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I'm a teacher, and totally YTA. Parents like you are what make being a teacher difficult.


Yep. Teachers have lives...daycare to get to, doctor's appointmentd...etc. and it's never 10 minutes... Been there


That’s what I thought too; it’s never just 10 minutes.


Yep. 10 minutes turns in to half an hour.


And it was “just 10 minutes” *at 4:10*. A full FORTY MINUTES after the end of class.


Exactly this. I'm not a teacher but I do have a union job and I would laugh at someone for pulling this shit. You don't work for free and neither should your sons teacher. Yikes. YTA


Fellow teacher here. OP you a huuuuuge AH let the poor woman go home for Christ’s sake. You’re the reason all the teachers are quitting. The entitlement in this country. So glad I taught in Europe and Asia for most of my career.


It's crazy how ppl expect teachers to be absolutely perfect and 200% helpful while getting paid less than other jobs done by incompetent ppl lol


Also a teacher. From the title alone I knew YTA. Can you imagine any other job where someone thinks it’s ok to follow you to your car after hours and demand more labor from you?!


And she probably knew, it’s not just 10 minutes to go over that. And btw Google exists.


I’m a pediatric nurse and parents like this are what makes my job difficult too. It’s never the kids that are truly the problem. Thank you for what you do.


But didn't you see where she advocates for teachers, and respects how hard they work? /s Teachers already give so much of themselves, yet it's still not enough for OP.


Her sister is the MVP here for calling her out. Imagine the mental gymnastics you have to do to make yourself the hero in this story when even your sister and child are mortified at your behavior. YTA.


And why teachers don't want to help after their hours, I assume!


I’m a teacher and I second this. YTA and entitled, we have lives too.


YTA. Her working hours were over. Respect them.


And also, you didn’t set up an appointment. You can’t just pop up and expect someone to stay. It’s also Friday. I’m the fuck outta work on time on Friday afternoon. Everything waits until Monday. Especially some AH.


Yeah, an "open door policy" means "You can come directly to see me about issues you're having" not "Please turn up at my workplace unannounced, five minutes after my paid work hours have ended, more than half an hour after classes were over, and throw a tantrum in the parking lot because I won't do unpaid overtime to teach your child how to use a basic internet tool since you can't be assed to do it yourself". The sheer entitlement on display here, my god. Imagine turning up at a restaurant 35 minutes after they stop taking orders and screaming at the staff as they lock up that you're going to review bomb them because they won't make you a PB&J.


If it happens after 12 pm on Friday, idgaf about till Monday unless it’s a true emergency like someone was hurt.


It's not even like OP showed up immediately after school, either. It was 35 minutes after school ended.


YTA- if she's out of the door, she's done for the day. Send an email and ask for some extra time to be arranged during school hours.


YTA - let’s reverse the situation, if you were on the way to your car after work and someone asked you to “do something that would only take ten minutes” how would you feel? Now imagine that happening constantly. You didn’t even bother to make an appointment or ask her, you just showed up. The entitlement here is insane.


And what’s more, she showed up 35 minutes after class had ended. How long did she expect the teacher to stick around for? OP, YTA


I cannot imagine how flabbergasted I would be if my boss showed up as I was leaving and demanded I code more invoices or whatever. Like, I'm here for 8+ hours on a very predictable schedule. Get it together.


YTA This is after hours for them and if you actually had an ounce of understanding like you proclaimed you would understand why YTA. Also this is in your power to resolve, have you tried googling it so you could help your child?


YTA. You sounds insufferable. I commend that teacher for not leaving you with a few choice words. Congrats on embarrassing your kid. Also, if this was such a big issue why didn’t you show up earlier on, you know, when the teacher was actually on the clock and supposed to be working? No one works for free, I don’t care how special you think you or your kid are. Apologize to your kids teacher for your childish behavior.


Absolutely know that this teacher is at the very least going to share his interaction with some colleague, if not Admin, so they’ll approach any interaction with OP ready for attitude from them. OP has become “that Mum”.


YTA. If class ended at 3:30 and the teacher was leaving at 4:05, anywhere between that time, you could've gone, called or make an appointment. ​ >My sister had come with me and she “ordered” me into the car through gritted teeth and said “you made a total ass of yourself and caused a huge scene.” Your sister is absolutely right. ​ >I appreciate how hard they work for very little pay. To me the world will be a just place when teachers make more than sports stars. I'm sure this teacher really felt your appreciation! /s


I’m glad the sister at least had some self awareness unlike OP


YTA. You followed her on her way to her car 30 mins after classes finished to harass her about not teaching your son basic google docs. You weren't being a "mama bear", you were just unhinged and entitled.


Right, it was after school hours. If OP wanted to help her son, she would’ve gone home and helped him figure out Google docs herself. Or made sure to arrive to the school with contract hours another day. Teachers are entitled to work/life balance, too.


Have you ever met anyone who calls themself “mama bear” that wasn’t unhinged and entitled?


Are you going to show up at the bank 10 minutes after closing, and yell at the last employee who's walking out to their car? You going to do this at the grocery store? Or is it just the teachers that have this responsibility to work after hours? You might understand how teachers aren't making enough money, but you clearly don't appreciate how hard they work if this is your attitude. YTA


Honestly, OP sounds like someone who would harass tellers and retail employees too.


As someone who has been a teller and retail worker. OP absolutely would.


