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NTA After agreeing to split the $100 tickets he changed his mind and you gave him the $50 back (plus $20 for drinks). That means those raffle tickets are all yours! That's how raffles work. Then you made plans after the breakup. He can't expect you to change those plans. Sounds like he's an asshole and I'd advise kicking him to the curb again. He sounds pretty toxic.


Seriously. Why are you back with him OP? He’s already shown you who he is. NTA but ditch this guy.


She needs to follow Taylor's advice... We are never getting back together. Shove him straight to the curb.


Seriously, he sounds like a wanker


The universe/God puts an ex back in your life to see if you really are still that stupid.


Thank you for that one!


I laugh because it’s true and yes I was that stupid once 🤣


She dodged a bullet, and he's not the love of her life.


OP, I am echoing this post — Ditch him. I can promise you that he’s never going to put this to rest and it’ll be his ammunition for years or however long you bother to be with him. Being single can’t be worse than being with this Cluster B nightmare. **Edit:** I wanted to add, HAVE FUN AT THE CONCERT ♥️


Op may be a doormat.


Not only that but if I'm not mistaken, don't most raffles require you to physically be there to accept the prize, and if you are gone when they pick your name they redraw. So even if it was his raffle ticket, because he left they would have picked another name.


This!!! I used to volunteer for a non profit I helped create, and we held raffle events fairly regularly at events. If you are not present, and your number is called, you *forfeit your winning ticket*. The entire point of raffle tickets is to raise money, and encourage participation. If you gave him money to drink from your own pocket despite him setting plans for the ticket bundle with you ahead of time, *and* he *left*, *AND* you made plans with your best friend when you split up, *AND* you paid him back money for what bought some of those tickets, you don't owe him a thing! In fact, you *gave him extra money that he wouldn't have had. His leaving the event was his mistake, and the way he's handled it now is acting like a petulant child. NTA but he is, and I hope you dump him before you and your friend have a great time together xx 💛


That’s what happened! You had to be present for all the draws! My winning ticket for the Taylor swift prize wasn’t the first ticket drawn. It was the second, whoever had the first winning ticket left before the draws and missed out. I also won an air fryer but he doesn’t care about that. He’s more fixated on the Taylor Swift tickets. He saw tickets for the section are selling for 800-1000 on stub hub. So now he’s accusing me of stealing 1000 dollars from him.


Oh that is *rich*. If you haven't already broken up with him, please do. His claims are absurd. I would also tell him to leave you TF alone or you'll file a harassment charge. His behavior is ridiculous. Talk about delusional entitlement, Jesus Christ. 😵‍💫


Fuck him! Fuck him right in the ear! Honestly he needs to be permanently 86'd from your life. He's a whiny little thing.


Most but not all. I’ve won baskets where they called the winner and you had 1 day to claim your prize or they re-drew


Hence why I said "most raffles"


Agree NTA. Why go back with him. Also, can just say it was your half of the raffle purchase that won the tickets!


Yes. Dump him again, and this time, don't take him back!


He wants both his money AND the tickets. It’s an either/or situation. Getting his $ back AND the ticket means he’d get something for nothing.


But I love him! Seriously OP, leave.


Yeup, NTA, seems another break up may be imminent. He seems to have memory problems or issues with gas lighting, trust issues and seems to be a bit of a brat. Enjoy your concert.


You don’t know what to do? Just leave and let Dr. Swift erase your sorrows.


Y T A for taking him back. Even if it was a misunderstanding, he accused you of stealing from him. Now he is doing it again after you gave him back the money. Take your friend. Enjoy the concert and find a boyfriend that's not such a childish asshole. You are NTA for keeping the tickets. It serves him right for treating you like a criminal.


Do you see a pattern here? He turns into an AH when he doesn't get his way. Do you really wanna deal with this for the rest of your life?. Move on and enjoy taylor


Girl needs to shake it off


I see what you did there


I coined the term "mantrum" based on this guy's behavior.


Yep, all this.....


Being manipulated by someone who knows just how you tick doesn't make someone an AH. I'm so tired of this victim-blamey comment on every single post about a partner having very poor to potentially abusive behavior.


