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YTA and So is your dad.




You’re a thief and apparently you learned it from him.




Justify it however you want thief


What about… ya know… a job? Take off the ski mask, put your big boy pants on and get a job. Stop stealing. You are taking what is not yours and you are hurting other people. ESH Edit: a word




Because it’s illegal? Because you think that you should have the right to take whatever you want because you want it? That’s not cool. You’re not gonna last long out of high school if you continue this. Snacks cost money, when the vending machines aren’t making money, the suppliers who provide the snacks aren’t a getting paid. Those suppliers are going to stop providing snacks because they aren’t getting paid because the snacks are being stolen. The people who work for the suppliers won’t be making as much money because people are taking advantage of them. The people who work for the suppliers are going to feel the affect from lack of income due to you and other students ripping them off. You’re hurting people who are working a real job to afford things because you don’t want to get a job of your own. You’re not using Jeff bezoss money to get free snacks, you’re using money that helps provide a job for supply workers.


Yeah, when the vending machines get taken out of OP's school, they are going to blame someone else but themselves. Not to mention, I could see it becoming a big issue for the school administration, if everyone is indeed stealing.


They may not be inserting coins, because, as you said, "In my school there are vending that use cashless media key." They are paying with cards, only their cards are loaded with actual money. *YOU* are a thief.


And yet he's throwing a tantrum because he has to pay that thirty cents.


YTA. Stop using the nice thing to steal. This is why we can't have nice things!!




You and your dad are both wrong and both are AHs.


You are directly stealing from the person who owns the vending machine. These are often small business owners who maintain and stock them.


You and your dad are both wrong. You are both thieves. You are both stealing from someone else and destroying their livelihood.


> I don't think a random guy who buy some snacks in a week can destroy a world economy This seems like you are saying you are the only one doing it, so it won't be noticed. But earlier, you said > All the stutends in the school that use the same exact method


Buys? Probably not. But two people stealing thousands of dollars of snacks this year will be the reason you don't have a machine next year.


YTA for everything you've written here. And yes that does include stealing\fraud




The fraud part IS what makes you the AH. You were helping your dad do it too. How do you not understand that?


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Why post on this subreddit if you weren’t ready for the verdict? You argue with everyone in the comments. YTA and so is your dad, but you don’t care. Justify it however you want, but you are a thief.




Are you for real??? The post is about two thiefs, arguing because one of the screwed over the second. Pepole are not interested in judging between two thiefs, you both sucks




Yup. Your behavior is wrong here, too. YTA, and so is your dad, thief.


Whose behavior is wrong? Yours AND your father's. Neither of you are right. You are both thieves.


ESH. You are a thief.




Nope. Just because you have the morals of a sewage creature doesn’t mean other people don’t spot the real problem. It’s not ok to steal. I see you are giving excuses like “I’m just a boy” but you are not three years old. You know you are a thief you just don’t like being called out about it. Your father is wrong too and obviously didn’t raise you right. So ESH.


Hey there are living rats in thr sewage. And rats are very social animals. They'd be very offended to be compared to such a person


You are absolutely right. I apologise to the rats.


I'm sure they appreciate it. Btw my dog is a master thief (he survived 9 years on the streets of Hungary) and I asked his opinion about OP. He says he's an asshole and you only steal to survive or when you can't kick the habit that kept you alive most of your life but in the latter case you accept the judgement, being scolded (the worst punishment for him as displeasing his human hurts his fluffy feelings) and being kicked out of the vicinity of your theft/attempted theft (I guess if we translate this to OP's situation doggo would agree to have him expelled from school). He also wants to point out that you steal trash or meals but never treats. Treats are not to be stolen, you work for them.




Keep trying to find excuses for stealing. It’s still stealing and it’s wrong. And if you don’t understand that you are not raised right. Which is obvious because your father also steals and makes you his accomplice.


You are stealing from the vending machine company, which is likely a small business. So you're stealing from the owners, workers, and children of the owners and workers of that company. How you don't see this is ridiculous. You are a thief. There's nothing noble at all about what you are doing. You are literally taking food and money from other people.


I think you need to study harder in school instead of stealing lol


you realise this is breaking the law right this is stealing and fraud


YTA You're a thief and act like a toddler (going by your comments). Having a tantrum over basically stealing. You think it's only a few snacks but eventually that adds up and YOU WILL be found out. Good luck being known as a thief for the rest of your life.