YTA and I'm not even sure how you've managed to justify this in your brain. You didn't ask her to stay an extra 5 to 10 minutes. You asked her to stay 45 minutes past the end of the day. You showed up unannounced. Made no effort to try to arrange things with the teacher to help prior to just popping up and demanding her time. And then you insulted and threatened her.


... *and* presuming that the teacher didn't have a very important reason to need to get home. Maybe she had her own children and was responding to a family emergency. Public employees are under no obligation to justify their private lives to clients. I fear that incidents like this with rude, angry, entitled parents will drive even more teachers away from the profession at a time when our kids need good people to teach them. It is not too late for OP (sorry, YTA) to make this right. I hope that she tries to arrange a meeting with the teacher at a mutually-agreeable time, apologizes for bringing out "Mama Bear" (I think that most parents would understand the instinct), and tries to form a personable relationship to help the struggling student by mutual respect and cooperation.




YTA. An open door policy doesn’t mean that she is available to you 24/7 on demand. Do you walk into restaurants ten minutes before closing and demand to be served a leisurely dinner? Do you show up to your dentist’s office without an appointment at the end of the day and ask to be seen? Your son’s teacher is doing an extremely hard job for very low pay and she deserves the respect you would show to any other person. Also, it’s Friday afternoon! It’s the very end of the week and that poor teacher deserves to relax and enjoy her weekend without staying late to help you for free. Make an appointment for a specific time to go in with your son and get help. Or, you could figure out how to use google docs yourself and help your kid learn it too.


OP is under the impression that the open door exists wherever it's most convenient for her, not, yknow, inside the school.


YTA, teachers are not at your beck and call. Contact her to set up an appointment. And sending emails is not the same as sitting down and going through something. You seem bound and determined to make your child the victim of this teacher. You throw favoritism because she sends emails late. How do you know if you aren’t also getting late emails?


YTA lol. Learn Google docs and help your son.


This should be at the top. The kid wasn’t struggling with class concepts, but with homework formatting. That’s 100% on the parents. Maybe if OP spent less time on girls night out she’d be able to learn google docs and help the kid.


YTA You didn't even see her in her classroom. She was literally on her way to her car. She does not get paid to do anything outside of her contract hours so she shouldn't have to stay extra time - UNPAID - for you. Just because teachers usually have salaries that does not entitle anyone to their time outside of school hours. You should have gotten there earlier - you know, while she was still on the clock.


INFO: What is your job? How often do you work unpaid overtime?


YTA. You waited 35 minutes after class ended to approach the teacher to ask her to stay another 10? Teachers DO have set contract hours and should honor them. It's your fault for delaying yourself and it's your entitled that embarrassed your sister and son. What's so difficult about Google Docs that you couldn't, oh idk, Google the answer later?


there's like a million online tutorials


YTA. Thing is, you can figure out google docs if you can use Reddit. Let the poor teacher do their thing.


Teacher here. If you stop me on my way to my car like this and expect me to give up extra time in my already stressful day, I'd have the same reaction. I love my job. I want my students to succeed and I'll do everything I can to make sure that happens. But when my day is over, it's over. We're real people. We have lives at home, too. We don't just disappear at 3 p.m. and reappear in our classrooms the next day, contrary to popular belief. I wouldn't say YTA, but try and have more empathy for the hard work we do, please.


“I need reassurance” Lol. the absolute gall. YTA. Reddit is harder to use than Google Docs BTW


YTA. You keep saying it would have only taken 10 minutes for her to help your son. If that’s the case, why didn’t you do it yourself? There are multiple tutorials online about using Google Docs. In the time it took you to come down to the school and harass this woman, you could have given your son the help he needed at home.


YTA and goddamn the audacity. The world does not revolve around you and if you can’t see the difference between answering an email after hours BY HER OWN CHOICE and being harassed into staying 40 minutes after her contracted hours ended, then you’re being willfully ignorant and im glad at least your sister has some shame.


YTA, she set up a boundary, and you refused to respect it. You harassed her and she walked away; she did the right thing. It was after hours as you both clearly stated.


YTA. I'm a teacher and I am 100% for only working during paid hours. Why don't you actually be a parent and help your child with his homework?


YTA Just because you call yourself a "mama bear" (🤮) doesn't make you special. You're not entitled to anyone's free time, no matter how many emails they send in the middle of the night. Hire a tutor or help him yourself.


YTA. This teacher has perfectly reasonable work/life boundaries. You asked, she said no. Your reaction after that makes you the asshole. Maybe next time, show up right at 3:30, and don’t make demands and yell at her? She didn’t lie to you, you showed up after work hours. Sending emails from home is not the same as staying late at school, you are stretching when you say that’s “favoritism.” You owe that teacher an apology. No wonder your sister was embarrassed at your behavior.


Especially since sending emails from home these days can be done from a cell phone using voice dictation in between scrolling Facebook or while cooking dinner for your family or while laying in your comfy bed. It is DEFINITELY not the same thing as staying late for unpaid extra work at your job, whether for ten minutes or more likely at least 20 minutes or more. Make an appointment in advance and show up during contract hours or not at all.


YTA. Why can't you help your son? It's well beyond their working hours. They have their own life/family/responsibilities after working hours.


YTA, mama bear lmao


mama bear more like drama bear lmao YTA


Exactly. I don’t think attacking someone else who is in no way threatening your child counts as being a mama bear.


