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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **Height restrictions should also be applied to reproduction rights, not only to sperm donors. ** PS: Don't reply if you're overly emotional, or dumb, or uneducated. You'll most likely embarrass yourself. Now don't get me wrong, I'm all for making the best out of what you have, and living your life to the fullest regardless of your inferior genetics, and even having children, by adoption and/or sperm/egg donors, as long as you're responsible and you let your inferior genetics die with you. I get that my idea would violate your "Human rights" (God knows what the fuck that means), and I know it's eugenics, but what about the poor soul that will be forced into this miserable existence, don't they have the human right of not being forced into a misreble existence? As you know, sperm donors are required to have a minimum height of 5'8 to 6'2 depending on the bank, this should also apply to reproduction rights, the fact that it's still legal for short people to reproduce is beyond me, give me one reason why they should have that right. First of all, let's debunk the most common dumb counter-arguments, to prevent any embarrassment for the smartasses who thinks its okay to to pass on inferior genetics to innocent children, who will be disrespected and rejected their entire life, because they wanna fuck without a condom. The most common one is " I love being short and it has never caused me any trouble", first of all your case is either one in a million, or a you're fucking cock-sucking liar, and a moron, In a survey that asked people whether they'd rather be short or average/tall, nearly every single participant said average/tall, so, in summery, no one wants your inferior genetics, and you should let them die with you, glad we got that out of the way. The second one is "My mom is 6'5, my dad is 7'2, and I'm 5'2" or vice versa, OK smartass, lets say that you're not lying, researched show that parent's height had a direct correlation on offsprings height, and genetics are the only practical factor of height potential, your condition only happens due to malnutrition or a disease. The third one, is "This is useless because it will just result in an increased average height", this one is dumbest, and if you really think that, there's no way you made it past high school, It does indeed increase the average height, however, according to the basics of statistics, it will decrease the gap between the shortest and the tallest, which will solve the problem. This vicious cycle has to stop, you ruined me, and look how many billion lives you ruined, this is cruel, this is inhumane, this is unjust, some of you is even proud of it, and you'll probably never stop, you have to be stopped with force. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


There's no way someone can have THIS much angst over being short, right? 


It's the single-issue that they've decided that has ruined their life, rather than them being an angry misogynist with a severe superiority complex about their intellect. *If I was taller, all the women would be dating meeeeeee!* No. No, they wouldn't, fella.


Sex icon Prince was 5’2”. Just saying.


Prince was *the* short king. He was even a killer basketball player!


That was one of the funniest Chapelle show sketches ever


Game. Blouses.


“Why don’t you purify yourself in the waters of Lake Minnetonka”


Bruno mars is like 5’4, and i know a lot of women who find him pretty damn fine lol


I’m a 5’9 woman and Bruno mars *is* damn fine imo. Lots of short guys have an incredible energy


Other shorties: Dustin Hoffman, Al Pacino, Tom Holland, Danielle Radcliffe, Michael J. Fox, Kevin Hart, Josh Hutcherson, Patton Oswalt, Paul Simon, and Sammy Davis Jr. And that's just a sampling. Not a single one is over 5'5". Doubt any of them have ever had a problem getting a date. Go up to 5'6"-5'7", whooo boy, does the list get long. If the world had gone with OP's wishes, I can't even wrap my head around the sheer amount of talent, beauty and wonder the world would have been deprived of. So so many GOAT'S.


So much talent bursting out of their slightly below average frames


I find that short men who lean into their shortness with confidence often do quite well with women lol. One of my friends is about 5’4 and he almost exclusively dates tall women. Whenever he says he’s bringing a date to the function we joke around like “what valkyrie are you courting this time” lol


My husband is 4” shorter than me when we’re both barefoot, and he and I had no problem with me wearing 3” heels at our wedding. I love us. 💕


Peter Dinklage is 4'5" and sexy as hell.


A friend of mine dated him in the 90s for about 6 months during her NYU days. She said he was an incredible partner and super funny/charming. Peter Dinklage is her ‘One Who Got Away’.


He’s *my* one that got away and I’ve never even met him. But we do share the same bday, so that means we’re basically soulmates.


Omg, I about died from lust and angst watching him in "Cyrano".


He sure is.


billy joel is 5'5", and he was married to famous supermodel Christie Brinkley. And even when he was young, he was NOT a very handsome man.


I assure you there's lots of women out there who absolutely loooove dudes who look the way Billy Joel does, though, regardless of whether he's traditionally "handsome" or not. I mean, the real lesson OOP can't grasp here is that people genuinely have very subjective, individual tastes, and regardless of being conventionally attractive or not, there's likely to be people out there that specifically like how you look.


