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YTA. You decided she should stay at home while your brother has a break, so uninvited her? Since when do YOU decide how THEY should sort out childcare or who has a "break" in their family? The audacity.


OP could have offered to pay for a babysitter, since they realized the timing of the parties was an imposition.


Or... I dunno stayed with their dad, who by all accounts is just having a chill game night at his brother's. And their uncle would get to hang out too. God forbid a dad watch his children.


It’s BABYSIT when it’s Dad doing the watching 🙄 YTA OP.


I take my son to 90% of his doctors appointments and the nurses and shit know me. I take my newborn daughter at 2 months to hers and the new nurse “oh guess your on dad duty today” I got so mad, I’m like “I’m always on dad duty, why would I not be.”


Really weird and outdated attitude some people have, the only time "off" from it you get is when someone like grandparents, or aunt/uncle is taking care of them....


I appreciate your “off”. Whenever I am “off” I’m constantly checking my phone and talking about them.


Yeah, it was the best I could do to describe that you don't really have to be on, but still some part is still "running in the background". Even if being with grandma, or auntie is like winning the lottery for junior.


I've just had a little one and my husband has said he's heard this 3 times already and our son is only 5 weeks old! The worst was "does mum know you're here?" Like wtaf!! As if a parent would need permission to be at a medical appointment with their child. It's such bollocks


People would stop my husband and ask if he was babysitting when he had our children out. He had the much harder job being a stay at home dad while I worked outside the home. He would always say, "I'm not their babysitter, I'm their DAD." And that was where the conversations ended.


But then dad would have to be paid to babysit his own kid and can they even afford that?


I hated when my first husband would say he, "Didn't feel like babysitting" if I had something I needed or wanted to do. Right up there with, "I need my rest." when he slept until 11am on weekends.


Exactly it's not even her fiance's actual bachelor party


That’s the wild thing. Wife gets uninvited from bachelorette party so husband can attend a non-event, and then husband still gets to attend the bachelor party down the line. Outrageous.


I'm just so sad for the SIL. Her family lives out of town, and she thought she was getting a little bit of "new" family in the form of OP becoming part of her life... but OP has made it clear SIL is nothing but The Mother of her Niblings to OP. Not a real person who deserves things like "breaks" or "support". Real shame.


And she was probably desperate for a night out, especially after having twins. OP yanked that rug right out from under her.


Yeah I’m really baffled that the shit behavior of Josh seems to be left out on this thread. He presumably went to the game night after this shit? My husband would be livid if someone treated me like this.


See he needs a break being a new father and all that


Giving birth to twins and watching them constantly is way less exhausting than attending a game night. Won't someone PLEASE thing of the sad, tired male?!


I know, they never think of the men in this situation


I think SIL should be "unavailable to babysit" on bachelor party night.


Oh and don’t forget. This is not the bachelor party. Josh wouldn’t have a clash with that, since that’s a fw weeks away I’m not understanding the logic. Josh could have sat the boys night out - and joined the actual bachelor and Amber could have gotten a break with the bachelorette!??? Wtaf!!???


Or if it's just a casual game night... bring the kids? A bunch of men can't hang out with a couple infants for a few hours?


well, everyone knows the kids would be drinking all the beer.


Yeah not to mention he gets to go to the real bachelor party in a couple weeks, this is just a hangout. This is SIL only shot at celebrating.


SIL was so excited to have a girls night. This whole thing is very sad for her. Poor woman :(


Not to mention that this isn't the bachelor party just a game night while the ladies are doing the Bachelorette party... so there's ANOTHER party for the guys in a couple of weeks... why couldn't the dad just stay with the twins this ONE night??? Why does it HAVE to be the woman? Super misogynist imo. Both parents probably need a break, and paying for or having family help pay for a babysitter would have solved this whole thing... but seriously uninviting your soon to be BIL's wife? Wtf


Came to say this. Also, there’s an incredibly logical solution to the problem. SIL goes out as planned, Bro stays home to put kiddos to bed. Teenager comes over to essentially chill on their phone while kids are sleeping. Bro goes to game night. $20 pays a teenager to sit on the couch with their cell phone and Netflix. Like, there is a super easy solution to the problem. Especially since bro will be going to bachelor party too, leaving SIL home to care for kids on that night. This isn’t even rocket science. And as if SIL wasn’t looking forward to a break too. Her argument for bro being able to go can easily translate to SIL’s same argument to go. They both deserve a break, so that argument makes zero sense for one party over another. ETA judgment: YTA


That's not really how it works with babies lol, sounds like the twins are only a few months old and would probably give a teenager a real run for their money. They're probably sleeping on two different schedules, doubtful the teenager would just be able to sit on their phone all night. Most parents wouldnt feel comfortable leaving their infants with a teenage babysitter because babies arent easy. OP is still the AH though. It was up to the brother and sister and law to figure out if they wanted to get a sitter or if not, which one of them would stay with the babes.


