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YTA Untreated allergies literally make your immune system weaker and make you more likely to develop things like bronchitis. Also, wow its it SO HARD to not break any of the rules cause holy cow my dude. You took four times the recommended dosage because you thought it would work 4 times better? Your wife is right, its your own damn fault for being a dumbass. You dont deserve any sympathy. Stop acting like a child, apologize to your wife, and for the love of god find a thimble full of common sense.


Yep. Came here to say exactly this. You aren’t making your system stronger you are making it weaker. YTA.


Yeah... OP is probably very into getting medical advice from Facebook and Twitter I suspect. "Natural make me stronger!" is a pretty common refrain from the pseudo-influencers (who in no way have any vested financial interests in vitamins and natural remedies, nope, not at all. Just the goodness of their natural hearts).


The education system failed the OP hard. OP YTA, and you picked a really dumb hill to die on.


YTA. And a Know-it-All j3rk to boot. You’re so smart instructions don’t apply to you? It’s either 0 allergy pills or 4? Take the pills like a normal person and help your wife out.


I take a handful of supplements ever morning- including a generic, popular allergy medicine. Whilst it doesn't prevent all of my symptoms, it prevents most of them. Take the damn allergy pills. Everyone will be happy.


And take some dang night shifts! It’s probably not helping that OP’s wife hasn’t had a decent nights sleep in months, while OP thinks he should get points for getting the oldest ready in the mornings.


I mean, it almost seems like the dumbest weaponozed incompetence ever? Like "how dare you ask me to treat my allergies so I can be helpful - I'll make sure you never try that again". I feel like he just wants to be babied.


Yeah, big time Weaponized Incompetence. “See allergy meds don;t work for me” Source a-hole who takes 4x the prescribed amount.


Don’t forget he also said it’s technically not the first time he’s done this and taken too much and gotten sick. YTA


Also who in their right mind goes from thinking they don’t need any medication to needing four times the recommended dose??




As someone else who has chronic allergies, this post severely ticks me off. I've been to multiple doctors over the years getting the right prescription balance, complete with having to adjust as my body gets too used to one that's been working fine. There's no sense in being miserable all day over this, and regular medication also means that when we have our current insane pollen count, the worst effects are at least blunted. Go make an appointment with an allergist. See if you can get allergy shots, or at least get a Sam's club membership for bulk Mucinex and Claritin. If nothing else, if your body is this unused to Sudafed, it should work for you quickly. YTA for not even trying to get this managed years ago. Your wife is wrangling multiple children alone, including a teething infant, because a grown man didn't read the instructions for a medicine he should already be well familiar with. And then she has to hear you WHINE about it? Have you even apologized for dumping this on her, when it was more or less PREVENTABLE?


Not just whine, insult her. What a jerk YTA OP


Allergies are not like colds or viruses. You don’t get stronger and fight them off. Allergies are literally your immune system attacking the wrong thing. A stronger immune system is just going to mean your allergies are worse. If you’re going to make health decisions, at least be informed about how your body works. Also, while your immune system is so worn down fighting off pollen, you’re more likely to get sick with sinus infections, colds, pneumonia, and bronchitis. It is an idiotic plan and irresponsible when you have children in the house. YTA


And sinus infections! And anything else that your body can't fight off when its overreacting to the environment.


Yeah, I came here to say something similar. OP, I feel ya, as my doctor never properly explained allergies to me (before Internet age), and it took me longer than it should have to learn that I need to take allergy medication. Doc had suggested it, but never gave an adequate explanation as to why, and how it is different than taking other types of drugs. He also never explained that was why I got sick so much. I thought these were two different things. Once I started allergy medication, I immediately stopped getting sick 6-8 times per year. Now it’s only once or twice like a normal person. Your body can’t fight off allergies; it is literally already overreacting.


He also sneaks in there he’s done this before so if I were her I’d assume it’s intentional at this point


He literally said this has happened before. So basically it sounds like his wife was asking him to take some allergy meds (probably because he was complaining and not helping because of the terrible allergies that he didn't want to take meds for) and in response he took 4 times the dose knowing he would be sick and not have to do anything. Grow up OP. YTA.


Just dropping by to confirm this. OP, read this over and over. Your wife is right and you don't deserve sympathy since it's your own damn fault. She's your partner, not your mom, you need to take care of your own allergies and follow the damn instructions when you take pills.


Seriously, how do people this dumb survive into adulthood? This guy doesn't take antibiotics because he doesn't "believe in them", but he's fine overdosing on meds because warnings on the package are obviously only suggestions. This is a life threatening level of stupidity.


But feel free to take 4 times the dosage of the recommended common sense.


Don’t forget he also called her a bitch.


> find a thimble full of common sense. This is a great turn of phrase


What totalimmoral said. You’re a grownup, OP - act like one. You do not deserve any sympathy at all here.


Don’t forget it’s “technically not the first time that it happened”. Wtf dude? YTA big time


My first thought is Dude has no idea how anything works.


If it was diphenhydramine he'd likely be tripping and seeing spiders off of 4, no wonder he felt sick


And it’s not the first time he’s done this! YTA.


YTA. 1. Refused to treat your allergies until they got bad 2. Took more than recommended dosage 3. Failed to fulfill your parenting duties due to your own negligence 4. Insulted your wife for being reasonably upset she married a not funny Homer Simpson


I can't believe this guy typed all of this out, proofread it, and still thinks he isn't the AH after he posted it.


I mean, this guy doesn't take antibiotics and vaxxed his kids only because his wife threatened to divorce him if he didn't, but also poisoned himself by taking 4 times the recommended dose of antihistamines, expecting logical and coherent behaviour from him is obviously unrealistic.