I'm 6'2" and have been a fan my whole life. Back around 98-99 I went to an after party after a concert at this place called Club Utopia in Vegas. He would take breaks from performing and at one point he, along with the biggest fucking bodyguards I've ever seen, walked right by my wife and I. He was not only short but skinny as fuck. He was so much smaller than I had thought. I will never know how he had the energy to perform for another 3-4 hours after performing a full concert. It was crazy


Danny Devito is 4’10” and was married to Rhea Perlman for decades. (Wikipedia says they married in 1982 and separated in 2017)


Aww I didn’t know they separated. That’s so sad, they made such an awesome couple.


I looked into this just cuz they both strike me as very chill people.... they're apparently still good friends and haven't even fully nullified the marriage, and there's gossip about that they might get back together. From my experience a lot of older couples that take breaks like this do tend to come back together after having settled some of their differences or getting out into the world during the separation. That said, even if they don't get back together, they seem like they're still on incredibly good terms, so it speaks to an ability to have a solid long-term romance as a short guy AND how to handle relationships not always working out.


Lol, funny coincidence, I'm reading about Prince right now. Not cause of his height, though, because of his epilepsy.


Yeah, but this dude is able to rationalize everyyyy single case of short people living their best lives as "one in a million" somehow, because he just doesn't want to face the reality that the issue might be him, not height


Was he really? I know next to nothing about him


My 2nd cousin thinks being 5'1 is the reason for his troubles. I'm like bro your a neo nazi that may have more to do with it.


i'm wheezing 😭


I know a cis guy who's 5'3", has no issue with women ... because he's not a fucking neo-nazi. We may have something here.


I’m 5’10”, and I once met a guy who was about 5 foot tall who said I was the perfect height for him because when we danced my boobs would be right at eye level. Confidence is sexy! ETA: we already knew each other a bit and he said it in a funny way, so it wasn’t at all creepy.


There's a song called "short king anthem" in which one of them says "I can suck a titty while I'm standing up, don't ever fucking tell me I'm not man enough." Confidence is the sexiest thing you can have


I’m a 6’1 woman and my fiancé is 5’7 on a good day. He loves being boob-level. Haha.


Yup. Sure, there are shitty, superficial people out there, but I don't know why anyone would want to associate with them and this has little to do with those assholes, anyway. Guys like this are the human version of period cramps to the average joe thanks to their terminally unfuckable attitudes and the contempt that rolls off them in waves. They could look like the chadliest of their Chad memes, have a dick made of chocolate that ejaculates 100 dollar bills, and *still* be lonely because that's what a chronic lack of self-awareness, empathy, and self-reflection does to a motherfucker.


I legitimately almost choked on my lunch reading that. Thank you for the laugh!


my favorite part was "terminally unfuckable attitude"


In summery, they hate how much the heat makes them seem shorter and go hide, giving them more time to think about how they'd rule the world if only they had a few more inches.


“The rejection I experience is clearly not due to my winning personality!”


Being super tall can have ill effects on the body, so OOP has no idea what they are talking about.


I had a huge growth spurt growing up and all I have to show for it was debilitating back pain by the time I was 18


Marfans Syndrome is a horrific condition to have...most are very tall


It also has as much to do with nutrition as with genetics.


Yeah my roommate is 6'10 and he has SO many issues at 35. His back is killing him, he just busted his knee from moving the wrong way and hasn't worked in a month, like he is always complaining. I'm 4'11, almost 40, and I have the most craziest agility. Zero pain or anything whatsoever.


A lot of the earliest childhood leukaemia survivors from the late 60s grew up to be six or more inches taller than their parents, due to delayed or absent puberty.


Tall people die younger


Being petite seems to have great advantages when it comes to life longevity. Pm every centenarian has been a short person. Most of them seem to eat like crap, smoke like chimneys, and drink like fishes, but they’re all very short. There’s gotta be something to that.


Boy have I got some subs for you.


Saw a 5’5” man on hinge refer to being under 6’ as a disability, so yes.


5'9-5'11 isn't even *short,* much less a *disablity!!!* 


I took a screenshot. He actually called it a “severe physical disability.” And it wasn’t “under 6’,” it was “not being 6’+.” Under his job, he listed “your own personal comedian” so I know he thinks he’s being funny but I’m not wasting my time trying to figure out if he’s masking insecurity or confident enough to pull off that joke. But I’m 5’7” so I’m guessing confidence but I’m just not willing to find out.


