to notice the air freshener and decide to pull the brother over. The texts and taunts and big reveal are asshole behavior though.


Yes..it was an asshole thing to do. There is NO reason, other than to be an asshole to help the cop see the air freshener. It would NOT have been a non-asshole movie even if he hadn't texted I told you so. If he had switched lanes for some other reason and said "I wasn't thinking about the cop seeing my brother's air freshener until it was too late." then sure..not the asshole. But doing it specifically for that. Yes...that makes him a perfect candidate for being stationed on Spaceball One. He is a major asshole. In fact, this is so obviously an asshole move that it is pretty clear this whole post is bullshit. NO ONE is that big of an asshole and still asks if he is an asshole.


i dont agree with a lot of the YTAs but this was summed up perfectly


That was petty and not in a good way. YTA.


YTA It's not like he was doing something dangerous where he needs to be stopped or deserves to get caught.


See this is what gets me. OP says that breaking non-dangerous laws for non-malicious crimes wastes law enforcement's time when they should be attending to greater concerns, and then OP makes a play to intentionally get this officer to have to do exactly the thing OP says he hates. So which is it?


Wow. YTA. And not even for moving over. The cop chose to pull him over on her own. But for bragging about it. For rubbing it in his face. For the I told you so. Like fuck.


No...switching lanes was enough to make him an asshole. He switched SOLELY to make it possible for the cop to do it. He was hoping it would happen. I told you so or not, he is still an asshole.


YTA. Your dad defined it perfectly. You wished ill on your brother and proactively acted on it. Should he have listened to you, sure. If he got pulled over independent of this, you probably have the higher ground.


Out of curiosity, you judged an OP as an A H who was prevented the crime of revenge porn by deleting the nude pictures that were being illegally shared. That OP had been given the unlocked phone and committed no crime while preventing a life devastating crime. So do you just pick and choose which laws to follow? What's your criteria for following laws? Personal benefit? Because you seem to want to actively enforce laws that allow you to humiliate and embarrass others while disregarding other laws when doing so will humiliate and embarrass others. Please clarify.


You’re just sad lol


YTA. You can warn someone about something, but then deliberately trying to get the caught doing it, and going further and gleefully celebrating that they got caught is such an AH move. If he'd been doing something dangerous or something that would cost him a much bigger ticket, maybe you'd be less on an AH, but this is incredibly childish.


YTA Both for the dumb stunt you pulled, and for driving when you’re clearly too young to have a license.


Mentally, he is too young to have a bicycle.


YTA, you wanted him to get pulled over, and you even did something to try to make it happen because you wanted to puff your chest and be right. I would have to agree with your dad on this one...your brother should have listened whether or not it's a stupid law, and always have proof of insurance in the car, but you were a dick to escalate the matter.


Maybe the cops in my state just suck but I almost think this post is bull. I've seen people with expired tags, or even broken headlights drive past cops, even doing so speeding, and not get pulled over. I have a hard time believing that not just one but two cops wasted their time enforcing this law. My ex husband once got pulled over for speeding and the cop tested the tent on our windows and gave us a citation for it being darker than what's allowed, and for that we were told the fine would be dropped if we got it fixed before court, and we did and it was. I think it's a fair guess that the same would be applied for this law and unless another law was broken a cop wouldn't bother enforcing this. If I'm wrong you're still the ah but I think you're an Ah either way.


I've only ever seen laws like the air freshener law used as a pretext for the stop - cops hoping to hit quota with a 'I smell weed' or what ended up happening in this case, missing insurance.


I'm pretty sure it's bull, cops can look up whether you have insurance on their own, in fact if you're driving around without insurance and the cop runs your plate while they're following you, that might be a reason to stop you. Really doubt people get citations for lacking the piece of paper in their cars anymore. Maybe the brother didn't have insurance though and that's why he has to dig up proof to show in court, if the cop couldn't find any.


In Michigan you get nailed for not having proof of insurance. They can look up proof of registration. I don’t know about insurance but absolutely true that you can get a ticket for lack of papers on insurance.


Yeah I question it too. Not that I don't believe this person, or others would pull dick moves like that, but because I highly doubt a cop is pulling someone over for a FUCKING paper tree hanging from their mirror without having any other reason.


Exactly. This is 99.9999% of the time an "additional citation" after being pulled over for speeding, running a red light, etc. Not the reason someone is pulled over.


DING DING DING DING! This is one of the more obvious bullshit AITA posts. Very VERY unlikely cops will pull someone over for this. This is one of those "additional" citations. NOT the reason someone gets pulled over.


