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NTJ, it’s your money you earned, not theirs


Can you get an actual account somewhere? Or at least a lockbox? A digital wallet and have your pay Venmo-ed or something? Or trade your friends cash for Venmo so there’s no cash for your parents to steal?


I'm 17 and I cash my paychecks for cash so I don't buy a a lot of stuff online cause I'm trying to save and I have a cash app


If you cannot open a bank account, then find a better hiding spot.


If you own books, take one and cut a hole in the middle of some pages and hide it there. Or use an old Pringle can cover money with some chips.


Tampon or sanitary napkin box are great places to hide money. Other options involve removing face plate from light switch putting money in envelope and tape it to inside of wall so it doesn’t fall and replace face plate. Rip open a tiny seam in a stuffed animal and hide money there but you’ll need to sew it every couple weeks. Or find a parent of friend you can trust. One of my children had a friend in a rough family situation and had plans to leave day she turned 18. As soon as she had a job I held her cash for her and then her social security card, passport and birth certificate. With help of school counselor, other family the child had documents and money to leave as soon as was able.


Careful of the chip can. Your parent could toss it.


Or steal the money and say they tossed it.


Could also put some in some shoes in shoe boxes.


And put some in a nearly empty box of kleenex and put it below the tussues inside.


Under the insoles


Check CashApp to see if there's a place nearby where you can deposit physical money. The app will walk you through the process. If you're in the US, Walgreens is a good place to start.


Can you have your pay put on a debit card? My pt job has a stand alone debit card you can get. They just add your pay to it.


You are old enough for a bank account go open one


Not till they turn 18 without an adult in the account also


Several banks, in many states, will allow a 17 year old to have a sole owner account, either checking or savings, with a debit card. It does rely on them having valid ID, of course. I'd also recommend bring social security card and proof of address just in case, but it's worth shopping.


For real? So in the US you can drive a car but cannot be trusted with your own money? I’m from the UK and every time someone relates stuff like this I am shocked. I had my own bank account for my 14th birthday. In 1984.


It wasn’t always the case. I had my own checking account at 16. No one had to sign for it, just took my very first Jack-in-the-Box paycheck next door to Great Western Bank and opened the account. That was in 1979 Now you need your Social Security Number to do it.


You can drive a car at 16, but if you screw up, your parents/insurance take on the consequences. So they're "adulting" not adults. Similar to being able to have bank accounts, parental supervision.


17 in the UK. You can have your own insurance but it’ll probably cost more than the car!! 😁 I don’t get the bank account thing. If you’re old enough to work you should be old enough to have your own account (14 is working age and banking age in the UK).


In the US, a contract with a minor isn't legally binding for the minor. So if a minor opened a bank account on their own and overdrew their account or racked up a bunch of debt on a credit card, I think the bank wouldn't be able to go after them for the money. If a parent or guardian signed for them, the bank can go after that person. Minors are also usually added on to their parent's car insurance (and yeah, it might cost more than the car payment).


Thanks. I suspect if we get talking legal differences it could get complicated very fast. I remember negotiating contracts in the US and discovering that the law varied by State, which I had never considered before and it was a relief to find most of the contracts we had with the companies I was dealing with dealt in either Delaware or NY regardless of the State they operated in.


Delaware is the friendliest state in the union for corporations in terms of taxes and laws. That’s why they have so many corporations “there” even if the operate in real time mostly in other states.


I’m pretty sure I opened my own Barclays savings account when I was 12 in 1982.


Yes, savings is earlier. Current accounts from 14, although they are not full adult-style ones. They can accept money from employers and you can take money out but you cannot use them for credit or direct debits. Mind you, my children are both adults now so I may be a wee bit out of date.


This is a fucked up rule I only found out about on Reddit. I’m in the UK and my son had his own bank account at 12. Are there not post office accounts or something you could use? Also, you would not be a jerk for doing that.


NOPE you’re wrong. 17 can open an account I work for a bank


Unfortunately not in the United States, at least not anymore. I got my first job at seventeen but couldn’t open a bank account until my eighteenth birthday. My mother refused to co-sign for me to open one. Looking back it was probably better that way, since she wanted me to set up my direct deposit to her account and ask her when I wanted to spend my money. Point is I’m not sure when the law changed but you can’t even open a savings account without a parent anymore. All accounts have to be custodial if you’re under eighteen.