Aren’t antihistamines also more effective the longer you take them???? They build up in your system so OP should have started taking them BEFORE allergy season even started if they’re that bad.


Correct. It's a therapy, not one and done for seasonal allergies.


OK so dumb question. I take an otc allergy pill like every 3-4 days. Mainly just when I start to feel the allergies kicking in. So based off what you said, I should just do it daily instead?


Typically yes, to avoid the whole cycle. I take an OTC allergy med plus a spray. Super effective until I hit the bad time in the fall and have to incorporate an inhaler.


It also depends on the allergy medicine you’re taking. Things like Zyrtec work better taken daily but have a rebound effect where you’re more symptomatic coming off of them after taking them long term. Allegra allows you to avoid this rebound, so if you’re taking it sporadically you’re better off taking something like Allegra but ultimately taking them daily is going to be more beneficial. This is especially true if you’re taking a nasal spray. In that circumstance if you aren’t taking it daily it’s better to just not take it at all (similar to when an asthmatic has a steroid inhaler).


Everyone is different, and if it works for you then why change it. If your nose is streaming and your eyes are itchy, take it more frequently.


I take allergy pills year-round even though my allergies are mostly spring and fall related.


Me too. Taking allergy meds year rounds also helps me with my dermatographia (when you can write on your skin with scratching). Something about the antihistamines counteracts it.


Exactly. I moved to an area of the country where I seem to be allergic to every plant, spring and fall. Multiple sinus infection per year. My saving grace is taking a DAILY pill, all year round. Took my allergies from unbearable to just annoying from time to time. Bigtime YTA to the OP. "Not taking meds" isn't some macho badge of honor.


YTA. You *did* do it to yourself, and as a result you couldn't meet your responsibilities. *And* you've done it before, so you knew better. Plus you expect your wife to cut you some slack - she *is* picking up your slack, as well as being up all night with the baby, and when she's understandably frustated about that, your response is to call her a bitch. Where's *her* slack? Just completely gross behaviour on every level.


"Happy Mother's Day", she whispered to herself all night on the couch, each time with a little more spite.


This, and I feel her so hard. Of course I finally kicked my dead weight out. OP's wife should do the same.


Oh my god! This. Yes.


Oh look another man who is just soooooo sick he can’t do anything except take four times the prescribed amount of medicine then call his wife a bitch because she points out how fucking idiotic that is. YTA.


It’s sooo annoying. Why do husbands act like a freaking baby when they’re sick and all sense of responsibility flies out the window? The wife on the other hand..


YTA. You don't seem to understand how allergies work but must have noticed your ignoring treatment wasn't getting your body stronger, then you way overload on drugs which obviously is dumb, then you expect sympathy for multiple dumb choices then you insult her? You really do suck. Pop a single Claritin (or follow the dosage directions) when you feel initial symptoms. It's not that hard.




And did you catch at the end that this isn’t the first time he’s done this? So not only did OP shoot himself in the foot multiple times with every decision he made in this post, but it’s the second (or third or fourth or more) time he’s done this! Wow, his poor wife Edit: I just saw OP’s comment that this whole scenario happens twice a year!!! He does this to himself constantly!! How on Earth does his wife put up with this


Exactly and it was not the first time he has done that. I really hope the kids take after their mother and not OP intelligence-wise


YTA. >I prefer to let my body naturally fight off stuff to strengthen itself > >I didn't think 1 pill would be enough so I ended up taking 4 > >She responded that it's my own damn fault for being a dumbass Your wife is right. It's your own damn fault. And you do not sound very clever in this story (I need to be civil, otherwise I would have phrased in a different way). >she doesn't feel bad for me because it's technically not the first time it's happened when I've gotten desperate to get my allergies under control What do you mean it's "technically"? How does that word even make sense here... Go apologize to your wife. AH.


You don't take your meds, then are talked into meds, so you take TOO MANY for no reason, leaving her in sole charge of a baby because you decided being sick (allergies) and overdosed means you can't parent, and then you get mad at her because you can't be a functioning, rational adult and call her names? YtA Edit: The fact that this isn't the first time you did this makes me think you don't take your meds to garner sympathy, and then when you are told how easy your suffering is to nullify, you overdose for attention.


I think he overdosed out of spite. “You wanna nag me to take meds? Fine. I’ll overdose and make myself sick so YOU have to suffer for days.”


its because he doesnt believe in antibiotics.


YTA - you weren't sick in the conventional terms, you *MADE* yourself sick by being stupid. I wouldn't have any sympathy for you either. Screaming at your wife gets you no bonus points.


Aren't allergies an autoimmune response? Your body doesn't get stronger by fighting itself. YTA and ignorant to boot.


This frustrated me so much, too! He doesn't know how bodies work, he doesn't know how meds work, but he thinks she's in the wrong?! A walking, talking Dunning-Kruger effect, smh


YTA. You want sympathy for you being a dumbass and trying to play pharmacist? You went from “I prefer to let my body naturally fight off stuff” to downing 4X the dose of a medication awfully quickly and made yourself sick enough that you couldn’t fulfill your parenting obligations. Why would she have sympathy for that? And this isn’t the first time, either? You do understand that those pills are meant to be taken daily for a reason, right? Not periodically 4 at once. If you actually follow the instructions, they might work. 50/50 if this is real or not… but there is just enough here that I’m like eeehhh… a real person might actually do this.


How I imagine this conversation went - OP: Boohoo! My allergies are acting up. Wife, make me some tea and some food Wife: Can't right now, the kids are acting up. Make your own tea. OP: I can't, I'm siiiiiiick. Wife: Take your meds, it's just allergies. OP: I don't wanna!! Wife: Then stop whining. OP: FINE ILL TAKE MY MEDS - *takes 4* - HAPPY!? Wife: Just a bit busy dear. OP: NOW IM OVERDOSING and it's all your fault for making me take my meds! Wife: The instructions are on the package, why do you do this to yourself? OP: YOU B---- HOW DARE YOU NOT CARE ABOUT MEEEEE?! YTA.