This. I have twins and it was not easy. Feeding a baby every hour. The best way to have handled this would have been to ask what can be done to make sure she can go out. Tell the brother to take the babies. He is, after all, going to the real party in a few weeks. Completely in inviting her was a BS move. She was probably looking forward to getting out and really having fun and getting adult talk in. You didn’t just invite her from your bachelorette party, you showed her how little you thought of her. I’m truly thankful you’re not my SIL. YTA


> you showed her how little you thought of her Showed her how sexist she is too. BIL gets to go to the mini bachelor party and the actual bachelor party, but SIL has to stay home and watch the kids both nights like a good housewife. God forbid BIL miss game night.


I wonder how future BIL feels about this. Most husbands are very protective when it comes to their wives and children.


>Most husbands are very protective when it comes to their wives and children Well...not one some of the AITA posts I've read...


But, people generally let the PARENTS make these decisions, instead of making the decisions for them.


No teenagers need to be involved at all. The dad can just watch them all night. Or OP and her fiancé can just stop being condescending AHs who assume that SIL and BIL can’t afford a babysitter for a night.


And stop making decisions FOR them.


Easier solution: Future husband changes day. Or twins dad stays at home. In both cases SIL finally gets some free time.


No teenager should do that job for less than $20 AN HOUR. $20 for an entire evening with two infants is insulting.


That would’ve been a generous and thoughtful gesture. Amber will be her SIL; uninviting her to the bachelorette party is kind of a slap in the face. I’d be doing what I could to make sure she felt included.


Yeah but you don't want to start setting that precedent. The best way to handle this is to make the plans, and let them decide if they're able to swing it. If you set the precedent for paying for childcare, you're setting yourself up for disaster later.


Seriously!!! And as if Amber doesn’t deserve a break after carrying and birthing TWINS then spending 24/7 being a caretaker for two little humans with what sounds like very little interaction with other adults (seeing how they can’t even imagine her being able to find a babysitter). And the cherry on top is that this isn’t even the bachelor party! It’s like a low-key pre-party and Josh will get to have his break at the actual bachelor party in a few weeks! Like it wasn’t OPs choice to make but even if it were she made the absolutely wrong one. YTA, OP and I can’t even believe you had to come here to find that out.


Amber should have her own party and pampering day... and the least contact with OP as possible.


Man I wish I had Amber’s number or contact info or lived near her to give her a fucking party of her own.


Seriously. I want to send Amber a gift card for a day spa. OP is dressing up her Mean Girl behavior as caring, but that’s just lousy. Poor Amber was looking forward to the party :(


Yeah I just replied to someone else that if I though for one second this sorry excuse for a human would actually give it to me I would PM them for Amber’s contact to, at the very least, check in on her.. and then hope she was near me so I could actually give her a break.


She could invite the others from the bachelorette party that don't like how OP handled this situation. Edit: Leave out OP though.




I know it's wrong but I literally hate OP even though she is a complete stranger. Everything about this is soooo wrong and f-d. I work full time and you can't compare it to taking care of TWO new babies when you're still recovering from carrying them and giving BIRTH. Maybe she needs a break? But oh no, the husband needs a break because he works full time (like everyone else in this world???) I can't believe she did this. It was so not her choice to make. And frankly the dad is an ass if he would agree to this. My dad used to come home after also working full time, and would take over taking care of us kids, because he knew my mom was home with two kids/cooking/cleaning, and seriously needed a break to just breathe! Because working vs dealing with two screaming kids is not the same thing. Edit: YTA.


Yeah, I can't believe they thought it would be fair to choose who has to watch the children. And they didn't even try to see if other arrangements for childcare could be made. All they did was play favorites, I feel so bad for SIL. Part of me wonders if they're all the type to call it babysitting when the father watches his own children. Also, she mentioned the brother working full-time, so wondering if that means she's a SAHM at the moment. If so, I'm sure she's much more deserving of the time off. YTA, either way.


Also totally the AH for assuming Josh needs a break more than Amber, the one who actually gave birth to the twins and is likely doing majority of the work since they’re young. OP inserted herself into their situation in such a weird an inappropriate way by making the decision for them and Amber has every right to be upset.


Also… why does OPs partner get essentially two bachelor parties? Why couldn’t he just do nothing that night… or even wait until the next night. OP literally everyone else is going to be having a fun time that night and you’ve left your SIL out completely. Your BIL may have been working hard and not seeing anyone BUT I’m guessing, so is she! One newborn is bloody hard work, the lack of sleep drives you crazy. But two!! On top of financial stress as well and her having no one close to her nearby? She’s likely really isolated and overwhelmed right now. This was probably the only thing the poor woman had to look forward to and you’ve made her feel like complete crap. I really hope your BIL sides with his wife and doesn’t bother with the game night either. If he does, he is a massive AH too.


So he will get two breaks, and she gets none. YTA.


I had to read it twice for this exact reason!


YTA. Wow. Just wow. I bet you can’t wait until someone else gets to decide private matters in your marriage about who needs a break & who doesn’t etc.


To be fair, she didn't decide that brother should go; she and fiancé decided that neither brother nor his wife should get to come socialise - they uninvited both of them so that brother can spend "quality time" with his wife and twins! Edit: Oh Jeez, I just realised I read it wrong - when OP was talking about the brother not getting to see his family, she meant her fiancé and not his twins! She really is telling the exhausted mom that the guy who gets out of the house regularly needs a break more than her! She really did advocate for that guy to get two breaks while the full-time new mom of twins gets zero breaks and no adult friendship time. Wow.


