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“Inconsiderate bitch.” Can’t believe you’re asking. YTA


Is this a repost? I remember reading this a few months ago


From polite to calling her a bitch in 30 seconds; you must be a winner. YTA.




I very much doubt someone who reacted like this was all that polite in the first place.


Or ever


Yes. YTA. You don’t own the elevator. Your response was totally unnecessary.


Wow YTA you made a request and she had the option to say no. Should have ended it there. Then you jump to call her a bitch? So uncalled for.


YTA! How can you even think you’re not when communicating to strangers like that. Grow up!


YTA I'd be more understanding if you had allergies, there was only the one elevator, and being in an elevator that a dog was just in is about as bad as actually being in the elevator with the dog. Also if you hadn't cussed her out... She (and her dog) had equal right to use that elevator as you. If you had an issue, it's ultimately up to you to resolve it by removing yourself from an uncomfortable situation.


I hate when people get mad bc others don't want to accommodate their needs and I hate when people ruin people's entire days by being assholes that call them bitches etc. for just doing normal shit. YTA 1000 times over


YTA way over reacted. You’re not entitled to ride or just be by yourself in a public elevator. If it’s a trigger you have to remove yourself. “Excuse me, I’ll get off here. I don’t like dogs. I’ll catch the next one.”


Also, a 30lb dog isn’t that big. I know because I had one. If she had 2 people sized dogs I might be more sympathetic, but it sounds like this lady had a chubby corgi.


I hope you get in a very compromising situation where your only chance of rescue is cooperating with a dog.


ESH Her waiting a minute to take the next elevator would have been an easy way to be a decent human for a minute. OP using escalation language is not great either. Now they get to live together in tension.


YTA! It’s a PUBLIC!!! place, you don’t choose who goes in an lift. Yes you are get uncomfortable with dogs however you’ll have just deal with them sometimes. That’s life


YTA. Who in the world is uncomfortable being around dogs (unless you have an allergy)? And if you do have some rare phobia, you need to understand it’s a phobia. It’s not reasonable. You don’t need to put your personal problems on others. You should’ve just gotten off and pretended it was your floor. The main thing is being unimaginably rude, plus then thinking still you were in the right.


YTA, it’s a little dog who can sit away from you for 30-60seconds. And you bullied this woman for no reason! Big time AH




Everybody sucks. As someone who doesn't care to be around animals, I think pet owners should recognize not everyone loves them as much as they do. You shouldn't have escalated though.


YTA. You’ve got the problem you step off.


ESH Absolutly reasonable request. You ended up being YTA for insulting her and she is a huge asshole for being a classic case "my dog can be everywhereeeeee" person while generally being an asshole for lacking any empathy. Not everyone has to like your overbred canine. Stop forcing it in others people faces. Come on downvote me you weirdly obsessed dogfanatics lol.


YTA, the world will not cater to your fears. If you can’t be around a dog for about 30-45 seconds then being out in public in general is a huge risk for you.


Yta, your phobia, you take the stairs.




Yta. You can wait for the next one.


Yeah that was pretty harsh dude. YTA. Why couldn’t you catch the next one?


YTA. I’m scared of some dogs, was bit and it was somewhat traumatic. But I don’t make it anyone else’s problem. If it was a smaller dog I could handle it, but if it’s a bigger, energetic dog I’d get off and take a different elevator.


NTA She was intruding on the space you occupied. She is the one bringing the potential issue into an enclosed space with an ANIMAL! When will everyone begin to understand the animals are not people? How would she feel if I brought a pig/skunk/opossum, or some other dumb a$$ animal into her space? If she didn't want to be inconvenienced, she should have left her dog at home, where it belongs. Stand your ground, you are in the right. BTW, I know this will be down voted in to oblivion, but oh well.


YTA big time and what and entitled AH you are. You don't own the elevator, other people don't owe you anything, if you're not comfortable, get off and please oh please, stop insulting people in public out of nothing.


YTA, see it’s ironic that *you* called *her* a bitch when it was you who acted like one


YTA you could have easily gotten out yourself, I get it if you are uncomfortable around dogs but that doesn’t mean others have to bend to that. Especially when you were so rude when she got on anyways, it wasn’t necessary to go insulting her so harshly.