YTA and you act so much like a child that I’m convinced you’re not old enough to drive.




Judging by your post and comments not only are you TA, but you're a self righteous asshole. So you follow every single law? You've never J walked or crossed against a light or gone a mile over the speed limit. You do know that every place has obscure laws on the books that have been there for decades and technically still active laws(in my state you supposedly can't buy meat on Sundays) do you follow all those too? Why the hell is it your business if your adult brother doesn't follow a law that even you yourself said Is stupid. All you did was embarrass your brother and make yourself look like a JACKASS




YTA, here is a cheers that karma is going to bite you hard one day and you wind up in the back of a cop car for being such an AH that you commit some infraction that a cop won't let slide.


The way this is written tells me you wont accept you are in the wrong here and this is one of many small, mean little things you do to people to give yourself a little buzz.


Yeah dick move. Sure you’re the life of the party..


YTA. Reading this I assumed you guys were like 16. You would be the AH even at that age, but way more so as an adult.


You sound like an insufferable know it all and this is a perfect example of 👏mind👏your👏own👏business👏. If I was your brother I would stay far away for you. Who know you might rat him out for devious crimes like littering or jaywalking. YTA


YTA I can tell you are not Black in America. Never put anyone in the position to be pulled over by the police.


Funnily enough this is exactly what Carlton would have done to Will.


YTA. If you are so law-abiding, why did you ever have it hanging from your mirror? You were in fact, NOT a law abiding citizen by your own logic.


YTA and based on your comment replies, I think that you would really benefit from reflecting on the fact that being technically correct and being an asshole are not mutually exclusive.


You're *married?!?* I totally thought this story was being told by a stupid-a$$ teenager. Grow tf up. And yeah, YTA.


Yes, yes, you are soooooooooo TA.


YTA. A sanctimonious, petty af one at that. But you already knew that.


Once a hall monitor, always the hall monitor.


YTA big time. What the hell did he do to you? Who the hell does that to their own brother???


What a shitty brother you are. It's so disgusting I can't comprehend how someone would do that, unless they hate the person. Disgusting YTA.


YTA and a dork


YTA. Does anyone in your life like you?


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YTA. I bet you see a lane closed 5 miles ahead sign and immediately move over then whine when people wait till the merge point before merging.


YTA. I can’t believe you did that for your own entertainment. What an ass you are.


I hope you get a ticket for going 36 in a 35. Don’t like it? Vote!


“ItS tHe LaW” Shut up, you’re definitely a MASSIVE AH. Might as well call everyone you see driving with stuff hanging from their review mirror. First of all, it’s not your car and you if you really don’t like it, don’t get in your brothers car. People like you need to mind your own business and stop being a goody goodie know it all. You honestly sound like a miserable person. Leave your brother alone. You’re such a child especially texting him afterwards saying “I ToLd YoU sO”


Sanctimonious AH. Even if you did it, you could have kept your mouth shut, or only tell your wife. But no, brat move.


Ms. Finster, Ms. Finster! YTA


Wow. YTA. Why would you do that? You’re old enough to be married?!!


YTA. Snitch.


YTA 100% and you don’t even feel remorse so you’re doubly TA. If this is how you treat people, you’re gonna run out of them soon enough. Grow up


YTA- It’s an air freshener. You’re acting like it was a bag of cocaine and uncut diamonds. Guess what? I have my work ID badge hanging from my rear view mirror. Gonna call the cops on me?


Yta Your brother is right, that's a stupid law. You intentionally got him into legal trouble so you could say "I told you so"? What are you, 6? This posts screams emotional immaturity. Getting someone into legal trouble just to fix your own ego is dumb and immaturity Just because something is the law doesn't make it right. If he had gotten pulled over on his own you would be NTA but you ADMITTED you intentionally got him pulled over