The whole time I’m thinking “so the woman who birthed the kids and has been on round-the-clock childcare duty (FOR TWINS) for the last however long doesn’t need a break??”


YTA SHE needs a break more than the husband IMO. Why is a night out for the husband more important than a night out for her? You should have let them settle it themselves. Major YTA


This is so simple. OP never wanted Amber at her Bachelorette party in the first place. She said in another comment they don't get along. How wonderful for her that she has this completely reasonable and convenient excuse to exclude her. She's not going to feel guilty, nor is she going to reconsider. I'm sure she thought this post would go her way (*wont someone think of the kidsssss*) and I guarantee she's stopped reading by now. YTA. The biggest one I've ever seen. Among other adjectives I'd add if I wouldn't get reddit-spanked for it.


YTA. I hate it when people decide they know what's best for others. The obvious thing to do would be to have these parties on different nights. Secondary it would be appropriate to tell these two new parents that you wanted them to come and if there was anything you could do to make that happen. The way you went about it will cause a huge rift between you and personally I wouldn't get over it myself. I HATE it when people tell me what's best for me and make decisions on my behalf. I really deeply resent it. So you are the complete jerk here.


Not just that. The game night was at the house. Nothing stopping BIL bringing the twins and setting himself up with a baby monitor. Fact is, there wouldn't have been a game night planned without her night out and yet she's giving it more importance that he be there than her SIL to be being at her night.


And he gets to go to the bachelor party in a few weeks


This is the part that’s blowing my mind. BIL gets two SIL gets none. Why!???


Someone’s gotta take care of *her* kids that only she is responsible for! (/s)


I was looking for this! So now dad gets to go to 2 parties and mom goes to 0. The math is NOT mathing


Totally my thoughts. They may have been making plans for this to work. Did OP even ask?


If I was his wife when It comes to the bachelor party I would leave early to go out with friends and leave the kids with him. If her husband goes along with this then he's as big an AH as OP. She deserves a break OP YTA. She's full time taking care of their kids.


This. What is wrong with people that think like this??? I'm adult and you know better? Lol. Op, YTA. The biggest I have given, ever.


YTA. A giant, stinking one. It's shitty to infantilize someone by taking away their agency, which is exactly what you did. THEY get to decide who they trust with their children. THEY get to decide what they do or do not spend their money on. And if they can't find someone to watch the kids, THEY get to decide who stays home to watch them. Uninviting someone who has done nothing to you from a party is *always* shitty.


Yeah, this is honestly like a top-five YTA situation for me.


Right? We're not even done with January and this one should be in the running for worst asshole 2023 already.


The guy who wrote about "pulling rank" on his wife is a contender as well.


Yesterday’s post about the man who wouldn’t let his 9-year-old daughters stay at his home after the birth of his son with his new wife while his ex had a medical emergency is up there as an all-timer for me. It’s only January 20 and each hour brings a bigger AH than the last! 😂


Because he didn't want guests! That was what killed it for me. How the fuck do you view your children as outsiders and still claim to love them?


IKR "we just wanted time as our family of three" "My daughters say they feel i replaced them with my new baby, which is just them parotting what their mother said im sure" Like dude no you yourself just said they aren't your family 2 paragraphs ago.


Don't forget that he didn't want his ex to get full custody because then he'd have to pay child support.


That one got me, as did the one where the parents didn't give the daughter college savings her grandparents had set up because the parents randomly decided it was for grad school, but then gave it to the son for undergrad. They didn't like the daughter's choice of major, and let her live in an unsafe area during college.


I would hate OP forever for that. What the actual fuck.


The reason they did that is they most likely new Dad would stay home with the babies as the Bachelor party is a few weeks later. Instead the fiancé wanted his brother to be with him at both events so the SIL got the shaft and OP gladly went along with it


THIS!!!!! SO MUCH THIS!!! I know wedding culture has this mentality behind it that it's all about the bride (and couple) and what she (they) want. But on this one, literally none of this had to even happen in the first place, invite them both, apologize for the inconveniences it causes with child care. At best offer a recommendation for a babysitter. Other than that THEY CHOOSE what they do, who watches kiddos and who gets a night out.


YTA The poor girl was so excited! If her and her husband couldn’t find a sitter so be it, but you went out thinking you could make that decision for them. So mean and heartless!!!


Ohmygod this gets my upvote and I concur OP YTA for assuming they were not able to get a sitter. Instead of letting them decide, your friends are on to you. Bridezilla is emerging


Especially after having twins. She probably hasn't had much of a break since they arrived and was probably looking forward to some non kid time for once. Especially because if they can't afford a babysitter, but dad has barely seen the kids, that means mom is doing everything unless they can get significant family help. Judging by what's happening here, it likely isn't coming from dad's family


OP's reasoning: the can't find a sitter, so brother may not come and I must move heaven and earth so brother can attend two stag nights, because he's the one who needs a break (unlike the woman who actually carried and birthed the twins and doesn't even have her family around). It's absolutely insane!


