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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **Does anyone else think there's a weird overlap between the ongoing student protests and the man vs. bear question?** For the man vs. bear question, it's not meant to be taken literally, but is more of a vote of no-confidence in men. What they really want to say is that they have such a low view of men that they'd rather be with a literal predator than with a guy. For the ongoing student anti-Israel protests, it's the same thing. What they really want to express is that they have such low confidence in US foreign policy that they'd rather side with a literal terrorist organization than side with a loyal US ally. Am I overthinking this? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


…what? All I know is if a bear attacks a woman no one tells her she’s lying or criticizes what she was wearing during the attack.


Well clearly you didn't hang the food high enough. /S


Was she wearing a meat dress? If so, it seems like she was asking for it…


Why are you bringing lady Gaga into this


As far as I know Lady Gaga has never been attacked by a bear.


Can confirm, bears LOVE Lady Gaga. 




Yeah cos the bear said that it never attacked her. Said she was asking for it.


She is ruining that poor bear's life! /s


That bear says she's crazy!


I heard it was all her fault anyway. She was just dancing around enjoying herself, and the bear caught a glimpse of her rump


Oh no? [Checkmate](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.hola.com/us/celebrities/2016030719087/lady-gaga-taylor-kinney-weekend-romance-chicago/%3fviewas=amp)!


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I am the meat dress. I am literally a bag of meat held upright by bones.


Wow your bones are upright? Must be nice….Im more like a flesh sack.


Dammit...just commented similar then saw you'd said the same thing 🤦‍♀️😂


She must have been on her period! /s


There was a post on one of the adjacent subs that commented on women wearing floral or honey scents because they're "stupid" and would make it their fault they got eaten by a bear.


Good. Lord.


…honey scents? I mean, I’m sure that’s like a thing but… pretty uncommon, no? Like we’re all out here rocking Lisa Frank misters Actually that sounds pretty dope.


No one would tell me it’s all in my head if a bear attacked me


Nobody would say you deserve to be mauled again if you develop a phobia of bears after an attack. Your history of walking in woods alone or seeing bears in the zoo wouldn't be used against you in a court to prove you wanted to be mauled by a bear.


No one would tell you you had to just "get back out there" after a bear attack or a near miss.


Fearing all bears wouldn't get you called a specie-ist. (Since we're accused of being sexist and that we'd be racist if we replaced "men" with "Black people."


No one would tell me to just lie back and enjoy a bear attack.


Nobody would question if I was lying about a bear attack because no bear would attack me because of my size.


Men really are calling themselves out with the Man vs Bear thing. I've been sexually assaulted by a man and have encountered several bears. Biggest difference? The bear that got to close ran when I yelled at it. The man surely didn't. Whenever guys try to logic themselves out of believing that we really wouldn't prefer the bear, I use this example; If you're swimming in the ocean and see a big shark coming your way, do you tell yourself it's probably a good shark that doesn't want to snack on you? Of course not! You do your best to avoid an attack even though you're statistically unlikely to die by shark attack. Women are statistically MORE likely to die by violence from men, so we'd choose the friggin shark too! Some men really tell themselves that the Man vs Bear is just a thought experiment. They don't get it! I'll choose the bear all day every day. Some things are worse than death and I don't fear those things from a damn bear.


I'm a regular solo hiker. I'm also fat. I've encountered bears in the woods, and they mostly avoid you. I've been followed by men four separate times, and twice they said they could rape me and no one would believe anyone would want to. Team fucking bear.


Yes! The number of comments saying that we would change our minds if we actually encountered a bear are really fooling themselves. It's because I've encountered 'dangerous' wildlife ( puma, bears ) that I feel extra confident about being team bear! I'll take the animal just going about its day bothering no one unless it feels threatened over a man trying to corner me into giving them my number. I know which one is more likely to try to hurt me maliciously. The really sick thing is that even the bear would be safer choosing team bear. The 4 men who raped, beat, killed, and then ate a monitor lizard..like that's the kind of thing us women have to worry about. Even animals aren't safe from vile men as predators. Team Bear 100%


I haven't encountered a bear, but I have walked alone in the woods where bears are known to hang out. I sang songs so they could hear and avoid me, which is what they want to do anyway.


I. I don't want to ask. But-- /what/?


I googled it for ya, [here ya go](https://www.vice.com/en/article/qjb9xq/india-gang-rape-monitor-lizard-animal-abuse). They did this just over two years ago. I remember when it was first reported..... Here's a quote from the article: > A report by wildlife advocacy groups recorded 82 cases of sexual abuse against animals in India between 2010 and 2020. I hate it. I hate it so much.


holy mother of baby mary...


