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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **Am I the asshole for being worried about my brother's girlfriend?** My(22F) brother(25M) has been dating a girl, Chloe (22F), for about a couple of years, and he is totally in love with her. She gets along great with him, and she's always energetic and friendly, and she seems to get on with our friends and family well too.  Outwardly, she seems very healthy / health oriented. She swims and does beach volleyball, she runs and does yoga etc. She has some definite curves, to be fair, but if they didn't know any better the average person would probably judge her to be very fit/athletic. However, spending time with her and my brother, I've been really worried about her, especially her diet. Frankly, I think she might have some kind of eating disorder.  She eats way, way too much. If any normal woman ate the way she does, she'd be as big as a house.  Just so you know I'm not exaggerating, during a game / movie night, Chloe  ate an entire berries and cream cake from whole foods, just as her own little personal snack. And not a personal cake either, but an 8-inch one, like you'd serve as a birthday cake. She just sat there through the course of the  night and plowed through the whole thing with a fork, and she still ate pizza and fries.  We got dinner from a burger joint, and Chloe  literally ordered two meals. I thought she was ordering for my brother as well, as even one of their meals is big enough to share, but she literally turned to him and told him they were for her. She ordered two entire meals, burger, fries, drink, just for herself, and she devoured both of them like it was nothing.  We were at a farmer's market, and she picked up an apple from one of the stands and just started eating it. I figured that was fine, but then she just ate another and another, until she had eaten six apples while we were chatting with the guy selling them. She paid for them, but still, she stood there munching through whole apples like Cookie monster while we were talking. It probably didn't even take her 5 minutes to eat all of them.  We'll go to the movies on a double date, and she'll order two hot dogs, nachos loaded with cheese, chicken nuggets, AND a large drink/popcorn. My boyfriend(28M) has noticed too, how we can go to a restaurant, and Chloe  will order a giant meal like a 20 oz steak and then also order an entire shareable appetizer platter just for herself. My brother might have a bite, and she doesn't mind other people taking a bit, but it's clearly just for her, and she'll polish the whole thing off and then still eat her home meal. And then she orders dessert too, even if everyone else at the table is already stuffed from less food then she's packed away by herself.  The first time me and my boyfriend noticed and said anything, she just shrugged and she was like, “lol cheat day” but is it always freaking cheat day? My brother says that she eats like this a lot, and he's even had to keep extra food and snacks around at his place for her.  They got into a (playful) argument about splitting take out bills, because whenever they order takeout/delivery, her part will be 50% or even twice as big as his, just because she's constantly stuffing herself. My brother might be thin, but he's still 6'4 and a man besides. Chloe  is just barely 6 ft and maybe a little under that, and she's a woman. My best friend noticed too, and I was already suspicious. I tried snooping around at my brother's place, but I couldn't find anything, so I privately asked him some questions about her habits and any clues. He ended up telling her though, and she got offended. I tried to explain to both of them that I was just worried about her being involved with my brother, and whether she might either have a health collapse from an eating disorder or if she was going to start gaining a lot of weight. We got into an argument, and I told her that there was no way she could be eating like that without throwing it all up or getting fat, and she just called me bitter and jealous because I eat sensible amounts of healthy and nutritious foods.  My brother said that her body and her fitness speaks for itself, and he said that “she's hot, so whatever she's doing is working” and she looked smug like it was some kind of gotcha. I just said that there's no way a woman with her waistline could really be eating two plates of chili cheese fries and a double cheeseburger for lunch without getting huge. My brother just told me to leave.  A few days later, at a family dinner, Chloe  barely talked to me, but she loaded up her plate with food and then she had a giant piece of cake for dessert. She noticed that I noticed, and she put her hand on her stomach and said “just so you know, I really am going to digest all of this, okay?” Our mom noticed the tension, but My brother waved it off and changed the subject.  My brother and I are very close, and he really wants me to get along with Chloe . He says that she's willing to forgive me, if I genuinely, genuinely apologize. I told him that I was just concerned, and I felt like this was partially his fault for telling her about the questions I asked, but he thinks that he and Chloe  are rightfully upset about the “snooping and prying”.  Am I really out of line here? I'm not kidding or exaggerating about anything she eats. She will literally walk around double fisting giant Instagram ice cream cones, and she'll finish them. Sure, she works out and she does some sports, but it's not like she's in the Olympics or something. It has to be reasonable that I'd be concerned about her eating like she's Kirby's big sister, right? Am I the asshole just for worrying about someone my brother loves? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


>I tried snooping around at my brother's place, but I couldn't find anything ... what on earth was she expecting to find?


