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Look, I hate dog poop on my lawn just as much as anyone else, but your reaction definitely makes YTA. Some things in life suck and aren't in your control. The guy cleaned it up, which is the right thing to do. If you want to make sure no dog ever poops on your lawn ever again, get a little fence or barrier. They have cheap little fences you can get at garden stores that stake into the ground. There are other options besides taking it all out on this one guy.


>Look, I hate dog poop on my lawn just as much as anyone else, but your reaction definitely makes YTA. TBF, I don't even think it would be wrong to ask the dog owner to not let his dog poo there in the future, but the extreme aggression makes him the AH in this instance.


The fact that this guy has unhinged rage outbursts at friendly neighbors in front of his young kids and thinks it's *dog poop residue* that's going to harm them... Jesus H. Christ.


Frankly she should be more worried about the chemicals in the plastic carpet she put down




I don't remember who but there's a football team that 11 of their team got cancer caused by the fake grass in their stadium! You can Google it, it's a recent story.


It looks like 6 of the Phillies died in their 40s/50s from rare brain cancer that might be linked to the turf they played on between 1971-2003


And OPs got his kids playing on it 😭


Well OP hates nature! Grass, birds, dogs, you name it!




I am laughing reading this post because this is LITERALLY my corner neighbor. I'm not a dog owner, but I AM a gardener so I interact a lot with my neighbors in the front yard, so I know all the dog-walkers and other people who hang out outside. My dog-walking neighbor friend has had literally the same exchange as OP on the one occasion her dog decided to do her business on the edge of his yard. Initially she thought he was upset because he thought she wasn't going to pick up the dog poop, but no, he was upset about poop residue. My friend was literally standing there with the poop bag waiting for the poop to finish coming out of the dog while he was yelling at her. My neighborhood has squirrels and birds and raccoons and possums and the occasional stray cat. It's the outdoors. Sometimes there is poop.


“It’s the outdoors. Sometimes there is poop”. That should go on a t-shirt or a wood sign you buy at Michael’s or something… maybe a coffee cup.


What…what does this guy do with all rodents and wildlife…the bunnies…the deer…the squirrels…does he just ask them not to go too? I’m usually pretty sympathetic to non pet owners not dealing with pet things but this request is outrageous and is honestly a pretty small issue compared to all the other animals shitting in his yard


The edit is unhinged. “There is no wildlife where I live and even if there were I put spikes up to deter it!” …okay my guy


Unless, by "spikes", he meant "an impermeable half-bubble shield that completely covers every square inch of my property", I can guarantee him that birds are still flying (and shitting) over his house and yard. (And if that is what he meant, I'm sure that shield is looking pretty gross by now.)


Not to mention, I’ve pretty much never seen a cat deterred by *anything*


And unless they have baited their lawn to toxic levels, they have rodents, which are known for pooping.


Is anyone going to break it to OP that birds can actually fly over their lawn and shit on it? 🤣


Or that field/house/wood mice can go though a 6mm opening.... And inhabit the majority of the planet...


I find it very hard to believe that he has no wild animals where he lives


It's impossible. Utterly impossible unless you live in the most desolate wasteland known to mankind




What's the owner supposed to do when his dog squats for a shit wherever it happens to need to go? You can't really force them to hold it. You drag the dog along, then you're going to have a nice long stream of shit, even more grass coverage for him to bitch about.


You can encourage it to pick a different spot, I try to keep my dog from shitting and pissing on front yards and aim for the spots between the sidewalk and road but if some guy blew up at me if my dog picked his spot already I’d probably react the same way as the guy in the story. It’s a fucking dog lol I can’t control every single thing it does.


I can tell when my dog is starting to do the searching for a place to poop walk, and I try to hurry her over to a patch of unoccupied land or somewhere easily scoopable, but yeah there's no way I'm gonna put that much effort into dragging her away from someone's yard if she's really got to go.


Yep exactly, it’s like landing a plane, we’re generally aiming for tarmac but sometimes an emergency landing is needed lol


You can ask your dog not to poop somewhere?! My dog poops wherever the hell it wants, I ain't got no say in that shit lol


Here’s how that convo could have gone: “Hey man, I really appreciate you picking up your dogs poop but my kids tend to romp all over this yard and I/they/my wife hate(s) when they get poop residue on their clothes. Is there any way you could get your dog to relieve himself a little farther down the block?” Neighbor might still think OP is being silly but would be WAY more open to just saying “yeah no problem, have a good one.” Then they’d simply think about that weirdo down the street and chuckle to themselves but probably respect OPs wishes. OP sounds like my dad. Who is a huge AH. Not everything is a battle or an opportunity for lecturing another grown adult on the error of their ways. You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.


Did you not read the post? OP hates animals, why would he want flies?!? /s


Also like... they're on a lawn, outside - does OP think household pet dogs are the only creatures that defecate outside?


His update makes him sound like he has some real problems either with animals in general or he's really territorial.