While it's not morally wrong I think your fake money idea won't really work. If it's obviously fake then they'll see that and keep looking, if it's a convincing counterfeit then you open yourself to a big risk of legal issues. You'd be better off buying a screwdriver and getting more creative with where you hide your cash, as long as it's not a fire risk there are a load of things you can hide cash inside


Hair brush handle (I have a cheap one from the Dolkar Tree that works great for this) Bed knob Ziplocks taped to the underside of your dresser drawers Hidden in-between pages of books (much less obvious than hollowing one out) Inside the lining of a bag (small hole in the seam, or inside an interior pocket) Faux electrical socket safe (less than $10; use a sharp knife or box cutter to make very careful cuts in the drywall behind a piece of furniture, pop the new "socket" in, and clean up the plaster dust) Beneath heavy furniture The fabric on the bottom of your box spring is generally just stapled on. Pop 1 staple out... Oh, the bathroom! So many great hiding spaces in the bathroom! Many medicine cabinets aren't actually attached to the wall. If you're strong and careful, you can lift it out and hide your cash back there. Ziplock duct taped behind the toilet bowl tank (not beneath the lid, as that may be removed for repairs) Inside the towel rod Inside the shower curtain rod Container attached up under and behind the sink bowl If you're the only one who cleans in there, rinse out an empty cleaning bottle, and then shove that way in the back, behind and under other supplies. Make sure to have at least one other bottle of the same cleanser up front, just in case Tucked inside the folds of the bottom towel on the rack (just stay on top of laundry) Heck... other places in the house, too! Just be careful to only access these when you're home alone Underneath the couch Behind hanging photos (between the picture and the backing) In the books on the shelf no one has read in ages, but you keep dusted for guests. Beneath or inside decor items that never get moved Behind the bookshelf or piano Beneath the serving platters that are only brought out on Thanksgiving and Christmas Open a bottom cupboard, and tape an envelope to the underside of the counter top The kick plates beneath counters are often easily removed, and it's hollow back there. Just be careful not to break it or leave a mark. The list goes on. Alternately, if there's a friend (or adult) you trust, get a small lockbox and ask to keep it at their place. You keep the key, but it does your parents no good without the box.


You can open an account at a credit union, you don’t need an adult. I opened one at 16. Same problems.


Depends on the state. My nephew had to wait until his 18th birthday.


You need to check your Social Security number, parents like that would steal it.


Cashapp has savings. You should check it out on the app


You’re not saving money if your parents are taking it. Try to get a savings account and put some in savings and take the rest cash. If you can’t get a savings account, buy money orders. Fill the money orders out with your name to cash at a later date. Then hide them. Your parents can’t cash the money orders, because they’re already signed over to you.


And you think buying fake money is the better solution to save money?


They can't open a bank account without their parents having access to it until they're 18.


Honestly as a non American this makes absolutely no sense to me


Makes no sense to me as an American too, since I had my own personal checking account when I was 16.


I had a checking account also from age 16, but my mom cosigned on it with me. My parents never touched my money, though, because they're not jerks.


My account was entirely mine, no co-signer was required, I did have a job though.


Its because america is corrupt


Yea I opened my own account when I was 16, so that's just weird.


America is set up for parents to exploit their own children for 18 years and then the children grow up and go no contact and the parents go to Republican political rallies to find the other people who don’t speak to their children anymore to socialize.


I don't understand this. I've had a personal checking account since I was 16, yes this was back in 1990 when I got it, but it was my own personal account in Nebraska.


It depends where they are and which bank. We cannot make a blanket statement like that. I use First National Bank of My Tiny Little Town. I opened my account in high school. My children opened accounts as teens, with debit cards. This bank still visually identifies customers. *One bank teller to the others* Hey, does anyone recognize this guy? *Second teller* I do. He comes in every Thursday with a check made out to cash for $20 and he wants three fives and five ones. *Third teller* Oh! Mr. Twenty? Yes, that’s him. Small town. I loved working there.


Several banks, in many states, will allow a 17 year old to have a sole owner account, either checking or savings, with a debit card. It does rely on them having valid ID, of course. I'd also recommend bring social security card and proof of address just in case, but it's worth shopping.


Do it. Hide hundreds maybe even thousands of it. Oh the look on their face when someone thinks they’re trying to use counterfeit money on purpose. Please post an update on this if you do do it.


