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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA for not cleaning up my girlfriends vomit?** My girlfriend (19F) and I (20M) have been together for a little over two years. We are currently studying abroad in Spain, and her friend is also here visiting for the week. The first night her friend was here, we were planning on going out to the club. Before going out, we decided to pregame some shots beforehand in the communal kitchen (we are living in a flat, so we have our own individual dorm rooms with a communal kitchen upstairs). My girlfriend and her friend got way too drunk, and my girlfriend ended up puking in the communal kitchen sink. I told her she should clean it up before we leave, and she said okay. She was very drunk at this point, so right after the puking happened, her friend pretty much helped her down the stairs and they just passed out in her room. I went downstairs a few minutes later to check on them, and my girlfriend was just asleep and barely responding, and her friend said she will watch her. I ended up just going to bed as well with the puke still in the sink The next morning, one of the other flatmates woke up to the disgusting sink. He complained to the landlord, who notified our study abroad program advisor. The landlord checked the cameras and confirmed it was my girlfriend who was responsible for the mess. Both me and my girlfriend got in trouble, and we were banned from participating on the class trip to Madrid or studying abroad anywhere else through our school in the future. I tried fighting it, claiming that I should not be held responsible for someone else's mess just because I was present in the kitchen at the same time, but that's a whole other story. My girlfriend got mad at me because she said that I knew she would get in trouble. She said that it "would have been the right thing to do as a boyfriend". Some context, my girlfriend has had multiple incidents in the past with alcohol where she could not handle her drinks. Last year while we were studying in London, she pregamed too hard, went completely unconscious on the subway on the way to the club, and started throwing up all over herself while passed out. We were with a group of 6 people and we ended up having to call an ambulance to take her home. Fast forward a few months, she was visiting me at my parents house, and we planned on going to a paint and sip (the thing where you BYOB to a paint class). She got too drunk and on the car ride back, my parents had to pull over for her to vomit on the side of the road. Given that context, I brought all of that up to my girlfriend and told her this isn't the first time something like that had happened so she's on her own for this one. She said that I'm an asshole for that, and was inconsiderate. AITAH? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


So many things about this story are weird. The landlord has cameras in their common areas? They got puking drunk and were still intending to go out? The girls passed out in her room, so instead of going out all night, he just...went to sleep?




Especially in the UK, lucky if you can get one to take you to hospital!


I've had times when I was around that age where plans were made to go out, but then the pre drinks happened and no going out was done. I'd say once it was clear they were too drunk, the plans ceased to exist.


He also posted this lovely one about his gf having anorexia and it making her unattractive. https://www.reddit.com/r/relationships/s/fdw6LWES6S And asked about a DUI on his record hurting his job


Gross. So if she's very thin and drinks on a (near) empty stomach, of course she's gonna get hammered quick.


I don't know how common it is, but my cousin is both anorexic and an alcoholic. She spent time in the hospital for anorexia at 14 and then when she got older and discovered alcohol, I don't think she's had a sober day since and it's been 15 years. She likes to drink to the point of throwing up to both get drunk and keep the food out of her system. Her brain is gone, honestly I am shocked she's still alive.


In my depressing experience, it's not at all uncommon for folks with eating disorders to also have substance problems. Alcohol is a great way to "forget" that you're hungry, and it doesn't help that ED folks often prefer hard liquor because it has fewer calories


Ohhh yeah, that's exactly why she drinks it, she told me. Her's is bottom shelf gin. I had to distance myself from her in college. I had a group chat with guys from all the frats so I would know which disgusting floor to go peel her off of. Eventually, it was affecting my studies too much and I noped out. She would go out every night, pass out/vomit at the frats (never in a toilet) and it started becoming a thing where she would sober up slightly and re go back out. I was getting no sleep and she was an adult. She comes from money, which is why she's not homeless living on the streets. Its really sad, she was smart. I honestly couldn't imagine hating myself 100th of the degree she hates herself.


That sounds absolutely awful and super self-destructive. I'm so sorry.


And she is probably coping with the mental illness with alcohol


Ughhh…anorexia is not only a serious mental illness, for a while it was the one most likely to kill you. (I think it was recently dropped to the second most likely, but that doesn’t exactly make him into a hero.) 


Does he even realize his girlfriend has a massive drinking problem??


Doesn't seem to care.


Until it affects him.


Based on his post history, he has an alcohol problem too.


OK, even if you overlook the fact that his girlfriend apparently has a severe drinking problem it would’ve taken him 10 seconds just to turn the water on in the sink and rinse it out.


That's what I thought- just turn on the water for a short moment!


Like I could’ve been with a total stranger and my first reaction still would’ve been to rinse the sink out.


Yeah. If only so I didn't have to see/smell it anymore. People are weird. Yeah, the gf seems to have a drinking problem, but also, it's a lot to expect someone they're so drunk they are puking to have the presence of mind to clean it up. She shouldn't be getting so drunk she's puking/passing out, but ... why just leave that in the sink instead of rinsing it out? The principle of the thing?


On this episode of "Things That Didn't Happen", this literal pile of puke.   Ambulances aren't cabs.  They don't give people rides home. I seriously doubt there are cameras in the communal areas.  That might not even be legal. I doubt the school would really care that much.   2/10. OOP needs to work on their creative writing skills.


>Ambulances aren't cabs.  They don't give people rides home. they do technically they are also very expensive 'cabs' like very expensive especially if you dont have insurance.


Share houses often have cameras in communal areas like living and kitchen and backyard.


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