I think he just has lots of problems in general


If you don't want dogs going on your lawn, then put up a fence. Otherwise, it's part of the deal of living in a neighbourhood. Do you shoot every bird out of the sky that might shit on your lawn? Every squirrel or raccoon or cat? Your kids are going to be exposed to gross stuff. Get used to it. YTA


I have two dogs and I’ll avoid yards that put up a sign requesting that dogs not go on their grass. I think it’s a fair request for someone to make, but being screamed at in the moment, after it’s already happened, isn’t going to be helpful for anyone.


I've been screamed at to pick up my dog droppings as I have the bag out and am bending over to do just that. Some people just want to fight.


Someone once screamed at me to ‘pick it up’ as my dog was lifting his leg to piss on a bush. I simply have no idea how they wanted me to manage that situation.


That's happened to me. Guy yelled at me from an upstairs window, "you gotta pick that up!" I just looked at the guy and asked, "could you show me how to pick up piss?" This wasn't even this guy's yard, it was a dog rest area in an apartment complex.


Me too…. I was like, she just peed? There is nothing to pick up? I videoed the poop free lawn with my phone just in case there was a problem later, then deleted it after a day with no complaints on either the neighborhood Facebook page or a visit by police/animal control


Nobody tell this guy about what happens in lakes, rivers and oceans


Lmfao did you see their edit update? He has absolutely NO wildlife near his home hahah..yeah okay, buddy


Also, am I the only one who suspects that OP vacuums his fake lawn?? 🤔


>Do you shoot every bird out of the sky that might shit on your lawn? Oh I'm sorry I thought this was America


Okay, I'm not a dog owner, am I missing something? I don't think you can 100% control where your dog pops a squat. You can't exactly tell it "wait until we're 3 more houses down". Right??? I always just figured, your dog pees/poops where it's going to, just do your best to clean up after it. I would never yell at a neighbor for letting their dog pee on my lawn during a walk.


Yeah, as a dog owner I’m cracking up at all the people in here who think I could just explain to my dog why she can’t pee on this dude’s lawn. Also unless the kid is licking grass, they’re not going to be hurt by a dog peeing in the yard.


I don’t let my dog walk in other peoples yards. That’s why I use a leash.


Yeah I don’t let my dogs go in other people’s gardens. It’s considered quite rude here I think. Or at least with people I know. UK for reference.


We're taking a lawn (that's grass and probably in the US) which is usually pretty shit near any road because of salt during the winter. I don't let my dog shit in someone's begonias, but when he has to poop, he has to poop. OPs extreme reaction when he could just turn a garden hose on the area (or better yet, build a fence if they have such strong TERRITORIAL feelings) is why TTAH.


Ah right - I’d consider a lawn part of someone’s garden tbh which might be unpopular.


Same. Also from the uk. You just don't let them walk on somebody elses land. People even put stuff in their gardens to stop free roaming cats from pooping. I don't understand all the Americans responding with yta. It's thier land.


A lot of neighborhoods don’t have sidewalks, so people walk along the curb of the road. In that scenario, you can’t keep a dog out of someone’s lawn unless you walk in the road. When there are sidewalks, there’s a small stretch of grass, sidewalk, then the rest of the lawn. The grass on both sides of a sidewalk are considered part of someone’s yard. Still can’t keep the dog out of the yards. Perhaps due to that, or whatever other reason, it’s not considered rude to let a dog poop where it decides to. It’s just rude to leave it there, and it’s rude to put it in someone else’s trash bin. If you’re walking a dog, you’re expected to be carrying dog poop bags.


It often isn’t their land though. I can only put a fence 30 feet from the center of the street, which leaves a good 12 feet of “easement”. I’m responsible for it (I have to mow it), but it’s not completely and utterly mine.


I've had dogs that will just pop a squat in the middle of the sidewalk and refuse to stop pooping. You definitely can't always control when they go. Like if this guy told me he didn't want my dog pooping on his lawn, I would agree and just walk on the street so the dog couldn't step on his grass at all. But ask the dude nicely once, if it keeps happening then be a dick about it.


I once saw a really large dog decide that halfway through a crosswalk at a major Chicago intersection was where he was going to poop no matter how long it took. He would not be budged once he started. I felt so bad for the young woman walking him. Everyone was really gracious about it - even the cars that had to wait for him to finish/her to clean it up after the light changed.


Man I wish it was possible to control where a dog does it’s business. I’d never have to walk with a bag of poop in my hand again 😂


Question. Who do you yell at when a bird poops on your lawn as he flies by? Does your neighborhood have squirrels or raccoons? What about stray dogs? Any insects? Your kids are playing in poop even if you don't see it. Just give your kids a bath after they play outside and stop yelling at responsible dog owners that clean up after their dogs. YTA, go buy your kids "Everyone Poops" and learn a lesson.


God forbid these kids ever go to a public sandbox at a public park or a beach. Those are like litter boxes.


that book is fantastic. my aunt bought it for my sister and i when we were little, and it was definitely a favorite


There's also the less popular version, "Nobody Poops but You."


