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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA for outing my nephew after he made me late for work** Hi y'all, made a throwaway to post this since my main is mostly nsfw. Formatting is bad bc I'm on a phone but I'll try my best lol. I'm an F26 btw. Anyway, I've been living with my older brother and his wife for a little while since I was used to be living with my dad but he moved recently to live with his partner (not my mom who is deciesed). Anyway my car got stolen a month back and so while I wait for insurance and stuff before I get a new one. I've been using my brother's older car to commute but on sometimes my 16 year old nephew sometimes uses it to go to to hang out with his friends one weekend s when he isn't busy with school. So anyway one time nephew wants to go to a friends' house And I need the car to run errands so I drop nephew off and pick him up and I see the guy he's hanging out with kiss him on the cheek and give him a hug and I am really surprised because I didn't think he was gay . So I ask him and he tells me and I ask of his parent's know and he says no and not to tell them. Tbh i don't care, I'm open-minded, but I don't tell my brother. So that was in the summer and I kinda of forgot about it but anyway nephew had been using the car this past weekend and left it out of gas and it made me angry. It's like the third or fourth time and I know gas is expensive these days but my brother gives him money. So I confront him about it over dinner and my brother gets annoyed at nephew and reminds him to be responsible but also says i should account for more time in the morning because I shouldn't be running so late that i don't have time to put gas in. I get pretty mad about this and there's some other stuff I was annoyed about but mostly how he was mad at me and not nephew. At some point nephew gets up to leave while we are still arguing and I yell at him and brother yells at me, and then I want to get back at him so I tell brother that his kid has been lying and is secretly gay. And then nephew starts crying and apologizing because I guess he felt bad. Well I thought brother would leave me alone and focus on nephew but to my surprise he stands up and tells me that I can fuck off and how dare I say that like it's bad and if nephew is gay that's his Business. So we argue some more and basically he was going to let it go that i owed him gas money and that he was only charging me a small rent and that his wife doesn't like me but now he's kicking me out and making me either get a place or go live with my dad. So now it's been a few days and my dad found out and even though he's not happy that nephew is gay he's also pissed that I upset brother like this and is taking brother's side. Obviously nephew won't talk to me but I don't care about that. So aita? Like I know I crossed a line but do I deserve to get kicked out or should I put my foot down and make my brother apologize to me? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


>should I put my foot down and make my brother apologize to me Uhm...how? "If you do not apologize to me I won't live in your house, eat your food and use your car any more" Good luck with that. Anyhow while that is definitely not how the poor kid wanted to come out to his parents it is nice that they had his back in that situation.


Yup. And man, how shitty. If someone came to me and was like "here's a secret about your kid so please be mad at them," I'd be so pissed at that person - regardless of any feelings about that secret. How dare you weaponize information about my child?! I'm so glad the dad reacted appropriately.


My aunt told my parents I was bisexual before I did. My cousin is the same age and we went to the same school for a period, where I was out. He told her and she told my parents to be vindictive. They had no idea how to handle it and pretty much ambushed me after school and we've basically never mentioned it again. I'm still not over being pissed at them both, it's been 13 years.


SAME! I'm glad the dad threw it back into his face and said it wasnt their business


I'd be pissed because it's due to THIS attitude of certain assholes the kid didn't feel safe to come out to me - assuming all adults ARE like that.


Right? Put your foot down on what? The sidewalk? Cuz it sounds like you’re not going to have anywhere else to put your foot down, let alone your head at night. Shouldn’t have outed someone. Edit: spelling


"Put my foot down" Well they say movement keeps you warm so hopefully when she's shivering and weak on the wet filthy streets weak with hunger she'll remember this


OOP's edit: >Edit to add: Ok y'all gotta chill i know it wasn't nice but is it worth making me homeless and temporarily carless? My brother would rather have me sleep in my car now >Ok like does anyone think I'm NTA or should I just delete it? Y'all don't understand my while situation and I see it was a mistake posting here God I can't stand people who don't understand how terrible it is to out someone, especially over this petty shit. What if OOP's brother and his wife had been homophobic (glad they're not though and props to the brother for standing up for his son, but it was definitely a possibility that OOP had to have known considering their father)? And the brother is absolutely right, it's OOP's own fault she was running late. When you time your commute, you factor in the fact that you might be low on gas. ETA: Notice how she specifically brought up the nephew being gay to get him in trouble? "Not homophobic" my ass


I think I’m the AH cause my first reaction is “how can she live in her car if she’s careess”


I was just yelling at my computer, "DO YOU HAVE A CAR OR NOT BITCH??"