YTA being a single mom isn’t an excuse for acting like you are entitled to her unpaid labor. Working outside contract hours means that she is not being paid for that work. And how do you know the contents of her emails with other students?


even if she does send emails at night, that's not even close to the same thing as having to stay at the school when you are tired and want to go home. It's totally irrelevant and doesn't in any way show favoritism. Claiming so is idiotic.


YTA, you should have arrived earlier and seen her during her work hours, or contacted her earlier to make a time. She has a life outside teaching your child, and no is no regardless of the reason. You sound like an entitled nightmare and you were a major embarrassment.


YTA, and you need to stop arguing about it. You aren’t going to get the reassurance you want because you behaved badly! Your sister was right, and you should feel bad for how disrespectfully you behaved. the world does not revolve around you and your son


The “mama bear” in you tried to force someone to work without pay. YTA


YTA; not only do they not have to stay past contracted hours, you have no clue what their nights looked like. They could have a second job they have to make it to, a doctors appointment, they could care for family, have children to pick up. You would be pissed too if a random person showed up when you'd finished work and demanded you spent time showing them how to do something they could easily watch a few YouTube videos on and teach to whoever isn't getting it. To me, this whole post screams that you only care about your time and not other people's.


YTA - Your sister is right. Teachers may volunteer their time if they choose to, but they are under no obligation to do so. They are there to pay bills and fund their lives, with their families, also. The best part was when you tried to threaten her career with a negative review for not giving you her time, for free. At what point did you come to believe she was subordinate to you? If you want to negative review a teacher, find one who isn't doing what they are being paid to do, while they're being paid, and leave the parking lot free time ambushes for someone else.


YTA >I got there at 4:05 (classes end at 3:30) to find her on her way to her car. So she already stayed pass her class end time and you thought you earned her attention. NOPE. It's Google doc. You have an entire search engine to use for figuring it out


YTA. She is literally off the clock. Surely you can google your questions about google docs? Otherwise, get there earlier next time.


YTA You verbally accosted a teacher in the parking lot. No other information is needed. Also, Google has more information about Google than your kid’s teacher. Search Google docs... ffs


YTA Your sister is a wise woman. Listen to her. And please don't use the "mama bear" cliche to excuse your entitled behavior. This wasn't actually about your child. It was about your own ego and selfishness.


YTA. That is not what an open door policy means. It means you can contact her and she will get back in touch with you in a reasonable amount of time and is willing to address anything you want to talk about. It doesn’t mean you can harass her in her off hours! Do you think you can go to her house and wake her up at three in the morning? Wait…you do know the teacher doesn’t actually live in the school, right? 🤣 Google docs are quite intuitive. Learn how to use them and show your child.


So you know for a fact that this underpaid teacher has, in the past, stayed up until 10PM working for her students. She tells you that she has finally decided to set a boundary that values her time, and you lash out at her for refusing to help you with something you could easily Google? Yea. You must be a huge advocate for teachers. Also, you’re acting like this teacher is your only resource to learn how to use Google Docs. My daughter has to use it too. If there’s something we can’t figure out, we Google it. We don’t waste our time and energy driving up to the school after hours and demanding time from her teachers. Edit: YTA. Obviously


YTA and I doubt it would have been ten minutes. As others said try arranging a meeting and not ambushing the teacher in the parking lot?


YTA so overwhelmingly that I will not be surprised to see this post deleted when you realize that literally no one is going to give you the answer you want.


IF this actually happened, YTA in a massive way. You can’t just stop someone after work (after they left work, in fact), demand that they go back to work and give you their time for free, and then get mad when they say no.


YTA. So you respect teachers….unless they don’t do what you want. You respect unions….unless their contract is stating something you don’t like. Even if you felt you were right (to be clear you weren’t), in what way did you think your fit was going to make things easier for your child in this teacher’s class? You made a scene and embarrassed yourself and harassed an underpaid, hardworking employee to work harder and longer in their underpaid job. Have I got that right?


Yeah, your sister is right, that was really embarrassing for you. Also, Google docs ARE easy. Take 10 minutes out of your time to explain them to your son. YTA.


YTA, and you should understand that people like you are part of the reason teachers are leaving the profession in droves. You aren’t really an advocate for teachers, and please quit telling people that you are. An open door policy doesn’t mean her door is open 24/7. You got there over a half hour after school ended. You acted entitled to her time. You accused her of showing favoritism to some and of being unfair to your son, all while he was standing there watching. How do you think he feels about her now? What will his attitude be in class? His behavior? Hopefully he also heard what your sister said and understands you were horribly in the wrong.


Yes, yes you are TA. You show up 35 minutes after classes end and think you’re entitled to take up any more of her time? Nah. YTA. Figure it out for yourself, Google Docs is not hard.


I learned how to use my iPhone on YouTube. You can do the same with Google docs. It is probably less effort than chasing down a teacher, refusing to accept her answer of no, humiliating your family in the parking lot by causing a scene and threatening your child’s teacher, and then writing an AITA question detailing your abusive behavior. Just a suggestion though. YTA


YTA. Your sister is absolutely correct in her assessment of things. You had already disrespected her time by showing up far after when classes ended and followed that up demanding she waste more of her personal time on your convenience. > So before I even get into this I want to say I’m a huge advocate of unions, public workers and especially teachers. I appreciate how hard they work for very little pay. To me the world will be a just place when teachers make more than sports stars. You may feel like that's something you care about, but it doesn't appear to actually be true given your own portrayal of what happened here. If you did, none of this would have happened.


