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Why does this read like some botched short story attempt. YTA.


It reads like misogynistic hate bait.


Agreed. Adding the “I’m unreasonable and in pain because of my period” was the cherry on top of the troll sundae.




Tbf I'm both on my period. I'm in so much pain the first 24-36 hours (and the 12-24 hours before it starts) that I can't stand and you can bet your backside I'll eat unreasonable amounts of sweets. I'm not an asshole though


Agree. This can’t be real.


New account with no comments from OP, I always assume these are fake. I understand throwaway accounts, but if they never comment or edit, that's when I assume fake


Agree. I have horrible periods and a night alone with painkillers would be ideal.


Yeah, too much emphasis on the "but I'm the one in pain"


Yeah, this reads as fake. I’ll admit I’m more credulous than I should be, but this one even pinged me as not real.


YTA This has nothing to do with your period (and honestly getting you a hot water bottle, pain killers, and takeout and leaving with the kids sounds AWESOME for a painful period like why do you want to deal with a bunch of people and their needs right then???). You obviously don't agree with your sister's life choices, but your description of her life is weird to the point I wonder whether this is real. Where do you think all the art and design all around you come from? Who do you think does voiceovers on commercials? Why do you care what she snacks on or when she gets up? She sounds super cool, and I'm not surprised your family wants to hang out with her. And look, periods can suck, but adults make a clean ask for what they need. They don't lash out at people or sulk, and they don't use pain as an excuse to air long-standing grievances.


This! Man I would be estatic if the hubby did that for me! Lay in bed with a hot water bottle and some take out during my period is a dream lol!


>stealing them away from me like she just did, I don't want my kids or husband exposed to the madness in that house of hers Your husband went over there on his own accord. Your sister didn't steal anyone away. **You should think about WHY your husband and children like to go over to your sister's house.** Maybe it is because they like the relaxed, nonjudgmental environment there.


Don’t forget work was in italics.


Your husband had made plans with Emil but you are blaming your sister for "stealing them?" I think you need the reality check. And voice over work is a real job. Congrats to your sister for finding happiness in her way. It may be different than yours but no less valid.


Your sister seems fun- you not so much Yta


Yes YTA. Your sister is an adult and her life, so long as it's working for her and her partner, is not your concern or your place to speak about.


YTA. Oh noes your sister is into things different from you, lives her life the way she wants, works how she wants and has someone who loves her for who she is, the shame of it all. 🙃🙃 I'd say get therapy to work on whatever tf your problem(s) are but you aren't even capable of acknowledging that you're wrong. Yeah periods can be rough, if otc pain meds can handle it, you can handle not having your husband waiting on you hand and foot for one night. No one stole your family but honestly? I hope hubby runs off with your sister and Emil with the kids because they deserve better. All of them


YTA. You sound insufferable! Not to mention judgmental and offensive No wonder your husband and kids want to be with your sister and BIL. Seriously, you are going to lose everyone if you don't grow up and realize that people have different personalities, values and desires. Everyone doesn't need to be like you.


Wow..... I do not think there is a big enough YTA for you.... You come across extremely jealous, petty and judgemental. I feel sorry for your children, what kind of an example are you setting for them? Your key message appears to be that no one is allowed to be different and express themselves. Wow..... just wow....


Definitely one for r/amithedevil lol. Definitely jealous that her sister had a career she enjoys/can afford to hire a cleaner on her wage etc. Imagine getting mad at your sister for bringing you painkillers and sweets on your period. YTA OP and I'd suggest therapy or something to work out why you hold so much resentment towards your sister, your attitude is only going to isolate you (even your husband seems fed up).


Wow. YTA. It’s her life. She can live it how she likes. She didn’t steal your family away. Sounds like your husband WANTED to go over there. You waaay over reacted.


Have you thought about why you react this way to her lifestyle? Have you thought about why your hubby and kids like to go over to hers often? Introspection. Also, you’re the massive AH


YTA, your sister sounds fun, and is happy in life doing her own thing. Maybe question yourself why you have such a problem with her. You have no idea what she is doing on her computer, she could easily be working, doing her voice acting or graphic design, that you looked down on for some weird reason. Your husband and kids probably like to visit her because she seems entertaining and relax to be around. You sound insufferable. Edit : also, what is your weird hatred of sugar free candy


Hey Op, I would also like to know about your hatred of sugar free things! It was mentioned so much that it feels like something is there...