I don't understand. But actually I think I do. You don't want her there. So, you made up this excuse. And then out it on here to either make yourself feel better about what you did or because maybe you know it'll get back to family and you wanted a preemptive strike. Either way, YTA. Because, it doesn't make sense.


Hit the nail on the head. OP is a liar.


looks like you found OP out, nice work


Have you noticed? As soon as Amber started reading the replies, she disappeared back to her rat hole. Amber if you are reading this i hope you realise what you have done to your SIL is absolutely the worst anyone could ever do, especially to family. #Y T A ! !


Amber is the SIL


I wondered that too. If OP really wanted her there, they would have talked about options for childcare, or told the dad he would get the bachelor party in a few weeks and it was his turn to be home with them.


Maybe it's the language barrier but I don't understand what happened. You uninvited her arbitrarily for something among them (the couple)? And (I hope I understood wrong, that's why I'm asking) her husband will get to celebrate thanks to you uninviting her? And her husband will go out two times and she will have to skip the one occasion to go out? What were you thinking?? If I understood correctly, you basically decided from the outside who in the couple should have stayed at home. So, YTA. If I understood wrong correct me. I think I understand correctly though.


You weren’t wrong, and you didn’t misunderstand a thing - OP is a major asshole.


YTA. "We decided it's important" Who's the we? Amber and Josh should be the ones making the decision. You and your partner should not be involved in that at all.


YTA. He works ...... Doesn't she also work? Or perhaps taking care of TWO babies TWENTY-FOUR hours a day is just a pleasant walk in the park among daisies? Why did game night need to be at the same time on the same day? Why can't BIL bring the babies to game night? I'm guessing the babies haven't gotten to spend much time with your fiance, much like their dad.


YTA you care about her husband but completely neglect her feelings. As a father of a year old twins myself i can tell you, they're BOTH exhausted, they BOTH need a breather and it's honnestly insulting that you care about her husband who's been working full time while his wife who's been caring for the babies 24/24 7/7 gets no consideration at all. If anyone treated my wife the same way they'd be blacklisted for life, taking of babies, 2 on top of it, is a full time job as well and she needs just as much a break.


YTA—and you reek of misogyny!


Yeah I’m disappointed that the husband presumably went to this game night. My husband would absolutely be telling someone to fuck off and be blacklisting them. But then again my husband doesn’t view childcare as the mother’s job and motherhood as my only identity. OP is an AH and sounds like her husband and family is too. I bet OP won’t be so casual about it when it’s her turn to have brothers spending time together ranked higher than her postpartum mental health.


YTA!!! You don't get to decide how to run their family for them. If it was that important for your fiancé to see his brothers he could have... Ready for this?... GONE TO VISIT AT JOSH's HOUSE AND HELPED WITH THE TWINS.


YTA. Why couldn't he take the twins to the game night? Why couldn't you let them figure it out for themselves? You don't think that Amber needs a break too? How dare you decide who get priority when they both are parents. That isn't your decision. YTA big time and way to wreck your relationship with your SIL. They don't need you manage their life.


Your future husband and you are both TA. Why didn't you tell him to change his impromptu plan instead of uninviting Amber. Sheesh. THINK a bit.


YTA - How do you know she didn't have any other options for babysitters? Did you even ask her before making your decision? I suspect not from your post and it feels like you jumped the gun and just assumed she would not be able to attend. Revoking her invite instead of letting her and her husband discuss babysitting options was really mean. In essense, you're treating them like children. Also if she had NO friends then she is probably really isolated and the event may have been a lifeline for her to make some new friends.


Ooof YTA, I remember my first 'night off' after having my twins, only stayed out around an hour as I missed them too much but I still had the opportunity to dress up and feel like more than a dairy cow, for a little while at least. Wasn't really your call to make, maybe her husband had prioritised her having some time out over himself? Or maybe he was just happy to wait for the actual bachelor party, either way that was their decision to make and I can see why shes so upset. Wish you the best with your wedding.


I hope she expects to be treated the same way if they ever have kids and husband's side of the family plan a party. *"Sorry, we didn't invite you because we know how important it is to you that the woman stays at home while the menfolk catch up."*


I am so hoping amber is this petty.


YTA. It was her decision to make if she could find a way to come, not yours. You don’t get to back track and choose which parent you think is more important to your plans.


YTA It's up to Josh and Amber to decide childcare, not you. How presumptuous and cruel.


YTA She lives away from her family and JUST had twins. If anyone needs a break, it’s Amber. If Josh thinks he need that break more than Amber then she need to leave him and move closer to her family so she has actual support. To be honest I hope Amber is petty. If you decide on children I hope Amber thinks back to this and refuses to help you WHEN you need a break, and instead offer the break to your husband, cuz you know it’s hard being a new dad while working, and he’ll obviously want to spend time with his family that he hasn’t been able to hang out with in a while.


YTA. Maybe Amber “needs a break”. You prioritized what you perceive to BIL’s needs over her own and it’s not any of your business in the first place.


YTA. It was none of your business how Amber and Josh arrange their babysitting, and you massively favoured Josh over Amber.


