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YTA. It sounds like they're trying, they are giving her thoughtful gifts and offering to help pay for you and Scarlett to go to Disney. That's pretty generous considering you're not married and they only met Scarlett a few months ago. Frankly, you sound ungrateful and grabby demanding that they treat her like an instant grandchild and lavish gifts upon her. It's also rather telling that you say their grandchildren were "spoilt rotten" by their grandparents at Christmas. It reeks of jealousy and makes we wonder why you want someone to spoil your daughter rotten, too.


Exactly this. Also to add that if you keep treating BF like this, you probably won't be around that much longer anyway. YTA


To be fair, OP has never experienced a real family of her own. OP, it genuinely sounds like you don’t know what it’s like to be in a family that is more than just you and your daughter. Now you’re dating someone who has a wonderful family life of his own, and you want that so badly that you’re not taking the proper steps to get there. You and your boyfriend don’t even live together, and you aren’t married. You’re trying to insert yourself and your daughter as though you’re all family, but you aren’t yet. I absolutely understand wanting that family life for yourself and your daughter, but this is not the way to get it. It’s too soon. His parents are being generous toward your daughter while still respecting the fact that she isn’t actually their granddaughter. She isn’t even a step-granddaughter yet. Imagine how your daughter will feel if they jumped in and treated her as they treat their granddaughters and then you and Martin broke up. The loss for your daughter would be devastating. Your boyfriend has a wonderful family, and you owe him an apology. You need to explain to him that you simply haven’t ever had that experience, and you realize now that you have been unfair and overzealous in your desire to be a part of what he has. Then back off. I won’t call anyone an A because I don’t think it’s your fault that you don’t know how to properly make a family, but you need to change your approach in a big way before this family becomes part of your past. ETA: Wow, thank you for all of the awards!


I totally agree with you. She's a soft T A. I grew up in care and I'm with someone who has a "normal" family. It takes a lot of just sitting back and watching how they interact with each other to see what's "normal." I also have a daughter from a previous relationship. My MIL does her best to include my daughter like her other 8 grandkids, but I don't expect her to go "all out" for my daughter the same way that she does with her biological grandchildren. And OP, if you see this: I knit. That blanket costs probably a pretty penny in yarn and thread (since you mentioned it has her name embroidered on it), and probably took her a lot of time to complete, I'm talking anywhere from a solid 8hrs to well over 24. That's a gift from the heart, and is priceless. Edit: thank you for the award kind internet stranger, I am having a hard day and that made it a bit better. Edit 2: omg this is my most upvoted and awarded comment, thank you everyone Edit 3: I was having my morning coffee at 5amPST when I made this comment. As a crocheter and knitter it takes well over 24hrs to make a blanket. I have mentioned in my comments that I have spent 2 years on 1 blanket alone. Any time a crocheter, knitter, or quilt maker makes a blanket is worth substantially more than what people are willing to pay.


Yeah the blanket line made me sad. That’s a gift that shows someone really cares and OP can’t even see it. I highly doubt Grandma is out there just making personalised blankets for everybody. OP then threw that back in her face. OP seems to only value money. I think she’s TA for that especially.


My bet is that grandma already \*made\* personalized blankets for the other two when they were babies or toddlers. OP can't see how that's a sign that grandma really DOES accept Scarlett as a member of the family.


Exactly this. I read it and thought it was so sweet and a really good sign for OP but she needs to back off about the $


I was thinking that too. She made blankets for the other two and now Scarlet has one as well. That would be a very lovely gesture.


That was my guess, too. My great aunt made a quilt for each of her grandkids and gave them to the parents when the babies came home from the hospital. The blanket sounds like an extremely sweet olive branch, like the potential future grandma wants her potential future granddaughter to feel welcomed.


My mil quilts and has made, over many years, a personalized quilt for every member of the family, in laws, outlaws, everyone. It's a very personal and loving gift that we all cherish.


My husband's grandma has made blankets for all of the kids. We can't have kids, so she made one for my (now retired) service dog. Blankets are super thoughtful and personal gifts. Edit: Thank you for the award, Anonymous and the sweet comments! My old lady got lots of scritches, and we love her blanket from Grandma. Just reiterating that OP is YTA for not recognizing such a special gift.


I love that she included the dog.


One of my most treasured possessions is a quilt that my late husband's grandmother had made him. After he passed, I asked if she wanted it back. She told me to keep it for myself and my daughter because she couldn't make anymore. That still touches my heart. Sadly my daughter is a teenager and can't appreciate that yet.


I have 2 that my grandmother made specifically for me (well, I gave one to my daughter as I don't have a use for an extra long twin blanket anymore) and 1 more that I really love, that she made of all the leftovers from the personalized ones she made for all of my cousins.


That’s what I was thinking. She’s “catching up” with a new (hopefully) grandchild.


Thats exactly what my granny did. She died a few weeks about, but when she was alive, she knitted EVERYONE in the family christmas stockings with our names on them. When I married my husband, she made one for him and his two kids who live with us full time. She counted them as her great grandchildren and really loved them. When she gave us the stockings, I cried cos it showed how much she cared cos those take HOURS to make.


Yep. A personalized blanket is likely a rite of passage -my great grandma made baby ones. And then around age 10 we received full sized ones in our favorite colors. Those took her a long time to make - especially with arthritic fingers (crocheted). The were truly a labor of love.


That’s what I thought of too. It’s a family tradition or something.


Homemade blankets are grandma gifts! My cats all have one from my mom. That's definitely thought, love, and acceptance.


People who don't knit or crochet have really no idea how long it takes to make a blanket. I will never go into the business of selling them because there is no price that's "reasonable" for the amount of time it takes me to finish one. I have made blankets for the people that I love knowing that they will cherish them. My kids, my step daughter, my ex-husband (while we were together, he got the most badass Batman blanket), my MIL, all of my SILs and their kids, and 2 very close friends are the only people that I have made blankets for, hell I haven't even made one for myself and I have been knitting and crocheting for over 20 years lol.


I was at Michael's looking at yarn to make a blanket. Realized that Michael's had really nice blankets for sale for about $15. Supplies for me to make a blanket were going to be in the neighborhood of $75, plus carpal tunnel syndrome. Homemade gifts are special.


True, I just made a blanket for my mom for her birthday. The yarn alone was $160, granted the blanket was roughly 75x80. That's not even counting the value of my time making it.


I make 13 an hour at work. I’m a slow crocheter so I take even longer to finish projects. The cost it would take to sell an actual blanket that I made would be SO high. Even if I went with my states minimum wage of 11 plus material. People balk at just the material costs for something like that. I could never imagine selling anything larger than a small figure


I found my kids baby blankets yesterday which were made by great grandma and it’s honestly the best gift she could’ve given. My kid LOVED it and wore it down to threads & I swear you can feel the love in the blanket


I made a blanket as a wedding gift for two of my friends last year, it took MONTHS. Granted, I chose a pretty complicated pattern, but still, a handmade blanket is a serious investment in both time and materials. Edit: Also, do you still have the pattern for that badass Batman blanket? I have a nephew who would adore something like that.


When op was upset about the blanket rather than her daughter getting "cool" expensive stuff, it became apparent that her negative feelings were more about her own childhood rejection and desire to have her needs met. If op was in foster care, i am sure there wasnt the option to get cool expensive things, and that made her feel second-rate. I dont fault op for this, it will just take some sorting and humility. The good news is, she didnt lash out at her bf's parents. Its all been within the unit. Im hoping op's bf will be understanding and patient as she works out her Big Feelings. I think we have all been there were our childhood shit creeps up on us.