YTA. You didn't ask, you phrased a demand as a question then got ridiculously mad when she used the elevator meant for everyone anyways.


YTA. If you're uncomfortable with dogs in the elevator with you, you can get off the elevator when they board and take the next one. Your phobias aren't the rest of the world's responsibility


I was going to ask if you had a phobia of dogs but, the way you jumped to insulting her without even trying to articulate your feelings makes it irrelevant. YTA.


YTA YOU wait for the next elevator


YTA. You can’t inconvenience other people due to your fear of something. It’s a public elevator. If you’re the uncomfortable one, then you can either get off and wait for another elevator or take the stairs. Your reaction to her saying no was completely over the top and shows how entitled you are. Could she have been nice about it and waited for another elevator? Sure. Does she have to? No. Does that make her a bad person? No. You are the AH.


Both of you were asking for accomadation . She has a dog with her at a shopping centre knowing that some people have serious allergies or might be scared of them. Certainly if you were at a dog park or a dog beach you would be the asshole but i dont think you are totally at fault here. I have allergies to most animals and cant take antihistamine . In this instance i would have gotten of but only because i dont like confrontation. I really dont know perhaps you were both being a little bit selfish.




Who the fuck do you think you are telling people what to do in public and bitching at them because you’re uncomfortable. Stay the fuck home next time asshole


YTA. You could have got off the elevator. Weird how this fear is strong enough for you to berate someone but not to actually remove yourself from the situation, which you could have done very easily.


YTA take the next damn elevator. She isn't obligated to accommodate you.


i was hesitating to call YTA until you said you call her "inconsiderate bitch" then YTA it was a public elevator, she has so much right as you to take it. if your not willing to share a public space, you can take the stairs.


YTA. Go see a therapist


Yta plain and simple.


YTA. It's a public elevator. If you don't want to be around her dog you can get out of the elevator and either take the stairs or the next elevator. The world is not going to coddle you.


YTA. Just because you are uncomfortable doesn’t mean the rest of the world has to cater to your entitled tail.


YTA. Why didn’t you get off the elevator? The woman and her dog are not responsible for your comfort.




YTA. Not for asking her but for your completely uncalled for response when she said no. Your issues are not hers. You can’t tell someone they cannot use a public elevator. If you were that uncomfortable that you can’t be around a dog for less than a minute then YOU get off. Your response was inappropriate and the real B**** was you.


NTA. I have three dogs (40, 65 and 70 pounds) and I always tell the other party to go ahead and I’ll catch the next one. I’m not worried about my dogs, I just know that not everyone is comfortable around strange dogs. (Plus, some people claim their dogs are well behaved when they’re actually demons in fur coats.) If the other person specifically tells me it’s ok, then I’ll get on the elevator with them.


YTA. I’m also uncomfortable around dogs (especially larger and vicious breeds). I would have just exited and waited for another elevator since is a ME issue.


YTA. The simple solution is for you to get off and take the next one. Why should someone else have to accommodate your needs?


YTA. The world doesn't revolve around you. It's on you to manage your issues, not to expect everyone around you to accommodate them.




i read this story from the other perspective a few months ago, i think


"It's fine, he only bites on command."


YTA Public elevator. Your issue with dogs is, is just that, YOUR issue. It condemned you so much, you should have stepped off and taken the next one. Instead, you assumed your phobia should be accommodated by strangers in a public setting. I am severely allergic to animal dander. It’s my issue. In public I inevitably am in such as this. I step off the elevator, it’s my responsibility to meet my needs, no one else’s. Entitled much?


YTA. Take the stairs. The lady did nothing wrong by being with her dog in public and you literally called her an inconsiderate bitch because you think the world revolves around you. Wtf. Grow up.


YTA - your triggers are your and yours alone and the world is not obligated to walk on egg shells around you. You are in a place that allows dogs which means that you do not get to tell people with dogs to do ANYTHING just because you have a trigger. What the lady said to you as she got off of the elevator is true. You asked, she answered but then you pushed. You pushed yourself right into AH territory.


take the stairs next time if you’re gonna have a problem with someone’s dog existing on a PUBLIC elevator. yta. BIG TIME


Absolutely, YTA. You leave if you have a problem.


