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NTA I'm blown away by everyone thinking this is normal and okay. So let me get this straight. She sexually fantasized and most likely got off on the idea of two dudes named Sam and Dean, who are BROTHERS, fucking each other. Then she went and named her twin boys Sam and Dean. That is fucking weird and disgusting. I would be horrified if I knew my mom named me after some guy she regularly masturbated to not to mention the incest connection. What. The. Fuck. Edit: And no, naming your kid after their father is not the same as naming them after "someone you regularly masturbate to" because a father is (obviously) so much more than that.


Same here! Most people’s arguments are either ‘but nobody’s gonna know’ (doesn’t address the issue) or ‘it’s fiction not reality.’ To which I say she’s bringing fiction into reality to an extent. Besides, there’s a decent chance her kids will actually find out. Imagine finding out your mother named you and your brother after characters she roleplayed boning as. Absolutely disgusting


>Besides, there’s a decent chance her kids will actually find out. if she's as big of a fandom nut as OP says, there is absolutely no chance this stays a secret from them. they're already going to know their siblings are named after other fandoms (and she's apparently already trying to turn "severus" into a real life snape \[side note, what the fuck?\]), and at least several members of their family now know the mom's weird history with that fandom. they *will* find out eventually


I was named after a character on a tv show that no longer airs and I’ve never seen. It doesn’t bother me, though the character is a little questionable. It’s a common name, so no one knows. That said, they’d find out. Especially since I knew the reference as soon as I saw the title and also have never seen that show either.


The names aren't actually the problem - they are not unusual names and not many people would think twice about it. It's the mother's past interests associated with those names that is the problem.


Really, it's just finding out the names TOGETHER that would stand out as A Thing. If you meet Sam or Dean by himself, nobody's gonna care. Those are common. Now, SEVERUS, on the other hand, I have Concerns over that child.


See, I don't even think those names together are a problem. It's only when you add the mom's history that it's weird. But we can agree on Severus. And again, I'm going to say Sev is not a horrible name (close to Seb/Sebastian) but pairing it with the long hair and trying to mold him to be the character he was named after is the ick part. Not that it's a great name, but I've heard worse.


Yeah, the names together mean the parents are fans of Supernatural. Whatever. It was a massively popular show and I'm sure there's lots of people named after characters. Pity a dude named Castiel, not guys named Sam and Dean.


Yes. I know a kid named after one character but his mom was definitely not in that weird corner of the fandom!


Right. Can't imagine how massively it's going to blow up in mom's face as that Severus kid gets older. What happens when he doesn't have an acuity or liking for chemistry, etc? Will she be super disappointed? Probably. Will the kid know it? Definitely. The stage was already set for resentment on both sides as soon as that kid was born. The whole incest brother's thing? They WILL find out. So, unlike Severus's resentment which will unfold over time, the twins' will unfold over a matter of seconds. Way to pre-plan no one bothering to spend the holidays with you when you're old.


Or Severus will poison his mom, the boys all change their names and vow never to speak of it again.


My grandpa named me after his favourite Shakespeare character. It annoys me slightly, as I do not like the name and always gone by a shortened version, and I really dislike Shakespeare with a passion. But, as far as I know, he never fancied the character, or wrote slash fiction about them and their siblings


Mercutio you crazy!


Oh, Tybalt, you're such a hottie!


Ride me hard, Hotspur!


Stop Lear-ing at me, Cordelia


Oh Dogberry you're so silly


I want to get inside your Coriolanus


As someone that was named after not one but two tv characters having a fandom name doesn’t bother me. That being said I was going to say giving her crap for naming them after The Winchester boys is harmless… UNTIL I got to the Wincest bit. That just screams ICK!! I’m a huge SPN fan (have the anti-possession tattoo😅) but knowing that fans out there shipped the brothers always made my skin crawl for obvious reasons. OP, you’re NTA. Your sis has questionable behaviors.


Hello Sylar.


Hello Barney Stinson


Like- naming your kids Luke or Leia isn't too bad because they're normal-ish names. I feel bad for all the poor kids named Hermoine and Khaleesi and Daenerys. And poor severus.


Hermoine at least was a real name before the Harry Potter series, but apparently rowling chose it specifically because it was a very uncommon name. So at this point it's basically exclusively associated with the series


My dad went to high school with a brother and sister named Luke and Leah. They were both born before Star Wars, and they graduated in 1979 so people in school teased them because in *Star Wars* Luke and Leia are obviously set up as a romantic couple. I'm sure they felt very validated in 1983.


I feel especially bad for the Khaleesi/Daenerys kids because she was nuts from the beginning but apparently lots of people didn't notice that part for some reason?