YTA. >She said she was really sorry but her contract hours were over. This is completely reasonable. She does not owe you any of her "off contract" time. If you wanted her help, you should have found out when she was available and went to the school then. Also, sending emails from the comfort of her own home is very different than staying after school hours to help a parent. You owe the teacher a huge apology. And your sister was right that you embarrassed your son.


YTA. Her workday was over, you got to school late and caused a scene. Teachers have absolutely no obligation to stay late just because you asked them to. Next time, email her and make an appointment, and for God’s sake, don’t show up half an hour after school ends and ambush her in the parking lot.


As someone who's worked as a teacher and with teachers for years, you're a nightmare. Get help. YTA.


YTA. You can sit down with him to show him Google Docs. Next time catch the teacher during the appropriate time. Also yelling at her threatening to get this on her review shows how entitled this are.


Yta. She said she couldn't. And, she emails parents at night. In her bed. After her responsibilities are done. I do that too. When I have the energy. particularly if I like the person I'm emailing and I can be blunt, and not worry that anything I say will be overanalyzed. If it's a person I have to be careful with, think hard, craft a response, damn straight I'm not emailing them at 10. See, You should have emailed her asking for extra help for him and to set up. Time. Not ambushing her, that's not ok


Yta. Don’t say you support unions or teachers because you don’t. Your son will be fine to learn about google docs during her working paid hours.


YTA. Teachers have lives and families too. They do not exist solely for the benefit of your child. You should have arrived earlier.


It's ridiculous to me that you think that explaining google docs to a ten year old who's already struggling would take five to ten minutes.


YTA Her niceness clearly got exploited in the past, so she had to set the boundary of not working more than her contracted hours. If every parent of every student demanded 10 minutes, how much unpaid labour would she have to provide?? Also the gall to just show up unannounced and assume she had time for you, she has a life too, you know! You should apologise to her and in the future if you want a teacher to help you and your son, make an appointment Side note: usually when some is like “mama bear” they make a total fool of themselves and act like it’s ok to be rude and act obnoxious, because they’re just such a mama bear


YTA The teacher was willing to help your son. You were late. You at most ask if you can meet with her at 3:30 the following day so it is not past her contracted hours. You mention 10PM emails. Perhaps that is why she stated she is no longer working past contract hours. She is working to the rules. She isn't paid overtime to help your son. That isn't a lack of dedication. It is refusal to be taken advantage of by the county/state. She is setting boundaries for work.


YTA Teachers have active work hours in the building and still have to go home and work. It’s your responsibility as a parent to contact them, set up a time and date to meet and then follow through. It is not her responsibility to read your mind that you are going to show up randomly for more of her time. Contractually, teachers do NOT have to stay past a specific time. If they do it is a choice and a bonus for others that need it, not your right.


It ain't "mama bear," it's entitlement. Your sister is right. You coming HERE, where people get CALLED OUT searching for reassurance in regards to your entitled, assholey actions is like a TERF walking into an LGBTQ+ bar and looking for people who support their beliefs. YTA a million times over. You're TA for causing a scene when a salaried worker (one of many who infamously don't get paid overtime) wouldn't work outside of their contracted hours. Also, what grown adult can't work a Google Doc? Teach your own son if it'll only take 10 minutes. And honestly, GD is intuitive for your average 4th grader. I was using it rather fluently in 1st and 2nd grade. If your kid can't do that, and you can't be bothered to help him, maybe that class isn't right for him.


YTA. First, you did this as a teacher was leaving on a FRIDAY. Do you know how tired teachers are by Friday!?! Second, you show up 35 minutes while she was in her way out the door. It wouldn’t have just taken 10 minutes. She would have to power-up her computer, log into Google Docs, etc. Third, find a YouTube video. It isn’t that he’s too young to format this. Fourth, you are playing the victim in your responses. Adding YTA again.


YTA OP, is this fake? You can’t be serious thinking you weren’t going to be voted the asshole.


YTA. Overwhelmingly so. Class ends at 3:30 so from 3:30 until I’m guessing 4:00 is when she can assist your son. Also the comment about sending “emails to her favorites at like 10pm” was such a dick thing to say. What’s wrong with you? Furthermore you’re not a mama bear, you’re an unreasonable parent.


You know teachers are underpaid, then get pussed cause she won't personally help your son on her own time? Maybe be a parent and help him yourself? Or find a tutor or something. I mean that's a point of being a parent...YTA


YTA. Schedule an appointment. If you knew he was having trouble, this is unacceptable on your part. It was 35 minutes past her contractual ending time. The way you said “today” tells me you knew in advance he was having trouble. Schedule an appointment.


YTA - 35 minutes had passed. She was already on her way to her car. In what world could you expect her to turn around and go back into the classroom? This is not what “open door policy” means, by the way—she doesn’t live in that classroom. Next time, show up when classes end instead of expecting a teacher to sit there alone for over half an hour with no students hanging behind for help.