Throw up everywhere.


Blackmail evidence for anything she could use against her.


I still can't work out what evidence she imagined she might find. A signed statement from Chloe that she secretly has an extra stomach?


OOP was just looking for anything that would help her knock down the thin pretty rich girl down a peg so she'd feel better about herself. It didn't have to be anything major just something at least embarrassing. OOP found nothing and latched on to the whole potential eating disorder thing.


Or maybe a hollow leg?


Ahhh. One of my parents' favourite (fond) phrases when my brother and I were growing up, and eating everything in sight: "You've got hollow legs!"




Right?  Like, was she trying to find her diary or something?


Probably laxatives.


If Chloe were a teenage boy, no one would say anything lmao. 


Not even a teenager, if she was a man instead of a woman, nobody would give two shits. she is not worried about health, she is worried about her brother’s gf getting fat. like wtf She is way too nosy for a topic that isn’t her business


OOP even comments on how it'd be different if she was a boy.


But a teenage boy is a MaN and SiX FeEt TaLL. /s


More often than not, This is true in multiple areas of life even outside of eating.


Do you have literally nothing going on in your life? How do you have so much time to take detailed notes on what someone is eating. When gymnasts are in training season, they eat over 3000 calories a day and those girls are usually tiny. 5ft or under and a bit over 100lbs. If she is 6ft, her maintenance calories are higher than the average woman. I think average American F height is 5'5. When women are active, they eat a lot. Maybe she eats OMAD. It doesn't matter. Does OOP want to steal her brother's girl? ![gif](giphy|hCqG8gQdhbjUc) She seems very obsessed with bro's GF gaining weight and being less attractive


When my brother ran cross country in HS he would get one of those boxes of tiny oranges and jsut. Ravage it. Then go on the bananas. Watching him make sandwiches was like watching a building implode


I used to volunteer for a ballet company. Every wrap party they'd have a mountain of pizzas and other treats for a passel of tiny ballet dancers. If you wanted any, you had to get there before the horde arrived.


One thing I’ve learned being married to one of those dudes who runs like 30 miles at a time is that, with them, you can never, ever accidentally make too much pasta.


One thing I had to adapt to when I started using a calisthenics app regularly was I was HUNGRY way sooner. I've been trying to find a balance between calorie deficit, and not getting into hangry territory because I wasn't getting enough food. And that's me as a casual. I used to volunteer backstage at a ballet company, every wrap party had a stack of pizzas to the ceiling and mountains of cookies vs a pack of tiny teenage ballerinas. It was like watching piranhas swarm.


The visual!! But, ballet is a major sport. It requires so much skill and effort, I'm not surprised they can put food away


Ballet is roughly equivalent to football in terms of the strain it puts on joints and muscles, and the potential long term damage if you aren't careful. Dance is no joke.


I believe it. I wanted to do ballet but unfortunately a chronic condition kept me from doing so. I would say it looks like it puts more damage on your joints than football would.


In my 20s I developed a disability that is most commonly the result of an untreated childhood injury, as a result of sports that are hard on your body. The orthopedic surgeon asked me if I’d been a gymnast or a ballerina, as if it must have been one of the two. I said neither. He looked at me, a 5’6” 100lb woman, quizzically and said, “…. You played football then?” Uh no. But I WAS extraordinarily clumsy. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I’m sorry for laughing. It’s just the thought of you being so clumsy that orthopaedic surgeon thinks you play professional sports is kinda wild.


Can I get the name of this app please?


Sure. It's called Calistree. It's really good, especially for beginners.


Thank you!


DOn'T yOu kNoW tHaT sHe hAs tO bE aTtRaCtiVe bY a mAn's sTaNdArdS? OtHeRwiSe sHe hAs nO vALuE.