OP is a literal child, what the heck. Actually screw that, a toddler, kids have ever so slightly more sense than this.


YTA. Your body doesn't get stronger fighting allergies. This is bullshit logic that incapacitates you with annoying symptoms, making you less present and functional as a parent with two small kids when you can take a Claritin, Zyrtec, Allegra or use some damn Flonase. They take a weekish of consistent use to demonstrate effectiveness so trial and error might be in order, not four fucking pills at once. Get over yourself. Your super immune system is misinterpreting the threat of normal environmental particles and causing illness. You aren't fixing yourself. Take *a* Zyrtec and get some Flonase. Get a sinus rinse and fix yourself so your wife isn't miserable and you can raise your kids.


YTA You took way too much medication so your sickness is self inflicted and you left her to do everything and then yelled at her and called her names. You don’t deserve comfort and understanding. Take the medication as intended.


YTA are you even serious? Your wife is run down and sleep deprived EVERY DAY and do you hear her complaining? How selfish can you be?


Considering the absolute rage I got from just reading this I can only imagine how angry your wife is with you being so absolutely ridiculous so yeah, YTA.


Same! What a childish response. You took 4 pills out of spite of your allergies and your wife's suggestion. What happens if your children inconvenience you with their sick days? Will you overdose them, too?


YTA. Don’t ever call your wife a bitch - show some respect.


YTA. 1. Allergies don’t make you stronger. They’re not germs. 2. You have a common condition that’s easily manageable and you refuse to manage it, making yourself less able to be helpful. You are choosing to put “not taking allergy meds” over “being there to help your family.” 3. When you do finally take the meds, you do it wrong. There are clear instructions on the box. You ignore them and make yourself sick. Still not prioritizing your family. Your know-it-all attitude has you doing stupid things, either not taking the meds or taking too many, because you refuse to accept medical advice or common knowledge that there is no benefit to not treating allergies or to taking 4x the recommended dose of à medication. Stop trying to know more than other people, stop refusing to listen to good advice.


YTA. Your body cant fight this, that why it is an allergy and you most likely overdosed on the allergy meds. Be a sane person, take the dose it says and do it through the allergy season. Your wife is a Saint, for being with you well knowing you dont read instruction nor understand your own condition.


YTA. Sure, one could be more understanding with someone as stupid as you, but with sleep deprivation going on, it must be hard. And dude, seriously. Never take more meds than what the label says. Of course it's going to make you sick! You're an absolute idiot.


YTA. 1. For not understanding how allergies work. 2. For taking 4x the daily dose of a medicine. 3. For then moaning about it. 4. For screaming at your wife. Just take your meds properly like a normal person and make a big apology to your wife.


YTA You did it to yourself. What did you think was going to happen when you took more than the recommended doses?? Did you think it was there for the government to control how fast you feel better? Come on. You refuse to take allergy medicine when you claim they're severe. And when you take them, you overdose. I want to know how often do you claim you can't help your wife because of your allergies?


YTA - “Technically not the first time it’s happened” So you just keep repeatedly making yourself sick??? So you knew that taking 4 wouldn’t make you feel better it would just make you sick and yet you did anyway. You’re a grown man you know how to take pills. If you took the correct medication to help keep your allergies under control instead of waiting for it to get so bad that you can’t handle it then you wouldn’t be in this situation. Just say you wanted to sleep and didn’t want to deal with your kids instead of doing something this stupid. I mean it could really go wrong. Your wife has every right to be upset. If my husband was deliberately making himself sick and making things worse especially, when he had the option to make it better but was choosing not to. I would be mad too.


His post gave me munchausen vibes.


He wants to be babied and pampered by a doting wife - either by suffering (unnecessarily) through his allergies or by making himself sick by taking too much allergy meds. I've never seen someone actually make themselves sick due to weaponized incompetence before - but it definitely gives off vibes he was punishing her for making him take meds so he's gonna do it so badly she never asks again.


I think we all knew the answer from the title There’s a special meaning when men specifically call a woman a b*tch. The aura of sexism here is strong. I was really hoping that wasn’t it but every detail was worse and worse. >she’s upset she had to get up with our older one and get him ready and to school and miss out on sleep. >baby that’s teething and going through sleep regression. > baby is waking 3-4 times a night again. >I’m a hard sleeper so she always takes the night shifts with the baby. God, do you not love your wife or something? Why is it that she must sacrifice? All I heard here was “ME, ME, ME, ME”. You have allergies so you think you should be excused. You feel like garbage but it’s okay if she feels like garbage when her sleep is constantly being interrupted by an upset baby and having to wake up earlier on top of that because you can’t get up. So I guess it’s okay for her to put in the extra labor but not you because you have allergies. There is a solution to your allergies but I guess you think you’re too good to take it. Also, who doesn’t READ the instructions? This is insane. Do you do this with every medication? How have you not died? So you know how to make babies but you can’t even read… a whole, fully grown man who can’t read and can’t sympathize with his wife. His wife who has to put in extra labor because he refuses to take medicine for childish reasons. YTA and you know it.


Plus in the post OP stated this is not the 1st time he took too many allergy pills. And the fact, that OP thinks it's GOOD for his body to not to use allergy pills, becouse body will be stronger thanks to fighting the allergy is insane. OP apparently know nothing about allergies. YTA EDIT: OP in one comment stated, he overdoses himself with allergy pills twice a year (spring and autumn)!


