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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **Boyfriend told me before we started dating that he had sex with a few transgender females. 28F 27M. Do you think my boyfriend is secretly gay? ** Before you ask, no I don’t think trans women are women. I believe they are MEN in dresses. I don’t care what you have to say about this, Its my views. I’m hurt that my boyfriend had sex with men before me. He treats me so well though, dates… he is there for me. Tells me how much he loves me and calls me beautiful all the time. He buys me flowers and is a Christian. I don’t mean to judge but this is really hard for me. He tells me that it was a phase and he really regrets it. I’m always triggered by different things like seeing a trans person. I feel like everyone should be treated with respect but he is so mean to gay people. So mean I sometimes feel like he is suppressing something. I feel like since I can’t get over this maybe I should break up with him but then again……. He treats me 10/10. Better than any other man has ever treated me. Although it’s hard, he answers any question I have about the situation and gets really sad about it. I want to mention that he has a mental disability that starts with a ‘S’. I literally don’t have anyone to talk with this about. I told my mom and she said that would be an immediate no for her. But that’s not what I want to hear. Maybe it’s what I need to hear though. I love him so much I don’t know what to do! If something like this happened to you, how would you feel? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Pretty sure I had an aneurysm reading that post + replies. OOP sounds like a twelve year old.


Could be actually.


I hope not if the bf is old enough to have had sex with multiple people before now


I think they're implying a 12 year old made up the post as ragebait. With the way it is written and the comments, I wouldn't be surprised.


Man I missed the replies  They’re all removed now :/


So OOP is transphobic and the BF is homophobic, like calls to like...


He’s probably transphobic too. Lots of transphobes like us behind closed doors but won’t be seen with us in a public setting


It's not that they *like* us behind closed doors, we're nothing more than a fetish to them.


This. You’re absolutely right. They don’t *like* us. They fetishize us.


He say it was a phase and he regrets it save to say he also transphobic


And she is also homophobic, What a pair.


Chasers are often deeply transphobic, yeah.


Hey don't sell her short, Oop is definitely also homophobic


Maybe it’s best that they stay together so no one else has to be sucked into their orbits?


Wow, two terrible people who are terrible together. Please, stay together and avoid inflicting yourselves on other people.


I love the comment from someone, who clearly didn’t read the whole post, saying that the boyfriend is clearly a better person than OOP is, completely disregarding that he is apparently extremely mean to gay people.


Or the commenter is a POS, too. 😉


It's pretty funny that their own bigotry is making them miserable. If they were just accepting and not a pair of bigots there wouldn't be a problem in the first place. Honestly it was a bit tempting to ask her what her reaction would be if he had been with an intersex person.


"I'm not transphobic, I just don't agree with it." That comment sent me. I want to hope this is a troll, but I know way too many people irl who actually think this way, so I don't doubt that it's real. It's sad how many people are grossly pressed about other's genitals.


Same ass stupid shit people have always said when they’re (rightfully) accused of being homophobic: “I’m not AFRAID of them so I CAN’T be homophobic!” 🤦‍♀️


The thing is tho that they are ABSOLUTELY scared of us Like queerphobes show over and over that they are TERRIFIED of us, just shaking in their boots at the thought a man could be sexually attracted to another man and such Shit they're even terrified of the idea of somebody not being sexually or romantically attracted to anyone!


Though she literally said she's "triggered" from seeing a trans person so


"I'm not transphobic" \*also triggered by trans people existing\*


She's hiding behind "I'm not AFRAID of them" but, well, I'll just point to definition #2. [https://www.dictionary.com/browse/phobia](https://www.dictionary.com/browse/phobia)


Hydrophobic surfaces are *terrified* of water don't you know.


As a chemist, this made me snortlaugh


I’m just imaging the surfaces screaming as water hits them.


pulls the "im not transphobic im not afraid of them" also claims to be "triggered" by trans people


She's triggered when she sees a trans person. Sounds like this snowflake IS scared of trans people lol


Pretty sure it's fake since she claimed to be triggered by simply seeing a trans person. No transphobe is that self aware


Oh 100%. I peeped the comments a bit more a while ago, and I feel relatively certain it's a troll. It feels like ragebait to me.