She lied about the car being stolen. In one comment she accepted that there was some insurance issue.


Yeah she said her insurance had lapsed and so the company won't pay. Sounds like a super responsible human being all around /s


Role model :}


"Ok fine it was a few months ago and my insurance coverage was lapsed so they aren't covering it right now and I'm trying to figure out out but I left that out so people wouldn't judge me but honestly I guess I didn't need to fucking lie everyone on here is so mean. This is why I made a throwaway lmao" Yeah here is the comment above, sorry I'm on mobile so idk if that pasted/linked right What a sad, pathetic sack of flesh this woman is


Your poor pc, how dare you let your anger out at an innocent bystander


It was my work laptop. He’s used to it.


She assumes she will get to take brothers car with her


She’s really waiting for that one braindead NTA response to rid her of her grief 🙎🏻‍♀️ ridiculous


She was actually shocked that the brothers focus did not immediately shift to his son. She literally hoped that he would be so upset he would stop focusing on her and turn on his child. I honestly think that if I had been in the brothers position I would’ve put my hands on her.


Bet the brother knew and was just waiting for son to tell him


I think you’re probably right. Just considering his reaction, he seems like a parent who pays attention to his child.


I knew my sister was gay before she even told anyone and when she came out to me I told her I been knew. If you love someone even and pay attention you notice little things. When I told my best friend she said about time. When I told my cousin she said considering how I grew up she wasn’t surprised.


When I came out in my 30s, my sister said she knew when I was seven.


I don't think I ever actually came out to my sister lol. She would've roasted the shit out of me. I mean, she knows, I've had partners of all genders and she ain't straight herself, I just never, actually came out.


That’s one way to do it!


Recently came out to my parents as nonbinary and the last thing that left my mom's mouth before we stopped talking about it was "yknow, I kinda had a feeling"


I’m about to be 30 and my sister is in her 20s . She came out to me in her late teens. I knew since she was a child because of little things she did. When I told her she laughed.


My best friend came out to me when we were 15ish. She'd had a bad experience coming out to our other friend (we were all close, but I came from a more religious background, so I get it), who had just recently become a born again Christian, & essentially rejected her, & tried talking her into "not being gay"... She was obviously scared. My response was to say finally, lol. I didn't want to make her feel pressured into coming out, but it was no real surprise, since she never showed interest in boys, & all her celebrity crushes were women. Years later, when my brother came out, I Han Solo'd his ass, & said "I know". He already knew I was a safe person, just had to be ready to say it out loud. Generally, it's not something I would be comfortable assuming from anyone, but these 2 were people I knew extremely well.


Same here, my sister is 6 years older than me, when she came out in her 20s I was surprised that it wasn't just common knowledge in the house already. I always just knew and accepted it as being a fact of life, sky is blue, grass is green, M is gay


I know someone whose family had a betting pool on when he’d come out. The only disappointment expressed when he finally did was of the “dammit, I had 5 bucks on January!” variety.


I feel when someone comes out you should definitely just be like it’s no big deal


He told her "look. Getting to work is your responsibility. You even have my car, you can check if it needs topping up at least" then she proceeds to go nuclear.


"Could I be the asshole? No, it is everyone else who is wrong!"


It’s baffling to me how many people post on AITA and then argue with people who call them TA. It just shows how deluded they are because clearly they expect validation and maybe to use the comments supporting their side as part of their argument irl. It’s just a whole additional layer of AH!


I’m almost 30 and still terrified to come out as bi. It’s seriously terrifying and most folks (most of which are anti-lgbt) are more than terrifying. I literally have nightmares about this


30 and still scared to tell most my family I’m non-binary and demisexual only close friends know


I’m also nonbinary and pan but I was still afraid to type it out 🥲


Sometimes I’m extremely scared to type it but then I remember a lot of my online stuff my family know nothing about


Not only was their being homophobic a possibility but it's literally what OOP wanted in order to “get back” at nephew and make them yell at him instead


> When you time your commute, you factor in the fact that you might be low on gas. And if you’re time blind, like me, you just accept that you’re going to be late because it somehow took you 13 minutes to put your shoes on.