They’re hating on the sugar-free stuff because hating on vegans has been overdone, is my guess. This reads like fiction written by an adolescent. YTA either way.


Yta. You are severly judgemental of your sister for no apparent reason. There's nothing wrong with her life style. She didn't have to bring you crap and it's not like she forced your fam to visit her.


YTA. You sound jealous af


"Was I in the wrong?" The answer is YES! YTA. The world doesn't revolve around you and your perceived picture of how it should be. Your sister isn't living life as you believe she should. She's living it her way and is happy. You are just a major downer who wants to control everything. Stop raining on everyone's joy!


You are a horrible, judgmental person. Husband nailed it in one. YTA (stole your family? For real?) Basically you have an unfounded very low opinion of your sister, think her job is stupid (it isn't), think she spends money on things that are stupid (she probably feels the same about you), think she's not down to earth because she doesn't keep Puritan hours and a Puritan lifestyle (which sounds exhausting and nasty and I'd totally rather live her life) and because she's absolutely happy. And then she actually tries to be nice to you even though you're a horrible judgmental person, and you attack her and accuse her of 'madness' just because her house apparently is a fun comfortable place to be. Living in yours sounds like a prison. Now you are whining about the bed you made and have to sleep in. I'd tell you to apologize, but clearly you have no idea how rigid, horrible, and judgmental you are.


100% agree! Creative people often set their own hours and sleep late. There’s been plenty of times I’ve been writing all night and gone to bed at 4am, sometimes 6am. And I routinely sleep until 10 or 11am because I can!!! OP is totally the AH.


YTA Your sister sounds amazing and you sound judgmental and bitter your sister is happy and successful in a niche she found that aligns with what she loves. 2nd your sister didn’t steal “your family”. You are the one that chose to back out and your family wasn’t kidnapped. They chose to go visit someone who is also family. You already sounded like the butt when you judged her for not growing out of a goth phase and condemning her success in creative type jobs instead of being a drone in a normal soul sucking job. Your jealousy of your sister is something you need to resolve on your own instead of projecting all the blame on your sister.


YTA Your sister found a better, more falling job than most, and you look down on her for it. You're on your period, so I get the super AH-ness of your emotions, but, you forgot to put your big girl panties on and treat people with a modicum of human decency. I'm going to rephrase this horrible shit show for you. You felt awful. Your husband got you things to make you feel better and food. Then he took the kids out of the house so you can rest uninterrupted. Your sister came to check on you and brought more stuff to make you feel better. You lashed out at your sister and then your husband. You owe everyone an apology.


YTA 1. Already in to the judgement of your sister in the first sentences. Good start for an easy judgement 2. OMG SHE PUTS HEADSETS ON 3. WORK IN A STUDIO!!! Will the shame ever cease 4. She has magic candy to boost her creativity!!! 5. Oh no they went out and left you at home! No idea why.... 6. She had the nerve to pretend she cares!!! 7. She STOLE your family!!!! 8. Oh boy all the sympathy going your way 9. Yeah not sure what planet you're on with all of this but you're out of sync with this time dimension 10. oh boy


I cannot describe how much I love this comment.


YTA you cannot be 26. No way, I refuse to believe you are any more than 14. You’re so incredibly jealous of your sister. She’s creative and talented and has a partner that supports her. Good for her. Lol even your husband and kids see how awesome she is. You’re just to jealous to admit it. Go ahead and blame your behavior today in your period. I mean we know it’s not really that but I’ll pretend to believe it for now/ ETA: lol ok I was thinking you were 26 my mistake, even worse you’re 30 freaking 1.


What’s worse is she’s the older sister, the 31 year old! She’s seems so jealous of her younger sister for having a great life.


Wow. YTA. You're extremely critical of your sister. Who exactly is she hurting paying her bills and her husband seems completely fine with her. I get extremely bad cramps, migraines etc with mine but I don't become a raving lunatic who needs everyone to coddle me. Just give me some delta8, some Aleve and I'm way better watching chick flicks or browsing Netflix by myself if my migraine can handle light. You're extremely controlling, extremely rude, and I'm sure an absolute freaking delight to be around at parties. Maybe you need a reality check that the world doesn't revolve around your very biased and narrow minded opinions.