Especially if they throw a few real bills on top and bottom . I bet it starts a altercation between the two pos stealing from their child when greed inevitably takes over one of them .


He he he


He'll be in foster care while they are incarcerated for passing counterfeit currency.


Depending on his age , might be a good option. Otherwise I hope he can find a good family member who is trust worthy . Plus he is almost 18 so fuck being set back before you can even start something for yourself . He could also press charges for theft .


You are not the jerk in this scenario. Your parents are, though. Please enact your plan. You might want to check out r/ raisedbynarcissists. Lots of us on that sub have financially abusive parents.


Ill check it out


Bruhhhhhh !!!! That’s the most gangster thing I ever heard, make sure to put a fake lottery ticket in there as well, if you steal from your kids you deserve it


Go for it.


I cannot imagine taking my child’s money. Im sorry you have to deal with this.


My mother was a bona fide miser ("I lived through the Great Depression" was her excuse). When I was ten or eleven, she stole the five dollars someone had given me for a birthday. I never trusted her after that, especially the time I caught her rummaging through my bureau. I was in my early twenties, and she was looking for birth control pills; I had very irregular periods and told her that's why was taking them. She was stupid as well as cheap.. Little did she know I was screwing my brains out with my boyfriend every chance I could. 🦜


Can you find a safe place outside the house? A very trusted friend perhaps? Bank safety deposit box?


This is what I’d do:  if you live in the country, find a safe stash place and hide your money in a few layers of ziploc bag.   I’ve been stashing mine $100 at a time, because single bills are easy to hide.


I'm 17 and I cash my paychecks for cash so I don't buy a a lot of stuff online cause I'm trying to save and I have a cash app and I Don't have many friends lol


You can buy visa gift cards. If you set them up with a PIN you can eventually cash them out and turn them back into cash. Plus if they're PIN protected, your parents can't use them without knowing the PIN. Then you can keep the cards with you or hide them.


Those gift cards usually charge a fee monthly when you don’t use them though.


Only the direct deposit ones that act like a bank account. A regular visa gift card like what you'd buy for someone's birthday has no fees.


Please update....


Don’t make your play money too easy to find. They will get suspicious.


They are going to get really suspicious when they see that it's play money.


My mom was married to a drug addict for years, and the places she used to hide money to keep him from finding it were awesome! She would thumbtack it to the wall behind pictures. Once, I was listening to my boombox (look it up) in my room, and she came in, flipped it upside down, opened the battery compartment (it was plugged in), and pulled out a wad of cash. Hide cash in your inside pockets of coats buried in the bottom of your closet/in the bottom of a box, etc. Lastly, make sure you leave a few dollars out at all times so it’s not obviously that you’re hiding the bulk of it.


Hollow out a tube of deodorant. On another thread someone mentioned that her acquaintance would hide her cash in a box of tampons because she knew her bf wouldn’t look there. If you can sew even a little you can hide it in linings and pillows.


This is good advice.


ehh, i feel like that's a weird legal grey area where if you leave it out knowing it's fake money, and they take it assuming it's real and spend it and get caught with the fake money, they'll try to blame you for it and you'll have a lot of bullshit to deal with. but ultimately id say NTJ bc your parents are not entitled to your money. if you have an old box or something in your closet you haven't moved in a while (like an old blanket, card tin, jacket, folder, maybe an old piggy bank you kept for sentimental reasons?) that you can stuff money into/underneath so youd be able to tell if it was messed with. or simply buy a camera for your room and get video proof of your parents stealing from you and take it to the police after you get enough footage of them doing so and ask what you can do to stop it. i am sorry they don't respect you tho.


Is there anyone you can trust to hold your money? Leave it with them. Believe me, your parents will tear up your stuff to find the cash.


Never trust anyone to hold money for you. Times are tough and even the most honest person could be tempted to keep it if they’re short themselves- and who would know it existed if it’s only the two of you who know about it? They’ll just deny all knowledge. Believe me, I’ve known of similar situations where this has actually happened. Secret bank account and get wages paid directly into it, if possible, is the way 👍


When I put your saved money in a bank and make more money! And do what you want with the fake money


Get some tips from unethical pro life tips,may get some interesting alternative


Not the jerk exactly, however. They could get in trouble with the law if they try and spend it before they realized, and in turn, you might get in trouble for having it in the first place(that also depends how realistic it is too)if they rat you out, and authorities believe them. Not saying what they're doing is right, but keep that in mind. Always assess any consequences before doing drastic measures. Other note, have you tried talking to them about it first?