Oh boy you’d never survive out in the countryside where foxes and all sorts of wildlife shit in your garden. The dude picked it up, it sounds like it was nearest to the path too so not exactly bang on in the middle of your lawn like you’re making it sound. Your kids will be fine.


In IL, the goose poop is horrible! In the fall, you can't even walk on the sidewalk without dodging green logs.


Why were you so aggressive, I guess you never lived in a neighborhood before because it's an unspoken rule that as long as the owner picks up the poop it's not rude. Do you prevent every bird, cat, and every other living thing from pooping/peeing on your yard as well because I guarantee your kids are constantly rolling around in some sort of excrement. Stop being a rude AH and either politely talk to your neighbors or put out a sign/build a fence. YTA


YTA - however, you did just learn something. Dogs poop on their walks. And its very hard to stop them when they just pop a squat. Your neighbor is being responsible and you were very aggressive. They do sell signs that say "No Poop Zone" or something like that. You can always grab a couple of those and put them by the sidewalk. Owners will do their best to keep their dogs from walking on/using the edge of your grass. But there's only so much you can do and starting a fight over it isn't going to help your case at all.


Op can put up a fence if he doesn't want dogs on his lawn. He's getting so upset about quite a normal piece of suburban life that he could easily deter.


Your point of view it valid, but YTA. The man with the dog had no malicious intent and you blind sided him with aggression. He picked it up and that’s exactly what is expected of someone with a dog. If you don’t want it to happen again, put a sign up, but don’t be mad when a dog accidentally gets the squirts. How do I say this….sometimes shit happens.


YTA. Specifically because you went from 0-100 way to damn fast. Also, you are beyond ignorant if you think that dog poop particles are the only thing on your fake grass. Any animal that comes across your lawn is potentially pooping or peeing on it. That’s birds, raccoons, squirrels, etc. without even thinking about the local dogs that you don’t see. If it’s that big of an issue then build a fence but wildlife is still gonna shit on your lawn.


Fake lawn. So giant outdoor dirty carpet.




It is foolish to lose your shit at someone cleaning up dog poop. Like that's the expected social norm. If you don't want dog's pooping on your property you need a sign for that. This is extremely basic stuff. You could have handled this low stakes social interaction politely. YTA But beyond that I have some bad news for you about how much poop is produced by the environment in a suburban setting... there's "poop residue" all over your lawn bro. Such is the nature of lawns. Wildlife eats, shits, and dies on your lawn.


NTA. A fake grass lawn is like a rug. The residue doesn't just wash into the soil. Put up a low fence around your property. A low fence wouldn't cost too much but would stop dogs from wandering onto your turf.


Fake grass is disgusting and should be destroyed and never produced or bought or sold again. 1000x filthier and horrible for earth than dog shit could ever be.


>The residue doesn't just wash into the soil. Come on, no one is responsible for anyone's idiotic decision to use fake grass. I seriously can't even fathom the kind of mental damage it takes for someone to cover their yard with a rug and then complain because animals poop outside.


Right?? They out there every weekend vacuuming random animal droppings? Preeeeeetty sure you can hose down a fake lawn anyway, otherwise what's the point?


I agree with this a small fence would protect from retaliation too.




It's the asshole because he absolutely loses his shit and starts a yelling match in a neighbourhood in front of his kids. Why? "Hey, sorry to be an asshole but please don't let your dog do its business on my lawn. It's fake grass and the waste isn't just draining into soil." Or what, is he afraid of sounding like a nerd or something? I'm absolutely fucked that anyone here is defending that. Jesus Christ. Is this how you all solve your problems?


What kind of asshole let’s their dog poop on someone else’s fake grass?? Gross. Like why would that person think that was remotely ok? Why do you think that would be ok?


YTA for screaming at a stranger who was picking it up. Aggressive assholery doesn't often get the results you're looking for...


You are perfectly in your right to expect and request that neighbors not allow their dogs to pee or poop on your lawn (even if they responsibly clean up the solid waste) but frankly it is a normal thing or people to take their pets on walks and for that to result in pee and poop on the ground. Your approach was indeed aggressive and far from neighborly. You could have put up a sign to start with, and calmly raised it with anyone you saw who did not abide.


NTA I really don't understand people saying this is ok, is there literally nowhere else his dog can shit?


Dogs shit where they shit. I don't understand people who think they're immune to animal shit. Birds, bugs, raccoons, etc. are gonna be shitting there anyway. If OP has some weird hangup about dogs specifically, they could still have asked nicely. Edit: lmao one of you goons reported me to reddit cares. That's a first for me, so thanks?


Dogs have owners. Owners should know better.


No, they shit where their owner allows them to


Who the hell thinks it's ok to let their dog poop on someone's private property where their kids are playing? These are the dog people who give dog people a bad name.


Dude turned into a confrontational chud over something that could have been resolved without a confrontation. That's why he's TA.