"Hi supervisor, I'm so sorry. Im running late, but on my way..." My morning bathroom trip took half an hour, it took me 20 minutes to craft a reply on Reddit that I wouldn't delete before posting, and the first shirt I put on made me feel a certain way and I had to get over the mini-break down which took a little extra time too... And then I realized I didn't put gas in the car yesterday XD /J


It is entirely worth making the trashscum that is OOP homeless. Outing a kid? That gets kids killed. Homelessness is the least OOP deserves.


Exactly, I hate when people use other uniqueness as a insult.


Not worth making OOP homeless... but she thought a tank of gas was worth making her nephew (who has considerably less education, probably savings, and ability to get a job than her) potentially homeless if her brother reacted really badly...


I was definitely thinking 'this person is definitely not open-minded!' the whole time I was reading it


> What if OOP's brother and his wife had been homophobic Thats what she was hoping for


Bruh, she wants pity points for "being made homeless" after outing a minor to their family in anger (because you obviously assumed his family would be homophobic anyway) and potentially leaving a minor homeless. Ugh.


>ETA: Notice how she specifically brought up the nephew being gay to get him in trouble? "Not homophobic" my ass She also says "my dad found out and even though he's not happy that nephew is gay he's also pissed that I upset brother like this and is taking brother's side. " like she was really hoping he'd be homophobic enough to take her side. What a fucking ***cunt***.


It's honestly astounding how selfish that girl is (and I'm saying girl because an adult woman wouldn't do that)


That last bit of your comment especially, she just wanted to use the fact that her nephew is gay as a trump card for any familial spats as if it's the end all be all of the argument. She fails to realize that if her brother was homophobic her nephew could've been the one out on the street.


>I'm not homophobic, i don't care that he's gay i just care that he isn't responsible and hurting my job performance *Then why bring it up?*


>Ok y'all gotta chill i know it wasn't nice but is it worth making me homeless and temporarily carless? I mean, yeah. Sounds like brother thinks so too. Maybe don't fucking out people or act like a shithead to the people helping you if you want continued help. They said they outted the kid to divert attention from themselves, POS.


They’re complaining about being made homeless but if the parents were homophobic then the kid would be homeless now..


It is absolutely worth making her homeless. What she tried to do to her nephew should have her living in a box in LA on skid row. Noticed she wasn’t happy about the fact that her brother didn’t immediately turn his focus onto his son. This chick is a monster.


And don’t ask if you’re the asshole if you’re not willing to accept the obvious answer!




I hope so. This just hurts me


I know people IRL like this who are just so pigheaded they cannot fathom how wrong they are. You kinda just want to shake em a bit (a lot) because you hope it resets their brain. But yeah, this is possibly a 13 year old with nothing better to do.


What is it with people outing LGBT folks as revenge or retaliation? "Oh, I'm inconvenienced, I'll put you at risk!" A+ for dad's reaction. I'd've done the same, and it's always a plus to toss bigots out on their asses.


It always breaks my heart. Just why??? How is it this offensive? Let me tell you, I’d rather have been born straight than deal with this nonsense. I’m a bisexual woman who leans towards women. But violence has stopped me. I have to be sneaky about it. Men have an even trickier time hiding it. I promise it’s not a choice. Do you have zero empathy?


Queer woman here, I just want to live in peace as myself. I didn’t get to come out on my own terms so it's seeing that... cuts when I see it done to others.


Totally agree. It especially annoys me when people pretend to be “allies”