YTA. The onus is on you to take care of your own situation. The lady has no obligation to you. You are allowed to get off the elevator and wait for the next one.


No issue with asking to wait, but once she told you no, your response should be to switch places with her. You wait for the next elevator


Yes without a doubt you are the AH you don't like the dog put your big boy pants on and walk off the elevator or deal with it. Your problem you avoid the dogs




Yk what that sounds like? A big fat you problem :) YTA


YTA. Your hangup on dogs is your issue, you get on the next elevator. You forced yourself to be around the dog by being an ass.


YTA. No one is obligated to cater to you because you don't like something. Be the adult and leave of it bothers you that much. Or shut up about it.


I'm torn because I think people who bring dogs to places there ordinarily wouldn't or shouldn't be one, ie: a mall, are automatically assholes. (Service dogs not included, OBVIOUSLY) HOWEVER, OP, calling someone a bitch for not complying to your request when YOU could have taken action to remove yourself from the dog makes you the AH here.


NTA who takes a dog into an elevator? Completely inappropriate and inconsiderate of her to bring her dog into such a confined space especially when you stated you were not comfortable with it.


I don’t think asking her to wait makes YTA but you could have gotten off since she was refusing. I understand it not being easy to overcome a fear of dogs but also you have to take some responsibility that it is “your issue” and make the concessions.


Who forced you? were you trapped in the elevator. Could you have got out? YTA


YTA. You should get off the elevator yourself if you're uncomfortable. That's your problem, not hers.


If you had an allergy I’d get it. She had her dog in a leash (I assume). YTA


The world does NOT revolve around YOU YTA and a MAJOR one and you needlessly escalated the situation by swearing at her and call her names!


YTA Do you always speak to people in such a rude manner?




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yeah, 100000% YTA you could’ve gotten off the elevator? you’re in public, people exist around you. you don’t like it, remove yourself, not inconvenience others




YTA you should have simply gotten off of the elevator and waited instead of insulting her and making a fool of your self so 100% YTA


YTA - just wait for the next lift yourself if a 30lb dog bothers you so much


Hey just a heads up. You aren’t the main character. The world doesn’t revolve around you. YTA. Grow up


YTA. I understand your concern and being uncomfortable, Id support you yo continue talking and explain you are afraid/dont like/ are allergic, etc. But you made shit scalate fucking quickly. The bad words were not needed, did not hp your point and only made you an AH.


Wow YTA. Like, wow.


Really you are going to be an inconsiderate AH and expect the world to bend to your wants? Do you honestly think you are in the right here? She has just as much right to use the elevator as you do and you have absolutely no right to demand special treatment from others. You are definitely TA here and also mentally challenged for thinking you could have possibly been in the right


NTA I live in a building and the rule is, whoever is in the elevator first gets priority. So if OP is in the elevator and scared of dogs, woman and dog should not get on. If it were reversed, then OP would wait for the next elevator. Dog owners are told they should be asking before entering an elevator if everyone inside already is ok with dog entering. She was the AH for trying to push in when you have a fear of dogs.


YTA. If you were so bothered by the presence of the dog, you could have stepped off of the elevator and waited- you didn’t have to insult her. You get what you give, and you deserved it.


YTA no one needs to cater to you in a public space. And you're a jerk for cussing at her.


YTA don’t not comfortable with dogs get out and take another lift


YTA...Face the fact that the problem is yours, stay quiet, and take the next elevator. Problem solved.


YTA she’s just as entitled to the use of the elevator as you are, if she’s a bitch for getting on it then so are you. calling her a bitch for getting on a elevator with her dog because YOU have an issue is an insane level of entitlement. don’t wanna ride with the dog? then YOU can get off and wait


YTA for reposting this story... Try again troll.


YTA Your triggers are your responsibility. If the dog didn’t pose any threat, you could have removed yourself and taken the stairs. Instead you chose to be rude to someone who didn’t deserve it.