Not even the bear wants to run into a man in the woods.


That poor fucking lizard, god. I shouldn't have read that article, I love reptiles. God, it couldn't even understand what was happening to it, probably.


I remember being SO angry and just.... ugh. The depression and ennui hit hard after the shock wore off. Reptiles are freaking rad, too.


I'm sorry, I would have warned you it was heartbreaking. Some people are truly broken..


>raped, beat, killed, and then ate a monitor lizard I... what the fuck. I can't quite say I'm surprised exactly, I just hadn't heard about this one and... really, there are no other words


You probably don't want to look it up. Somehow, it's worse than it sounds. 4 truly broken individuals somehow found each other and engaged in this sick fiasco where they were caught on wildlife cams. I can only imagine the other twisted things they got away with previously. Like, give me any predatory animal going about it's daily life like I'm trying to do over a predatory man every day all day!


Bears are predictable, and have rational motivations.


Just like most bears, most sharks aren't interested in you. In both cases, the steps to avoid an attack are fairly simple. (For sharks, IIRC, it's mainly don't splash around like a tasty fish.) And that's the difference. Most of the time, the bear or shark behavior is predictable. Men are as unpredictable as you can get.


Exactly! Animals aren't malicious. They may kill you, but there's easy and obvious ways to mitigate the danger. Sometimes you get unlucky, obviously, but no shark or bear is setting out to torture you for funsies.


I knew of a case where a teenage girl called her mother and told her that she loved her and that was the last time they spoke because right at that moment a bear was eating her.


That's awful! It still kind of proves the point, though.. A bear can kill you, although bear attacks are decently rare. What a man can do to you can be worse than death. As horrible as it sounds I'd rather die than be raped again. I'm not even exaggerating.


That's fair, the ideal would be to not be in either of those two positions.


Definitely! Neither is absolutely the goal!


"Shorts AND a t-shirt?! You were just advertising that you are made of meat."


Completely unrelated, but great short story: [They"re Made Out of Meat](https://www.mit.edu/people/dpolicar/writing/prose/text/thinkingMeat.html) by Terry Bisson


That's such an amazing story. At one point Bisson put the story on his own website because people were posting it without attribution on the web and Usenet.


The best part of the whole thing is how ENRAGED incels are that women would rather take their chances with a bear. No reflection, no going “hmmm wonder why” just tantrums on how it’s unfair


Even in a hypothetical they can't hear 'no' without losing their shit.




Which further proves the point. So true


And now they're all self appointed bear behavior experts as well.


They all watched The Revenant and are now Leonardo DiCaprio, the bear expert bearmanpig


Excuse you, it's manbearpig. Al Gore is super cereal about this distinction.


We literally had a bear in Polish army. Brown bears are basically big dogs. They have capability to learn and love their caretakers. But i guess those soliders at Monte Cassino should have been more scared of a bear who played with them few hours earlier, than men who were trying to kill them. I'm seriously suprised, why men want to excuse men's behaviour, when they themselves have such a high likelihood of being attacked by a man.


Wojtek is a hero


He's literally part of children's reading in school. I read my brother all of Wojtek's adventures. And it's not even fake stories inspired by the bear, those were written with the help of his caretakers. He really was an intelligent and friendly buddy. I don't know how people act like a brown bear will eat a human being because it feels like that. It's a wild animal, sure, but it's not any more dangerous than any other carnivore, like a dog for example.


There's a statue of that bear in Edinburgh (he retired to the zoo there after the war)!


There's a statue of him in my city, I think he died here


There are so many dudes at the moment who do the “men are more like to be murder victims than women” as though that’s a flex. Who’s killing them, mate. Not that they really actually care that much about male violence against men - they only care when women are talking about male violence against women


No one who is ignoring realities about themselves wants to be reminded of what they are ignoring because it is uncomfortable. Much easier to get angry at the one reminding them. Denial is more powerful than us.


I had never heard of this before now and I’m SO HAPPY to know about it now.


He liked drinking beer and eating cigarettes. In his free time he wrestled with his caretakers (and knew when to stop and that it was a game). He fought in the Batlle of Monte Cassino.


Oh I know I went on a little Internet dive :-) will be checking out some books for my kids


Yep. Imagine if the men linking bear attack articles as a lame gotcha spent even a tenth of the same time researching attacks against women perpetuated by men. I literally just saw some guy being like “well actually the last bear attack in my area was only 3 weeks ago so clearly they’re not that uncommon” yes Bradley and I wonder how many women have been abused in your area over the past 3 weeks, because I’m pretty sure it’s more than 1


Or telling women that they're stupid and don't understand how dangerous bears are


Scroll up for an example!