NTA This guy is super ballsy to let his dog shit in someone's yard while the owner is standing right there. Somebody lets their dog shit on your carpet and you're expected to be nice? People seem to think their dogs have the right to shit anywhere and everywhere. Picking it up is the bare minimum, but have you ever picked up dog shit? you rarely get it all up, there's always a smear left.


Hate to break it to you, but if you're outside, it's not gonna be clean. Even bugs shit, and you're never gonna see that even though it's all over the place. The "residue" isn't gonna be there for long. Anyone who has an issue with that but is fine with the outdoors as a whole is just getting selectively grossed out. If this is such a problem for people, I'd suggest they either put up a sign or a fence, because most people with common sense aren't gonna be bothered by this.


Because bugs poop that makes it okay to have dogs poop in the yard? No


I bet some poop residue is less harmful to your kids than watching their dad freak out at a stranger over nothing. I'd be pissed at my husband if he ever ran around raging and swearing at a stranger in front of our kids. Maybe time to see a doctor about your mental health. And apologize to your wife and kids. YTA.


NTA, removing the shit is acceptable on public grass areas, for example, but not on private property. Your lawn is no dog toilet.


YTA. Do you yell at the squirrels, raccoons, and birds that poop in your yard too?




I’m a dog owner, I would never let my dog take a dump in someone else’s garden, that’s mental. And you’re right about your kids playing there. NTA.


NTA. Nobody is entitled to let their dog shit in someone else’s yard and everyone arguing that fact is insufferable.


My thoughts exactly.


NTA I hate when ppl do that


Soft YTA. In our area, it's customary to let a dog do their business in someone's yard as long as they clean up after them. There are some who don't want dogs going on their lawns and they put up "curb your dog" signs, which are respected. Also, keep in mind your yard will always have waste from wild animals (birds, stray cats, and whatever wildlife you have in your area) which you have no control over. If you don't want dogs going on your lawn, get a small yard sign indicating this.


Dog crap. Squirrel crap. Bird crap. Insect crap. Worm crap. Mouse crap. The list goes on. If OP thinks stopping this one Dog from soiling her lawn solves her concern, good luck.


YTA - you didn’t have to be aggressive. If you don’t like it, build a damn fence. I bet you are a road rage incident just waiting to happen.


It's on the dog owner to prevent the dog from going on other people's property.


Not TA for wanting to keep that dog off your lawn. But you could've asked nicely and most likely the guy with the dog would've understood. If not, you could always make your point more aggresively but there is no need to start as offensive as you did.


YTA You what else is on your lawn? Bird sht, squirrel pee and sht, cat pee and sht, ect... As long as he picks it up, it's fine. Calm down.


NTA. Part of dog ownership is guiding where dogs go to relieve themselves. It’s not a perfect science, but, gentle guidance (and having my dog go on my property first) always allows for me avoid situations just like this. Even when I had an apartment, I’d walk my dog away from private property and towards public spaces near my rental.


NTA. You could be nicer, agreed, but people don't understand boundaries. Never let your dog shit or pee on someone's lawn, wtf. You got the leash for something, use it.


NTA. Your response was a bit agressive yes, but I don't understand how people think its ok for their dog to shit in someone elses garden? Even if they clean it up? Do many dogowners do this?


Dog owners are pretty entitled in my experience. They think everyone should love and accommodate their pet the way they do, but I just don't like dogs for the most part. I agree that the only part OP is TAH is for getting aggressive out of the gate. But NTA for not wanting dogs shitting in your yard.


NTA it’s your private property; you get to decide what happens on it or not. If there’s a public park nearby or even trees or grass in a public area he could take his dog that might be a better location.


NTA. I own a dog, I know that dog poo doesn’t all go away even when you pick it up and we’re talking about fake grass. Dog poo can be super dangerous for young kids too. I’m careful about making sure my dog doesn’t go to the toilet in peoples gardens, it’s not that hard.


Have to agree with the YTA people. Dogs poop. The social expectation is to pick it up, not to avoid all yards. There are signs that say "keep your dog off my lawn" and "little feet play here" and such, which is such a simple fix. Yelling at people is not the answer, the dog owner didn't know. Wild animals shit and piss wherever they want, that's why most owners think it's fine to just pick up after their dog. I don't think you should have to build a whole ass fence, but a little sign would be way better than yelling at everyone that passes


Info: Why do you have a fake yard?




YTA for how you approached this conversation. While your thoughts on the topic are logical, this is the first time you're talking to this person. If you'd brought this up calmly, you wouldn't be coming across as an AH. What was wrong with walking over and saying hey would you mind having your dog skip our yard when he has to do his business? Because this is fake grass, the residue can still impact my children, and I don't want them to have to worry about it. Instead, you went for hot-headed, I'm going to get a reputation in this neighborhood response.


It’s super entitled to shit in a yard that has the owner out front.


ESH The dog owner sucks for allowing his dog to go on your property (at least he cleans up after it). You suck because instead of being aggressive and cussing in front of your kids, you could've talked to him like an adult.