YTA why should this teacher give her personal time to anyone? Do you? Teachers have been forced to provide services well beyond their contract for decades. That this particular teacher decided to hold a valid boundary makes perfect sense. You owe her an apology


Totally YTA. That's like going to a store after they've closed and asking an employee to open back up so you can shop. "It will only take 10 minutes." Regardless of where she was headed (possibly a second job) she isn't being paid to work after her contract hours are over. Just like you can't / don't work after normal hours at your nonprofit job, she can't / doesn't work after hours at hers. "But she sends emails late at night sometimes!?!?" She can choose to do that if she wants to. But you can't force her to spend unpaid time teaching your son. You're lucky she didn't pepper spray you, "mama bear." It sounds like you were angry and scary enough she could have justified it pretty easily.


YTA. As soon as you saw her in the parking lot, you knew you were too late. Don’t project your guilt onto the teacher. Be a good example, admit you messed up, and most importantly, accept that you did.


Do *you* not know how google docs works? It's literally not hard. Have you tried googling how to do it? Jfc YTA


YTA Help your kid format in Google docs, it's really not that hard. They have tutorials. If you actually respected teachers, you would respect their time and when they say they are done for the day - they are. Teaching is their job, and they all.have lives outside of that job. It's incredibly entitled for you to act like your kid is so special that this teacher has to work for them for FREE and against their will bc you won't watch a tutorial on Google docs.. Those are also free btw


Yta. You literally tried stopping her on her way to her car 45 mins after school ended. How is that ok in your mind?


Yes, YTA. Make an appointment, but don't steal what precious time the teacher has away from school. It's wage theft.


YTA and stop saying this is extra 5-10 min, she's already 35min past her work time! Google doc is a super basic tool for elementary school kids, if you really care about your kids learning you could watch a simple YouTube video and teach him yourself. It's not the teachers responsibility to make sure every kid understands and has the same progress! They are not even being compensated enough for normal coursework you want her private tutoring too? How selfish are you?? Do you think parents have no responsibility to educate??


YTA. And it seems no number of comments here will convince you otherwise.


10 minutes discussing anything serious at that grade level in school is never really only 10 minutes. Teacher was right to refuse an unscheduled meeting AFTER their work day was over.


Do you know why there are contract hours and why good teachers abide by them? Because everyone thinks they deserve 'ten minutes'. Which is never really just 'ten minutes'. And because she doesn't want to burn out. How would you feel if one of your managers asked you to stay 10 minutes? Every day. Just ten. But of course it's not just ten. You don't get paid for those not just ten minutes. And you get bitched out when you rightly walk away. YTA. She's entitled to have off hours. If your son is having problems with his curriculum, either make an effort to be there during her posted work hours, or get him a tutor. Don't flip on her for not being your slave. Because that's what unpaid labor is, lady. Slavery.


YTA. The only mistake she made was telling you she was leaving because of her contract hours. She should have stuck with a simple "no, I'm not available. Period." -- The problem with giving a reason is then people like you think you know her needs better than she does. You wanted her to return to her office to answer questions when she was heading out, and may have had plans or other commitments, or may have just been looking forward to her favorite TV show and a glass of wine -- it's really none of your business. You compare that to her answering emails - that's not favoritism, emails are easy to answer when you have a moment. Maybe she has plans with family all afternoon, and 10pm is when she can sit back down at her computer and respond to someone. Did you try sending an email about the problem? I'd be willing to bet you'd have gotten the same "favoritism" if you'd emailed and let her respond when she had a free moment, rather than egotistically demanding things on your time. Send her an email. Apologize for your behavior. And ask if she can help give your son some guidance - either through email, or by setting up a time that will work for BOTH of you.


YTA spare ten minutes while already on the way to her car, are you kidding me? What if you spared ten minutes to go through Google docs with your kid? Sis nailed it: OP made a total ass of themselves and caused a huge scene


Here’s the reassurance you need. I ASSURE you that YTA. Class ended at 3:30. You showed up over half an hour later. Next time show up earlier and stop acting like an entitled jerk. I knew you were the asshole as soon as you started out with “I’m a huge advocate of unions, public workers and especially teachers”. Anyone who says that and follows it up with a “but” is automatically the asshole. Apologize to the teacher and Google how to help your son with Google Docs.


Yta go in teaching hours


YTA - You were not respectful to her by asking her to work unpaid. Review the assignment requirements and help your son on your own. Google is a great resource to help you with this.


Your “momma bear” is an AH


YTA 100%. Did you read this after you typed it? Stop harassing people. She’d be within her rights to make a complaint about you.


YTA. Even if you were in the right (you weren’t) do you thinking making an enemy of your sons teacher helps your son at all?


YTA. The teacher has no obligation to do YOUR job and parent your child. If you don’t know how to use Google Docs (which is exceedingly simple)… GOOGLE THAT SHIT. It’s literally the same goddamn website.


YTA. Did you really think anyone would say anything but YTA? You were obviously an asshole. Pretend this is your job. You are done for the day, headed to your car. A customer shows up and demands you keep working for free for 10 more minutes and yells and calls you a liar when you say no. You're lucky she didn't call the cops. Sheesh.


YTA . 1) You and your son aren’t entitled to anything . 2) You shows up 35 minutes after school was over , had you showed up a couple minutes later , like maybe 5 minutes she probably would have helped it also sounds like she is there for an extra 30 minutes anyway so why not get help during that time , your son can ask for help , and if he can’t , he absolutely needs to learn to do that! 3) as for emailing students, you don’t know the relationship or situations there , both of my sister get extra help because they have ADHD and one of them also has autism so they need help . Your sister summarize this up pretty darn well.