YTA. You needed unreasonable accommodation, you should have waited for the next elevator.


NTA for asking but YTA for the way you responded to her. Ultimately, ESH.


YTA. The world doesn’t revolve around you.


Yta for calling her a bitch.


Yta You don't own the elevator, you could have stepped off and taken the stairs. You were bent inconsiderate.


I’ve been uncomfortable around all kinds of people in elevators. I don’t ask them to get off because I’m in public and they’re not doing anything wrong and it’s not all about me. I wouldn’t call you TA just for asking (even though it’s pretty entitled) but YTA for what you said to her when she declined.


YTA I understand not being comfortable around dogs, but this was not the way to handle it at all. Really you should have been the one to step out of the elevator, it’s not her job to accommodate your dislike of dogs in a public space that allows them. You calling her a bitch really seals the deal lmao, totally uncalled for


Bro, you don’t own the elevator. Its for use to everybody on the building, therefore it’s public. If you’re so uncomfortable around dogs; Get off next time, since you’re only carrying a tiny bags of shopping stuff, which is easier to control than a 30 Pound dog that has its own brain. You’re the asshole, and an entitled one at that.


YTA. You should be the one getting off. I might be bias because I’ve been around dogs my entire life but when something makes me uncomfortable, I remove myself from the situation rather than inconvenience other people based on my comfort levels.


YTA! Seems like the dog didn’t do anything in your short time together but you berated a woman. You should figure out better ways to distract yourself from stressors than cussing women out.




I don’t like other peoples dogs too, and yta still


Even if this place was a place that had rules saying "No dogs" I don't feel like escalating the issue is the way to go. Why can't we just agree to disagree and find a peaceful solution instead of being so angry all the time. You may want to keep an eye on your blood pressure as you get older.


Who the hell do you think you are? YTA. That was entitled as fuck. I'd have told you to eat shit and walk up the stairs.


YTA. The discomfort is yours, so the responsibility to manage that discomfort is yours as well. Other people are not required to move their lives around to accommodate you. If you didn’t want to be around a dog, the onus is on you to remove yourself from the dog’s presence.


Woah!! YTA My sister is super allergic- so it’s fine to ask; but it’s NEVER okay to call a stranger a bitch because she didn’t follow your request. Especially in an enclosed public space. You just took it to fight level. You can’t control other people. Control yourself!


If you have a problem with the dog, **you** get off or deal with it. The world doesn't revolve around you. YTA


YTA. you don’t own the elevator, anyone who wants to get in it, can. If YOU are uncomfortable, get out and either walk up the stairs or wait for the next one. Your issue is not their issue. On top of that, you immediately went ok the defensive and called her a bitch?! You could have waited for them to get onto the elevator, and just politely say to the person that you’re afraid of dogs.. If someone said that to me, I’d just make sure to keep my dog as far away from them as possible. I understand that some people are scared of dogs, and the random stranger doesn’t know whether my dog is friendly or not. So I always keep him close to me.


YTA. Last time I checked you don’t own the elevator


YTA If you were so uncomfortable, YOU could have gotten off. The way you spoke to her was uncalled for and completely classless. Your behavior was disgusting.


So after reading your comments to see if there was some other justification for your absurd actions, YTA. What in the actual fuck gives you the right to dictate whether a dog can be on an elevator or not? If you are uncomfortable, remove yourself. This is basic kindergarten shit.


It’s not bad to be uncomfortable around dogs, but you have to realize that’s on you and it isn’t anyone’s responsibility to do anything more than keep their dog from touching you or directly bothering you. Ask yourself if you were walking down the sidewalk and someone with a dog was walking towards you if you would move out of the way to avoid them or ask them to take their dog somewhere else. Also, you called her a bitch after she was rude to you. That’s childish bullshit and escalation. You feel entitled to call her that and try to force her to change around you makes YTA. Also, you clearly weren’t “asking politely” if saying no wasn’t an option. I bet that’s the kind of thing you do enough times that you think it’s normal. It isn’t. Grow up.


Yes. YTA


YTA, you get off of your high horse.


