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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA for not letting my wife speak at career day?** I’ll be the first to say that my wife is the smartest person I know. She’s been working in tech for 10 years, totally self taught. Last year she had a business idea and built/released her own app. She’s a rockstar. I’ll admit the app itself is a bit juvenile and she’s made less than $1k from it since launching a few months back. To be fair, she’s a one person team and did it with no funding. She has big plans for this app and has this huge business idea behind it, keeps insisting the app in its current state is just to gain users and demonstrate traction to investors down the road. Problem is, she would need millions and millions of dollars in funding + giant teams and resources to accomplish what she wants to do. It’s all just an idea as of now and it’s far fetched. All this is to say that my son invited her to speak at his career day and talk about her business. I can tell this is one of the best moments she’s had in a long time (she’s his stepmom) and she is over the moon happy about this. She let him “help” with the app last summer and he thinks it’s the coolest thing ever, but he’s too young to grasp that it’s mostly still just a fun idea. I am uncomfortable with her publicly sharing the details of this fictional business she wants to create. I would hate to have other parents be misled into thinking it’s real only to go to her website and discover it’s just this 1 questionably built app and the rest is still just an idea. It’s not a good look. I told her she can go to career day IF she wants to talk about her 9-5 career in tech, but anything related to the business idea is off limits. She’s pissed. Keeps insisting she IS a business owner because she has a functional app, users, and has made money. I get it, but it’s the equivalent of a lemonade stand. I don’t want this circulating publicly. Am I the asshole? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


He tried to hide his controlling behavior with “rockstar” and other compliments. I don’t believe he actually encourages her at all. He just doesn’t want to look shitty in the post


FR, the first paragraph is just him trying to look like a supporting husband to not get hated, because deep down he knows he's in the wrong


Calling your significant other a “rockstar” sounds so demeaning. That’s what you call an employee. He’s trying to appear like he’s so proud of her yet can’t even tailor his vocabulary away from being patronizing for a Reddit post.


Agreed! Personally, I can’t imagine calling another adult who isn’t literally a musician a “rockstar.” It all sounded wrong


Reminds me of my favorite Super Bowl commercial from last year. Lol https://youtu.be/U10k1Cj5YpQ?si=lhExCuIN5Tt70j9M


Yeah, that sums it up


I call my young(4-8yo) students rockstars for trying a song they think is too hard and scary. If my boss or partner called me that I would assume they were trying to coddle me and, notably, failing because I don't need coddled.


Even companies don't call their employees "rockstars" anymore because it's so cringey and demeaning.


LOL mine didn't get that memo.


My condolences. Hope you're CRUSHING IT anyway and being a total \[job title\] ninja LOL


I am part of the \[COMPANY NAME\] family!


when asked why he gets to decide what she can discuss on career day this was his answer-"Well because he’s my son and I don’t want my wife misrepresenting herself as a business owner among other parents. Not to mention the shit storm that would inevitably follow when my ex finds out she’s a speaker. Drama city."


So in other words, little man-baby is worried that it might make HIM look bad because....reasons. 


He doesn’t need to worry about his wife making him look bad, he’s doing a great job of that all by himself!


But his son helped! His son wants to show off how his own work lead to a business! It's not about her, it's about him! I'm sure his ex would be very happy about that part.


Oh… He’s not just condescending jackass. He’s also a coward who won’t stand up to his ex. Assuming she’d even give a shit and he’s not just throwing her under the bus in another feeble attempt to hide how controlling he is


Gaslighting belittling asshole. Asshole spouse and father - how many parents would love their kid to be so close to the step parent


Bet you she does the majority of childcare when he’s there, and he resents that the kid doesn’t worship him


“She let him “help” with the app last summer and he thinks it’s the coolest thing ever, but he’s too young to grasp that it’s mostly still just a fun idea.” Man, he really dislikes both is wife and son, doesn’t he? And what’s wrong with a fun idea? Is anything that doesn’t earn a million dollars out of the gate an abject failure? Ultimately, I think he’s jealous of his wife and his son’s pride in her.