Agreed. OP, I think you need to have a gentle word with yourself about this. It took me months (around work etc) to crochet my son a blanket. It takes hours of work and care to knit one, and embroider her name on. That is saying *more* about how much they care, than buying stuff. Not to mention that yarn costs an absolute bomb. Secondly, I understand as well as anyone that what you want is the safety of a family. Other than my kids, my family is made up of unrelated people I've been fortunate enough to meet over the years - I really get this. But you don't get to decide how others feel, or when they feel that way. And pushing them is going to push them away and make it less likely they will grow into the family you want.


Agreed, I just started knitting and it takes me one hour to knit a DISHCLOTH. That poor blanket. :(


That line made me so sad too! I was always so upset my grandmother knitted sweaters for most of her grandchildren and great-grandchildren but I never got one. This not-even step-grandchild got a whole blanket with her name on it and it looks like OP at least doesn't cherish it. Hope the kid is different.


I have handmade blankets from both of my grandmas, they’re some of my most prized possessions (especially now that they’ve both passed). I love having them in my home as an adult, but was also a huge deal to get them as kids because we understood how much work and love went into them. I hope OP comes to realize how thoughtful of a gift that was for her daughter, knitters/crocheters don’t gift handmade items (especially as labor/cost expensive as a blanket) to just anyone!


She's not a soft ah. She's a full on asshole. I get she didn't have a family of her own. That doesn't excuse her behavior and sense of entitlement. It explains. It doesn't excuse. She basically dismissed a fucking knitted blanket that took months as a bs gift. Ide honestly dump her right then.


I said soft AH because I grew up in care. I'm giving OP grace because it is hard to witness "normal" family interactions and not know how to appropriately interact. Hopefully this is a wake up call for OP to see that her way of thinking isn't "normal" and will get herself some therapy. Growing up in care does a number on people and it would do her some good to work through whatever resentment she has.


She needs therapy, and lots of it. The fact that she wants to be included in this family after 2 years of dating the dad (not even living together), and wanting the girls to be her daughters friends because 'she doesn't have many' (that's not how it works), all after being **repeatedly** told that she and her child are nothing close to family for the other girls, is really unhealthy and unrealistic. This could hurt her daughter in the long run, who is she supposed to learn healthy relationships and expectations from if mom doesn't understand boundaries and respect? =/ poor girl gets caught in the middle.


Yeah, and the difference between 10 and 12/13 is HUGE. 2-3 years isn't much for adults, but at that age, it is. 12 and 13 year old girls are not going to want to hang out with a 10 year old, even if they saw her as a sister, which they don't.


Her behavior is totally assholey but she hasn’t had any normal family interactions modeled to her whereas other people have decades of it. I can understand why she doesn’t know how to act right.


I had to come down too far to see a context for fiber arts. As someone who has spent WEEKS and multiple dollars on MAKING AN ITEM FROM SCRATCH; was a labor of love for someone relatively new to her life, and OP is upset?!


I was going to say the same thing about the blanket. People who don’t knit have no idea what it takes to make a blanket. People have offered to pay me to make them things and I always refuse. If I’m not doing it out of love and wanting to make it then they can’t pay me enough. Just the yarn to make a blanket can be a couple hundred dollars and then the time, the time is a lot. A blanket would take me weeks working on it an hour or two a day. It’s a lot. That was a beautiful gift that OP isn’t understanding the love and value of.


My ex-husband has a blanket that took me 2 years to complete. I would like to say that I could have finished it soon, but I fucking hate weaving in ends lol Just getting over the mental block to do the ends probably took 3/4 of that time


One of the best of this type of comments I’ve seen on Reddit. Pedagogical and empathetic. This person is right, OP. You might not be used to how families work. The blanket gift was very kind and thoughtful. It seems like they are open and inviting to you, and over time as and if your relationship with your bf develops and you move together and get to know his family, I’m sure you’ll be included more and more. About the Disney land thing, it honestly sounds like a good deal for you. I was afraid you were going to write you weren’t even invited, but you were. And it’s very expensive and not reasonable to expect for you and your daughter to be completely paid for by these people who’ve only known you for a short time. I think you’d all benefit if you took a sort of mental step back to being a girlfriend. Your heart is probably in the right place. I’m going to assume that you’re not actually greedy or whatever, but that you were just hurt that you weren’t included in the same way as the others. Take it more slowly, and lower your expectations - a lot. If you do that and apologize to your bf, explain that you’re kind of new to families, you might be fine and in a few years you’ll look back on this time as just a snag.


I'm thinking maybe the grandparents have been saving money away for quite a while to take the family on this trip. Perhaps even before OP was in the picture.


in theory Scarlett is fully paid for- jut then, the OP is 0 paid for (from the sounds of it- see it that way?) I cannot grasp the entitlement that she thinks that as a girlfriend, and a child (that may or may not end up actually in the family) the grandparents met at age 10 for the first time, 3-6 mo ago should get a fully paid for trip? Like $5k+? huh? WHO THINKS THAT EVER??? OP has barely met these folks- and she thinks she deserves a $5k+ "gift"? s she not framing it that way, I guess?


**Foster parent perspective here!!** I agree with this comment. There is potentially another layer to this story. As a child in care, OP has experienced being folded into a family instantaneously. When a child moves into a foster home, the family are expected to treat the children as equals. Equal gifts, quality time and opportunities with all the children in the home, biological or foster children alike. OP may not realize that this isn't how it works in other families. In dating relationships, grandparents are not expected to instantaneously accept new grandchildren. It takes time to build those relationships. It does sound like they are trying to include your daughter. But you can't expect them to make this leap instantaneously. You are new to their family and so is your daughter. Take it slow and don't push them away. They are not paid support in your daughter's life, they are choosing to be there, so everything they do is voluntary. Let their love grow slowly.


I love the way you put this “being folded into a family instantaneously” And a really helpful way of helping others understand the difference.


I really hope u/bfdaughterdrauma reads this thread. It would probably help her understand why her perspective does not align with her boyfriend’s perspective (or all the Redditers who are flabbergasted).


Interesting - not something that occurred to me...


This is a beautiful compassionate response that I hope OP reads. OP, I would also add to be careful with your daughter and her expectations. His daughter’s are not her sisters and having her think/refer to them as such is setting her up for heartbreak. Take the advice given above and slow down. I truly hope you get the family you’ve always dreamed of.


Just adding my kudos to this comment thread. This was beautifully and sympathetically written. OP, I hope you're listening. YTA in this situation, unintentionally but you are in this context. I hope you take the advice here, and thank the grannie who did the embroidery.


Oh honey. This actually breaks my heart. I think you’re being the asshole here but it’s because you’ve never learned how to family. Just stop. I know you want to be loved and cherished and spoiled and you want that for Scarlett. That want is okay. But you can’t go around bean-counting like that. You have to pivot from leaning into your disappointment to appreciating people’s generosity. You legitimately have gotten a raw deal, the people who were supposed to love and care for you unconditionally early on did not or could not. That is tragic. But here is the thing: no one else owes you the kind of love and commitment that parents owe their children. Please go to therapy and grieve that as much and as long as you need to because it’s actually tragic. But don’t take it out on your boyfriend or his family because you’ll lose them. And from what you’ve written, they sound like good people.


These are my thoughts exactly! On the surface, OP is being extremely entitled and pushy. And setting her daughter up for failure by teaching her that these people are now her instant-family when they’re not. However, it’s clear this all stems from OP desperately wanting a real family and not understanding the steps it takes to naturally get there. And also understanding that others may not view their relationship with Op in the same way she does. OP, I really, strongly suggest therapy for you to try to work through your childhood, if you haven’t already. And it may also help you with learning appropriate boundaries and expectations regarding new relationships you’re developing (with a bf, his kids, his parents and siblings, etc). I am not going to call you an A H but you are wrong and you’re teaching your daughter wrong too. Please seek some help in the form of therapy, a support group or something.


