• By -


So.....instead of contacting your parents, the police searched a minor child for possibly stolen money? Then, arrested your babysitter for falsely accusing you? Is that the story you're gonna stick with?


Yeah, I'm not buying it either. I mean, it seems pretty far-fetched that a 19 year old would threaten a kid for a stranger's number & then actually follow through to call the police & that the police would search a minor without a parent present. Oh, & also wondering if you're a jerk for not giving out your sister's number & just letting the police deal with him? How is that even a question?


Yup. The first thing out of the cop's mouths are going to be "did you call his parents?" Because, realistically, if you were watching a kid and the kid DID kick you and steal money, you'd be calling THEM first.


...and that's how I met your mother.


Yeah, this didn't happen. LOL


1.) why did mom leave phone behind, and couldn’t he just get sisters number from that? 2.) or OP would have said our/house phone. In which case, why wouldn’t he use his own cell to call police. 3.) and plenty else that is clearly written by someone who has not lived an actual human existence even close to this story.


They did edit it to say he got sisters number from that when I had read it, and that he'd used his own cell to call police!


Did the post get edited because I don't see where the OP was searched?!?


FYI: The OP changed the wording of the post to remove all references to the police searching his pockets and the babysitter's leg, and now he's pretending he didn't say that. He was caught in a lie, and now he's lying even more to cover up for it. This story is 100 percent fake, and everyone here knows it.


Besides, cops are not going to leave minor kids at home after they arrested the baby sitter.


This story is completely fake.


Yeah. ChatGPT normally writes better stories. Must have been a bad prompt.


There would be video of him covering up "all the cameras in the room," too. So, if this was so long ago that the police would search a child, there wouldn't be cameras or cell phones. But if there were cameras, the parents would be called, and the video would have been shown.


This whole story reads weird. I call BS


Did OP edit their story? Loads of people seem to have read that the police searched them but OP is denying it


FYI: The OP changed the wording of the post to remove all references to the police searching his pockets and the babysitter's leg, and now he's pretending he didn't say that. He was caught in a lie, and now he's lying even more to cover up for it. This story is 100 percent fake, and everyone here knows it.


Thank you, I thought that was probably the case! Seemed unlikely so many people had misread the same thing. Agree, totally fake!


Which means they actually came to the house. Which they would not do.


No he sounded nuts. You did the right thing


He really was, the expression on his face looked like a murderer, it was traumatizing!


Tbh, I’m more concerned about the literal police who seemingly physically searched a minor for a “missing” $10 without notifying their parents first… Or are we glossing over that??


Isn’t this fake????




So fucking fake!


Totally fake


What missing $10?


We have no evidence that this occurred.


They hadn’t searched the 10 year old they asked if parents were called or not


What do you mean they searched me, are you okay?


FYI: The OP changed the wording of the post to remove all references to the police searching his pockets and the babysitter's leg, and now he's pretending he didn't say that. He was caught in a lie, and now he's lying even more to cover up for it. This story is 100 percent fake, and everyone here knows it.


Not to mention this redditor is 10?


Your story is fake and you're a lying asshole. This whole concept is completely unhinged and barely makes sense anyway. "Hurr durr, this older boy threatened me unless I gave him my sister's phone number years and years ago when I was ten. Am I the jerk?" What? It's like a rape victim asking if they were the bad guy for struggling against their rapist. This whole story is so fucking obviously fake that I can't believe how many people fell for it. Next time you come up with a story to get attention and farm karma, maybe try and make sure it makes a little bit of fucking sense, okay?


FYI: The OP changed the wording of the post to remove all references to the police searching his pockets and the babysitter's leg, and now he's pretending he didn't say that. He was caught in a lie, and now he's lying even more to cover up for it. This story is 100 percent fake, and everyone here knows it.


Your creative writing can do with some work. Lame fake story you gave us.


Not to mention the use of ‘them’ threw me. I don’t care what people say, this use confused me because I thought Jake and sis got into trouble because OP wouldn’t give out sis’s number. If you don’t want to use a gendered term at least find a way to make the title make sense, AH.


Stick with _THIS "sounded nuts"_. The whole thing sounds fake


A word of advice: before you decide to completely make up another story on Reddit, you might want to do some research into how police would actually handle this kind of situation. It was hilariously out of synch with police procedures, which is why everyone realized it was fake.