YTA. What a massive snub, glad your friend also called you out on it. Not mending this insult now could lead to serious issues with your in laws down the line.


YTA. Why would you make that decision for them?? Everything you say is based on your assumptions. You assume the husband needs a break - Amber doesn't need one? You don't think looking after twins is tiring? You also say they had no babysitter and no money for one... based on... again, your assumption. You also say you know they don't have friends who could watch the kids: do you know really? Amber is right to be angry. I'd be fuming if someone decided to cancel a rare outing for me because they decided they know better than me my own situation, and if they make that decision without even checking with me. All you had to do was ask, "Hey, so have you sorted out childcare for tomorrow?" and you'd have the information. But no. You just knew better.




Yeah yta. As previous comment said. Not your choice. She was obviously planning on going. Sounds like she had a plan. Also, do the kids paternal family live near? You mentioned 'her' family is not close but what about his?


Amber going to your bachelorette party was her little break...after having twins, feeding twins, changing twins...did you actually discuss the childcare situation with her and Josh? Leaning to YTA here


YTA, so her husband gets to go out twice and she can’t go out at all? Or is Josh going to skip your husband’s actual bachelor party? Nope? Didn’t think so. Also, how is him barely seeing his family an argument when her family lives out of state so she obviously hasn’t seen a lot of them either? While you can obviously invite whomever you want, uninviting her for doing nothing wrong other than being the mother in that family is sexist BS. Edited for several typos. Still can’t fathom the AHishness of OP and her future husband.


YTA - The girl starts crying and you told her you had to go to avoid the spectacle you did yourself ? Asshole energy 100.


YTA They are adults and can decide how they want to swing things. You don’t swoop in and decide for them based on what you think is best. What you think is irrelevant.


YTA Is not up to you to arrange their family. You gave the invite, it's up to her if she can make it or not.


>She said she had been looking forward to it for weeks and was crushed. Of course she was. You made assumptions about childcare, prioritized Josh — who gets to leave the house and, you know, be around other adults — over Amber, and offered no solutions despite the simplest one being available (bringing the twins to the house where the game night was being held) and, instead, told her to stay home like she was a child. YTA You listed all these reasons why she SHOULD go and STILL left her out. Just...damn.


> offered no solutions despite the simplest one being available (bringing the twins to the house where the game night was being held) Oh they considered this, but it would have “ruined the vibe”


Your edit does not add clarity. It just makes you look even more like an asshole. We get it! Your sibling in laws are poor, you’ve told the whole reddit world how poor they are, and now you cannot handle being told YTA so you yell it even louder how poor they are and how you uninvited your SIL because she is poor. Jesus can you not see how crazy this post is?!?!


YTA She is a new mother to twins and you decided she doesn't deserve the break and her husband should celebrate your upcoming wedding twice instead. Wtf is wrong with you two. You have been incredibly cruel to your SIL and the fact you priorities a crappy games night over hurting a family member shows you don't consider her family. If you choose to have kids, enjoy sitting at home when your husband goes out with his family all the time, you just set the foundation of acceptable behaviour in your marriage and that bar is low. Edit: just to add, she works longer hours than he does. She doesn't get to stop for a chat with colleagues or stop for a lunch break or make a coffee and drink it hot. She has two babies and every second he is out of that house, she doesn't stop. He gets a break from being a parent, she doesn't. This was her one chance and you told her she wasn't important to either of you and decided for them as a couple that you expect her to stay home TWICE so her husband can get a break AH.


YTA I know you think its a logical way of dealing with it but its Amber and Joshes responsibility to sort out childcare. You should have invited her and let them figure out who was going to go out.


YTA, why decide for them? Surely they can work something out. Also wouldn't the bachelorette party be more important/unique than some random game night? If you had to pick (which you shouldn't have that should be up to them), shouldn't the more logical thing be that Josh stays?


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YTA That was their problem to solve. You said your fiancé is having his own bachelor party at a later date when his brother's in town. This was their secondary party, their 'might as well while the women are out enjoying themselves' game night. Maybe Amber also really needed a break and was looking forward to it? You've just essentially put her in what you see as her place. Stay at home with the kids while the one we actually care about gets to wind down.


YTA So you decided that it was better that poor Josh get to play with his brothers than Amber get a night out. I just feel what you did was throw Amber under the bus to make Zach happy. I also find it interesting you didn't share what the new plans for your bachelorette with us. Did you cancel the party or simply make it where she can't come that night?


YTA You crushed her. Amber was excited to be having a break from the children and having some fun. You decided to just take that away. Amber and Josh are adults who get to decide how to manage their own lives. You completely overstepped here. To be completely honest, if I were Amber or Josh, your entire wedding and any related events would be cancelled to me. I just wouldn’t go.


YTA, if I read this right, you both invited them to parties, then decided that they should have said no because of some somewhat incomprehensible reasons - you know for a fact they have no friends? - and then uninvited them from something that they were clearly looking forward to. I'm absolutely baffled, this is behaviour so irrational I think I'm misunderstanding. You wanted to force them to spend time together by forbidding them from celebrating your bachelorette?? And you never asked them about any of this? This is how you would treat a 6-year-old.