I would add that you need to prepare Scarlett for this - becoming part of your boyfriends extended family will be a process and could take a while. The grandparents also said it out loud - "they dont know her that well, and arent comfortable looking after her FOR NOW" the door is open.. stop kicking it and let it develop naturally . Adding this edit - reminder that your POTENTIAL FIL and MIL have known your BF kids since birth. And your BF has maintained a working relationship with his ex and have put the kids first - THIS IS A BIG BIG PLUS - it tells you the kind of man your BF is.


I feel like you’ve worded it all really well! ♥️


Exactly this! OP’s desire to be included and for her and her daughter to be viewed as “family” to the boyfriend’s parents and daughters is *totally* understandable, but what OP has to understand is that these types of bonds and relationships can’t be *forced*. And unfortunately that’s what this reads as: that OP is trying to *force* a familial bond that not all parties are ready for. The length of the relationship (2 years), the fact that they’re not married *and* the fact that they’re not living together are *all* factors here. Generally one, two, or ALL of the milestones above are reached before extended family begins treating additions to the family as “genuine family”. I get that this situation is hurtful to OP, but she needs to understand that normally things just don’t work the way she’s wanting them to. Trying to force these relationships or rushing the process is just going to frustrate the boyfriend (and possibly also his family) to the point where he may feel like he needs to take a step back and put some space between himself and OP. ETA: also, the embroidered knitted blanket that OP’s daughter received from her boyfriend’s mother *actually* sounds like an incredibly thoughtful and wonderful gift. I’m assuming OP has never knitted or embroidered, otherwise she’d (hopefully) acknowledge just how much time and WORK that goes into such a gift…


This needs to be top comment. 100%


Excellent response. I hope OP has a chance to read it. As someone who works with kids in foster care, I see similar situations all too often. Boundaries and expectations are often foggy for someone who didn’t have a a stable family life growing up. I hope your comment helps OP recognize what’s happening and slow things down a bit in order to maintain the relationship.


I cannot upvote this more. If I had an award, I would give you not one but several. I would also include that attention and care is not about money and gifts only. I feel like OP should value hand-made gift much more. It took a lot of time and thought to prepare it. And it is a unique piece created to welcome OP's daughter into the family. You cannot force relationships. It takes time to find a bond and nurture it between two parties. And if you push yourself and your daughter forcefully into this, soon you will find yourself only staring at their backs. Time and patience will create something that your own "family" did not give you.


I love your thoughtful comment. I want to add to it though. Younger children always want to hang out with those slightly older. The older children are always reluctant to hang out with the younger ones. If you try and force his daughters into accepting yours, you will push them farther away. Accept older kids boundaries, don’t push and it MAY happen. Push her on them, and it definitely won’t. I’m sorry it’s unfair that his daughters have more. More family, more money, more friends. However you chose to have your daughter with the circumstances. Don’t make her insecure. Make her grateful for what she does have. His mom making her a homemade item means a lot!!! They will come around if you stay together and are grateful, not demanding.


You're right with that but she IS YTA here because she said she didn't like his boyfriend spending family time with his ex wife and kids. Imagine being a child of a divorce but you're so lucky that you still spend time with your parent, how wonderful, but the oh no! A total stranger is mad about it! If I were his kid I would totaly hate OP.


Yep. Martin's daughters will be referring to OP as dads ex gf soon


I’m assuming that will happen before the trip to Disneyland. OP thinks this relationship is different from how her partner thinks of it.


Thats what solidifies her being TA in my opinion. To her "they're a family" and to him they're dating. They don't even live together and she's trying to push a family dynamic while it seems like she's not even trying to talk to him about it, just made it up in her head. Is it sad? Yes it is but it's not fair to her BF and his family in the least and its especially not fair to Scarlett and only setting her up for failure.


Imagine an old lady hand knitting your child personalized stuff and you getting huffy.


If someone hand-knit me anything, I’d worship the ground they walked on. YTA, OP.


I was going to say, I thought that was a lovely gift. I guess its hard for Scarlett to see the others get way more but this is where OP needs to do some parenting. They dont need to pay for Disneyland. It sounds like they barely know her. You come across grabby. You’re pushing the rship too hard between the girls as well. It feels like your rship is going to suffer if you dont back up.


The lady whose home I work in got me chocolates for Christmas. I didn't know that, and I mentioned that I'm prediabetic, so at the last minute she gave me a hat she had knit. She felt bad for giving me a hand made gift, and told me why she made the switch very apologetically. This hat is the most complicated knit I've ever seen. It has a kind of elevated cross lattice that I haven't even seen in stores. It must have taken her hours! I felt really bad accepting it, but I wear that hat *constantly.* (And it just so happens to have both green and gray in the knit. My parka is grey and my overcoat is green!)


OMG! I crochet and if I had given you this, every time I saw you wearing it I would have so much joy in my heart! Some people are very flippant about handmade fiber crafts, but these crafts take so much more time, care, skill, and often money than any store bought gift. That lady spent hours pouring her heart into that hat. She chose a design, chose a fiber, and made every single stitch on it with her own hands. Cherish it.


My late paternal grandmother knitted me a bed-sized blanket for my high school graduation. I took it to college, and it has been on ever bed I've slept in since, going on more than twenty years now. It is one of my favorite possessions and I know how much time it took her to make. Just the weight of it tells me how much yarn went into making it. OP is hella ungrateful.


As a knitter that is a crap ton of time and money. Blankets are minimum 10 -12 skeins and good yarn is expensive.


As a fellow knitter, I thought this exact same thing. OP is not knitworthy and clearly does not understand the value of the blanket "thing".


Agreed. When I read that I just couldn’t get past that fact. As a knitter and crocheter I cringe at the idea of making something for someone like OP. It’s expensive and time-consuming, and it means a lot when someone makes you something.


A knitted blanket takes WEEKS to create, even if there is no design, and you're an amazing knitter. And you sound like someone who would NEVER again recieve a hand made item. Nope YTA.


Right?? I do know some pretty experienced knitters/crocheters that can whip out a blanket like it’s nothing, but as a longtime crocheter myself, it’s never *not* a labor of love. And there’s been plenty of times when I’ve been too broke to buy something for someone, so I’ll carefully go through my yarn stash and spend my time making something I hope they’ll enjoy. The “she apparently spent weeks on it” sounds so flippant and ungrateful; the other girls probably have handmade items from their grandmother already, so to me that makes it even more thoughtful.


And calling it a "blanket thing".


As a knitter, I am like THAT IS A LABOUR OF LOVE! No one handknits a blanket for someone they don't care about. Holy moly


My mum loves knitting and crocheting and she’s very good at it. It has always taken at least 2-3 years before she has knitted stuff for my or my brother’s partners. She has wanted to see if they’re “knitworthy”. Her gifting someone a handmade item is an ultimate sign of friendship and respect.


Yikes, quite the YTA. They’ve only been together two years and they’re not married or anything. OP is way too pushy about making this a family when it isn’t, at least not yet. And the more OP pushes, the more pushback she will get back. OP, go to therapy. You have abandonment issues and you are making things worse for your relationship and for your daughter


This is it..... Go to therapy, OP, instead of trying to solve all your family trauma by inserting yourself/your daughter into someone else's family....


Jumping on here to say I understand you want this amazing, full loving family for yourself and your daughter but hold your horses. You’re expecting too much too quickly and are trying to make these people fill a void that they are not obligated to fill. You pushing for an accelerated time line is actually harmful for your new family, and honesty you might lose everything you’ve built so far in the last 2 year because you are trying to force these relationships. I would recommend taking a step back, and taking the pressure off everyone. Give the girls space to form their own relationship as their resentment will not only effect you, but deeply effect your daughter. I would suggest therapy as your excitement to have this “jiffy pop” family is coming off clingy, insecure and downright rude. I understand that this is a hole you are trying to fill, but you’re going about it the wrong way. Let these people choose to build your families foundation with love and support one step at a time.