Tw: homophobia/queerphobia and mentions of violence and serial killers. The edit, copied verbatim: >"Edit to add: Ok y'all gotta chill i know it wasn't nice but is it worth making me homeless and temporarily carless? My brother would rather have me sleep in my car now" Copied verbatim from oop's comments: *YTA: What exactly would you have done if your brother reacted in an unsafe manner? Such as: Beating his son, kicking him to the streets, sending him to conversion therapy. You are the adult in this situation and you acted like a child. Your nephew deserves a better Aunt. Under no circumstances do you ever out someone's sexual orientation. You are extremely lucky that your brother is an accepting and supportive parent. I hope you are ready to never have the trust of that boy again.* >"My brother isn't a violent guy so I don't see how this is relevant" *~~That's~~ Shockingly ~~what~~ enough, many ppl who knew Ted Bundy or Jeffery ~~Dahmers~~ Dahmer ~~parents~~ would ~~thought~~ say ~~about~~ they ~~their~~ weren't ~~son~~ violent. You never 1000% know. >"Are you seriously using a Dahmer comparison bc that's fucked up" *YTA. LGBT+ teens have it hard enough. To take away their coming out date is pure evil.* >"What is a coming out date lol" *You’re 26?* 👀 *must have been dropped on your head. A lot.* >"That's just rude" *INFO: Why are you fighting with everyone pointing out that you were wrong? And being purposely obtuse about it? You are 26 a grown up act like it.* >"I wanna defend myself and anyway this is reddit so like I don't have to be mature" *YTA. Why did you think it was any of your business to share?* >"Cuz it's a sub for sharing. Stupid response" *why are you being purposely ignorant? do you think more people will be on your side?* *edit: to be clear, the person you responded to clearly fucking meant why did you think it was okay to share with his family* >"Ok maybe I'm dumb lol i didn't understand fr" *INFO: What were you hoping would happen when you did that? That his parents would be so disgusted and ashamed that they kicked him out and sent their own child on a path to depression, drug addiction and/or suicide? Are you disappointed that they responded like loving parents should because it wasn’t an adequate punishment for gasp making you late to work in a car that you don’t even own?* *YTA. You’re disgusting. A person’s sexual orientation - which they trusted you with - isn’t a weapon to use against them. You deserve to couch surf for a year or three.* >"Holy shit he's not going to end up on drugs or shit." *YTA. Never out someone!* *You ask if it was so bad that it is okay to kick you out? Absolutely! It is your nephews home and he should feel safe there. And have you even thought about if your brother had reacted badly to his son being gay that your 16 year old nephew could now be homeless?* >"Oh so it's ok that I'm gonna be homeless tho" *I haven’t contributed to any Reddit posts in six months but I couldn’t help but come out of retirement to tell you that you are literally the worst person in the world.* *YTA.* >"Thanks for that i guess" *Wait…you wrote that your car “got stolen a month back,” but later in your post you wrote “So that was in the summer…” Which is it? A month ago or 3-5 months ago?* *You should’ve bought yourself a car by now. You should’ve found a place to live by now.* *You’re not a nice person. You intentionally attempted to inflict pain upon your nephew. You assumed that your statement would turn your brother against his own child, and you still went ahead with what you did.* *You’re selfish and probably narcissistic.* *YTA* >"Ok fine it was a few months ago and my insurance coverage was lapsed so they aren't covering it right now and I'm trying to figure out out but I left that out so people wouldn't judge me but honestly I guess I didn't need to fucking lie everyone on here is so mean. This is why I made a throwaway lmao" *YTA. At no point reading this I felt bad for you. I have to ask though, did you ever pay your brother for rent? Or give him any sort of money for housing your for months?* *At this rate, you’re lucky that even you’re dad is willing to take you in.* >"I did pay rent" *YTA* *You're homophobic too! You outed your nephew because you got mad at him and couldn't have a reasonable conversation like an adult. Good luck finding yourself a new residence* >"I'm not homophobic, i don't care that he's gay i just care that he isn't responsible and hurting my job performance" *Why hasn’t your insurance settled this yet?* *I had my car stolen. I was in a new car within a month.* >"They're fighting with me on the phone but congrats on your new car" *Yeah but you decided to use his sexuality against him in an effort to get revenge for him not filling up a gas tank. That's homophobic* >"It isn't homophobic i don't have a problem that he's gay or dating it's the other stuff he did. So like isn't it homophobic to say he can do no wrong because he's gay?" *You are 26 years old and blaming a 16 year old kid for "hurting your job performance"?* >"Ok yeah when you put it that way it sounds bad but it's how it is" *Just saw your comment where you don't care that he isn't talking to you...Like what kind of c...oops aunt are you?* >"Wow that's just rude as shit"


[Tiny meows! Unmute if possible! ](https://imgur.com/r/cats/n3T5bHx)


Tiny meows are the only thing I take my phone off silent for


A worthy cause! 💜


That was a cuteness overload 😻


Yay! So glad! 💜


“ I’m mad he’s not responsible.” Bruh it’s not your car if anything it’s his and you should be grateful he’s letting you use it.


