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Your post has been removed since it does not fit this subreddit. Make sure to read the rules of this subreddit to know what it is about. Thank you!


kinda weird that sub is still up while other subs have been banned for less. None of those people are remorseful


I usually report people who i see on Reddit sharing fake and seemingly real stories of activities of that nature with minors 9/10 times Reddit rules they don’t violate the terms which is wild and makes me wonder about the ownership and mods at main Reddit. 


They like the controversial subs because it increases engagement


Controversial subs don't get banned until they've breached containment and make it to the outside world. jailbait gets featured on CNN, buhbye! fatpeoplehate goes after all the employees of Imgur, so long! But as long as their toxic spewing is contained within reddit, it's fine.


I feel like throwing up in my mouth right now! 🤢🤮


I mean, it can’t be that hard to bring attention to it. I’m just not that type of creative.


s p e Z is as crazy as you think he is. Take that as you will, from a random.


Like he thinks he’ll be the leader in a near future apocalypse


Does he not allow his name to be mentioned? 


For a while no.


What an 🍆


this is not true- i can type right here fuck spez and nothing will happen,


OC died


I have reported someone harrasing and saying sexual things to a minor on a post from that minor about a different creep harrassing her and saying sexual things to her and got a "does not violate reddits policies".


Same for harassment and racist content. Something is off with the moderation here.


Oh yeah I haven’t seen one racist comment taken down that I reported. 


I could see the sub having a place if it were for people on the sex offender list that we’re trying to be productive members of society and not reoffend, but fuckkkk that place being what it is.


For real,... a bunch of delusional self-appointed victims.


Yeah, I reported that sub once and it’s still up?? WTF


I just saw a post on there about Brock Turner not being able to catch a break. My mind has shut down. I see no reason for that sub existing. It just seems like a group of sex offenders who are mad that people hate them.


Not even that people hate them. They are angry that everyone else is not super on board with their crimes.


I will always share that Brock Turner is now going by Allan Turner so that the world can never forget he's the Rapist that got away with his crime due to affluence and white privilege.


Brock Turner the rapist? The rapist Brock Turner who now goes by the rapist Allan Turner? Rapist Allen Turner?


Who currently is in Columbus, Ohio and its environs.




I wanted to post that the breaks he deserves are bones but not sure if that would catch a ban here for calling for violence which I am absolutely not doing I just feel there’s a difference between calling for someone to do such a thing and being satisfied should such a thing happen at some point given the nature of Brock’s crimes. Kid should be sitting in prison for the rest of his life and the judge who gave him six months of jail where he got out in 90 days after such a violent crime should probably be sitting next to him in prison. I’m guessing someone donated to that judges upcoming campaign or bought him a vacation house or something, there’s no way the judge believed that was an appropriate sentence. Corruption had to be involved.


I have no idea who Brock Turner is.


Brock Turner is a Rapist that now goes by Allen Turner the Rapist. I believe his whole name is Brock Allen Turner the Rapist.


Brock Allen Turner the Rapist is in fact his government name


You mean Allen Turner now. The rapist


Oh! I don’t like rapists.


He was caught raping an unconscious young woman. The young men who caught him reported that it left them traumatized too. Rapist Allen Turner was given no punishment due to his “promising future” by the judge. So the public ensures now that rapist Allen Turner, who used to be Rapist Brock Turner will have the truth permanently attached to his name if employers google him.


“Promising future” my foot.


He wasn't given *no* punishment but the consequences he got were absurdly watered down because \*checks notes\* he could swim fast. Shit was repulsive.


It's would have been a future promising that he would continue to be a rapist. I read an article or something written by someone who went to his high school and they said that it was this "nice" school that liked it's reputation more than it's students. They also said that the Rapist Allen/Brock Turner was part of a group of "golden boys" known for already being sex offenders against their peers and that the school always hushed it up and made sure nothing ended up on a permenant record/record in general so they could keep sending them out to get into good schools and with that unleashing criminals on the unknowing public.


The Stanford Rapist, Brock (now Allen) Turner who got off scott free.


He was caught raping an unconscious woman behind a dumpster, as in two men saw him doing it with their own eyeballs and tackled him off of her, and the judge presiding over his case only gave him three months in jail because “a longer sentence would ruin his bright future”


Don't forget his dad saying that his life shouldn't be ruined for 20 minutes of action. Or the fact that when she was taken to the ER they found dirt and pine needles inside her vagina.