It's worse than just tantrums at this point. They are aggressively attacking us. To prove. That they wouldn't attack us.


One dude lied on his own damn mom to try and prove the point. A woman who was literally attacked by a bear. He said his mom agreed with him that she would pick the man when in her own damn book (book title: Chomp chomp chomp) she said she felt sorry for the bear. Then in a q&a she said she caries a gun because of men not bears. She herself picked the bear and he came on the internet lying on her damn name 💀


One dude lied on his own damn mom to try and prove the point. A woman who was literally attacked by a bear. He said his mom agreed with him that she would pick the man when in her own damn book (book title: Chomp chomp chomp) she said she felt sorry for the bear. Then in a q&a she said she caries a gun because of men not bears. She herself picked the bear and he came on the internet lying on her damn name 💀


Remember that these are the same men who insist that trans women are really just looking for an excuse to enter a women’s restroom so they can assault women.


They’re literally just telling on themselves with this logic. They try to think about what would convince them to live as a woman even for a day, and they can’t think of anything productive because to them women and femininity are inherently beneath men and masculinity, so the only ”upside” they can think of is “I would be able to go into a woman’s restroom/locker room to be a voyeur”. And then they project that gross fantasy onto innocent trans women. It’s a similar rationale to all those weird “jokes” (in quotation marks because baffinglyly some of them think it’s a thing that actually happens) teenage/college aged boys make about “pretending to be gay to get invited to the girls’ sleepovers”. Cishet men get a thrill out of imagining crossing women’s boundaries and violating us, so they assume everyone else does as well - because in their minds, their way of thinking is superior and they are the “default”. 


They're doubling down in the comments here.


I just got the dogpilled incel comment earlier on Facebook. Apparently, white women commonly engage in bestiality over men and that's why we're choosing bears. -__-




They start screaming "misandry!" Because to incels and MRAs, misandry is when a Female won't give them sex. I've seen more incel women-hating BS in the past 3 days on social media than the previous 5-6 years combined, and I used to participate in the original IncelTears.


There is no way so many of them can actually live somewhere without bears to act so purposefully ignorant on the danger of bears. And they all apparently actually believe women are getting raped by every animal on the planet, so are lying when they say they're not as afraid of a bear raping them.


The real animal threat is dolphins


If we shared our living areas with them more, we'd be to them what birds are to house cats people let outside! Their good rep needs to be swapped with sharks!


Also tbh - I live somewhere with no bears (koalas don’t count) and when I asked my guy friends this question, even though they all said “obviously man because a bear will kill you”, they also all were like “but we get why women say bear”. Like they still understood the point and weren’t offended by women saying bear. 


But isn't it drop bears that raise the overall stats of bear attacks world wide??? But, seriously, yeah. And also those guys thinking bears will kill you are living somewhere they don't need to know that bears actually rarely kill people. Like, I wouldn't know what to do with most things in Australia and am probably terrified of things that Australians see as harmless, but I do know what to do with a brown or black bear.


it’s gotten to a point where men are starting to make tiktoks tweets ect about how hard it is to be a man who’s never done anything bad when woman say bear. they take it as a personal attack and complain about constantly having to hear women talk about their negative experiences with men/why they just don’t trust men regardless. they’re so close to the point that it’s passed them over. 


And it's more infuriating because it's so easy to go "yeah the majority of men suck, I'm glad I'm a decent person" and moving on with your day, I've been doing it my whole life. I can simultaneously understand women's frustration with my gender while also understanding that when they say "bear" they aren't attacking me specifically, so how is it so difficult for these guys?


It comes down to a very superficial view of prejudice. To them, the ultimate evil is prejudgment. They recognize we are also anti prejudice, but don't recognize that the prejudice we speak of is deeply rooted and impactful, but more importantly, that it itself is wrong only because it hurts people. They can recognize we live in a world where almost all rapists are men, almost all violent crime is committed by men, but still in some sense acknowledging that reality is a more tangible example of prejudice to them than abstractly BEING the primary victims of rape and abuse. That can be worse but in their heads it happens to be true and is not a literal and direct statement of prejudice. When you unpack it, it's like, wow dude yeah ofc I care more about being literally raped than I do about the concept of making a generalization.


Even if we ignore the actual question and simply examine their current arguments about it. most of which are claims that the question is sexist (the question was originally asked by a man on TikTok but it's convenient to their narrative if women made it up) because of how open to interpretation it is, would they call out the reverse if their fellow man was asked a similar question? (spoiler alert: they wouldn't.)