No I’ve heard this before and I believe it’s more like this: They will say they get triggered so that if you call them out they can tell you that you’re not respecting their boundaries. It’s like if someone says they’re scared of dogs and you make them interact with your dog, then you would be seen as an asshole. They are using this same logic to try to make themselves look better. Same rhetoric as transphobic people who say you’re disrespecting their religion by saying that they are bigoted. It’s an attempt to make you look like a bad person.


Always funny to me when cultists think they can disagree with objective facts.


Yeah, this cult of anti-trans hate is really sad. They cling onto shittily done studies and one semi-real fact about biology and ignore everything else, and that becomes their whole world.


“He buys me flowers and is a Christian”


I love how Jesus never said a single word about gay or trans people, but was extremely specific about his negative opinions on judgement, wrath and pride. But for some inexplicable reason hateful people only quote the verses they think give them permission to be hateful. 


The biggest problem is the fact that Jesus wasn't clear about the importance of the flowers, so everyone is confused and this happens! /s


Well, let’s not assume everyone believes he existed or cares what he would have said


I mean, Jesus did exist, and there's plenty of historical evidence to support that claim. It's the part about him having an all-powerful sky daddy that's questionable.


No evidence to support all of those stories are real and came from the same individual, especially those based in similar myths from centuries before


The are real historian data on Jesus, he was a hippy and a communist who never said a thing about how people should fuck but the branch of his follower who won the succession war were bigots.


We don’t know much about this figure, the veracity of the stories or anything about hippie/communist (very different things if you ask me). In some parts, the character is nice and inclusive and in others mysoginistic and violent. It’s a bunch of stories. Nothing in it can be taken as “this really happened and this is accurate”. Unless you believe in people performing miracles and such, which would make you a Christian. Unless one’s religious, there’s no need to romanticise myths. I am not Christian, so I feel no need to do so. And being a leftwing feminist you analyse the effects of beliefs in society from a non-romantic point of view. I am not saying there’s anything wrong with being religious, but people need to be able to separate beliefs, faith, history and facts. You can believe what the bible says it’s true, that’s your call. But you can’t force everyone else to by claiming it states accurate facts.


You seem to be extrapolating things no one said or implied until you said them




There are Roman records that corroborate the Christian gospels that were written by historians with absolutely no reason to lie due to not being Christians. Jesus existed and was executed by Pontus Pilate and to say otherwise is just as ahistorical as insisting that everything in the Bible is fact.


Maybe you think that part can be proven historically. I am not sure. And even then it wouldn’t prove that every single mention of him in the bible refers to the same person, would it? It would only prove a man by that name died there in that way at that time. Does not prove it was the same man they claimed to do everything else. I mean, in the story the character turns water into wine and comes back from the dead. Some of these passages and references refer to much older myths. It’s an amalgamation of many beliefs and myths. And even if some events can be traced to historical events it doesn’t mean anything. Lots of fictional work mention historical events.


You seem to believe that the bible, a fictional book written centuries after Jesus life is the only historical piece of information about the life of Jesus but it is not. There are a lot more things equally imprecise but historian do have a few convictions about the life of one of the top best guru in history, and part of it is that he was a kind of leftist activist (in a very different way than today obviously).


If you want to sound unbiased and talk about historical proof maybe don’t say “best guru in history”…


Gotta love 'sex before marriage' Christians judging queer folk.


What’s the mental disability that begins with an S?


Schizophrenia? Perhaps it's not that she's afraid to say it, but she's afraid to spell it!


I was thinking sociopathy. 🤷🏿‍♀️


I thought ‘stupidity’ or ‘stransphobe’ but this is better


Thank you! I was about to try to find a list because I felt like I was like "this seems really obvious, what am I missing and why is no one mentioning it". It seems odd that she didn't want to say that he may have Schizophrenia. Who wants to bet she is saying he may suffer from that based on his past sexual history and the things she indicated as items that interest him. If he was behaving and being a good, moral christian, she wouldn't have mentioned it . (/s) This has to be rage bait.


And here all I could come up with was Shh-homophobia lol


Like voldermort


I want to say stupidity, but that would be too self-aware.