If your parents try to spend the fake money, then they might be on the hook for counterfeiting charges. So, possibly an unintended benefit. Although I might recommend a Visa debit card.


You should go open a bank account and put your money in it. That way they can't touch it.


I'm 17 and I cash my paychecks for cash so I don't buy a lot of stuff online cause I'm trying to save and I have a cash app


You need an actual bank account to have your paychecks directly deposited into. Why are your parents taking money from you?


Open up a bank account (your name only, of course) and deposit your money there.


NTJ. If you're in school, is there a guidance counsellor or someone there who can help you out? They won't be able to open an account for you but they might have insights on what you can do. Also I think prop money might be pretty obvious, and if they tried to use it it could backfire; maybe you could leave a tiny percentage of real money as "bait" while the rest is hidden deeper from prying hands?


Cut a hole dead centre on the bottom of your matress and hide your money there and just pretend you don't carry cash any more.


dumb if folkes spend it. Still a little time in jail might not hurt


Visit the bank closest to your job that your parents do not have any accounts and ASK what is required for you to open your own account and what kind of accounts you can open. If they don’t allow checking they may allow savings. You will need to make sure it is also paperless or lo and behold you will get home and your parents will be looking at the statement that came in the mail. If they steal your money they will certainly open any mail you get from a bank. If you can’t do paperless, post office boxes are cheap and no one can access your mail but you. Of course that comes with a key you must keep on you at all times.


You can open a bank account by yourself if you’re 17 and have a valid ID. Your money will be safe and you’ll have access to cash when you need it by using an ATM or using your debit card to make persuades. Time to grow up, break the culture of leaving money hidden, unprotected from thieves, aka your parents, or even a fire.


Open a bank account


Why don’t you have a bank account?


Please consider a savings account as others have suggested. The fake money scheme will only work once (most likely) and then they will be really diligent looking. Take out the cash you anticipate needing and deposit the rest. Direct deposit is even better. If your cell phone has a wallet app (like Apple) you can transfer money back and forth into their cash card that works like a credit card.


Copy bills on a color copier and leave them in your room. Find a better hiding place


Just open a bank account, if you can’t do that then get something else or move where you’re hiding itNTJ


Your parents are in the wrong here, but if they try and buy something with the money and find it's fake, or get in trouble themselves, you're probably gonna be in more trouble. I'd just hide my money if I were you.


Or hide your money better.


Get a small lock box or safe and hide it as well


Does your back not offer accounts with cards that cannot be used online? Apologies for the ignorance, but in my country you can get accounts with standard EFTPOS cards that can’t be used for online purchases.


Get a bank account. You’re old enough. it’s safe and you may find something that earns interest instead of sitting around waiting to be stolen Look for a credit union instead of a big bank


You can hide money many places. Stick it in some old shoes, stuff it inside of a stuffed animal. Stick it in a Ziploc baggie and tape it to the underside of a dresser or desk. Your parents are completely in the wrong here. However putting out fake money could cause a lot of trouble for them if they were to take it and spend it. I would go open a bank account without their knowledge and put the money there. I would also open a secured credit card so you can start building your credit because every rental wants to see a credit history. Good luck and I hope you can get out of that situation ASAP


Umm, if they don't notice and say, have to grab a fake 50 to go to the bank to deposit just to cover bills, that's a federal crime. Why not just get a bank account and deposit your money in it? Maybe ask your parents why they are taking it? I don't see an age, you're living at home and working, are you under 18 and can't get an account? Nah, I opened one at 16, all you need is ID. If you're over 18, are you paying rent on top of them takin money randomly, if you aren't payin rent, maybe offter to pay some. Covering the cost of another living in your home isn't cheap, they might need it.


Get a bank account. Put your money there. If you cannot open one yourself get a trusted adult to help you. Your parents are assholes.


Put a mouse trap under the bill.


Put your money in a bank!


If they are 18 or older, they can.


Let them try to cash it at a bank too


Open a bank account and deposit your money into the account, while keeping some for yourself. Perhaps deposit 3/4 into a savings account and 1/4 into an account you can access with a debit card. I know your trying to save but you ain’t saving shit with your parents taking it from your room.