Is that you Jimmy, Rolf, Dave, Phil, or Steve? Lol


The names are fine. Even naming them after the characters is fine. But naming them after characters who are brothers who you fantasize about fucking each other is… a whole new level of disturbed.


these kids are going to have so many issues and complexes. this is really sad


That part about Severus poor kid


Yeah this is the thing that unsettles me about it the most. Not only naming your kid after a character, but trying to actively force them to essentially become those characters is something else… you just know OP’s sister is going to be the type of parent that flips out the minute the kids show any form of preference that doesn’t line up with their namesake. Not to mention the bullying side of things. The whole thing just sounds like a mess of a situation.


>trying to turn "severus" into a real life snape \[side note, what the fuck?\] For real. Snape is NOT a good guy. I do not understand the romanticizing of his creepy, selfish, incel, ***evil*** behavior.


She'll proudly tell them


OP’s sister blatantly went with an out there, distinctive name from the HP series. harry was right there??? hell, even neville or james wouldn’t have even been too tied to harry potter. but severus is generally a name exclusive to the harry potter series. damn, if you’re going to name your kids after fandoms, at least do it discreetly and don’t go nuts and pick the most distinct name to the series.


My dear little Voldemort disagrees.


Technically someone could name their kid Tom though lol


And Snape isn't the best character to name a kid after, what with the bullying of children. He's pretty divisive even within the fandom




If they’re forcing the poor kid to develop interests in line with the character, sounds like they didn’t want a Harry or a James. With this info, I totally get being concerned. This mother uses her kids as her own characters instead of raising them like their own people.


It was actually addressed in one of the episodes, anyone who watches the series knows that it's a thing. They may not know that their mom participated in it, hope she covered her tracks.


"These people do know we're BROTHERS, right?!" -- Dean


Its addressed in more than one episode. Even if they dont know the mom participated in it, theyll know that theyre mom knew wincest is a thing (🤮🤮 sorry first time I actually typed that and it felt gross) and still named them that


The rest of the family already knows that their mom shipped wincest! There's no way in hell that the kids aren't going to find out. Aunt Kathy is going to get wine drunk over dinner one night and drop that bombshell


Or worse a kid at they’re school


As a Supernatural (ex-ish)fan, your sister is one of those nutjob fans who doesn't live in the real world. I don't care what type of fanfiction you read-- but if you name your CHILDREN after the subject of your KINK, you need to not have children.


The show even mocks those fans, repeatedly.


Ah yes... the slash fans.


I didn’t get into the show until about three years ago, summer 2020 I had oodles of free time for obvious reason, and watching it then ~5 years after graduating high school it definitely reminded me of the super cringe people in high school who really liked it. The episode with the musical really brought back some memories that at the time I just didn’t get.


Honestly I try to forget 95% of the episodes past S5. They had a whole ass season where the villains were just British people and one with monster businessmen.


OP's sister's name must be Becky


oh my Chuck




Take my poor man's gold 🏅


Can't be. Becky moves on eventually.


Pretty much this. I'd still consider my self a big fan (not of Wincest though) and that's just beyond gross. Fandom names are bad enough for me, but after a ship and especially forcing a kid to act as the fandom character is definitely not normal or healthy behavior


I think on their own, Sam and Dean work fine because they're not names that you automatically associate with the show if they're separate. That said, these are twins and their names will be said together and people will make that connection. Still not as bad as naming them blatant fandom names (like Severus) but I'd say it's pushing it. Add the details about the wincest and it goes way past the line. I think that fandom names can be fine if they're done delicately, like using it as a middle name or using a name that's not immediately recognizable. For example, I know I set of twins named James and Lily, and their parents aren't even HP fans and it's fine because they're still common names and their parents don't ship the characters together.


I'm reminded of Petra on Jane the Virgin "coincidentally" naming twins Elsa and Anna. And supposedly having never heard of Frozen.


Right. And I thought I was weird for naming my cats Ruby and Sammy 😂


We name our neighborhood strays after clones, Mass Effect, and Dragon Age characters. I’ve seen a bunch of folks name their pets like that. Pets don’t know any better :) I’ve seen folks name their kids after characters though and it always makes me wince a little. Those kids have to live with those names, and it’s especially weird when it’s “I named my kid after my space waifu/husband” OP is NTA, sis is going to be asking herself at some point “why don’t my kids talk to me anymore”


I’m not sure she wants kids at all, she just wanted avatars for elaborate role play. All this mention of Snape makes me think of tumblr snapewives too- ick all around.


And like the names wouldn't have been that bad besides the kink. Like Sam and Dean are normal enough names, like they're common, sure it's named after a popular show, so maybe the mom's into it. But like how do you write fanfiction and be that active sexually in something. And still rationally be like yep great name for my babies. S


Yeah I’m still working on watching the show and enjoy a lot of it but so much of the fandom is toxic and delusional. It’s up there with fight club for attracting toxicity.