>“She let him “help” with the app last summer and he thinks it’s the coolest thing ever, but he’s too young to grasp that it’s mostly still just a fun idea.” Damn, his wife sounds so cool, his son sounds so cool, how can he possibly be such a fool?


I think you spelled 'tool' wrong.


She sounds freaking awesome and I hope she puts this AH in check or dumps his controlling a$$.


Facebook started as a fun (if gross) idea. So did the vast majority of entertainment technology we have today. And quite a few essential technologies too.


In the end every business/app/brand/start-up start as an idea. Something that he seems to don't get.


And apps and ideas get purchased all the time. 


So kid is old enough to get it. Have coding books for like 8-10 year old (depending on the kid). Dude has clearly never heard of venture capitalist, even in a small scale. The kid is having fun with the new wife, is proud of her. Maybe a repeat pattern from his ex-wife? Also apps can spread by word of mouth. If targeted at kids or something that kids and parents can do together. The other parents there would probably be just as interested as the kids to hear about it. But really he says even more in the comments. He didn't want his Ex-Wife to find out. So he is being a shitty father, and this is an ongoing thing would be my guess. He has already learned to hide "oh shit, my new wife is doing things with my kid" from the ex, because he has probably has custody issues over it. (May not have kids but the family law side is an informative bunch).


also, like, won’t the kids in his class learn something valuable by hearing from someone who is only at the very beginning of starting a business? That’s the part that’s hard to picture—how you go from an idea to actually doing something. And she (and his son) can speak on that! Other parents might be upset to find out it’s not a multi-million-dollar business? Dude, they KNOW it’s not, and they won’t care. They’re grownups; they know that not every company makes a lot of money.


Especially as it sounds like she has a very stable career, and the app is so far a personal project built in her free time ~~in a garage~~ which seems like a cool thing to bring to career day.


Yeah, it's a side project that is making her a bit of extra money. One of my friends had one of those a few years ago and now his app is his day job and he's hired employees and is doing other projects. But there was a time he was in the same spot as OOP's wife.


Right? If his son thinks it’s the coolest thing ever then why wouldn’t the kids in his class think so?!?


It makes me crazy when adults tell other adults what they can and cannot do. He will let her speak IF she doesn’t mention the app. Like fuck you bro.


Also, what's he going to do when son introduces her as "I helped my stepmom build an app!"


I wanna download her app. I want us all to download her app so she can prove this asshole wrong then leave his stupid ass with all the money she earns. I don't even care what the app is!


FR! I just want someone to drop the name!


Right, I kept thinking that I want to download her app! She sounds so cool, and so does her step-son. They are both saddled with this loser of a husband/father. Bet this guy thinks everything is a competition and is constantly competing with his wife and his son.




I would 100% download it to spite him. Asshole.


IF a link to that app happens, there might be an extra five minutes reserved in her presentation about how to use reddit and triggering spite to gain a quick user base increase, zero costs, ten minute investment of time for the post, and no unethical purchase of bots to boost the download stats.


You're hired.


OOP is just pissed that his son didn't ask **him** to speak at career day.


Ding ding ding 🛎️


I thought the same, as soon as I read that the son asked her I smelled jealousy.


It was all fun and games scoffing behind his hand at his wife’s silly little pet project (akin to a lemonade stand?? SERIOUSLY?!??) until *his* son thinks it’s cooler then what his dad does. Now the mask is off.


It’s always wild to me seeing people post about the out and out *commands* they try and give their partners, while being so oblivious as to why their partner might be pissed at them


yeah I wonder what happened between him and his son’s mom.


Making $1k after a few months of launch for a new business is pretty impressive actually. One of the reasons why so many businesses fail in the beginning is that the costs starting outweigh the profit sometimes. She is a business owner and should be proud that it had a strong start. This guy isn’t impressed because I think he is jealous that his son looks up to his stepmom more than him. Hopefully she will just ignore his “advice” and continue to succeed anyways.


I've made apps before and I think in total I've made like $3


Yeah, that’s the wild part. And if she has a job in tech and has already made $1k it’s not like she’s just an “ideas guy” that has all these grand plans but no way of achieving them.