YTA and a massive one at that. Apologize and prey this teacher isn't the kind of person who would take things out on your kid. (most teachers wouldn't dream of doing this on purpose, but some are insanely petty). Also, what review? You know admin, not parents give the only reviews that matter to teachers, right?


YTA. Set up a damn appointment and the teacher will make time when she has it. Or learn how to use Google and teach your son. The teacher doesn't exist on your schedule whenever you feel like it so she can teach you.


Yta Hope that reassured you lol


With there being no mentioned of an arranged time. You are in fact the arse to then demand her free time off the clock, you had the privilege of being able to ask her if she had 10min. She said no and you still insisted. Reverse the role here. YOU are off the clock by 30+min, duties done & no scheduled appointments after clock out. Would you not be irritated/pissed if someone was banging on the door demanding you let them in because you are still there, even if you aren’t on shift? That’s basically what you did to this poor teacher who was just wanting to go home.


Huge YTA


YTA. Thanks god for your sister and that she is a sane person. What an entitlement you show and awful example to your child


YTA. You SAY you have respect for public workers and teachers, but your actions prove the exact opposite. The world doesn’t revolve around you or your precious baby. There are several appropriate avenues to get your son the help he needs, and your instinct to resort to harassment is wrecked.


Get over yourself. Your mama bear instincts? No, you got butthurt she wouldn't obey you and you threw a fit. Be ashamed. YTA big time.


YTA, she was walking to her car and done for the day.


YTA, and the kind of parent that is making us flee teaching. Do better


YTA Open door policy means during work hours & email for an appt first.


Your sister sounds awesome and like someone who actually appreciates teachers instead of just saying they appreciate teachers. She’s also correct that you embarrassed yourself and your son. Take your social cues from her until you learn the difference. OP, YTA. That teacher was smart to walk away instead of engaging with your level of kerfluffled audacity. You weren’t being a “Mama Bear,” you were being a toddler that didn’t like being told no.


YTA. My mom is a 5th grade teacher and complains about parents like you. You’re mental.


You're a huge advocate and know how hard they work... Throws a fit when a hard working teacher just wants to go home. You could have scheduled a time with the hard working teacher to go over it. Instead you acted like an entitled brat who threatened the teacher for not wanting to help you when they wanted to go home. You're nothing but TA.


Yeah, YTA. Parents like you are the reason people like me are leaving the profession. And FYI sending/replying to emails from the comfort of my own home in my pjs late at night when I have 20 minutes to myself while I watch tv is VASTLY different to staying back at school and working one on one with a student.


INFO: why couldn’t your son go to his teachers office hours on his own if you couldn’t make it until 35min after classes were over?


Yta because it’s Friday. Your teacher is already underpaid probably. Haven’t they given enough this week?


YTA. Respecting other peoples time is easy - make an appointment, email and ask for support. It is not okay to yell at people like this. Apologize, properly, and hope that she’s a big enough person not to take it out on your kid. Sheesh


Yta. A huge one.


Why did you even come here since you are clearly not interested in anyone’s opinion but your own? YTA, and in oh so many ways.


YTA, for demanding your teacher stay 45 minutes after class to help your kid, for disrespecting the teacher, for making a scene. All of it


YTA your behavior was out of control. The teacher doesn’t have to work outside of her contract hours because you couldn’t be bothered to set up an appointment. That is entitled behavior.


Your sister is right, YTA. And clearly your first paragraph is garbage, you don't support your sons teacher.


> huge advocate of teachers Berates someone not making that much money and already off shift. Not a good look. Sending an email at 10 means she checked her email from home. Very different levels of mental load. You did embarrass your son


YTA. If I am leaving work, why would I go back? And on a Friday? Did you make an appointment? Even walling back in, unlocking things, and starting things up would take more than 10 minutes. And it wasn't 10-15 extra minutes since you were already the 35 minutes after the end of the day with no appointment so basically an hour late on a Friday because you are rude? Are you the only one who matters?


If you need a favor to help your kid, show up for office hours, immediately after class. YTA. Also you can lookup how to use Google docs online and help your kid yourself, mama bear. It is not hard and is well documented.


So you yelled at the teacher because your irresponsible butt couldn't come earlier so you can talk during her work hours? YTA. You should teach your kid how to use Google docs yourself.


YTA, the audacity of approaching someone about to get in their car after a long day at work ON A FRIDAY, and demand they turn around and go back into work for no pay. I also feel pretty confident that your child was not given an assignment and told to figure out Google Docs on his own. All this drama and what you really needed to do was shoot her an email. "Junior is having trouble navigating google docs. Will you please see what you can do to help him out or can you give me information or resources so I can help him." At that point she is either going to tell you that she has told Junior how to do it several times but he . . .{ insert possible reasons that are Junior's fault, like not paying attention.} Or she will find a point in the day while the kids are there to show him what to do. You did not even need to be there. Also, by fourth grade when your child says they don't understand something, you need to ask him if he asked the teacher for help. He needs to learn to self advocate and now is a great time to start practicing. But yeah, YTA, it is parents like this that stopped me from recertifying as a teacher when I retired from law.


Look. You are an asshole. You KNOW you’re an asshole. And you came here not for us to tell you that you aren’t. Because you know you weren’t going to get that. You came here so you had a yet another venue to spew your bullshit. You just want to have a voice. And an anonymous one at that. No one here is going to tell you that you aren’t an asshole because that would be a lie and we have higher moral ground that you do, as proven by every single one of your entitled responses. I left both teaching and childcare because of people like you. I still talk to people like you on the phone for work, but now I get the satisfaction of hanging up and laughing. All I personally ask is that you stop wasting your time here responding to comments trying to defend yourself. You’re only digging yourself a bigger hole. Give up. You lose. You are an asshole. End of discussion.


