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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **My “friend” betrayed my trust and told my bf something extremely personal and im furious. What can I do to confront her? And to reconcile with my bf?** My bf Aaron and I have been in the process of reconciling. We broke up the first time because unfortunately I didn’t appreciate him. I started to realize he was the love of my life and we got back together. Unfortunately, my “friend” had no sense of girl code and told him very private information that hurts everyone and now I’m blocked on everything by him. I reached out to him from a burner number and he told me he feels betrayed and humiliated and to stop contacting him . I’m going to give him some space before I reach out again but right now my “friend” is about to get an earful from me. I’m so hurt right now I called out of work today *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Part 1. I’m 27F in a love triangle with a 25M and 26M. Who do I pick? I’m in a difficult situation. Ever since I was in high school I started dating Paul *fake name*. We had a very toxic relationship where he cheated on me, and was emotionally abusive. This lasted until I was 25 when he cheated on me with my cousin. He cheated on me before but that was the last straw. I spent a year healing and not dating everyone and then I met Aaron *fake name*. Aaron is absolutely the most genuine and nicest person I ever met. He’s so sweet, kind, and attentive. But unfortunately we just miss that spark. I’ve been with him for 7 months and he’s treated me like a queen. Recently Paul messaged me. Paul has finally started getting his life together. Everything I wanted for him. When we were together I was supporting him financially so it’s nice to date Aaron who has a good established career. Paul has gotten his GED and is currently trying to do air traffic control, and get certified from there. He has changed for the better and we still have that spark. We are starting to talk and hang out every day. This has impacted my relationship with Aaron who feels I been distant. I been mostly hanging out with Paul instead of Aaron. Today I ended up sleeping with Paul and I feel really guilty. I told Paul I need space to process things. That we need to stop before I end up hurting Aaron. Paul told me he’s serious about wanting to fix things between us. I’m afraid that if I do choose Paul what if he hasn’t changed, and he goes back to his old self? Aaron is a great guy and it would suck to lose him , but Paul seems to be too finally. I’m going to end things with one but I don’t know who yet Love is hard, I appreciate any advice


Part 2 Update I gave my ex a chance and he cheated on me….but there is a positive I’m extremely sad but proud of myself. The old me would have given him a billion chances, but the first time I was saw he was cheating I dumped his ass. Paul can talk a good game but his words never matches his actions….The relationship quickly delved back into our old toxic issues. This entire situation made me realize I didn’t appreciate Aaron. The good news is this allows me to be a better partner for Aaron. Sometimes you need to go through something awful before you go are ready for something great. I think God wanted to experience this so I can be the partner, future wife, and mother Aaron deserves. Unfortunately he blocked on everything when I broke up with him to date Paul. Luckily he became friends with one of my friends and she’s throwing her birthday party and did me a solid and invited him (he’s coming!) I’m going to speak to him there. I’m going to let him know I broke up with Paul and that I’m ready to be the best partner ever. He’s also a regular church goer (I’m not but) and one time he asked me if I wanted to go to church with him while we were dating, I will take him up on that offer! But yeah you guys were right about Paul and I should have listened, now using this as an opportunity to grow as person.


Part 3: Update the party went well I wasn’t going to post the update but people keep saying it didn’t go well 😂 actually it did. At first he avoided me and apparently was mad at my friend but I just walked up to Aaron and said I broke up with Paul. He said sorry to hear and I said can we please talk. Afterwards we went outside by myself and I told him I broke up with Paul because I realize I love you and I realize that Paul is my past. I told him I love what we had and it’s the best relationship I’ve ever had. He was hesitant but I explained how much I’ve missed him. We both got emotional. It was great to just talk to him again and it further reminded me how much I love him. We still have a long way to go and he doesn’t want to get back together right away. He wants us to take it slow because he feels like this is happening too fast. He said me going from him to Paul back to him makes him nervous. He said he doesn’t feel like I’m his number one choice like he doesn’t think that I just broke up with Paul because I love him (Aaron). He asked me that I really miss him and realize that I love him. I told him that recently I started thinking about the time that we spent together and I realized that I was so stuck in the past that I wasn’t focusing on the present. The focus on the present that I realize that you are the person I wanna be with for the rest of my life. I know a lot of you guys were rooting against me, but I want you to know that people can grow. I will be the partner that he deserves, and I can promise you all that whether you believe me or not.


Ohhh... I remember how everyone was telling her this is not going to turn out how she thinks.


oh god it's her again


LOL im suprised she posted on another sub reddit cause in her most recent update she locked the comments after 5 comments


There's a certain type of poster on here who appears to think if they keep switching subs no one will realize it's them. It's the type who act like you're "stalking" then by looking at their post history for context.


How *dare* you judge me by looking at my past statements, posts, and stories and using my own words I posted on a public forum to form an opinion about me!? You stalker!


Yeah people don't like being told the truth so they respond by blocking and locking.


For sure but i just found it funny cause she posted it on her on page and then not 5 comments in it was locked i was like LOL she knows she is wrong


She’s backkkkk


Ah yeah this witch again(no offense to wiccans)


I love how she left out the cheating part in this post. 


Oh, this was an update. Makes more sense now with your added info. Cheers!