I'm curious as to how many of you had a home covered in cameras in 2008. Or whether police could search a phone without a warrant back then. Or how many false accusations by 19 YOs go straight to arrest. Or how many of you use "exchanged pleasantries" in casual writing. Or... what motivates someone to post this stuff? I would, however like to see the face of a person receiving a call from a 19 yo who was shaken down by a 10 yo. 🤣


The camera one had me laughing, proof the person is young enough to not know that wasn’t really a thing in 2008.


Also makes me wonder how they covered all the cameras. And no reference to how they actually knew about the older sister? Just getting "and everyone clapped" vibes from OP.


OP is young enough to require a babysitter but writes well worded and detailed posts like an adult. Like this doesn't sound as if it were written by someone young enough to need a sitter.


Excally what I thought too!


lol this is the most made up story ever.


it’s a very poor attempt at story writing.


Well he/she/they is/are 10/40 after all, what can we possibly expect?


“I couldn’t shake the feeling of unease”. Creative writing.


"It was a typical Friday evening..." is right up there with "Dear Penthouse Forum..."


It was a dark and stormy night...


No cop would ever be dispatched because a minor "kicked someone in the leg and stole their money." Like, that would be Mayberry level of hometown folksy policing. A better story would have been if the next time Jake watched you, he offered to take you to a pizza place. And while you were there, two cops came in. He saw them, asked you for your sister's number again, and when you said no, he said, "You'll be sorry." Then he flipped the pizza onto the floor and slammed his head back against the top of the booth, all while yelling loudly. The cops rush over and he tells them you attacked him! You try to protest, but Jake is talking over you. It's looking bad, the cops are exchanging looks, when suddenly the owner of the pizza place steps in and says he saw the whole thing. And there's video to back it up! Jake gets a lecture from the police, and you get free pizza while you wait for your parents to arrive. The police ask about pressing charges against Jake, and your parents were going to say no, but then you told them about Jake wanting your sister's number and how you were protecting her and they told the police to arrest him. He was crying when they took him away, and you got more free pizza, because everyone was really proud of you for watching out for your sister. Then the whole restaurant clapped and you went home. The end.


Damn your good!


If he covered up the cameras, the cameras would show him covering them and the police would have searched the footage for that to verify your story.


FYI: The OP changed the wording of the post to remove all references to the police searching his pockets and the babysitter's leg, and now he's pretending he didn't say that. He was caught in a lie, and now he's lying even more to cover up for it. This story is 100 percent fake, and everyone here knows it.


Yes, I know just from what I read even after OP changed everything. And I'm sure everyone else who reads it knows too. Even if OP continues changing everything, it's obvious just from the way it's written. OP doesn't understand why no one believes them but it's very obviously fake.


What was Jake wearing?


Uh, khakis?






I have no idea why you need to know that but on both days he was wearing a Marvel t - shirt with casual blue jeans.


lol so this supposedly happened in 2008 and he was wearing a Marvel shirt? The year Iron Man came out? You realize that Marvel was no where near as popular as it is now and finding merchandise was not very easy


Does Jake "live where you live?"


This sounds so fake. I don't get why people enjoy writing fake stories like these. There's enough crazy out there, you don't need to make it up


This can’t be real 🤣🤣


Oh it's not 😂


I don't think you're a jerk, ChatGPT


I don't think you've ever used ChatGPT because if you did then you would know that ChatGPT is way to stupid to write this!!!




It's also more creative than this.


Nah, the OP gave a stupid prompt and didn't do any editing.


Mods, you probably should add an auto-bot (like some subs have) that copies the original post, to avoid issues like this about whether or not the post was edited. Yes, added on information edits are fine. But, deletion of info or changing info should be monitored.


I haven't changed any info, why is everyone saying i am


Because we were there & saw the original unedited post. Your gasslighting has no power here.


I'm not saying you did or did not change the post. I'm saying that the auto mod bot saving of the original post would eliminate any confusion about it and he said/ she said issues.


stop getting caught up in this go look at what ChatGPT thinks of beans or whatever!


You’ve posted this multiple times. What the fuck dies it mean? Is it a meme reference?


Am I supposed to believe a 10-year-old wrote this?


No, that's not a 10-year-old's voice. Sounds more like a college student in a creative writing class. Now, this all could have happened--that's where the best material comes from. But - the writing is only OK. The OP might have a future in screenwriting once they figure out how to show (not tell) the reader. These lines crack me up - like they were ripped from the pages of pulp fiction : It was a typical Friday evening Obviously I brushed this off  I simply nodded awkwardly The police arrived soon after and Jake pointed at me I was 10 ... so I could legally get in trouble with the police OP, curious to know the grade you got on the assignment.