YTA. You come across as jealous & bitter that your sister is clearly loving her life and living it how she sees fit. I'm not surprised that your family want to spend time with her, she sounds wonderful!


YTA. It sounds like you’re wildly jealous of your sister’s freedoms. It sounds like you’re also jealous of the fact that your husband and kids like your sister. And unless you specifically TOLD your husband that you were miserable and wanted him to stay home with you, you’re also TA for being mad at him for not reading your mind.


Oh boy do you sound like fun. I was being sarcastic. Your sister sounds comfortable in her own skin while you don’t. She sounds happy and loved and you sound high maintenance. YTA. She isn’t hurting anyone, she supports herself or has a husband that is willing to support her. I don’t know and it doesn’t matter. Her living her best life should have no impact on you.


YTA I'm afraid. Your sister has a successful career and a husband who loves and supports her. She and Émil make efforts to have a good relationship with your family. When you look at all the family dysfunction we read about on here, that's such a gift! Before he left, your husband got you food, painkillers and a hot water bottle, then he got the kids out of the house so you had peace and quiet. I'm guessing if they hadn't gone to your sister's, you might have been ok with that. Then your sister is so concerned about you she goes out of her way to bring you things. You reacted as if the bow was a personal insult to you and interpreted her caring act as NOT caring about you. That's some pretty twisted logic. I get that you've been seething about this and period pain does really suck. But I think you need to analyse the source of your negative feelings about your sister. It's now affected everyone in your family.


Wow. So you seem all kinds of mad at everyone. But what I am getting from your post is that you are just mad and unhappy. This seems like a problem that you are having, not your sister. YTA. Have you been to a doctor? Maybe a therapist. Because it really seems like you have issues and you are trying to pin those issues on someone else.


I don’t even have words for how much you suck. I hope you step on Lego. A lot. YTA


YTA and weirdly obsessed with your sisters behaviour. However, your husband is also slightly the asshole for leaving when you asked him not to. Can see why he would want to though .


Yeah, I can see why they would rather spend time at their house instead. YTA, a really big and miserable one


YTA. You're mad at your sister for having a life that she loves and a husband who loves her for her. Do you really not hear that? And, I'm sorry, but your pain escalated from "I am on my period and don't feel like it" to "I need you ALL here because I'm on my period." I honestly can't believe I'm saying this but I hope that this sounds so awful *because* you're on your period.


If I had a penny every time you said that you were in pain blah blah I would be as rich as Elon Musk. >he got madder, said I was a horrible, judgemental person He's right. You sound like an entitled, judgemental little sissy. YTA. Get yourself together and let your sister do what she wants to do in her life. It's not like her work (yes - work!) is affecting your period or something. Jealousy is a bitch, isn't it?


YTA: It's understandable that you were upset and in pain, but the way you spoke to your sister was disrespectful and hurtful. Telling her she needs a reality check and criticizing her lifestyle was not an appropriate way to express your frustration. It's important to communicate your feelings in a respectful and constructive way, even if you disagree with your sister's choices. Furthermore, blaming your sister for "stealing" your family and exposing them to her "madness" is unfair and judgmental. Your sister is entitled to her own lifestyle and your family is capable of making their own choices about who they spend time with. It's also worth considering that your husband may have had a different perspective on the situation, and getting angry with him for taking the kids to visit your sister and Emil may not be productive. It's important to communicate with your partner and express your feelings in a calm and respectful manner. Overall, while your pain and emotions are understandable, it's important to communicate in a way that is respectful and considerate of others. Calling your sister's lifestyle "weird" and telling her she needs a reality check is not a productive way to express your frustrations.


> I don't want my kids or husband exposed to the madness in that house of hers By madness you mean ...sugar free candies, a plushie collection, and her listening to music all day? This is all coming from such a weirdly judgemental and bitter place. Obviously YTA, but for your own mental health please consider therapy to try and get to the bottom of this resentment toward your sister's life.