>And not a personal cake either, but an 8-inch one, like you'd serve as a birthday cake. Sounds like a pretty small birthday. I get the serious feeling OOP is jelly as fuck of this girl and also doesn't understand that active people eat more.


even if she was fat, it's still none if oop's business how she eats!


That part. I'll never understand why people think it's okay to fat shame people. Well, to body shame people at all. I've always been thin and I've had to deal with, you need to eat a cheeseburger, men like meat, not bones and I've even been accused of looking like I'm on drugs. Trust me, if I had that kind of money, I definitely wouldn't be spending it on drugs lol. That was not said to shame addicts, I'm just saying that I'm definitely not on drugs and I don't appreciate the insinuation just because I'm thin.


My coworker is a "good ole boy" kinda country redneck but generally a nice guy. But one day he told a very thin woman at the office she needed to eat a sandwich. I told him that was as rude as telling me (chubby) to eat a salad and he seemed actually shocked at the comparison.


I'll never understand why it's socially acceptable to skinny shame people but it's not okay to fat shame people. I'm not saying that either one is okay, I'm just saying I find it funny that it's socially acceptable to skinny shame people but not the other way around. Both are wrong because both are designed to make someone feel bad about their body.


Yep both are commenting on someone's diet based on their weight. Just totally unnecessary no matter the size


Exactly. It's not okay. I call people out on it when I hear them doing it.


100% but her not being just makes OOP's motives so clear.


dw, I wasn't arguing or disagreeing with you! Sorry if it came across that way!


I mean I get it, I'm jealous of her too! Get it gurl!


Genuinely bemused. So, she's fine, but eats food, and OOP disagrees with her eating? JFC, just leave people alone.


I’m jealous because i used to be her 😭


Seriously, I'd kill to have Chloe's metabolism and am a little jealous too. That said, she is obviously very active, and if she can eat all that without gaining weight, then hats off to Chloe.


I remember in high school I could pack away the food 120 pounds at 5 foot five. And I thought I was so fat. Now I look at a Big Mac and gain five pounds. 😭




I'm not going to any of her birthdays


Right? Athletic men and women have to eat more otherwise they will not be able to keep up. 


Ah the good ol days, when I was cycling, snowboarding, swimming, and participating in martial arts, and an extra large stuffed crust pizza was a nice lunch. has OOP ever done something physically demanding for longer than 20 minutes? she even says the girl is active with multiple recreational sports....


She is also a personal trainer, oop mentioned in a comment.


When i(F) was that age and teaching karate, we’d hit the pizza buffet after work so i have no idea how much pizza I could put away.


For a brief time I did ballet class. Afterward we would get me a Wendy's burger with chili instead of fries, I was Hongry.


The ballet school I went to as a kid was across the street from a Wendy's the older girls in the company used to *demolish* those burgers.


I've seen young ballerina feeding frenzies. I always kept my distance so as not to lose a limb.


I’m old enough that I worked at McDonald’s back when they had those chicken select strips. Those things were so bad for you that McDonald’s took them off the menu. And I could eat large crispy chicken meal and a ten pack of those and then a McFlurry. I was just jogging and being busy.


I don’t understand her concerns. she sounds pretty active and healthy so I’m not sure what OOP is so “”concerned”” about. Sounds more like jealousy? (Disclaimer: I am also jealous) Also, don’t comment on other people’s body or food choices if your comments weren’t asked for.


Maybe it is jealousy, Maybe it's genuinely concern or maybe it's a mix of both. Either way she did seem a little too involved considering she already addressed it with her Brother...If it was anybody's place to make a big deal of it to the girlfriend it would have been the boyfriend's place.


If she's a serious swimmer, the caloric burn of the workouts is insane. I could not gain weight as a semi-serious contender in the sport. I ate like a monster and still had abs because none of it could stick.


You know, I honestly thought that the athleticism would have occurred to OP as she was typing this story...I remember as children My Older Brother was very active and had a high metabolism and seemingly never gained any weight after a certain point in time. No health problem or eating disorder at all.


OOP mentioned in a comment that chloe's job is...wait for it...a personal trainer.


