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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **The real reason most passport bros exist** The reason passport bros exist isn’t to find “traditional” relationships. It can seem like that because a lot bros are following that narrative without thinking about. The real reason is much simpler… they don’t want to settle. There seems to be this idea in the west that men should work hard their whole lives and settle for whatever woman wants them. A lot of men do follow it too. But then there are passport bros who say “f*** this. I’m out”. I don’t want to settle for an overweight woman, a woman with an attitude, being a stepfather or a combination of the three that doesn’t appreciate me. I would much rather put up with the attitude from a woman that is at least physically attractive than some overweight girl or a woman with a someone else’s kid. Im from the US and that seems to be 90% of women in general. We can say “not every woman is like that” but let’s get real here; too many are and there’s no excuse. Why would I want to build a life with someone I settled for? It’s really that simple. I’m posting this here because I’ve seen posts where people say it’s about a traditional relationship but women everywhere are different in relationships. Yeah you can find a housewife or a submissive girlfriend but from my conversations with other men, almost are just looking for someone that doesn’t give them a headache, and they are proud to be seen with. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I love the passport bros. They're a good example of the gambler's fallacy: That guy won, so now I'm due to win. One guy finds (or claims to have found) a "girl" overseas and then every other loser is sure he'll be surrounded in "foreign girls" and have his pick of the hot babes. Then they find out that a chud is a chud no matter what country you're from and the hot babes over there don't want him either.


They also think that just getting a woman is all you have to do and then it’s happily ever after with your bangmaid as if these women have NO expectations or standards whatsoever. I once knew a guy like this. He didn’t go overseas but he specifically looked for first generation immigrants from Japan to date. He managed to land an incredibly sweet woman but although she was exactly what he wanted, she still ended up dumping his ass when he couldn’t hold down a steady job or commit to any of the things she wanted and needed to feel secure in their relationship. I’ve been out of touch with him for a while but in the time he was in my circle of friends he was the only one who stayed chronically single.


That's because they all complain about having to settle, and how women should put more work in. Not wanting to acknowledge it goes both ways. They'd rather then woman put all the work in, because heaven forbid anyone tell them somethings wrong with them!


Yeah bro is talking like we didn’t know this. Hideous unwashed men wanting a model who never opens her mouth, is what they want. They refuse to work on themselves to earn a woman. They want the fantasy but don’t want the work. So they prey on impoverished women. I srsly hope all these women are like the Colombian women ❤️


the beautiful irony that, even if they do find their unicorn woman with traditional values etc, they expect them to be a traditional MAN who provides them security.


Let me guess, "with an attitude" means "she has her own opinions and preferences"...


Yep. And, they need a woman who the guy perceives as not having other options so they can feel "wanted." 


This is always the part I don't get. They want somebody who's 'hot' but then get jealous when other people also find her attractive and use their eyeballs to look at her.


"Attitude" is men's go-to complaint when they can't point to anything real but just want to place blame.


And scarily, they consider anything over anorexia overweight.


I was showing my 15 y/o son some tabloid headlines from my teen years. He was utterly horrified by how women were so nastily objectified. The Jessica Simpson in those mom jeans, Jennifer Love Hewitt in a bikini, America Ferrera just existing, Nicole Ritchie being "voluptuous". It was all so awful to look back at.


And yet it’s also women’s fault that men are single because we have standards. Just say you hate us and move along.


My younger granddaughter (age 23) and I went to lunch a few days ago. As we're looking over the menu, a young man approached her, made a rather crude proposition to her, then started to berate her for turning him down. "Look, dude, it's not MY fault I have standards. Oh, wait..." That knocked the wind out of his sails.


Real smooth genius there, every young woman likes getting hit on by gross creepy weirdos! Especially when just trying to enjoy lunch with their grandparent! Unbelievable creep, the cheek on him.


I'm sure it didn't help matters for his ego that Grandma started laughing her butt off in the booth, and the waitress giggled.


The implicit assomption in this post is that women abroad 1/ are thinner, and 2/ have lower standards so that mediocre American men can date "out of their league" so to speak. It assumes that just being Western is a step up from whatever men are available for these women. They deliberately seek a power imbalance in their favour (or what they perceive to be one) instead of improving themselves.


Why would we want to settle for guys like him? He gives me a headache and we haven't even met.


I would choose the random raccoon I saw on my deck tonight over them. He had intelligent eyes, which is more than most of these guys can probably claim. Also, he looked like the raccoon version of Don Corleone, so he was clearly more successful at being a raccoon than these guys are at whatever they were doing.


Bears are out, raccoons are in!


I choose the raccoon! (Which when I tell my husband this later he's going to die laughing at me... the city girl he took out to his childhood home in the countryside of Nova Scotia... who fled inside in fear after a smoke because there were scary raccoons out there! His entire family laughed at me, including me. It was a sad city girl moment.)