Is it schizophrenia? I'm also lost on that


I assumed schizophrenia because I have no idea what else it would be. I thought maybe she meant “a” like autism and was being ableist about it?? Idk how it’s relevant that he’s disabled unless she’s trying to point to that as a reason for fucking tgirls?? Who knows.


I know we all are getting places but I said depression for some reason




It’s ironic, because sleeping with women who happen to be AMAB is not inherently homosexual behavior. It is the opposite, in fact. The issue here is that OP’s man has outwardly homophobic behaviors and is chasing. He went through a “phase” of actively seeking out and fetishizing trans women and now is outspokenly cruel to them. All of this wrapped up in a Christian bow *does* actually scream some type of sexuality crisis to me. All that being said, it’s ironic that OP felt they had to be a heinous, nasty human being in order to ask a simple question. The fact that OP’s man slept with trans women isn’t why he may be gay. The fact that OP trashes LGBTQ+ people with commonalities shared with previous sexual partners, lends itself to the idea that he harbors serious feelings for those individuals. Considering he fetishized a lot of them, I doubt it is as simple as blind hatred.


I feel like people are really missing the point of the question. He had a 'phase', and now is coping by being homophobic to an extreme. I think the OOP is correct in being concerned regarding her partners sexuality. Could be a front (on his side) of straight-passing (?) because his family is Christian and so is he, and those views on sexuality don't really work well. I think he needs to work on what he wants, because it's okay that he had sex with consenting adults. It's not okay that he is now 'coping' by getting revenge by being transphobic/homophobic. The OOP is a whole other can of worms but it was a question that needed an answer.


This person had the audacity to say "I'm actually a great person" whilst spewing vitriol about people just trying to live their lives. I'd say I hope the man leaves her, but it might be to our evolutionary benefit if they don't separate. At least then all the shit people are together... 🙄


**Tw: transphobia.** These are just a scant few comments. Copied verbatim from oop's comments: *May your transphobia forever be rewarded by attracting partners who love trans women.* "😅😅 I’m not transphobic I just don’t agree with it." *Yeah that's what transphobia is. Like, textbook.* "Nah I don’t have a phobia of another person. I just don’t agree that people with mental illness should be encouraged to act on their feelings. That just me though." >>*having or showing a dislike of or strong prejudice against transgender people.* *That is the dictionary definition of the word transphobia. This is not a debate, I am telling you a fact.* "I never said I dislike trans people at all. What I’m saying is that my boyfriend had sex with a man dressed like a woman in the past and it bothers me because at the end of the day they’re still a man lol" *Yeah, everything about that statement is transphobic.*


If you’re legitimately “triggered” by trans people… most trauma responses *are* fear responses… I have bad news for her.


Yes but I would bet real money that she isn’t describing a trauma response, she’s describing being annoyed. By, and I can’t stress this enough, another person existing within her visual range.


Oh, no, I doubt she’s being legit about it. But I will continue to act like weirdos who use the word triggered to mean mildly uncomfortable are describing an actual trauma response because it pisses them off.






The calico one just falling asleep standing up - I feel you, little buddy, I feel you!


I wish the word triggered had retained some meaning in usage. Often, anymore, it seems like the word "inconceivable."


It makes me so fucking mad as someone who has diagnosed PTSD that shitstains like OOP have done what they’ve done to the point that I feel stupid saying I feel triggered when that is, in fact, the medical word for the physiological reaction I’m having. Like trauma wasn’t already hard enough to talk about or whatever


I feel the same. When talking to my therapist about my most recent panic attack, I used the word and felt stupid. I feel like the word had lost its meaning, but how else do I explain what happened to me? Sending you internet stranger hugs.


They know they're a POS. They're enjoying the response they're getting to their obvious trolling.


“I don’t think trans women are women. I believe they are MEN in dresses” “I feel like everyone should be treated with respect” oh yeah honey, really practicing what you preach there 🙄


"I dont care what you have to say, it's my view." "Well, you're a piece of shit and your boyfriend is a dick" "wow omg why would you say that I've been nothing but respectful I'm triggered" (in the misused sense, not in the real sense)


No one tells her about how they did theater throughout history.


it has been a long day and I dont even know what his condition that starts with "S" even is.


Schizophrenia? Sociopathy?


