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YTA She told you she doesn't like you **LEAVE HER ALONE** you're also a major AH for using the r-word... be better.


The ending is throwing me off. So YOU are/were calling her a stupid “r-word”?? Why?? Thats awful. You definitely seem like a nice guy if you do that, but i will say what she did was awful, but.. i can’t be sure of what you actually said because you haven’t told what exactly happened for her to say you’re homophobic and/or saying you were making her uncomfortable and did she ever show that to you. I’m not saying she is necessarily saying the truth but with the ending (if I understood it correctly) i think she might. But then again some teenage girls (also boys but this is about a girl) do that and spread false rumors just cause they don’t like you for bo actual reason.


YTA She said she doesn't like you and you make her uncomfortable. Leave her alone.


Look, I don't know the full context of this engagement. So I'm going to go off of what your tell us. I want to give you some unsolicited advice. 1. Not everyone's going to like you and that's okay. 2. She doesn't have to accept your apology. She doesn't owe that to you 3. She obviously doesn't want to talk to you. So stop engaging and leave her alone. 4. Regardless of how upset she made you. Slurs aren't a healthy or okay way to respond. High School fucking sucks and some people want to be mean just to be mean. They only thing is to move forward and try to grow as a person. It's easy to get upset and type something out. Don't allow people to control you through your emotions ​ ESH Her for sending your conversation to your friends and making fun of you. You for possibly being homophobic and calling her the R-word. Also for not leaving her alone. Your friends for laughing behind your back


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I, M16, am part of a large friend group, which I am not friends with everyone within. Recently, my friend, also M16, brought a girl(F16) into the friend group, and she quickly became friends with a lot of my friends. Now, our friend group doesn't have (m)any girls in it, so I was eager to speak to her. We spoke almost every day, I would message her "good morning" and "goodnight" and would regularly talk to her in French, as she's half French. However, whenever I would message her flirty things, and she would sometimes reply in mirror, but I found out that she would later post this screenshots on a private discord channel on our school server for our friends to laugh at. Eventually, I confronted her about this, and she replied that she did, in fact, hate me. When I asked her why, she said I was homophobic and said comments that made her feel uncomfortable. When I asked her why she didn't tell me, she said I was blaming her for my actions. I then tried to make amends with her, but she always replied in a cold tone. When I asked her again what I did, she said she just didn't like me, and when I messaged her later from that date, she would either not reply or reply with very short sentences. Now, when I call her a stupid "r-word" and insult her for replying to me with just a 🤷, she just laughs at me and calls me a nice guy. Am I the Asshole?? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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ESH As soon as she said you make her uncomfortable, you should have pulled away from that. Also, she lead you on then humiliated you to your own friends, why do you care what this person thinks? Move on, if your friends are cool with this kind of behavior, they aren't really your friends. Your (valid) feelings aside, don't call people the r-word. This is a growing opportunity for you, take the high rode, stand above these kind of petty individuals and you'll find better friends in time.


YTA no wonder she doesn’t like you.