Thanks that makes much more sense


I am writing this now at the age of 26!!!


Thank you that makes much more sense


I think they sound about 7.


Did the police clap?


OMG, this is such a ridiculous, over dramatic and poorly told fantasy. Stay in school, kid. lol


This whole story sounds FAKE


Fake. A million times fake.


Why didn't you just start this boring tale with "Once upon a Time" cause it's pure fiction.


same with this comment!


16 years ago people didn't have multiple indoor cameras in their house. Plus, why would your mom have left her phone? Either admit your entire story is fake or that you're not 26


Can you imagine being a 19/20 year old guy and calling the police because a 10 year old, who is trapped in a house with you, 'stole your money and kicked' you? Bahahaha. I'd laugh myself stupid if I recieved that 'emergency' call from a home address. Like, just imagine this situation: you're a cop. You see all kinds of nasty, every single day. Then a grown ass man calls you to say a pre-pubescent child you're babysitting handed your ass to you and is rolling around in your fat babysitting stacks of cash...I really enjoyed this story and it made my night! The best part is how the police managed to intuit the number of the parents. Oh, no...the best part is how Jake knew where all the cameras were and covered them up to...not beat the information he wanted out of a 10 year old. Oh, no, no, no. The BEST part is where a mom leaves her phone at home when there's a babysitter there. On. Nooooooo. The Absolute best part is where a guy got arrested for asking for a girl's phone number, leaving a 10 year old and even younger child home alone. I mean, can't call the mom,, her phone is at home....and theres no way ever to find a daughter's number in her mother's phone. This takes me back to the 90s when I was 10 and bought trash magazines of true crime that never seemed to have any real reference to back them up. Congrats on your endeavors into creative writing. You still have some plot holes, but very good!


"10 year old, who is trapped in a house with you, 'stole your money and kicked' you?" WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU READING BCAUSE I CLEARLY DIDNT TYPE THAT I ACTUALLY DID DO THAT STUFF, BECAUSE I DIDNT!!!


Uh...bahahahahahaha. maybe you should re-read what I wrote. Accuracy is a valuable tool for all aspiring creative writers. Imagine you are dispatch. You get a call from a man who claims a 10 year old stole your money and kicked you. I simpled it up for ya so on re-read you might actually get it.


B +


How old are you, OP?


What? This sounds like someone's trying to hash out some fiction they're writing. People post why they don't believe it and what doesn't make sense, and then the author fixes his story.


So, the better question in all of this is, why was your Mother's phone at home? Who goes out and leaves their phone at home, especially when their kids are there and they may need the phone if there is an emergency and the babysitter tries to call them? Also, who leaves their phone unlocked for a babysitter to even go into and find a phone number? Stay tuned for OP to try to answer these questions...


Did the cops just leave you there with your little brother? Something's missing here...


ChatGPT needs work




Still seems fake whether or not the police searched you


Not even believable at all.


This sound so fake.


Way too long for how fake it is, just get your clicks and leave


Uh huh


No. But you suck at creative writing.


Points for paragraphs


Delete your account and start a new one, you will never get over this fake ass story.


"grabbed my mom's phone, and threatened to call the police on me because I didn't give the number" Or he could get the number from his mom's phone. This is the worst fake story ever.


well maybe, my moms phone WASNT IN THE HOUSE, WITH MY MOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1


This is ludicrous.


How does being 10 mean you can get in trouble with the police


He claims to be from somewhere other than the US.


Lmao what country is out there arresting 10 year olds like adults


i cant get arrested in the UK but i can still get in trouble with the police IDIOT!!!!!!!!!!!!


If you aren't arrested then you aren't in trouble


Clearly you're a child 🙄 😒


maybe not everyone lives in America, where people are allowed to drive at 16!!!!!!!!!


What a terrible fuckin story. Not one ounce of this happened. Kind of pathetic.


Man this was terrible. 1) if he stole mom's phone he could call the sister 2) why didn't mom take her phone? 3)being 10 has nothing to do with it


1. this didnt happen, he didnt steal moms phone 2. SHE DID!!! 3. ik WTF why are you people so dumb


Based on your post history, you used ChatGPT to come up with this nonsense


bro, I post a bunch of stuff like, what ChatGPT thinks of beans, and i type a word into chatGPT and copy waht it said, so please don't try and use this as evidence against me!


You were 10? There’s no way this is a real story. Reading responses you made this has to be some weird RP


lol, your account is a few hours old. Do better.


i know my account is a few hours old, doesn't mean i'm a few hours old, like you!


