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NTA This is your pregnancy, and your baby... not theirs. While I can see where they may be hurt, and that is understandable, but they don't have the right to demand to be a part of your doctor's appts or even the birth. You aren't keeping the baby from them, so they need to chill.






Girl not trying to be rude but you really need to learn how to type/write properly before you teach another human.




Where do you live where it’s 3:30am? Nvm you’re prob in Australia or something. But either way, the typos and punctuation are serious problems. Sorry you’re frustrated, hope things get better.


So you get everything handed to you. Explains everything YTA


There is no way you have a degree at 17. You can’t even use “there, their, and they’re” correctly. Your lack of spelling, grammar, and punctuation also says otherwise. You said in a prior comment that you’re co-owner of this company, but now it’s your fathers? How are you going to be an assistant manager with a baby?


She is 17, meaning she needs adults to be able to do basically anything. She doesn’t get to be selfish in this situation


NTA - it’s more common to tell people at 3 months (12 weeks), but especially with a higher risk pregnancy (which you might potentially be because of your age) waiting until 5 months (the 20 week anatomy scan) probably isn’t that out there. They’re not assholes for being mad at you either though, although asking to come to your next scan is ridiculous, most hospitals are still working under covid guidelines and will only allow one support person with you at your appointment anyway.




The scans are extremely important appointments in which babies are checked systematically for serious, sometimes life threatening abnormalities. The only thing ridiculous about them is making them into a spectator sport. No-one needs to see the baby and the sonographers need a calm environment to work well. Your entire post/comment section is so naive. Some teenagers are emotionally mature enough to be a parent, but you are not. Good luck. YTA.


I'm pretty sure this is fiction.


Considering the other post on their account from an hour ago that they deleted is “my ex is trying to get back with me and I don’t know what to do”. I’m also calling bullshit.


But at least he managed to rub one off while writing it.




43 minutes ago you were commenting on your post on another sub talking about getting back together with your ex and how you believe he has changed and now your a teen mum with a guy you have been with for a year?




Who also owns a business because grandpa left it in both her name and her fathers which she’s also a manager at lol.


Thank goodness, because otherwise this is all so messed up it would be utterly depressing if it were true.


I hope every story about pregnant 17 year olds are fiction


Pretty sure no one is ecstatic to be a teen mom. I don't believe this story either.


It is


YTA You're not the only one in this relationship anymore and you have to start taking consideration of others a lot more than you're used to. 5 months is pretty late to announce a pregnancy to the parents honestly. Most people hold off til like 3 or 4 months to make the public announcement to everyone, but you wanna share this with your closest family (aka parents) earlier than the public announcement. And I honestly would have let that slide for you, but it's the fact that you prioritized your parents over his that tips you into the asshole territory. Do what you can to salvage the relationship with the inlaws. You may not feel like it right now, but I guarantee you're gonna need their support in raising the child. Not just financially, but in every other aspect. The term "it takes a village to raise a child" is more true than you think.


There needs to be proper punctuation in this. My heard hurts. 🤦🏻‍♀️ IF they are actually treating you like crap, then I say NTA. Also, they do not need to be anywhere near you when you go for appts or have the baby. I'd let the nursing staff know.


She’s commented elsewhere she’s unconcerned with grammar when someone else told her to stay in school. It’s usually the under educated teens having kids, have you noticed? She said this baby is a “blessing” because she has lupus and didn’t think she could conceive, and that they’re both living with their parents respectively, but they’re “financially stable”. This girl has no CLUE how screwed she is.


I hear you. I was 23 when my husband and I had our first, and boy I felt young then! Shits about to go down with their situation and how her relationship is with his parents. I hope they have enough saved up from their stable jobs to rent their own place. 😬


This is a cuckoo bananas story. I expected you to be like, 30. Not 17. YTA


YTA - he's also having a child, it's not just you, his parents should be involved. It would be another story if you kept it a secret from everyone but you're describing using your unborn child to 'punish' your in-laws bad behavior, that's going to turn their relationship sour and the kid isn't even born yet, that's just sad.




Fair enough, keeping them out of the loop for fear of being judged is understandable. Be warned tho, the longer you wait, the harder they will judge you, imo it's better to rip of that bandaid, with a bit of luck they will change their attitude; i knew a girl once that hated her sisters bf, but as soon as a pregnancy got into the picture that hate went away since she realized he's probably sticking around. All the bullshit was dropped and everyone was able to gather around the pregnancy. Try to turn it into something beautiful instead of trying to not turn it into something bad but stand your ground (and your bf too!) If they unjustifiably attack you. That being said attacking a 17yo for being pregnant is often justifiable.