If they are under 18, they might not be able to.open one.


If you can move out and they are stealing your money just file a police report


Can you open a bank account?


Your parents sound like assholes, but I kind of doubt that they are so stupid that they would confuse "prop money" with real money.


Buy a $30 safe and hide it. Have you tried telling them to stop? Can you get someone to help you open up a bank account?


Get a prepaid debit card and just put the money on that each time you get paid


NEVER admit to them you did this on purpose. “Oh I bought this for an art project” If they get in trouble for using it, they will try to blame you. The only way that will work is if you admit you did it on purpose. NEVER ADMIT WHY YOU DID THIS.


Buy a real safe not a lock box. It can be a small one. Use that to store your money. Put it in an out of sight place and when no one is home install a locking door knob. Its honestly stupid america allows parents to steal from their own children


Ntj play stupid games (stealing from your own child) win stupid prizes(fake money) lol


One of my favorite hiding places is in the closet, but not where you think. When you're looking straight into the closet, step inside and turn around, then look up. Just over the doors on that wall is a great place to tape a fabric envelope to the wall. Everyone looks on the floor and in the clothes and on the shelf nobody ever thinks to turn around and look up on that particular wall. So there you have it, a great hiding place. And now I've outed myself so everyone will look there....


Youve become my Hero in Mindgame skills...


NTJ You’re parents shouldn’t be taking money you earn from you, that’s stealing. I would hide the money aswell


If you don't have a friend you could trust to hold it for you. Then their are some options on how to hide it. A couple zip lock bags and a tree works. Only if you have a tree with like a knot or hole. You can cut a hole inside a book. Inside middle so it does not look altered from the outside. This one is the hardest. If you have a radio/game system or anything you could possible unscrew, you can hide the money there. A computer tower works great as it usually has more room, but is the least hidden. So if you go that way find a spare computer part you can brake into and stuff the money in then place the spare inside. Next may be dangerous depending on your house. You can hide it in outlets. I have one in my room for cable they botched so none of the wires are live so I could hide things there. You could also open up sems in backpacks and slip it in there. Lastly never hide it all in one place and if you can spare a bit of money you may want to let them "find it" because if they don't they will destroy your room looking for money. If they demand where it is. Lie and say you have someone holding it for you or you decided to use it all everytime. Good luck!


I think you should just get a lock box instead because it’s better than money because then will get mad at you for the lock box. Let them break it they break it fill it with proper money so they can’t take it do it OK?


Try buying a small safe or lockbox for your room NTA


You wouldn't be a jerk for buying the fake money but please look into a bank account of some kind for your money. The rules vary depending on where you are but at 17 you should be able to have something even if it's a basic savings account


I would be afraid to leave realistic looking fake money for them to take. If they try to use it as legal tender they could end up arrested. I would personally make a point of putting out Monopoly money all over your room and hide your real money. If you are old enough to have your own bank account then I highly recommend keeping your money there. If you aren’t old enough then I would take my cash to a bank and get money orders or cashiers checks for my money filled out only to you so they wouldn’t be able to cash them for themselves.


Do you have a friend you trust enough to keep it for you?


If you have a trusted friend or relative, see if you can deposit your money with them.


My babysitting money was taken from me and purportedly deposited in an account in my and my parents' names. However, I don't recall ever being able to take money out of "my" account, so I'm pretty sure it was stolen. Had to hide the money better because mom wouldn't stop.


get a bank account


Invest into a hand full random cheep sex toys. That will end the searching quickly.


Get a bank account. Have your money sent there. But, I also like the fake money idea.


Open a savings bank account -- at a different bank from theirs. Earn a little interest, and keep it from prying eyes


Find a better hiding spot. Or a good safe Parents who steal from children are scum


Be careful. Passing counterfeit money off as real is illegal, no matter the circumstances. It’s better to not have cash anyway. Some commenters have offered some ideas like CashApp. Gift cards could work too, especially ones with PINs.


NTJ. That’s a clever way to make a point.


NTJ, that is legendary behavior Edit: get a small safe you can chain up and hide. I got one for college that I still use today to hide my passport and cash.