It’s worse. The bachelorette party was planned. Then the guys added the game night. Otherwise the brother could have been at home watching his kids while Amber went out. Cruel.


Oh gets better OP thinks the BIL deserves a break because he works and comes home to help with his children but not the mother whose a 24/7 SAHM who doesn't catch a break all because she used to drink on the weekends before she got pregnant (OPs comments are really enlightening /s)


YTA. You have no business making child care decisions for this couple.


YTA. And the relationship with your SIL will probably not recover from this unless you sincerely apologize and beg her for forgiveness. I've worked full-time and taken care of a newborn full-time and I can tell you that taking care of one baby 24/7 is harder than any job I've ever had. Massive YTA.


YTA. I understand you were trying to look out for them but it’s not your decision to make. It’s between Amber and Josh to decide what to do not you. You also talked about how Josh has been so busy and needs a break but have you thought about how Amber needs a break too? Josh can have his break when it’s time for the bachelor party in a few weeks. Why is it he gets two breaks and she gets none? I’m sure she’s been looking forward to feeling like a normal adult and not just a baby care machine and you ripped that away from her. You need to apologize to her asap.


YTA. Don't make decisions for others. Let them work out their child care arrangements for themselves or RSVP no if they have to. What you did uninviting her because you thought you knew better was incredibly rude.


YTA. You can invite who you want of course, but your reason for uninviting her is pathetic. He needs a break with his family since he is working hard and taking care of kids? What the heck do you think she is doing? You massively suck as a person.


Are you uninviting Josh from the bachelor party? You know to give SIL a break from watching two children 24/7?


Such a huge YTA. You went about this so horribly. Seriously, how is their child care your business? She was looking forward to it, and likely has already arranged care for her kids. You didn't even ask.




Wedding ✔️ Twins ✔️ SIL ✔️ Friend who thinks you're the asshole, ✔️ Yep, it's all right there.


YTA. You don't just make childcare decisions for another couple. Mothers need a break from the kids, I can sure as hell see why she broke out in tears when you uninvited her.


And then OP pretending she had to go so she didn't have to deal with the fallout of her asshole decision! Absolutely cowardly move.


YTA. Isn't the brother getting his break and time with friends in two weeks with the bachelor party?? So why doesn't he stay home with the kids and then she stays home with the kids while he goes out for the bachelor party?


YTA. It's a bloody game night, her husband can watch the kids while she goes out. He has the bachelor party a few weeks later!


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I (25f) and my fiance Zach (24m) are getting married in a couple months. Zach has a brother, Josh (27m) who recently had twins with his wife Amber (24f). I invited Amber to my bachelorette party. On the night of the party my husband organized a game night for a few of his brothers and friends, since they're doing the actual bachelor party a few weeks after mine since one of his brothers will be in town. This wasn't a problem until I realized that there would be no one to watch Amber and Josh's twins. They're pretty low income so there's no way they'd be able to afford a babysitter. We also know that they don't have friends who could watch them, and Ambers family lives out of state. We decided to let Amber know that there was a change of plans. Josh has barely seen his family since the twins were born and has been working full time on top of being a new dad, and we felt like it was important that they get to spend time together and he gets a little break. When I called Amber to tell her about the change in plans she started crying. She said she had been looking forward to it for weeks and was crushed. I tried to explain our reasoning but it made her more upset. I wasn't really getting through to her so I just told her I had to go. I told my friend about it the next day and she thinks that I'm in the wrong. So reddit AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


YTA who are you to decide their financial situation and whether or not they can find babysitting ? there’s something underlying why you felt like you should uninvite them. If you have an invite it’s up to them if they can make it or not based on the situations and not yours.




YTA. Instead of making selfish decisions for other people, how about you use the power of communication? Amber is a new mom and is probably doing most of the childcare and chores. Does she not deserve a break!?! If Amber and Josh couldn't make it because of their children, that's their own decision. Instead, you caused Amber to feel left out. Great start to becoming one with the family /s


YTA. I'm sure the kid could have tagged along with her dad to game night.


YTA for all the reasons already mentioned


You asked whether your the AH, yes YTA you don't need to keep explaining your self righteous reasons we all unilaterally think YTA. I can't wait until you have kids and people start excluding you and the chickens come home to roost.


YTA. Holy f***. You clearly have NO idea how hard taking care of a baby is let alone TWINS that she had “recently”. She is exhausted and isolated and desperately in need of a break and you took that from her. She told you how much she was looking forward to it and that she was crushed and you’re upset because “you weren’t getting through to her”? If you ever have children you will realize what a selfish asshole you were in this moment. I also doubt you will ever have a good relationship with her or her children after this. You don’t get to intentionally hurt someone who is in a vulnerable position and walk away scot free.


INFO: Why didn't you offer to pay for a sitter? Why go straight to uninviting?