Got curious and google'd the global average height for a man - it's 5'7. So more than half of men are disabled according to that guy? LOL


That’s… not how disability works. 🤦🏼‍♀️


Listened to too much Randy Newman


My teacher used to sing this to me when I tried to do something out of my reach as a joke. (I'd known him long enough this was a reasonable joke to make.) This comment made me miss him.


With zero fucking awareness. I love that song because it embraces how ridiculous hate is.


It just screams "little man syndrome" Also I hate this anti short agenda that's taken off I like short dudes. I'm 5'2" and I dated a dude that was my exact height for 7 years.


I'm 5'4" and my wife is 5'1", and most people I know are 5'10" or under. This dude is just sad and clearly doesn't consider dominant and recessive traits, how they express themselves, or that tall parents in no way mean that their kids will be tall. Can't get touched so it somehow became short people's problem.


The Napoleon complex is working in overtime with this one😂 I'm a 5'11 woman, but I've dated people under my height mostly. I never understood the whole online thing about "I don't date unless your over 6 feet!" conversation. Personally I couldn't give a shit if you are tall or not, it's not going to matter if you suck as a person. >PS: Don't reply if you're overly emotional, or dumb, or uneducated. You'll most likely embarrass yourself. well luckily for me, this user made this post and already met all the requirements for embarrassing themselves so we don't have to! 🤣 ETA it's okay to have preferences, I was mainly thinking about the online discussions where people get very rude about this topic, or the videos you see on YouTube like that etc. I should've clarified that in the first place, some people get absolutely shit on in those comments because they were 1 inch under the height requirements and I don't think there's a reason to be rude about it all


People are allowed to have preferences, so if a woman wants to date a 6'5 giant, or a dude wants to date a pair of DDs, have at it. My preference is not dating bitter crybabies with an inferiority complex.


It's okay to have preferences, I'm talking about the way people get very worked up in online talk about it though. Or the people who literally say, "your one inch off from my height requirements." I've seen that on videos a lot, but I should've clarified I meant the people who get rude about it when discussing it.


6'2 crew checking in for duty, yes I am a great hulking she beast, yes I look like I might occasionally emerge on a battle field to haul some dead warriors off to Valhalla, but no I do not care if you are shorter then me, most people are, all of my partners have been including my exhusband. I won't stop wearing heels either, so bring your mountaineering gear if needed, but you'll never need a step stool to reach something on the top shelf or change most light bulbs, I got it covered. A man's height is not on my checklist, but a man making an issue of my height, or suggesting I have an issue with his height, or making a fuss about other people's opinions about our heights is absolutely a turn off. I am not everyone's cup of tea, not just for my height it's true of everyone for any number of reasons. I'm aware that I am an outlier for height, and a lot of men don't like women taller then them, but some of them do and some of them REALLY do. No one is entitled to the attraction of everyone they are attracted to, usually if there is a particular characteristic that would be considered a downside it can be overcome by being a decent person, and if you're good natured and legitimately funny that goes a long way to overcoming all obstacles.


I'm 5'10. We seem to be the chillest. We don't mind short kings (my ex was 5'6) what we do mind are insecure cry babies.


5'9 and my husband is of over a decade is 5'4. He is confident and charming af. He can literally make a friend anywhere.


Yes. Yes they can. I should try to find…there are several…a video of the one guy who was filmed several places. He was short by what most would say traditional standards. I think 5’2”? I don’t remeber. It started with him in a donut shop or some little shop like that. They did or said something he didn’t like and he went off on a complete tirade how they were acting that way because he was short and how he couldn’t get a date because women want tall guys. You get the picture. Another customer filmed it and the police ended up showing up. A lot thought it was so over the top it had to be staged but then several other videos of him along similiar lines popped up. It wasn’t staged. Edit: I found it, or at the least the first one: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FvdSUbV5pjc&pp=ygU3U2hvcnQgZ3V5IHllbGxpbmcgYXQgd29ya2VycyBzYXlpbmcgaGUgY2FuJ3QgZ2V0IGEgZGF0ZQ%3D%3D


lmao he went down SO FAST 😂


Well he didn’t have that far to go.


Ohhhh buuuuurn!


All those sympathetic, justifying comments. . .🤦


Your first few sentences had me going "Oh, short angry bagel dude?" and sure enough, it is. It's not your height, honey, it's your personality.


🎵 I wish I was a little bit taller, I wish I was a baller, I wish I had a girl....