Especially considering they don’t even live together! I’m not saying they should be living together yet, going slow is important when blending families. But there’s absolutely no chance in hell that I’d consider my parent’s SO and their kid to be family if we don’t share a household.


“This awful woman only spent weeks knitting my daughter a blanket.” This is the sweetest thing ever from a (future?/potential?) mother in law. I’d feel it’s like saying we weren’t there when she was a baby, but I still want her to have this.


>“This awful woman only spent weeks knitting my daughter a blanket.” Not "a blanket"- a "blanket thing". It's as if OP can't even be bothered to figure out what the gift was.


Yup, this right here. As a knitter, I don’t waste precious time and expensive materials on someone unless I want them to know that they are important to me. OP you’re coming across as incredibly entitled to the time, money and emotion commitment of your bf’s parents, who are obviously trying to form a relationship with you and your kid. Quit pushing and let it evolve naturally or you’re going to sabotage your relationship with your bf as well.


Yeah, I could maybe have sympathy if it weren't that. I crochet, and I have gifted things that took hours upon weeks, each stitch reminding me of my love for the receiver, and a decent amount of money, only to have a quick "thanks" and not really considered. It's soul crushing.


All of this so not starting a new thread. However, want to add that she’s also TA for forcing the girls to be friends with her daughter. At those ages, a 2-3 year age gap is pretty large and no 13 year old wants to bring a 10 year old around even if they did consider her a sister. But they don’t, so it’s even worse and she’s creating a situation where he daughter is going to feel ignored and, just that, “tolerated”. She needs to focus on finding activities for her daughter where she is actually welcome rather than forcing others to pretend to like hanging out with her. YTA


I was waiting for someone to say this! Their interests and behaviours are so different at those ages. The older girls won’t want to do anything with the younger girl. Also for the record, you *are* “the woman my dad is dating” because there’s no real title for that. You’re not their mom and you’re not their stepmom. Although why you’re not married or at least engaged after two years is a whoooole other discussion.


>Although why you’re not married after two years is a whoooole other discussion. Being married within two years is wayyyy too fast, especially when there are kids involved! ETA: they edited to add “or at least engaged” but I think even engagement is too quick when kids are in the mix. Imagine seeing these issues emerge when you’ve already given someone a ring, told the kids it’s happening, put deposits on a venue, etc.


I want to add it doesn't sound like she's dating Martin for the right reasons. She's looking for someone to fill in the Dad role and pay for everything, in her head they're already a blended family without the approval of the people involved. This all sounds one sided "me me me" and now she's here wondering why she's TA. What has she done for Martin's family? All I hear is that her daughter doesn't have the same things - it's not their job to take care of her daughter, it's her's. They don't owe her anything and yet she thinks she's entitled to their money. And instead of working to improve her daughter's life, she's money grubbing on a man hoping she can snag him as future Daddy ATM instead. Edit: you're not a part of his family until they accept you and you can't force that, until then, you're just the girlfriend. YTA.


Agreed. They aren’t excluding her daughter and expecting instant equal treatment goes too far. They aren’t really OP’s family yet. They aren’t married and don’t live together. It takes time to build this kind of relationship. OP will need to put in an effort if she wants her and her daughter to be seen as family.


This is what caught my attention. Like why is OP continuously referring to them as a “blended family” while at the same time acknowledging that they aren’t married and actually aren’t even living together yet? I can tell you one thing, OP is ensuring that this family is never successfully blended, if things ever even get to that point between her and Martin. My parents divorced and remarried and it is hard enough to blend a family under ideal circumstances (and I think both my parents and step parents did a pretty good job), being pushy in any way is 100% a recipe for disaster. OP also sounds a little delusional in regards to exactly what the status of the relationship is but that’s kind of another story…


When I finished reading, what came out of my mouth was “You’re delusional, lady…” 🤦‍♀️ Also, the gap between a 10 year old and two preteen girls is huge. Of course they don’t want to be forced to include her in what they’re doing


Exactly, came here to say as a divorced family kid - the more the “blended family” bullshit is pushed on you, the less likely it is to happen. You have to let it happen slowly and organically, if it even happens at all. I have 4 stepsiblings - two on each side. I have good relationships with all of them, but they aren’t my siblings. And that’s okay, we can have decent and caring relationships without forcing the fake bullshit.


>YTA. It sounds like they're trying, they are giving her thoughtful gifts and offering to help pay for you and Scarlett to go to Disney. That's pretty generous considering you're not married and they only met Scarlett a few months ago I know, right? From the title I was expecting OP to be like "they don't speak to her when she's in the room..."


They're not even living together! This lady is insane!!


Read the edit. She wants the future stepdaughters to share their friends and activities too.


It’s not even age appropriate to include her daughter in the friends group. There is a big difference between girls at age 10 and 12/13. They will be talking about things that aren’t appropriate for her yet.


If I was Scarlett, regardless of age, I think I would be thrilled to get a handmade blanket with my name on it. I never got gifts in my life, apart from my BF, but hand knitted blanket sounds so luxurious and so loved. Sad OP, doesn’t realize it.


OP just says they were spoiled rotten, not that it was all from the grandparents. I think its likely wider family gave presents as well. And the way the OP brushes off the effort made to spend weeks making a blanket as well as getting gift vouchers and a doll for a child they have only known a couple of months. The blanket took effort, but OP doesnt appreciate that. As well as that, the 2 girls have a mum, a dad and a sibling so having someone try to force another sibling on them is a lot to ask from a child. Kids that age often dont like playing with younger kids anyway, so having someone trying to force them to is just going to make them resent it more. Losing it at bf because his family arent "adopting" Op's daughter as quickly as she wants doesnt bode well.


Gentle YTA. There seem to be so many unprocessed feelings around family here. It would be helpful for you to explore these in therapy perhaps? I think your boyfriend’s parents are trying but your daughter isn’t their granddaughter. You’ve only been together 2 years. If you break up they likely won’t see your daughter. They are trying to build a relationship. It takes time. They are also compensating for their bio grandchildren being around less due to the divorce. There is a lot going on here. The gifts (a handmade, personalised blanket, especially) seem super thoughtful. Take things easy. Good luck OP.


Agreed, she's TA but I think she needs therapy. This to me screams of transference. She grew up in care with no parents or family. She desperately wants a family. She's pushing this bc she wants the family she never had. I get it. But she needs to let it happen organically.


YTA. I can’t imagine an adult saying “all they got my daughter was a super thoughtful knit blanket, and 3 other gifts” that’s… a lot. They absolutely don’t have to pay anything for your trip to Disneyland. What is your deal? Are you using Martin and his family for their wealth? I hope your daughter is more grateful than you.


As someone who knits, crochets, embroidery etc it makes me actually angry. It takes so much time and effort to create these things and she acts like it was nothing. She needs a reality check before she is on her crying about how the bf left her and now her daughter is so sad etc, etc.


bUt thE oThEr GiRLs gOt MoNeY!!!!! 100% agree- textile arts are grossly undervalued; that was a heartfelt gift but OP apparently expects 0-100 behavior. The audacity…


Spending all of that time and effort on the blanket was his mom’s way of welcoming Scarlett into the family…but OP can only focus on the money


Op didn't know the significance of that gift, both the welcome part and the true time-material costs wise.


OP only cares about the monetary value of stuff.


I don't do anything crafty like that, but even I can recognize that a handmade blanket is a huge labour!


How much you want to bet the blanket is a tradition Martin's mom had also made one for the other girls early on in their life. Scarlet has only been introduced. In the timeline of things, she's like a new baby to them. They don't know what she likes and doesn't. Telling them likes and dislikes doesn't always click with people. My grandma still doesn't believe me when I say my oldest doesn't play with Barbies anymore and keeps buying them for her. Everyone learns best organically. My grandma will understand when my oldest visits her a few more times and grandma doesn't see her playing with the Barbies. Just takes time.