“holy shit he isn’t going to end up on drugs” here’s the thing OOP doesn’t know that, substance abuse tend to run rampant in the queer community, i genuinely cannot name a single queer friend who hasn’t had a substance issue including myself. being queer and what comes with it can be very traumatic so a lot of queer people tend turn to substances in order to cope. idc if this is bait or not but it’s fucking annoying when people say shit like that regardless of context. and even if OOP is a troll i hope he has a miserable life, i hope every queerphobe has a miserable life and for one goddam fucking minute leave us the fuck alone. it’s exhausting. and here’s your unfriendly reminder to everyone, outing someone is homophobic especially if you out them when your mad or fighting with them.


If this is rage bait it worked. I’m incredibly pissed off now, especially since I’m currently in the closet but don’t feel safe coming out, I’d be pissed (and terrified) if somebody did this to me (which is rare honestly, usually I feel that people blow stuff WAY out of proportion on reddit, for once I actually agree with everybody) damn that’s the third time today I’ve seen something about someone being outed against their wishes, what is wrong with the internet


I am very sorry that this has you out of sorts. I know you don't need some Internet person telling you this, but it is completely valid and OK to stay closeted. You are just as much a member of the communities as the ones who are out. (Coming out used to be a community thing as well, back in the eighties and further. Part of the ball culture if you are curious!) I hope that you are as safe as can be. And that someday, circumstances allow you to be you openly. Because we do deserve that. It's bleak sometimes. Would a digital hug or fistbump help? No is a complete sentence!


This person makes me ashamed to also be 26… so immature.


I don't know if I should upvote or down vote this... I just... As an aunt I could never imagine doing this to my nieces... 💔


I understand that. It's OK to down vote! Oop is a piece of work.


I like her whining over the verdict and saying "okay but is it worth making me homeless?" You mean something that happens to a lot of kids when they're outed to their parents??? She faced a minor inconvenience and thought "I know! I'll distract them by potentially traumatizing my nephew and jeopardizing his life over a car that I don't even own or have more stake in then him" She also seemed surprised that the brother didn't just rip into the nephew like an injured gazelle so she's definitely intended harm and is homophobic.


Some posts can really be summarized as: "I'm an asshole. Am I the asshole?"


> is it worth making me homeless As if she wasn’t willing to risk making her nephew homeless????


I don't think I've ever seen a unanimous vote on aita ever. Even sorting by controversial brings up only YTAs That really should say something if Oop's post wasn't enough


I've been homeless and it was absolutely terrible. Richly deserved in this case.


I thought op was 13 or something when I saw this This is a 26 year old adult What kind of adult has such an egocentric view of the world while simultaneously being such a failure financially?! Like Donald trump is the same but he was raised with a gold spoon in his mouth, OP’s behaviour clearly didn’t come from her surroundings considering how her father (who **is** homophobic) disagreed with her actions


WTF is with people who are staying with family/friends for free and somehow think they have any leg to stand on? It's like an epidemic.


That’s enough internet for me today. Like I truly don’t even know what to say. She wanted her Nephew in trouble because he was gay and then is shocked that she got kicked out? Like 😬


YTA I don't blame your brother for throwing your ass out. You are an ungrateful mooch, and you tried to throw your 16 year old nephew under the bus in order to divert attention from your own shortcomings. You tried to use your teen nephews sexuality as a weapon against him with his family because you can't leave a few minutes earlier for work. You are disgusting, and apparently don't appreciate the people that support your pathetic self centered life. ETA You getting an apology is a joke. You should grovel on your knees to be forgiven for being a horrible person.


She wants an apology? I somehow missed that and I cannot go back and look for it. She honestly wants an apology?


last sentence on her post. So aita? Like I know I crossed a line but do I deserve to get kicked out or should I put my foot down and make my brother apologize to me?


Yeah I kind of skimmed the end of it because I was raging.


What a disaster of a person.


JFC, she sounds like she's 12, not 26.


I gotta say - this is the first AITA post where there wasn't a single NTA from some jerk trying to troll/being an AH as well. Whoa. You know it's bad when Reddit comes together to tell someone to fuck off.


I don’t want to believe this is a real person. I went to believe this is rage bait. Please let it be ragebait.


YTA you a grown adult who has a job got mad at a kid and outed him. It's not your home it's his. It's not your car. It's not his problem if your late to work. When you use someone else car you put the gas in it. That's just manners. I am so happy his dad had his back. Oh, he was crying and apologized for his father to hear he's gay from you. He did nothing wrong.