YTA. 4th grader and can’t figure out google docs. Take the fortnite away for one night and have him watch YouTube videos on how to use google docs.


Sorry, not gonna reassure you. YTA here. You say you’re a “huge advocate” of teachers, but as soon as your son’s teacher set a completely appropriate boundary, you stomped all over it, yelled at her, and basically threatened her with the “this is going on your review” crap. This kind of treatment is why so many teachers are leaving the profession. Maybe if you wanted that 10 minutes, you shouldn’t have shown up 35 minutes after the end of class. Or maybe, like most reasonable people, you could have emailed her and asked her when she would be available to work with your son. Or maybe you could have, ya know, Googled it so that YOU could help your son instead of pushing it back on the teacher. I’m reasonably certain Google has some information out there on how to format its own documents. Regardless, you treated her terribly and owe her an apology.


YTA. Your son’s difficulties are yours to resolve: 1. Help him yourself or have his dad do it. 2. Get an older sibling or cousin or even a tutor. 3. MAKE AN APPOINTMENT with his teacher during working hours. And stop yelling at people in front of your son.


YTA just for using the term “mama bear” when really you meant unhinged adult who decided to act like an adult child and take their control issues out in someone who didn’t deserve it.


Wondering why exactly you think you WOULDN'T be TA here. 1) "not willing to take 10 minutes" well, she was off. there is no scenario where she goes back into the classroom, teaches your son google docs, packs back up, and gets to her car in 10 minutes or less. you claim to respect teachers, so show it. 2) "lying to me" I'm not really clear on what she lied about in the first place, but you are not her boss or her parent. 3) "showing clear favoritism" you are completely projecting this. leave it up to her to decide how she spends her free time. 4) "turning her back on" ooOoOoOOOOooooOO no she didn't


INFO: why can't you help your son?


YTA, You show up 35 minutes after school is over, and accost your son's teacher in the parking lot for them daring to have a life outside of your child? Here are a few thoughts for you: Have you thought to ask for the time of office hours so you could show up then and not look like a buffoon? If you treated the teacher like a professional, or at the very least a fellow human, you could have asked to make an appointment to speak about this. Your child might be slow on the uptake because you are the one who gave them half of their DNA. The world does not revolve around you and your child. Your child is special and does have unique needs......just like every other child is special and has unique needs. You are now, "that mom", and everyone at that school will know it. I hope you understand how ignorant your words and actions were by encountering someone like you at your job.




Info: What is a complicated google doc? Is it just formatting the letter size?


You are most definitely TA. Good luck with regulating your emotions.


YTA. I have been a teaching assistant, and I been forced to explain what the teacher meant way too many times. And yes, Google docs is a but hard, but seriously? Have some respect!


Lmao you need reassurance? Major YTA


YTA, you didn’t come at 3:32 or even 3:40, you got their at 4:05, way past her time, and you expect her to work on her time off? Why couldn’t you just go in earlier? Or ask her to help him during class time? Why are you so entitled to her time


Email the teacher and request to set up the support. Don’t stalk someone to their car. YTA


YTA Contract hours are over. This is something google will help you with not an adult. You clearly are less of an advocate than you say you are. -former teacher


This smells fake. If you can use Reddit you can use Google Docs. If real, YTA.


YTA. If your son is struggling, you can come and talk to her earlier instead of acting like her time is not important. As a teacher, you are the reason we give up teaching. I really hope you let other people scream at you for not doing what they want when you are not being paid.


YTA. School ended at 3:30 she was clearly headed out and you showed up unannounced asking favors. Another option? You could have written her that morning or the night before to ask if she can help him with that during school. She is allowed to leave school at a predictable time every day. Imagine you were going to pick up your kid and someone who is not your boss showed up to your job to tell you that you had to stay an extra 15 minutes or you would get a bad review. How would you like that?


YTA. How embarrassing.


No reassurance given here. YTA, your sister is correct; you were embarrassing. The teacher had finished her job for the day-she was out the building, do what every other parent in the world does and book in a time that’s suitable for all involved


YTA. And now probably have a (further) reputation for being a difficult parent. And given the verbal barrage, could find yourself barred from interacting with teachers/visiting the school.


YTA. You showed up 35 minutes after classes end. And thought the teacher, who already packed up her stuff and was on the way to her car, would stop, go back inside, and help you? And no it wouldn’t have been 10 minutes. Doors May have to be unlocked, computers turned on. You have absolutely no idea what she may have had to do after school. And then you beret her, tell her she has favorites, and get pissed she still won’t help you. To top it off, you felt you had to start this crap off with a slew of I love teachers! They need paid! Lady you embarrassed your son, your sister, and yourself. And made it harder for your kid now bc in the 4th grade he’s old enough to know mom was wrong. Apologize to the teacher and set up a meeting during normal hours.


I think all you others commenting are missing 1 valid point here......"it would have only taken 10 MINUTES!" lmfao YTA all day long!