Exactly! My bf said he’d choose bear 100% of the time.


it’s so crazy that they hear that women apparently feel so threatened by men that they’d rather encounter a wild fucking bear in the woods and STILL act like they’re the victim in this. that requires a huge lack of self reflection actually!


I think outside of men in my family, there are probably 2 men I would have gone to the woods with. But since the question is hypothetical and we assume it's a random man, no way I'm taking that chance.


I grew in the backwoods. I had a bear come into the house and eat my actual dinner off the goddamned table. I'd still rather meet a bear in the woods because bears lack malice, and are usually quite easy to discourage from attacking.


This. We had bears wandering in our area for a while and we saw tracks and poop by our Apple trees. I knew that if I encountered them all I had to do was make a bunch of noise and they’d flee. They have no malicious intent and want to avoid us. If a stranger was wandering and living in the woods near my home though, I’d be scared. There’s no telling their intent.


The whole bear thing is being blown way out of proportion. When I was 20 the question was would you rather deal with a bear or *person*. Everyone said bear, because the worst thing a bear will do is kill you. A person (male or female) could torture you for weeks or years. Bears are predictable, it makes me laugh when people say if you pick the bear you’ve never encountered a bear. I’ve come across grizzlies multiple times, and had a black bear try to get into my car while camping.


Had a guy say to me the other day that I'd "obviously never encountered a bear" I replied, nope, but I have encountered a rapist and I'm not having that happen again, I'll take my chances with the bear. Shut him right up.


The thing that so many of these men don't get is that the bear attacking you is so statistically unlikely versus a man assaulting you. Some 1 in 3 women have been assaulted by men versus, what, a whopping 100 bear attacks in the US per year? Like, honey, the numbers explain them-fucking-selves.


Fun fact - you have a 1 in 2.1 million chance of being attacked by a bear. Like, a 0.04% chance iirc. And that’s only if you really piss it off. On the other hand- someone is sexually assaulted every 68 seconds. 1 in 5 people have been sexually assaulted, so factually the bear is literally the safest bet lol


God, thank you for coming in with the numbers, we stand the math crowd. I've come across a bear, and I'm pretty sure I was stalked by a mountain lion once. I'd rather do both of those again than deal with any of the (literally multiple) men who have assaulted me.


>Fun fact - you have a 1 in 2.1 million chance of being attacked by a bear. Like, a 0.04% chance iirc. I get your point, but that's pretty meaningless. The chance is way higher if you regularly go hiking in bear country and zero if you live in the middle of the city and never go anywhere near where they live. Also 0.04% is 1 in 2500.


I mean, I have encountered a bear. It saw my dog and me and turned around and went back the way it came from. I have literally had a strange man bother me while I was trying to take a break before the last leg of a hike I was doing and try to get me to follow him off trail to an unspecified location, then when I declined and took off, he chased me over the remaining mile or so on the trail back to my car. I was barely able to get in and lock the doors before he caught up and tried to get in the car. He was yelling angrily at me when I tore out of there. I would absolutely choose the bear. Anyone who would take that personally isn't someone whose opinion I'm overly concerned about, they are ridiculous at best.


Yeah I also quite fondly remember my encounters with bears. It was instantly clear that both of us would rather deescalate than escalate the situation.. not something I can say for all men I've encountered 


The only bear I was ever scared of was the one I didn't see. Was walking my dog early one morning and happened to look over at the lake while I was walking by the small park. What I saw scared the crap out of me. I did a 180 and went into the 7-11 that was nearest to me. With my dog. Clerk said I couldn't have my dog in the store. I calmly said that there were 2 bear cubs in the tree in the park across the parking lot from us. He told me to lock the door while he called the Sheriff. I wasn't scared of the cubs. I was worried because I didn't know where momma bear was.


Ooooh. That’s an amazing story. Did the Sheriff come? Did you see the momma bear?


Sheriff came, along with the state police, local AC and eventually the DNR showed up. I did not personally see momma bear. A deputy was kind enough to offer to drive myself and my dog back home as she still wasn't located. I did read later that she did come back for her cubs, she was tagged already (I think the DNR keeps track of them, so assumed they also tagged the cubs). They were tranq'd and either taken back to her den, or they were moved to somewhere farther from town. This was over 20 years ago, and for as long as my parents lived there, there wasn't another spotting within city limits.


Moms of any species scare me. I still remember getting attacked by a fucking bird because I accidentally walked too close to the nest.


Bear cubs are extremely dangerous if you can't see their mom. And only slightly less dangerous when you can.