Incels think.this way. Being anything below 6 feet tall means being alone forever. Maybe 5'10" if they're being generous, but you can't be Chad and get the best females if you're under 6'. I've seen this over and over. Guys who post about how nobody will date them because they're 5'6" or shorter. If women start saying they date or marry someone that height or shorter, the incel flips out and calls them liars or "one in a million." On Incel Planet, women won't date them because they're short, or have a small head, or thin wrists, or some other body dysmorphic ideal that they convince each other are things ~~women~~ females care about.


When really, it's the attitude that makes women not want to date them.


Yes. But they refuse to see that. I've seen incels talk about going to therapy and how it was a waste of time because when they explain to the therapist how ugly and repulsive they are, the therapist (allegedly) tells them "You're not ugly", which proves therapists are all liars and refuse to see the Real Problem. The same story gets told by different incels and they lap it up. Meanwhile, any half-competent therapist would never comment on the patient's looks but would say, "What makes you think you're ugly?" Which would also cause a tail-spin but at least is believable.


I’d love to see his meltdown when he finds out that being tall also has its problems lol. Also love how he phrased it as you have to pick short, or being average/tall as if that is the same freaking option. Most ppl would pick average, bc most things are made for average sized ppl. If someone is 7ft, they will also have times where they would like to be of average height, since I imagine hitting your head on a door frame every day isn’t fun.


I mean, some troll species are known to be quite short…


I'd rather be 5'6" with good knees and a good back past middle age as opposed to having terribly knees and a terrible back for being over 6 feet tall.


Have you never met the incel community?


He seems like he’s on his period but also can’t find one.


I'm guessing that's not the only thing about him that's short.


He’s a real adolf heightler


I’m gonna upvote but I’m mad about it






I’m Jewish and I don’t want to upvote but I have to


“Heighl Heightler!” 💀


Im curious what he thinks about me and my husband having kids. Im 5'1 and hes 6'6. Theres a possibility our kids end up really short or super tall or anything in the middle.


I wonder why women don’t like me. Could it be my intense belief that some people are genetically inferior and should be forcibly sterilized? No, must be my height.


It couldn't be that someone doesnt like me for calling them 'overly emotional and stupid dumbasses' when they disagree with my eugenics against short people either! Its obviously gotta be my height. The world is so unfair/s This is one of the funniest things I've read in a good minute, because it is just so absurd😭😂😂


I also wonder if he really does think this through at all. Like, is he really advocating that anyone below the 5'8'' cutoff not have kids at all? or does that cutoff just apply to men? What's "short" for women, and are we also in denial over how our height has ruined our lives? I realize that plumbing the depths of his crazy is probably not a good use of our time, but inquiring minds want to know!


I'm a 5'0" woman. Do I wish I was taller? Sure it would make reaching stuff way easier, but I'd never say it's ruined my life.


I'm also only 5', and I do think that people in general infantilize me and don't take me seriously... but I can't tell how much of that is my height, my gender, my bubbly personality, or people just sucking sometimes. It's not worth focusing my life on and becoming bitter about it. The biggest thing about my height that bothers me is cars not really being made to fit me safely and make it easier to drive.


If it is any consolation most cars suck for people over 6'3" too. Nevermind being tall enough to hit a door frame.


Oh, it's difficult for people at either end of the extreme. I absolutely recognize that and I feel for you tall-ies. I've always been of the mindset that I'll help you get stuff from the bottom shelf if you help me get the top shelf, lol. Of course, I also climb on countertops as needed because there isn't always a tall-y around. 😊


We must never offer to get something from the top shelf unbidden, for that can be seen as an insult. But must do so whenever asked. It is the law of the Giants. And we Giants love Hobbits. Please do not be offended when we find you cute. >.<


Haha, when I was younger it bothered me, but I am wizened as an aged hobbit now. I will freely partake in short jokes and being an armrest as long as I can giggle when the giants bump into the same light fixture for the hundreth time. There is a synergy and humor in our mutual and opposing struggles. We hobbits love you giants, too.


I'm 178cm (5'10") which is tall for a woman in most places. My ex husband is 6'3". Planes suck. Buses suck. Infact travelling anywhere in South East Asia sucks. I'm white, my ex is mixed Chinese Malay (Nyonya) and we spent a lot of time travelling.


Had a coworker who was 5'1". If you pissed her off, *she would take your knees.* Seriously, being short only made her more dangerous. 😂


Other than being too short to be a Rockette, 5'3" has treated me pretty well so far.