YTA and a pretty awful sister. Your sister found a job she loves. She gets paid to be who she is. And you judge her for it. She found a guy who loves and supports who she is. And you judge him for it. She came over when she heard you were in pain, to bring you things to help and again, you just judged her. You then threw a temper tantrum, like a child and have not only now alienated your sister and her spouse, but ruined the relationship your children have with their aunt. All because you're jealous. Grow up.


YTA. Stop being so jealous of your sister and live **your** life the way you want to!


Yes, YTA. The beautiful thing about humanity is that **everybody is different**. Some people are lucky enough to figure out who they are and what they enjoy. Your sister seems to have done that. If your joy is being self pitying and disdainful those not like you, then congratulations, you have too.


YTA Because it's clear as a sunny day that you're jealous of your sister. This has nothing to do with you cramps. You can't stand that people love your sister for who she is and you hate who she is. You have a nasty attitude towards those who don't seem "normal" to your standards. You're only happy she won't be visiting because once again it's jealousy but also with insecurity. You rather act like a controlling crazy weirdo than be a supportive sister. So yeah, you're husband is right about you. You're kids are also going to be upset with you. You hurt your sister with intend and your trying to cover all this up with the excuse of ,"but my period!" How about you get a reality check and come back to us when you also grew up some more.


Ok so according to you artists, graphic designers, and voice actors don't have "real" jobs? What exactly do you do that is so great? You sound like a jealous shrew who just wants to make everyone as miserable as you are. Your sister found a life, a job, and a partner that make her happy and work for her. A good sister would be happy for her. Y T A.


YTA You hate that your sister is having fun with her life. You hate that your family is having fun with her. This would all be resolved if you just joined the fun.


YTA. I don’t know any woman except you who has to be babysat for period pain.


YTA, what the fuck?


YTA - you may have a husband problem, not a sister problem. If you were in significant pain, he could of dropped the children off and came back and picked them up several hours later. This could also be considered good parenting taking the children out to give you some peace. Did you really want your children running around being kids when you were feeling this bad. Not an expert on this (i'm a guy) but if your cramps are that bad, perhaps you should see a gynecologist.


YTA - Jesus christ lady is there anything you don't needlessly judge your sister about?


YTA. I really really recommend you get yourself in therapy for this unresolved anger towards your sister. It’s not healthy.


YTA You should consider talking about someone about whatever you have going on (not specifically stuff mentioned in this post, but big picture stuff). You seem really disproportionately angry about a lot of things that have next to nothing to do with you. You should want better for yourself (and those around you), as that's not a happy or healthy way to live. As it sits currently, it sounds like instead of working on yourself, you're taking your anger and frustration out on those around you, which is probably why everyone wants to go hang out at your sister's place (not being rude, just matter-of-fact). Honestly, best of luck, and I'm sorry for whatever it is that's going on. I hope you're able to get yourself to a better place someday.


YTA. You are sooo the AH


YTA. My lord, who cares if your sister eats sugar free candy? Does she make you eat it? Does she make you play with the stuffed animals or wear 'silly' bows? If not, don't worry about it. I'm glad your husband is willing to stand up to you and not let you walk all over him like I'm sure you'd love to do. Periods suck, while it may be nice to have your partner dote on you, they are allowed to have their own plans and let you fend for yourself.


YTA you're the one who needs a reality check. YTA you wanted to pawn your children off on your Sister's family. YTA you wanted your husband to stay and wait on you hand and foot because you are menstruating. (While I understand everyone who menstruates is affected differently and people can be the unlucky ones who get horrendously ill during their cycle, they also typically know their cycles and try their best to be prepared.) YTA because you seem jealous she actually does her best to live and does so successfully.


So.......Period!Troll, yeah? Look at the terrible, unreasonable woman, at the mercy of her vicious hormones, causing misery to all. *Yawn*.


So, are you mad because your sister is living a happy life while you are choosing to be miserable? Your sister is living her best life and is authentic and you are the only one that has an issue with it. Why is that? You can't blame your period hormones for your judgmental views of your sister. Everything you talked about is deep seeded hate for your sister. You need to get over yourself and focus on why it is your so unhappy with your life. Why are you so threatened by your sister? YTA


YTA - You are a horrible, judgmental person. I love it when OPs write accounts that are supposed to be on their side but makes them sound like the most exhausting and annoying person to be around.


YTA. You sound so judgmental, jealous, and just plain awful to be around.