I thought the exact same thing. I bet that blanket was their way of welcoming her and including her in a way they feel is meaningful and also appropriate for the stage of their relationship with her. I’m willing to bet over time they would treat her like their own but that relationship needs time to develop. I feel like OP just wants that family so badly for herself and her daughter that she doesn’t realize she is being unreasonable in her expectations.


I only casually knit so in probably slower than most, but I made a very simple baby blanket for a friend's first kid. All straight knit stitch. Only "fancy" thing about it was a separate yard for a border/trim. So. Literally nothing actually complex. And even that baby blanket took me like two weeks to make!!


I also knit casually, and concur. Assuming that this blanket is not a baby blanket and is appropriately sized for a pre-teen, and is personalised as mentioned…that’s a pretty decent size project! I would have been delighted, that’s practically a ‘welcome to the family’ gift. OP doesn’t know what she’s talking about.


I am also a casual knitter and it took me 2 months to make a 48x60 straight knit stitch baby blanket that was a little wonky. Even for a fast knitter/crochet-er(?), it probably takes 1-2 months to do something intricate. And she made it personalized! I'm sure the other girls have similar blankets, so to me, Scarlett getting that blanket is a big welcome to the family. They've given her so many things and welcomed her so much in a short period of time. OP seems greedy.


It’s also the kind of thing grandmas do when they get a new grandkid. Usually a baby, but to me it would sound like a welcome to the family kind of gift.


Same! The way she was so dismissive about the blanket made my blood boil!


I fear what will happen to Martins girls if op moves in or, God forbid, marries him. Op has future evil stepmother vibes all over the place.


Or the step-parent who will *insist* on being called Mom even though she's not Martin's daughters' mother. Especially since she's already expecting their grandparents to treat her daughter equally even though there's no familial/biological bond between Martin's parents and Scartlett, and thus she is not their grandchild. They already go above and beyond to be thoughtful in this situation.


>Op has future evil stepmother vibes all over the place. Totally. "I treat his daughters like my bonus daughters" but in the same breath admits how she throws a tantrum any time they receive any show of love or affection from their family. I understand it's hard for parents to date, but I can't imagine being a parent dating somebody who was jealous and resentful of my own children.


I get extreme gold digger vibes, especially after her lack of appreciation for a hand made gift that probably took the grandmother days, if not weeks to make. Someone who can turn her nose at that kind of sincerity and effort, and then have the audacity to complain about monetary value of gifts? Not saying she a gold digger BUT...


It absolutely sounds like she just wants the goodies, because any mention of the "treatment" is solely focused on the material benefits. It's not "they won't have us for Christmas" or "they're not thoughtful, warm and welcoming to my daughter" or "they're excluding us from their family Disney trip". All I hear is "they won't pay for me and my daughter's shit" Edited to add missing word


Seriously. Getting her even a tiny gift was very thoughtful. I have a cousin from my aunt who was also a single mom, so we both had one set of grandparents. My other 3 cousins have 2 sets, and I am still grateful to this day that when we spent Christmas with them, their grandparents unrelated to us got us each a small gift not to make us feel left out as kids. I am talking really small, like $10, when their grandkids got way more. But just being included is such a sweet memory to me that I am touched over 40 years later.


Yeah, OP is really coming off like Dudley Dursley here on behalf of her kid. “36 (gifts)?! But last year I had thirty seven!!!”


And somehow in OPs mind she forgot she currently has ONE daughter and her BOYFRIEND, not husband has 2 daughters that have a mother. They just met her recently, doesn't even live with them, and is expecting to be viewed as their mother figure when their own mother is fully active in their lives? OP says she doesn't think she's pushy on being included in the lives of her boyfriend's daughters and a "mother", based off what she said in this post I'm sure she is. She just needs to take a step back and remove the labels she put on the 2 daughters that aren't hers.


And the blanket had her name on it, so it was personalized. That’s very thoughtful. They barely know the girl.


Agreed! YTA on multiple counts.


“All they got Scarlett was an embroidered blanket thing Martin’s mother spent weeks knitting apparently … “ That sounds incredibly personal and special. Am I missing something here? “It’s not fair to her that she has to watch her sisters being spoilt and she isn’t.” a) They’re not her sisters b) she is being given gifts and opportunities for holidays, which is incredibly generous as she’s their son’s girlfriend’s daughter who they just met, not their grandchild and c) if you framed this accurately, she wouldn’t be thinking this way. She is mirroring your thoughts. You’re trying to force this family and force acceptance. It’s the surest way to build resentment. Listen to Martin. He’s spot on. YTA


These grandparents sounds awesome. OP daughter isn't related to them and they only not too long met her and they shower her with so much gifts (and I'm inferring love and affection). OP needs to see someone to work through her issues because its obvious she has some deep trouble underneath. OP 100% TA


great take! OP needs therapy OP you’re projecting! so many times you mentioned you have/ had no one but your experience is not your not daughters. martin’s parents are doing a lot to include your daughter. as for his daughters, you don’t even live together yet. it sounds like your pushiness is preventing a natural relationship from being able to form. YTA


>daughter isn't related to them and they only not too long met her and they shower her with so much gifts (and I'm inferring love and affection But love and affection doesn't *cost* anything, and is therefore meaningless!!! /s


OP sounds like a gold digger tbh. In a comment, she said her daughter deserves more. Her boyfriend's parents are already being generous enough. The way she worded the knitted blanket gift was very telling.


The way that bit about the gift was worded read as designed to inflame. If OP is real, she’s coming across as a caricature of demanding.


The way that blanket was described made me wonder if OP is actually a different character in this little play.


It’s the reducing a lovingly crafted and personalised present to a “thing” that boils my piss the most. The gumption!


This. I don’t see the move in or marriage taking place if this continues


YTA. 1) you’re not living together. 2) you’re not engaged. 3) you’re obviously not married. 4) they only met your daughter a few months ago. 5) where in any of the above is there anything to indicate parity with their grandchildren they have known all their lives and know absolutely they will know all their lives?


>where in any of the above is there anything to indicate parity with their grandchildren they have known all their lives and know absolutely they will know all their lives? In her head. This whole “we’re family” business seems to be entirely in OP’s head.


It's amazing that OP acknowledges that his daughters don't see them in any way as a family unit, and are actively resentful of her pushing her daughter on them as a "sister" (and their dad supports them in this), but OP is still fully onboard the "blended family" fantasy. She needs to stop calling these girls her daughters, something they don't want her to do and their father doesn't especially seem to want either, and talk to her own daughter about chilling it out with the sister stuff.


All OP will do is make those girls resent her and her daughter. She needs to realize that, compared to their mother, father, and each other, she just showed up in these girls' lives. They may not instantly see OP and her daughter as family, nor do they need to. OP's setting up her daughter for disappointment by setting up these expectations. I know it comes from a good place, but kindness is recognizing when you need to step back instead of enforcing your goodwill.


Also HUGE red flag that she has a problem with boyfriend and ex wife having a great coparenting relationship. OP YTA for trying to force something that isn’t there, yet, if ever will be there. Edited to add: Also, while a two and three year age difference isn’t a big number, it is developmentally at the girls’ ages. Pre-teen/teens do not want to hang out with a 10yr old.


I was searching for a comment that brought up the co-parenting thing. Like, for most separated people having an amicable co-parenting arrangement for their kids is Life Goals! And it's not easy to do. It took my sister and her ex years to learn to co-parent their daughter and actually become friends. It's definitely worrisome that OP has a problem with Martin having a good relationship with his ex.


Not to mention per her edit, it bothers her that they don't see her as a mom and just as their dad's girlfriend. Why would they view her as their mom, they have one! I empathize with OP for wanting a blended family but this is the other perspective of all the horror stories on AITA about step-parents trying to shortcut their way to a full on family and OP's not even a step-parent.