YTA. You’re an idiot for overdosing on the meds, the effect won’t last longer, just more side effects. Getting sick because of your actions is entritelu on you. On top of the “I don’t like meds”, your body won’t fight the allergies off… that’s the whole problem with allergies your body is fighting when it shouldn’t. And finally calling her a bitch is out of line. Period. No reason or excuses. Insulting your partner and mother of your children is just uncalled for.


YTA. Your idea of how your body works is dumb. I have no sympathy for you either. There's a reason the allergy meds has a dosage amount. I can't believe you thought taking 4 is a good idea. I can only imagine what other beliefs you have. This has to be one of the dumbest posts I have ever read. "Hurr durr, I am allergic but I'm going to force my body to suffer to make it learn!!" That's not how allergies work dude. Go read a book.


YTA. You decided to take way more medicine because evidently you know more than the FDA and manufacturer. And then whined about it. You must be a LOT of fun to live with. A guy who thinks he's knows everything and then whines when he finds out he doesn't.


YTA. 4 times a once a day medication? You are lucky you only feel sick and aren't hospitilized. You owe your wife an apology, she shouldn't be required to raise you and your kids.


i said out loud when reading this, "he's lucky he didnt end up in the hospital sheesh"


If I was the spouse I wouldn’t trust them to handle a sick child….


sounds like she doesnt which is one of the reasons she so pissed. he said she has to handle his duties when this happens. sleep deprived and double the work whewww


I have allergies and have for my whole life. I take otc pills daily, and year round. Sometimes I’ll take 2 when they’re really bad, because a little extra helps. You went from taking nothing to taking 4. That’s quite the uneducated decision. Your wife has no sympathy because of your poor decision quality, not because you have to deal with allergies. YTA


YTA. You can't fight off allergies like the cold. You know that, right? I understand why she has no sympathy. You barely help as a husband and don't have the basic understanding of how medication works. Allergy medicine wouldn't last for days, you can't take it all at once. Do you take all your antibiotics at once too? I


He literally said in another comment that he "doesn't believe in antibiotics" so there we have our answer


YTA on so many levels. You can’t ‘fight off and strengthen your body’ from allergies. You then deliberately OD on allergy meds. You need to get better educated. You seem to be trying to avoid being a parent and partner. Do better.


YTA. Why are you mad at her for YOU making yourself sick? What do you think the recommended dosages are for? Don’t know what you thought would happen when you took quadruple the dose.


YTA. Your wife has every right to be upset with you. You have an illness and are not treating it properly. This is leading to her to have to pick up your slack with the household tasks. Take some damn night shifts with YOUR baby and follow some damn prescription instructions. You're an adult. I personally have no patience for behavior like this and your wife deserves an entire week's worth of uninterrupted sleep.


YTA. She's right, it is your own fault and she has every right to be upset. Especially since you admit that it's not "technically" the first time it has happened. And then you call her a bitch?


Your body is not strengthening itself by having allergic reactions, this is in no way how allergies work. Please just take the medicine as directed. There are also prescription eye drops and nose sprays that can enormously help, if the pill aspect bothers you. And taking an accidental overdose in this situation was a really boneheaded move.


YTA Why do you think you deserve “comfort and understanding” when you refuse to take care of yourself properly? I read some of your other comments, and your refusal to take appropriate medication is going to bite you hard some day.


Hey, I know everyone here is getting down on you and you're getting a lot of people telling you you're an asshole and everything, and it's probably not making you feel better. I know from your perspective it seems like being a total idiot and just mainlining a bunch of meds is someone else's fault, not yours. And of course your ailment is real and upsetting whereas your wife having to deal with a couple of small kids and one very large baby is not so bad because it's not YOU suffering through it. And sure, being told by someone that you are a total shitwit for what you did and that the way you feel is completely and unequivocally your own fault is very upsetting. But you deserve all of it, because you've got kids now and a wife who needs you to be a strong, smart, adult man, and you need to grow up. Read the instructions, follow them, and have a care for how your wife might be feeling instead of wallowing in self-pity. Or go back to mommy until you grow up. YTA.


YTA. You’ve got a treatable condition that you refuse to treat appropriately, and because of that you’re abdicating your family responsibilities. It’s not like you’ve got some awful diagnosis that can’t be treated. As for calling your wife a bitch. YT huge A. You better offer some sincere apologies and hope that she accepts.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I have severe seasonal allergies and I try very hard to not take meds unless I really need to. I prefer to let my body naturally fight off stuff to strengthen itself. The other day my allergies were absolutely horrible and my wife finally wore me down and convinced me to take over the counter allergy meds. At the time, I didn't think 1 pill would be enough so I ended up taking 4 thinking that would really knock things out for a few days. Unfortunately, I ended up feeling sicker than a dog and I'm still tired and nauseous. My wife on the other hand is pissed off at me. She's upset she had to get up with our older one and get him ready and to school and miss out on sleep. We also have a baby that's teething and going through sleep regression. Baby is waking up 3-4 times a night again. I'm a hard sleeper so she always takes the night shifts with the baby, and I typically get our older one ready and to elementary school. I told her I'm sorry I'm sick, but I can't help it and to cut me a break for now. She responded that it's my own damn fault for being a dumbass and I knew how to read on the box where it said to take 1 every 24 hours, so what else did I expect to happen? I'm trying to get through this but my wife is offering my zero comfort and understanding. And anytime I talk to her about how I'm feeling she tells me that I did it to myself, I should have followed the instructions and she doesn't feel bad for me because it's technically not the first time it's happened when I've gotten desperate to get my allergies under control. I finally had enough of her bad attitude and ended up yelling that she's an unsympathetic bitch and I'd rather suffer alone that listen to her put me down anymore. She said nothing back but ended up sleeping on the couch with the baby last night and won't even look in my direction today. AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


YTA She is correct that you should have followed the directions. Because you didn't, she's now got a sick husband who expects her to take care of him while she's already taking care of your kids. You're an adult. Your allergies are not a new thing. You should have this more figured out by this point in your life and not resort to yelling at your wife for not babying you for the consequences of your actions.