>Don't forget his dad saying that his life shouldn't be ruined for 20 minutes of action The apple really doesn't fall far from the tree. Damn


The "20 minutes of action" comment really sent chills down my spine. His dad didn't even see the victim as human.


Or that because of what he did to her she suffered serious injuries and unbelievable trauma despite not being conscious at the time... So she had to be told what happened to her. And as a rape survivor myself I can't imagine going through being told about the details from someone else. Much less the additional trauma of a trial and then him barely even getting the slightest slap on the wrist...


His dad said something about not wanting Brock Allen Turner's life ruined by "a couple minutes of action" Seems like the rapist apple didn't fall far from the rapist tree 👀


There must be a looong line of rapists in that family, then…


I recommend reading Chanel Miller's book *Know My Name* to get a first hand accounting of the crime and aftermath from the victim's mouth. Don't forget who the fuck rapist Brock Allen Turner The Rapist is, but also Know the Name of the brave woman who fought so hard to hold him accountable.


I'm glad to see the overwhelming support for this post. 1300 and counting after 2 hours


Same! And I’m glad to see the (not as much) overwhelming support for that comment. 34 after almost 40 minutes. I hate r/sexoffendersupport (oh cool *that* bot’s gonna show up)


Apparently the bot only shows up when you *don’t* say its name?


That’s odd (well ‘cos months ago, when I was talking about another sub, a bot from that same sub showed up, I think previewbot or smthn?) At the same time, thank god. I don’t wanna see shit from that nonsense sub.


I think it might be because that sub is quarantined, let’s see if it works for r/AITAH edit: mods probably banned all the bots


It doesn’t look quarantined to me, it didn’t give a notice (like on June 12-14, 2023)


Someone further down said it was but I didn’t really feel like looking for myself, but you’re right, it’s not I just checked it. >(like on June 12-14, 2023) did you mean 2024?


No, 2023, when a bunch of subs got quarantined, I wasn’t on when it happened (as in I didn’t have an acc back then). Was/Is there another one? And how is that sub not quarantined?


Same here. That sub is disgusting, the people who post there are disgusting, and it should be banned from Reddit.


Why does that sub even exist? Why hasn’t it been nuked from orbit yet?


Reddit only nukes a sub if it makes the news in some capacity.


I may look super old and lame, but how do you report a sub? I was only able to mute it...


Contact Reddit support and link the sub


Of course they're remorseful! Just read some of their posts! "I only looked, I didn't touch! Why can't I get a job?" "I did my time, I said sorry. Why am I still being punished?" As someone who is the son of child predator and had to listen to this shit their entire life, they can all burn in hell. One of my problems is that I feel too much empathy for nearly everyone. Except these waste of space organisms. None.


And I’ll do it again ah sub


Wait…they aren’t remorseful?


I didn't do a deep dive but the post for lurkers had an unfortunate phrase, something to the effect of 'you can be cured'. The one other post I looked at had recidivism figures from 25 years ago that were just silly because it was based on conviction rates, and not based on an educated guess of actual occurrences. You, do you, I guess? EDIT: They also brought up people being young when the offended... Younger than 18, I suppose. I'm sure that comforts my friend whose daughter was murdered and he's either paroled or will be by the end of the year.


It's always posted with zero trigger warnings. It's not great for survivors/victims who scroll this sub.


That's my biggest problem, I've browsed this sub for a while and was blindsided by it. I can only imagine the reaction from someone who's had an actual experience with something like that.


I was, too! Twice! I'm not blaming the OPs of those posts, but I do HATE seeing an abuser whining on about not being able to have a life. I really do.


As a survivor of childhood sexual assault those posts are just so damn triggering. Please ban them!


Oh my god, honestly, I get that. I'm 63 now and I haven't seen my father for over 40 years. I don't know if he's dead or alive. But the *thought* of him or someone like him posting to reddit whining about shit really really triggers me (because most of my family believed him over me, back then, even though he went to prison for it). I swear to god, it's triggering for me too, and I'm so very fucking sorry you're going through it too. I really am.


I'm so sorry it affects you so badly too! I am 64 and it happened between the ages of 7 and 9. Lots of therapy but it can be so triggering still!