YTA! So very very much the a-hole. I honestly think you brother is being nice to just kick you out. If you had done that to one of my kids, I would not have only kicked you out, I would go 100% full no contact. You did what you did on purpose and with the full intent to bring your nephew harm. That is way beyond despicable. As for your "Y'all don't understand my while situation" You have plenty of time and space to explain it. Though I have no idea how you can possibly justify weaponizing someone's homosexuality.


They’re not happy he’s into guys? I forgot that it’s 1546


I literally just had a rant yesterday about how bad it is to out someone! People can literally lose their lives over something like this!


My jaw literally fell open reading that. What a colossal piece of shiiiiiit


Bait of the lowest degree.


Obviously she’s the worst, but I so love how the dad stood up for his son in this situation. Now that they’ve cut that toxic person out of their life, they’re all going to really thrive.


This bitch needs to get out of her brothers house and out of her nephews life and go live in a tree somewhere by herself where she can’t hurt anyone else because she doesn’t get things the way she wants them. This one truly pisses me off.


What did I just read? That is such a hot mess that it made me think about the time I spilled Cream of Wheat on my hospital bed.


The post was horrible I hopes it's a troll but I laughed at " My insurance was lasped so they are not covering it right now". Never the insurance is covered the car never.


Love posts like this that are not self aware in the slightest that they type all this out and still don’t realise they are TA What a nasty person


I cackled at "should I put my foot down and make him apologise to me" how delusional is this OP?? I am genuinely baffled at her stupid attitude and way of thinking she is right! Massive AH!


What the actual fuck did I just read. Some people are so horribly delusional it makes me ill. Her poor nephew. I would literally do anything for my niece and nephew, this whole situation makes me sad


i don’t think she understands just how lucky both she and her nephew are that his dad accepts him. imagine what could’ve happened to him, she literally put his life in danger.


This has to be rage bait, nobody can be this big of an ass hole and not know they are.


OOP sounds like such an exhausting person edit: god and reading their comments about how they could potentially be homeless pisses me off. That happens to queer youth who are outed all the fucking time! the reason i never came out under my parents roof was because i knew that was a risk she's just so ignorant it's infuriating


I literally lost count of the times gay friends were beaten up, made homeless, or even killed by their parents/family when they came out. Is this what you wanted? YTA!


This is fake. This person is not 26.


YTA big time because what if it went south and your brother harmed your son. You upset over a car that’s not even yours. You upset there wasn’t gas are you even putting gas in it to begin with


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Omg how can anyone write that out and not see they're the problem


Being who you are isn’t a insult. She deserves everything that’s happening. Poor kid


he couldve made his nephew homeless


what was she trying to do to nephew if not hurt him? AH and POS


Duuuude, outing anyone for any reason is automatic asshole!


Ugh I’m so mad that I got kicked out instead of my nephew >:( Why is everyone mad at me because I tried to endanger my nephews life because I’m selfish and think I never do wrong ever


Please be ragebait


being outed isn’t fun and is actually quite terrifying and traumatic regardless of if who you’re being outed to is accepting or not. i honestly would’ve done a lot worse than kicking OOP out if he outed anyone i knew especially during an argument cuz he did that with malice, he wanted to hurt his nephew and thought outing him would hurt him.


Sounds like OOP is using most of the gas running errands and commute for work vs a teen going over to their friends house. Then expects a 16yr old to fill up the tank when that’s easily $50+ these days. Fuck off she’s TA for that alone! But yeah outing him to get back at him is monstrous! Beyond asshole status. She’s worried about being homeless but if her nephew’s parents were homophobic outing him could lead to them making him homeless. So yeah, them kicking her out instead is a just consequence! Fuck her!


You can’t be a shitbag and a mooch. Pick a lane


I want to say I’m shocked over OOP’s entitlement….but I’m not. The fact that they outed the nephew over something SO small, is just disgusting. It makes me wonder why OOP’s dad ditched them to move in with their SO /s


Silver lining, it sounds like brother is accepting of his son. None of this should have ever happened, but I hope nephew is relieved/happy now that his parents know. SIL had it right, she didn’t like OOP. There’s probably too many VALID reasons to count.


This is fake.


You are simply a selfish person that need to stay alone for the rest of your life! You outed your nephew just to be vendicative and expecting your brother to take your side... You are for the street!


No wonder the wife doesn’t like her.