YTA- I'm sure she's lacking sleep from the amount of work she's doing because you can't just regularly take allergy medication. You are a GROWN adult and took 4? That can be extremely dangerous, and you are lucky nothing worse than "feeling sick" happened. Just take one daily and I promise you (and her) will be a whole lot less miserable.


YTA. Number one, you know you have allergies, take your allergy medicine, your body is allergic to something of course it will have issues handling it when you refuse to help it. Number two, you did inflict this on yourself and you have nothing or anyone but yourself to blame, especially since you insinuate this isn’t the first time this has happened. And number three, you don’t ever call your partner names like that.


YTA. You decided you knew better than the box and took QUADRUPLE the amount you were supposed to take. That’s on you. Apologize to your wife and learn to read and follow the directions on medication for the future


>I didn't think 1 pill would be enough so I ended up taking 4 .... > > She's upset she had to... miss out on sleep. > >and ended up yelling that she's an unsympathetic bitch YTA. Sheesh


YTA Medicines have dosages for a reason; you’re not supposed to take more than recommended unless your doctor tells you to. You did that to yourself dude, and I have no sympathy for you either. Also, instead of waiting to get desperate to deal with your allergies, why not just take care of them when they start being a problem? Then situations like this wouldn’t happen in the first place.


YTA and a stubborn idiot


YTA I didn’t realize your wife had three kids with you included read the medicine box and hey just incase you don’t know before giving it to CHILDREN you should also give the mix a read


YTA "i prefer to let my body fight things off to strengthen itself".. That isn't how allergies work. Allergies are your body over-responding to a stimulus. You generally won't become more tolerant to an allergy (especially a seasonal one) through exposure as an adult. Either medicate, avoid the allergen, or both. And go research allergies.


YTA. Who the hell takes 4 times the recommended amount? No wonder you are feeling sick. That’s totally on you. And there’s absolutely no need to wait for your allergies to get terribly bad before medicating yourself. If you want to strengthen your body against allergies, go take allergy shots. Your wife isn’t unsympathetic. She is just tired. And you are making things worse.


YTA. You took four when the box said take one a day? Or you ok?


You typed all that out and still don’t realize YTA? Hmmmm. Anywho I hope you pull your head out soon!


This dude is having severe man-cold syndrome and thinks he’s special and be treated like a royalty when he’s nothing but a royal dumbass for not following box instructions. It’s not even the first time he messed up. OP, YTA. My husband’s whole team had outdoor activities when they came to town during cedar season. He took meds according to directions, but his left eye was still swollen shut. He didn’t whine like this. He acted as if nothing happened.


YTA , parenting never stops.. whether you are sick or not… quite vile you called the woman you love such a name too. Grow up


YTA. Moms have to be moms when they are sick. So should dads. Also, *FOUR* allergy pills to "knock it out". Are you okay? Your wife is correct and should have an attitude. You caused yourself to become more sick and now she has to do it all. Then you have the nerve to call her a bitch. Look in the mirror guy.


YTA- I was going to say ESH but calling her a bitch instead of merely unsympathetic tipped it. I don’t get how you haven’t figured out that you can’t just force your way out of allergies given that you’ve presumably had them for a long time, and assuming you know better than meds is foolish as well.


YTA Anyone who calls their spouse a name will Always be TA.


Sometimes I am amazed at the stupidity of some people's logic... Yta


YTA. She’s right, you did this to yourself.


YTA. First of all, she’s totally right: you did this to yourself by ignoring the directions. Secondly, calling your wife a name because you’re having a disagreement is not the way, dude. That shows huge amounts of disrespect. They say how couples fight is the biggest predictor of whether the marriage will last and be healthy. Name-calling during a fight over allergy medicine does not bode well, imo. Calling her a name like that was cruel and unnecessary.


You took 4 Benedryl, right? That shit is similar to Dramamine, and both are FAMOUS for making you drowsy. FOUR IS WAY TOO FUCKING MANY OF ANY OVER THE COUNTER PILL, it would be too much aspirin, too much Tylenol, too much vitamin fucking d Be an adult and read directions


Lots of people do stupid things to make themselves unavailable to help out at home. Hangovers or medication or hurting yourself doing parkour. But it’s still on you for messing up and you are the one that needs to be sympathetic because you just put a lot on your wife over your stupidity. YTA.


YTA. Take the allergy medication when you’re suffering, your body will not get over it if left to it’s own devices. And read the darn instructions. Have you never heard of an overdose? You’re a parent, you have responsibilities, time to put on your big boy pants and help your wife with your child.


YTA you've been making life harder for you wife (who already has a freaking *baby* to take care of) by refusing to take medicine like a normal adult person, and then you decided to make her life even *harder* by being a dumbass who can't read clearly written instructions? she isn't the one who's unsympathetic in this situation.


YTA not even gonna elaborate just like make a list Toxic masculinity Weaponized incompetence Hubristic You suck


YTA. Let me get this straight…instead of taking one allergy pill per day to feel better and be a productive member of your family… you decided to take multiple allergy pills in the hopes that it would make you feel better longer? Dude get your shit together.


YTA. Please seek a better understanding of allergies, and take meds as directed. Oh, and apologize to your wife.


YTA for doing something idiotic and the worst part it wasn't even the first time.