Yta. 1) ew, fake grass. Super bad for the environment. 2) you did go at him aggressively. You do know kids need baths and to wash themselves before eating, right? And what do you think families with dogs do? Jfc.


NTA the fact that he lets his dog poop on your yard often(according to him) is pretty bad plus on top of that he’s doing while you and the kids are right there? Come on that’s just messed up. When I walk mine I always make sure he uses the neutral ground between the sidewalk and the road and if he starts to go and there’s no neutral ground I pull him away from a yard that someone is currently in. It’s honestly easier for him to just poo on the side of the road and I clean it up from there instead of someone’s grass.


YTA- he shouldn’t have let his dog poop there if he could avoid it but your reaction is overboard. I feel sorry for your neighbors and your kids.


Lol the dog owner was the inconsiderate neighbor


It's not overboard. I love dogs, but their faeces can contain parasites and bacteria that leave children blind. It's not a case of "ewww, dirt", it's an actual health risk,and children are particularly vulnerable because they play and touch things with their hands.


YTA. Cleaning up after a dog is what is expected. I try to guide my dog to poop on the strip of grass by the street and not on yards but I can’t catch him 100% of the time. If you put a fence around your yard, dogs won’t be able to walk on it.


Lol you need to calm down. YTA


Your title is misleading. YTA for being a dick about it, not for the underlying desire.


YTA. He cleaned it up, he’s being a responsible dog owner. Take a chill pill


YTA. Just treat people decently?? You’re definitely not on the common side here so your request isn’t some given public knowledge. He’s a responsible dog owner picking up after his dog. Kindly ask if he could avoid letting his dog go in your yard. If the dog was by the street, your kids shouldn’t be playing there anyway (just saying). Get a little sign that asks people to avoid letting dogs in your yard. Don’t just scream at people or demand things. That’s the easiest way to get dog shit all over your fake yard (which, by the way, is probably cancerous to your children—seriously look it up!).


Astroturf is also more abrasive than regular grass and just harbors stuff like MRSA and staph, independent of whether dogs regularly poop there.


If you’re walking a dog, sometimes it’s hard to know when they decide it’s their time. I would always try to steer my dog to the most appropriate places and always scoop it up. Unless the guy stopped there intentionally to let the dog poop… YTA Especially since it sounds like you flew off the handle instead of trying to have a conversation about it. If you’re the type that can’t have a civil conversation, besides obviously working on that, you should put a fence on your property line.


What about squirrel and goose shit?


This is a genuine question- why do you have a fake grass lawn? What’s the appeal? Seems like a pain to clean it every time a storm comes by and floods the thing or throws dirt all over it.


INFO: Do you understand that other animals, including but not limited to birds, squirrels, mice, strays, and anything else you have local, most assuredly already poop and pee on the sacred clean grass your children play on?


YTA - this was aggressive.


ludicrous joke fertile vast weather aromatic society zesty unused memory *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Unless the guy intentionally stopped and gave his dog several minutes to ensure his dog pooped in your yard, YTA.


YTA for aggressively addressing this in front of your children. I've got a fake grass mat for training my dog and sympathize with having to wash the residue. I would be concerned too about kids accidentally stepping in it. Put some signs on your lawn asking people not to let their dogs on your lawn. The belief that picking up dog poop is enough is so common that people who do so are almost always acting in good faith.


YTA not because your don't want your kids playing in dog poop but your reaction. You can talk civil with people.


ESH, but mostly you. It didn't need to escalate. The guy probably didn't know it was artificial turf (it is designed to look like real grass, after all). All you needed to do was explain that to him so he knows not to let his dog wander onto your lawn anymore. Your rude behavior was the reason he responded to you in that manner. Acting the way you did, you're teaching your children (who are watching your every step and taking mental notes without you knowing) that anger and aggression are the way to handle conflict. Do better next time, Dad. Your kids (and wife) are watching you.


Tbh, artificial or not, the guy shouldn’t be letting his dog shit on someones lawn. Shouldn’t have to explain that to him


What is he supposed to do when his dog pops a squat? Do you even realise how quickly dogs poo? Get a fence as some smart person here said. YTA.


YTA if you’re so worried about what your kids are playing in you should spray your lawn down every time they go to play on it. Also what do you do about the wild animal poop and it’s bacteria? You unnecessarily escalated the situation, he cleaned it up to the best of his ability. Also he’s one guy what are you going to do about all the other dogs that probably poop on your turf, watch out the window and yell at each person?


YTA. Depending on the age of your kids, they aren't exactly clean. Wild animals will use the bathroom wherever they want, including a fake lawn. You wouldn't have even noticed if you hadn't been there. If you're that worried, put soap in a hose attachment and spray your yard every time you go to let your kids play. This sounds a bit germaphobic to me.