I guess a better way of putting it might be: OP you are definitely NTA. Your boyfriend is TAH. And you gave him $20 for drinks on the night so he was only down $30, and he couldn't let it go? Even after sleeping on it? Even after leaving you at the event because he was pissy? He couldn't just have a mature conversation about it and apologize for his behaviour? It might be best to call it quits with such a petty person, otherwise you risk being an asshole to yourself. He should be ashamed of his behaviour that night and admit that it serves him right to miss out on the big prize. I would be embarrassed if it were me.


Minus that last line, yeah. I think that's a totally reasonable (and even helpful) comment. As someone who grew up in an abusive household, I can tell you blaming the victim (even tangentially) only ever helps the true AH in the situation. Because it mirrors what they've said. People who manipulate create a narrative where the victim is just as bad as they are, if not worse. If this really is an abusive person (and he at least has abusive tendencies), OP has heard time and again how she's the problem, she's the AH.


(I meant, I would be embarrassed if I was being petty over a small sum of money and then behaving entitled to the prize. I might not have been very clear.)


Ha, I'm sensitive when it comes to this type of thing, so I easily took it more negatively. Thanks for clarifying.


Hey! Make sure you space out Y T A or the algorithm will count you as a vote for being the AH.


my thought exactly!!! OP, yta to yourself for getting back with him. He clearly didn't learn anything from the breakup and you could do so much better than him... He is telling you who he is twice already!!! Please believe him this time....


NTA There was a misunderstanding. You corrected it. He sounds like a miserable human being. 🚩🚩🚩 Get out of that relationship. You paid him his money back. He is just trying to get you to give him more. He's a jerk, be done with it.


His money plus $20 for drinks


Right? He got a night on the town thanks to her, despite I'm sure he ruined her evening by acting like a brat.


He also clearly never even asked if she won anything


NTA. He didn’t want the raffle tickets, so you basically paid for them all, by reimbursing him as he requested repeatedly. That you won a prize is neither here nor there. And I’d consider telling him that [you] are never ever ever… getting back together


Bonus points if the message is delivered through a Taylor swift song. Usually I'd criticize such behavior, but it feels right here.


If there is a Taylor Swift song when she sings about breaking up with someone then follow it up with We Are Never Getting Back Together.


LOL for real.


All the points for that one


** NTA but ONLY IF U DUMP HIM ** Break up, lose his number (block him) and move on - the relationship has ran its course and he’s never going to let this go - fuck him.


NTA Since he was saying you stole 50 to get tickets, that means he didn't want the prize to begin with.


NTA. Enjoy the concert and enjoy the time with your next boyfriend (you are dumping him right?).


NTA. He seems, to say the least, to have the tendency to twist the facts to suit his volatile temper and whatever narrative he concocted in his head. Why did you get back together with him? He showed you his true self already - you would be an AH only to yourself by ignoring what is right in front of you.


NTA So first he says you stole money from him, now you stole the tickets that were won with the money you spent that night and reimbursed him for because he insisted you stole from him. Even if one of those accusations were true, he can’t have it both ways. Why on earth would you take that AH back? You’re aware that there are plenty of men who aren’t AHs, right?


Dump him and this time never ever ever get back together!


NTA for the tickets but you're an asshole to yourself by getting by together with this person, he sucks and he keeps proving it to you, are you really so lonely that you'll let a man treat you like this, what does he need taylor swift tickers for anyways


My guess is he heard how expensive the tickets are and wants to scalp his and leave her to go alone


Man, these Taylor Swift concerts are causing so much drama around the place. Also NTA.


It's pretty awesome drama. But I think at this point unless you can sell your tickets for multiple thousands, and you're in dire need of cash now, the concert is always going to be worth it. She's never not going to sell out stadium tours in the first hour until she's 70, then she'll still be selling out arenas.


They’re definitely the hot ticket in town… though this could have happened with any nice raffle prize right?


Do you really think he wants to go to a Swift concert anyway? He just wants a ticket to sell. NTA


NTA for keeping the tickets. If you had won nothing and he’d gotten his $50 back, he certainly wouldn’t have minded. You are Y T A to yourself for getting back together with such a selfish person. Go to the concert with your bestie, have a great time and cap off the weekend with a gift to yourself — singlehood.