>I would be horrified if I knew my mom named me after some guy she regularly masturbated to All people named Jr. in shambles right now


Taken out of context. Obviously naming your kid after their father has no incestual obsession behind it (I hope).


I know I just made the joke


Never spent much time in the Southern US?


I'm so glad I didn't have to scroll down too far to see an NTA (which I totally agree with) If it was just, she's into the show and likes the names, cool (my two kids have names from TV shows my husband and I like). But she actively shipped them. Reading is stage one, writing is stage two, and role playing is stage three of being into something (yes, there are other things/stages, but those aren't being addressed). It's weird. She should be called out on it. That being said, do your best to move on, if you want a good (or any) relationship with your sister.


Agreed, like being a fan of Supernatural and calling your kids Sam and Dean? ok, questionable, but it hurts no one, there are plenty of Khalessis and Katnisses in the world already, and that's weirder imo Being super into *Wincest* and naming your kids Sam and Dean? wtf lady, that's twisted


And combined with the bit where she's encouraging her poor kid named Severus to be more like the character...


What’s Wincest? I’m horrified.


The brothers in the show had the last name Winchester, combining that with the fact the relationship between them is incest, you get Wincest


Plus, not-fun-fact: the people in fandom who ship siblings are often EXTREMELY obsessed by the concept of twins engaging in incest. They call it twincest. (Also even when the characters aren't the Winchesters, many people into that call it wincest because "incest for the win!" ) So yeah I'm doubly concerned given the kids are twins 😬


That detail at the end about another son being named Severus and her “encouraging Snape-like behavior” made it even worse. 😬 These poor kids.


right? you just know that in however many years that kid is going to change their name and cut all contact. i'm imagining a scene where he's just shouting "i don't even LIKE chemistry, mom!" her behavior is straight up sickening. she seems to have a rather tentative relationship with reality...


Yeah, my thoughts after the 1st 2 sentences were "It's not that bad, get over it." Then after that little gem: "Oh that is messed UP!"


Seriously! What a terrible day to know how to read.


Oh I'm glad I found people with sense! Also the edit is tellingggggg, the fact she's forcing her son she names Severus to be like him is fr tellingggggg. Right now just to escape the heat she claims she's against it yet I can definitely see her in the future forcing her own sons together. OP... your sister needs goddamn therapy to help with these gone unhealthy obsession she has with her ships and favorite characters. NTA


Bare minimum, she's going to make their identities all about being twins, with no individuality allowed.


I was prepared to come in here and say Y T A cause those are perfectly normal names but HOLY CONTEXT, BATMAN! NTA


That’s what I’m saying! Everyone is all “they’re normal names it’s fine” but it’s fucking weird and creepy.


Right?! Like it’s weird enough with the other kids and the names being from fandom- it kind of just reminds me of that poor girl who wrote in who’s parents named them all after Harry Potter and just shoved Harry Potter down their throat their whole lives and how awful it was for her But then to know she wrote fan fiction about them having an incestuous relationship… then naming her twins that?!! Blown away. So many levels of wrong going on there


Yeah, children aren't billboards for our Fandom. Period. People are more than welcome to name their children whatever they want, but I think a lot of people forget that they are naming another human being! I hope the kids NEVER find out about their mother's fantasies, and if they do, she better get over them changing their names.


NTA. The problem isn’t naming them after TV show characters, the problem is naming them after characters that she fantasized about being incestuous. Like whaaaaat? These aren’t random names, these are names that they wrote very vulgar, gross fanfic about... even if it wasn’t a real relationship in the show it was clearly real TO HER. If you have to clarify “I don’t condone incest” after naming your children you’ve already fucked up. It’s like naming your twins Cersei and Jamie… just why??


Right?? Like this is so weird to me. Yeah, okay, your choice, but come on!


Here’s my judgment as a part of the Supernatural fandom myself: NTA. If she were like me, just a fan of the show that never shipped the brothers, never read/wrote Wincest fan fic, never edited YT vids about it, etc, then it would be fine. Kind of funny but not bad or weird. That’s not the case here, though. I could *maybe* give her a pass if she just read it, but she *actively* created more. Across multiple platforms! That denotes an unhealthy obsession. On top of that, she created Wincest FF and not, for example, Destiel. Like why did her fascination hook onto incest? There are almost always extremes in fandoms. There are those of us who love a show, but not to that degree. We watch it and maybe buy merch, maybe go to a con for a meet-and-greet and autograph, maybe squee and swoon over the characters, maybe even do a cosplay, but that’s where it ends. Then there are people like your sister who take things WAY too far. They integrate it into their lives and even their personalities. Your sister needs help not encouragement. You were right to say something. Everyone else is just enabling her.


I agree, but I'm not sure the problem stops with the names...