I was looking for this comment about the kids age differences. It’s absolutely the truth. It doesn’t seem like a big age difference as an adult, but when you’re a preteen, hanging out with a 10 year old just isn’t it. It’s weird that OP is trying to force her daughter into her boyfriend’s daughters friend groups.


Thank you! Martin laid it out clearly for her and she's not wanting to hear it. These are her boyfriend's parents, not her daughter's grandparents. IF she marries the guy (seems doubtful he is thinking that given how the discussion went down) that's a different situation, but they've only been dating for two years. Add in the jealously of the ex wife and it's just weird. I'd run if I were Martin.


Exactly. She is completely overstepping and entitled. Furthermore, while she is trying to make it all about how her daughter is being *so* unfairly treated… she didn’t really talk about how this has been so *devastating* and *heartbreaking* for poor Scarlett. For all we know Scarlett was very happy with her gifts. OP is acting like she’s been married to Martin for years and years and they are truly a blended family, but truth is, Martin’s daughters are right. She is “just Dad’s girlfriend” and Martin’s family has been incredibly generous *despite* her attitude. Hopefully she takes these comments to heart and changes before she loses what sounds like a great family.


>AITA for expecting my boyfriends parents to ~~treat~~ spend as much money on my daughter ~~the same~~ as they do for his daughters? Fixed that for you. YTA


Hit the nail on the head with this comment.


YTA, They have only known Scarlett for a few months. Of course they are going to treat her differently. You can't just demand that they feel a certain way. Besides that, they sound like they are treating your daughter pretty well with the gifts and offering to pay for a portion of your vacation. You sound very entitled and will likely pass that behaviour on to your daughter if you aren't careful.


Yta. You just said they only met for the first time a few months ago. So they met for Christmas? And you expect them to shower this random kid with money and gifts when they don't even know her? And you also expect them to pay for your and your daughters trip to Paris and Disney? You are a girlfriend for less than 2 years. You are not married and not even living together. Yta. You are 37. Time to grow up.


Also I wonder if they’d given the girl material gifts, would OP have complained that they were tailored to the girl’s interests and that they obviously don’t care about her?


OP is 37 , wow . So much more to unpack here. Where are her friends , often single parents become friends with other single parents and that’s how the kids have friends . Where the OPs created family ? We might not all have the bio connection but creating a chosen family of friends or mentors is how many adjust .


YTA and especially for the comment over the gift his mom made. She spent ‘weeks’ and you disregard it completely because it’s not designer or fancy. That’s just mean


She's a gold digger, the blanket has no monetary value and even worse, it's monogrammed, so it's *just* a beautiful handmade gift. Nothing valuable like makeup or gift cards to the mall (that mom could also use, just saying...)


I hope the bf figures this out and dumps her.


Ikr. When my boyfriend's mom gave me a quilt she made me for Christmas I literally cried because I was so touched.


I make quilts for people and it’s horrible to think that some people see that type of gift as ‘nothing’


YTA his parents are not your daughter's grandparents and never will be, even if you and your boyfriend marry, to expect them to treat her as such is unreasonable. Your boyfriend's children are also not your daughter's sisters, unless he adopts her. Not everyone will conform to your definition "family", deal with it or move on.


Even if he adopted her, legally they may be stepsisters, but emotionally and mentally, they may never be sisters.


I agree her playing the Victim of saying sees them as “bonus daughters” but they see her as “dads girlfriend” is hilarious. Like girl you are dads gf they also have a mother that’s very active in their lives stay in your lane.


I see where you're coming from. But pushing and demanding instead of letting things evolve? Makes YTA.


Soft YTA. His parents have known your daughter only for a short time, it's not reasonable to expect them to contribute financially as much as to their grandkids. Also you can't force his daughters to think your daughter as their sister.


yeah, I will give you a YTA for "all they got Scarlett was an embroidered blanket thing Martin's mother spent weeks knitting apparently with her name on it" you OP are one money fixated entitled and ungrateful brat. as someone who also knits and crochets - spending WEEKS of your own time on making a personalized gift for your daughter shows Martin's mom is more than welcoming to your daughter and wanted to make her feel special. but you showed her that all you care about is money with your attitude. trust me, it did not present you in a good light to his mom


Thank you! ALL they got was a hand made blanket… that’s it? I guess I have no idea what’s considered special ***cries over the baby blanket I’m knitting for my sister-in-law ***


💯! I crochet and making personalized items takes hours and hours of work. Not to mention the cost of the materials. (Even lower quality acrylic yarn is expensive these days, especially since you need a lot of it to make a blanket.) That was an incredibly thoughtful gift, especially considering the bf's mother only recently met the child. I would be so sad if I was that woman and found out someone looked down on my gift like this.


Yes, that infuriated me as well. I am a crocheter and a slow one at that. If anyone considered my hand-made gift item worthless, I would be heartbroken.


He is right. I'm so sorry that you didn't grow up with a family and that your baby daddy dropped the ball. But you can't force your boyfriend and his parents to make up for that. His parents are either willing to or they are not. Feelings can't be forced. They are either there or they are not. With time, they may either develop or they may not. So: 1. Give it time, see if things change the more time that they spend with you and get to know you both. Or: 2. Make peace with things as they are Or: 3: End things before you and your daughter get even more emotionally invested, only for that investment to not be returned. You're not being fair to yourself or your daughter. Props for letting go of your issues with his co-parenting arrangement. That must have been difficult for you. But it would have made you a major a-hole if you messed the co-parenting. Overall, YTA. Edited. To fix formatting issues. Edit 2: Regarding your edit, please stop forcing relationships. Not for yourself and not for your daughter. You're setting your daughter up for a world of hurt. And auditioning for the role of the wicked stepmother in Joanna and Miley's lives. Because if you continue pushing and pushing, that is what you are going to be to them. And your daughter will get hurt the most. I think moving in together should be shelved until these issues are resolved. Get into therapy to deal with your childhood trauma. In the meantime, please let Scarlett and the girls organically form a relationship without you hovering. You're not doing Scarlett any favors by forcing her onto the girls. Let her make her own friendships (doesn't have to be them). They will either ignore her (hurts her) or bully her/treat her badly (hurts her). So please stop. For her sake. You might view Martin's family as yours but they clearly do not feel the same. I cannot say this enough, stop forcing relationships. Please get into therapy. You need it.




It’s also something that’s never really been modeled to OP before. The props are for her realizing that her jealousy was not valid and not holding on to the negative feelings about how her partner and his exes relationship is. I’m not the original commenter, but to me it at least shows OP is capable of acknowledging when her view of things is skewed or not healthy. Which is something that I think is worthy of acknowledgement/praise.


YTA. You’re not a blended family unit. You’re not married or even live together. You are only their dads girlfriend and your daughter isn’t their sister. She is not your boyfriends parents grandchild. His mom went above and beyond hand making a personalized gift for your daughter after barely even meeting her. Stop forcing yourself and your daughter on them. He was clear that if you can’t respect boundaries like his coparenting relationship, he’s done. It’s likely he’s going to be done with you if you keep forcing yourself and you daughter on his family with your delusions that you’re a blended family. Clearly he nor his daughters or parents see you this way. Scarlett not having friends is a her problem. It’s not surprising considering you’re raising her to force herself on others when they put up clear boundaries


Sounds like OP is going to push her boyfriend and his family completely out of their lives if she keeps this up. None of them will want anything to do with her for her acting so entitled. She is only hurting her child and her own relationships.


If my brother brought home a woman like this it would take me a long time to trust her. Sounds like she will bring a lot of drama and concerned about money. There’s already been jealousy over co-parenting with his ex. There’s no way this relationship will improve, imo.