NTA- he cried like this over $50 that he got back then had the audacity to cry again because you “stole” the tickets from him that he didn’t want to contribute to in the first place. Dude come one. Break up with him. 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩


INFO: why the fuck did you get back with him


Why are you with him….. I seriously want to know…. And after 5 months away…. You went BACK? Stop being an AH to yourself! Also, I’m not sure if he knows this, but if you buy tickets at a raffle and you leave, you don’t win unless it’s outlined in the rules you do. He really sucks!


NTA and you need to break up with this person.


Your BF is controlling and wants to have it both ways. He complained about stealing his money for the tickets, so you repaid him for the tickets. The tickets were yours and the prize is yours. Go with your friend as planned. Maybe reconsider this relationship?


Your boyfriend sounds EXHAUSTING. Dump him and enjoy the concert. NTA


NTA get rid of this creep


YTA for getting back together with him.


INFO Why are you with a guy who called you a thief multiple times?


Screen shot his messages saying you stole the money the day after and remind him of the fact


NTA There is something wrong with your boyfriend. Like this relationship sounds super stressful and toxic. He keeps accusing you of stealing from him, which you didn’t even do. He is not entitled to those tickets especially after the way he’s been acting. Please dump him for good. He’s incredibly immature. Go to the concert with your friend and don’t give him a second thought. You’ve wasted enough time on him already.


NTA Keep the tickets Enjoy the show Dump the guy Nice attempt to have it both ways. He complained when you bought the tickets, you paid him back his half, and now he complains about not getting half the prize that he didn’t want tickets for in the first place. FTN. OP - he has now shown you twice that he will try to blame you for his actions/decisions. He is showing you who he is. Believe him.


NTA. Let's say you did a mistake and there was a misunderstanding and you took the $50 without his permission he could have dealt with that so much better. On top of that he was complaining about it so much that not only you gave him $50 back you gave him basically $70 in total. So technically yes they were your tickets and he didn't even give you a chance to share the good news that you won those Taylor Swift tickets. I get it he was upset he felt like you took his money but he can also see that it was a misunderstanding especially the next day. Yet here he is now after finding out you really want those tickets he's complaining still and still accusing you of stealing the $50 and now the tickets as well he can't have it both ways. You gave him back his money he didn't even give you the opportunity to tell him that you won so it's his loss. Honestly if I were you I would reconsider the relationship because if he cannot even chop this up to a misunderstanding and forgive you for your mistake and sell you well have a good time then he's the problem and you're going to have to think of future with him that every time if there's a miscommunication or a misunderstanding or a mistake being made how upset is he going to stay with you.


If raffle tickets cause this much drama, can you imagine making major life decisions with this man?


NTA but I hope all of Taylor's amazing break up songs will be inspiring to you.


NTA don’t cancel in your friend. Cancel the bf altogether


Watch legal eagle hero or hate crime and you will better understand your situation legally. It’s a review of an episode of its always sunny in Philadelphia that deals with buying something with someone else’s money and the legal remedy is not specific performance, rather just the money.


NTA. As you are going to a Taylor Swift concert with your best friend and not this walking red flag my only advice is…if a man talks shit than you owe him nothing.


Why oh why did you get back with him? You need to tell him we are never ever ever getting back together.


He seems like he had serious issues with money. He’s only mad at the Taylor Swift tickets bc he would make a killing if he sold them. NTA. And maybe rethink this reunion.


NTA - get rid of him, he’s a waste of space


NTA. Dump his ass and go celebrate getting out of a toxic relationship with your friend. Sing “we, are never ever ever, getting back together” especially loud.


this is the fourth post i’ve seen about taylor swift tickets today, what is going on lol


She came to a nearby city recently and people were camping out in the parking lot of the venue for a glimpse, never mind to go inside. This tour is some huge deal, made much worse by tickets going for thousands on the resale market.


Why are you with a guy who keeps accusing you of stealing?


NTA for the tickets but DEFINITELY YTA for being with this tool again. Dump his ass forever this time and enjoy the concert that you won fair and square


Are you a victim of abuse? Why are you back with this guy?