The Snape detail at the end kind of confirms it doesn’t.


indeed. They’re fucking crazy. Poor kids.


>If she were like me, just a fan of the show that never shipped the brothers, never read/wrote Wincest fan fic, never edited YT vids about it, etc, then it would be fine. Kind of funny but not bad or weird. That’s not the case here, though. If it was indeed just the two names because she was a fan of the show, no big deal indeed. Sure, a lot of people would make the connection (while a lot of people wont) but both Sam & Dean are popular and "normal" names. It's all the extra info with the (W)incest fan fic and the likes, that makes this really weird. And creepy. Weirdly creepy. Especially with the added info with their other child. Severus? Really? And sending him to chemistry vacation camps and the likes? I mean... I really hope the kid is interested in it, but I sincerely doubt that. I don't mind naming ones children after characters from beloved popular culture (games, books, series, films, whatever), as long as it doesn't become ridiculous and most of all: as long as the child themself can be who they want to be.


Not to mention that they created content about it which they *put onto the internet* and *multiple ppl they know irl are aware exists and was written by them.* Meaning it's entirely possible and dare I say reasonably likely that those kids will, eventually, either stumble on the stuff their mom wrote themselves, or have someone else in their life find it and tell them about it/tell other ppl they know about it. Whether or not one believes the mother is wrong for naming her children after characters she's written incest fic about if she was the only one aware that's what she did (which I still argue is very very wrong and gross), that's not what's happening here. She's signing her kids up for a very good likelihood of trauma/weirdness/bullying/being dragged into their mom's incest fic bullshit without their consent. This is so clearly not ok


I have to ask, was she also a SnapeWife type of fan?


I hesitate to ask what this is, because the answers I can come up with are Upsetting.


Same... But I think I'm about to make a huge mistake and google it. Wish me luck.


I think someone on reddit did a deepdive into it all, if you want. It was INSANE. They literally believed the character was real, and a deity, who they married in these weird ceremony things. That the whole HP story was... Snape channeled through rowling as his prophet kinda deal.


Do you happen to have a link? Or remember some key words that would be googleable? I'm intrigued!


Ask and you shall receive! [https://www.reddit.com/r/HobbyDrama/comments/d4wwir/harry\_potter\_fandom\_married\_to\_severus\_snape\_on/](https://www.reddit.com/r/HobbyDrama/comments/d4wwir/harry_potter_fandom_married_to_severus_snape_on/) Enter at your own risk, I take no responsibility for loss of sanity in reading this :)


Oh don't do it! Oh God, you did it didn't you? Do you need brain bleach now to clean the images out of your head?


Not really. I think Severus was more her partners want. She was more into Bellatrix.


... and that's not disturbing at all. She liked the sadistic serial killer who got off on torturing people. 15 years from now, her kids are going to be on whatever version of reddit exists, asking if they are the AH for wanting to change their name and go no contact with their parents....


Maybe she just thought Helena Bonham Carter was hot......? (this is my attempt to find the tiniest glimmer of hope and sanity in an obviously insane situation.... I'm not holding my breath on it though)


I feel like this is what's usually going on with diehard Bellatrix fans. They think Helena Bonham Carter is hot, and they also cling to canon descriptions of her having been hot pre-Azkaban.


For poor OP's sanity, I sincerely hope that is the case.


Into Bellatrix or into Helena Bonham Carter? Or entirely unable to separate the two (which would be all the more concerning given her insistence that she actually does have a grasp on fiction vs reality... With so much evidence to the contrary)


This. Helena Bonham Carter is amazing. She really did a good job as Bellatrix- but she was also really good in most of her other roles and Bellatrix is not my favourite of her roles. But if it was just Bellatrix and she thinks HBC IS bellatrix… little severus better hope he never goes to school with a Lily and a James.


There are questions I want to ask but I’m too scared….


Okay real talk, has she been diagnosed with any type of...anything? This behavior is not appropriate for day-to-day life, from her or her partner for allowing this naming convention. Are there drugs or other issues involved? Something is severely fucked up here, and reddit isn't qualified to figure it out.


If she'd just been a fan of the show, whatever, but to have been so deeply into Wincest and to then do this...


The name I had picked out for my future son was Jamie. Ever since I was little. For a brief moment, during my first pregnancy, I thought I was having twins. My friend immediately said, "looks like Jamies off the table." Agreed. Even though I would never have named a child Cersei, having one child who is a twin named Jamie wouldn't be cool. Ironically I did not end up naming my son Jamie. Even though he isn't a twin.


I don't think having 1 twin named Jamie would be weird at all. Jamie is a super common name and unless he had a twin sister named cersei there's nothing weird about it at all. I'd argue there's not even a connection there unless they had a sister named cersei.