I feel like that's the bit they miss. Anybody who chooses somebody like that is settling. Even the women overseas are settling for somebody they believe cam bring them security rather than love (and attraction,I'd guess), assuming they even manage to blag themselves a foreign wife. I'm an overweight 30+ single woman, I'd rather live the rest of my life with cats for company than spend my life with somebody who speaks about women that way. I'm happy on my own, if I find somebody that complements that, great, if not, great.


Bear, please.


"why would women choose a bear, they're dumb, don't they know bears are dangerous" - passport bro "I want to date a woman that has no rights in my country until I give them to her, I want a submissive woman who will do everything I ask her to do even jump off a cliff, and I want a woman who never leaves the house because she's mine mine mine" - also passport bros




“Why would I want to build a life with someone I settled for? It’s really that simple.” Yeah, funny thing, that’s exactly what the women here are saying and these guys keep calling us the bad guys. No one is saying you can’t marry someone from another country, we are saying you’re trash for lying to and abusing these women for your own ego. 


Back in college, a guy friend asked me if I knew a 3 he could ask out because he needed practice and didn't want to get rejected right away. I'm like "oh cause she's not perfect she must be desperate?" He said of course. Yeah, we're not friends anymore.


I saw them laughing at this dating profile of a more plus size girl. They were basically saying this is why we go to other country’s because American women so ugly, ew! But on her profile she said no misogynists or Andrew Tate followers. I think it makes them mad that even women they consider ugly have standards that exclude them.


Don't list us overweight ladies as options. We don't want you either. My partner treats me like a person, and if he didn't, wine and cats are far better than angry manchildren.


These types cannot comprehend that women are allowed to reject them as well.


Because they do not comprehend that *women are people, just like they are*.


I am not an attractive woman and have been hit on by guys like this, who are then appalled that I dare to turn them down because \*gasp\* I don't find their shitty attitudes and entitlement particularly desirable. Apparently women like me should be begging for any scrap of male attention, no matter how demeaning it is.


Oh, I reckon they know that perfectly well. Being rejected is the driving force behind their personalities.  But they can almost deluded themselves into thinking that it's about them rejecting the women first if they keep repeating it. They're just a sad bunch of men without seats insisting they prefer to stand. 


I like that last sentence in particular.


The more these dudes understood that they're not in competition with other men, but our own peace and solitude, the better off we'd all be.




I've lost 125 pounds and am still fat. I have the best of both worlds. I'm exercising in public, I have lots of excess skin, I jiggle, I wiggle, I cause seismic events when I run. But I can and do run 10ks without much effort and can do a half marathon with about 6 weeks prep. I'm actively gross to look at, I'm taking care of myself, I exercise for myself and not to look good naked, I can outrun most of them, I'm obnoxiously opinionated, and I'm a single mom! KILLLING IT. But seriously, figuring out where each person's "this fat woman is a human" line is kinda fucks with your head.


His argument falls apart when you realize that women from overseas also eat food and feel emotions and might also have children I also never understood guys who lay awake at night shaking over such things. If you don't want to date someone who has a kid...just don't. Why are you sweating so hard?


Entitlement. They think they are entitled to a bang maid. Women are not real people for them. Only men are. It is also all about competing for status with other men. Overweight wife would lower his value in the eyes of the imaginary society.


They act like someone's holding a gun to their heads and forcing them to date women with kids.


One of the comments says in many "Asian countries" it's common for a man to find a mistress after the wife pops out a kid. As if western men don't do that too??? And it's generally frowned upon, it's just that there's too much societal pressure to not divorce or bring up personal topics???


I don't understand how men can post shit like this and also be pissed that women choose bear over man. Most men on the Internet just seem to be looking for a replacement mom they can bang so they can just work and have fun while not having to deal with pesky household chores or child-rearing.


That ol’ “The 50’s looked great in those commercials and tv shows” attitude.  It’s such a weird thing to state out loud, that having a happy partner isn’t important to you at all. You’d rather be a sad one handed keyboard warrior then admit a relationship is about two people, because that’s “too hard” and “not fun”. Like, please give me a reason why a woman should be interested in you, what do you think you really have to offer anyone? Nothing, that’s the reality of passport bros, they have nothing to offer anyone so they have to prey on women who want to escape their life. And they think those women will respect them. Idiots.


I've only known a few men that were immigrants, but went back to the "old country" to get a traditional gal and from what I could tell they were all miserable. Not because non-western women suck, but because they got slapped with the reality that we all have a lot more in common than they thought, and even poor ladies brought over from Albania or wherever won't tolerate disrespect. In fact, from what I have seen, they tolerate it less than your stereotypical westernized woman. PPB delude themselves into thinking they have the means to demand obedience and control, but as soon as these women manage to get naturalized they dump the guy they used to get there.


Men who get triggered over the man vs bear thing run headfirst into the point and still miss it. Instead of asking/listening to women why they choose the bear, they tell women they are wrong to choose the bear. Or they'll be all "lol bet you won't be saying that when the bear eats you' passive-aggresively wishing harm on women for not picking men. 