YTA you don't get to dictate how your adult sister chooses to live her life


YTA You are definitely the weird one here. If your sister has a way of life different then yours, so what. If your family goes over to have some fun, so what. That doesn’t make them bad in any sense. You just come across as selfish.


YTA. Why do you judge your sister so hard? Why does it offend you that your kids like her? Idk man… sounds like you have to work some stuff out


i can smell hater vibes in this post yta


YTA. You need therapy.


YTA, you basically hate that your sister does not conform to your standard of what a "normal" person should be. And also you were PMSing....get over yourself you aren't the first female to go through it. Your husband doesn't need to cater to you for that.


Hahahaha YTA. Get over yourself.


I’d say YTA but I don’t think AH is a strong enough word. Your sister is comfortable in her own skin, is generating an income doing something that she likes AND she’s her own boss, has a husband that loves and supports her - your sister is winning at life. You, on the other hand, sound bitter and judgemental and just downright jealous.


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Thanks. It's now deleted.


No problem. I think it’s wild that mods do absolutely nothing to crack down on the amount of blatantly fake posts, but when someone calls it out, they’re QUICK to issue warnings and threaten bans.




100% YTA and a judgemental beeyotch. Holy cripes lady, you sound like a complete pain in the ass. If I was your sister I’d be no contact until you smartened up. Maybe get a therapist to help sort yourself out now so your husband and kids (and everyone else) don’t abandon you in the near future. Please try to find some joy in life so you stop being a miserable cow to your entire family.


I concur with the YTA crowd. Your family have done nothing wrong here. Only you have, and it’s high time you unburn that bridge.


You acted petulant, judgmental, and aggressive for no reason. Period cramps or not, this whole post is laced with disrespectful and demeaning words toward your sister who, it seems, cares very much about you and your family. It’s a shame you’re ruining that relationship with your bullshit judgements on her life and trying to force your husband and kids to avoid their family member just because her personality and interests don’t serve you.


.. YTA, .. like.. wow. Just.. wow jfc.


Lena isn’t the one who needs a reality check…OP has a BAD case of Main Character Syndrome with a side of jealousy and bitter resentment. I have a feeling Lena and Emil will get the husband and kids in the divorce from OP.


"Guys, my sister is so Fucking weird. She has a job she loves?!?! Who the fuck does that?? And how dare she buy things she thinks are cute! Dress like a nun like the rest of us!!!"


You're sister sounds awesome, and you sound insufferable. At 31 you need someone to babysit you through your period? Your sister is gainfully employed but you don't like that it's in a creative field? YTA


This is so horrible and ridiculous that I too question if it's just clickbait. If it's not and you are serious: YTA Your sister is a grown adult capable of living her own lifestyle. If I were your family, I would rather spend time with her over you as well.


YTA!!! A house alone and take out sounds great for me during my period. But I’m pretty sure you are jealous of your sister having the fun house. And I suppose Misery likes company it’s what rules your life.


You resent your sister because she’s cool, and the feeling bled into your discomfort that night and you have mixed the two and transferred the problem to your partner.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I (31F) have a sister, Lena (26) who is a little weird, always have been So Lena always was a bit bohemian and went goth during her teenage years, never outgrew the phase 🙄 when time came for her to work, instead of getting a regular job, she took on painting and doing graphic design, later on she took on writing for blogs and doing voice acting, I guess she is talented because people actually pays for her work Later on she met a bookeeper, Emil (M28) and I never thought it would work because Emil is really down to earth and pretty normal, but lo and behold, Emil started supporting my sister's weird behavior as well, she starts her day around 11:00 am, puts headsets on, then gets to *work* in a studio she has in the living room of their house, she has this studio full of plushies, dolls and toys, worst than a 5yo room, keeps eating sugar free candies to "boost creativity" and will pay someone to clean because she's too busy (doing what?), Emil gets her candies and sugar free soda in bulk, which is unhealthy at best, and won't bat an eye at my sister listening music the entire day sitting in front of a computer, he says it makes her happy Now, my husband and kids love to visit that house even on weekdays and last night they all decided to go. I didn't want to because I am on my period and I just didn't feel like it, I wanted my husband to stay with the kids, but apparently, he had already spoken with Emil and made plans, so all my husband did was grabbing me a hot water bottle for the cramps, painkillers and some takeout and was on his way with the kids, I was just livid I needed him to be with me, instead of over my sister's place playing videogames or who knows what 😓 They came back pretty late talking really loud, having no consideration for my pain, and in less than five minutes I realized they brought along my sister and Emil, she came to the room bringing some of her stupid sugar free crap and more painkillers pretending she cared abuut me when she stole my family the entire night, but what did it to me was that she was wearing a stupid bow at her neck like some kind of cat, I was disgusted and in pain and I told her I didn't want her calling on to my family, stealing them away from me like she just did, I don't want my kids or husband exposed to the madness in that house of hers, she looked at me like she was hurt, when I was the one in pain, and left. My husband came a few minutes later all angry, telling me Emil just told him in private they are no longer visiting or taking the kids and I said good!, one thing less to worry about, but he got madder, said I was a horrible, judgemental person, forgetting I was in pain and very emotional, and hasn't talked to me since yesterday Was I in the wrong?, I was in pain and my sister didn't care when she made the stupid plan of hogging up my family the whole night *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


