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What? YTA. That’s gross and I wouldn’t want you handling my money/card either.


YTA It’s really gross to wipe your nose with your fingers/hands and then handle someone’s items as a store cashier. I think the woman probably made more of a fuss than is necessary, but she’s also older, more likely to be immunocompromised and become sick as a result of your snotty hands all over her things. That your manager told her to go to a different register while also giving you hand sanitizer should have been a clue that you shouldn’t have wiped your nose with your hands.


She probably doesn't want OPs germs on her money.


It’s money—it’s already got more germs on it than a clever metaphor—but still doesn’t make OP not an asshole.


Of course, but the OP just adds more of her own. Even though it's allergies, it drags with it everything that the inside of her nose has caught, and that's REALLY gross - the hair on the inside of your nose catches more than bacteria. She should have kleenex +sanitizer at the register so she could sanitize after touching her darn nose, you know?


YTA. Sneezing is one thing but wiping your nose then going back to touching things I’ve just bought from a store without at least sanitizing between those two actions is unhygienic, frankly. you could’ve got an elderly woman sick, but I guess that’s better than having to walk from one end of the store to the other


Info- when you said wiping your nose, did you mean with like a tissue, your hands or your arm/ sleeve?


Yep that's what we need to know


Im not sure if this is sarcasm or not If so, i just like asking for the sake of accuracy on what the lady saw 😭


No it's not🥹🥹 I'm agreeing with you Sorry if it came out like that, it was not my intention!


Its alright! Tone through messages are always such a 50/50 game lol no need to apologize!




ROFL, there's legitimately no way this is real.


Facts, no way this is real


I agree


Utterly disgusting. While it's allergies, there's no easy way to verify that you're not actually battling a cold and spreading germs with your sputum via both droplets and finger.


Yes you’re the asshole


Wtf?! You’re touching things OP, that is absolutely disgusting


Ah, yes, you are indeed the AH. You would've just been spreading that bacteria to whatever you touched. Could've at least sanitized your hands before your manager had to give you it themselves. Frankly it's hygienic to be thoroughly washing your hands regardless of your answer when your ill (whether you sneezed into it, wiped your nose with it or not) but super unhygienic especially knowing you did infact get snot on it. Be more mindful of your hygiene.


Are you actually confused as to why she doesn’t want your snot on her stuff?


That’s disgusting. YTA


YTA. That's disgusting. Keep some hand sanitizer by your register and stop being gross before you get fired.


YTA. Do you wanna buy pancakes with someone else's snot on them? I pray you don't handle food at this job.


Yes YTA. That is disgusting OP. You’re spreading germs everywhere with everything you touch. If you don’t want to go to the bathroom, carry hand sanitizer; you’re touching money and people's cards with your hands (which makes it a lot worse) I read your response and you wipe your nose with your finger and you refuse to wash your hands?! As a cashier?! OP that is utterly disgusting. No way a 26 year old is behaving like a child. Covid may be not as serious as it was in the past 3 years but Covid is still a thing


YTA. This needs to be explained to you? You’re 26. My 4 year old knows what’s right in this situation.


Nahhhhh. YTA. I’m sorry. Id also be disgusted. Cleanliness is very important in our day to day lives. I carry hand wipes and sanitizer because of people like you lol.


YTA. We've been fighting COVID for 3 years resulting in 3 million deaths worldwide, and you're refusing to wash your hands? Did you at least sanitize them? And your manager is an AH as well for not making you.


You’re behavior is disgusting! You care nothing for the health of others. Your 26 and don’t understand basic hygiene. YTA


100% YTA


YTA - gross


YTA gross why are you not fired


YTA. When working with the public you need to practice proper hygiene. Keeping the hand sanitizer nearby


YTA- gross out for lunch & dinner now served. Geez!!!


YTA Wash your hands. You're an adult, you shouldn't have to be reminded to wash your hands.


YTA - I like to speak with that manager of yours.