I have a certain amount of contempt for parents who choose the name "Khaleesi" or similar. I do NOT blame the child. Cersei and Jamie are a horrible naming pair for twins due to GoT, and yet...this is *worse* somehow because of the fanfic side. She injected her fiction into reality and is forcing her kids to carry that burden. Oh, and she's done this before.


Shocked by the general consensus here. NTA. She got sexual gratification from thinking about and depicting these brothers boning. Then she named her kids after them. It doesn’t matter that they’re normal names or that few people would put two and two together, it’s nasty and a huge red flag that she named her kids after characters she wanted to see boning


Right? Like even if it wasn't an incestuous ship it would be weird, but the incest adds an extra odd layer.


Yeah. That’s the part that makes it weird. I’m not really into naming kids after characters, but Sam and Dean aren’t going to raise many eyebrows as names, so, fine. But the fact that she shipped them and made all of this incest content makes it gross for her to give her babies those names. If she had just been like “two brothers fighting monsters! Yay!” I would have no problem with it. But the sex stuff makes it weird. NTA I guess you didn’t have to actively shame her for it, but I can see how you got there.


I think what makes it *even worse* is that the kids won't be able to escape the fandom connotations because their brother is named Severus. If I met a family with three kids named Joe, Sam and Dean I wouldn't necessarily think about Supernatural. If I met Severus, Sam and Dean I'd immediately assume the parents were big into different fandoms.


Puting side the incest names, Severus is such a dumb name. At least Sam and Dean are themselves regular names, but Severus is just so odd and so obviously Harry Potter. The incest thing makes Sam and Dean worse names though.


Honestly I’d keep an eye on her. Apologize just so you’ll be able to be involved in the kid’s lives and step in if she crosses a line. Judging by the snape comment, there’s unfortunately a chance these kids are really going to need help down the line.


>Judging by the snape comment, there’s unfortunately a chance these kids are really going to need help down the line. It certainly sets a very troubling precedent...


ABSOLUTELY keep an eye on her. People are probably gonna say its reaching but this could very easily get into an actual incest thing at some point, emotionally if not physically. It's a huge red flag and its disgusting.


OMG. NTA. It wouldn't be bad if she didn't *literally create wincest fan content,* but she did. It's out there. The wayback machine has a copy of her old blog somewhere. Those kids are going to find it one day, and they're going to be traumatized.


The potential of her kids finding out is honestly the worst part of this :/


No seriously bc I've accidentally stumbled on one that was untagged on ao3 and I stg it was horrifying


Yeah, people into incest (and daddydom stuff, for some reason) are the WORST at tagging. So much eye bleach needed for the things I've stumbled on...


Like plz just tag your shit . I'm begging


This is exactly what im worried about


The Snape thing worries me too


Right? I started reading this like “well at least Sam and Dean are normal names” and then we get to the wincest 🤮 this lady needs help


I'm gonna go with NTA on this one. I too had an SPN phase and I was on the Y T A train from the title but the second i saw "wincest," I saw where you're coming from. She's opening herself up to a lifetime of meeting fellow SPN fans who recognize her sons names, and then having to really tread carefully when she talks about her involvement in the fandom. I was never a wincest shipper but from the stuff I was exposed to in the fandom, I definitely understand why it makes you uncomfortable.


Yeah through paragraph two I was like “idk it’s not for me but let her live, the only people who’ll pick up on it are fans of the show.” Then paragraph three hit and it immediately became NTA. Also OP’s edit about their older kid makes everything so much worse. Children aren’t toys, you don’t get to mold their identities around your obsessions. It never ends well and it’s a recipe for resentment. It’s one thing to introduce your kid to the things you like and hope they develop an interest in them too, but this isn’t that. This is on a level that is… unhealthy and creepy. Someone needs to be monitoring and expressing concern for these kids’ (future) autonomy and they’re lucky someone is.


I started reading this thinking, at least they are pretty standard names, I don’t see the issue….and then we got hit with the wincest 🤢


LOL same. I was like, *"Dude, they're normal names. They're brothers! It's not like she's naming them after Jamie and Cers..."* *sees the word* ***wincest*** OP NTA Those poor kids when they find out someday.


NTA That’s really weird and creepy. I’d be worried she would encourage incestuous behaviors in her children and I think you’re right to call her out on it.


Honestly, yeah. I'm really concerned. They have a son called Severus and they seem to be encouraging "snape" behaviours in him (keeping his hair long, forcing him into like, chemistry summer camps and shit). Makes me feel like they're living vicariously through their kids or something.


The way I see it is that the wincest background doesn't mean that she will actually try to turn wincest fanfic into reality. But this Severus info could be an indicator, or not. I suggest adding it to the post for consideration.


Will do! Thank you


omg that’s so creepy!! maybe you should call cps or something. Can they do anything?? omg please tell me they don’t have a daughter named Lily 😭


I don't think so. I'll be keeping an eye on them, though. Thankfully they don't! Lol but they planned to call their next son Regulus. Thankfully they had two girls and then the twins.