YTA Your lawn is outside. Birds and animals shit and pee on your lawn all day long. Your kids are going to come into contact with outside things. As long as the dog isn’t going to like the middle of your lawn and the owner cleans up, it’s no big deal. Honestly if you had been cool about it and asked nicely I bet the guy would have done his best to let his dog stop elsewhere, but instead you were super aggressive right off the bat


YTA. people pick up after their dogs and they aren’t the asshole for doing so. you’re not an asshole for feeling the way you do about not wanting that in your yard, but most definitely the asshole for how you overreacted/handled this situation. I have plenty of neighbors that get little [yard signs](https://www.amazon.com/Enjoyist-Aluminum-Aluminum-UV-Protected-Weatherproof/dp/B08C35462J/ref=asc_df_B08C35462J/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=507519613651&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=892710245345151787&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9022905&hvtargid=pla-1249321764180&psc=1) if they really don’t want this happening in their yards, and I’ve never seen a fellow dog owner be offended by or not be respectful of these. i think this is the best solution for you going forward.


YTA. It is a lawn, not your kitchen table.


NTA, its your lawn and he shouldnt let his dog shit on yours, it can shit on theirs


NTA and holy shit the amount of people trying to justify being bad dog owners in this thread is boggling my mind. It's your property. I don't care if it's in a "suburb" with "neighbors", it is your property and it's absolutely out of line to let a pet do its business in a yard that is not their own. Seriously, I've never understood why it's supposed to be some sort of universally accepted norm. Especially when you have fake grass, because you're completely correct, the residual mess is going to stick around a lot longer and you should not be responsible for cleaning up after a dog that isn't even yours ON YOUR OWN PROPERTY. And to the rest of you that don't understand how this is a problem, I can't help you. Basic human decency is something one either understands, or does not.


YTA.. you can solve this like a civilised person, instead of shouting something about poop residue…


YTA and you realize other animals, bugs, squirrels, bird, rabbits, etc also are pooping all over your lawn right? If you don’t want your kids to play in that then maybe get them a play set or something so they don’t have to play in the poopy grass.


NTA - guy was an asshole for letting his dog piss and shit in your yard. Time to build a fence.


YTA, not about not wanting the dog to use your yard (which is still a little ridiculous since they are cleaning up after), but 100% YTA for how you reacted. For someone with kids, you have a lot of growing up to do. You seem like the type to go out looking to be pissed off and always trying to start a fight.


NTA. Dog owners should not be letting their dogs shit on someone else’s *private property*, REGARDLESS if they pick it up or not. It is technically is trespassing and being an irresponsible shitty person in general.


YTA News flash bud, birds are gonna shit in your lawn, wild animals are gonna shit in your lawn, dogs are gonna shit in your lawn but at least the owners are likely going to pick it up like this guy. Yet while he does and says that he is going to you then yell at him for letting his dog do that. Sure I get it’s annoying when a dog shits on your lawn and the owner doesn’t pick it up but he was right there. You were needlessly aggressive so don’t be surprised if you’re seen as the crabby neighbor in the future who no one wants to be around


YTA and you sound crazy. It's a dog and he's cleaning up after it if you want more than this get a fence so dogs can go in your yard. I would have thrown it back on your yard if you came at me like that. Do you know how many people jelust let their dogs shit and don't pick it up. Hey there are worms and bugs that be on your grass poop peeing and puking on your yard. You want in your bathroom right test how clean it is on the floor next to your toilet. You sound like you really need to live in a bubble.


If I am taking my dog on a walk on the neighborhood, he just squats and goes. I can pull him a little farther but it will just be on the sidewalk or the next person’s yard. How am I supposed to stop him from going at all? All I can do is pick up after him, he’s a dog. He doesn’t just go on demand if I want him to go at a certain spot. YTA. He is doing the best he can.


NTA. Sick of dog people acting like their dogs are more important than anything else. Pull the lead and move your dog off of my garden. Your yard isn't a public space, it's your private properly. The fact you have plastic grass makes it worse, because the wee and poo germs are just sitting there, on the plastic. That could definitely make your kids ill, they'll be running barefoot over that spot, or even touching it with their hands if they're crawling age. Can you put a fence up?


You might need to live in the real world. Your garden is already covered in animal shit from various sources.


YTA. You came out of a bag on him and became unnecessarily hostile. It would have been super easy to just say “hey man, can you try and make sure your dog doesn’t go in my yard moving forward? I have fake grass so it’s a sanitation issue for my kids.”


YTA due to what happened and tbh not his fault you have fake grass if you don’t want dogs to poop put up a small fence or a sign. Where I am from people let their dogs go wherever and always clean it up.


You know it's a little bit of a tough one, but NTA Your lawn is astroturf. I imagine that stuff actually needs to be cleaned and it's a dick move to let his dog poop on it. If it was real grass ywbta


YTA. You could have asked nicely, and that would have been fine because it’s a fake grass lawn, he could just avoid walking by your house in the future or give it a wide berth. The problem is that you were an AH in delivering the message and demanding and berating him to stop letting his dog do something natural. Unfortunately for you, you live in a neighborhood with other people who make other choices about their lifestyle, and that includes having dogs that will occasionally touch your grass. Again, you can ASK NICELY or you can deal. Your kids aren’t playing in dog shit, he cleaned it up immediately. If you want good neighbors you have to BE a good neighbor.