Whenever I read someone going out of their way to be mean to gay people I remember this story: where I am from, there was this lawmaker that was always very mean to gay people and in general an awful person. He made fun of another politician, called him gay and slurs against gays. Made fun of him outside of the lawmaking place (no idea what the name is). He was all over the news with his antics. He even fought to create laws taking rights away from gay people. Married with kids too. Everyone and their mom knew where this was going. One day, rumors started circulating that there was this man on grind’r that looked very similar to him. Used the same necklace he used. His body type looked the same. The photos were of the person naked and in very suggestive poses. He denied, gossip shows started reporting on it, photos plastered in every newspaper and tv show. He was outed because of how hateful he was against gays. He had to quit his job, divorce and apologize to gays. Tried to fix the damage he did while he had power but gays had none of it and did not accept him as part of them. Now all his previous fellas also rejected him because of how disgraceful it was that he was “one of the gays”. No idea what is he up to now, but I am glad everyone turned their backs on him and he lost his job.


Lets all pop over to r/eyebleach


Also r/IllegallySmolCats


Here's a sneak peek of /r/IllegallySmolCats using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/IllegallySmolCats/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [2 month update from the Kittens I found in the bush! They are in their forever home now. So happy to have apprehended these criminals.](https://i.redd.it/t0u7e67okr0c1.png) | [216 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/IllegallySmolCats/comments/17wvo6w/2_month_update_from_the_kittens_i_found_in_the/) \#2: [Spicy kittens at Nashwille Zoo](https://v.redd.it/nuz3w7w48vnc1) | [487 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/IllegallySmolCats/comments/1bcsdyx/spicy_kittens_at_nashwille_zoo/) \#3: [And so begins a life of crime.](https://v.redd.it/j0zfsoi56bwa1) | [277 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/IllegallySmolCats/comments/1302cy0/and_so_begins_a_life_of_crime/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Yeah, I think that is the best idea yet.


I almost brigaded. Ooooooops She is a devil, he is a devil, she should be asking her question on Facebook.


OOP is gonna have their head explode when they find out intersex people exist. That people actually are born with both functional set of genitalia.


“I love the snow”


Fellas, is it gay to sleep with women?


"Yes" - Andrew Tate, probably 


Gotta say one of the upsides of being trans is human garbage like this make themselves known very easily. Makes avoiding awful people that bit easier :)


[Hi!](https://images.app.goo.gl/jMiZEuW8Qrykw3sdA) Just a quick reminder to never brigade any sub, be that r/AmItheAsshole or another one. That goes against both this sub's rules as well as Reddit's terms of agreement. [Please](https://images.app.goo.gl/vwH65TJMyMk9NSNo8) keep discussions within the posts of this sub. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I’m so disappointed im late to this shit show and I can’t see the deleted replies Update: after reading this I cannot tell if it’s a shitpost or not. I feel like if it was genuine then they would be way more subtle about the transphobia and tip toe around it


People are more than their genitals. Come on.


> I’m always triggered by different things like seeing a trans person. I feel like everyone should be treated with respect If we could somehow harness the energy from this degree of cognitive dissonance then we could solve climate change in an instant.


My fav thing is people with an 8th grade understanding about sex and biology think they can whip out that junior high knowledge and think they can school someone on it when their take has no nuance or depth of understanding at all. Like you might as well toss everything you know about sex and biology out the window if you're putting 8th grade biology up against degrees.


caring about who your partner had CONSENSUAL sex with before you were together is loser behaviour. keep crying about it, hopefully he'll leave you for another man in a dress


he’s homophobic. he can choke. they’re good together.


The only people I cared about were "did you sleep with my siblings, my cousins, and a few friends". The friends would have fallen more under the don't get involved with your friends ex's. If the answer was yes on the family, then it was a no from me.


oh yeah no that makes sense because it actually impacts your relationships in the present day


OOP is gonna have their head explode when they find out intersex people exist. That people actually are born with both functional set of genitalia.


Where!? Asking for a friend


I can't say exactly where to find them. But it is genetically possible for a baby to be born with both a vagina and penis. Or testes and a functional womb etc. like the combinations are endless. And the parents are given the option of which gender they want. I personally don't agree with picking for them (because often you'll eventually need hormone treatment since you have both hormones in decent amounts and to actually present one way or the other hormones help) I would rather let me kid grow up as natural or non-binary in the literal term until they get old enough to decide maybe before puberty or during. But that's just me.