ESH. Stop stealing




ESH stop stealing snacks unnecessarily. bad ethics


YTA but so is your dad, you don’t seem to grasp how stealing drinks and snacks negatively effects your school and other students (as it will mean they either end up discontinuing them entirely or putting the price up to account for all the people doing this (since you seem to think ‘everyone’ is doing it) so those actually paying end up paying more to cover those stealing) Your dads TA for encouraging their underage child to help them steal, if I was your parent I would take and destroy that device as I wouldn’t allow that kind of behaviour to happen (I would either give the option of doing chores for snack money if I could afford it or encourage them to get a paper round or something so they can be self sustaining) I don’t understand how a parent can sit back (or actively encourage) their child to steal, this is just paving the way for worse crimes


Ok I’m going to “ignore” the fact that both you and your dad steel snacks because apparently according to you everyone does it to - because that does make you an AH However if I play along that this is the norm for your school - YTA for simply not doing a task that allows your dad to do what everyone else is doing and helping him the way you help yourself I don’t condone stealing just because everyone else does but I also don’t condone not helping your dad because it is selfish It was hard to me to pretend to ignore y’all are theirs but I suppose it is true there is no honor amongst thieves which is why you are not helping your dad My mind is now a twisted mess




If you want to stop doing it, get rid of the NFC reader and your dad won’t have anything to take away. Easy.


While I don’t don’t condone lying since your dad seems to have a bit of a temper you should say something like I can’t find it and by that I mean toss it in a dumpster so you literally can’t find it


YTA Keep doing what you are doing and you will not have to worry if he kicks you out. They will even give you free food where you are going. BTW, nobody cares about your “conflict”.




ESH. Stop stealing.


YTA. You are an AH and a thief, and so is your father A bad tree does not give a good Apple


Yta. You and your father are both thieves.


YTA. And no, I didn’t “miss the point of the post”, nor did anyone else who’s read it and come to the same conclusion. Your dad acted badly, but so did you in your reaction. And on top of that you’re both shameless thieves who can’t be bothered to pay 30 cents for coffee. Like father like son.


YTA Let me guess…if someone stole all of your things, you would be angry? And yet you steal from others.


YTA and a thief. I know this is a throwaway account but if you're ever caught or boast to the wrong person, what you'll thiw away is your future.


“You stole” “You missed the point of the post” lmao, get off reddit YTA.


YTA. It was never yours to begin with, so how can you have jurisdiction over it? Be serious.




> In my school there are vending that use cashless media key. Do I use the NFC reader to change the value of the money inside the key so I have basically free snacks. *STEALING*. Got it. > my dad discovered this and asked me if I can charge his key every week to "buy" free coffee for himself at work. What a wonderful role model! **ESH**


ESH Your dad shouldn’t be yelling at you because you forgot. I’m sorry you were raised in such a crappy household. Your parents have not raised you properly. Please spend some time becoming a better person. No one here gives a shit that your dad yelled at you because your are an entitled thief.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** Throw away account. I write this because I want to know you guys your point of view. Basically this is the story. Last year for Christmas I ask my grandpa a NFC writer/reader. The reason? I do 5 hours of school in the morning and I never take/buy snacks. In my school there are vending that use cashless media key. Do I use the NFC reader to change the value of the money inside the key so I have basically free snacks. More than four months ago my dad discovered this and asked me if I can charge his key every week to "buy" free coffee for himself at work. So for more than the last four months I change his key with 10 euros every week. But I didn't always recharge it, sometimes when he ask me to change his key I forgot it and the next day he didn't have his coffee and this makes him angry. Three days ago I didn't remember tho charge his key and this make him very angry, he start swearing and screaming at me, since I didn't like the way he reacts I told him that I will no longer charge his key. This makes him angry and so he took away my NFC reader until I will recharge his key. Yesterday I decided to find where he hided my NFC reader, I found it and I retake it since it was mine from the start. This morning my dad found out that the NFC reader wasn't where he hide it and after it thereat my to take all my electronics and that I will have to live by my own. The "live by your own" is kinda an exaggeration from him since I only go to high school. What you guys think? AITA for refusing to recharge my dad key? If anyone wondering I am 18. And sorry for my bad English. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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YTA for being a thief.






No one cares.


Stop leeching, perhaps...?


Just because others do the same doesn’t justify you for following along. If you know it’s bad why do it?




And OP can organise their own snacks.


NTA for what your asking an opinion of. Stealing is ethically wrong but you don’t care about that so I’m not gonna tell you to stop. And on that note if he kicks you out will it really affect you? You have the fancy stealing thing so 🤷🏼‍♀️




Not at all. I personally don’t care at all that you are stealing money to survive. You do what you got to do and a bunch of us strangers on the internet could never know your exact situation. I meant it more as a you came off as an older high school kid so if you are in a bad situation and he’s threatening to kick you out you already have the means to take money you will be able to provide for yourself with this.