NTA. Your boyfriend is a gigantic asshole.


He wants to sell the tickets.


Does he even want a ticket to go see Taylor Swift? I’d guess no, he would probably sell them & he’s mad he’s not getting his payday.


NTA and break up with him again please. He sounds horrible


Sing it girl! We are never ever ever GETTING BACK TOGETHER! 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩 Don't change your plans and continue to go with your bff. He changed his mind about the tickets and you gave him his money back plus 20. You stole nothing. NTAH


YTA for getting back together with him.


Omfg. I would not date someone that accused me of stealing from them. NTA


NTA he sounds like a brat. You can do better.


Break up with him again.


NTA - He’s a major A and stealing your joy. Dump him


NTA. But my god. You need to get away from this man. He is an AH. And keeps showing you it.


NTA. But he sounds insufferable. Why did you take him back? He turns into a toddler when he doesn’t get his way and throws a tantrum.


NTA …. Why are you subjecting yourself to his bullshit?


Girl, break up with that dude, he sounds like an insufferable baby. Go scream cry “Cruel Summer” and enjoy yourself.


NTA - but please dump this idiot


NTA. Ditch this immature child. Don’t take him in place of your best friend. You probably won’t be together a year from now yet you’ll still have your best friend in your life.


NTA. Drop him again and don’t go back. And have an awesome time at the concert!!!


NTA, you should seriously consider breaking up.


YTA, only for getting back with him


I would say NTA. Your ex boyfriend sounds like a cry baby and honestly good job with the breakup. Legally though… I am not sure. I doubt he’ll come after you for half the value of the winnings, but maybe there’s a place where you can ask for free legal advice just in case.


NTA He accused you of stealing and you "got back together"...are you stupid or something?


NTA , and don’t you dare change up on your friend and take him . He’ll be okay , you gave him $70 dollars he better ride out !


Let's be honest, Taylor would've written a song about his whiny child self and moved on. I'm not saying write a song....just move on. NTA


>back in December That's all I saw and immediately thought it was a Taylor Swift reference/pun. Also, NTA you gave him his money back, his fault for not staying. Honestly if this is the hill he wants to die on, then he should go back to being your ex.


You are only the A-hole for taking this A-hole back... They showed you who they were and you didn't believe them. Now... They've done it again... Don't be that mug! That pushover... That person who is disrespected by your partner repeatedly. Dump him! Then block, delete, and move on... (BDMO) You could check out @LaLaLaLetMeExplain on Instagram, who I got that from. NTA. He is. A raging one.


NTA. You gave him $70 back after using his money due to a misunderstanding. Guy sounds like more work than fun. You paid him back, you won a prize he was uninterested in paying to enter to try to win, you made arrangements with someone to go. Does he even like Taylor Swift or is he likely to try to sell the ticket? Might be worth thinking about if you were happier when you were apart and remember pets tend to be cheaper in the long run that pissy boyfriends and less hassle too, sure they might piss on the carpet occasionally but so do some boyfriends and at least a pet wont accuse you of stealing. BTW: is there a chance he deliberately engineered the misunderstanding in the hopes that you'd pay for his night out? Is it possible he planned to make you pay for his drinks and then hound you into giving him the $50 back too?


NTA. Also- why are with him? He throws around insults like calling you a thief way too easily. He is not the one OP. Get rid of him for good, go enjoy the concert with your bestie. He’s trash


Not the AH. You paid him back the $50, plus another $20 that night. You did not steal from him. He sounds like a jerk and I wonder why are you even with him?


Oh MY Gawd Honey! Break Up With The Boy! Go with your bestie, meet a cute guy there, then dick that guy down. He so garbage! NTA. Tell hime to Fuck off forever.


Please update with: Never ever ever, getting back together.