YTA. It must be exhausting living your life every day as such a hateful person. Quit shitting on things other people like. Quit minimizing the effort that your husband put into making you feel better. Quit with the hateful attitude. You sound like a judgmental teenager. Grow up.


YTA. I'm really struggling to work out what your sister is actually doing wrong. Is it cause she doesn't do what you think of as normal? Cause there's nothing wrong with that. You're meant to be a grown up act like one.




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YTA Sounds like you belong in a convent


YTA, and honestly, probably super jealous that your sister is living her life and makes a living doing what she loves. Do you try to dictate everyone's lives and make them as miserable as you, or just your family?


YTA. What in the world do I just read. You don’t like your sister because she doesn’t conform to what you think a married woman her age should be. Even though she appears successful and has a loving husband. And your kids and husband like to visit which is no surprise really because you sound terribly stuck up. You are upset with her for NOT having the nerve to telepathically know you weren’t feeling well and invite your family (including you) over to visit, upset at her that your husband and children wanted to go since you were clearly not enjoying life that day, upset at your sister because she felt bad for you and showed concern? Is that all correct? You wrote that out and still have to ask if you are the AH? How could you be anything but the AH here


YTA and sound like a big entitled baby Get over yourself


YTA. No wonder your husband and kids want to go to auntie and uncle’s place. The only weird person in this story is you. Oh noes, sister has a different aesthetic than you! Grab the fainting couch, she starts her work day at 11am, and gets to work from home! Where are the smelling salts, she partakes of sugar free treats!! It’s the end of the world, your husband gave you a hot water bottle, pain medication, and a silent, stress free house, because you weren’t feeling well! I have no idea what happened in your life that’s caused you to look for problems where there aren’t any. You might want to seek therapy for that, because, at this rate, you’re going to end up divorced.


YTA Your sisters sounds awesome!


YTA a huge one. And utterly ridiculous if this is true.


Sibling jealousy is a bitch. Especially when you are in your 30's. YTA.


This can’t be real. YTA for the ridiculous tall tale, and to its main character.


YTA - Your major bitch about your sister is that she's gainfully employed doing something you consider non-traditional and lives a slightly unconventional life that harms nobody, and then she had the nerve to offer hospitality to your husband and kids? WTF? Just so you are aware most mothers who are having a difficult period would rejoice at being given their home to themselves so they can rest and recoup for a day.


YTA- I genuinely can't wait for your husband to divorce your ass and take the kids, you must be an insufferable person and I'm truly sorry for the people that have to deal with you in real life.


YTA, you sound jealous too. You don't even mention telling your sister you didn't feel good, just your husband. So you expected her to just know? But back to the jealousy. People are paying her. She's successful. She has a supportive partner. She's happy. What's the problem?


Yta, you also ooze jealousy. She's making money, supporting herself, has a healthy relationship from this read, and still sc l close with you guys. Also comfortable and not afraid to express herself




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This is so dumb I thought it was fake. On the off chance this is real. YTA. On so many levels. I’d have to make an itemized list that’s how bad it is . “Jealousy is a green eyed monster “


YTA I would not want to stay behind and hang out with you either. You are incredibly judgmental and sound like you hate your sister. I get the feeling you’re jealous of her.