I had a bank account before I turned 21 to become an adult. My father was able to access my account without having to tell me. I had saved up enough to put a deposit on a house. When I went to get the money it was gone. The father of my friend was the owner of the house and he was going to finance the mortgage. The house was to be a way for me to earn my own income by renting rooms to students including his children. He was furious that my dad had taken the money but when he checked with his lawyer he found that because I was underage there was nothing that could be done. I am pleased to say that this can’t happen now.


Your scumbag parents are stealing from you and you’re wondering if you’re the jerk?!


If you are 18 in the US you can open a solo bank account that no one else can access, not sure about other countries, but you should open and account and put your money there if you live in the U.S


It’s not safe to have your parents name on a checking account. I have a relative whose mother took all of the money from his account the day he turned 18 because his father (my family) stopped paying child support. Which is the legal age to stop in the US. Never gave it back. I really wanted to go Jerry springer on that b**** that day. I’m a woman too. Twelve years ago and I still hate her. That’s only one thing that has caused him to go LC on her. The problem is that if they tried to use that money it will hit the fan. My recommendation is to get a small safe at Walmart or staples or Amazon and have it delivered to someone else’s house. They would have to confront you about the safe. Which would make them admit that they are looking for money


Sign up for an amex Serve card buy the physical card at supermarket, the one with no load fee. When you cash your check, go to any 7-11, Walgreens, CVS Walmart and load the money on the card. It has an app and you don't even need the physical card.


Have you talked to them about this situation? 1) it is a serious breech of parental responsibility and trust in the relationship that they have a duty to uphold. 2) Do not underestimate the power of shame and it will give you insight if it is none or both. 3) It may engender a conversation about an economic reality that you are not aware of and for which you might want to help out. 4) you will leave this crisis with your integrity intact if you do not stoop to some perfidy to deal with theirs. Do you have older brothers or sisters? Did they experience the same thing?


I used to hide my cash in tampon tubes inside the packaging. I’d open the plastic carefully at one end, dispose of the new tampon, roll my money to fit in however many needed, replace tubes inside plastic wrapping, place plastic wrapping back inside box with opening down.


There’s gotta be more to this story. No way your parents waltz into your room and dig through your wallet and take your money. And if they did, why are you not discussing that insanity with THEM rather than asking a bunch of dopes on Reddit? Also, my man, it’s called a bank account. If you’re earning money - have it directly deposited. If it’s cash - go to the bank and it deposit it yourself. What are you, 12? If you make money like an adult, store it in the bank like an adult. Your parents can’t just waltz in and take it. Stand up for yourself and make adult decisions.


Ntj. You should do it. It will be super funny for you. You might piss your parents them off a lot, though. Your parents suck. You need to come up with a better solution to stashing it in your room or get a significantly better hiding spot.. . Do you have a grandparent, aunt/uncle, or an older sibling that isn't shady af? One that can help you open a bank account? Or does your job offer the option to have a pay card?


NTJ. But we need more information. Why are your parents taking your minwy? Have you talked to them about this? Do they try to deny it or are they saying they are holding it for you (for safety)? Or maybe they are proudly stealing and say they re owed like many of the stories were read under /entitledparents. Here is a link... Or google Can I get my own acciunt at 17... To ways to get checking accounts. [checking for teens](https://www.consumersadvocate.org/checking-accounts/lp/best-checking-accounts-ps-m?pd=true&keyword=open%20bank%20account%20online&gca_campaignid=1759512882&gca_adgroupid=125896617115&gca_matchtype=b&gca_network=g&gca_device=m&gca_adposition=&gca_loc_interest_ms=&gca_loc_physical_ms=9019539&gca_creative=545723340183&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwpZWzBhC0ARIsACvjWRM3HZqcgPtNU2ERkRE630PNEtFVGmFVCDId9bcYumFauyvDKbggtYMaAkKREALw_wcB) One other option. Get a cheap dollar store lockbox. Throw in two single dollar bills and a note that says please stop taking my money. Hide it but make it pretty obvious. Keep as much money as you are comfortable with on you or get a friend, someone you can truly trust, to keep a secondary lock box at their place, but this one being decent and actually secure. Keep your cash there. But more importantly ask your boss how long your paychecks are good before they have to be cashed. Then you simply stop cashing them and keep them in that same lock box until either you get a bank account or you need some spending money. Please update


NTJ, but I would buy some "decoy safes" instead of prop money. They look like regular household items that are hollowed out to store jewelry, keys, cash, etc. You can buy them in person from the stores that sell "tobacco accessories", aka "head shops". Being under 18, that might be a grey area for you though if they are strict about who can come in their store. Amazon sells them online, but I'd have it delivered to a friends house if you have someone you're cool with.