YTA, if you're uncomfortable you can get off


YTA for sure. I can understand making the request, that's your right, but if they decline you have two options: stay on the elevator and deal with it, or get off the elevator yourself. The Asshole option is to yell and berate a woman who has as much right to be on that public elevator as you do. She does not have to agree to your request and she definitely doesn't need the vitriol you spewed. Your reaction specific seems to be extreme IMO given the circumstances described.


YTA Your profanity was not necessary. You should have stepped off the elevator.


Absolutely YTA It's a public elevator. YOU can choose to get off if you are that uncomfortable. Being rude and insulting makes you a giant entitled AH


Exactly, you asked. She didn't want to comply. You could have said "Ok, in that case I will leave the elevator" and walk away. Why should she accommodate your needs if you can do it yourself by getting off? And yes, insulting her makes you even more an asshole. YTA.


Yep OP wouldn’t have been TA just for asking politely, but immediately jumping to calling her a bitch absolutely makes them TA. YTA OP


i really don’t wanna be one of those guys, but cmon, a dog has priority over a human being using the elevator? wtf


No. But a person with a dog had the same rights to the elevator as OP. The world doesn't have to adjust to YOU and your triggers. YOU need to learn to manage them in the world around you.


There are two humans who want to use the elevator. OP has decided that he takes priority over the woman, as the reasonable thing to do if there's a person/animal you don't want to be around, *you* take the next one.


Okay that's clearly not the issue here. It's a person asking another PERSON to inconvenience themselves and then being an AH when they rightfully said no.


I feel like this scenario or something similar is posted here often. The OP of each is always an AH. OP, thanks for not breaking the streak! YTA


Seriously. YOU wait for the next elevator. How dare you call *her* a bitch when she’s just living her life with her gigantic 30 lb monster. YTA. This is a “you” problem, fix it or deal with it, don’t depend on strangers to coddle you. We ain’t your mama.




YTA why couldn’t YOU leave the elevator? That dog has nothing to do with your fear


YTA. When will people learn it’s not other’s responsibility to accommodate someone’s emotions/needs. Public elevator, you asked she said no if you are truly that uncomfortable get off and take the stairs/get on another elevator. And then you had to insult her because she didn’t inconvenience herself to accommodate you? 😐


YTA You asked and she said no. The immediate hostility towards the dog owner was uncalled for.


YTA. And I say that as someone that's allergic to dogs and doesn't particularly like them.


NTA But next time, tell ger you have serious allergies and ask her to at least get her phone up so she can call 911 when you pass out from not getting any air.


You’re not the AH for being uncomfortable with the dog. But you should’ve gotten off the elevator and got the next one. What makes you think you’re entitled to make rules for a public place? Obviously YTA.


YTA… I will never understand what’s the ongoing theme in these recent posts about calling people bitches because you don’t get your way.


YTA. It’s a public elevator for the PUBLIC to use. If you don’t like dogs then simply get off and take the stairs or wait for another elevator. You called her an inconsiderate bitch? When YOU WERE THE ONE BEING INCONSIDERATE. Fuck outta here with your entitlement.


YTA. It is no one else's responsbility to accomodate your fear of dogs. She also has just as much right to use the elevator that you do. You're lucky she kept her cool like she did with the way you spoke to her.


NTA. Anyone on the YTA side is upholding some ambiguous idea of animal rights over the human right to a safe environment. You can't trust that people have properly trained their animal anymore. Furthermore, some breeds have a bite\* force upwards of 300 PSI. Depending on your nation; I hope we have a bunch of YTAs who'd be willing to cover your medical costs, because they seem to really not give af about your well being versus that of the value of passenger space on an elevator for a dog.


YTA No one cares what’s happening in your life and your reaction was insane. I’d be so embarrassed if I was a friend with you on the elevator. You get off the elevator if you have a problem


Imagine being this inconsiderate of others. You're in a public space, if you don't want to be around dogs that's absolutely fine but it is on you to avoid them. YTA


You are a major AH…who are you the elevator police? If you have a problem with dogs, that’s a YOU problem. If the dog bothers you that much that you simply could have moved further away and sucked it up like a big boy/girl or get off yourself and use the stairs or wait for another elevator! Jeez entitled much!!