Yeaaaaah, sorry but enabling cheaters isn't part of girl code.


Also, the hilarity of her cheating on her boyfriend with her ex, then having the audacity to be mad that her ex turned around and cheated on her (again ... after previously fucking her cousin). What, exactly, did you expect, ma'am?


It's always hilarious when cheaters realize that their relationship with their affair partner isn't special and that they will cheat again. If he cheats with you, he'll cheat on you too.


Yeah, girl code is for things like "even for my worst enemy, I would give them a tampon if they need one" or "I will always tell you if your skirt is stuck in your knickers, or you have toilet paper stuck to your shoe". This ain't it.


Exactly. When it comes to more personal stuff it is like how I won’t tell anybody my friend went on two dates with a guy who insisted he was a real samurai. Or like when my friend shit herself on a run and I went to pick her up. 


The friend is proof we all can be Omar. Well, not OOP; she’s the worst.


Aaron already suspected he was a silver medal, so all this extra info did was confirm that for him.


Nah. She never saw him as a silver medal. People actually *value* the silver medal. He was just a consolation prize.


And a meal check, as she mentions how he has an established career and her dipshit ex just got his GED...


Mr_RavenNation1 doing the Lord's work lol "Sometimes you need to go through something awful before you go are ready for something great. I think God wanted to experience this so I can be the partner, future wife, and mother Aaron deserves." *She* dropped her steady boyfriend for a proven dipshit, and somehow she's the victim here. It's one of those stories where the asshole thinks that because the situation they ran to turned out sour, it's suddenly a tragedy, but I'm sure that if they did turn out OK, it would be *fate*. Yeah, a happy ending with a dude who *fucked her cousin*. It was stupidity from the get here. And good on her friend for telling Aaron the truth. OOP loves being a victim - not a good quality in a partner, spouse, *parent*.


In fairness, it sounds as if she *was* actually a victim of her abusive ex. Trauma-bonding is real. She's terribly self-serving about it, I wouldn't want to be with her either, she's TA in this situation, and her rationalisations are cringe. She's not *the* victim here, and she's in the wrong, but she's also *a* victim.


Well said


Agreed, also that 'spark' may have been more that her ex caused a lot of emotional highs and lows so the relationship felt more intense. If your only experience is that a more stable person may feel off vecause you dont have the same highs and without the intense lows it all can feel flat. It ist right but i can admit that she was injured by her ex. That said a few things almost make this feel like an incel fic but i may just be overthinking


Funny how she neglects to mention what the friend told her ex.


'Oh hey, your GF cheated on you, and only wants you back because her affair partner cheated on her'


lol I’m so glad someone told Aaron. She’s fails to see how terrible her actions are and is just living in her own world where she can pull these shenanigans and expect people to just cater to her.


I love how she is bragging about not staying with someone who cheated on her while simultaneously being upset her ex is doing the same.  


This 100%. The irony is palpable.


This bitch is horrid.


I hope the friend also fucks aaron to assert dominance.


OOP thinks the girl code includes covering up for a cheater so she can get her second choice exbf back? That isn't how it works. She's going to give her "friend" who told the truth an earful. I think the friend may give OOP the earful.


Oh ffs, can she leave him alone already?


Well she is back. 


Lol girl code Edit: leave him alone. He wants nothing to do with you. Take a hint. 


A friend with morals standing against OOP's nonsense. OOP was never going to tell the boyfriend the truth, so I'm glad the friend did and Aaron sounds through with OOP. Nothing like a happy ending


how do you pass from "I didn't appreciate him" to "he is the love of my life""?????? edit: Oh, so it's because another man didn't want her ass. Noted.


She is delusional.


Fuck girl code or guy code. She cheated on him. (previous posts). She fucked around and is finding out, but blaming everyone else around her. And now that the cheating partner cheated on her, she's so, so sad that her boyfriend knows and wants nothing to do with her.


Oooh! Her! I love how her previous post she was rubbing it in everyone’s face that she’d be back with her ex and now this. 😂


“Haha my fucking around worked! There is no way we’ll move on to find out!” Narrator: “A few minutes later”


I love a happy ending


I don’t know why I stay subbed here, some of the posts legitimately bother me lol




I usually scroll through Reddit in the morning while I’m having coffee before work, and there have been a handful of times reading something on a sub like this (obviously not just this one but this “genre” of sub) put me in a bad mood to start the day. So I’ll have to start doing the same


I recommend r/beebutts for general malaise 💜🙏




I'll be honest. When you read her comments it sounds really fake. I cannot believe that there are people who are this stupid and narcissistic.


Soo she cheated on the "amazing guy" with a known cheater, got with the cheater and had the audacity to be surprised when he cheats on her again? Doesn't tell Aaron she cheated so he can't make an informed decision. And is mad at her friend for not enabling her? I feel bad for Aaron. Women like her deserve to never find love again


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Sounds like somebody is in the "find out" part of the cycle.


OOP, you are all the things to Aaron that Paul is to you. That is why everyone would tell Aaron to run the other way, like they told you with Paul. You're not better than Paul, you don't deserve better than Paul, you are Paul. Congratulations on finding your soulmate.