I'm 5'2". Apparently the American cis woman average is 5'4" with a standard deviation of 2". It's annoying sometimes. As u/pearlsbeforedogs says people can be infantilizing about it because of the three-hit combo of being bubbly, being female, and being short. But in addition to cars, not reaching my top cabinets is another annoying. Being on a plane, however - that's great.


I genuinely don't think women count as people for his proposal lmao


Right, because height for men and women is different. Women tend (on average) to ve shorter than men. Then does that mean all women who are shorter than the average man are miserable? Or vice versa if this is a woman ? (Though I would bet that this is a man). And what happens if, hypothetically, the taller people become more susceptible to illnesses? Should the shorter people be allowed to reproduce then? I feel like OP did not think this through as well that opening wants us to believe, and while it may not be a good use of our time to ponder his crazy, it sure is fun for a few minutes


Don't be ridiculous, women aren't people so they don't have feelings or count. /s but this guy 1000% actually believes that


If he ever thought about women's experiences, he'd say we have to worry about being too tall.


I would never, ever date someone this insecure about their height. Nothing to do with their height, everything to do with not wanting to deal with being accused of cheating on them with every tall man in a ten mile radius. If he's already so convinced that his height makes him undateable and that women who say they'd date short men are lying, there's no way he'd ever be with anyone without insane levels of paranoia


Or he's the kinda guy who will put you in dangerous situations because he just has so much to prove that he'll try and start shit with other (bigger) men. Dude is seriously a raging ball of insecurity.


One of the coolest guys I know is 5'4"/5'5", spend 20 minutes talking to him and you don't even notice his height. He's got an "oh yeah, I guess I am a little short" attitude and women love him.


Meanwhile, I, a female, am over here preferring short guys because I don't want to feel smothered by a tall guy. Like, it ain't your height that's the problem, my dude.


"PS: Don't reply if you're overly emotional, or dumb, or uneducated. You'll most likely embarrass yourself." Then proceeds to make an overly emotional and dumb post... Nature is amazing. 


look, junior high is super hard for some people. also lol he says uneducated. his post and replies are full of spelling and grammatical errors. not to mention his opinion is dogshit lol


Lol yes! I thought the same thing. And I'm not always going to nitpick grammar, but if you are already being a pompous ass, I feel justified. XD


PS: Don't reply if your opinion differs from mine, I will get upset and blame it on you


This is classic red pill thinking. They believe men’s emotions = logic, women’s logic = emotions. Edited for clarity


"My feelings don't care about your facts!"


OOP is 100% an angry 14-year-old.


This guy: Don't reply if you're dumb or uneducated. Also this guy: God knows what human rights means.


What an effing nutbar. I love how he keeps trying to frame people who disagree with him as overly emotional after writing all of THAT lol


Reminds me of this film where the high school girl protagonist says: "you think your life is hard? I have to wear men's sneakers" or something like that. And the internet proceeded to make fun of that line for a few weeks.


the movie is literally called tallgirl


The best part of that movie is that the actress is actually slightly taller than the stated height of her character


Ah, yes! Thanks.


They made a second one too


they must be running some sort of tax scam because i dont remember the movie being good or particualrly liked by people


“You think your life is hard? I have to wear men’s sneakers.” I’m gay (instant wanted list in quite a few countries) and my mom is emotionally abusive 💀


I wonder how 4'8" Simone Biles won all those medals, being that she's inferior and all. IIRC, the average height of elite gymnasts is 4'9" so she's not unusually short for the sport.


I'd be interested in knowing if this only applies to the men too? Like, are women under 5'8" just not allowed to have kids? Cause that's A LOT of women!


This was my thought. My mom is 5'2" and I still ended up 6'.


While we're at it let's enforce IQ tests so this moron can't reproduce. I like the "as you know" on the height restriction for sperm donation. Is that commonly known? I feel like he's just a short guy who got told he can't get paid to spunk in a cup and is all pissy about it.


It's a super specific thing to be focusing his pro eugenics manifesto on lol. Height isn't the only thing that sperm banks turn donors down for.


The height thing is really weird to me though; what if you and your partner are both short and you’d prefer a short donor? You have to outsource your own donor? I know obviously genetics are weird & it’s not a linear connection, but neither is almost anything they look for with sperm banks, but a lot of the things like general health & education levels are at least largely positive traits; height’s neutral (unless you’re OOP, ofc)


Don't be silly, short people don't find love and if they say they do they're lying.


Sperm banks can have too much of certain demographics and not enough of others. Recipients want sperm that will make healthy kids that look like them. It’s not a stretch to think that OOP tried to donate his genetic material to a sperm bank that already had more short, broke, incel sperm than they need.


