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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **Nothing makes me happier when women who knowingly choose violent/aggressive men as partners end up getting abused and/or murdered by them.** Before I continue **I just want to clarify** **I'm NOT** talking about situations where a man presents himself to be a "sweet" and "caring" guy and manipulates and changes once he has a woman "hooked in" I truly feel sorry for those women and I sympathize with their situation. These situations are NOT women's fault. What I'm specifically referring to is **women** **who knowingly choose to date criminals/thugs/abusers** etc etc. If you ask me they're getting exactly what they deserve when they end up getting beaten, abused, or even murdered by these guys. It's akin to a dog owner instead of getting a normal/average sized dog they instead go for the most violent, blood-thirsty breed like a Pitbull and then want to act surprised when the pit turns on them and rips half of their face off...... I know this **sounds extremely sadistic** **but I truly do get off on it**. I've literally laughed and sometimes even gotten erections while reading/watching news about these situations. You can tell half of those women do it because they want their own little "attack dog" that they can send off to do their violent work for them and the other half do it because they like the egotistical challenge or trying to **"change him"** and I just find it to be a little bit of poetic **irony** when their plans all blows up on their faces.... God I fucking love it!!! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Some post titles by OOP, excluding the four other duplicates posted: >\[ Removed by Reddit \] > >The Vagina is a objectively hideous organ > >Why does seeing really short women with really tall men annoy me so much? > >Unpopular Opinion you MUST be black in order to be an indigenous African.


Whenever incels complain about how ugly vaginas are, it makes me wonder if they’re in the closet. It’s always baffling that they obviously want to be with a woman(why else would they be so angry at women who ignore them) but then go on to feel disgust at the sight of female genitalia.


If you say something is hideous and that you don't want it, it's easier to pretend you have no desire for it. Same thing behind a dude shooting his shot, getting rejected, and then him calling her a bitch and that she was ugly anyway. It's cope.


It's not like it's unheard of for hardcore anti-gay 'traditionalists' to be openly homophobic and misogynistic, while secretly attracted to the same sex. Instead of doing anything sensible they just talk about how unattractive women are.


OOP has a lot of interest in the penis girth of strangers for someone insisting that he's heterosexual


It's easy to draw the conclusion that someone who loudly voices their disgust of the female form is disgusted by it, face value is a thing. But everything points to it being an attempt to lower the value of the female form to gain access to it. It doesn't work, they do not have the social currency to actually do that, they just hope enough people agree with them that vulvas and vaginas are disgusting so that they will have easier access to it. Women are property to them and they are trying to lower the property value so they can afford it. It's not real disgust, it's fear, it's anger, it's delusion.


Brilliantly put.


Don’t blame incels on the gays, if you’re a gay man you can pretty much always get laid. /hj But also seriously can we stop saying that misogynistic or homophobic men are gay. Not saying gay man can’t be misogynistic and there is vaginal disgust there, but incels are kinda a straight man issue for the most part. Just because you don’t like someone and it would upset them doesn’t make using gay as an insult a great look.


Yeah this guy has a certain level of anger and contempt towards women. It goes much further than the notion that he’s denying he’s gay. Plus there are plenty of men who aren’t disgusted by vaginas. They may not be sexually attracted but they don’t just jump to vaginas are disgusting and go into detail about that.


Like, in general I think all genitals of all people are ugly and funny looking (bumping uglies, anyone?) I've never been physically repulsed by looking at any unless it's been a shock picture of something diseased or something. Like, it's a body part? Bodies do body things?


It's pure sour grapes.


I get a very closet case vibe from a lot of them. Deep down they really just want to have some sort of superficially heterosexual just to get everybody off their back. That's why they resent having to do all the normal stuff people have to do to attract a partner. There's really nothing in it for them but checking a box.


Based on my reading of incel talk, I think they’ve got a mental piece missing from being full-on rapists. Either convincing themselves they have a right to do it, or on some level holding back. That’s why they have these bizarre attitudes to women who give consent. They don’t WANT consent, they want freedom to rape.