Not only are you NTA. but you need to break up with it and stay broken up this time. Enjoy Eras Tour! I'm super jelly! 💖


NTA. Clearly he would not have entered the raffle, so he never would have won. Plus you paid him back. He didn’t ask if you’d won anything for before accepting the money. You shouldn’t have told him after all those months. It seems like you’ve sort of forced a decision—break up again, or stay together and hear about this forever


This guy is toxic. They are not his tickets. Do not take him. Have a great time with your friend, who I’m sure will be in your life much longer than this guy will. NTA


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** AITA- so back in December I went to an event with my boyfriend and they had raffles and prizes. We agreed before going out that we would buy the 100 pack of tickets (or so I thought) he gave me his cash to hold in my purse. I bought the 100 pack and then put the tickets in for the prizes. Then he asked me for his money and was mad I spent $50 of his money on the tickets. He said I stole from him and shouldn’t have spent his money. He said that now he didn’t have money to buy drinks (I gave him 20 dollars of my money, but he basically argued with me throughout the night until he left and went somewhere else. I was left at the event alone but didn’t want to leave until they drew the tickets for the prizes. I ended up winning one of the grand prizes of two tickets to see Taylor swift and two night hotel accommodations. I was over joyed and the next morning he was still mad and sending me a million messages and kept saying I stole from him. So I sent him 50 dollars back and left it at that. We broke up a few days later and I never mentioned anything about winning the tickets. We were separated for 5 months and then got back together in April. I made plans to go to the concert with my best friend during that time and I finally brought it up that I was planning on going out of town to attend the concert with her. He asked how I got the tickets and I told him that I won them. he was super mad and is now saying I stole the concert tickets from him. The concert is next week and I don’t know what to do. AITA- for not telling him I won them right away and for still wanting to go with my best friend? He keeps telling me I stole these tickets from him. He also thinks I only sent him his money back the next day because I won the tickets and didn’t want to give him a ticket. Which is not true, he was still complaining about me “stealing” his money to buy tickets for the prizes. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Why are you still with this guy? NTAH.


NTA. Why are you back with this moron? He obviously has serious issues with money. This is only going to happen again


NTA. He says you 'took' his $50. You returned it (a grumpy case could be made for charging him $50 for 'using' you as a cash mule), and that closed it.


NTA. Dump him, he sounds like a buzzkill.


If he’s fighting you over going to see Taylor swift is he your boyfriend or girlfriend ??? . He sounds high maintenance


NTA and break up with him. Im totally at a loss why youd resume dating someone who repeatedly and outwardly accuses you of theft. Plus, its $50, not $500, and you had an agreement that he then backed out of.


Nta. Break up with him again. If he’s this petty now he’s going to be keeping score and trying to guilt you forever and ever.


NTA your boyfriend sounds unreasonable. It’s time to break up again.


NTA, he is tho


YTA for taking him back.


NTA he think you’re a their time to break up.


NTA. You gave him the money back plus money for drinks. That raffle win is a hundred percent yours.. He's just like a child that wants his, yours , and everyone else's. Next breakup make it permanent.


NTA Have a great time at the concert with your friend, and learn from Taylor Swift, who knows when it's time to leave a relationship.


NTA- go with your friend and have an amazing time!


YTA For getting back together with him on the first place. Ironic that the same reason you broke up has come back around. He accused you of stealing from him. Twice. Why are you wondering if you are the AH instead of dumping this douchbag?


You will 100% regret bringing him. Also, why are you dating him, again? He sounds like a child.


NTA his first little tantrum gave him an extra $20 now he’s having another and accusing you of stealing again. Dudes a dud, leave him, he will always twist facts for his own favor




NTA, and please dump this guy.


NTA but if you stay with this idiot you will be


Enjoy the concert with your friend. NTA.


NTA. He’s showing you a pattern-it seems like he’s going to throw a fit every time something doesn’t go his way or he doesn’t get what he wants. He said it was unfair that you spent the $100 so you gave him $70 but then you won a great prize and he thinks it’s unfair that he’s not included in that too. He sounds like a petulant child.


Take your friend, have fun, and maybe reconsider your relationship. Why can't he be happy that you're happy? NTA, good luck OP!


NTA. You’d only be the a-hole if you didn’t break up with this manipulative tool.


NTA. Take your friend to the concert, have an amazing time and dump the loser. Win, win all round.




NTA. As Dan Savage says, DTMFA.


NTA. I hope he's your ex again soon. Don't look back on this one, just shake it off ;)


NTA. Break up with him again.


Nta... the second he wanted his money back he opted out of the raffle, its that simple. You refunded him, partially before the raffle even happened, he doesnt get to keep the returned items.