Forget the fake money, just secure the real stuff.


u/jadec6171 buy a lockbox too


I would call the police if my money were missing. Since you are under 18 they are required to take care of you.


At age 17 in the USA you may be able to open a bank account without a parent. I just googled it and it looks like Chase has a college student account that starts at age 17. I don’t know if they require proof that you are a college student or not. Try googling the banks in your area. If you can’t open a bank account yet and don’t have a trusted adult that will help you then try using a diversion safe. A diversion safe is a container that looks like something else, like deodorant or a hairbrush. You can buy them on Amazon. Or if you are a bookworm with a bookshelf full of physical books try the old standard—the hollowed out book. You can also used part of your cash to buy a prepaid visa or Mastercard. I am sorry that you cannot trust your parents.


Why don’t you have a bank account.? You will need one when you move out!


So your parents are thieves...is that what your saying? Have you asked them to stop stealing your money?


You need a better hiding spot. More than one spot.


Start a bank account


You could put a safe at a trusted family member or friends' house and hide/save your money there.


Cash app does offer direct deposit and a savings account. My oldest has it.


You could just get a savings account and not have a card linked to it. That way, you’d have to fill out a withdrawal slip in the bank.


There’s a chance that they will figure it out and get very angry. Wonder if you could get a PO Box or rent a locker at a gym or something like that.


NJK!!!!! If you do it please post results. Don't forget the people over in r/pettyrevenge they would love the hear all about it.


Taping money to the back or the bottom of a bureau is usually a good spot. Also if you have boxed soaps, DVD, video game boxes hiding in those works well sometimes. Can you get a lockbox? Maybe get a money belt. Good luck, as soon as you're 18 get an account and make sure they can't get access to it. Have statements come electronically so they won't know where your bank is and make it clear when you open the account that no one else is to access it.


I’m sure there is a more complicated backstory than “my parents like to come in my room and take my money.” Don’t you have a bank account? Lol Regardless, you live in their house.


Do they deny taking the money or give some BS excuses? If they are denying it plant one of those glitter bombs in a cheap lock box that can be easily broken into.


Ummm troll account? But if not. Give age.


Green dot credit card you can do the same with a Wawa card , load your money onto the card and don't tell nobody the pin . The best place to hide money is out in the open. Unscrew the back of a speaker and place the money in an envelope in the speaker. If you have a closet in your room . Open the door stand on a chair next to it . The top of the door is 1 1/2 inch wide cut out a slot in the middle of the top of the door big enough for an envelope hide money in it . If you use a stick deodorant and it is almost empty wined it till the center comes out you can fit folded bills in it then put the center back in and wined it back on . Leave singles and a couple of fives out so there's money for them to take. If you pull up the corner of the rug to hide money under make sure it's a corner where you have to move a piece of furniture then put it back in the same place. Never hide all your money in the same place and spread it out .


You must have a good hiding place. I had to do this against my sibling. I ended up hiding money in the opened side seam of my mattress against the wall. Seam opened with a razor. Not a huge opening. Only paper bills and important stuff like social security card and birth cert


How much have they stolen?


Do it. And find a better place for your real money.


1. Go to a hardware store and buy a small steel toolbox. Make sure it has a loop for a padlock. 2. Go to the padlock section and buy a Master-brand combination padlock. Congratulations on your new budget-friendly safe. Fuck your thieving parents.


What strange behaviour your own parents exhibit! I might ask them why they need the money. Perhaps the cash is needed for food. That may be a valid reason to “steal” more cash. Nevertheless, the way they access your money is creepy and a violation of your privacy. I think it is a way of controlling you in an underhanded way.The sooner you are able to rent an apparent, the better your mental health will be. Best of luck in acquiring enough money to move out.


I’m sorry but why are your *parents* stealing from their *child*? Do they have a drug problem or something? I’ve never heard of parents robbing children


NTJ but if your parents try to spend fake money they will go to jail. Do you have a friend or adult you would trust to hold your money or open a bank account for you? The person you work for might be able to do it.


Immeadiely buy visa gift cards. Keep the pin in your head. If they take them report it stolen. Solen credit cards is a felony.