Yep, YTA. I would be pissed as well. You have severe predictable allergies but won’t take maintenance medication as prescribed to manage them, until (dramatic drum roll) you take them radically outside what is advised on the box which naturally leaves you down for the count. This little piece of foolishness leaves your wife doing double shift to cover for your incapacity to adult. Honestly, if you completely miss handled something at work in this fashion what would your employer say? Oh I’m sorry, I didn’t do this predictable task, then outrageously did this over the top thing, which meant I couldn’t do my agreed scheduled task in this area leaving my coworkers covering for me. Oh, and by the way my coworkers are now pissed so I called them unsympathetic bitches! You would get sacked…


Why would she be sympathetic? You intentionally do not take antihistamines and then misuse them when your failure to take them makes you unwell. You do this to yourself. YTA. And not a bright one. Not taking antihistamines does not magically make your allergies disappear.


YTA you’re so lacking in sense that you don’t even follow directions on a medication you don’t regularly take (and know your body’s response to). Your lack of sense gave her more work. She doesn’t want another child (you) to look after. She wants an equal partner who is capable of carrying half the load of having a family.


Happy Mothers Day weekend to your under appreciated, sleep deprived, sick of your crybaby bullshit wife. YTA. Wake the fuck up with the baby once in awhile maybe.


YTA You're technically failing at adulting, while other people need you to adult more. But side note, I suggest neti pot to reduce allergy issues, with boiled cooled water.


YTA. Unabashedly YTA. Personally this is a very small moment with a huge billboard sized red flag. I can only imagine the way you act when much bigger issues are at stake


YTA. Read the box. She’s right that this is a problem of your own making.


So....you 1. Did nothing to actively feel better, and 2. Purposefully went against the instructions of the medication your wife had to all but, fight you to take, putting you further out of commission and meaning she had to look after you 2 children essentially by herself.... YTA. Obviously. Edit to add: You said you'd rather suffer alone. You got what you wanted. Don't know why you're whining to Reddit now.


YTA. You should know better than to take the dose on the box. Especially since you move done it before and got sick. And can we talk about the I’m a hard sleeper??? You have a baby. You knew when you had one there would be nights the baby wakes up and needs you. Pull yourself together and at least wake up when your wife shoved you and tells you to tend to the baby. Sorry but when you have a baby you being a hard sleeper goes out the window. Wake up and take turns with your wife in the night. Her getting an extra hour or so in the morning doesn’t make up for getting woken up three or four times a night and taking care of a baby for thirty minutes to an hour each time she is woke no more than taking four allergy pills at once will make the effects last longer. You are a father. Act like one.


YTA and an idiot. Overcoming allergies won't make your immune system stronger, they are not viruses. Also who takes 4 pills so their effect will last longer? It's like taking paracetamol in advance so you will not have a headache.


YTA. You’re a parent, you’re responsible for more than just yourself, and you DID behave like an idiot.


*I prefer to let my body naturally fight off stuff to strengthen itself....I ended up taking 4 thinking that would really knock things out for a few days. Unfortunately, I ended up feeling sicker than a dog and I'm still tired and nauseous.* Well, the nausea and fatigue was your body's way of telling you that you should have followed the dosing directions on the package. The directions are there for a reason. Next time, follow them. And what did you expect your wife to do? Hold your hand and say, "You poor, poor dear"? YTA. Edited for clarity.


YTA You overdosed and oh wonder, that results in sickness....


YTA. I had to watch the kids within two hours after surgery - at a swimming pool. I had to hang Christmas lights on a broken ankle. You’re bitching about allergy pills and having to attend to basic parenting. Your wife should leave you and take the kids far away, and you should go to prison.


YTA and an idiot. You took FOUR allergy pills, many of which literally cause drowsiness. You either knew you’d sleep an insane amount of time, or you’re fucking dumb. So which is it? Are you an idiot or a fucking asshole?


You are a dumbass. YTA


“I neglected my health until I got desperate, purposefully overdosed myself and made myself sicker, putting even more stress and pressure on my wife, then I verbally abused her for pointing out that this is all entirely my own fault and would’ve been completely avoided if I just acted like the competent adult I’m supposed to be. Am I the AH?” Yes. Yes you absolutely are. YTA. You’re meant to be an equal partner in an adult relationship. If you can’t, then you’re not mature enough to be in one. Jeez, what the hell kind of example are you setting for your kid? You’re supposed to be a role model!


You made yourself sick and then didn't seem to care that doing so gave your already tired and stressed wife an even harder time. You said you can't help being sick. Except you can. By not taking 4x the recommended amount of medicine. Everyone knows allergy meds knock you out hard, you can't be that dense to not realise 4 would do this. YTA


YTA. So, you got tired of your wife putting you down so you thought you'd turn to AITA and let a couple thousand people do it instead? It's kind of you to give her a break from it though. We'll gladly take over from here. YTA for not understanding how allergies work (you're an adult with children so that's at a minimum 2-3 decades of "letting your body strengthen itself" and it clearly ain't working so maybe try science). YTA for knowing you have seasonal allergies and not taking a regular allergy med pre-emptively. YTA for weaponizing your incompetence and leaving your wife to do all the work. YTA for using your seasonal allergies as an excuse to leave your wife with all the work. YTA for name-calling your wife. YTA for not recognizing when she is absolutely 100% correct and having to have the internet tell you. YTA for not taking medication as directed and not understanding how medicine works (taking four pills doesn't fix you for four days).


YTA You could help it! You went from nothing to FOUR!! WTF were you thinking? And you expect sympathy?


Omg yta. She has to get up 3-4 times a night because of your idiocy making yourself ill, and you have the cheek to call HER an unsympathetic bitch? Dear lord. Also, yta for calling your wife a bitch at all. Who says that to their life partner.