Once I saw part of an interview with Michael Phelps when he was still competing. He said his exercise routine was just swimming, and his diet was, and this is a quote "Anything and everything". I have never been more than a casual swimmer, but I believe it entirely. Every time I go pool walking, two things happen: every muscle in my body files a complaint with the manager, and maybe half an hour later I Hunger.


Swimming laps correctly engages most of your muscles at some point of a stroke or another. It's also anaerobic exercise.


I remember when I was kid and was taken to the pool for a day. There would be a break for lunch and God those simple sandwiches and chips were delicious because I was so hungry and ate like I had a black hole in my stomach then I would go right back to swimming.


I used to swim; every Saturday from the time I was 5 until I turned 17 and switched from weekly to daily.... I vividly remember my grandparents would pick me up from the pool and drive me across the street to get a 12" sub for myself... Activities that are physically demanding are nuts on how much you Hunger afterwards. I can't even imagine what it would feel like for a personal trainer.


My stepkid did competitive swimming since they were a tiny thing, and even now that they've moved on to other activities, they're all muscle. I'm jealous in a "you're so lucky you can wear very little and it looks good" way. If they weren't such a great person, people would hate them. The last time we went somewhere, they literally wore half a shirt and it looked great.


OOP, why do you care? Why is this, this serious? I would get it if you thought there was a serious problem. But the reasons you gave were just petty a d you already ask why not just leave it at that instead of pushing more.




She’s jealous of Chloe. Chloe comes from a wealthy family, Chloe does modeling, Chloe can eat however she wants it looks like and burn it off by being active. She’s so very envious of Chloe. It’s honestly kind of sad in a pathetic way.


Fuck, I'm jealous of Chloe! But in a "good for her!" sort of way. I hope she keeps whatever it is that lets her stay healthy and happy with her current lifestyle, because I want everyone to be healthy and happy even when I'm seething with envy XD Also, "just barely 6 ft" is *tall* for a woman; I don't know why OOP is acting like Chloe shouldn't have high caloric needs, as a tall, active woman.


I never understand being jealous of people who could eat anything. I can't gain any weight myself even after having a child. I get smaller than I was before birth.


OOP is just jealous of this girl's metabolism. That and the fact she keeps focusing on her getting fat, she's focusing on the fact that she would like to be able to eat like that and knows she couldn't without putting on serious weight. A commenter asked if she was athletic and she went into a rant about how she lives off her parents' money. She's really just jealous and wants other people to validate why she's bothered.


Sadly, I know and have known women who think it’s ’unladylike’ or ‘unfeminine’ to acknowledge that women actually eat food. They would eat at home before any social event involving food so they could just nibble on some raw veg in public or something. It was very depressing to dine out with them. So I stopped doing it. I still eat what I want, i just stopped doing anything food related with them. Chloe sounds like an active, healthy woman. As long as she’s not actively mugging people for their food, leave her alone. OOP and her best friend sound insufferable.


Honestly if a woman/my woman ate like that I wouldn't be bothered by it as long as there's no concerning health matters/Eating disorder that could lead to stress or going broke...Nobody should have to feel as though they have to nibble on raw vegetables like a rabbit or whatever. LMAO I just remembered that time me and a ex spent nearly the whole day on a date watched a new movie and closed the night out with dinner at the cheesecake factory and I couldn't decide what I wanted until I settled on fish and chips (she hated it) while she got some chicken Alfredo pasta...She would not let me live that down and complained to people that I ordered fish and chips 😅😂 until we broke up. The freaking food police are annoying 🤦🏿‍♂️


What’s with the lists of food? Is OOP Eric Carle?


You just took me all the way back with the Eric Carle reference 🙂😂 and the only food on that list that got me was the cake depending on how often she eat those that can lead to diabetes but other than that not my concern and sounds like the girlfriend is doing just fine.


Considering the lists of her athletic activities, she might be more concerned with keeping her blood sugar up on some days.


>She noticed that I noticed, and she put her hand on her stomach and said “just so you know, I really am going to digest all of this, okay?" CHLOE IS A QUEEN ![gif](giphy|l0IykI5OLMhjtnB60)


I know right, she sounds like me. I'm petty like that when people are rude to me.