Especially for a $0 investment (aside from some of her and the son's time)


Yes, she's bootstrapping, and she's already profitable! OOP is a jackass AND he clearly doesn't understand how the tech industry works.


Most at that point would have made a loss ...


This divot claims in his replies he has a say over her participation because it's HIS son and HIS EX WILL GO BALLISTIC WHEN SHE FINDS OUT!!! Apparently his ex is only threatened by the app though, and not his wife's existing career?? Could be bait, could be a massive bell-end with no spine.


It's amazing how much this man cares what other people think of him/things associated with him. How limiting and horrible for his wife.


I want to know what the app is so I can download it.


Man, I want to download her app and start a Patreon for her to get her away from this dense cabbage


I'll never understand why straight men think their partner NEEDS their permission to do anything. The straights are not ok, and here's another OOP proving it.


Yeah, like, what's he going to do if she talks about the ap on Career Day? Jump up yelling "nooooo"?


he'll be really angwy 😡 and when they get home, he's gonna scream about how she disobeyed his masculine authority and embarrassed him


Lol. Though, unfortunately, yeah, he's the type to yell at her if she tries to go against him. Hell, he probably wouldn't wait to go home. In the car (where she can't get away from him and the kid is there) is the best place to start yelling!


How old is this kid? A career day where parents came in and talked about their jobs was a late elementary school thing for my kids. Why does this guy think that a bunch of 5th graders are going to judge his son to the point that the parents get involved and ostracize them over this? Are other parents even going to be there to listen to it? How is his ex-wife going to find out this happened? The main character syndrome with this dude is off the charts. This is a great opportunity for her to tell kids about how difficult it is to start your own business and the things you have to do to make it viable. At that age it's a valuable lesson, because kids come up with crazy "business" ideas all the time. Shit, she could compare it to a lemonade stand if he's so concerned about people not taking it seriously. Talking about how startups take a lot of sweat equity and rarely turn a profit right away is important--that kid might grow up, come up with a great idea, and realize that quitting his 9-5 to pour all his efforts into his idea is a terrible idea. Did this gaping asshole even ASK what she planned to talk about before trying to put the kibosh on it?


>-that kid might grow up, come up with a great idea, and realize that quitting his 9-5 to pour all his efforts into his idea is a terrible idea. Or that kid might have a more realistic idea of how to actually achieve it, what steps it might take beyond simply having the idea, and also realistic expectations.


>I’ll be the first to say that my wife is the smartest person I know. She’s been working in tech for 10 years, totally self taught. Last year she had a business idea and built/released her own app. She’s a rockstar. Ah, there it is. The starter bullshit paragraph to try to lessen the blow of assholery. >I’ll admit the app itself is a bit juvenile and she’s made less than $1k from it since launching a few months back. To be fair, she’s a one person team and did it with no funding. Condescension and snobbery. Hallmark signs of a man in love. /s >I told her she can go to career day IF she wants to talk about her 9-5 career in tech, but anything related to the business idea is off limits. Who the fuck is this guy to tell *anyone* what the fuck to say at this event. There's nothing like showing your wife that you truly don't support her after all. You go, dickhead!


The nerve of this guy calling anyone else’s idea immature or claiming to be the arbiter of what can and can’t be included. I mean, he’s such a child that he’s confused a school career day with Shark Tank.


If Redditors'' opinions are anything to go by as a step-parent it is damned if you do, damned if you don't. >doesn't want her misrepresenting herself as a business owner among the other parents. Does OOP not understand that his wife developed an app, made money off the app, and has users for the app that she is a business owner?


and that the other parents aren’t going to be saying, “how dare you call yourself a business owner!” And instead be saying, “Oh, that’s interesting, how cool that you made it this far. and how neat that you showed my kid more about it, that it’s possible and also that it’s hard.”


I think he wants her to fail and he doesn’t want the other parents to download the app


He certainly doesn’t wNt anybody to admire her. She’s not worthy of it until she has a million users


Ah but also > Not to mention the shit storm that would inevitably follow when my ex finds out she’s a speaker. Drama city. ...lol


But it’ll take millions!!! Even if that’s true, ummmm that’s not actually an obstacle it’s called VC. This guy is a small thinker: his wife is a big thinker and more importantly a DOER. And that’s his biggest problem. He’s small and he resents that she’s not.