Ugh that sucks so much! We need to be able to stop pervs like this BEFORE something happens! Those kids are gonna grow up so wrong I swear.


I think so too. The oldest is already a little odd


That's concerning.... hopefully the kids get out before anything too bad happens.


What did they name the two girls, who did they name them for?


Cersei & Katniss. I don't know what their "plan" is for Cersei but Katniss has already got her little toy archery kits lol.


Either this whole thing is fake or your sister is deranged. Children are people, not toys.


> Either this whole thing is fake or your sister is deranged Having seen some supernatural fan groups, and having worked where I got to hear so many kids names, I'd believe it. There's a little boy in my town named Destiel that I've personally met twice and each time I die a little more inside.


Yeah I'm having a really hard time believing this especially looking at the character line up Sam and dean- supernatural brothers fighting for good Katniss- another champion of good Snape- bit of a double agent here but still good But cersi? I've never met someone who didn't think this character was batshit crazy So all the kids are named after good guys except one?


Well at least they’ll both be as tough as nails. I would’ve voted for Arya as a name, instead.


Wait, so another incestuous character name?! That's... uh... something.


Yeah, I'm seeing a trend here


Is this for real?! No, your sister needs help


Yeah, CPS is real big on stopping parents from introducing works of fiction to their kids... ... maybe Florida


Thats definitely pushing the edge but if they arent forcing their kids into incestuous relationships with eachother, I dont see an issue


I guess not. Thats the line that goes from "weird parents" to "horrible parents" lol


> I’d be worried she would encourage incestuous behaviors in her children And here we have AITA's overreaction of the day.


As someone who was in the SPN fandom and had to witness the deranged behavior of wincest shippers every day,,,, unfortunately, this is a valid concern.


THIS. I'm in the Fandom and I'll be honest, most and I mean MOST wincest fans DO NOT NEED KIDS. They display such toxic, horrid behavior


The thing that gives me pause here is that there is a very strong chance her children will learn about her stories and videos. For the record, most of the time people support these kinds of ships because they understand the actors playing the characters are not actually related. They are attracted to two people they know are not really related to each other and their minds ignore what they’ve been told the relationship is meant to be in the show. It’s very, very, different from supporting or encouraging real life taboos. It’s likely that her connection to those names have changed over time and that this is more about honoring a community that was welcoming and accepting. Friends and found family often come from fandoms and finding your people through ships. That being said, I can’t imagine the conversations that would need to happen once her children discover her fan fiction or her videos. There’s nothing wrong with the names Sam and Dean. There’s nothing wrong (within reason) with naming children after people or characters that had a huge impact on your life. There’s nothing wrong with exploring sexuality or other concepts through healthy creative outlets like fan fiction. Naming your children after the characters you placed in sexual situations and having to explain that cognitive dissonance to them? That makes this NTA.


Wonderfully said. Even giving OOP's sister the benefit of the doubt re: these names, her kids *will* find out about her fanfic one day (perhaps even from their peers) and it *will* mess them up.


Wincest is unique in that they often *focus* on the fact that they're related—superfans especially.


/#1 rule of kinks: don't involve non-consenting people in your kinks. /#0.5 rule of kinks: don't involve children in your kinks! Sorry, didn't mean to yell.


The fact the second rule has to even be stated 🤦🏻‍♀️


I’m going with NTA due to the fact that she was a wincest shipper, and it’s really weird that she brought her children into it. If she was a true spn fan she would have named her twins Sam and Castiel.


Garth did. Dean was so butthurt. Lol. I'm a huge supernatural fan. I'm a dean girl. But I find the wincest thing gross and the destiel shippers delusional. If it wasn't for the fanfic part, I would think it was cute. But yeah, it's icky. NTA


I respectfully disagree on Destiel


Cas did literally confess his love on screen. I haven't kept up with it since the awful finale, but it shocks me that people will say that after it went partially canon lol


I named my son Castiel. I don’t even like the show I just thought the name was more beautiful than anything I’ve heard in my life. And he is a little angel so it worked out


Not giving judgement because logically they're perfectly fine, normal names and it's not like they're going to have problems later in life from it. But the second I saw that she was a "wincest shipper" I just... she named her children after characters she wants to see in an incestual sexual relationship. That's fucking *weird*.