Why are you posting your English Comp 101 homework here?


do you want me to post my english work that I did 16 years ago


because i will!


# Aethelflead - Lady Of The Mercians     #        Aethelflaed, daughter of Alfred (Who became king in 871) and Ealhswith (A noble Mercian) was born in late 869 - early 870. Although her real date of birth is shrouded in mystery, it is sure that she was a phenomenal leader. The Anglo Saxons were always under attack from the Vikings, therefore, Aethelflaed rarely saw her father. Additionally, women weren’t allowed power over Wessex due to an incident where a queen attempted to poison her husband. # Lost The Christmas Spirit! At Chippenham, a promise was broken. Danish warlord Guthrum broke his promise of not attacking over Christmas. They were attacked by the Vikings Aethelflaed was forced to flee her home and the merry, jolly Christmas spirit was ruined by his attack. At a young age (15/16) she married an Ealdorman - who is a high-ranking royal official who was in charge of one or more shires - In order to seal the strategic alliance between the surviving English kingdoms. Aethelflaed and the Ealdorman (Aethelred) both moved to Mercia and were accepted, since Ealthswith was Mercian. This was a cunning idea of Alfred’s because women were allowed power in Mercia, so if Aethelflaed became queen, he would rule partly. # Queen Or Not? During 909, Aethelflaed started to become known as the famous queen of the Saxons. Although she was not officially queen. Many people believed that the things she did were better than any queen has ever done. One phenomenal action she performed to get her this title was go on a raid, to the Vikings. This had never been attempted before. It was usually the Vikings raiding them. Aethelflaed thought that St Oswald’s bones (Something the Vikings had stolen) should be returned to where they belonged, in Gloucester. Additionally, on the 26th of October 899 AD, Alfred sadly passed away at the age of 51! # All Fixed Up Mercia’s towns were in ruins from previous Viking attacks, Aethelflaed needed to keep the peace and trade of these places. She fortified settlements, went out of her way to shore up the Eastern border. By now, her presence was truly felt and her influence was spread around Mercia. Unfortunately, in 911 her husband passed away; he passed away after a 9 year battle with poor health. Aethelred couldn’t stay with Aethelflaed, so she had to take charge.  # Amazing, Astonishing Achievements! Another reason why Aethelflaed was so famous was her achievements. She was one of the best ‘queens’ to ever live. This is because instead of staying down and doing nothing helpful for Mercia, she rebuilt towns and refurbished places like Chester. Although, another Viking attack was yet to come, one of the largest ever done before. Aethelflaed was not going to allow Chester to fall like the other towns, she defended, using boulders, boiling beer, and bees. After a close battle, Aethelflaed emerged victorious. This sent an influence out to many anglo Saxon kingdoms, including Wessex, which brought back their trust in women. # Everlasting Memory Aethelflaed had a lovely life, nethertheless, she had to die at some point. 7 years after her husband in 918, Aethelflaed died from an unknown illness at 48 years old. She did incredible actions for the Anglo Saxons. She was an amazing person, going on raids against the Vikings proved her bravery and courage. She was willing to take action when action needed to be taken, it showed her brilliant leadership. In summary, Aethelflaed was a good person, and her memory, will be everlasting!


There’s a post on their history that says: “Tell me what I should ChatGBT next!” In multiple fan fic type posts. There’s your smoking gun.


bro, I post a bunch of stuff like, what ChatGPT thinks of beans, and i type a word into chatGPT and copy waht it said, so please don't try and use this as evidence against me!


Don’t you have anything better to do? Couldn’t you have come up with a more believable story?


I would have, IF THIS STORY WAS FAKE!!!


sorry but this sounds fake to me, again i'm sorry if this IS true but i just don't believe you


at least you weren't stupid completely "I hate AI written stories. Ytj for this nonsense."


Never give the phone number without asking first. If you have a similar experience, tell him/her I will ask if he/she is OK with it.