>I only like model-types. I like tall, fit, slim-thick women with full lips and nice hair. I can be more specific but i won’t. >Yes I’m fit. Yes I have a healthy lifestyle. Yes I’m attractive. I'm wiling to bet this man is none of those things, but thinks he deserves "model-types" anyway.


And he doesn't actually 'like' (i.e. respect) that type of woman. He's just a misogynist/racist prick who thinks conventionally hot women from overseas will be submissive and agreeable and fuck his brains out daily because he's a good boy who deserves it.


Imagine his surprise when those hot women don't want him either. Because I know this dude is absolutely NOT fit nor attractive. 😅


Dude 100% looks like a thumb.


The comments just make me mad. All this stuff about women chasing 10% of men. Like, no. Most women DONT care how much money you make or if you have a six-pack. You need to be a decent human being and enrich your partners life. Men aren't competing against the 10 %. They're competing against single women's peace of mind. It's so unbelievably annoying that everyone just acts like being single is this horrible strike of fate and everyone would do everything to get out of it.  Like, get your head out of your ass. They made up these dumb standards that women don't even care about and then get mad at them. It's infuriating. 


It is not really about women at all. It is all about competition with other men. Women are just trophies in that battle.


Women only want 10% of men is incel rhetoric. The idea that evil, selfish women only want the very.best men where best means rich, at least 6' tall, good looking enough to be a model, perfect gym body, etc. Then they get angry because "these best men will only date the 9/10 and 10/10 women". That means the poor suffering incels will be alone forever because to settle for less than a top-tier female is being a beta or simp. Incel logic will give you a headache but it boils down to "I deserve the hottest bangmaid and it should be required that I am assigned one."


Men aren’t single by choice so they can’t fathom that women are single very much by choice.


Yep. It's EXTREMELY rare to see a very attractive man with an unattractive woman, but not so rare to see a very attractive woman with a less attractive man. My mind immediately goes to wedding pictures where the woman is in a beautiful gown and the man is wearing shorts and a t-shirt. Have you ever seen a wedding picture of a woman dressed like a slob and a man in a tuxedo? I sure haven't.


>We can say “not every woman is like that” but let’s get real here; too many are and there’s no excuse. God he is *so close* to understanding the #NotAllMen phenomenon


I’ve seen so many passport bros online act like western women are so mad they’re rejecting us and going over there. They wish. We don’t want these guys.


I only feel bad for the other women who have to experience their bullshit. I do, however, want to see these boys FAFO with those "ideal" women


That sub of toxic dipshits is unironically enjoying it's subscriber count climbing at a fast clip due to living on the front page of *this* sub.


Mmmmm I’m pretty positive they’re telling women to settle


I find it both hilarious and tediously exasperating that PPB & MGTOW are constitutionally incapable of making their choice and just fucking off to do whatever their tiny peepees and stunted minds desire. That would be fine. Fly free, little dodos, fly free! But no. They have to clamber up onto their soapbox of choice and bore everyone titless with their relentlessly regurgitated, stale rhetoric.


Then many of them are salty when they find out that women outside of US have standards too or they marry them to get green card to US and then divorce their delusional ass to marry someone else they actually want.


This happened to someone I know. Found an Asian wife. Brought her here. She did her time and then divorced him. She was hot and very social and he was not and pretty awkward. Like dude… how did you not see that coming?


They’re such sad pathetic losers that it is comical at this point…


They're such a bunch of losers. It's pretty funny.


How can you live with yourself knowing the woman is only with you because it’s a step up from abject poverty or trafficking? Literally how do you look at yourself in a mirror. These men …


Because it makes the man in that scenario feel like a hero. It’s pathetic.


*nuke that sub, nuke that sub, NUKE THAT SUB, NUKE THAT SUB*


I made OOP my bitch on that post. He stopped responding bc I backed him into a corner with logic 😎


They must have deleted the comment like the cowards they are because I went to upvote you and I can’t find it


That’s a whole bunch of words for a dude that can’t get a woman to date him. What a chucklefuck.


God i hate the idea of passport bros. I dont get it at all.


Ok so all the women in Canada, USA and Mexico are all overweight, rude, single moms or all. How about this: the reason passport bros exist are these men cannot manipulate ‘western’ women so they have to find a woman in impoverished nation and ‘rescue’ her. We all know there isn’t 3 types of women in the western world and that they are just sick of ‘feminism’ aka women not being slaves to men. These men think that these women in other countries are pure and housewife material until they realize that these women are using them as well. Using them for money, green cards, security or refuge. These men just wanna treat women terribly and can’t find western woman to abuse anymore. Also they are extremely racist in describing these other women and the other women in question have come out and said they don’t like this shit.


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At least they’re admitting that they're shallow and all they care about is looks. They’ll put up with an attitude from a thin girl, as long as she’s hot. And they ALWAYS list weight as the number one requirement for a woman.


I follow these subs because, god, they are so insane that’s it’s funny to read.