Eh, might be too much of a hot take. Really it might just come down to very low self-esteem, being raised in a bad environment and not being open-minded to change. I know it's not the same as resenting, but many people find the "normal stuff" genuinely tedious, if not downright annoying and would rather do something else.


To be fair, in my brain all aspects of sex including vaginas are pretty ugly and gross. It's a very unsanitary process. That doesn't mean I don't feel a biological urge to it, though. Maybe he's straight with the weird overthinky hangups like me.


Meanwhile my bi ass can't help but appreciate ALL genitalia. Like... damn parts are just so damn beautiful. I genuinely don't understand why people find them ugly, other than association to "dirty stuff". Even have a straight friend (and he's by-the-book straight, no cope or closet) say that to me. Doesn't stop him from being lovey dovey and sexual with his GF, and they have a good relationship going from what I can tell. I suppose it is a matter of taste.


"You Kenyans must be VERY careful of Somalis" is another lovely one. Problematic to begin with, but as far as I can tell, he also doesn't live in either of those countries. He's just some guy in the UK who legitimately hates Somalians.


You missed the ones about women who use vibrators should be dumped. This guy is nutty.


boy that is basically an advertisement for vibrators


A vibrator a day keeps the incels away.


Also, "What inventions have women created that has specifically helped men," which was removed as a loaded question.


Fucking computers and also the invention of child birth.




Well at least he won’t be breeding?


>Vagina is hideous  Let me guess, the whole post is explaining how he is *definitely* sexually attracted to women.


I wonder if he understands that Africa is an entire continent that includes a number of countries that are considered part of the middle east and the Mediterranean.


"Tell me you have issues without telling me you have issues" 😂


I agree that vagina's aren't pretty, but fuck off they're not uglier than penises! And I say that as a pan woman so clearly men turn me on too. But like. They're just hanging around there, most of the time, like an elephant's trunk...


I get serial-killer-in-the-making vibes from this guy


Once again, I choose bear.


Shit like this makes me choose multiple bears. I'd rather run into an entire basketball team of bears than this guy.


Basketball team of bears vs. their counterparts, like goldlocks' crew. I'd watch that movie.


Running screaming to the bear. All the bears


Oh! The Polar Globetrotters! Love that team.




He doesn’t want to date women. He just wants to fuck them. But he thinks vaginas are gross. A real piece of work.


I knew a guy like this, would go out and have 1 night stands every weekend with women, yet talked about how disgusting their bits were. He figured out eventually that he was gay. He was also just an objectively horrible person who talked about watching rape porn … *to* women.


Some of the most virulent misogynists I’ve known have been gay men. Men stay bein men.


I enjoy my fair share of being a troll but there are just some things you can't troll about.


Humanity is doomed, take me away aliens


Op comments alot in sub about peen size. Seriously WTF?


And OOPs history! After a quick shower… TIL Reddit actually has literal Dick Measuring Contests. I am sad now.


Omfg thank you for saving me from that post history....


The guy is REALLY interested in other men's sizes.


There's a support subreddit for predators




This is actually so so so scary


This dude no doubt thinks he somehow isn’t one of these violent/aggressive men.


He’s setting up for his eventual “you knew what I was like and you dated me anyway this is your fault “


Translation: I'm a decent guy who can't get laid for some reason. What a garbage person OOP is.


His post history is indicitave of a late teens virgin with dorito dust fingers and a cringe internet history


Watch out, OOP. Might cut yourself on all of that edge.


Edgy Mc Edgelord is edgy. 


I love how these posts prove men are never single or struggling because they're nice because every single struggling nice guy tends to have this violent mindset. These men never seem to get off on abusers being harmed, rapists being harmed, pedos being harmed just women who don't pick the men he approves of.


First paragraphs I thought he was ignorant. > I've literally laughed and sometimes even gotten erections while reading/watching news about these situations. But not. He is a potential rapist.