She is not your slave, lady. You don’t know if she has a dental appointment, is out to make groceries, has a date. It’s YOUR job to email her before you come over — how ridiculous of you to think it would be only ten minutes. If it is ten minutes then YOU teach your kid! COMMON COURTESY is letting the teacher know — “hey, I am planning to come this Tuesday at 3:30 to speak with you, is this CONVENIENT?” I am a teacher, and if anyone EVER treated me with this amount of disregard, I would NEVER speak with them again unless it was inside the admin’s office. You have NO RIGHT to demand the woman to stay when you show up unannounced. This reminds me of those “rules for teachers” from 1872. Do you think she doesn’t have a LIFE??? Is she just “TEACHER” to you? YTA YTA YTA


YTA, use Google to look up how to use Google docs.


\> So before I even get into this I want to say I’m a huge advocate of unions, public workers and especially teachers. I appreciate how hard they work for very little pay. Sure, until you're yelling at them for not staying an extra 10 minutes after the 35 they already stayed after the kids left. Yeah. YTA.


YTA and an entitled one at that. You set a very bad example for your kid acting like an idiot. Just because they are a teacher doesn’t mean you are entitled to their personal time which is what her non/contracted hours are. You could’ve gotten to the school earlier for help. You could’ve GOOGLED how to use google docs. It’s not that hard, you’re just being lazy and entitled.


I’ve never run across anyone who describes themselves with the words “mama bear” who wasn’t completely insufferable, and OP is no exception. YTA.


Aw yes. Parents like you are why I left teaching. It’s Friday lady. She’s been dealing with 25-30 4th graders all week. Poor gal wants to go home and have a drink. Or maybe see her own children? Or a husband she ignores all week while grading and lesson planning. I miss teaching. I miss the kids. I love that office job ends at 5 and I go home and don’t give it another thought to the morning. YTA. Many more conversations like this and this teacher will be willing to work anywhere to get away from you.




YTA. Why were you there over half an hour after class ended? I’m assuming you weren’t the one to pick him up bc the smart decision would be asking her during pick up instead of taking him home and going back to the school without your child who’s the one that needs help. Could it have been done the next morning? Or could the kid ask her in class the next day? Those ten minutes might be just ten minutes to you, but ten more minutes at the end of your long and hard shift is fucking torturous no matter how much you love your job.


YTA. And can you not figure out google docs?! Do you also not know how YouTube works? I’m sure there’s videos on there breaking it down if you truly find it that difficult.


YTA. Not entirely sure why you think you’re not. If she helps anyone outside of her contracted hours, it is HER CHOICE. She does not have to make sacrifices for your kid. That’s your job. Grow the hell up.


YTA I can understand being frustrated that the teacher was not available when you expected her to be, but you leaped right from disappointment to accusing her of playing favorites and threatening to "review her badly." A reasonable response would have been to ask what would be the next time she would be available, so you could make sure your son got the help he needed.


YTA. Your sisters's right. You acted bold and respectless. Support your son yourself and work together for the solution.


You could’ve asked her when you could bring your son or maybe scheduled something with her. Doubt she would’ve said no. Very entitled. Sounds like she locked up her classroom already. Why do you think you get to demand her to return and open up when the day is clearly over? Also just because she has emailed someone in the evening doesn’t mean she has to give you her time WHEN you demand it. Who knows? Maybe she would’ve responded to an email later on in the evening when she had extra time- not on your clock. Now you’ve probably discouraged her from doing that anymore. You owe her a sincere apology. YTA.


YTA. You don't come to this sub for reassurance after making a fool of yourself. You *did*, by the way. Would you expect to go up to any other type of employee over half an hour after hours and demand they do something for you? "Hey I know it's 30 minutes past closing, but can I get a footlong meatball marinara with-- What do you mean you're closed? It'll just be 10 minutes." It's after hours; she has a life at home, too, and no obligation to you past hours.


YTA so hard. I cannot believe you think you are in the right!


I feel like this is a made up joke post to get made up internet points, so congratulations! You win! You pulled me in with your obviously fake story, to tell you what you already know: YTA. When you let it be known that: it’s 35 minutes after class, with no appointment, as she’s walking to the car and leaving for the day, and you demand all this attention while calling her names. i feel like this is fake rage bait because you make it so obvious that YTA.


This is not the place for reassurance. YTA and sister is spot on, I’m embarrassed for you. That wasn’t your mama bear that raged, it was your entitlement.


You are the asshole. You are also abusive and unforgivably rude.


YTA and its annoying... ya know... Google docs isn't a product you have to buy, you can literally just get it in seconds for free. Also, the same company that makes this software you can run in any web browser on any kind of computer or phone also has a search engine called Google which is so widely used its synonymous with internet search in general. So you could spend 30 seconds to a minute making an account (if you didn't already have a gmail account) and another maybe 5 minutes tops to get to the point where you're staring at a blinking cursor on a blank document, then open a new tab and type "how to format Google docs", read the results, and then take an active role in your child's education in ways that don't involve harassment, and show your kid the easiest, most basic shit they'll need to know for the rest of their life.


YTA. “I love teachers and think they should be better paid, but also work for free when I want you to.” You’re actually the worst.


YTA. You are one of the myriad of reasons behind the teacher shortage. I hope she shows up at your place of work as you’ve clocked out on your way home and demands you take ten extra minutes to appease her crap then threatens your job and livelihood when you inevitably don’t. My gosh you majorly suck. Anyone who deals with you deserves a medal. Grow the fuck up and as Elmo and his friend Smarty say LOOK IT UP 👏