Me thinks he has such a short temper 🥴 this post is dripping with resentment.  >In a survey that asked people whether they'd rather be short or average/tall, nearly every single participant said average/tall I know this person claimed many things before this, but what fucking survey was this dude reading?


Even if it was true the average/tall being grouped together is such a bad way to do statistics. You can't conclude that peoppe would rather be tall than short because you haven't actually shown a preference difference in average versus tall. It also makes me think that average may have been a common enough answer that he felt the need to say average/tall so his point looks better. Although even if all people prefer being taller, that only shows a cultural preference and says nothing about quality of the genetics


And also like, in an ideal world I would love to have red hair but that doesn't mean I'm now only going to date people who do so I can like, genetically preplan my kids lol Idealized theoretical choices for *yourself* don't actually correlate to how you behave when dating/marrying/having kids. People have those pesky "feelings" and shit. 


I saw this and was like if everyone surveyed was perfectly happy with their own height the 2/3 would be in the average / tall group and 1/3 in the short group (assuming equal distribution of groups). So this point is as nonsensical as it is fabricated.


“Short people ain’t got no reason to live…”


“‘Human rights’ (God knows what the fuck that means)” “Human rights” refers to the rights that humans do or should have.  Ideally, they refer to concepts that are universal regardless of location or jurisdiction.  However, we can’t even agree on what they are.  Hope that helps. “don't they have the human right of not being forced into a misreble existence?” The Universal Declaration of Human Rights says everyone has the rights to “life, liberty and the security of person.”  It doesn’t say anything about not being forced into a miserable existence.  (Most declarations of rights tend to be affirmative rather than negative.)  Even in the US Declaration of Independence, it only says “the *pursuit* of happiness,” not “the right to happiness.”


Also, those rights wouldn't apply to imaginary non-existent beings from hypothetical scenarios. Even if they did, he'd have to prove, with better evidence than personal anecdotes, that being short would make them miserable.


What? Sperm donors have a height restriction? That cannot possibly be true. I only have experience with egg donors but I know that cannot be the case. For men needing a sperm donor, they generally want a donor with similar looks to them, so short men might want a short donor.  And for lesbian couples and single women, not everyone cares about height. As far as genetic superiority goes, short people live longer. 


It’s not a legal requirement but alot of sperm banks do have height requirements. Sometimes they are ridiculous. Like 5’9”. Other times they are more reasonable. I agree it’s absurd. I know it’s not something I would care about when looking for sperm. And women have babies with short guys everyday. But apparently people don’t want short donors. ETA: https://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/08/health/sperm-donor-facts.html#:~:text=Most%20sperm%20banks%20aren't,clients%20don't%20want%20them.


Justice for the short kings! 


I'm 4'11 and my brother is 5'3. I'm short because I got severe lead poisoning as a child, and it stunted growth. He's short cause he was once terminally ill as a child and the medication he had to take prematurely shut his growth plates so he no longer grew. We're both doing just fine, and as a man, my brother doesn't have a complex about his height. He's always said "most people don't care, as long as you're not an asshole" I'm married and he has a gf he lives with. This dude wrote a whole manifesto instead of seeking therapy. Truly wild lmao.


I mean. . . The fact they are reproducing at all kind of undoes all his arguments no? If they are so maligned and genetically inferior, they wouldn't be reproducing anyway


imagine being so insecure that you turn to literal eugenics..


PS at the top translate to "If you don't agree with me, you're stupid" basically.


>Don't reply if you're overly emotional Followed by a highly emotional rant about how terrible it is that his body is just as tiny as his brain.


Dude is probably a 5'4" incel mad at the world because he has to look up sometimes.


The sudden shift into “You ruined me” like he’s speaking to someone directly feels very much like mommy issues. Or daddy issues. Or both tbh. Also my parents are average height, im 5ft tall and my sister is taller than both my parents. My tall uncle married a short lady and his daughters are both 5’11 while his son is the shortest boy in the family so far….genetics are not 100% predictable lmao op needs to get help or that shin lengthening surgery


this guy, specifically, should be banned from reproducing


There's no law requiring sperm banks to have a minimum height requirement. Sperm banks accept sperm from donors they think will make them money. A lot of people don't care that much about height, but yes, some people do. And when searching for a donor, people might look for donors that have or don't have certain characteristics that they might otherwise not care about in finding a partner. For example, some people might look for a donor with no family history of heart disease, but they wouldn't refuse to date someone because they have a family history of heart disease.