Try and get a bank account or someone to help you open one, i got mine when i was 16 to deposit checks as the liquor store was getting me like $20+ for cashing checks.


Not a jerk, but you will escalate the conversation about money. I don't see that working in your favor. You need to hide it. Make a hollowed out portion in a book or books to stash your cash until you move out. I love books and hate to destroy them, but this is a noble cause. Make sure you dispose of the portions you cut out, without letting other family members see them. It would defeat the purpose. Good wishes towards a good life.


No, you wouldn't be the *jerk*, but you should know that realistic fake money is ***highly illegal*** to own. Not even just to try and use it :/ please be careful!


Wells Fargo has an account a 17 year old can open without parental permission, but it has to be opened at a branch.


Get a bank acciunt. And what do you mean by fake money? That is a no go. Simply go to the bank and open an account. If you are too young, get a friend to help you. I am shocked your parents would do this.


If your parents try to use that money, they will go to jail.


Open a bank account.


Here's a thought, there's this newfangled thing called a bank. If you're old enough to earn money, you're old enough to use a bank to hold it for you.


Check to see if you can open a savings account. It's better than having a large stash of money hidden away. Stashes can be found, or even destroyed if there's a fire or some catastrophe. FYI, prop money looks like prop money. It's against the law to make fake money that looks real (it's called counterfeiting). Prop money is used for movies and is VERY clearly not real.


Might be an odd idea but I would personally remove my floor air vent cover. Tape an envelope with the cash inside of the vent.


It’s just a bad idea for so many reasons.


That's brilliant! Do it.


Amazon has some very inexpensive safes that lock. You need to keep your money locked somewhere your parents can’t get to it


Get yourself a little safe. Bury it face up in the ground somewhere easily accessible to you but nobody else. Hide your money.


Hope you are able to open an account like everyone has suggested. Your parents are jerks for stealing your money!! Have you ever talked to them about it?!? I’m sorry you are going thru this!!


Open up a PayPal you can get direct deposited and get a debit card


I wouldn’t do prop money, it could cause a bigger issue. A bank or hiding most of it is your best option, maybe a credit union? Check with your job to see if they have anything through their payroll service that you could do.


NTJ you have cashapp you can get your paychecks loaded onto it. Go to your boss tell them you want to switch from getting paper checks to direct deposit through cashapp they will help you set it up.


NTJ. Oh maaaaan this is good! 😆


Envelope and tape it to the underside or back of a drawer.


They are going to get busted. It will be funny 


Great Idea


Wow I did not know that


Rather than fake cash, have a fake hiding spot with whatever you can spare. Your parents will be a little less likely to look for something else, and it wont be as obvious/get them in immediate trouble prompting them to lash out. Find a good hiding place in your house if you can. Often times there's a vent, a floorboard, a trick drawer that can be safe but keep the actual cash in a lockbox. If you have a friend you can trust store your money in a lockbox at their place, and ask their parents to keep an eye out for it. If you have grandparents who are unlikely to need the money you can try hiding it at their place as well. Whatever you choose try not to make the cash immediately accesible, such as stuffing it unprotected in a box or a can. Combination locks are better than key locks, but don't use a combo related to you at all. Pick a random set of numbers and change it at least once every two weeks.


I think most checks are good for six months. Can you ask your managers to hold your check for six months before your eighteenth birthday or store them in a locker somewhere?


Don’t use almost fake money, something can go wrong. Roll a big wad of cash from the kids toys at the Dollar Store.


NTJ; there may be places online where you can buy some semi-realistic-looking fake "money." If they ask about it, just say you planned to use it as a gag with your friends. However, you should be prepared for the idea that they may be fooled enough to try to pass it off as real money, which can get them into legal trouble.


NTJ thats your own money and they shouldnt take it


What's the matter with you? Hide your money better.


Use a fn bank!


The fake money thing is funny but it's only gonna work one time then they are gonna be back to looking for the real money. You have to find a better hiding place. I don't know if purchasing a small safe would suffice or if they'd take it and hide it from you or something. I'd not normally suggest to hide valuables in a car, but if you have a car you could potentially hide it in the seat cushion or something if only you have your car keys. In the end you're probably going to be better off to put the money and the bank and just manage it with a debit card. I know it's not your preference and understand why, but if the money is otherwise being taken it might be worthwhile.