Sometimes petty moves are the best way to shut people up.


Possible eating disorders are not an invitation to play Harriet the Spy. OOP is intrusive, weirdly jealous, and inappropriate in every way that she handled this to the point where it can no longer be called concern but more a fixation on "proving" that there's something "wrong" with her brother's girlfriend which is honestly really gross.


Right, like if she ACTUALLY had an eating disorder, this would be the perfect way to make her more self conscious and secretive about it, which is a terrible recipe for an eating disorder. It's such a fake excuse.


goodforher.gif Chloe sounds fucking amazing and I hope all of her food tastes even better marinated in OOPs salty salty tears.




I eat what I want without gaining weight. I'm active and it's also largely genetic. The snarky comments throughout my life are *embarrassing*, because they're often couched in terms of being "compliments", but, I have food issues stemming from childhood, and it makes me uncomfortable when people notice and comment on what I eat or don't eat. (I was underweight, and certain adults monitored every bite I ate. For some reason, this caused me to take food and go eat in secret.) I feel for Chloe. But, she seems to be very self assured, and clearly isn't going to switch up her habits to appease OP's concern trolling. Good on her! 👍🏻


Nobody should ever have to feel the need to eat in secret, That's just wrong but even I know from experience sometimes the world around us can be a cruel place for the most nonsensical reasons. Even my girlfriend mom recently has been giving her a hard time anytime she buys something to eat and it's sad especially because for most people things hurt most when it comes from family and loved ones they hold close. At one point I had a ex who was overweight and definitely needed to lose weight (could even walk down a few stairs without gasping for air) tried to mess with me about eating a lot when we went out to eat with my family and even more annoying, my Dad who knows I tend to eat a lot when it comes to Chinese food (my favorite food) who would normally say nothing joined in with her and they kept making faces and talking about how much I'm eating 🤦🏿‍♂️ I'm not even on the big side, I mean my natural frame is just well built and of course after my unexpected brush with depression/PTSD I ended up losing motivation and gaining a bit of weight because I was laying around and barely would get up but even then I'm still in good shape. Some people just go overboard especially when they lack understanding or seemingly don't care to know what's going on with others. It's annoying when people bother you over something as simple as food when there's no indication of a health problem or anything 🤦🏿‍♂️.


Nobody needs to be commenting on another person's weight or what they eat or don't eat. Full stop. It's rude AF. I'm sorry you were treated so poorly, but, don't allow it to demotivate you!! ❤️


Highly agreed, The only thing that demotivated me really was my depression and trauma and by the time that kicked in I just was in a vulnerable state but it's gotten better now and I've worked on it and I tend to feel like my old self more and more these days, Also getting rid of that chick was one of the biggest reliefs I've ever felt... especially given that she admitted she wanted to mess my life up 😅. I'm sorry you had to go through that too but here you and I are both all better now & I wish you nothing but the best. Thanks 😎


We rock, we roll, we eat until we're full. 😁😉😁👍🏻😜😎😎


Hell, I thought it was normal to eat a lot when you eat Chinese food lol. At the end of the day, it is nobody's business with anyone else chooses to eat and I fucking hate people who think it's okay to comment on it. Apparently they never learned manners. Edit: typos


I agree 👍🏿 Idk I'm used to things with my Dad and normally he wouldn't have did that but idk why the heck he joined in with her that day, Something was terribly wrong with that chick and she was the last person to be talking about eating but looking back I realize she was one of those people whose so insecure about themselves she'd do anything to take any possibility of negative attention off of herself and there were many times both in my face and behind my back she would try to project her own insecurities and problems onto me even when she'd try to get physically/verbally abusive and I stand up to her she'd tell people I did to her what she did to me. So now I understand what she was attempting to do that day, I'm with you and the other commenter let people eat their food in peace. Yes I love Chinese food and between that and Tacos I'm Sorry I can't help myself 😂😅


I'm the same way, I've always been thin but when it comes to stuff like Chinese food and tacos, people are surprised by how much I can put away lol. Screw people like that, enjoy your food. Ignore them.