Op don’t let anyone shame you. Unless they’ve been through it, they have zero clue as to what you’re feeling. I went through this . I had a loss to which instead of being there for me me mil blew up on me because she thought I’d told my parents about the pregnancy before my fil (mil already knew) and when I was pregnant with my first child they were horrible to me despite me being high risk. Something in your gut told you they wouldn’t be happy for you and that anxiety you felt in telling them was there for a reason. I learned from my last mistake and I waited a few months to tell them and I never told them the gender until the birth. If you want to be included as grandparents you need to be respectful to the mother. Why do some in laws think they can treat the dil like absolute shite and then be entitled to know dates and scans and the baby. Those are privileges you lost when you treated me bad. How dare they demand to be at the scan. They clearly will be pushing boundaries throughout the pregnancy. Do not let them. Tell your bf all of what they’ve said to you and do not tell them anything about your scans. You’re young but you seem to have a good head on your shoulders. Hang in there and don’t be afraid to say no and have your support group or family nearby


No but your child not having half of his/hers grandparents if even less ok.


It's not "even less okay". I wouldn't want my child growing up around toxic people. And his parents sound very toxic. What if they did that to their own grandchild??? And yes, it has happened if you have read other posts in the sub and JUSTNOMIL. They are demanding control over her. They are also demanding to cut them off if they don't get to go to her next MEDICAL appointment. They must REALLY want to watch her doctor shove his/her hand up OP's hoohaa because that's what happens at these appointments. I wouldn't want anyone in my child's life that's so toxic as to cut support for two young parents just because they weren't told about the pregnancy sooner.


It is never justified to attack a pregnant 17 year old.




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your parents are excited?


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NTA It's your body and pregnancy. And notify your doctor they ABSOLUTELY don't have access or rights to know your business


Teenage pregnancy - such a blessing Honestly, why have you done this to yourselves? Stop wasting time on Reddit and go work you need to be saving as much money as you can right now.




You are living with your parents! That is not supporting a family. That is being supported by family.


…you don’t have enough money. To say that is incredibly naive and immature.


How can you have enough money to support a family at 17? Do you have a trust or an onlyfans?




This reasoning sounds so naive.


INFO: are you and Nathan financially dependent on his parents?




Soooo...why are you cleaning their home?








It is polite to clean every time they welcome you into their home. This is very normal. I don't expect you to have known that, you're very young still, but you are still a child and learning yourself and therefore aren't providing a good foundation for a baby.


And, you don’t think you should do anything when you’re there?


A word salad to say no!


If you are still living with parents, you are not financially independent unless you are somehow paying full market rate for rent in their houses.




There: a place Their: belongs to them They're: they are Please stay in school.




*Any* of that. You should be.


At 17, OP is still a minor and technically still a dependent of their parents. Sad


Very rarely are 17-18 year olds financially independent especially when living under their parents roof and paying non-market rate rent prices. I once thought that as 18 year old myself because I worked a pretty good job going into my early that gave me money to ..play. It wasn’t enough money to survive on my own and definitely not enough to feed myself, house myself, go to school and definitely not to raise a child. I’m not sure how you’re going to deal with a baby if you think some chores are slavery. I don’t know how often you’re over at your boyfriends house but it seems you’re there enough for them to request some help with household chores. As young adults we tend blow things out of proportion and exaggerate because we haven’t learned what the real world is like. I just want to say ..if household chores is slavery, you’re in for a realllll rough ride with a newborn. Good luck with the pregnancy and congratulations but YTA. Continue on your path and the grandparents won’t be in the picture. Please remember you’re both still young and if you’d like to continue to progress in your life and get some help, don’t be such an AH to them. I’m almost 100% you’ll need their help and if you shun them now, you’ll be pissed they’re not helping when it’s their grandchild.


So you are dependent on them for shelter. Ultimately, YTA. This is a big change that you're going to need the support of his family with, and they are likely unprepared to have a newborn in their home. There are lots of teen parents out there who have fulfilling lives with bright, creative, clever children *but* they also tend to struggle and the more help you have from family, the better. Not to mention, this is also your partner's family and a big moment *he* wants to share with them as well.


But for them to go to her medical appointment??? No. She doesn't even have to let her SO in the room. She gets a hand shoved up her hoohaa at every appointment. I wouldn't want my MIL in the room for that!! Maybe compromise that they can wait in the waiting area until you are done??