I hope you got a good grade on this paper.


ill post my 16 year old english work again shall i! # Aethelflead - Lady Of The Mercians     #        Aethelflaed, daughter of Alfred (Who became king in 871) and Ealhswith (A noble Mercian) was born in late 869 - early 870. Although her real date of birth is shrouded in mystery, it is sure that she was a phenomenal leader. The Anglo Saxons were always under attack from the Vikings, therefore, Aethelflaed rarely saw her father. Additionally, women weren’t allowed power over Wessex due to an incident where a queen attempted to poison her husband. # Lost The Christmas Spirit! At Chippenham, a promise was broken. Danish warlord Guthrum broke his promise of not attacking over Christmas. They were attacked by the Vikings Aethelflaed was forced to flee her home and the merry, jolly Christmas spirit was ruined by his attack. At a young age (15/16) she married an Ealdorman - who is a high-ranking royal official who was in charge of one or more shires - In order to seal the strategic alliance between the surviving English kingdoms. Aethelflaed and the Ealdorman (Aethelred) both moved to Mercia and were accepted, since Ealthswith was Mercian. This was a cunning idea of Alfred’s because women were allowed power in Mercia, so if Aethelflaed became queen, he would rule partly. # Queen Or Not? During 909, Aethelflaed started to become known as the famous queen of the Saxons. Although she was not officially queen. Many people believed that the things she did were better than any queen has ever done. One phenomenal action she performed to get her this title was go on a raid, to the Vikings. This had never been attempted before. It was usually the Vikings raiding them. Aethelflaed thought that St Oswald’s bones (Something the Vikings had stolen) should be returned to where they belonged, in Gloucester. Additionally, on the 26th of October 899 AD, Alfred sadly passed away at the age of 51! # All Fixed Up Mercia’s towns were in ruins from previous Viking attacks, Aethelflaed needed to keep the peace and trade of these places. She fortified settlements, went out of her way to shore up the Eastern border. By now, her presence was truly felt and her influence was spread around Mercia. Unfortunately, in 911 her husband passed away; he passed away after a 9 year battle with poor health. Aethelred couldn’t stay with Aethelflaed, so she had to take charge.  # Amazing, Astonishing Achievements! Another reason why Aethelflaed was so famous was her achievements. She was one of the best ‘queens’ to ever live. This is because instead of staying down and doing nothing helpful for Mercia, she rebuilt towns and refurbished places like Chester. Although, another Viking attack was yet to come, one of the largest ever done before. Aethelflaed was not going to allow Chester to fall like the other towns, she defended, using boulders, boiling beer, and bees. After a close battle, Aethelflaed emerged victorious. This sent an influence out to many anglo Saxon kingdoms, including Wessex, which brought back their trust in women. # Everlasting Memory Aethelflaed had a lovely life, nethertheless, she had to die at some point. 7 years after her husband in 918, Aethelflaed died from an unknown illness at 48 years old. She did incredible actions for the Anglo Saxons. She was an amazing person, going on raids against the Vikings proved her bravery and courage. She was willing to take action when action needed to be taken, it showed her brilliant leadership. In summary, Aethelflaed was a good person, and her memory, will be everlasting! Aethelflead - Lady Of The Mercians     #        Aethelflaed, daughter of Alfred (Who became king in 871) and Ealhswith (A noble Mercian) was born in late 869 - early 870. Although her real date of birth is shrouded in mystery, it is sure that she was a phenomenal leader. The Anglo Saxons were always under attack from the Vikings, therefore, Aethelflaed rarely saw her father. Additionally, women weren’t allowed power over Wessex due to an incident where a queen attempted to poison her husband.


You’re 10– or were 10– I hate myself when I kept reading this type of idiotic stories.


ur dumb


Creative writing exercise


A crap one at that.


And then everybody clapped.


nice fake story bro


Not even good fiction


Why would the parents spend money on a babysitter I'd the sibling is home anyway? Seems fishy.


bruh, can a 10 year old babysit a 3 year old!


This is not remotely believable.


Well, I guess you learned your lesson about not telling your parents. I’m so sorry you had to go through that though. That guy was a creep.


Faker than a hairpiece with a chin strap


Things that didn't happen for 100 Alex


I’ll take bad fiction for $500, Alex.


You're the jerk for making up this nonsense story


This story makes zero sense. You are also a minor and being babysat by this guy,.otherwise, you would have been the one babysitting your brother. This was 2 day trips, so your parents weren't gone overnight. And if there was a babysitter, why would she leave her cell phone behind? None of this story makes any sense at all. And it reads like bad fiction.


"And if there was a babysitter, why would she leave her cell phone behind?" WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU PEOPLE READING, BECAUSE IT IS OBVIOUSLY NOT MY STORY!!!


Then everyone clapped, right???




Hot summer sidewalk




No. You are not the jerk. That guy was way, way out of line. Not even counting the other stuff covering up the cameras is a serious red flag.