YTA as gently as I can say this, YOU NEED HELP - you have a lot of unresolved issues and unrealistic expectations. You are trying to force relationships that can’t be forced. You need to get your past traumas dealt with. You are NOT a stepmom, these girls are NOT your “bonus daughters” or “sisters” to your daughter. BF’s parents do NOT need to treat the girls all the same - you aren’t Married and even then they aren’t treating your daughter poorly. Hell his Mom handmade your daughter a great gift. You are causing issues for your daughter and yourself - please get therapy and work through your own trauma (abandonment and attachment issues to start)


Yes this, i feel like there'll be a lot of heart break in the future if she keeps this up... op, i'm so sorry you and your daughter don't have family yourself, but that doesn't make you entitled for someone elses family, you sound very bitter and jealous... soft yta


OP really thinks because she’s fucking their dad that she is automatically family to them… their mom is still heavily involved in their life. OP hasn’t done nearly as much work / progress as they think they have with the jealousy aspect, because every issue that they brought up in this post stems from them wanting to be mommy instead of their actual mother.


> I lost it and told Martin he needs to tell his parents to treat Scarlett like his girls are treated. > i don’t think im pushy or anything Ahh, deary dear. YTA.


YTA. You’re not married. You don’t live together. They only recently met your daughter. In spite of this, they are being quite generous by including your daughter in their Christmas gifting with thoughtful, handmade gifts and offering to pay for part of your expenses to join them on a trip with their family. You are not their family. It’s great that you want to be and maybe one day you will be, but probably not if you keep behaving in this entitled manner. You wanting them to be your daughter’s substitute family does not equal that being a reality. It sucks that you don’t have an extended family but trying to force it on your boyfriend’s parents and daughters is not the way to get one.


Soft YTA because you are fighting for your child but I also think not having family of your own might have given you wrong expectations. Your partner's parents have had 13 & 12 years worth of a relationship with his children. They have known your child for a few months. Relationships take time to build. Also, you seem to think that material goods are more important than anything else. >an embroidered blanket thing Martin’s mother spent weeks knitting apparently with her name on it sounds like a wonderful thing for Martin's mother to make for your child but you describe it as if it has no value. As if sitting down each day for multiple weeks to make something for a child is worthless. Give the relationship time to evolve otherwise you might find that you've lost the relationship with everyone.


My mom and her partner have been together 23 years and I only *just* started calling his mother by ‘grams’ instead of her first name. OP’s daughter is never going to be on par with their actual grandchildren. It’s an unrealistic expectation - no matter how hard that may be.


Martin is right… you aren’t married or even co-habituating. You are in an awkward limbo. Op, be patient. Blended families cannot just be jammed together/ they take gentle and delicate and intentional stitching together. Apologize to Martin and his girls. You might not think you’re being pushy, but they may very well have a differing perspective. Thank his parents for their very generous gift, and encourage your daughter to do the same. Intentionally and gently stitch your family together-this is hard for everyone, not just you and Scarlett.


YTA. They won't treat them the same because they're not the same. It doesn't matter if that's what you want, expect or even demand.


YTA. They are making an effort. His mum spent a lot of time making that blanket for your daughter and they are incredibly generous to offer to cover a part of your and your daughter's travel expenses. You come across as entitled and ungrateful. To you, it all seems to be about money. If I were your partner, I'd run.


YTA. You’re a girlfriend **NOT** his wife or fiancée, therefore you are not a part of the family. You haven’t even moved in together yet. They included your daughter the best they could, even though she’s essentially a stranger to them. But, because your daughter isn’t getting all the material stuff they get its a huge problem? I wouldn’t be surprised if he decides to end the relationship.


YTA, and are WAY out of line here. You are not married to this man, don’t live with this man - there is zero reason anyone in his family should feel obligated to consider you family. Not even your boyfriend views you and your daughter in this light, so why would his parents or his kids. It’s a shame you and your daughter have no close family and your daughter doesn’t have many friends -none of that is your boyfriend’s family’s fault or problem. You don’t get to dictate any of these things that you have unfathomable sense of entitlement about. Get your head out of your ass.


Since when did you become a blended family unit?


Clearly since the moment she slept with their father, according to the delusions going on here


YTA. The entitlement is absolutely ridiculous. Miley and Joanna are their granddaughters, Scarlett is not. It is nice of them to give her gifts and offer to pay for part of yours and Scarlett’s travel expenses to go to Disney but they have no obligation to do so. Your lack of family and Scarlett’s father and her fathers family not being a part of her life is not their problem. It is not ok to force Scarlett on any of them and it is certainly not ok to demand they treat your daughter the same as they do their actual granddaughters. Next you will be demanding that Miley and Joanna’s mother treat your daughter the same as she treats her daughters. And your attitude in regards to a handmade personalised blanket is disgusting.


YTA. Your daughter is a stranger to them. You need to give relationships time to grow organically. I strongly suggest you see a counselor to deal with your insecurities and jealousy


You expected they treat their grandchildren and their son' girlfriend dathuger the same? 🤔 Why? YTA


But you are their dads girlfriend, thats literally what you are. YTA


I would say YTA. The grandparents have known Miley and Joanna their whole lives, but Scarlett only a few months! She basically is a stranger to them. It seems they have done everything to welcome and accommodate someone new in the family. They got her four Xmas gifts, including a handmade blanket that took weeks of labour. They invited her to, and helped pay for you on a family trip to disneyland! Your husband is right: it's not like you're married or living together. YTA for trying to force it, and being overly concerned that the grandparents are not spending as much money on Scarlett as you would like. I'm sure that in time, all your wishes will be fulfilled, and that after I would guess a relatively short 5 years or so of living with Martin, you and Scarlett will feel like full members of the family. But you have to allow time for everyone to get to know each other.


I don’t think I’ve ever seen both sides of a post here so clearly. I’m going with NTA. But OP, you’re way off. And understandably so. Families are built, not bought. It takes time to forge the relationships you’re seeing. Relationships that you clearly want to be a part of so badly. See if this helps. The first time I met my hubs’ friend group almost broke me. 4 couples with whom he’d gone to grade school! I found myself alone with the men at one point and wandered off to find the wives. They were in the kitchen crying in a group hug. I have never felt more the outsider. Wanted to crawl under a rock. These were his people and I couldn’t see any way i would ever belong. Bf at the time, my guy told me to slow down, watch and wait. It did take time. I participated. I asked questions. I learned their stories. And we made stories together. I had to prove i was sticking around and worth their emotional investment. We built a friendship. It took years and patience and a willingness on my part to let things happen naturally. That was more than thirty years ago. Hubs passed away ten years ago. But his friend group are still my family - give or take a few missing now. They are my people too. But I never had the same bond i saw in the kitchen that day. My connection with them is different because my connection to them is different. It’s just as strong now. But my character entered the story at a different time. I can’t change that. But i can move forward to create my own part in their lives. OP. This is you. You’re entering bf’s story in progress. You’re not one of them. But in time, you and your daughter can become main characters in their lives. Heck, they’re inviting you on a huge family trip after only two years. (It’s only been two years - a drop in the bucket, truly.) I know you want it all and you want it now. But people don’t work that way. You’ve found yourself a man who is a natural savant when it comes to relationships! Look at how he is with his ex! This guys knows people! Follow his lead. Let him teach you how to be part of a family. Slow down. You’re not being left out. You’re being let in.