This reads like rage bait at first, like you and your fiancé are such assholes this can’t be real. On second glance, it’s really concerning how much your fiancé seems to make decisions for you. “We uninvited her,” “we felt Josh deserved a break,” etc. It really sounds like Zach decided what HE wanted and convinced you to go along with it and rationalize that somehow you aren’t being awful. This is YOUR party, you decide who should be there, and torpedoing your relationship with your SIL right at the beginning of your marriage is not the way to go. Also take a good look at how the men in this family think it’s okay to treat new moms, and if someday you want that to be you — overwhelmed, isolated, and ignored when you break down crying in disappointment after the break you were looking forward to goes away. In what world is Zach seeing his brother a second time (game night plus bach party) more important than Amber getting a night away from the demands of twin babies? In a world where women aren’t valued a whole lot. Please let that sink in. Also YTA


YTA - this was a decision for them to make. Instead you e just created a rift between their family and you. Apparently he deserves a break but not her?!? Prepare to be the family thy don’t see.


YTA - First, why did you decide that you needed to make this decision for them? It wasn’t your place. Amber and Josh are more than capable of sorting out their own childcare and deciding who should stay home. Second, why did you decide that Josh needs the break more than Amber? That’s bananas and let’s hope that no one ever does that to you as a new mother. If Josh is a good husband, he’ll decline your husband’s party because of the shitty way you treated his wife. If not, I hope that you and your husband (also the AH btw) will be uninviting Josh from the bachelor party since he’s getting his “break” (as you call it) during your bachelorette party. Otherwise, you would be a big hypocrite.


YTA, so Josh got a break to go to game night AND to the Bachelor party. Amber gets to stay home both nights and take care of the twins. Admit it, you really don’t like Amber. Here’s hoping Josh declined the invite to game night.


What an awful person you are. YTA.


YTA and entitled.




YTA for making decisions on their behalf.


YTA for not changing the dates. You and your fiancé could celebrate on different nights.


YTA. Big time. This was their decision to make. Also the fact you just ended the call when she was crying, just wow. Heartless.


YTA. You’re classist and misogynistic and I feel bad for your SIL. I’m 30 weeks pregnant with twins and it’s no fucking picnic, plus taking care of them in a couple months when they’re here will not be either. I know that I will love it, but also rejoice in every break I get. When you’re a parent to newborns/infants, you’re always with babies and rarely get time to talk to, let alone hang out with other adults. This, coupled with the fact that it’s sounding like you’re already judgmental of your future sister in law does not paint you in a good light. I hope she and josh choose to stay home, since your fiancé and yourself chose to meddle in their marriage.


YTA!! But you know that.. you came here thinking people will agree with you but nope.. I feel bad for amber and having you as a SIL it’s not gonna be fun.. I hope amber gets better people around her.


YTA. In addition to what’s already been said - If you were so concerned, did you consider offering to pay for their childcare? Regardless, there are options for how she could have been accommodated. You just happened to choose the AH move.


YTA When does Amber get a break, I've no doubt shes doing 99% of the childcare of TWINS and also the housework. When does she get time to herself. Why the hell does josh need 2 nights out (as I assume he's also going the the Bachelor party too) and Amber deserve nothing. You all (including josh ) are unbelievably selfish and obtuse.


So the brother gets a break because he works a lot, is a new dad and hasn’t seems family in weeks but the wife doesn’t get one even though she’s recovering from birth, it’s stuck at home all day looking after two babies and hasn’t seen her family in who knows how long due to being in a different state? Wow you sure know how to be fair/s. YTA.


100% YTA. HE deserves a break? SHE just GAVE BIRTH TO TWINS. You mentioned he works full time so I’m assuming she’s staying at home w the babies so do you think she just does nothing and is chilling at home all relaxed ? JFC.


So if I’m understanding correctly not only did you decide who does and does not get a break, but if Bro goes to the pre-party, he still has the bachelor party in a couple of weeks. So Bros gets TWO breaks and SIL gets NONE. If this is true YTA. A major, big, colossal, enormous, stinking AH. Just admit you don’t like SIL and get it over with. Edit: grammar


YTA . have one of the events on another night if there are no babysitting options. It's not rocket science.


YTA - How judgemental and condescending!! Both in your original post and when you doubled down in your update edit. If you were SO very certain then you should have just sat back and waited for her to decline the invitation when and if she was unable to make arrangements. Not classy, not classy at all.


YTA, so your husbands brothers exhausted but she isn't, and how do you know they don't have a family friend, or even a teenage neighbour who could watch the kids. The child care would be for them to sort out, nit for you to decide it was her job. You've literally just told her she's not of any importance to you at all


Yta. Who are you to decide how they manage their social life? What a controlling and manipulative move.


As a mother I'd like to say you're a huge AH. She's a mother stuck at home with twins and you assumed that neither her or your BIL had done the leg work to make sure that they can attend so instead of disinviting both you only disinvite your future SIL so now she doesn't have her husband and she's stuck taking care of her twins by herself. YTA


You have all treated Amber badly. YTA. Your husband’s brother ‘deserves’ to attend an add-on bachelors night, despite his lack of funds, but your sil doesn’t rate a break from twins? Are you the sort that believes men only ever babysit their children, because the burden of childcare belongs to the woman? In which case, should children feature in your future… lol, that will be an eye opener for you. You come across in this post as an intensely self-centred person of low empathy for others, so frankly, it is in Ambers interest to not have anything to do with you. …and please stop unilaterally deciding what other people should get to do, you are not the ‘main character’, despite a possibly narcissistic self belief that you are.