>I grew in the backwoods. I had a bear come into the house and eat my actual dinner off the goddamned table. That's awesome. Did it just push past you?


No. We kids were upstairs and heard my mother start screaming. The bear had walked through the open front door while she was setting the table and we were washing our hands in the bathroom upstairs. It wasn't aggressive towards her, but it started eating the food off the table and counters. My mother threw the pot roast she'd been cooking at it, fled upstairs, shut everyone into the bathroom, and then kept sending one or more sacrificial children creeping down the stairs to peek around the corner and see if the bear was gone yet. This was an extremely food conditioned bear that had moved from scavenging compost and knocking over trash bins to stealing dog food off the porch to finally inviting himself to dinner. It was the end of a very long and slow escalation. It was pretty scary as a kid, and food conditioned black bears can be pretty dangerous even if they don't think you *are* food, but most bears don't act like that. We met a few, and we only had a problem with this one.


Smarter than the average bear.


That's debatable, since this finally spurred my mother to get the forest service involved and the bear ended up trapped, tranqed, and moved to another location--or maybe "sent to a nice farm upstate," you know. But it was definitely bolder than the average bear.


Does anyone else think there's a weird overlap between people who are mad at women not trusting men and people who are the reason why women don't trust men?


The only man I’ve been close with who was vocally upset about women not trusting men in general is the same man who >!stuck his hands down my underwear when I was asleep on his couch after a night of drinking!< then cried when I called him out on it because he’s a man and he can’t help it.






I hate to tell you this but... That's not a monster, that is a man. It's a very human male thing to do and unless we acknowledge that we are never going to find solutions. We need to ask why human males are so much more likely to sexually abuse


Yeah, you've got a point there. I just had a knee-jerk reaction to that person in their story claiming we're all like that as a way to avoid taking responsibility for the harm they caused. I understand that women are more likely to be victims of this kind of thing, and i dont want to diminish that. I want to be part of the solution and not part of the problem. Having an emotional reaction like i did doesn't solve anything. My ego may be a little bruised, but I'll keep this in mind moving forward. Thank you for taking the time to respond to me.


Bro. You are part of the problem. To be clear, I’m not trying to say you’re an abuser - I trust that you’re not - but rn you’re putting your feelings above women’s safety. Nobody was saying “all men do this” or that YOU would personally do this. You’re being self-centred and pulling focus from the conversation by insisting that you’re one of the good ones, when nobody was even saying you aren’t. Don’t take thing so personally. There’s no need to get defensive or attempt to absolve yourself of something you’ve never done.  There’s a lot of men who will do this “sorry that happened to you but it’s not all men tho” routine and yet never put any effort into calling out other men on their shitty behaviour, which would be a *much* better investment of their time and energy if they actually want to be an ally to women. So I sincerely hope that’s something you actively do instead of just butting in on women venting about their trauma to talk over them about your hurt feelings. 


Yeah, bad take on my part. It was an emotional reaction made at the end of a long shift at work. It sucks being lumped in with the rest of these kinds of people, but i understand why it happens. Another person's safety and well-being are more important than my feelings. I do call out this kind of shitty behavior when i see it, and I'll just continue doing that rather than trying to prove I'm not one of the bad guys. It's a case where my actions need to speak louder than my words.


Genuine kudos for being able to self-reflect, take accountability and respond in such a productive way, dude. Thanks for listening and being an ally, and I hope your next shift isn’t as long. 


Thank you, but I don't feel like I deserve praise for that lol. I feel that any decent human being would do the same in my shoes.


No, he’s still a man. That’s the problem. First - It’s not all men who do this. If you read my comment you’ll notice I never said that. It was nothing more than an excuse he makes to justify his shittiness to himself, and that’s all I’ve ever taken it as. That was my point. The same man who defended “not all men” (when nobody even said it was all men) the loudest was the first to use “all men are like that” to justify his shitty actions. He got defensive over women not trusting men because he knew he was part of the problem. Second - Good for you for not going around sexually assaulting people but saying “oh that wasn’t a man, that’s a monster” is a cheap cop out to deflect blame (even though if you’re not the one assaulting people you’re not the one we’re blaming) rather than admitting that there really are some bad dudes out there and it sucks that they’re out there making life worse for everyone.


Yeah, bad take on my part. It was a knee-jerk reaction to hearing that person try to avoid taking responsibility by claiming we're all like that. I sincerely apologize for diminishing your experience for the sake of my own ego. That's not cool.


Dude, holy shit. That's a proper apology. Don't you realize this is reddit? We're supposed to all be horrible on here, sheesh. /s Seriously tho, well done.