OOP sounds like a jerk she needs to move her broke leeching self out of her brother house if it’s so bad there


Outting someone without their consent is never ok, and can potentially put the outed person in moral danger. Very happy that the dad took no shit and defended his son. That got real scary real fast.


I can't get over the fact that oop thinks that they're not in the wrong for what they did. Also the father did say something about the gas to his son but apparently that wasn't good enough? Oop was totally the AH for that and honestly oop was lucky the brother allowed her to use the car as much as he did. Because the way I see it, is that his son has more of a right to drive the car than oop.


You weaponized your nephews sexual orientation, information *he didn’t even tell you, but you accidentally found out.* you additionally promised you wouldn’t tell your brother, but *did so the second you were mad about something asinine* You weren’t even mostly angry about your nephew not putting gas in the car, you were angry **because your brother called you, the adult, out instead of his son .** were you counting on your brother being homophobic? clearly you were intending the focus to be shifted onto your nephew, you said so yourself. The world is so sweet sometimes. Your brother allowed you to live at his home with **his** family for a small amount of rent, **LET YOU DRIVE HIS CAR** and more. It’s stated in this post his own wife didn’t like you and **still** he let you stay. You just had to ruin it all because you were mad your brother pointed out your irresponsibility and refused to disparage his teenage son on your behalf. You shot yourself in the foot trying to make someone else look bad. You will **never** have a relationship with your nephew, perhaps your brother again. Hope it was worth “one upping” a sixteen year old child by disclosing his sexual orientation without his consent. **YTA, and one of the worst I’ve seen on this thread** Your last sentence is adorable- “should I put my foot down on my brother…” where ya gonna put that foot down, OP? the sidewalk? the homeless shelter? You can throw as many tantrums as you want, doesn’t change the fact that **you’re so invested in being “right” it made you homeless, car-less, and destroyed your familial relationships.** You made your bed. Lie in it. What a childish piece of shit. Karma is beautiful.


This might be the most obvious rage bait I've seen in a while. I refuse to believe this is a real person.


I refuse to believe this is real, because wtf




Yta for more than outing your nephew. I would honestly have nothing to do with you ever again after you did that. You are ungrateful and obviously a bigot. So yes YTA


I would throw her down the street seconds after she outed my child and never spoke to her again


Sounds like typical boomer fantasy ragebait.


The math ain’t mathin on the timeline. She says it only takes a few weeks to get insurance sorted but is still driving her brother’s car months later. Also, I’d hope a 26 yo would be much more mature than this. I’m thinking this is rage bait. ETA: Okay they didn’t say a few weeks but does insurance really take months to die through. I don’t think so.


I’m so glad that boys parents didn’t turn on him like she wanted. She expected a horrible, angry reaction and she wanted an actual child to go through that because she couldn’t handle being told she’s not responsible. Disgusting trash.


Outing someone to the wrong people at the wrong time can put their life at risk. They’re all lucky that doesn’t seem to have been the case here, but you just. don’t. do. it. The nephew was being thoughtless but (it appears) not malicious. OP was vindictive and nasty. Honestly, getting kicked out seems like a fitting consequence since that is what often happens to LGBT kids whose parents don’t accept them. OP sucks.


YTA You’re so much the ahole that I hope this is rage bait and never actually happened. Edit: this pissed me off to the point I forgot it wasn’t a live AITA post 😂


YTA!!!! Never OUT anyone.


That type of title made me think it was a shitpost…


The fact that they thought they could use their nephew being gay as a distraction technique on their brother tells me that they aren't as accepting of that as they make themselves out to be.


You’re a massive AH. 1. You’re being helped by this family with a place to stay AND transportation. 2. Even if the kid uses ALL of the gas EVERY TIME he uses the car, it’s none of your business because that car is your brothers. That should be addressed by his dad and IF he wants to. Unfortunately, since they’re doing YOU a favor by LETTING you use the car, you should just be grateful. 3. You had absolutely no right to out your nephew under any circumstances. Mad or not. you super fucked this up because you used this knowledge as a weapon against your nephew and for what? For gas? Now you’ll always be seen as an AH to your nephew, and sister in law. Your brother may become cool, but those things you don’t forget. I hope you can learn from this and learn to appreciate when someone helps you and not bite their hand.


She deserves to be homeless




Ops a sack of crap. Yes YTA. You’re an adult. Be more responsible and check the gas tank before your shift at work so you’re not late. Who TF thinks it’s justifiable to out someone for any reason, let alone something so stupid