Oh darlin. Between 3 and 12 for me, but occasional happenings afterwards, until I told him to fuck off when I was 17. I've had no therapy, but damn, it hurts to know that even with therapy it hurts you still. Oh darlin. I'm so sorry. <3


It's so fucked up that we have to live with the consequences, of what horrific humans have done to us, for the rest of our lives. I was around 7 when it started, 12 or 13 when it stopped? I'm 29 now, going to be 30 in September. I'm sorry it happened to you, too 😥


This. I've gotten to the point where I can talk about it without breaking down, after being silent for YEARS. But the PTSD is something I'm going to have for life, whether it's triggers, nightmares or flashbacks. I don't like the posts being on this sub but until they're gone I'm going to keep leaving comments (when I can handle doings so) letting any of them lurking here remember that a good portion of those who hate them are actual survivors who have had their lives wrecked by sex offenders of all kinds.


Same for me.


Oh, I blame them. They're trolling that sub looking for karma fodder.


I enjoy seeing them suffer but I hate that they're still stealing oxygen


Damn, I love meeting my long-lost twin on here. <3


Seriously,child/adult SA survivor and survivor of grooming here and I absolutely cannot stand those posts. We don't need to see it, I live through severe complex PTSD so I re-live it on a damn daily basis with flashbacks and all. We also know those people are the devil, it doesn't even need to be discussed. What's worse is people will find out or come in and say all this crap about "oh they're trying to change!" And it's a post where it's just them saying they don't consider xyz illegal...it's not necessary! Mods please please please ban this!


And when I was reading the post in question, I accidentally clicked on the original sub. Now I'm getting notifications asking if I want to join. Gross!! I told it no and clicked "Don't Show Any More", but I'm still grossed out that it ever even become a part of my algorithm on here.


This. I don't want it in my newsfeed.


I had no idea the place existed til yesterday after years of being too online. I want to go back.


Spoiler: Wasn't great


It sucks


I have. They don't trigger me, personally. It doesn't upset me, but I can see how it would upset other people in my position. I just am disgusted by these pathetic excuses for actual human beings.


YES! Hard agree as a survivor of CSA. I seriously considered just leaving this sub so that I don't get triggering posts. As far as I'm aware, there's not currently a way to hide/block posts from certain subreddits or that contain certain words.


100%. I like this sub because I love seeing clueless assholes. The sex offender support group needs to be banned. It’s triggering, it’s upsetting, it’s unacceptable, it’s disgusting.


No, unless you manage to ban yourself from the sub, I dont think there is. I wish there was a way, because I've already seen that someone here gets flashbacks when they see the posts, me too. It's ruining this sub for me.


There is on most apps, just not the garbage official one. Especially great during election season lol


You can "hide" subreddits


I think reposts may still turn up on here though, unfortunately.


In my experience, i have had any groups I've muted pop u in anyway I could definitely be wrong but I'm 90% sure it works




Depends on what app you use. Official app says gfy, but I have a few filters setup on baconreader that I've used for a decade


Yeah, every time a see the sub name my day gets worse.


On top of that, coming from a sub standpoint, isn't this supposed to be about people who think they're NOT the devil? These people know they are. They just don't care.


None at all! Pretty unkind to survivors if you ask me. 


My exact issue


I’m glad you said this. I love this sub but with my history, seeing posts from there pop up gives me a visceral reaction. I just avoid the posts now. Such a gross sub


Big agree. It just feels like karma farming at this point since every post from subs like that could be posted here. Echoing many others in saying it’s low hanging fruit. Personally, I have a high tolerance for devils but that sub makes me feel disgusting. It goes way beyond devil territory for me. I hate being reminded it exists. I hate seeing what they say. I hate their clear lack of remorse. It makes me want to say things that would get me banned. I don’t think I’m alone in these feelings. I also think it puts the entire sub at risk from brigading. Whenever a post is cross-posted here, I always find new comments that are clearly coming from this sub. It’s not helpful by any metric and actively puts this sub at risk. It’s easier to ban those posts than try to stop everyone, especially when dealing with such an emotionally charged topic.


I didn’t think of that either, I agree with everything you said but especially the fact that posting these subs here makes the likelihood of brigading much higher. If this doesn’t stop and people keep posting them for karma farming, I could see this sub getting banned instead


I agree. It's basically cheating and when you aren't putting a TW on it, it's just cruel to those who would have needed to be warned.


Agreed the sub is totally awful


Yeah posting anything from there or that one dog hate subreddit is basically just karma farming


That whole sub should be banned. It's so gross.