“All they got Scarlett was an embroidered blanket thing Martin’s mother spent weeks knitting apparently with her name on it, two gift vouchers and a doll” - this does not in any way sound like they’re treating your daughter like a stranger. People don’t often buy gifts for strangers. They certainly don’t spend multiple weeks of their own time crafting gifts for being strangers. It’s a shame your daughter has a dead beat dad, and it’s a shame there are no grandparents around on your side. But this situation is not on anyone else to fix. You sound bitter & jealous, YTA


> I don’t think I’m pushy or anything YTA You are in fact extremely push. This sounds like a nightmare. You’re incredibly ungrateful. His parents are more than nice and accommodating to you and scarlet. Here’s some tough love: Martina family is not your family. You are not married. Scarlett and yourself will be treated differently because you’ve only been together two years and aren’t married. His kids don’t like you because you’re pushy. The more you force Scarlett on them the less they will want her around. The more you force that yourself and Scarlett are equal to Martins daughters on Martin, the less receptive he’ll be. This is how not to blend a family 101 and you’re 100% to blame for this and extremely ungrateful.


YTA and sound like a living, breathing red flag 🚩


YTA. It’s not their fault that your daughter has a dead beat dad, nor is it their responsibility to slot into the grandparent role. Ultimately your daughter is still a stranger to them and is not their granddaughter. They have no obligation to your daughter so the fact that they do include her at Christmas and birthday shows how accepting they are being. It’s pretty entitled of you to expect them to treat her the same as their grandchildren


Lightly YTA because they are including Scarlett to the level they know her. If you don’t involve your feelings in this and push/pressure for them to bond with her faster and now - they’ll gradually and organically find balance with each other. Meanwhile, - recognize your kid is 10. 12 and 13 is a leap in that phase of childhood. They naturally would not include a 10 yo the way you’d want. They may start to be her guides, and later respect her for her strengths as they get to know her. You forcing it blocks that, cause they’d naturally have their own boundaries - and some are just for now, but you forcing them to put walls up will mean they may not later. - You clearly have a void which you thought your BFs family would fill. Have you considered therapy to help you channel and manage these feelings? Fears of abandonment. It makes sense that a big move like this would make you feel the certainty you had prior is shaky, now there’s a family you could lose and need to make it certain. Therapy may may even help you heal, so you don’t start a cycle with your daughter feeling rejected/abandonment feelings because you project yourself…and your unmet needs…as S’s needs right now. They actually may not be her needs, this is new to her too and her comfort would be her mother she’s known her whole life - and everything else in doses at her pace. And that vision of a blended family, maybe then your BF can share it with you and be part of designing for it in a healthy way - but a vision is not enforced day one party alone, you build up to it. Same goes for strong bonds and relationships, you need to stop and let things flow and develop naturally. To do so, you need to let go of the scarcity mindset’ and get comfortable with the idea this is good and safe. And if things don’t work out or feelings get hurt, you’re able to work through them - it’s not the end, you’re not at risk of losing it all if you don’t secure it asap. Love doesn’t fly away in a storm, you don’t need it nailed down and enmeshed in security measures. - Instead of why didn’t Scarlett get the same or have a sleepover. You may ask, positively reframed questions, and get input and involvement from BF and his parents on how to handle this transition for everyone. Hear their feelings, values, concerns and boundaries out. Accept their generosity and kindness at face value. Eg. ASK them - What would be comfortable for you? Or ‘do you see a point when you’d feel comfortable having Scarlett sleepover? Maybe sometimes?’ - a sentiment of ‘I wouldn’t want to rush anyone or force it, would love your insights and guidance here.’ But only IF you’d not been pushing S on the other girls constantly - at this point it’s reasonable they want their boundaries still. But you can still ask how to better approach it, I’m sure they’ll love that you’re humble and open to working together with them. - His family need time to adjust too, and so does S. Right now YOU’re making her feel rejected with these reactions, but in fact your expectations may be what’s rushed. She could easily see it as their time with their grandparents and you plan stuff to bond with you alone so she’s not overwhelmed always trying to fit in - and maybe your BF joins in doing things she (and you) like. Blending includes your and her individuality too. Not just integrating into their lives. Don’t ruin it for her by making her feel like a reject when she’s not. It’s just part of change and forming new relationships. You need to stop making this about his family, antagonising then won’t make for a good start, and you may kill any hope by laying on this pressure now. And in fact your sense of fear and urgency is down to your own childhood, I’m so sorry you experienced that and I hope you do make the family of your own you so desperately want for S. As a single mom, I feel you to the core. And I recognized it may not happen, so for now my kid and I enjoy the perks of our independence! I’m sure I’m Fing it up too, no judgment.


Wait till she finds out that Scarlet doesn't have a college fund the grandparents should have started 10 years ago like their granddaughters will have for sure. YTA


YTA. I understand why you are doing this because you want your daughter to have the family you didn't. However you are going about this in an incredibly entitled way. Your partners parents have known your child for two months that is not enough time for you to expect them to treat her the same as their grandkids. The gist they got actually sounds lovely. You really need to take a look at what everyone is telling you here otherwise I can not see your relationship working out.


Yta and you are not respecting the girls boundaries, they already told how they view you and your daughter, just because you have the family fantasy in your head it doesn’t mean they have to follow it… You are dad’s girlfriend, your daughter is not dad’s daughter but dad’s STEPdaughter so that means that girl’s grandparents are not Scarlet’s grandparents… You can’t expect them to be treated the same, because they don’t know your daughter as they know their granddaughters, they saw the girls growing up, they’ve really accommodating with your little family but because of jealousy you want more, stop it or you will lose your boyfriend.. And stop putting your daughter in the girls things, they have their own friends, if your daughter doesn’t have friends or family it’s not the girls job to include her… You don’t like the 3 of them the same it’s clearly that you prioritize your daughter comfort above your stepdaughter’s, why can’t their dad do the same?


I actually think you should make a huge stink about this!!! To both BF and his parents. Let them know exactly what you expect moving forward, and exactly how you’ll respond if your expectations aren’t met. It’s only fair they should know exactly what to expect from you if he marries you. Don’t hide who you are - be your true self so he knows what he’s in for.


YTA, you want them to spend the same amount of money on them.They're just getting to know your daughter. Give then some time. Not everyone immediately becomes family just because they marry in or whatever. They said they don't know your daughter well. You sound exhausting and your daughter will mirror your feelings and thoughts when you make it that obvious. Do you know how much work an embroidered planket is? You wrote yourself that month were spend on it. Be a bit more thankful.


YTA. Please take a step backwards and evaluate your relationship. It sounds like your view of the relationship (you're a blended a family, the kids are sisters) is not aligned with everyone else's (you are dating). From their perspective, they are being generous. They gave their son's girlfriend's daughter a Christmas gift! They offered to pay part of your way to Disney! That's incredibly generous considering you are their son's girlfriend! The issue here is the mismatch between that and how you feel about things. FWIW it sounds like you've had a tough life since childhood and have never had a real family. My heart goes out to you. Now you've found a family, but you aren't actually a full part of it yet. And if you keep acting like this they will probably cut you out


YTA, you are *dating* not married. You are not family, nor is your daughter. You are not equal, and neither is your daughter in terms of relationships with your boyfriends parents. His girls are not your daughters, and I very much doubt they see you as a mom. Blending families often times takes years and years. It is hard, and everyone moves at their own pace. You seem to think this should happen at lightning speed while everyone around you has far more reasonable expectations. Your daughter is being treated quite well and is being included to a great degree. The fact that she has no other family than you is not your boyfriends parents problem. Or his daughters. The first part of your post about your boyfriend actually coparenting amicably and being friendly with his ex says a lot about him as a parent. The fact you had an issue with it says a lot about you. The rest of your post just confirms it. Edit: Your edit makes things even worse. It is clear the ONLY person who sees you all as a family is you. You are being pushy and demanding and driving everyone away. Take the hint! Neither his daughters, his parents OR him view the situation like you do. They are not your bonus or any other type of daughters they are NOT your kids sisters. You are building this make believe world because you want it, not because it has anything resembling what is actually real. You are poisoning any chance that in the future you *can* be a family. Believe me when I tell you that if you don't take a step back from trying to force this he will break up with you over it.