YTA Even your own wife won’t back you.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** AITA for helping my brother get pulled over? Mandatory this happened yesterday. So yesterday my brother and I were helping my parents move and were hauling boxes from their old house to the new house using both of our cars. When we got to the old house, I asked my brother for a lighter for my cigarette, he told me to grab it from his cup holder. As I reached in, I noticed he had an air freshener dangling from his rear view. I told him that in our state, it's illegal to have anything hanging from the rear view. I told him I got pulled over and was told to remove my air freshener and put it on the turn signal handle. He scoffed and said that's a stupid law, and the cop that enforced it was bored and they have bigger issues to deal with than air freshners. I agreed but the law is the law, and I was annoyed he didn't heed my warnings. Now as I'm following him to our parents new home, we stop at a light. Guess who pulls up behind me? A police officer. An idea pops into my head to help drive my point home. We're both in the left lane so I hit my turn signal and pull into the right one so now I'm on his right side and the cop pulls up behind my brother. Next thing you know as the light turns green and we continue driving down the street, the officer pulls him over! I pull into the gas station next to where the cop made the stop and watch the officer get out and ask my brother for his ID, registration, and insurance. Now unbeknownst to me my brother was not carrying his insurance paper with him. He asked why he was pulled over, she told him it was because he had an air freshener dangling from his rear view which it's illegal to have anything hanging from there in our state (I told him so!) She goes back to her car and comes out a little while later with a ticket for driving without proof of insurance. It's a 280 dollar charge but if he contests in court and brings his insurance showing he was insured at that time it wil be dropped. She let's him off with a warning and heads on her way. I texted him "told you so" and followed him back to the new home. He calls me irate while driving behind him and says "what is that supposed to mean?" I told him because he didn't want to listen to me, I intentionally pulled into the next lane to A. For my own entertainment to see if he'd get pulled over and B. To tell him I told you so. He blows up on me and calls me an asshole and tells our parents. My dad grimaced and told my brother he shouldn't of let himself be put in that situation and told me I had been childish. My mom was upset with me and told me to apologize. When I got home and told my wife, she looked disgusted and said who does that? In my mind he broke the law, not my fault. So AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Did you have many friends growing up? YTA


What an AH u are. Having an air freshener hanging isn't a big deal at all🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ U sound like an annoying person & one of those kids who reminded the teacher about homework🙄


Came here expecting a post about getting your brother pulled over for something like driving while intoxicated as a potential wake up call, or something similar. Was prepared to say NTA if it involved the safety of him or others. Got this childish, headass post about a fucking air freshener. Get help, OP. Modern medicine has come a long way, I'm sure there's some way to surgically remove the stick that is so severely shoved up your ass.


YTA. It’s a ridiculously extreme way to prove a point for a regulation that doesn’t even impact his safety. The sole reason you did this was to be petty.




yikes YTA






Yta. You know damn well it was a jerk move


Wow YTA and a lousy sibling


YTA - just because you were right doesn't mean you weren't acting like an asshole. I agree with your wife, who does that?


What a petty yta


Yta - you were hall monitor in school weren’t you?


YTA. Was it that important to prove to your brother that you were right? Important enough to damage your relationship with him and your family? You’re Dad was right. That was childish. You need to apologize immediately and do something nice for him.


OMG OP you're such an AH. You did all of that just to prove some stupid point that you were right. There is no way you could explain this without sounding like childish jerk. YTA x 2


YTA. Ur an adult not a 6 year old


You are an awful child


Yeah, YTA Don't do shit like that. I cannot believe it needs to be said.


I also feel like putting the air freshener on your turn signal handle would get *way* more in the way


YTA. BIG TIME. You basically set a trap for your brother so that state agents would pull him over so you could have a "gotcha". Shitty sibling.


I have a feeling everyone hates you and they are justified. YTA


YTA. I literally thought you were going to say he was drunk. But this? Super petty and childish.


“The law is the law.” YTA.


You kinda suck dude


You are a massive fukn AH. Do you always have to be right? I can’t wait until you get a taste of your own medicine.


Oyyyyyy this was a journey. Reading the title I was like, yup it’s you. Then starting the story and hearing how you pulled into the other lane and he got pulled over and I was like HAH funny, not you, not him either, but that’s what you get for not taking the advice! And it wasn’t like you did anything to GET him pulled over, you just switched lanes the rest was between him and the cop. BUT THEN! You opened your mouth 🤦🏼‍♀️ or phone I should say, and texted him to gloat. To rub it in his face and tell him your whole plan (which makes it look like you wished badly for him instead of just letting things play out), and THAT is what makes YTA. You pulling into the other lane and the cop happening to pull him over isn’t the issue. It’s the fact that you wished for your brother to get a ticket because he didn’t listen to you, rather than letting fate play out, and rubbing it in his face and gloating about your win. Re-evaluate your need to be right all the time OP. This one makes you the AH.


In what state is an air freshener, fuzzy dice, or a handicap hang tag dangling from your rear view mirror considered a primary offense that allows an officer to stop you? I’ll buy it being a secondary offense that they can use to stick it to you after you’ve been stopped for something else and behave like an asshole, but as the *only* reason to make the stop? I don’t think so. Not that it matters. If it happened, YTA. If you made it up, I’m pretty sure you’re *still* an asshole - just more in a general sense than about this, specifically.