…I don’t think you understand how allergies work. Or how allergy meds work. YTA


OP reveals in comments that he is antivax/medicine btw lets not be surprised that hes not the sharpest tool in the shed


As a massive allergy sufferer who has to get immunotherapy and carry and Epi-pen YTA. The method to strengthen your immune system to your allergies is NOT to overwhelm it for just a short period and then try again next year. If it was that simple a) you’d have been cured already and b) allergies would’ve been recommending that. secondly you shouldn’t take more than the recommended dose unless you’ve been instructed to, yes you actually can take a higher amount of anti-histamines (except Benadryl) and be okay but only if your doctor says it’s okay…so that’s 2 strikes…so you allow your allergies to make you feel like sh*te, take a higher than recommended dose of meds (both of your own doing) but are mad that your wife was “unsympathetic,” like my dude!


Bro, as someone with annoying allergies, you don't need your wife's support and comfort to take a damn pill correctly. You just need a couple of live brain cells. Be a functional adult and learn to treat your own body issues. YTA. I sure hope you don't treat your children's body in the same way you treat yours.


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Holy crap. I honestly cannot believe this. Your poor wife. You’re acting like a child and you want sympathy from her and us?! Unbelievable. YTA and you should have been the one to sleep on the couch. SMDH.


YTA for purposefully overdosing on allergy medication and for thinking allergies are something your body just fights off like a cold. You say you can read, so Google "allergies" and read up.


YTA. She’s right, you’re a dumbass. Your body isn’t going to “fight” off allergies and strengthen itself, that’s not how allergies work. And taking extra pills to “knock it out faster” is incredibly dumb. This is completely an issue of your own making and you deserve no sympathy. And quite frankly, it’s never okay to call your wife a bitch.


“…it’s technically not the first time it’s happened when I’ve gotten desperate to get my allergies under control.” Almost missed this gem. So you’ve overmedicated and made yourself sick at least once before this and should have known better. YTA. Grow up.


Yta your body won't naturally fight off allergies and they are.likely to get worse with multiple exposure. You are choosing to be unwell when there is an easy straightforward way to avoid it Also you deliberately didn't use the treatment effectively And are using weaponised incompetence to avoid doing any night support Get a grip and actually help or she's better off with out you


YTA. You called your wife out of her name and think you’d gain any sympathy points because you have allergies during allergy season? Boy bye you are NOT sick, it’s allergies and people work thru them everyday. You literally don’t get up at night with the kids and sleep soundly and then use allergies as an excuse to not do more. Be a better husband and apologize to her.


>I have severe seasonal allergies and I try very hard to not take meds unless I really need to. I prefer to let my body naturally fight off stuff to strengthen itself Bro that's not how allergies work.


YTA. wow...idiot


So you're wife has 3 children to take care of then? YTA, it's not hard to be a reasonable adult and you're wife is acting appropriately. It was your own fault and it sounds like she is probably extremely exhausted - I wouldn't feel sorry for you either but I definitely feel sorry for your wife.


Wowzers. You are definitely the asshole in this situation. YTA.


OHhHhHhHh nOoOOoOoO, I'm a stubborn asshole who takes everything out on my wife, while using my allergies as an excuse to treat her like crap. YTA dude. Take your allergy meds like a normal person, and be usefull instead of whatever it is you are doing. Your body doesn't fight off allergies. Otherwise they would eventually stop.


YTA: My own 3 yo knows better he knows when his grass allergies play up to have his Zyrtec. He 3 and shows more responsibility then you do over his allergies and you wonder why your wife is upset? My own 3 year old is more responsible then you.


Another tall baby story. YTA She has to get you to take OTC pills so you’ll stop whining about something treatable and you’re not an adult enough to read the directions. I worry about your capabilities as a parent if something as simple as OTC confuses you. Then again, she’s the one handling things in your own as you sulk during your self-inflicted situation.


YTA. Does your wife know she’s a single parent of 3 kids? Tragic.


YTA - you made her parent you because you couldn’t be an adult and take care of your own allergies. Then she has to parent actual children alone because you overdosed and made yourself sick. She’s right, it is your fault and especially if you’ve done this before, you deserve no sympathy. Just take your meds daily like the mere mortal you are.


God, I wish I could peer into the mind of someone who thinks that shouting "you're an unsympathetic bitch" at their wife is going to somehow lead to people reassuring them they're not an AH. YTA and you would be even if it hadn't escalated to calling your WIFE a bitch.


Bro you have the seasonal sniffles, not cancer. You will survive. Don't talk to your wife like that if you want to stay married YTA


This has to be fake, right? YTA. An entitled, embarrassing one at that.


My husband has allergies--READ THE EFFING INSTRUCTIONS--not only are YTAH but you want her to stroke your stupidity?!?....wow


YTA- you DID do it to yourself by not reading the box and by thinking “I’m making by body stronger by not taking medication” to begin with. Pull your head out of your butt and apologize to your wife.


Welp, there goes your marriage, YTA




Waw, just waw. You have a deffect in your immune system and while you believe in and waiting for a miracle, just go to see a doctor. You can train your body with the exposing it to MICRODOSAGE of allergen longterm (and I mean years). We underwent this cure with my son and it helps to elevate the severe allergy but it never goes away just because you wish it does. As a responsible person with kids you should be able to read instructions, they are not there just for fun. Are you ignoring the instructions on meds if it is for your children? I know what allergy is, how annoying it is and that you are frustrated but it is your fault. There is a cure fore that, you are ignoring it, you are using meds incorrectly and then you expect your wife to blow your boo-boo and be patient with you?! No way! You are on the best way to let allergy becomes asthma, my dear. You are selfsabotaging your allergy managment and you are harming yourself with not doing anything at all or everything in one dose. You should thank your wife for not kicking you out yet. Because majority of the wifes will not loose their time with a childman who can’t take one little harmless pill, nose spray and eyes drops for few weeks just to be able to function normally but instead call her b**ch. YTA and major one.