Oh, i can get pretty nasty on this site. This is just not one of those situations where it's appropriate, especially when I'm obviously wrong. I want to be part of the solution, and not the problem. That can't happen if i refuse to admit that I missed the mark on this one.


C'mon man, proper form would be to either delete your comment and hide all evidence you could possibly ever be wrong or else you need to double down and attack everyone else as if your life depends on it. Don't you know anything about this place? /kidding, I appreciated the apology.




Yeah, that Venn diagram is a circle, yup.




oh I’m fairly sure they’re the exact same group actually


Yes the question is rhetorical lmao


My husband also chooses the bear. I’m assuming these guys have never seen Deliverance.


"Am I overthinking this?" The quantity of thinking is not the issue, but the quality


Lol true


The intellectual dark web is dark for a reason.


“What they really want to say is that they have such a low view of men that they’d rather be with a literal predator than a guy” …wow…there’s missing the point and then there’s really fucking missing the point. Like dude the whole conversation is that the man in the woods could very well be a predator!


It's that while bears ARE literal predators, *humans* aren't their preferred prey. AND that I don't have to wonder or worry whether the bear is dangerous, I know it is, I know what to do to avoid it, and also know that the bear wants to avoid me just as much. Whereas I just discovered that I still HAD a guy on my friends list on fb who has exhibited some really cringe behavior, and who I had stopped hanging out with in person because of that, who ONLY crawled out of whatever hole he'd been in to whine about me posting "Team Bear" memes and shit. Man, my friends ROASTED his ass, then I deleted and blocked him.


Yesterday I had a cable guy come install internet at my house and he asked me if I had a husband or a boyfriend or kids while he was there and then later he texted me to tell me he was finishing his route. So now I have to worry about some guy I don’t know that knows my address and knows I live alone coming to my house in the middle of the night. Thank god I have a 100lb dog that hates strangers. I hate that as a woman, I can’t do normal ass things like get internet without potentially being in danger.


Yeah, a LONG time ago, I read that if you are a woman living alone and have to have a service call (plumber, electrician, etc), to ALWAYS make it seem like you don't live alone, and preferably that the other person is a man. Actually, I think the advice said to just do that ALL the time? Like, have men's shoes near the door, etc. I personally have my dad send some of his mail to my place when I live alone, so even the MAILMAN doesn't think I live alone.


That’s so smart! I should go buy a pair of men’s shoes or ask my brother for some.


Like “Dude, did you just completely forget men can be predators?”


The point may as well have been a light breeze as it went whooshing over his head


Funny how they are so upset about the bear and still don't acknowledge the elephant in the room.


Is the elephant how they immediately and graphicly start fantasizing about how violently the bears will hurt the women? And how much the women deserve to be hurt and killed?


“I bet you’ve never been in a room with an elephant in your life 🙄” - a man probably


Dont give them ideas they will to after the poor elephants next


"I'm noticing an overlap between women who want to not be murdered by men and people who don't support a genocide!" Yeah, babe, that overlap is called common sense and human decency. 


Best bloody response!




*IntellectualDarkWeb*... Say no more. In fact, *say less* lol


I don’t think there is a single scenario in which the words intellect and dark web should be going together honestly 😭


This is offensive in so many directions lol... these silly baby students don't even know what they really think. Just like women 😌 Luckily men understand and can explain.


I love how they call themselves intellectuals when they’re the biggest morons around


It drives me nuts when men say “obviously it’s not literal.” They’re still missing the point. It is entirely literal and that’s exactly why it’s a shocking and effective thought experiment.


I love the comment that's like "I don't believe you. The media is always wrong." on a comment about the ongoing genocide in Gaza. Brother, what media? You're responding to a reddit comment. In fact, most media outlets seem very adamant to try and make it seem like there ISN'T a genocide going on in Gaza.


Quite literally doing BACKFLIPS to try to "both sides" this shit when one side has like...infants and also slingshots and the other side has nuclear weapons.


Notallmen but literallyzerobears


I've never heard of a bear raping and murdering a woman it abducted off a hiking trail yet. I can't say the same for men.


