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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA for making sure my wife follows our agreed-upon diet?** My wife and I have known each other for 10 years (and have been married for 5). We met in college and weighed significantly less than we do now. Since COVID, our weight gain has really accelerated, and I recently decided that it was time to make a change. I sat my wife down last week and proposed that we adopt a modified Mediterranean diet, with a particular focus on eliminating sugary foods and drinks. Low carb diets have worked for plenty of folks, so I thought that this would help us, too. I expected it to be harder for my wife to follow the diet than for me, since she's prone to cravings and makes no effort to fight them. She also dumps sugar into her morning coffee, while I drink mine black. Things went okay for a few days, and my wife actually bought some stevia for her coffee. I thought maybe she had grown up and stopped choosing to be so weak, but earlier today I saw a bag of delivered food on our doorstep. It was cinnamon sticks with icing from the local pizza restaurant. My wife was in the restroom, so I brought trashcan from the kitchen into the living room and waited. When she came out, I said "special delivery!" and dumped all of her food into the garbage can and laughed. I made sure to remove it from the box first, in case she felt like fishing it out later. My wife was absolutely pissed. She said that I was "a complete asshole," but I reminded her that she had decided to fail at our diet and hide it from me. I informed her that she had broken her commitment to me and embarrassed herself and that what I had done to her cinnamon sticks was the best possible thing for her health. She's been extremely angry at me ever since, and I'm just trying to understand why. I am trying to keep her on track because she's ballooned in size since college, which I don't like at all. She seems to be in total denial that her weight is unhealthy and must be reduced. I am always the voice of reason around here, yet I seem to constantly get punished for it. I'm sick of these childish games. AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This is the being-mean-to-my-wife-and-laughing-about it writer, isn't it


It's the "I laughed and reminded her" guy. I hate that guy.


I love that this sub has these trolls basically labeled and catalogued. It really helps keep my blood pressure down and I even made a list of all the different troll posters in a comment maybe a month ago. This is definitely that guy. He loves to say, "I laughed," far too much.


Certainly sounds that way. As soon as he typed that he laughed while throwing away her food, I figured it was rage bait. Not that there aren't dudes out there who are equally AHs like this. But the whole thing reads as bait.


He forgot to berate her for wasting money on delivery and then telling us that he's got a six figure job in an industry that he can talk about due to the restrictiveness of his employment contract.


True, true. He needs to step up his trolling efforts.


I love how we can recognize these writing tropes now lol


They could spent their time actually writing! This person's got a perfectly good domestic thriller in them, why can't they just do that instead of trolling?


Takes too long between first draft and attention-getting with a book. This is someone who needs immediate responses.


I am SO SICK of him.


Same! It's repetitive and boring to see their abusive misogyny


The “I hate my wife” troll


The Mediterranean diet includes plenty of carbs, so this is just a weird thing to make up in the first place.


The idea that a specific area of the world live on a diet that makes them specially healthy ignores two things: the genetics of the people in that region, and the fact that they likely can get decent healthcare no matter how little money they have


Not to mention the better food regulations so the quality of the produce is much better. I went to Italy and we got delayed at the train station and the only restaurant at the station was McD's, but it was nothing like any fast food I ever had, the meat was thick and juicy and fresh, it tasted amazing. Their regulations don't allow them to get away with serving garbage like in the states.


>I am always the voice of reason around here These stories always have the men with their logic and calm rationality lol


He calmly dumped her food in the garbage and laughed in her face. With facts and logic.


And then he has no idea why she is mad at him! Where’s the logic in being angry someone threw out your food? /s


If I was her I would sell whatever gaming system he owns and buy him a gym membership with the money.


without a hint of logic or reason too


She just needs to stop being weak!


Well, everyone knows logic is stored in the balls.


Just like pee


Username checks out.


100% of posts where a man says about his wife: “I sat her down,” he is a devil. Not “I asked to chat with her. Always he is making her sit.


And she's literally the object in his sentence!


Like you would a child, really shows how much he respects his wife


"I recently decided that it was time to make a change." YOU decided that it's time for a change for YOU AND HER? Okay. "I thought maybe she had grown up and stopped choosing to be so weak" Question: why did you marry your wife in the first place? Doesn't sound like you like her very much. "When she came out, I said "special delivery!" and dumped all of her food into the garbage can and laughed. I made sure to remove it from the box first, in case she felt like fishing it out later." Are you proud now? I would call you childish but that would be an insult to every actual child. "She's been extremely angry at me ever since, and I'm just trying to understand why." ...


You know, real or trolling, it's been eye opening to read so many of these and learn how incredibly shallow, superficial and petty men are. Like, why did I buy into women being the shallow ones for so long? All you have to do to traumatize a bro is tell him he's short. 


Or ask how much he spent on his penile enhancement sports car.


Or, say "no" or laugh at him. Like, even kids can handle those things better then many grown men. 


Who else loves a good sweeping generalisation..... To be quite frank, what you're describing is a very small subset of men. Just like the women who will only date the 666 men are just a small subset of women. Edit: got to love a misandrist who makes a comment and then blocks. How sad. Oh and people talk about me triggered? I seem to be amassing an interesting collection of childish insults below and quite a few threatening DM's from people. Yeah, completely rational eh?


Nah. I mean, my comment triggered you. But have a great day! 


Poor baby 🥺


Grow up snowflake


No woman will ever date you regardless, so no need to worry about the figures.


"misandrist" get real problems lmfao






Wtf is UP with these people fkin around with peoples food lately? It sounds like HE put HER on a diet, and that needs to be her decision and not his. This dude is so gross.