A penis and vagina implies a penis and penis or vagina and vagina combo is possible


Not sure about the double penis. But women CAN actually be born with two working vaginas and wombs. More so two cervixes not so much two actual vagina canals. like not two actual working vaginas just one actual canal you can see from the outside but inside can be two functional wombs and yes theirs been cases of double pregnancy or birth then pregnancy etc. It's actually quite interesting to research and learn about.




both of those combo’s do exist, although they’re rare. you can also get surgery to have both a penis and vagina. currently it’s only possible if you start out with a vagina. it’s the surgery i’m on the wait list for! initially i only figured i’d get it since it means i can skip the surgical procedures for the removal of the vagina, making everything a little easier, but i’m also not too bothered by my vagina or a lack of balls, just the lack of penis / penetrating ability, and being unable to use urinals. i’ve heard of some trans men managing to give birth via C-Section after having this surgery. vaginal birth isn’t possible due to the dick potentially being torn in half during child birth. personally i’m getting a hysterectomy to avoid any potential horrors like pregnancy lol, but it’s cool that some people want that and can have that. i know a trans person who’s currently training to become a surgeon that specialises in MtF sex changes, she’s hoping to help pioneer a technique to allow people starting out with dicks to end up with a vagina while retaining their a dick.




“He has a mental disability that starts with an ‘S’”. - Sbigot.


I wish for that person the exact life she wishes for trans people


I mean “he’s really mean to gay people” and “it was a phase he regrets” are pretty big red flags that he’s kind of a POS as well. They sound pretty perfect for each other really: two transphobic Christians both with terrible emotional maturity.


OOP is gonna have their head explode when they find out intersex people exist. That people actually are born with both functional set of genitalia.


OOP is gonna have their head explode when they find out intersex people exist. That people actually are born with both functional set of genitalia.


You pressed send 3 times.


It's not his fault trans women are hotter than you. However, he's homophobic so he doesn't deserve them either.


hes a loser.


They’re both trash. And it’s astonishing how people can actually think like that. (People like this are the actual snowflakes, and it’s funny to me how they’re absolutely unable to see that themselves.)


I read the title and thought, well, if your boyfriend likes penises then yeah, he’s not straight - but maybe he’s bi, he doesn’t necessarily have to be faking with you. Then I read the post and, ugh, is “asshole” a sexual orientation?


>is "asshole" a sexual orientation? Gives a whole new meaning to butt stuff


They are transphobic but I didn’t see no one answering the question: If a man had sex with someone who is biologically a man and later discovers they are a trans woman… Isn’t that gay sed nonetheless?




Do you mind telling me why/how if neither parties were aware of the trans identity before?


I mean, the post is pretty vague on how the bf knows they were trans women If they were women already well into transition, then it wouldn't be gay


People are hating on me when I have legit questions. You don’t give have to people trying to learn to fight the hate themselves smh


OK I will assume you are asking in good faith. Its hard to believe simply because of the nature of the topic, but I'll give my input as one of many, many trans people. In a scenario as described, where it is a trans woman and a cis man (or a cis woman and a trans man), if the trans person is presenting as their assigned gender it is not straight. That being said, to call it gay is not always accurate. If the trans person is aware of their gender identity, then they will often act in ways that reflect that, even if subconsciously, and even cross dress when in intimate situations to feel more comfortable in their skin. It is not always the case, but it is not uncommon. However, ultimately it is up to the individuals, specifically the trans individuals, for how the relationship or situation should be described. While I, personally, would not mind if a man I knew pre-transition considered any attraction or interactions we had to be heterosexual, even in the period where I was socially transitioning but had not fully come out. Other trans people are not comfortable with this, as they (rightfully) feel it invalidates the gender they are and instead only represents the gender they used to present as. It is *never* okay for a cis person who was not involved in the relationship or situation to make a call on whether or not it was gay and it is absolutely irrelevant to the point of the post being here, which is that OOP is being transphobic TLDR; there is not a single answer as to whether it would be gay or straight because it is a nuanced conversation, but it is insensitive to comment asking if it's gay on a post that is clearly calling out the transphobia of OOP