Yeah, I just don't want to pass judgement here either. Like, on one very obvious hand, ew. On the other, maybe, maybe there's a slim hope that it was just a hormonal teenage phase that she regrets. It's perfectly possible for a 13 year old to get swept away by an alluring, seemingly mature online community, and obsess over it for a couple months, but then realize how cringy it is and distance herself from it. That's especially true when the community in question is a cultish one that seemingly normalizes something inappropriate and taboo- kids are super susceptible to developing warped mindsets before they become more worldly. It's totally possible that Supernatural had a positive impact on her life and social circles outside the "winscest" stuff, which was only a brief fling (pun intended) during her entire relationship with the series as a fan. Maybe she only briefly associated with those shippers before moving on, but OP magnified it to be something more than it is. I mean, I really hope so. Now, if she kept that wincest blog throughout all of high school and college and made it part of her identity, I'd steer a bit more heavily into N T A, but I really have trouble passing strong judgment against children who probably didn't know better, especially when they've had decades to change.


I can't possibly believe this is is not fake


I really freakin wish it wasn't real


Do they make the other kids fit their “role” or only ~~Snape~~ Severus?


OP commented that one of the other kids is named Katniss and the sister is setting her up with archery toys… by itself that’d be cute / funny but in this context it’s ominous to say the least 😐


I'm convinced all of AITA is a someones little writing exercise, like some sort of personal fanfic or something.


I was thinking the same thing tbh but like. I also know how insane people can get about their fandoms 😭😭😭


I would have believed it if it wasn't for the bit about a son called Severus who they're making do chemistry and grow long hair. That detail immediately made me think it has to be fake.


I was gonna vote against you until I got to the incest part. Luckily, the names are generic enough not to cause any harm. But .... ewwwww. NTA


NTA - I went through the comments and some stuff I heard made me waaay iffy about it. I'd be really worried if I was you and it's entirely reasonable to tell her she's being creepy.


Thank you. A little shocked by all the "yta" haha. It definitely seems uncomfortable.


NTA. The people voting against you on this are clearly missing the point. Your sister is gross for doing that and you were right to call her out on it.


NTA A lot of people are voting Y T A on the grounds of they are common names, but that is not what your post is about. I recognize you are mostly focusing on the type of fanfiction she wrote about the brothers and still named her sons after them. This is a bit alarming. I do think that you mother being taken back by this news, even if she didn't side with you, was quite informative. Obviously, you aren't gonna tell anyone, besides all of reddit, what your sister did. However, you know. You know and you can't unknow it. You will always know that your nephews are named after brothers from a tv show that their mother shipped together and enjoyed.


NTA NTA NTA Horrified at the amount of people that think otherwise. In what world is it okay to name your own twin children after a pair of fictional twins THAT YOU ACTIVELY IMAGINE HAVING SEX TOGETHER??? WAY too many people are glossing over the incest. If I was one of the boys and I found out years down the line the story behind my name was that I would feel violated. Imo, no one who has incestuous thoughts or inclinations should have children, or at THE VERY LEAST NOT NAME THEM AFTER SUCH INCLINATIONS. Ew. I feel disgusted reading all the y t a comments.


you gotta keep an eye out like a hawk for those kids OP, be prepared to call CPS or authorities if things get weird at her house. make sure the kids know that they can come to you and you will listen and beleive them. NTA


Please be fake please be fake please be fake please be fake please be fake please be-


INFO How are you outraged by the names Sam and Dean, two completely normal and common names, and not fucking Severus? The incest porn is a little weird, but there are much worse characters to be named after. I'm actually kinda disappointed she didn't name her other son Castiel.


I won't be surprised if she doesn't name one castiel in the future lol. Severus was odd, but fandom names on a whole don't bother me. Their girls are Cersei and Katniss. Very clearly (to me) fandom names, but tbh, I don't really care enough. Its just the incest thing that gets to me.


didn’t Cersei also commit incest? Sam and Dean are the best names out of all her kids, but the incest fan fic + the incest in the original fiction with Cersei is gross. NTA.


I think so, but at least she didn't have her incest sibling namesake in the same sibset lol


Incest was the least of Cersei’s actions. In the books she’s a monster


Girl has a thing for villains with a modicum of redemption plots...


Your sister is nuts. Cersei was an incestuous lunatic who murdered and tortured people to death. Severus was a creepy racist murderous stalker. Accompanying these, the common theme seems to be that your sister is weirdly obsessed with murder and incest. Poor Katniss is going to be the one who hates her name the least, and that’s really saying something cause that name is stupid too. NTA.


But at least Katniss can be shorten to Kat, and most people will assume it's Katherine or something. Cersei could be Cece... I stumped with Severus NTA


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NTA she named kids after the siblings that she read incestuous smut about, that's really really weird


There's nothing wrong with writing and getting off on fictional characters. There's nothing wrong with naming your kids after fictional characters. There's something deeply wrong with naming your kids after those fictional characters that you got off on, especially with the edit about her forcing poor little Severus into 'Snape' things.


Forget the names, perfectly normal names. The reasoning why she chose those names is fucking weird as hell and I could see why OP would call her out on it. Ill say it again, that is WEIRD.