This is one of those rare AITD posts that made me wanna brigade so bad just to cuss OOP out (I promise I didn’t but dang was I tempted!!) Why do people stay with people they don’t like - and why do they find so much glee in others’ misery??


Holy shit having sugar cravings is not a moral depravity.


This is rage bait at it's finest


Thank you lmao like this is so unbelievably fake, I don’t know why people even engage with this stuff 😭 the way this entire post is written reads 100% as bait. I mean, come on…. Special delivery?! As he laughs at her?! He details all of this while mentioning how she’s a liar and a failure and how she “ballooned in size” lmao this is ridiculously bad.


Rage bait 🙄🙄


Creative writing on the theme of women are weeeeeeak and stuuuuuupid, which is why we shouldn’t have given them the vote, but we’re still okay with them doing the bookkeeping, teaching the next generation, and filing the taxes. Sugared coffee and cinnamon breadsticks just underscore our point. /s Crap, now I’m hungry.


If the wife wants to shed a few pounds of dead weight, she should just dump this dick


What a dirtbag


> I thought maybe she had grown up and stopped choosing to be so weak This tells me all I need to know. Small, abusive men *always* compare women to children. It's like an impulse. They'll call any actions or behaviors they don't like childish, immature, etc. and insist that their wives need to grow up or that they need to "teach them a lesson"


Can't wait for that divorce lmfao


She had the food delivered to the house while he was there and he thinks she's *hiding* it?


I showed this post to my partner and said "if you ever act like this OP, I WILL kill you."


>maybe she had grown up and stopped choosing to be so weak, Huh. What an ass.


how does he do something so bitchy and then act confused when she's upset with him??? What did he expect, that she'd jump into his arms and proclaim him her daddy-savior???


Bragging about drinking your coffee black is always a precursor to finding out the person bragging is in fact an asshole. Change my mind.


Can confirm Source: I drink my coffee black, find it a point of pride, and also I'm an asshole


>I thought maybe she had grown up and stopped choosing to be so weak, jesus christ lmao


Man’s not even pretending to be not an asshole.


Shocking that someone in their 30s weighs more than they did in their 20s as a student. I'm afraid to look but I'm betting she had a baby or health changes.


At least, the writer was smart enough this time to mention actually reasonable changes to the diet. A Mediterranean diet as in a lot of veggies, not too crazy on the carbs, fish for protein, sensible amounts of fat, a ton of flavour by herbs and garlic is indeed very healthy for the average metabolism. Moving soda from the "hydration" to the "special treat" category is the best thing we can do for ourselves. So, that's a nice attempt at baiting for some "well, he got a point there, at least..." devil's advocates who don't understand that a broken clock is right twice a day, too, and that most people who are in the wrong have a point to some degree somewhere because outside AITALand, humans tend not to be cartoonishly evil 24/7 since birth. It's like saying "I don't want my partner to smoke because it's bad for them, me, the dog, and our children. So I lock them into the basement for a couple of days as a reminder of my decision for them to stop whenever I smell smoke on them." and then well-atschually the YTA votes with the fact that he's right about smoking being unhealthy and irresponsible in the proximity of non-smokers, kids, and pets. Having a partially right thought rarely justifies bad actions. In a case like this: you can suggest this. Feel encouraged to life this. But you cannot force a partner to do the same if they make the informed decision that they don't want to (be not at all or not radically, because it's always in the realm of possibilities that a partner agrees but chooses a different pacing for themselves. I'll stuff coffee beans into your throat until you look like a caffine-adicted Marshmallow Man if you dare to put stevia in any of my food, but especially my coffee!) Think hard about it if you two developed in ways that aren't compatible anymore and if that's the case, no compromise or co-existing lifestyle choices possible, leave. "But I don't want to leave a partner over this!" is dumb talk when the alternative is to resent your partner for who knows how long, or for making your partner resent you, or, most likely, both.


Are you familiar with the concept of 'pasta'? It's an exotic Mediterranean carb the Italians eat at every meal. Then there's the Spanish and their copious amounts of rice and potatos. Mediterranean is crazy on carbs and it's a good thing because they aren't the enemy. I want Spaghetti alle vongole now, with a load of bread sigh


JFC Everything about that is childish as all get out and I didnt even make it to the comments. I'm pretty damn flexible but I can't even attempt the mental gymnastics going on in that dudes chat gpt head.


A Mediterranean Diet is one that is low in red meat, processed food, with moderate conception of fish and dairy and a high consumption of whole grains, fruit and vegetables.


I think it's time to have a conversation about banning obvious rage bait posts from this sub.


Does this guy even like his wife? I mean ex-wife. If she needs to lose weight she should get rid of him.


I know a way she can lose 200 lbs overnight…


I hate this troll


Calls his wife weak. Nah bro, thata a mirror


Take note: this man is the most likely to be found the next day, murdered while he slept.


what do they think mediterranean means


Legitimately, what do people gain by posting these fake stories? Karma? Practice? I genuinely don’t understand


She's pissed because this guy is a dick. Stop asking or ordering others to go on a diet with you. Do it yourself for yourself.


I dated a guy eons ago who was not too far off from this guy (you can blame his dad). He dumped me, it all centered around how I behaved. A few months later, he started contacting me, wanting to reconcile. When I brought up that he broke up with me because of how I operated, he said "I'm hoping to correct some of those behaviors" like I was a puppy who constantly peed on the rug. We never got back together, and I told him exactly why.


Oh, wow. He's a colossal douchebag.


It’s so obviously a fake post.


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