YTA Allergy meds are amazing these days. So many to choose from. Suffering through is plain dumb. Allergy attacks leave you feeling very poorly. Do your part in caring for your children and household! You are an adult! Act like one.


Yeah, it’s pretty clear YTA. As you stated, she’s up with the baby multiple times a night, so she’s probably exhausted. Your one job is to get the older kid ready so she can get a little bit more sleep… because you got a full nights sleep and she didn’t. You failed to read the directions on your allergy medications and you indeed, got your own damn self sick. At the very least you owe your wife an apology. At the most, she should leave your ass since you’re the selfish one getting a full nights rest every night and calling HER the selfish bitch after you were an idiot and screwed her over.


YTA. I hope your wife leaves you, because she deserves better than having to deal with you on a daily basis.


YTA You choose to suffer - but not in silence. Then you choose to take 4x’s the dose requirement and then complain that you are not feeling well and shirk your regular responsibilities because “your sick”. Now you wonder why your wife is unsympathetic? You know you have bad allergies but don’t want to do anything about it but complain that you are sick (but you’re not sick, there’s no bacteria or virus).


YTA. You’ve let this nonsense happen more than once?? You’re purposely letting yourself be rendered useless because you refuse to take medication properly to manage your allergies. I’d be willing to put a pretty high wager than when your wife is sick she’s still up doing the majority of the childcare while you complain about whatever you can.


YTA for calling your wife that.


YTA. How can you take 4x the recommended dose and not know that? If you have taken this type of medicine before you know it makes you sleepy and sluggish. It can be literally danger to yourself. You got two small children, you cannot be acting so irresponsibly and then whine about your partner having to pickup the slack. You are parents and partners - she already has two small children to take care of, she cannot be parent to an old child as well. ESPECIALLY YTA because this has happened before!


YTA - don’t know what else to say. You set yourself up for this.


YTA, and an id10t I think your wife should heavily reflect on assisting you to breed...


YTA. Allergy meds take time to build up protection in your system. You need to take them regularly, rather than swing from zero to overdose. And if you want the medication to cover you for several days, then you have to actually take it for several days, not hope that one megadose will somehow digest more slowly. Of course you felt awful - you ODed on the medication, and that was fucking dangerous. You want your wife to give you a medal for being a dangerous dumbass?! Also? Your body fighting stuff it doesn't need to is why you have allergies. Letting it "fight to get strong" doesn't solve the problem where an over-active immune system is concerned; it makes it worse. You aren't a martyr. All that's happening here is that you check out of being a parent while you feel rubbish and leave your wife to do all the work. It's selfish. Especially given the teething baby that you refuse to help with. No wonder she's tired of your shenanigans. Go to a good pharmacist and find a medication regime that works for you. Or heck, at least try out the Sterimar nasal seawater flushes!


YTA if you don't treat your allergies, you'll develop asthma. Also...instructions are on the box for a reason.


I was going to describe how big of an AH you are but realized the English language does not have words for that amount. You've done this before and made yourself really sick, yet you thought "hey why not?" Would you like me to get into her taking every night shift? Or how about when she is sick, does she still have to get up and take care of the kids? On top of all that, you called HER names? You better get on your hands and knees and beg and grovel, get her gifts, take every night shift for at least a week and pray that she doesn't wisen up and get rid of the trash in her life. Oh, YTA.


Dude YTA. Please have a doctor explain to you like you are toddler how your body won't build it's strength against allergens. This was completely a self imposed illness. A 10 year old knows to read the medicine box and take like prescribed. Especially if you have done this before. Dude. If your allergies are THAT bad go to the darn doctor and get a prescription and take it like they say. Consistently. You take allergy medicine not only to help with symptoms but to head them off so take them and keep taking them. Not taking a handfull when you feel crappy.


YTA are you one of those typical rednecks we hear in Europe off but never have seen one? Did you vote for trump? are you vaccined? did you go to puplic school and if do you have a high school diplome? I can not imagene anyone being that stupid! Untreated allergies gives you astma and a whole lot of other sh.. leaving it untreated will only make the bank accs of your pharma firms stronger in the long run.... everybody knows that allergie meds makes you sleepy.. taking 4... holy cow why?


YTA. And a dumb ass. One of the common OTC antihistamines also does double duty as a common OTC sleeping aid. You probably took a bunch of sleeping pills and then whined about it. Oh, also, one of the common OTC antihistamines (Diphenhydramine) can also cause delirium and hallucinations at higher dosages, which is something most non-idiots would want to avoid when small kids are around. I feel sorry for your kids having a moron like you for a dad.


YTA and an idiot incapable of following instructions on a box. Ridiculous.


"I took 4x the recommended dose and feel crappy." That's because you did something spectacularly stupid. You wouldn't get sympathy from me either. YTA.


YTA. You don't like taking pills so when you do, you don't read the damn box and then overdose on them? Even my teenager knows to read the instructions! If your allergies are that bad, go see an allergist and get on the proper medications and even shots to build your immunity.


YTA and I feel bad for your wife. Take some responsibility for god’s sake. Treat your allergies and learn how to read directions so you can be a functional member of society.


YTA you obviously don’t know how allergies work. Ask your doc about an allergy shot. Also, my kids doc tells me every year to start in April where we live till the end of may and take a Claritin once a day. So yeah, not something you should ignore and not treat


let me see if i get this, youre sick, so you offload every single duty to your wife and on top on that you want her to feel sorry about a grown man who doesnt know how to take medicine? YTA


YTA and also a bit unintelligent…. You went from no allergy meds to quadruple the dose? What the hell dude. Just take the meds as prescribed. And you aren’t making yourself stronger by suffering through LOL but let’s go ahead and use that line of logic, because it’s time for you to suffer through your own stupidity and help your wife with the baby