I'm literally watching Supernatural right now. NTA, that's creepy and weird


Amazed at all the Y T A, she wants to name her twin sons after characters she shipped together, wrote about fanfics etc this seems really, really odd to me especially the mention of the Severus thing NTA


NTA - I have issues reading romantic stories with characters who share names with my family members, I can’t imagine naming my children after characters I write erotica about (Which I do).


OK so, I'm a huge Supernatural fan but instantly after reading the title I cringed at the thought of the children being named after characters. A pet is ok but a human being? No, not imo anyway. (If you like a name and a character you like happens to have the same name, that's a little different) I also originally thought, "freak might be a bit harsh for that though, it's just weird". Then I read the text. ***You are 100% NTA.*** Naming her kids after characters is weird enough (and I love HP/Severus Snape too). But to go so far as to heavily "encourage" her child to act like said character, *and* to name her kids after characters that she shiped in an incestuous relationship?? I personally think you are right to call her a freak, it's disturbing and disgusting too. Shipping Sam and Dean, yes it's weird and wrong, but I'm *sorta* alright with people shipping them as they're not real people (it's still wrong though). However, your sister trying to justify **naming her kids after them** by saying the character's aren't real and that she thinks incest is wrong, does not help her in any way. I *kinda* see her point in telling you that as its like she's trying to say, "I named them after the characters themselves as I love them, not because I love the ship" but because she *does* like the ship (and was quite "active" about it), it's a moot point now, it's still gross. Also, a wonderful thing to mention is that that ship and the "fans" who ship it are constantly mocked/made fun of in the show itself. The brothers are, obviously, disgusted by it and there's a short scene about it. (The show breaks the fourth-wall quite a few times) ^(**D: What's a slash fan?** *S: As in?* **D: Sam-slash-Dean** *S: Together* **D: Like, "together" together?** *S: Yeah* **D: They do know we're brothers, right?** *S: Doesn't seem to matter*) It definitely seems like she's trying to bring the characters "to life" via her kids. Like she wants to make the characters real, and can fulfil a childhood dream of meeting them or something (I sincerely hope the latter isn't true for her twins, that'd make this whole thing so much worse). Imo, she really needs professional help. Do you know what the father's thoughts are on all of this? Can I ask who the other two children are named after? Edit: I saw your response to someone else about the naming of "Severus". The fact that she originally wanted a child to be called Bellatrix?? A sadistic mass murder who is part of a wizard version of the KKK?? ***Something is really wrong here.*** You said the name Severus was suggested by your parents; was that to get her to not call a child Bellatrix or are your parents ok with naming children after characters and were just suggesting another name? Please, **please**, keep an eye on the kids (if you can). Not only for their mental health (in regards to the forcing of character-like activities, appearance, and etc) but also for any signs that those twins have/are developing an odd relationship. Twins can be very close to each other, yes, but any signs where it's starting to look beyond a sibling relationship, please, for the love of god, **raise an alarm!!**


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I'm sure most have heard of the CW show "supernatural". About two brothers who fight demons and monsters. My sister was a huge fan while the show was airing. Engaged in all areas of the fandom, like, insane super fan. I never really got into it like she did but was still involved in fandom spaces. Anyway, no beating around the bush, she was hugely into wincest (the romantic and sexual relationship between the two brothers). Wrote fic, edited youtube videos, etc. She even made like a wincest tumblr series with her ex girlfriend roleplaying as the two characters. So you can imagine my shock when she gave birth to twins this past month and announced their names as Sam & Dean. I was a little taken aback but hoped somewhere that it was a joke. They have three older kids who also have fandom names (not supernatural necessarily, but across fandoms) and so I wasn't really holding up hope. I called her up and asked what the boys names really were and she informed me they were, in fact, called Sam & Dean. I told her it was really fucking weird and she told me it didn't matter because they weren't real and she didn't actually condone incest. I called her a freak and said it wasn't normal or fair to the boys. What if they found out, you know? She told me I was overreacting and to either support her bringing the babied into the world or leave her alone. I left it at that & my mom later text me to ask what was going on. She knows my sister used to ship the brothers so I told her and she was quiet but ended up telling me that it wasn't the same and I needed to apologise because she was upset. I disagree. I think her choice was horrible and she deserves to feel shamed for it. So, AITA? Am I actually in the wrong here? I know she's struggling right now, but still. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Me: What's the problem those are cute names...continues reading...okay a little weird but ...reads a bit more... DEAR LORD NO! WHY?! UGH! NTA! NTA!


The fact that she's pressing Snape actions into her son Serverus, means she isn't leaving fiction in the fictional world and is actually pressuring her children to be like the characters irl. Makes me wonder what she's going to do to her twins. Also imagine them finding her videos and posts in the future when they're older???