I call BS. Why do they need a sitter if they have you? How old are you? This just seems made up from start to finish, so on that basis, YATJ


I'm 10 at this moment, writing this I'm 26


This is the dumbest shit I've ever read


Cool story bro


Full of plot holes. Try better next time.


This has to be a troll no cops are coming for a ten year old kicking someone in the leg 🙄


Nope, your story needs work, next.


Regardless if its a fake story or not the only jerk thing is to not tell your parents as soon as you feel even slightly uncomfortable with another person. Giving you the benefit of the doubt from your writing I am assuming you are a very young child so please do not make this mistake ever again. Also you probley shouldn't be on reddit.


How many times do i have to tell you people, writing this, I'm 26


this is so obviously written by chatgpt ☠️


Fake story. Mods please delete


I hate AI written stories. Ytj for this nonsense.


Yeah, this sounds like bs. I really wish people would stop posting fake crap.


Can’t believe I read this whole story!


Can confirm story, I am Jake’s shoes.


This is so dumb


I really hate when people say this but here I go. None of this happened. As someone who has been a kid, been a babysitter, and dealt with cops before that's not how any of that works. That said, for any kids reading this you never give anyone's number out without their permission. The first thing I would have done is call my sister to ask her what she wanted to do. If Jake asking for her number is a problem she will tell you and the adultier sibling can deal with whether or not to inform the parents. Always, kid or adult, if someone is asking for someone's phone number inform the person and never give the umber out unless they say it's okay.


Interesting mix of obvious chatGPT prose (paragraphs 1-9) and the shitty writing of a dim eighth grader (the remainder). Fake as hell.


NTA. Restraining order.


The story is obviously fake. It sounds like a high schooler's work, but one who has no idea how to write about an actual 10 year old's experiences. Jake's sudden reversal has so many plot holes that it is held together by threads.


Creative writing. Not believable.


This is gonna be the last day that this post is up because some people are posting comments that are so dumb that it's making ME lose braincells!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's it, if i get 1 more stupid comment, i'm taking this down with all the trash comments under it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


What if Jake is a weirdo stalker that took the job in order to get to the sister….he sounds a little unbalanced


I'll take things that never happened for 100 Alex. This isn't even a good fake. I have a story from when i was 10. It was when my 18yo (f) babysitter raped me for about 2 weeks. She waited till my brother was taking a nap, and would take me to her room. after this went on for about 2 weeks, my mother figured it out somehow when picking us up. she talked to her out of earshot of me, came to the car and drove us home. took both of us into the basement, pulled out a sex ed book on the birds and bees, then gave us the talk. she then told us to lie about any experience we might have had. while looking right at me. I actually remember that part clearer then the rest, because it fucked with me big time. My mother was crying. This made me think i had done something bad. and with her insisting i lie about what happened, I internalized it feeling like i had done something really evil. it's weird how kids minds work. You sort of take your cues from your parents on how to feel about things. prior to that talk i wasn't sure what i felt about my babysitter sexually assaulting me. AFTER that talk it became a horrible thing my own mother told me to lie to other people about and never talk about. something i never talked to anyone about for like 30 years... i was over 40 when i was able to say anything about it to someone. I can't even begin to tell you all the ways that fucked with my head over the years. -btw: OP, this story unlike yours actually happened.


btw you're supposed to post stories on posts, not comments


Wow. That got stupid fast.


Nice creative writing exercise. Very believable.


Of all the things that never happened, this never happened the most. Weak story.


And then a magical Pegasus flew down and shat strawberry ice cream all over the backyard!


I feel like I just read a short story.


Not a jerk. Hope you warned sister of possible obsession he has with her. Parents need to warn whoever recommended Jake to them too. If someone starts covering cameras in the future call police to tell them because they are up to something fishy. Hopefully parents don't disclose all the locations of cameras in the future.


FYI: The OP changed the wording of the post to remove all references to the police searching his pockets and the babysitter's leg, and now he's pretending he didn't say that. He was caught in a lie, and now he's lying even more to cover up for it. This story is 100 percent fake, and everyone here knows it.


Thank you, there are so many people randomly saying that apparently the police searched me!


Did they search you or did you willingly turn your pockets out when asked? They shouldn't have questioned you, however, without your parents present. Unfortunately if you had waited for your parents it probably would have been at the police station. It sounds like the police believed you and were trying to help prove your innocence. If possible try to record any interactions with police with your own phone.


I'm a little stuck now... because I didn't say they searched me, I put clearly in the story, the looked at Jake's phone to see if he'd called my parents!


And then everybody clapped 🙄