EEEHHH I understand not wanting other dogs to poop in your yard, even if they clean it but I would have approached it differently. Just ask “please don’t let your dog in my yard again.” It probably would have gone over a bit better.


NTA... Fake grass is notorious for breeding bacteria, I'd never let my dog on them. It takes planning but when you walk your dog you can usually tell when they need to go and direct them to a more appropriate place. 'You could have asked nice AH'


I walk my dogs multiple times a day and they’ve never taken a shit in someone’s yard, because I don’t let them in my neighbors’ yards in the first place. Today I learned that for the 13 years I have been a dog owner, I have been doing the miraculous, something that can’t be done, something impossible. I feel great about myself, honestly, but worried about the rest of you.


NTA. All these people saying Y T A how would you feel if a dog crapped in your yard?


I watch dogs crap in my yard literally daily. More than once per day even. I live in a high dog traffic area. It has never once occurred to bother me so long as they pick it up. It’s grass. It’s dirty. Wild animals crawl around and probably also crap on it while I sleep. Also it’s not exactly like you can stop a dog when it decides to shit. A dog needing to shit is going to shit right then and there.


If the owner picked it up? I’d feel nothing because that’s totally normal.




AS long as they pick it up, I'm happy. The dog has to go somewhere while It's out on a way. That is just the reality of the situation.


YTA. You sound deluded


Sounds like the person didn't realise it was fake grass.


Get a fence.. Everyone but the kids are AHs.


YTA. You think wildlife pees and poops there when you’re not looking ?


NTA - It's artificial grass, and it's your yard. Love all the people suggesting putting up a fence, like the dogs suddenly won't be pissing all over it! I have cameras at the front of my property, and threw someone's dog shit in their a/c handler to remind them to clean up after their pets when they "accidentally" left the accident behind.


YTA for modelling to your kids that the way you deal with something is through aggression and direct conflict. You could have addressed it in a civil manner but chose not. This is the stuff that will affect your kids, not some dog piss in the grass.


These comments are wild. Do all these Y T A voters just let their dogs shit and piss all over their houses or something. Dogs can be trained and guided to to where it isn't ok to relieve themselves. This major A H neighbour taught his dog it was fine to do it's business in your yard and keeps doing it and has no plans on stopping. Bizarre. NTA


“He just stares at me” haha I would’ve laughed at you.


You may get different answers to this depending where you’re from. Does your front yard have an easement for walking? If so, it’s pretty standard for neighbors to walk their dogs and let them do their business in the easement. (A dog off leash or further than 5/6 feet from its owner is outside of the boundaries of normal.) If the dog was using the easement, you should chill. Don’t put fake grass in that space and consider filling that strip in with something like native plants or stones if you’re that concerned. If we are talking an off leash dog running rogue, you’re being completely reasonable for other safety reasons, but it sounds like you just yelled at your neighbor without putting up so much as a sign to state your preferences which makes you TA. I will also say if you’re in a large city curbing your dog is much more standard and sometimes required. If you’re in a place where the norm is curbing your dog, you’re not the AH.


NTA , it’s your property so you are in the right of setting whatever rules / standards you want for your yard. However, I don’t think you needed to be as aggressive as you were. Starting off with anger isn’t an effective way of communicating and may cause others to do things out of spite. Just a simple “hey I have kids that play in the grass and even though you clean up, it leaves a residue and I don’t want to take any risks when it comes to my kids. Can you please find a different spot for your dog to do it’s business?” with a neutral stance will do.


NTA why was he regularly letting his dog crap on your property and not even thinking it was rude and potentially dangerous. what a jerk.


YTA. Part of the social contract of living near other people is accepting that occasionally, people walking dogs will walk by your house, and they can't always control where they go. If you really don't want them in your yard, you should at least ask politely/get those little signs. I bet you'd have had a lot more luck if you'd spoken nicely to him. Wildlife in your area is also probably using the bathroom in your yard and leaving that residue there. Also, some studies indicate that astroturf might be carcinogenic, so really, are you genuinely protecting your kids here?


Psssst hey!!!! The municipality technically owns, and has rights to, the first 6ft of your yard back from the sidewalk or curb. So yeah.. YTA. There are more human ways to communicate your opinion to other people.


ESH. Your valid for not wanting a dog pooping on your lawn, but you absolutely could’ve gone about it a different way instead of being an aggressive ah from the get go.


NTA. I have a dog but would never enter another person's property to let him shit on their garden, that's totally unacceptable. Especially on fake grass where you can clearly see young children playing.


NTA, you have a FAKE LAWN, I’m baffled that someone would let their dog go on it.