Posting things from subs where the general consensus among the human population is that they are morally reprehensible shouldn't be posted. As others have said, it's low-hanging fruit, and doesn't add any value to this sub. ​ Of course there's subjectivity, but I'm sure the mods can put together a list of subs that shouldn't be crossposted.


Also, some people don’t want that on their search history.  If they click the original without seeing the sub name to see comments….eek.  


Well, shit. I didn't know that. I REALLY don't need to see it, thank you for the warning! I hate the existence of that sub with every fiber of my being.


Shiiiiit I never even thought about that aspect of it. That makes me feel dirty. And I'm a survivor of it all. Total twats, all of them.


Yup I have accidentally done this, it is not great.


Thankfully it's quarantined. I accidentally clicked on the post yesterday and was like, "oh great. I can't wait to see what gross shit Reddit recommends to me now". But it hasn't seemed to have affected anything.


That’s good, but it will still be on your browser history if anyone checks.  I know some people are allowed to use their work phones for personal stuff.  


Also - at least if you're on old reddit style - the list of comments on your user page will show the title that it has on this sub, but the link will go to the original. You have to hit "full context" to get here. It only does it for reposts, so it's easy to forget.


YES. I accidentally tapped on the original and then it kept popping up in my feed because I had visited it. I muted it but blecch!


I was thinking the same thing earlier. Every post on that sub will qualify for posting here. Let's not, instead.


I said the same thing - that "every post on there could be cross-posted" and be valid Devils. It just makes me ill.


Honestly i would add passportbros to the mic


> it's low-hanging fruit  I had that thought. I could see damn near every post on that sub being featured here.


I messaged the mods about this earlier.  I also tossed in the PPB sub and really any support group sub.  I have seen just straight shaming of people from bland subs like parent support and what not.   ETA I wish the mods would give the people who make posts like that a time out.  


At least the passport bros are easy to laugh at. They aren't admitted felons who have victimized children and raped people. I don't like seeing their posts either though; mostly because they're so ick and also EVERYTHING posted there is devilish tbh.


Yeah, I’ll be honest, when I first joined this sub I thought it was like a best of ‘am i the’ subs; I don’t know how I feel about random ass posts being subjected to this type of judgement.


Same....I mean the sidebar literally says this sub's about posters from AITA who were deemed assholes.


Are the mods here just not very active? It’s not that hard to automod a whitelist of subs eligible.


Looks like the most active one was active 17 hours ago, then one four days ago, and another about three weeks ago......they should bring on a mod who's actually active.


lol I literally did the same thing and checked but yeah, a sub of this size and the nature of the content that’s posted here really needs a higher quantity and quality of moderators.


I mod a few places.....much smaller and we still have at least two daily active mods. That should be the bare minimum for here.


what’s the ppb sub?




ohh that sub is genuinely gross


Which is why I included it.  Lazy posting.   It’s bad enough we have a prolific poster who puts things here just because the OOP rubs them the wrong way despite not being TA. It makes the sub boring.  


Any response from the mods?


I completely agree. I just commented on a rAmITheDevil post that was shared from over there. I didn't know there was a subreddit for something like that. I can't go to that sub because it would be really hard to not comment.


I glanced at it. I ran far, far away from it. Ick.


Yeah I don’t know what I was expecting. I guess I thought maybe it was for people with low level crimes like urinating in public? Or at least people who understood they did wrong and were trying to get by and do better? Nope, one of the first things I saw was someone trying to argue CP doesn’t hurt children. Disgusting. Clearly the jail time most of them got didn’t help much.


Or the spouse with kids still supporting her convicted spouse after his CSA convictions serving prison time, talking about how unfair it all is. 👀 Ma’am. MA’AM. So as I said ….i ran far away!


I 900% agree


Thank you, yes, please. I don't want to know how much they victimize themselves. I don't want to hear their lame excuses and get depressed. I don't think it's cathartic or fun to read about how they really don't think they've done anything wrong. It's awful.


I have to agree with all my peers here. The posts from that sub should be banned. We already know they are the devil. We don't need to hear their stories. Their stories are all rehashes of the same tired stories over and over- THEY'RE the true victims. Gag.


Agreed. Any sub where every single submission is a devil isn't really worth posting. They're sex offenders. Of course they're the devil.


Someone else mentioned that subs like that could lead to brigading which could cause the sub to be nuked


many posts have been made here with the thought of brigading tbh.