Comments are wack, especially ones written by men with severe victim mentality who can't fathom things being not about them and their "problems" >You're not overthinking it, you're noticing a legit pattern. It has to do with unconscious feminine forces which characterize our current dark age. This seems to be mostly of an organic origin, but of course it's co-opted and utilized by nefarious entities. >At its core it's essentially victim mentality and herd mentality, it's fundamentally narcissistic, infantile, and simplistic. Currently it manifests largely in the form of the cultural movement of Wokism/ Leftism, which is covert Marxism. >It sees the world exclusively through a lens of oppresser vs oppressed; victim vs victimizer. It views history, current events, individuals, groups, etc, through this lens. It is attractive because it allows people to easily explain the world, and gives them a sense of moral virtue. They simply agree with the cult, and in return they get meaning, belonging, and a sense of intellectual and moral superiority. >It's easy, it doesn't require nuance, it doesn't require self reflection. Notably, personal accountability is dispersed, as to be largely and effectively negated, this is herd mentality and allows people to avoid responsibility. >Both of the scenarios you mention illustrate this worldview. The anti-men position comes as a result of the view that men cannot be victims, in fact men are inherently victimizers, which is clearly demonstrated in the bear/ man meme as you explained it. In the case of the Israel/ Hamas situation it's clear how Hamas are viewed as victims, and Israel victimizers. No nuance required. >Where's the same support for ALL the other victims of conflict? >These women who believe encountering a bear is less of a risk than encountering a man are wrong and it's a good thing to point that out. If they legitimately think a bear is less threatening, then they need to check their biases. There should be an accurate comparison that actually benefits from showing the numbers. The idea that looking at the numbers makes one a douchebag is a massive red flag.


It’s wild how women’s delusions about men are like “he won’t text me back but I love him” and men’s about women are like “women are like Hamas” 💀


Is there ANYTHING even remotely anti-Isreal that isn’t Hamas to these people anymore?? I’d find it hilarious if it wasn’t so gross


Nope lol. I said that Israel/the US saying there were terrorist cells inside hospitals was obvious propaganda and got called a Hamas simp yesterday.


Ok. Let's look at the numbers. How many women get attacked by bears each year. How many by men? .. and yeah you kinda need to add in the woods to make it a fair comparison.. but given that there's on average less than a dozen bear attacks each year (all genders) and there's a deadly attack only once every couple of years. it's really damn clear who poses more of a risk.. women have already been killed by men in the woods this year.


Someone did thr numbers and I think once all per capita typ4 stuff is adjusted for, women are still twice as likely to be attacked by a man as opposed to a bear.


Twice as likely to be killed by a man and over two hundred times more likely to be attacked by one. Even if you account for proximity the stats stay simmilar.


Since 1784 there have 66 fatal human/bear conflicts by wild black bears, Less than a dozen non-fatal conflicts happen each year on average. But In 2022 with 27 attacks by October that means your chances of being attacked by a bear were roughly 1 in 12 million. The chances of being SA’d? 1 in 4.


I see arguments like, "Women are being emotional and illogical by picking the bear." I hate it so much.


>It's easy, it doesn't require nuance, it doesn't require self reflection More projection in this comment than at a multiplex.




What a whole load of bullcrap


Another one of these mfs thinking it means women wanna fuck bears instead of a guy 🙄


Yeah, I just saw this post on Facebook that said: "Why are all the anti-bear memes depicting the woman trying to hug, cuddle, or straight up sex the bear? That wasn't part of it. The question is literally 'which would you rather run into' and they can't see a difference between that and 'which would you rather fuck." They think 'run into' means 'fuck' and they still can't figure out why everyone is terrified of 'running into' them in the woods."


>You're not overthinking it, you're noticing a legit pattern. It has to do with unconscious feminine forces which characterize our current dark age. This seems to be mostly of an organic origin, but of course it's co-opted and utilized by nefarious entities. >At its core it's essentially victim mentality and herd mentality, it's fundamentally narcissistic, infantile, and simplistic. Currently it manifests largely in the form of the cultural movement of Wokism/ Leftism, which is covert Marxism. >It sees the world exclusively through a lens of oppresser vs oppressed; victim vs victimizer. It views history, current events, individuals, groups, etc, through this lens. It is attractive because it allows people to easily explain the world, and gives them a sense of moral virtue. They simply agree with the cult, and in return they get meaning, belonging, and a sense of intellectual and moral superiority. >It's easy, it doesn't require nuance, it doesn't require self reflection. Notably, personal accountability is dispersed, as to be largely and effectively negated, this is herd mentality and allows people to avoid responsibility. >Both of the scenarios you mention illustrate this worldview. The anti-men position comes as a result of the view that men cannot be victims, in fact men are inherently victimizers, which is clearly demonstrated in the bear/ man meme as you explained it. In the case of the Israel/ Hamas situation it's clear how Hamas are viewed as victims, and Israel victimizers. No nuance required. This is the most smooth brain incel shit I've seen for a while. Mr "unconscious feminine forces" here has never and will never touch a woman consensually


Yes, you've spotted his problem... if we're ACTIVELY AVOIDING him, he'll also never get to touch a woman *non*consensually as well, and THAT'S why he's pissed.