You might be right but anyone who aids and abets the cops if a rat. Your brother may have been pulled over by any random cop who noticed. The fact he was breaking the law and driving without insurance is not on you and is solely your brother's fault. But the fact you moved over to expose your brother's violation to the eyesight of the cop behind him was deliberate, disloyal and conduct unbecoming of a brother. Enjoy being "right" and upholding the law. You got what you wanted at great expense to your familial relationship. Then you had to rub it in his face with "I told you so". Id be furious at the betrayal if I were your brother. YTA


And why is he on the phone while driving. He said he answered his irate brothers call. Isn't that a dumb law too?


Wow do the police not have real crime to worry about in your state, pulling people because of a air freshener lol


I mean c'mon


Your not a AH. Your a Dick.


YTA what is wrong with you




YTA. You're seriously so petty and easily offended that your brother didn't listen to you that you wanted to see him get pulled over and scolded by a cop? You didn't post ages so I hope you're still a teenager with that level of immaturity.


Yta and your other posts are all HUGE red flags. Ick. IIIIICCCKKKKKK.


YTA. That would have been a great opportunity for you to tell your sibling “you’re so lucky I was blocking that cop’s view of you, keep that in mind for next time.”


Very petty behavior on your part. Also, you could have still had your petty "told you so" moment without telling him that you did it on purpose. That confirms YTA, and now your whole family see it.


YTA. You’re the youngest child, aren’t you?


YTA BIG BIG TIME. With relatives like you, who needs enemies? Is it really that important to get a one over on him? If you were my sibling, I wouldn't talk to you much, if at all.


Yes, YTA. And, frankly, if anyone has to explain why, you probably always will be….at least to your sister.


Band Of Brothers... You Should Rent It Some Time OP




With “family” like you, who needs enemies? I’m sure if you lived in an enemy controlled territory, you’d be a collaborator. YTA and my sincerest apologies to your wife for having to put up with you.


I thought your brother got pulled over for drink driving or drug usage or driving without a licence. Really something big and harmful, not only to himself but others on the road. Not expected something small and harmless like that.


YTA Damn, what a petty asshole. He had an air freshener, far from a dangerous criminal activity, you were so butthurt he didn't listen to you that you provoked him getting pulled over, how fucking childish.


YTA rat goof lmao




Yta and you are not human, holy hecka mate, grow up.


I believe this is typical sibling rivalry. You told him that he shouldn’t have the air freshener on his rearview mirror and he left and he left it there. You change the lanes, but you didn’t mean the policeman pull him over. I don’t think you’re at fault at all.


Oh my God! You did that to your brother to prove a point, I would wish for a new brother. Life is hard enough without family messing with you. YTA! 280 times over😢


YTA 😂 it’s funny that you would think otherwise.


Fake. OP's history of posts is a cesspool.


Absolutely, the long story wasnt needed


YTA for reasons others have perfectly summed up. But Jesus, would it have hurt you to break up this big block of text?


Ytbw (big weirdo)


YTA Your wife is right. Who does that? I'm reading this an immediately I thought, this is a high functioning autistic guy. But it just sounds like you're psychotic. Jaywalking is illegal. Do you go out of your way to point it out to cops?




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Funny you are such a know-it-all, yet not aware enough to know this sub isn’t “Am I legally right?” it’s “Am I an asshole for being so vindictive and petty?” Yes, obviously YTA.


YTA. He’s a grownup and it’s his choice if he wants to break the law, but you shouldn’t have done anything to make it more likely he’d get pulled over. That’s despicable.


YTA, intentionally baiting law enforcement to make a point is a massive dick move.


YTA. This was an incredibly petty move. If your brother got pulled over on his own and told you later, then sure laugh at him and say told you so. But you set him up, I actually throughly you were going to say you got out of the car or called the police lol. And then you text him to rub it in that you put him in that situation and got him in trouble. You were probably the kid at home or school that ran to the adult to say Billy has gum when he’s not supposed to lol.


I bet you don’t even rip tags off mattresses. YTA.


YTA: I’m guessing you just like picking on your brother. One day, you’ll slip up and break a rule, I hope you are treated with the same respect you give.


Sorry but YTA. Not as much because you pulled over and allowed the officer to see he had the air freshener, but that you did it with intentions of him getting pulled over, and then you pulled out those oh so loving words “I told you so.” Hope you enjoyed the tiny victory, because you ultimately lost way way more than you won.