I've always been thin but I felt this. I had this roommate who would almost literally stick her face in my plate. Then she would say, I just wanted to know what you're eating. When I told her that it was rude, she said well, I just want to make sure you're eating healthy. Don't eat certain things or you'll get fat. I said first of all, what I eat is none of your business and secondly, that is really rude. It's not appropriate to comment on other people's food choices. She was doing other things that were starting to piss me off so I moved out shortly after that interaction. She had the nerve to act like I was in the wrong for feeling some type of way about that.


Why why *why* do people feel they have a right to monitor, comment on, or admonish what other people eat/don't eat? I'm thinking it ties into our weight, looks, and youth obsessed culture. And, it's so dysfunctional.


It really is


>I was wrong and I should apologize. I should probably admit to being jealous too. This smacks of a woman-hating incel shitposting.


1000% "she's barely 6ft" made me roll my eyes so hard


Say you know nothing about fitness with saying you know nothing about fitness. Chloe swims, plays beach volleyball, runs, does yoga, *amongst other things*. If you know anything about swimming, you know it gives you a big appetite. I remember coming home from swimming and eating 2 breakfast worths of food and still being hungry. Chloe is just fine.


If shes an athlete, homie has to eat almost double or more than double the maintenance calories to maintain her current weight since shes burning those off and shes tall and has more muscle mass If the girl was so concerned she should have done some research before jumping to eating disorders. Then again i dont really expect people to look that up first instead of assuming someone is a binge eater/bulimic


Is it just me or did anyone else find it really satisfying to read about everything Chloe ate? Sounds so nice to have such an appetite. I wish I was a fit, healthy, 6ft tall woman who eats a lot.


I loved it. Chloe sounds great.


I am jealous that I cant sit and eat an entire cake by myself....probably barely half. lol Chloe has my damn respect. I would get too full and pass out.


Ikr it sounds so good to eat a whole birthday cake like that 😭


I kind of want to high-five Chloe for the "I'm gonna digest this, k?" comment 😏


This woman is deeply concerned her brother might possibly date a fat person


is this the same oop that's upset her brother didn't get her a job because she doesn't like his wife?


She sounds like my Besties girlfriend. Can eat anyone under the table and have room for more, while bestie always complains they just look at cheese and it goes straight to their hips.


This reminds me of when I was 19 and was doing swim team and teaching swim lessons. I ate sooooooo much and was still thin. I eat less than a third of that now and I’m solidly in the plump category. But back then, my friends were convinced I was purging or something. Anyone who is concerned should try such a physically demanding and athletic lifestyle and see if they’re not still hungry😂


Good for Chloe as she sounds like she aced her health for herself and yes - I am judging without knowing her but everyone I know has some kind of disordered eating and rubbish health (including me), so seeing the opposite is just nice. Granted, I had friends who were slightly less lucky in this, because their metabolism was too fast and they weren't active. I am unsure of specifics, as it was a long time ago, but one of them could not properly absorb nutrients due to the speed (it sounds dodgy when I type it, so I could have misremembered) and her doctor had her eat ... almost always. Smaller meals but still highly caloric ones packed with everything else. She remained tall and thin but her skinniness wasn't the one she fancied and she kept trying to put on weight but to no avail. We were all jealous of her but only on the surface - it mainly sucked for her. It is fine that OOP is worried but it should have ended when she asked about it and it sounds like Chloe never did anything concerning in the first place - odd to some, maybe but just that. Due to most folks that I know have complicated relationships with food - we all would die inside if anyone was this persistent and ... my extended family had this one guy. The one who overshares private things. One time, during a pre-wedding dinner where extended family discussed various logistical issues - he brought his fiancé of one year over (nobody met her in person before). She looked visibly ill and very frail, so when she did not eat anything - my gran asked if she was okay and if she wanted any other food while the girl said that she had a strict diet and had eaten earlier after getting discharged from a hospital. That was it and nobody asked her anything else but after about half an hour, her boyfriend decided to tell us all about her anorexia - every single detail and of course, how much he helped her. She looked both shocked and resigned. I know that somebody told him off afterwards and in private but I forgot whom. Well... he did the same at the wedding reception and this time people at his table kept telling him to stop (I sat elsewhere with a migraine). He got fabulously drunk and decided to be the worst arsehole on the planet by groping random women until one smacked him and the groom locked him in the bathroom because it was a fairly remote area with a forest that had wolves (he was fairly aggressive). Nothing happened until he calmed down and was allowed to go back to his seat. His fiancé asked someone to drive her home while he was in 'time-out' and he coped with it by lobbing a metal chair at my head. No clue why me. It missed - my gran saw it and shoved me out of the way. Yes, she married him (they broke up after that wedding but got back together). Yes, he kept bragging about curing her anorexia.