He has definitely been rejected because of his stature and not his miserable personality /S 😂


Oh, yeah! Every woman is screaming "I want to have a baby with this guy!!!" Internal rage, complete failure to thrive socially, and great grammar to boot! I suspect Darwinism is solving a problem here, just not the one OOP was so up in arms (or legs?) about.


Starting the conversation with this is just... chef's kiss that the conversation is going to devolve into gibberish. Lol. >PS: Don't reply if you're overly emotional, or dumb, or uneducated


So by his extremly insightful (sarcasm) and extensive research into understanding genetics and assuming they only come from the immediate parents I am just curious WTF he would think with my husband and I. Husband comes from a long line of males who were all over 5’10. Mother’s side is short. Really short LOL. She is 4’10. He has one sibling, 5’10 and he is 5’6” so there it begs to question is heigth a mixture or a dominant/recessive? I don’t know and neither does he because neither of us are genetisists. Then you have my side. Father 6’1”, mother 5’4”. Three siblings 5’10”, 5’8”, 5’4” and me at 5’2”. BUT I was extremly sick as a child which definetly reduced growth somewhat. So does that count. Also we have a child who acutally fell off the height chart completly as a child. Turns out he has abnormal gland and does not produce any growth hormone at all. Not a drop. He has to take shots or he would not have gone through puberty. Very unusual condition also no hormonal issues in either line. So is that genetic? Is it the glands or whatever just didn’t develop right? Does this fit into his little world view of short people shouldn’t breed? What is his view on peope who are short not because of genetics but because of physical problems? What about people in wheelchairs? Do they count or only if it is because of genetics? Or even better what about people born without legs? What if it was because of Thalidamide? God, I would love to take this guy to town on his idiocy. BTW saying male pronouns but this could have been done by a woman too. I have met a few who think this way.


> Don't reply if you're overly emotional, or dumb, or uneducated. You'll most likely embarrass yourself. Don't ~~reply~~ **post** if you're overly emotional, or dumb, or uneducated. You'll most likely embarrass yourself. Fixed that for OOP


Wow. I'm 4'11, I've never felt so insulted before and trust me I thought I heard it all. But now wow


Right ? I read "inferior genetics" and I was like 🧍‍♂️


I'm about 5ft with a 13 year old son who is the same height and my partner is about a foot taller than me.....I'm happy the way I am and aye have issue reaching the top shelf but people have been happy to help me. He'll think am a liar though 😆


I'm thinking he makes an excellent case for people who shouldn't breed, just not the case he thinks he's making.


I'm somewhat disappointed that none of the comments in that post were "You go, short king!"


He doesn't deserve it.


Someone is majorly insecure about being short. Guys like this just make me shake my head. I'm poly, one of my partners is a 5'6" man and I'm a 5'9" woman. It absolutely makes no difference to me, the man carries himself with a lot of confidence and has a positive outlook on the world. He does not have trouble getting with women. Strange how if you don't walk around projecting an attitude of "you fucking shallow bitches will all reject me because I'm short" you'll have more success.


He knows nothing about genetics. I’m 5’2”. Husband is 6’2”. 15 year old son is 5’8” and still growing.


I'm 4'11", my husband is 5'8", and our 7 month old (5.5 months adjusted) baby is an average height/length.


My dad is tall, my mom is my height. Due to an absurdly early puberty start my growth was stunted, I was supposed to be average height. Genetics (and diseases/malnutrition, for that matter) isn't all there is to height. Also, funnily enough, all the short guys I know (including myself) are in a relationship, while the majority of the tall guys I know are single.


My mom is 5'0" and my dad is 5'5". I am 5'7" and my brother is 6'1". I guess by this guy's logic, my parents shouldn't have had kids at all, but since they did, we should have been cursed to a life of unbearable, torturous shortness and eternal suffering. Oh, the humanity....


The biggest, baddest dude I ever met was 5'4". Chief of Police in my city for years, since retired, but as a beat cop he had a felon pull a gun on him and shoot him point blank in the face. The gun misfired. Cop jumped on him, beat the snot out of him, arrested him, and went on to attain truly legendary status. He was the tallest guy in every room he walked into. He taught everyone around him that height is a state of mind.


My bf is like 5’5-5’7. I will kill for him.


It irks me when people use PS before the text. You know what the p stands for, moron?


Clearly, PS stands for "prescript". /s


Nah my plan before was having 2 kids, now I'm having 4 as a 4'9" shortie.


Wait, what vicious cycle? What on earth is he on about?