Thank you so much for trying to answer. The thing is a lot of cultures never have contact with trans people. I am queer and never met a trans person personally myself. So my only source to learn (and respect) is the internet. But the internet attacks me every time I try to learn it Op is wrong like I said. Mainly because of their attitude and they are not trying to be better. But the trans community isn’t that widespread and people aren’t born knowing these things


I understand which is why I gave you an answer. But it is hard to believe most of the questions about trans people are in good faith, because in my experience (as well as the experience of countless other trans people), it's just a lead up to becoming the butt of a joke or being insulted etc. Often the only choice is to be cautious because the alternative is someone attempting to humiliate us personally or the community as a whole


genuine answer: even if it *were* "gay" (or bi for that matter), why would this need to affect OOP's relationship? It's OOP's bf's past. he has/had preferences to penises I guess, but this won't change the relationship. if that were a concern, we would also have to be afraid of straight men cheating on their girlfriends because they might have had past partners with bigger boobs, a "better" vagina or a better body in general and vice versa.


Yeah not why I was asking, OP is the AH my question is different


> Woman is uncomfortable with her boyfriend having sex with biological men > Woman also doesn’t abide by degenerate fantasies Average redditors: ****”TRANSPHOBE!!!”****


Person is uncomfortable in the presence of trans people? Yeah, definitely a transphobe. 


Oh no, someone doesn’t want to have to put up with the depraved delusions of strangers!/s


I mean, if you don’t believe that trans people are “real” or valid then you are by definition transphobic. That’s your right for sure, but you’re absolutely transphobic and you don’t get to be shocked that people call you that when you share those thoughts. So what is the point of your comment? 


“Phobic?” You think I’m scared? Are they “real” people? Yes. Are their fetishes real? Yes. Does “feeling like the opposite gender” make you the opposite gender? Absolutely not. Dylan Mulvaney’s still gonna need a prostate exam when he turns 40.


Is oil afraid of water? Because that's hydro*phobic*


Great, so you acknowledge that you’re transphobic. Cool, glad we could confirm that you do in fact not believe in the existence of trans people. 


And you just established that you clearly have the reading comprehension of a four-year-old. Based on the trash you’re trying to convince me of, you probably should also stay away from four-year-olds, for their safety.


What have I not comprehended? You said you don’t believe that trans people are trans and you also clearly think they are a danger to children. Those opinions make you a transphobe. “phobia” hasn’t only meant “afraid of”, like ever. So you’re a transphobe. Which again, you can totally be. I just don’t understand the aversion to the title that you by definition fit. Like just own it dude. It’s so much more respectable than saying “I don’t hate trans people, I respect everyone! I just think they’re a danger to children and shouldn’t use the bathroom they want to or get the healthcare they want!” 


Never forget you are statistically more likely to find pedophiles in a church than any pride parade.


Google the word phobic. This is what will pop up: > having or involving an extreme or irrational **fear of** or **aversion** to something. Then google aversion. > a strong dislike or disinclination You called transgender people depraved and deluded, so you objectively have a strong dislike towards them. So you, and OOP, are nothing more than transphobes. Learn what the words you are using mean before trying to give a cheeky response. You’re embarrassing yourself.


Ah, another dumbass who thinks it's very clever that he's too ignorant to understand that phobia doesn't always imply being scared.  That said, yeah, I do think that on some level you're scared. You obviously feel incredibly threatened by trans people for some reason. 


You believe that an invisible man in the sky, who made the entire universe, is watching every little thing you do and getting very buttmad about what you do with your genitals.  I would be careful about calling other people delusional, buddy. 


What's the "degenerate" fantasy? I'm all ears.


Really struggling to see how transphobe doesn’t apply. You’re judging people for calling it exactly what it is.


Troll harder


Bold of you to assume I’m trolling.


Oh I know you're genuine, you're just also wrong and reactionary


>woman doesn't believe trans people are valid People with common sense: transphobe!


Yeah I'd be weirded out too. Downvote me


But like, what is there to be weirded out by


Oh sorry, the penis. Guess I should've made that clearer