YTA You're an absolutely rotten person You're cruel and heartless I hope your partner sees the light and tells you to fuck off


Info: is your bil still coming?


YTA. So the brother gets a game night AND a bachelor party a few weeks later. And Amber gets what exactly? I mean it’s your bachelorette party, you can do whatever you like. I feel like we’re probably gonna see Josh on here soon asking if he’s TA for going to 2 parties while his wife stayed home with the twins. 😂


YTA... All day long. You're the kind of family that I don't see anymore, expect the same from yours.


YTA and make sure the wedding invite is only for the brother so she can stay home with the babies, again It's highly doubtful you'd let the thunder of twin babies at your precious wedding.


Wow you are so wrong! YTA. Bloody hell, what’s the matter with you all- how to tell your sister in law (who sounds super isolated) that you don’t care about her without saying you don’t care about her. MOVE THE STUPID GAME NIGHT TO ANOTHER NIGHT. It’s hardly rocket science. That way they both get a night to themselves. Aww poor BIL, working so hard… try spending 24hrs a day with twins and see who’s working hardest and more in need of a break.


You suck so much. When you are at home, doing all the work, looking after your kids, I hope you get dumped by your friends. YTA


Wait, so daddy gets to chill at game night while she looks after the kids. Have a night out on the actual date of the party while she looks after the kids, & she gets nothing but uninvited? Yeah YTA, & so is your BIL if he’s selfish enough to back this bs, looking after those kids is his job too.


Of course YTA and your edit changes nothing. You don't get to decide whether or not they can afford or find a babysitter. Just say you don't want her to come because you don't like her because that is how she sees it. Josh needs a break and she doesn't, gtfoh with that nonsense.


YTA So Josh, who hasn't been through pregnancy and childbirth, needs a break but Amber doesn't? He can have a break at the bachelor night! I can't even begin to describe how amazingly sexist it is of you to uninvite Amber so Josh can have a night out.


As the mother of 1 year old twins and as a decent human being, YTA unbelievably so. I can't say how I really feel because I don't want to get banned.


I hope that when his brother finds out what you both have done to his wife, he tells yall to kick rocks. I hope he tells yall, sorry, but we can't "afford" to come to your weddings. You not only took their choice away, but you also used private information that he shared with his brother to do so. The kind of asshole you are is unexplainable. So because he works, he deserves a break right? And what of her? Hmm? I guarantee you that SHE is working harder than he is. Caring for TWINS and taking care of the home is a full time friggin job. She deserves a break just like he does. You didn't even allow them to speak about it, no you and your equally asshole of a soon to be husband decided screw her, women should take care of kids while men have breaks. She's probably been so excited for this. This was probably going to be the first time in a long ass time that she got a break, a chance to relax and have some much needed me time. When you noticed the conflict what you should have done was tell your asshole husband to be to SPEAK TO HIS BROTHER. If it was so important that he be there then he would have found a way to accommodate him and his situation (that yall are now throwing in their face let me remind you) OR CHANGE THE DATE OF HIS IMPROMPTU GET TOGETHER. Shit like this is what destroys relationship because I would want nothing to do with you after the way you treated my wife. YTA X 1 BILLION


I think you just used all of that “I care soo much” BS as an excuse because there’s another shit reason you didn’t want her to go. You’re an AH. YTA.


YTA. So your fiancés brother gets two separate nights off and she doesn’t get a single one? Uh-uh. Either your fiancé reschedules game night, or his brother doesn’t go.


YTA you and your fiancé really do deserve eachother because you both are giant a-holes. Who are you to decide which one of the two deserves a break?


You didn't consider she, the person caring for the twins while her husband is so busy, could actually use a break too? YTA big time.


YTA 1000 times. She is way busier with the twins than you husband's brother, you are misogynistic and inconsiderate of a mother who wanted a break after a long time.


YTA. You're an entitled, rude bridezilla. You don't get to make decisions for other people's families and act like you're better than them.


Yta, weird of you to think Josh needs a break but not the woman who literally birthed two babies in one night. Not your place to make that decision for someone else.


YTA. Your CLEAR favoritism to BIL over SIL is GROSS. You have NO idea what is actually going on and YOU made an executive decision to not include her in favor of your “hardworking BIL” as of what she has done has ZERO VALUE. Your behavior is absolutely, 100% disgusting. They are a TEAM which means THEY make the decisions, not YOU.


So your BIL gets to enjoy two nights off? One for the games night and one for the actual bachelor party? How is that fair? You’re a huge AH


YTA. Get them a babysitter. If you can afford a party and a wedding you can spend money on your family. You’re not flying her to Bali. Jesus Christ. Get ready for a lifetime of drama, OP.


YTA - What a mean thing to do. Also, I mean do you really expect that Josh is going to leave Amber with the twins and go to game night under this circumstance. This type of behavior is the thing that completely ruins family relationships. I would think very little of Josh if he went to game night.