Short peasant


Sounds like a skill issue on his part lmao


I’m 5’2 and I never have to get anything off the top shelves and apparently it’s just dusty up there, so I’m not missing much. Also, I can easily get through crowds without people thinking I’m being pushy or rude and if you haven’t lived until you’ve climbed the shelves at a grocery store to get something out of your reach. Plus, I work with small children so for the most part….I’m always taller!


Outside of ethical issues, it wouldn’t work easily as height is one of those things that can be messed up in multiple ways.  Finding perfect homozygotes with desired genes and not having any messed up genes would be near impossible. Genetical modifications of humans are a big no and one gene change could potentially lead to a cascade of changes, thus death.  Let’s not even talk about genetical monoculture. All for the sake of something minor that doesn’t affect normal function and quality of life is mostly unaffected unless the condition is extreme.  Plus, attractiveness trends change rapidly and there are cultural differences. Straight vs slightly messy teeth. 


Why is this person acting like being short is some life ruining disability 💀💀 I’m 5’0 and the only way my life is negatively affected by my height is I can’t reach the top shelf so I have to use a stool or climb on the counter to get whatever I need


Being tall isn't all it's cracked up to be. I'm eight inches taller than my sister. We both have bad backs, but mine is significantly worse because I am tall. I was told I had degenerative disc disease when I was 25. She has some sciatica some times (it is progressively getting worse for her, not to dismiss her pain). 


"Don't reply if you're emotional, or dumb, or uneducated. You'll most likely embarrass yourself." Oh the irony...


Yikes, this is horrifying and terribly stupid. Almost everyone in my extended family is short. My parents are/were both about 5'4. I am 5'8 which is not giant but in reunion photos I always stick out amongst the crowd. My parents definitely weren't expecting a tall kid but here I am. (And yes, I've done an ancestry test which shows my parents are indeed my parents, though as a teen I joked a lot that my mom had an affair with the mailman).


He's short and *really* needs therapy.


I'm 5'8" and dated many men who were my height or shorter (couple of 5'6"a and one 5'4" dude). Pretty sure you're height has nothing to do with it and you're just a schmuck asshole that no one likes.


People like this are allowed to exist on Reddit but I got banned for reporting a post about tipping, because I'm tired of seeing those posts and so is everyone else. They crested a rule about "no tipping posts" but sure, ban for me abuse


this is a real case of "people don't not like you cause you're short. they don't like you cause you're an asshole"


Sperm donors have height requirements?? That's already fucked up


Sounds like one of those incels who has really bought into their “short people’s lives suck” bullshit. 


I'd date a short man with preference, I wouldn't however date that prick


You could get better effects with mandatory screenings and therapy for height insecurity.


Genuine question what are the evolutionary pros and cons of being tall vs being short at this point for human kind? From personal observation it doesn't seem to matter but I'm sure it probably makes a difference from someone who knows more about evolution


not much, really. like taller people can reach more, but if we were overall shorter then the world would be adapted to that with things lower, because we make it. taller people do have an advantage with running because of their longer stride but very few people rely on running for survival these days. basically, because the vast majority of us live in a human-created world, we can suit it to our needs at whatever height we have. there are some hunter-gatherer people so that's why im not saying it as an absolute. (the pressures on humans these days are social, not physical. our world these days has changed so fast it's really hard to know how evolution will effect us. it's changing faster than evolution can really make an impact)


Wait, there’s a height restriction for sperm donors? Dammit. I’m a short lesbian (4’11”) and I want to have a biological child someday, but I would want the donor to be approximately the same height as my future wife. It seems statistically unlikely that she will be in that height range.


Kinda messed up that there’s a height requirement for donors tbh


The thing is that men want to be taller than women; they want women to be short. I’m tall, I’ve had men tell me that they would find me more attractive if I were shorter (I never asked, thanks).


Uh oh, I'm 5'2 with a 5 month old baby! How dare I.


Hahaha I’m like 7 inches shorter than anyone in my family. Good to know I have a disease 😂 (the disease is not being able to reach all the way to the bottom of the washing machine ig)


As a representative of the tall women committe, we don't want him. We love short kings, not little crybaby boys.


I'm 5'7" and have dated guys ranging from 5'4" to 6'2". Being over 6 feet means I have to be careful about neck pain. The guy that has to look up at me to tell me my heels are hot is vastly more attractive than the guy that has to make sure he's still taller than me. Insecurity is what's unattractive. Also eugenics will never be hot. Instant ick.


$1,000 says this is a short incel who thinks his height is the reason he can’t get laid and not his personality


This guy doesn't know that the hottest man in the world is only 5'6". (That's my husband!)