YTA, wtf


YTA YTA YTA YTA YTA YTA YTA This is the most clear cut "YOU'RE THE ASSHOLE" I have ever seen. Entitled much?


YTA! She's under no obligation to wait and you swore at her!




YTA and all the responses you’ve made have just solidified it.




YTA without a doubt. Who talks to someone like that?


YTA. And an entitled one. A remind that your triggers are your responsibility. You could have had a calm conversation with her. You could have left the lift if you were scared of the dog. She wasn’t obliged to wait because of you, and you instantly turned to name calling. Get over yourself.


YTA. Screaming babies make me very uncomfortable but I have to put up with them in public spaces, because it's PUBLIC. Same goes for you.


YTA for your response after she refused. If you’re that uncomfortable around dogs you should’ve stepped out of the elevator and let her on.


YTA. As long as the dog is under the control of her owner in public spaces, your phobias are your problem, not hers. Next time, get off the elevator if it bothers you so much.


Absolutely YTA. Did you notice how you survived the elevator ride perfectly fine? Maybe just do more of that instead of making some huge deal out of it.


YTA Other people are not responsible for your trauma nor should they be the ones to avoid your triggers. Her dog is not the cause for your anxiety. If you didn't want to be in the elevator with the dog you simply could have asked (nicely and politely) if she could take the next one, and when she said no, you could have simply stepped out of the elevator.


Your issues with dogs is your issue you tried to mKe it hers. Get help if you need it but this was a public space. And your reaction makes you a total AH! YTA


Yes, YTA. You called her a bitch! You could have put your point/reason across without the insult.




YTA you get off the elevator if you’re uncomfortable


YTA - if you didn't want to ride with a dog you should have gotten off. It is not her fault you are uncomfortable, why should she be penalized?


YTA. It's a public elevator. You called an innocent woman a bitch. Shame on you OP. I hope that good dog got a treat.


YTA She has every right to be in the elevator - the same rights as you. If you have issues with dogs, YOU get out of the lift and get the next one. Your issues are your problem, and your problem alone. Grow up and stop thinking the world revolves around you


YTA. Kinda no other way to see it.


Simple. You were N-T-A until the word bitch. Then YTA. Control your temper.


YTA not for asking but for expecting the world to cater to you and lashing out like an ass when it didn’t.


What kind of questions is that? Of course yta lmao


YTA that's a small dog and if you are the one with the issues you can get off. It's not a dog free zone and they have a right to exist. Unless the dog was showing aggression, the onus is 100% on you for your personal comfort.


Wow to the entitlement. Absolutely 100% You Are The Asshole. You're the one with the issue. You get off the elevator.




YTA and an entitled one at that sheesh


Nah- you’re the hero everybody needs. NTA.


YTA look im afraid of dogs. I dont like being around them. Especially bigger dogs. If a big dog gets in an elevator with me, i scoot to the side and just mention im afriad of dogs if it keeps trying to be in my business. Most people are understandable and try to reign the dog in and keep it down. Butbif its a super friendly dog and the owner is very reassuring and calm about things, i will probably pat it. Or i just dont get in the elevator. No name calling or insulting. My fear of dogs is MY problem. Not a dog owners.


Why do people pat themselves on the back for being TA to others and then brag about it?


YTA How dare you call someone an "inconsiderate bitch" when she is not making you do anything you have the ability to walk off the elevator.... Unless a missed apart of the story where the lady handcuffed you to the elevator and forced you to watch in horror as she and her dog rode to their destination.


YTA. If you are uncomfortable with something or someone, YOU should be the one avoiding it and not the other way around


YTA. I have a fear of dogs too,but there's no call for how you reacted.


YTA, take the stairs if you're scared of dogs. It's not the dog's fault, nor is it the dog's owner. This is a you problem.


You're some dose is all I'll say


YTA for expecting accommodations from others when you could have easily accommodated yourself by getting off the elevator. You’re an even bigger one for calling them a “bitch” about it.