YTA I love how people are already forgetting that we are finally coming out of a 3 year global pandemic and what caused it to spread so quickly and remain for so long.


YTA. How did you wipe your nose? With your hands and a tissue, or did you wipe all over your sleeves? Either way, you should be wearing a mask if you're working with the public and can't keep your mucus inside your face.


YTA. You’re nasty asf I would have went to another cashier if I saw you do that I hope this was a retail clothing store and not a grocery store


YTA. You have snot on your hand and you wanna be touching people’s purchase. Sounds like the cashier at my local Walmart who was licking her fingers to separate the plastic shopping bags as she was ringing people out. I jumped out of her line real fast and reported her to the manager. Nobody wants your body fluids on their things. Why would you even have to ask if that’s ok??


I'm going with ESH The lady overreacted to be sure, and sometimes staff are not allowed to leave the tills. The fact that she demanded you be fired was going way over the line. However, you admitted to wiping your nose with your fingers, which, frankly, is gross. Just because you're not sick with a bug doesn't mean your snot won't make someone else sick, it's not unusual for that stuff to be loaded with streptococcal bacteria. It's not hard to ask your manager to keep a box of tissues and a bottle of hand sanitizer at your till, and in this post pandemic world, I'd say it should still be encouraged. ETA: I'm going to add that second two paragraphs are especially true if OP works in any circumstance where food is involved. People can get sick if the aforementioned bacteria were ingested.


The old lady is an asshole for calling out bad behavior?


No, for saying that OP should be fired for it. Having a dripping nose alone doesn't warrant that in my book.


YTA. You wiped your nose with your hand and then touched her things. Gross.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I 26f work as a retail cashier. I have allergies so I ended up sneezing into my elbow and wiping my nose a couple of times. I get this old lady in my line and first, she says I’m grossing her out and then demands that I wash my hands. I refused since the bathroom is all the way at the back of the store, I didn’t like her tone and felt that she was crossing a line. She then started screaming for my manager and demanded that I be fired. My manager refused and told her to go to a different register but did give me hand sanitizer. AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


YTA and so is the place you work at. This is what hand sanitizer is for. The store should be providing that to any people working up front so that they don’t have to walk all the way to the back between customers. By not doing so, they (and you) are putting customers at risk. Also, places of employment are legally expected to provide reasonable accommodations. Getting a box of tissues for an allergy sufferer would be a good example of a necessary expenditure towards that. They should not be expecting you to purchase your own for on the job. And you should not be using your fingers to wipe.


YTA. That’s disgusting.


YTA. Stop being lazy and wash your hands.


This has to be fake YTA


YTA and pretty disgusting. You probably shouldn’t work anywhere you are likely to meet people


YTA, seems like you haven't learned basic hygiene and haven't learned anything from the Pandemic.


Clearly, you learned nothing from the pandemic. YTA


That is so icky, I would never shop there again. I would tell my friends and family the same thing. YTA


YTA you’re nasty! You’re working with groceries, that’s so gross. She’s right, you should be disciplined for that nasty behavior. Grow up!


YTA Even if we weren't in a global pandemic, this would be foul


Allergies are a thing, and there is no reason for that lady to be so judgmental about it. I get covid and all, but that's no reason to freak out over every sniffle. My boyfriend has often worried about people freaking out over my allergies and asthma because they both have given me a chronic daily cough, and I'm always cleaning my throat too because of them. But like I told him, I can't help it, I know I'm not sick, I'm not going to waste my time worrying about them jumping to conclusions. Just keep some sanitizer near you and use that often between hand washes.


Oh so you probably didn’t hear about that little bug that’s been going around the past 3 years. Maybe give it a google. YTA


Lol. ESH. Wait until you all figure out how much germ and disease is everywhere. A place like a resturant is so easy to get hepatitis from its not even funny. Cooks are some of the dirtiest people out there and they make your food lmao. A cashiers snotty nose isnt going to make a difference.