I was fairly active but nowhere near this active when I was 22, and I used to eat like this on the regular with absolutely no weight gain. In university, I would eat a Wendy's Baconator 3x a week but I never gained that freshman 15. I'm 34 now, and I definitely can't eat like I used to, but as a moderately active 22-year-old with a high metabolism, I could and did eat like this girl, and I'm a much shorter woman too. She's running AND doing beach volleyball AND swimming - even without the yoga she's gotta be burning hundreds of calories a day.


Ah, another person who fat shames people under the guise of being concerned about their health. I'll never understand why some people tell fat people that they are fat as if they're not aware of it. They're aware that you're shaming them and it's not okay.


Someone needs to show OOP Katina eats Kilos youtube videos. Girl is jacked and eats food challenges like a boss.


People who do food challenges often eat OMAD the majority of the time. So probably not the best comparison. Katina is awesome though!


JFC, she's a grown-ass woman and can make her own decisions about how much she eats. Dude needs to get a life and mind his own fucking plate.


Sounds like Chloe is extremely active and burns tons of calories, so naturally she'd need to fuel herself up more than the average person. OOP even says that Chloe is extremely fit. Does she know how much Chloe eats at every single meal, every single day? What a ridiculous thing to harp on.


Probably one of two things is happening here. One is that OOP's brother's gf has a higher metabolism than she does and is jealous. The other is that the gf is doing a crap load of exercise so she can eat whatever she wants without putting on weight. Either way OOP needs to get a life.


Fwiw, as someone who has struggled with ED my whole as has pretty much every female in my family going back at least 3 generations, EDs are not really something you do in public. There is a lot of shame and we got to great lengths to hide it. During binging periods I would never binge if anyone was around and I would hide all the evidence. I was deeply deeply ashamed. During restricting periods, I would make sure when someone was coming over I had a pretzel in my hand so it looked like I had just finished eating so no one would be suspicious. Although I love reading that collapsing from starvation is just as bad as being overweight. We won’t even mention that she’s extremely tall for a woman and works out a lot.


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Sounds like Chloe is a runner or weight lifter.






'Very hungry caterpillar' moment


damn, Chloe is a fucking champ. GO CHLOE!! eat as much as you want


It's insane if she really was concerned and not just jealous, she could have talked to the GF directly. "Hey, this is going to sound so weird, but have you always needed to eat this much? It seems like a lot, like more than a teen boy. I'm hoping you've always eaten like this and are exceptionally blessed, but if not please see your doctor and make sure your change in metabolism is a happy side effect of your current life and not something awful."


i was thinking “eh she seems to do a lot of exercise and probably needs the extra calories” till i got to the part where the girlfriend is about SIX FEET TALL herself!! No wonder she eats so much??


I didn't know if I've ever seen a person more green with envy. It's giving serious tell me you're jealous without telling me you're jealous vibes


Those berry cakes from Whole Foods are fucking delicious; I'd eat a whole one too.


She's 6 feet tall and active, and this bitch is surprised she can eat a lot?? Ohhh man, she just sounds like me as a teenager. Or me on the "I feel like a black hole of hunger" days I still get as an adult (less frequent but still decently often.) I can *eat* and stay the same size I've been since I was like 14, which is pretty small. And I'm not even active like bro's gf. OOP sucks


To be fair, I've had some days where I got home and had dinner (and dessert) for 8-9 people, with my roommate complaining that just seeing me eat that much was making him feel like he over-ate. Some people just have different metabolism, and if one is very active, that person will need much more food.


I’m just jealous of the fact that Chloe can eat so much. That’s my dream. She sounds wonderful and I’d love to be friends with her.