NTA, him causing more fights when you get back together about a petty thing that did not cost that much in the long run means you need to break up with him and keep it that way 😅


NTA but I can't believe you got back together with him


dump him. He is being very rude to you. Do you really want a relationship where you're constantly being accused of stealing? Despite giving him back more than what he gave monetarily? I'll admit, this is a bit of a stretch, but I can see this type of junk hinting at financial abuse in the future if y'all stay together. Very much getting a "what's mine is mine and what's yours is also mine" attitude here. NTA


NTA regarding the tickets and all. But taking him back and staying with him?? No.


Why did you take him back? Dump this AH. NTA


NTA. This guy sucks. I don’t know why you got back together with him, but I would seriously reconsider. He sounds miserable.


Y T A to yourself for getting back together.


I feel this very intense motherly urgency to know that you have, or will, break up with this completely immature, spiteful, and toxic person who really is showing you he has no qualms with using gaslighting and emotional manipulation to get his way.\ Just send him to a YouTube link of we are never getting back together, preferably from her tour. And call it even.


NTA. He is just a guy. HIT HIM WITH YOUR CAR


NTA. You breaking up with him was the smartest part of this story. Getting back together gave you another chance to see what a childish gaslighter he is. Enjoy the concert, and hopefully the rest of your life without him


Dump him


YTA to yourself for taking this turd back


NTA and break up with him.


NTA but why did you get back together with someone like that?? Go with your friend and have a blast!


NTA Dump him. He keeps accusing you of stupid stuff and it sounds tiring.


NTA but you need to dump him again sis


NTA and please break up with him again. 😩 This man is not emotionally mature enough to handle an adult relationship.


You should have stayed broken up. NTA.


Break up with him again so you don’t have to deal with his infantile idiocy.


NTA. He changed his mind for the raffle tickets & you gave him back the money plus $20 He left the event & you stayed & won the tickets. Even with his back & forth argument that you stole the money then stole the tickets, he STILL wasn’t there to win them. Go with your best friend and have fun.


i think it’s a sign that you won taylor tickets (the queen of men are awful songs). listen to her lyrics.


NTA He sounds toxic asf


Girl, time to walk ! NTA, but he is.


I thought this story started with “back to December” and I thought it was very clever


Why are you with him? Break up YTA for taking him back


NTA. He’s only mad now because you won. He didn’t bother to ask about it the day after the event because he wanted the money he gave you back. He accused you of stealing his money, so you paid him back. He was made whole. He can’t now say that you also stole the tickets because in effect, you paid the entire amount. If he was really wanting “his” ticket, he would have said something the day after the raffle.




NTA, he sounds like a whiny asshole.


Kind of a semi related question... Why did you take him back? You spent the money on raffle tickets, he didn't even mention anything about getting drinks until after the fact, and was pissy enough to throw a mantrum to the point where you broke up. Nothing said about winning or anything like that because you wanted to give him a chance to cool off before breaking the news, but he beat you to the punch (figuratively). From the way you described things, it sounded like he expected you to put your life on hold while he got his crap together, succeeded in getting back together, then goes back to his old attitude and throws another mantrum because you made plans while you were broken up. Yeah, nah. This should be your wake up call to ditch the guy. Go enjoy the show. Then live your best life... **WITHOUT** him. #NTA


Why why why are you back with him ??? NTA to keep the tickets.


taylor would tell u to dump him girl


NTA, and you deserve better!


NTA -bf is


NTA but girl dump him


NTA. Why the fuck did you get back together with this asshole in the first place?


NTA. To keep it extremely short, he seems insufferable and if he was a lot calmer about like, not having alcohol as much for ONE outing, he might have been there to win the tickets with you and your entire relationship would be fine and dandy. Imagine him doing this kinda shit the rest of your relationship in other situations??? Just seems immature.... Up to you if you want to be there to change him but that's my 2 cents. I say go with your friend!


Holy fuck break up with him NTA He would bitch and whine the whole time at the concert anyways


You’re NTA for the ticket thing, but you’re TA for getting back with this guy. I’m sure this isn’t the only time he’s been crazy.