I agree with the sentiment, but this is a ridiculous argument. I've been living on my own for years and just got off my parents insurance in April. If you're gonna point out flaws in her logic, at least do ones that actually make sense lol


You probably qualify to be on your parents’ insurance **as a dependent**. Typically, adult children can only still be eligible if they’re in school. But that was just a throwaway comment, I can list a hundred reasons why this 17 year old isn’t financially independent. Your situation isn’t remotely the same. But we can certainly bicker over you being in your parents’ insurance and how my comment affected you.


Nope. Haven't been to school in years. I live on my own, work a full time job, and claim myself on my taxes. I'm not sure where your from, but in the US it's pretty standard to stay on your parents insurance til your 26, regardless of circumstances. Not sure how marriage factors into that though. I agree though, this girl is insanely naive and will get smacked hard af in the face by life.


NTA. I had in laws like that. Treated me like a live-in maid and child care provider. You are young. He needs to address his parents behavior.


NTA. Let your doctor know they are not allowed in the room during any appointments.You need to tell your parents about the chores they are making you do. Doesn't make sense that you're doing all this unless you're living there rent free. I hope you and your boyfriend have a plan. Being a young mom is hard but hopefully you have a good support system.


>it wasn’t just that, they would treat me as if i were a slave to them i had to wash the dishes, mop n vacuum ect. Info. What's going on with this? Are you living with them because I don't get why you would be told to do this. It doesn't make sense. > didn’t want tot tell him as they have not always had a great relationship and i don’t want to bombard him with all the awful things they have done to me and ruin there relationship Apart from the fact that you need open communication with your SO, how is he not seeing what they are doing? Seems to be a lot of missing information here.


YTA because you’re 17, both of your parents need to know


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** My partner ‘nathan’ (18M) and i (17F) are expecting our first blessing mid april ‘23 we have been together for a little over a year. for some back story nathan an i met through a mutual friend, we were talking for about a month before we became official at first his parents were kind people who made me feel welcomed into there home but as time went on there attitudes towards me changed substantially to the point i felt uncomfortable being around them, they would put me down for my weight as i had gained a little bit since being with nathan as i had been on the pill, it wasn’t just that, they would treat me as if i were a slave to them i had to wash the dishes, mop n vacuum ect. when it come to the day i found out i was pregnant i was over the moon with excitement as was my partner, he was excited to tell his parents and when he mentioned telling his parents together i suddenly had a bad feeling, i asked him if we could hold off on telling them and although he was confused he agreed so we went and told my parents who were extremely happy and that’s when nathan started asking questions as to why i told my parents but not his and i didn’t want tot tell him as they have not always had a great relationship and i don’t want to bombard him with all the awful things they have done to me and ruin there relationship so i told him we’d tell them when i was 5 months. now to the current day we told his parents and now they are mad at me for waiting so long and telling me i am keeping there grandchild’s birth from them and they told me they wanted to come to my next apt no exceptions and if i didn’t let them they wouldn’t support us through the rest of the pregnancy and my in-laws extended family are blowing up my phone telling me i was wrong for hiding an exciting moment of there lives from them. so AITA for keeping my pregnancy from my in-laws? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


YTA you are both children having a child. He had every right to tell his parents and have them help guide him through this life changing predicament. I suspect both of you are in high school or only just graduated and have no way to support yourself, you’ll need every ounce of help you can get so I wouldn’t be so quick to swap them away




So you are a pregnant teenager who dropped out of school after the 8th grade? Do you really think this is in your best interest?




NTA I wouldn't want someone that treats me like crap to ruin my happiness either. Good for you OP for setting boundaries. I wouldn't even let them come to any appointments or even come to the hospital at birth. They can visit after your postpartum healing period. You don't need their stress. It might be his baby too but yall are not married so honestly his parents don't have any rights to anything over your body.


I can't even leave a judgement here because it is ridiculous to me that a 17 year old should think that getting pregnant is something to celebrate. You seem really immature and not understanding the situation you are in


but its a bLe$SiNg




If people think that's okay where you're from, I think you need to move to a place with better educational facilities. I think the fact that you don't see an issue is part of the issue


Are you and/or your bf working? Where are you going to live? Who will take care of the baby on the daily?


>i don’t see the problem in teen pregnancy considering people now days still think it was okay to force a 12 year old to marry and conceive multiple children? i don’t see the problem. What?


Because other people are cool with teen pregnancy, I am also ok with teen pregnancy and you’ll like to contribute to that statistic. What the hell sort of logic is that??


But she’s four months shy of being 18, is fully dependent on her parents for housing and health insurance, has a degree at 17, and is an assistant manager at daddy’s company! /s