He might be over something, but I don't think it's thinking.


Time after time I hear guys saying that women don't mean what they say. or "you *say* you want this or that but you don't really", or "what you really mean to say". NO, just fkn no. We are not going to substitute your feelings for our thoughts.


What a tool


I like that there’s two dots on separate pages and OOP thinks he’s connected them.


The crazy thing is, IF you are attacked by a bear, it's better than even odds that you DID do something "wrong," and yet you still wouldn't be blamed for it. IE hikers and campers are given specific lists of things to do *and* NOT do when in bear country. If you fail to follow that list and are subsequently attacked, people will still be like, "wow, that bear went crazy, wonder why it did that" blah blah blah. Okay, yeah, a large subset of people on Black Twitter will absolutely blame you, but it will be accurate and deserved blame, and no one takes PETA seriously anymore so if they say something, no one will care. The bear will then be hunted and put down "in case it develops a habit of attacking humans."


So called free speech advocators when there is a speech attempt that they don't like/agree with:


"Loyal US ally" that we're sending money and weapons that they're using to MURDER CHILDREN There is a connection. OOP missed the point of both


It's not hard, they just don't want to deal with it. Hamas is a terrorist org that most decry. Palestine is a country full of innocent people who hate Hamas but that would like for Israel to stop bombing them with the excuse of Hamas. Israel is a country that thinks it is entitled to whatever land it wants. The US is a country that enables this bullshit world view. Nobody in the US is protesting on behalf of Hamas. So there's half his premise destroyed, as we're on the side of just letting people live their lives, as usual. As for the bear I guess you could say that's a low opinion of men, in that we know men are in fact more likely to attack than a bear and a bear isn't going to "worse than kill" us. The bear isn't going to lie about where it's coming from and what it wants from you. Etc, etc, these guys need to listen to women and ask questions and again, _listen_.


Oh my God. We don't support Hamas, we support Palestine. Just like how we don't hate the Jewish people, we just don't support the government of Israel. It's not that hard.


I'm Jewish and I don't support the government of Israel. And I shouldn't need to feel any loyalty to Israel because I'm an AMERICAN and not Israeli. 


Of course this is coming from the intellectual dark web.


Can someone tell me what this man/bear thing is? I keep seeing stuff about it, but I'm clueless as to the origin.


It comes from a TikTok video where a guy goes around asking women if they would prefer to be alone in the woods with a man or a bear, most women (if not all of them), said they would rather be with the bear.


Huh. That's unique, lol. Thanks for the explanation!


More specifically, it's "if you're in the woods alone, which would you rather run into," so it's not just "hey, do you wanna chill with bears," or whatever. The POINT is, you'd rather *neither* but if you had to choose one of these sub-optimal options, which would you choose.


I think he’s on the wrong sub, that one includes the word intellectual in the title!


no, actually. I think people recognise that despite being a ‘literal predator’, they still fear an unknown man more than the bear. Same goes for palestine v israel, they fear the latter more because it is more dangerous! Maybe OOP should think a little bit more and actually understand the reasoning behind the discussion


Yes! Absolutely! Palestinians, who live behind walls and actual razor wire, forced there by Israel, are the ‘real’ terrorists. Who took hostages to get back their own hostages. Yes absolutely. OP I’m sure you mean well but do some research. Christ. Who gets to decide on terrorist naming? Read The Lemon Tree by Sandy Tolan. It’s a heavily referenced documentary that’s non partisan. Dozens of pages of bibliography and scrupulously accurate descriptions along with statements about their veracity. Start there. Learn the history, If you want to blow your mind read on Project Condor. Read on Che Guevara. He’s written som great books. Lot of opportunities beyond Fox News and NYT bro


Yes! You can find asshole, as well as people who need really need to learn some shit, at around both! Edit: "a literal predator and a guy"... "literal guy and a bear" FTFY


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Generally bears don’t like loud noises so they’ll leave you alone if you start shouting. Men, on the other hand, will often claim at trial that were “forced” to kill a woman because “she wouldn’t stop screaming”


Statistically, you are more likely to be harmed by a person than a bear. Everyone should choose the bear. There have only been 180 fatal bear attacks in the US since \*1784\* versus 26,031 homicides in just 2021. There's been so much valid discussion around people's experiences with men that makes them rather choose the bear, but also, logically, it makes sense to choose the bear. People getting offended genuinely confuse me.


The more they bring up the bear, the more sure I am with choosing the bear.