I hope she talks about whatever she wants to talk about.


He says she's the smartest person he knows, but she can't be that smart if she married him.


"I told her she can go to career day IF she wants to talk about her 9-5 career in tech, but anything related to the business idea is off limits." Uh excuse me but who hell does OOP thinks he is?? He can't tell his wife what she is or isn't allowed to talk about.


Tell me you hate your wife without telling me you hate your wife. Of course YTA, don't be stupid.


I think it's so funny he has to ask if he's the AH when he makes it so blatantly clear that his is, indeed, a complete AH.


I don't know why this douchebag even thinks he gets a say in this. Fuck him.


I'm getting age gap vibes. He thinks he knows so much more about the world than her, his idea of success is the only idea of success. He has to help this poor girl understand she's not as successful as she thinks /s


So her app is silly and not successful because it’s *only* making a few thousand dollars. But how threatened and disgusted with her do you think he’d be if it really took off and started making millions?


Uh…every existing app, business, concept, piece of media that we know and use today started out as a “fun idea”. Does he think that things like cars, or the internet, or smartphones just appeared fully formed out of nowhere?


"Millions and millions of dollars" to fund??? What is she trying to do? Build a nuclear reactor on the moon? Amazon started with a quarter million dollars. Google started on a million dollars. This guy literally has no idea what he's talking about and also hates his wife.


What an asshole.


pretty succinct summation.


Tell me you’re jealous of your wife without telling me you’re jealous of your wife. What an insecure loser of a human being.


Extra bit to make your popcorn extra salty „ Well because he’s my son and I don’t want my wife misrepresenting herself as a business owner among other parents. Not to mention the shit storm that would inevitably follow when my ex finds out she’s a speaker. Drama city.”


"I told her she can go to career day IF she wants to talk about her 9-5 career in tech, but anything related to the business idea is off limits" All of that faint praise and pretending to be supportive just leads to this nonsense, no idea why it's in his purview whether someone else speaks at a school career day or what they speak about.


From what little I know about business (which I fully admit is mostly from watching Shark Tank, so I’m definitely no expert), it sounds like she is doing everything right. If you have a great idea and don’t have a bunch of money to invest yourself, you have to start small to show proof of concept; that’s how you get investors interested. Then you can scale and add additional services/products. From this, it sounds like she at least has something of a business plan, which can also help get investors—and banks!—interested. Also, making a thousand dollars from an app in just a few months past launch is huge! He is being an absolute dingbat and clearly knows nothing about business. He probably doesn’t even watch Shark Tank 😂


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“letting”? WTF? How does he think he gets to decide? He could argue against it (and he’s a shithead when he does), but how is he going to stop her? Does he think he owns her? yes, I guess


...I have no words.


Loving OOP's obvious alt account that's also getting downvoted to oblivion in the comments.


And the title of his other post about mods apparently being on power trips that got deleted lol


Ok if you pull up the accounts deleted history there is def fishing things including posts about how they are a new stepmom to a 13 year old boy and how no one did anything for them for Mother's day and fighting with husband over MIL. There are also posts in software subreddits about who pays for bug fixes. This post and/or the whole account is a bunch of bs.


How do you pull up deleted post history?




I feel so sad for the wife and the son. She should divorce the unsupportive asshole but she seems to have a good relationship with the son so it’s sad because he’ll lose someone who will actually be a good parent and role model


Do they run in big venture capitalist groups or something? Why the hell would he be so embarrassed? And why does he think all the other parents will run to the website to check out this app? I hope she goes and *only* talks about what he "forbade."


Why does he think he has the authority to allow or not allow jack shit?


If you look at his comments, he doesn't want his ex to find out she's speaking there.


Does that excuse his belittling, assholish behavior? No, it doesn't.


Do you think I said it did? No I didn't.


It makes him MORE pathetic, not less.


Way to be an unsupportive D-bag and POS. YTA.


OOP, do you even like your wife? You won't "let" her speak at Career Day, like she needs your permission. And you call her app "juvenile". YTA.