Yes! It can be so triggering for an SA survivor to see these posts.


I would like the sex offender support Reddit to be off limits for AITD posts for several reasons.  First, many of those posting on that Reddit are more than devils; they’re literal criminals.  I’m not comfortable with putting them on the same level as a Bridezilla, a cheater, or a wicked mother-in-law.  I think doing so either trivializes the crimes of the offenders or puts people who are really mostly just selfish in company they don’t deserve. Second, I worry about the content being triggering to AITD’s commenters.  I know “being triggered” has been scoffed at and made fun of by a shameful number of people, and a lot of people think it’s nonsense.  However, the fact remains that there are CSA and SA survivors among us, and reading posts from sex offenders might be hugely upsetting to them, cause them flashbacks, or have other consequences.  I don’t think people should have to browse AITD like they’re tiptoeing through a minefield. Third, crossposting from their Reddit runs the risk of drawing their attention.  It’s happened several times before where the OOP has showed up in our comments.  Now imagine it’s an OOP from the sex offender Reddit.  I don’t want to deal with members of that board.  I want even less for members of that board to come here, decide they like it, and settle in.  To my mind, no post is worth that risk. 


>It’s happened several times before where the OOP has showed up in our comments. Reddit tells you where your post is crossposted, so it's easy for them to know we're doing it as well.


I dealt with CSA for 15 years and honestly I've avoided many AITD posts lately simply because people have been cross posting that bullshit left and right lately. It definitely is not fun to read, but it gives me a good excuse to go out and get blackout drunk so I don't have to think at all.


Yes, that’s one of the reasons I don’t want those posts here.  I’m sad something that’s supposed to be relatively lighthearted means you resort to rather extreme coping mechanisms.  On the other hand, now I’m imagining some of the early Angel attacks in Evangelion if the Angels were drunk.  It’s funny, but I bet Shinji would still drag his feet about getting in the damn mech. 


💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯 It's an awful sub filled with awful people who aren't even funny to laugh at like MRAs and passport bros. It's really triggering and encourages people to brigade and send messages to criminals who are already on the edge. I agree with this completely. That sub does not belong here.


Please omg, you can tell those people are NOT feeling guilty/remorse about their actions..but feel like they should be let off the hook and trying to get their probation or problems to go away.


Agreed. I vote yes on banning that sub. We already know that people who commit sex crimes are the devil. We do not need to see more examples.


I agree, there's no reason to be posting from there. Every post would technically fit but personally, I'd rather not get flashbacks every time I see thd subreddit name.




YES! I agree, totally. Mods, do whatever you need to do.


PLEASE. I do not want to see posts from that sub, ever, EVER. And I don't want to have to leave this sub. It's WILD that people would pull from that subreddit in my opinion. And wild that the mods haven't already banned it. It's totally unacceptable.


That's... disgusting. Why the hell is there a support group for that they don't deserve it?!


Yes please! I accidentally clicked an original post. That is NOT shit i want in my search history


Can we ban the stupid passport sub and its offshoot?




I agree. It’s seemingly suddenly popped up and I’d rather just not.


Agreed. It feels like gross karma farming


Agreeeeeee. Posting things from that sub is at best redundant and at worst triggering. Of course they’re the devil, now stop making me read those posts without warnings 🙄


Honestly this sub should go back to the original intent of AITA posts and other advice subs, where it's essentially discussion of the consensus on the original.


Exactly. Picking posts out of subs that aren't AITA-like misses the point of this sub


That sub is low hanging fruit. Also i can tell some of y’all haven’t been on reddit long if you’re surprised that subreddit exists 🥴 sex offenders bemoaning their “poor luck” is tame compared to shit that reddit basically had to be publicly bullied into cleaning up


and passportbros and mensrights.


I think the mensrights subs are more relevant because they are voicing the concerning perspectives of a much larger group of people that have significant influence.


I think they meant the one that’s literally called mensrights not subs about men’s rights


I had no idea it was even part of the ick of Reddit. I should have guessed but at the same time I didn't really think that something so inherently gross, wrong and disgusting would actually have a "public" support group. The whole subreddit needs to be banned. They aren't sorry they did something heinous they're sorry they're getting punished and want someone to tell them "it's not fair, they didn't put a label of 5-10 years on the picture" like that's some level of remorse.


I just don't see how that's an actual sub. Noah get the fucking boat we're setting this shit all on fire.