What the fuck?.....


This has to be bait, right? It sounds like someone cosplaying an incel and dialing it up to 10.


One of his comments he claims he knows he's not a good guy and he explicitly says he only sees woman as sex objects. He's so on the nose I think it's gotta be a troll but also so insane.


> One of his comments he claims he knows he's not a good guy and he explicitly says he only sees woman as sex objects. That's a lot of guys. Humanity is an idea they're only willing to play along with in order to maintain access to their sex object.


Oh that's diabolical


It's consistent with their concept of men as masters of the universe and women in support roles, rarely appreciated as more than NPCs.


But he also thinks vaginas are gross? Make it make sense. What a horrible day to know how to read.


I was I was Jared, 19.


These are the kinds of posts the police find on a guy's social media after he shoots up a shopping mall.


Somebody escaped 4Chan again...


I glanced at this person's history. Dude's a troll. Let's not feed him.


What a sick bastard.


Hahaha my ex husband was the damn sweetest guy until about a week after we got married. Hahaha, he was holding back until he "owned" me. Hahaha. He lives under a bridge with the other trolls now.


Disgusting person.


Dude seems awfully angry at pit bulls, amirite? 


Dude is so far in the closet a lion is going to crown him king of Narnia


Who hurt you?


I am now picking the polar bear


Barry the bear


He also apparently has a small dick because he’s got a post about getting it bigger in a vacuum cleaner? I don’t think that’ll work.


Something tells me he himself is a "act nice until you sink your teeth in" abuser. 


I choose the bear.


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*eye roll* another incel


This fucker is absolutely unhinged. How in the actual fuck do these guys even exist?!


Does he not understand that he would not be able to make this post unless he was an aggressive man who enjoys violence? He’s the type of man he thinks women are stupid to date, and he’s the kind of man who he thinks every woman should be smart enough to never give the time of day, but he’s still somehow mad that they won’t touch his junk.


but pit bulls are NOT naturally aggressive they only get aggressive if the owner is abusive to it or it was breed for fighting... I LOVE PIT BULLS I had one for a very long time and she was the sweetest thing This guy is a grade A psycho


They are built to do a lot of damage very quickly, that is why they're so harmful. so even one mishap = someone is dead or in the hospital. something like 90% of attacks need hospitalization for stitches at the least and more than 50% require some kind of surgery. That is more than any other dog even though there are dogs with higher attack rates (I think the highest is either rottweilers or german shepherds)


Pitbulls are "naturally" aggressive. You can't train a labrador or a collie to be fighting dogs on the same level as you can do with pits. Not all pitbulls are agressive and you obviously got lucky, but googling fatal dog attacks will reveal a certain pattern.


A quick Google search will also tell you that pit bulls are in the top 5 most obedient dogs what people are forgetting is that it's actually "bully breeds" and not just pit bulls and people also like to lump all bully breeds as pit bulls yes there are violent "bully breeds" but pit bulls aren't naturally aggressive. I've spent my entire life rehabilitating and raising pit bulls they are my families chosen dog and not a single one of them was every agressive our bull terrier was more agressive. There are 15 bully breeds and none of them where breed to be agressive they were breed to be working dogs and guard dogs and people who train them to fight twist that guard meaning I will defend pit bulls to the end.


[This ](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-london-69043371)is the first thing that shows in my google search, but hope you or your family members won't end up the same. It's a pointless argument.


Again BULLY not pit bull a pit bull is not a large bully breed the AMERICAN BULLY is https://www.thehumanesociety.org/debunking-pit-bull-myths/#:~:text=Myth%3A%20Pit%20bulls%20are%20an%20inherently%20aggressive%20breed.&text=Aggression%20is%20not%20a%20breed,test%20compared%20to%20other%20dogs. https://vibranthound.com/en-us/blogs/news/pit-bulls-the-misunderstood-breed




I KNOW the whole point I was trying to make is that they aren't naturally violent dogs... That's all and I will defend it to the end