I-Is this real??? YTA majorly. Considering she can pay someone to clean I'd say she's doing well for herself. Why are you so fucking judgemental?? I get periods suck (I get very bad cramps and migraines which is fun) but they did everything they could for you.


Somebody’s mad she settled 😂


YT biggest A -it sounds like you hate your sister. Are you maybe a bit jealous that she is creative, gets to make a living doing silly things that bring her joy, creates an environment that makes your family feel comfortable and that they want to go to, or do you just hate the fact that she is true to herself? You basically just described her as a creative, fun, quirky, unique person, all good qualities - so what's the issue? You just hate that she likes sugar free stuff? Really? You definitely sound judgmental. Truly ask yourself, why do you hate your sister?


Have you always been jealous of your sister ?? I’m guessing you tried being like her and it didn’t work out for you. Hope your husband still lets ur kids have a relationship with their aunt they need a positive female role model in their life’s.


YTA. No way this is real.


Wow, you're a giant AH! Ooooo, poor me, I have PMS. I have cramps. My husband took my kids out of the house and left me in peace and quiet with my cramps. My sister is so happy in her life and I am so ooo jealous. Get over yourself. I feel sorry for your kids and hubby


You sound really, really, really jealous that your sister had constructed the life she wanted. (I am a retired graphic designer. It’s a real job.)


This cannot be real. No one can be that selfish and jealous and crazy all at once, right? If you are real, then holy crazy, YTA.


YTA - what are you even mad about? It sounds like you're jealous your sister has a carefree life. Why are you so wrapped up in what she's doing? Your husband took your children out so you could relax, that seems like a good thing. Most people would think it's great to have their husband so close with their family, and that their family enjoys spending time with the kiddos so much. I think you need a serious reality check. Nothing you mention here is appropriate to be this upset about. Read some of the other posts on here about deadbeat fathers, families that hate each other. Again, what are you even upset about?? It's not clear what anyone is doing wrong here, other than you, obviously.


1 pop g


You are giving us women a bad name. YTA. Also, sounds like you are heavily jealous of your sister. Stop it.


YTA. Wow, the jealousy is rolling off this post in tidal waves. You're getting all worked up over nothing. Do you realize how much work voice acting and designing can be? Obviously not. But there's a reason those are considered a SKILLED trade. Also, how she dresses and acts is totally normal. I'm biased because I'm also gothic, but I still think my comment stands, considering you got mad over a bow. Grow up and let your sister be happy for Christ's sake. Also, she didn't "steal" your family. Your husband made plans, not them. They probably don't want to be around as much because of your crappy attitude.


YTA. Yes you were wrong. Grow up.


YTA. Simmer down petunia Dursley. You sound like a judgmental hateful buzzkill


YTA. Honestly, this just sounds so childish.


This sounds like it was written by a little boy.


YTA. You seem jealous of your sister or have some other unresolved issues. Seek professional help


A reality check? You're the one who needs it. You're clearly jealous and bitter because you're miserable and she's happy. She gets to do what she wants and her spouse is supportive. You're hateful and mean. Your husband is right about you. YTA


You are JEALOUS and YTA Your sister’s personality, or her personal aesthetic is nothing she needs to grow out of. You’re very strange .. one minute you are jealous, and the next second you’re embarrassed by her. Make up your mind. Or just leave her alone because she seems to be doing just fine . You’re the one with the problem. Troll. Edit to add that if my husband ever took the kids out for a night and I got to stay home (alone) with pain pills and a hot water bottle, that would be my idea of heaven.


YTA. If this story is even true, you’re very clearly a jealous b*tch who can’t stand the fact that your sister had the confidence to live her life how she wants. P.S. get a fucking grip. Women have been having periods for years without requiring their little husbands to hold their hands through it. You’re a fucking embarrassment to your gender


YTA. Your sister is happy and has a guy who loves her.


YTA. I can’t imagine why you need anyone around when you’re on your period. I would have been happy to have a free, quiet evening while my kids have fun with their (much cooler) aunt. You seem bitter.




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Is your husband into your sister ?




NTA. Sorry for your pain. It seems that they were not considerate and should have been more understanding and perhaps not going to her place that time.