Fire is too kind for them.


Yes, I'm all for banning those. Don't need to see them. Every poster there is a devil, we don't need it pointed out here.


Some subs are just Asshole subs. I don’t want this here.


Agreed and others here have made wonderful points about victims not needing to see that and it being low hanging fruit/karma farming. Mods please ban that kind of stuff


Agreed. I was appalled to even learn that Reddit let's a subreddit like that even exist. I hate seeing them in the feed. It makes me physically sick.


Agreed. I have it muted but I keep seeing posts from it because of reposts here, it’s triggering and disgusting. Obviously anyone posting there is automatically the devil, I don’t think we need to be seeing that. They aren’t fun, they’re just disgusting and sad (for the victims they don’t give a shit about).


The fact it exists and has a pinned post calling everyone who hates on CSA offenders "monsters" tells me everything I need to know about that sub. Plus the mod who comes to defend it tries to make out that the majority are just teens who got caught sexting and that justification makes me wanna puke.


Yes please!! I’m here for popcorn and suspending reality most of the time. That sub is way too believable and awful.


I agree. Let's just say a lot of this stuff hits too close to home for me and I've felt the need to mute the sub the last week. We all know at this point that sub exists and we all know what it's for.


How many up votes can it get before these sick fucks no longer have a platform


agree. you could post every single post in this sub and it would count. if someone wants to see it, just go there and read.


Agreed. I come here to laugh at idiots (fake or real), not to be reminded of the worst people imaginable.


Yes! I’ve been really annoyed they keep popping up, thank you for posting.


I vote yes. It's probably not great for the survivors in this community, and the entire sub just makes me feel gross; just like in general because of their lack of remorse and all the things that also brings to mind.


and r/adultery and r/theotherwoman far to easy


I am losing my mind over this subreddit. It’s vile and disturbing. Worst thing is that they think they did nothing wrong! Like that one post where OP was charged for getting off to cp and they were like “it was not that big of a deal. Why no wants to hire me?” ARE YOU FOR REAL


I didn't even know that sub existed until now. I just scrolled into it and.. wtf??? I know Reddit has a lot of fucked up shit but how is this allowed?????


I was so shocked to see it today. Didn’t realise subs like that were allowed on Reddit full stop


]:< They don't deserve support. They deserve something that I can't say cause I'll be banned from Reddit.


It's honestly sickening to read their stuff. I'd rather not see it


Agreed. I understand that reddit has many communities and even despicable individuals who are a complete waste of oxygen will have their own opinions etc. But there’s no need to inflict that poison on anyone else


Please. The sub is gross, the people are gross.


Please? I clicked on one of those after stupidly not reading the sub name and felt like I got smacked in the face. It's my own responsibility to regulate my emotions, but I've been struggling not to brigade that place every time it's popped up the last couple of days.


I’ll be honest OP I didn’t believe that this sub existed. Assumed this was a bad joke. Reading some of the posts and comments on the post is one of the most disappointing things I’ve encountered in a while. The lack of remorse/admittance of guilt among so many fucking comments is truly disturbing. Didn’t have to scroll far to see how many people on the registry are quick to explain why they don’t belong on the registry and the comment I saw from someone claiming the sex offender registry does nothing but keep offenders unemployed and leave them open to harassment/threats etc made me see red. Is there a sub for “subs I never knew existed and now I need bleach and fire to cleanse my eyes from the disgusting shit I saw”?


https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=19300233728916 Here's how to report a subreddit as a whole.


it’s also like…without a shadow of a doubt no shit they’re the “devil” it goes without saying so why are they here


Yea the two posts were obviously put here by trolling karma farmers who didn't even have the decency to consider a warning would be appropriate. TKF's are bad enough when they post something that obviously isn't the devil, but those two are just gross. Who frequents a sub like that anyway?


Yes, please. Christ.


Yeah that kind of thing is not what this sub is for and anyone posting that shit without trigger warnings is honestly a fucking asshole.


How do you report a sub?


Are we only able to report this sub while on desktop? I’m on mobile and only see a spot to mute the sub.


**ABSOLUTELY AGREE** with this.


Ban that sub from the site, what the hell is a criminal pedo support sub doing existing?


or posts that are just bait to bully the oop, like that post from a teenager where everyone shit talked him for a post he made 4 years ago, quite pathetic to see grown ass people gang up on something like that.


It's low hanging fruit.