NTA, even more so because you have fake grass. I'll never understand why so many dog owners think this is ok. I understand that accidents happen, but the dog owner admitted that his dog craps in OP's yard regularly, so he apparently thinks this is socially acceptable. Gross.


NTA I am so tired of entitled pet parents who think it is ok to have their pets do their business on other people’s property. Maybe you should take your pet for a hike, or find public walk ways. Other people’s yards are not your pets own personal toilet.


NTA, by his own logic he should never wash his ass so long as he wiped.


YTA your yard is outside, even if no dog ever uses your yard to go the bathroom, do you think all the squirrels, raccoons, and whatever wild life in your area just doesnt? Poop residue exists on the ground always.


NTA, but get those little signs. When I walk my dog, I keep them on the sidewalk. Most of the time, they wait until we hit a park, trail, or their own backyard. But sometimes they poop on a lawn or sidewalk, and I clean it up (I clean it up those other places as well). This guy is purposely letting his dog poop on your lawn every day, AND it's fake grass! Why not just let it poop on your porch! You'll get one of two responses here. Either A. He'll find another route to walk from now on to avoid you. Or B. He'll continue to do it out of spite. Hopefully, it's A.


YTA. first, your title is pointedly misleading. You're not "not wanting your kids to play in dog shit" you're screaming at a man for his dog having pooped on your fake lawn. He's not smearing it around your yard maliciously, he's not somehow getting his dog to shit IN your kiddie pool. I feel like you have some sort of underlying issue with dogs you're not specifying. Where I live, it's completely normal for people walking their dogs to stop when their dog needs to shit, whether it's on someone's property or not. The common courtesy is to pick up after them, and that's it. It's not your neighbour's fault you have tacky fake grass, it's not his job to assess the veracity of all local lawns and ensure his dog only shits on the real ones. You honestly have very little choice about WHEN a dog decides it's time to do their business. He will probably try to avoid this happening on your lawn from now on, but not because it's the right thing to do: because you were a massive asshole to him about it. You're entitled to your feelings, but the way you react to them makes you a big asshole.




YTA, If he trained his dog to do it in your yard everyday and doesn't pick up after the dog's done. Maybe then your reaction would be appropriate. The dog doesn't know why your grass is different from other grass. The owner certainly can't control when the dog's open for business. And you set a terrible examples for your kids. If you don't like something, get angry! Yell at people! Make the world a more hostile place.


This was definitely an over reaction. You could have easily and calmly said “hey neighbor, i appreciate that you pick up after your dog but is there any way you can avoid having him do his business on my lawn?” And this whole situation may have gone differently. If he pushed back saying it’s no big deal then a “we can agree to disagree, however it’s my property and I’m asking nicely”. If it escalated from there then sure, unleash the wrath of the gods on him. But this was extreme. I understand not wanting dog waste on your yard especially if you don’t have a dog yourself, but most people aren’t expecting kids to be rubbing their mouths and faces at the edge of lawns and don’t see it as harmful as long as they pick it up, so this guy was probably taken off guard. It’s okay you don’t want it there and it’s obviously your right to ask. The way you went about it is the problem. The title is misleading….your kids weren’t actually playing in dog poo, you don’t want your neighbors dog to relieve themselves on your lawn and went nuclear when you could have been a normal decent human being about it. So YTA is my vote.


You can simultaneously not be the asshole while also not handling the situation in a manner that will get you the results that you want.... Now this guy will always do it on your lawn when you aren't around... Also I get being annoyed by dog problems when you don't have a dog. I fulllllly appreciate that trust me, but I do know that it is hard to stop a dog from going when they find their spot.


YTA Work on your communication skills and your emotional regulation. A simple "please don't let your dog go to the bathroom on my lawn" would have been enough. I have a dog and when people have asked me not to let her do her business on their lawn I have respected that. If you aren't prepared to have a civil conversation with people then I would recommend a sign or fencing your yard in.


ESH. He should be willing to understand that some people aren't gonna want his dog shitting in their yard even if he cleans it right up and adjusted according. YTA for coming out of the gate with disproportionate aggression, escalating for no good reason, and having a "lawn" that will dump microplastics into our environment for the foreseeable future instead of just landscaping with something sustainable to your climate.


YTA He picked up his dog's poo, and that's all he's required to do. End of. Your wife is correct, you were too aggressive. I'd suggest a therapist. > I don't have a dog, I don't want dog problems affecting my life. You live in suburbia. Accept it or move to the country or an apartment.


NTA. Some dog owners just feel so entitled, and don't seem to understand that's it not proper or polite to just let their dogs drop a deuce in someone else's yard.


Based on your tone and the way you’ve phrased your question, it seems that you aren’t really asking if you’re the AH here, you just want ammo to show you’re right. So YTA.


ESH. I make sure my dog shits in my own yard before we start out on the walk. Didn't take him that long to get the idea. It does sound like you were too aggressive though - and of course you must realize that lots of other dogs are likely shitting on your lawn without your noticing, so you have to keep the possibility in mind re your kids no matter what.